Perennial flowers in the flower garden for the grave. What plants are suitable for decorating graves?

17.06.2017 | 21:03

Good day! Azal is with you, and today I want to discuss with you the flowers that are brought to the cemetery. Let's look at several at once important issues:

  • what flowers can be brought to the cemetery;
  • which is better to choose for a man or a woman;
  • what number of flowers is customary to wear in a cemetery and why;
  • is it worth buying artificial flowers for a cemetery;
  • where is the best place to buy flowers for the dead;
  • what flower stands are best to equip in a cemetery;
  • Is it right to bring flowers to Muslim cemeteries;
  • what flowers should never be brought to a cemetery.

Artificial flowers for the cemetery

I’ll start with the main thing - with a question that I get asked from time to time: “Why do they wear artificial flowers at the cemetery?” Guys, I don’t know why people do this, why it has taken root in our culture.

Look at our traditions - flowers were always brought to graves either live, freshly cut, or dried bouquets. It can be assumed that from the custom of bringing dried flowers one day the idea was born to make them from something more durable.

Now on sale you can find a lot of options for bouquets and wreaths made of artificial flowers for the cemetery: plastic, forged, stone flowers, as well as those made of foamiran, fabric, etc. material.

People willingly buy various arrangements of artificial flowers at the cemetery, because they consider it beautiful, durable and does not require any maintenance. I bought it, installed it, and can forget about it for the next year.

I do not take artificial flowers to the cemetery, because I am sure that they do not carry any value for the deceased. Artificial is neutral - it is not alive, has never lived and cannot die; there is no energy of life or death in these compositions, they are neutral. The dead perceive it the same way - neutrally, nothing at all. They are neither warm nor cold from such gifts; they give them nothing.

Artificial flowers are brought to the cemetery as decoration for oneself. I bought it myself, decorated the grave myself, and I like it, it’s beautiful, and most importantly, practical, because even in a couple of months it will look as if I was here just yesterday.

If you buy artificial flowers from a cemetery just to give yourself credit, then continue to do so. If you sincerely want to please your deceased relative or friend, then you should not bring him artificial flowers to the cemetery.

What flowers are worn in a cemetery?

According to tradition, fresh flowers are brought to the cemetery. A living flower is cut, given to the dead, and the flower dies on his grave. The dead person receives the life energy of this flower.

It is believed that the flower dies in our world and appears in the world of the dead. Exactly the same as the dead one, who has already made this transition. A dead person with a flower given to him receives the energy of his life and the energy of his death.

When choosing flowers for a cemetery, you can focus on different principles:

  1. those that a person loved during life;
  2. those that are customary to bring to the cemetery;
  3. those that are profitable to give.

Each of these principles is true in its own way. If they choose flowers in a cemetery that a person loved during his lifetime, this shows the deceased that they remember him and remember his preferences.

Flowers that are beneficial to give to the deceased will be chosen by sorcerers working in the cemetery. To achieve certain goals, the sorcerer negotiates with the dead to perform certain work. Therefore, the sorcerer will give the dead those things that he needs to do his work. Sometimes flowers are required - the sorcerer knows what and how many flowers to bring to the cemetery.

Now about the flowers that are brought to the cemetery according to tradition. These are carnations, roses, callas, lilies, and less often - other types of flowers. Whatever flowers you choose from the cemetery, always take only a fully bloomed, fresh flower.

Do not take unopened buds to the cemetery!

A cut, unopened bud symbolizes a baby who died before birth, and, according to the magical law of similarity, can realize a similar situation.

This is not clear to the average person, but knowledgeable people They strictly follow this rule, cutting off all the buds from the bouquet intended for the dead. This is done so that the dead person understands you correctly.

The color also has a certain symbolic meaning, which the dead understands without words:

  • yellow flowers for a cemetery symbolize parting;
  • white flowers - protection;
  • red - passion;
  • pink - tenderness.

What flowers to choose for a cemetery for a man

If you want to bring flowers to a man at the cemetery, choose carnations according to tradition. Chrysanthemums and lilies are brought less often. For your husband or beloved man, take red flowers - they will tell him about your feelings.

For close relative, son, you can choose pink ones. For a friend or acquaintance - yellow. The most universal color is white, as it corresponds to the dead. If you bring white flowers to a man's cemetery, you will never go wrong.

What flowers should a woman bring to a cemetery?

Traditionally, women are given roses to the cemetery. Roses symbolize emotions. If you passionately loved a woman during your lifetime, bring her red flowers to the cemetery. If you experienced tender feelings, take a pink bouquet. If you have neither, buy yellow or white flowers.

You can be guided by the person’s personal preferences during life - give what you liked. If a woman loved wildflowers, before going to the cemetery, collect a bouquet for her in the field - she will be pleased.

You can bring a bouquet of dried wildflowers if you are going to the cemetery outside of their blooming season. Think ahead, pick wildflowers when they bloom, dry them and store them.

Flowers at the cemetery for the anniversary and 40 days

Flowers at the cemetery for an anniversary or 40 days are chosen to be more solemn. White lilies are very good for such occasions - they symbolize death, purity, holiness. Previously, white lilies were given only at truly important moments in a person’s life. They were brought on the birthday of a baby, on the wedding day of newlyweds and at funerals.

Also, the most suitable flowers for the cemetery for the anniversary would be a bouquet of white callas. These flowers are also considered the flowers of death and are readily accepted by the dead.

It is good to bring a basket of fresh flowers or a wreath of fresh flowers to the cemetery for 40 days or an anniversary. Do not bring artificial flowers to the cemetery.

How many flowers are usually worn in a cemetery and why?

Sometimes people ask how many flowers they bring to the cemetery. The question of how many flowers are customary to wear in a cemetery is decided according to the traditions of a particular country or culture.

In our cemetery, it is customary to wear an even number of flowers, since our ancestors saw the symbolism of death, peace, and completeness in even numbers. We give an odd number of flowers to the living.

How many specific flowers you bring to the cemetery depends on your desires and capabilities. It can be just two flowers, or it can be a large bouquet of 50 flowers - whatever you like.

It must be said that sorcerers sometimes carry 9 or 13 flowers to the cemetery - this is due to the symbolism and conditions of certain rituals.

What flowers should not be brought to the cemetery?

Let's say it's Anya's birthday today. Many guests came to her and brought many beautiful bouquets. And the next day Anya needs to go to the cemetery for the anniversary of the death of her beloved grandmother.

In order not to buy flowers, Anya will bring luck to her grandmother from those given to her on her birthday. By doing this, Anya will shorten years of her life. And not because grandma is bad, but because there is such a pattern.

Flowers for Muslim cemeteries

If you are wondering what flowers to choose for Muslim cemeteries and how many flowers to bring, you need to know the following.

Muslims have their own customs and their own special attitude towards the dead, which is dictated by the rules of the Koran. In traditional Muslim cemeteries you will not see the usual monuments with a photograph of the deceased.

You will see modest graves, equipped only with a stone slab. The name of the person buried, dates of birth and death and lines from the Koran are written on the slab.

The Prophet advised against spending money on the dead and considered it more correct to take care of the living than the dead. Therefore, it is not customary to bring candles, bouquets, wreaths, artificial or fresh flowers to Muslim cemeteries.

If the deceased Muslim and his family strictly adhere to the customs of their religion, then you should not bring flowers to his grave.

However, I often see Muslim graves that are not decorated according to the rules of the Koran. I often come across Muslim graves, located among the graves of “infidels,” with a monument and a photograph of the deceased, with flowers on it.

To avoid mistakes, ask the living relatives of the person whose grave you want to visit whether you should bring flowers to a Muslim cemetery.

Vases for flowers in a cemetery

We have discussed the flowers, now we will decide where or what we should put them in the cemetery. There are many different flowerpots and urns for flowers and flower stands for cemeteries on sale. We sell metal, stone, forged, plastic vases at the cemetery.

I do not recommend buying new flower vases from a cemetery. In any home there will be a chipped vase or vase with small crack- this one is ideal for a cemetery.

It's not that it's a pity to buy a new one for the cemetery. Sometimes I buy a new one, but it chips the neck a little or scratches it. Moreover, I do this not so as not to be stolen :)

New things are not brought to the cemetery; they are taken to be broken, cracked, or damaged in some way, but capable of performing their function. I have already said that those things that die in our world appear in the world of the dead, so I will scratch a new flower vase in the cemetery.

Another important point. Flowers are often placed in water at cemeteries. The dead love water, it gives them freshness. On the third day, this water stagnates - this is what the dead don’t like at all.

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to come to the cemetery to change the water in the vase, then the solution is simple - do not pour water into the vase of flowers. This will relieve the dead person from long-term discomfort due to stagnant water.

Where is the best place to buy flowers for a cemetery?

Finally, let’s touch on one issue that is not usually discussed - where is the best place to buy flowers for a cemetery. That's why I decided to talk about it.

It's no secret that flowers are stolen from cemeteries. I think it’s clear who steals flowers from the cemetery and why. This is often done by gypsies who do not know how to earn an honest living. They collect fresh bouquets from graves for resale.

They don’t go far - they collected flowers and wreaths from the graves and went to the entrance to the cemetery to sell them. We sold it and went to collect more. And so the same bouquet can be presented to 3-5 different dead people per day.

Why is this bad? Someone gave a bouquet to their deceased, he was happy. A gypsy came and stole his bouquet from the dead man - the dead man became angry and, perhaps, became attached to the bouquet to punish the thief. Here you buy this bouquet from a gypsy woman.

The dead man, who owns the flowers, in a fit of anger can take it out on you, although you have nothing to do with it. In addition, you are giving this bouquet to your deceased, and the dead cannot divide it among themselves. In such a situation there is little pleasure for them.

Read more about flowers from the cemetery I wrote in a previous article. In short, you cannot steal from the dead; it is punishable. By buying from those who stole, you risk getting yourself into trouble and will give your deceased little pleasure with such a gift.

To protect yourself from such moments, do not buy flowers before entering the cemetery. Buy elsewhere, away from the cemetery, from sellers who do not steal flowers from the cemetery.

That's all for today. If you have any questions about the flowers that are brought to the cemetery, ask them in the comments. The following articles will contain even more information, including on similar topics - subscribe to site updates. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site “

With the modern rhythm of life, people do not have the opportunity to often visit cemeteries. As a rule, such visits occur on certain dates: memorial week, birthday and death of the deceased.

To a place of final resting place loved one did not look faceless, various ornamental plants. What flowers can be planted in a cemetery, because not every crop is suitable for these purposes? Plantings decorating a burial site must meet certain requirements.

What plants and flowers are best for decorating a grave?

When choosing plants to plant in a cemetery and having studied the photos and names of the species you like, you must remember that it will not be possible to provide them with regular watering and care, since not every person has the opportunity to visit the cemetery too often.

Therefore, flowers and shrubs must have the following qualities:

In addition, flowers and shrubs should not require frequent division and replanting, special fertilizing and the creation of shelters for the winter. And it is also necessary that the culture can preserve decorative look not only during the flowering period, but also to look beautiful and neat after its completion.

Advice. To decorate burials, it is worth choosing inexpensive plants of common varieties, since various exotics, even if they survive in such conditions, can be stolen by dishonest visitors to the graveyard.

Carpet plants for the cemetery

Many people prefer carpet plants for planting in the cemetery. These crops spread freely along the ground, creating a beautiful cover, which, in addition to giving the burial a well-groomed appearance, prevents the growth of weeds. But the choice of “green carpets” that can take root in a churchyard is not so great.

This plant has twining stems, dense green leaves and bright blue flowers will fit in perfectly in favorable conditions and will give the grave a neat appearance. In addition, periwinkle will completely suppress weeds, eliminating the need for weeding.

Its only drawback is that it quickly spreads throughout the territory and easily “captures” neighboring areas.

Rosularia (rosette runner)

This perennial from the Tolstyankov family cannot be called a “green carpet” in the full sense of the word. The plantings consist of many closely spaced rosettes, resembling rose flowers in shape, no more than 10 cm high with blunt, rounded leaves of a dark green color. As they grow, they form a dense cover.

This crop will grow even on rocky soil, and at the beginning of summer it will be decorated with flowers of delicate shades. It is best to plant rosularia in semi-shaded areas.

Important! If periwinkle can survive in any such conditions, then the rosette should be planted in areas with a temperate climate. It will not tolerate severe frosts, and in a warm winter its roots will be blocked.

Bunch flowers

Crops growing in neat bushes are also suitable for filling the space around the monument. The following types of flowers are most suitable for “living” in a cemetery.


This crop, popularly called “killer whale” or “cockerel”, has several hundred varieties. The leaves of irises are flat and thin, collected in a bunch at the base, and they are almost absent on the stems.

The flowers are solitary, their petals can be painted in a wide variety of shades: white, yellow, orange, pink, blue, lilac or purple. This crop is often planted in churchyards, and due to this, irises are sometimes called “flowers of the dead.”

Beautiful delicate flower with white, yellowish or sunny orange petals and narrow dark green leaves and does not require special care. In the spring it will be one of the first to bloom, and will decorate the burial site until the beginning of May.

And when the buds fall, the low bush will look neat and will become a good background for crops with more late flowering nearby.


Another early flowering plant is the tulip. Its bushes are low, with green-bluish elongated leaves, thick stems and single flowers that appear in early April and sometimes at the end of March.

Today there are many varieties of this crop, and you can choose flowers with white, cream, yellow, pink, red, crimson, lilac, purple and even black petals.

Advice. If it is possible to spend a little more time caring for the grave, after the tulips have faded, you can place flowering annual crops in the same bed.

Trees and shrubs for the cemetery

In addition to flowers, you can plant trees or shrubs near the grave. The advantage is that they will not require special care other than seasonal pruning. In addition, most trees are long-lived and will protect the burial area from sun rays and winds for more than half a century, and sometimes longer. From the whole variety of such plants, you can choose the following types.

Weeping silver birch

This beautiful tree with branches flowing down and snow-white bark takes root in any climatic conditions. Some varieties of silver birch can grow up to 30 m, but there are also more compact varieties.

The leaves of the drooping weeping birch have a dark green tint in summer, and in the fall they become bright yellow and remain on the branches until frost. This tree loves light and can live up to 120 years.

Weeping willow

This beautiful tree with thin and flexible branches of a yellow-ocher hue, covered with narrow green leaves, is decorated with “earrings” or small inflorescences in the spring.

There are more than 300 varieties of willow, some specimens are real giants, growing up to 30-40 m, but there are also dwarf varieties, most suitable for landing in a cemetery. You can also buy willow in the form of a bush.

It's evergreen coniferous plant from the Cypress family, reaching from 1 to 3 m in length. There are other tree-like varieties of juniper, the height of which will be from 4 to 12 m.

The bark of these plants is red-brown, with a brown tint, and the leaves are needle-shaped or scaly, collected in whorls of several pieces. In the second year after planting, the crop is decorated with cone berries containing up to 10 juniper seeds.

This tree is also called “trembling poplar”. It has a columnar trunk with smooth light green bark and round or diamond-shaped leaves measuring from 3 to 7 cm. Some varieties of aspen can grow up to 35 meters in height, and the girth of the trunk reaches 1 m.

Aspen lives from 80 to 90 years, but there are cases when the age of such a tree “exceeded” a century and a half. The culture feels best in areas with temperate and cold climates.

Mountain ash

This crop is a shrub or tree that can reach 12 m in height. The crown of the rowan tree is round, and the bark is smooth and shiny, colored yellow-gray or light brown.

The leaves of rowan are long, up to 20 cm, on the outside they are darker than on the inside, and in the fall they turn golden or red. The tree blooms with white flowers, collected in corymbs with a girth of up to 10 cm. By the end of summer or early autumn, orange-red fruits ripen.

There are about 100 species of rowan in nature, but all varieties are united by poor tolerance to polluted and smoky air, as well as intolerance to swampy soil.

Thuja or life tree is a coniferous plant from the Cypress family, presented in the form of a shrub or tree.

Young crops have needle-shaped and soft needles of a light green hue, while in older ones they gradually darken. Already in the first year, fruits in the form of oblong cones with flat seeds will ripen on the tree or bush.

This culture is unpretentious in care and tolerates even the coldest winters.

Advice. It is worth planting large trees in a cemetery only if the area allocated for burial is large enough to locate the planting away from the monument. This is due to the fact that the roots large plants grow and can damage the tombstone.

Perennial flowers that are suitable for planting in a cemetery

To make the grave look neat and well-groomed for a long time, it is worth decorating the area with perennial plants that will retain their decorative appearance for several years. Flowers suitable for planting in a cemetery include the following varieties.

It is a herbaceous perennial with erect stems and simple, pinnate or toothed leaves. They can be colored emerald or red-green, depending on the variety.

Astilbe blooms from June to August. During this period, panicles from 10 to 60 cm in length appear on the bushes. Their color can be different: white, red, pink or purple. The plant grows well in the shade and is resistant to waterlogging.

This is a tall plant up to 120 cm in length with straight stems and large leaves triangular or heart-shaped. Their color can be green, red-brown or greenish-purple.

Buzulnik inflorescences have the shape of baskets and a diameter of up to 10 cm, and the color of the flowers is yellow, orange or red. The flowering period of the crop lasts from June to early September.

These are bulbous perennial plants that flower early spring. During this period, cone-shaped panicles with white, yellow, pink, red, blue, indigo or lilac flowers appear on low bushes up to 30 cm in height.

The crop is resistant to unfavorable conditions, can grow in the shade and can withstand waterlogging during the rainy season.

These low-growing bushes with basal leaves gathered in a bunch are decorated with goblet-shaped flowers during flowering. This period occurs in early spring and lasts 21-28 days.

In nature, there are almost two dozen varieties of crocuses. The shades of the petals are very diverse: white, yellow, cream, orange, blue, lilac and purple.

Snowdrop or galanthus is the earliest spring plant. Usually on low, up to 20 cm, bushes, 2-3 oblong leaves appear, shiny or matte, colored in shades from light green to dark green.

Galanthus flowers are white, consisting of 3 petals and bell-shaped.

This crop can be perennial or annual, and is distinguished by its hardiness, unpretentiousness and undemandingness to the composition of the soil.

Primrose blooms in a variety of shades, from white to deep burgundy. During this period, small, neat inflorescences in the shape of a pyramid, ball or umbrella are formed on the bushes.

The second name of this culture is scylla. These are bulbous perennial plants with linear basal leaves and raceme-shaped inflorescences consisting of single flowers. As a rule, their petals are painted white, pink or purple shade, but most often found are blue scillas.

A peculiarity of the culture is that its leaves droop in cold and cloudy weather, and in sunny days located almost vertically.


Most varieties of phlox are perennials, but there are also annual varieties. These are low bushes with elongated ovate leaves and medium-sized flowers from 2 to 4 cm in diameter. They are funnel-shaped and collected in large inflorescences, up to 90 pieces each.

The shade of the petals can be very diverse, depending on the variety. There are phloxes with early, medium and late flowering periods.

The listed varieties of flowers will not only decorate the burial and give it a well-groomed and tidy appearance, but also will not require special care.

Annuals and biennials that can be planted on the grave

You can periodically change the design of the flower bed near the grave if you plant annual or biennial plants. The following varieties will be able to take root in the cemetery.

These are bright, elegant and delicate flowers, consisting of three rounded petals. Depending on the variety, pansies come in various shades, and the flowers bloom at the end of April and last all summer.

The culture looks compact, the bushes reach a height of 15 to 30 cm, and the flowers have a diameter of 3-4 cm. Pansies can be either annual, biennial or perennial.

Turkish carnation or bearded carnation

It is a herbaceous biennial with gnarled stems 30 to 75 cm high and green or blue-green leaves.

The inflorescences of the bearded carnation can be simple, double or semi-double and have a diameter of 1.5 to 3 cm. The shade of the petals can be white, cream, pink, red, and there are also two-color varieties with a border or “eye”.

The flowers of the crop, collected in corymbose inflorescences with a girth of up to 12 cm, appear in June and remain until the end of summer.

These are low, modest bushes with rounded basal foliage and a leafless stem. Daisy flowers can be single, semi-double or double, and vary in color and size depending on the variety.

There are about one and a half dozen varieties of this crop in cultivation. Daisies are either annual or perennial.

Bright, delicate and pretty, forget-me-nots grow from 10 to 40 cm in height. Their bushes are covered with pointed leaves and numerous flowers, painted in white, cream, pink, blue and light blue. Most often there are plants with bright blue or sky blue petals.

The flowering period of forget-me-nots occurs in May and lasts until mid-summer. The crop has a tendency to self-sow when the fruits ripened in the fall crack and the seeds fall into the ground.

Using the listed plants, you can make beautiful flower bed, which will decorate the final resting place of a loved one. When choosing crops, you need to focus not only on your own taste, but also try to choose flowers, trees or shrubs that the deceased liked.

When creating floral decoration for a grave, pay attention to perennial flowering plants, which have an expressive, but discreet appearance and are undemanding to care. Exotic and bright specimens are inappropriate in the cemetery, so flowers are chosen in muted shades. When choosing which flowers are best to plant on a grave, remember: to be placed near a gravestone, flowering perennials must be compact and not prone to uncontrolled growth; in addition, it is desirable that these plants can grow in conditions of drought and partial shade.

The best options for flowering perennials for the cemetery

When choosing flowering plants, it is advisable to give preference to those specimens that look aesthetically pleasing even after their flowering time has ended. Check out the flowering perennials that are suitable for planting on a grave.


A perennial groundcover with single blue or purple flowers consisting of five petals. The stems of the plant have short internodes and grow from 25 to 30 cm. Flowering begins in early spring and continues until autumn frosts.

Blooming periwinkle covers the soil with a continuous carpet of flowers and leaves

The plant is not capricious and resilient, withstands shady conditions and bright sun. Its root system is capable of finding and drawing moisture from the soil even in drought. Periwinkle is undemanding in terms of soil composition; on infertile soil it will grow compact and will not aggressively invade the surrounding areas.

A variety of periwinkle whose petals are purple in color

The plant propagates by cuttings, and its seedlings are grown from seeds. Cut for cuttings top part shoots with 2–3 internodes and planted in the ground. Young cuttings quickly take root. Cuttings are planted at the end of summer so that after winter the plant actively begins to grow. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February, and grown seedlings can be transferred to open ground in May. In winter, it is recommended to cover young plants with fallen leaves to prevent them from freezing. Mature plants do not require such precautions.

A perennial plant with graceful thin stems and single flowers 1.5–2 cm in diameter. The serrated petals can be white, pink or dark cherry in color. It grows on sandy soils, the height of the stem reaches 40 cm. The plant forms small bushes that can easily be passed through air currents. The roots of the flower are thin, they do not lie too deep in the soil.

Carnation grass forms light sparse bushes that move when the wind blows lightly

The perennial blooms profusely from June to the end of August. The seeds of the carnation grass begin to ripen in July and the plant can reproduce by self-sowing.

Next to evergreens, carnation grass looks appropriate and attractive

A feature of the grass carnation is considered to be resistance to cold; it can withstand frosts down to -35°C. The flower does not require special care; it grows without fertilizing, but does not like waterlogged and acidified soils. Prefers well-drained, elevated, dry areas and can grow in partial shade. Every five years, the grass carnation bushes are renewed, replacing them with young plants. Planting material obtained from seeds that are sown in March, germinated in a greenhouse, and then transplanted into open ground in May.

Evergreen perennial herbaceous shrub. The leaves of this variety are small and gray-green in color. Inflorescences form in July, their color can be blue, purple, with pink or burgundy hues.

Lavender angustifolia is a perennial with fragrant and attractive inflorescences

The narrow-leaved variety is unpretentious, can winter under snow without freezing out, and tolerates bright sun well. The plant prefers light, dry soil. During the dry period, the perennial needs watering; the rest of the time, the strong root system of lavender extracts moisture on its own.

Bushes of blooming lavender modestly and laconically decorate tombstones

In the fall, when the lavender bushes fade, all inflorescences are cut off, rejuvenating the plants for next year. In summer, the perennial grows quickly, the diameter of its bush reaches 1 meter. The plant propagates by seeds or cuttings. The herbaceous shrub is resistant to diseases, and because of its aroma essential oils it is not susceptible to attack by insect pests. Lavender flowers combine beautifully with roses, hydrangeas, and evergreen shrubs.


Grassy flowering perennial with fleshy leaves and a pink head of inflorescences. The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is a drought-resistant succulent. Sedum blooms in summer or autumn time, but looks presentable even outside the flowering period.

Unpretentious sedum looks especially impressive during flowering

Sedum grows in bright sun or partial shade. Any soil is suitable, even sandy or rocky, but before planting, add organic fertilizers. Special watering of sedum is necessary only in case of prolonged drought, and the rest of the time it only needs moisture from the summer rains.

Sedum looks discreet and impressive, it combines beautifully with other plants

The perennial propagates by dividing the bush or by cuttings; less often, it is grown from seeds. In favorable conditions, sedum seeds can also germinate by self-sowing. Every spring, when caring for the grave, you will see fresh young plants - the perennial is growing well. To grow sedum yourself, its seeds are germinated in a greenhouse from March, and the seedlings are transferred to open ground in May.

Common heather

A branched, low-growing herbaceous shrub 25–60 cm high. The stems are flexible, with small scaly leaves that remain green even in winter and do not fall off. During the flowering period, raceme-shaped inflorescences with small pink or light purple flowers are formed. Heather blooms in July and blooms until the end of summer. After flowering, its flowers do not fall off, but dry up, and in this form go under the snow.

Flowering heather - an evergreen perennial plant

Heather grows in partial shade and sunny areas. Dry, infertile soil is suitable for it. The plant propagates by dividing the bush, cuttings or seeds. Seedlings are planted in May so that they have time to take root over the summer. With uncontrolled growth, the plant quickly fills the free space, so the variety needs autumn pruning.

Blooming heather is used for planting in flower gardens on graves

The plant does not like excessive soil moisture and easily tolerates drought. Heather is also famous for its resistance to wind and frost. The decorative effect of the perennial remains all year round, and does not require special care. Heather inflorescences can harmonize with flowering and decorative foliage plants.

The cemetery is a place of quiet sadness and bright memory. Flowers on the grave should correspond to this mood and decorate the burial place.

Burials decorated with perennial species of flowering plants

To make a flower garden near a tombstone, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • you can distribute plants in a flower garden either in the form of a narrow frame around the grave or create a ground cover composition;
  • in the first year after burial, the soil will shrink, so it is not recommended to plant perennial plants in the flower garden - annual flowers are used for this period;
  • the choice of plants for the flower garden is made taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region and the soil structure at the burial site;
  • If you visit a cemetery at certain times of the year, choose plants that bloom specifically during the periods of your visit to the grave.

Photo: examples of placing plants in a flower garden at a grave

Framing a flower girl near a tombstone flower garden design ground cover plants Decorating a flower garden with a combination of flowering and evergreen plants

Properly selected plants create an atmosphere of well-grooming and care for the memory of a loved one near the grave.

Perennials do not require special care and are able to grow independently, delighting your heart with their flowering. The choice of such plants is varied and finding flowers that can adequately decorate a burial site will not be difficult. The main thing is that this choice is made from the heart and with a sense of proportion.

Caring for the graves of relatives is a common phenomenon in our society. However, not everyone gets to visit the cemetery often. But at the same time, I want the grave to always look neat. Today we will tell you what flowers can be planted in a cemetery to create a well-groomed look. Let's look at perennial crops with photographs and names.

Such plants must endure the lack of watering and prolonged frosts for a long time, because it is not always possible to come water and cover them for the winter. Flowers should not require complex care. Pruning, frequent replanting, and pest control are negative factors when choosing flowers for a cemetery.

Flowers and other plants must have the following qualities:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to drought or excess moisture;
  • resistance to diseases.

Flowers and shrubs planted in a cemetery should not require frequent division, replanting, or additional shelter during the winter.

At the same time, after flowering the plants should look neat. When making a choice, you should take into account that rare and expensive flowers can be dug up by dishonest people.

Flowering ground cover plants

Trailing flowers are great for planting in a cemetery. Such plants create a dense cover, which gives a decorative appearance to burials. Ground cover flowers prevent the germination of weeds.

The plant can grow in any soil. During the season, periwinkle grows by 7 sq. m. This crop can be planted in the shade and in the sun.

  • withstands long frosts (it goes under the snow with green leaves);
  • does not require special care;
  • tolerates drought;
  • flowers are painted blue, red, white, lavender;
  • propagated by seeds and division of the bush.

Perennial plant up to 10 cm high. Creeping shoots with dense foliage. Flowering begins in July and continues until frost. Flowers can be white or pink.

The plant thrives on rocky soil, in the shade and in the sun. Sedum propagates well by seeds or cuttings.

In addition to this species, the following varieties of sedum can be planted in the cemetery:

  • Kamchatka species, variety "Golden Carpet". Flowers yellow, the first buds appear in July. The root system is lignified, so the plant is not afraid of frost;
  • false species, varieties “Raspberry” and “Cokeinum”. These sedum varieties form a purple carpet. Plants prefer sunny areas, but can grow in the shade. Tolerates frosty winters;
  • sedum reflexum, Blue Forest variety. Forms a carpet up to 15 cm high, blooms in the third year after planting. From August to September, bright yellow flowers appear on the plants.

This plant prefers sunny places, but can grow in the shade without harming flowering. can grow on any soil. Tolerates drought and low temperatures. For planting in the cemetery, use varieties not exceeding 25 cm in height.

  • "Candy Stripes" - plant height 15 cm, white flowers with a red border. Blooms until the end of August in favorable weather, possible re-blooming in autumn;
  • "Esmerald Blue" - flowers of a sky-lilac hue, plant height about 15 cm;
  • "Pearl Beauty" - this variety grows quickly, purple flowers. The first buds appear in early May.
  • “Maishne” - this variety has small snow-white flowers, the plant height is 10 cm.

Bunch flowers

The question of what flowers can be planted in a cemetery sooner or later arises before every person. Let's give an example of perennial plants that grow in compact bushes (photo, names, see below).

This culture has about 100 varieties. Iris leaves are flat, gathered in a bunch at the base, look beautiful and original even without flowers. Flower petals can have a wide variety of shades. Most often, iris flowers are purple, blue, yellow, less common are varieties with orange, pink, and white shades.

Beautiful flowers, with white or yellow-orange petals. The leaves are narrow, rich green. Flowering lasts 1.5-2 months depending on the variety. The bushes of this plant look neat and can serve as a good background for other crops.

Tulips are the most early varieties begin to bloom in April. Flowering lasts from 15 to 30 days. This group includes the following varieties: “Christmas Marvel”, “Diana”, “Flair”, “Prins Carnaval”.

In the second ten days of May, Mendelian and Darwinian varieties begin to bloom. Tulip bulbs are planted in the fall from mid-September to October.

The main condition for rooting bulbs is a temperature of about +9 degrees. If time permits, you can sow the seeds at the end of May. annual plants, which reproduce by self-seeding. It could be calendula, poppy, snapdragon, cosmos.

Other perennials

Among the perennials in the cemetery you can also plant the following plants:

  1. Dicentra. This plant does not require special care. Original flowers in the shape of a heart attract the gaze of passers-by. Dicentra is propagated by dividing the rhizome or cuttings. Plants can be used in group plantings.
  2. Cornflowers. Flowering begins in June and continues throughout the summer. Cornflowers reproduce by dividing rhizomes or by seeds. The color of the flowers can be blue, light blue, yellow and even pink.
  3. Lupine. An undemanding plant. Its seeds can even germinate between tiles. Flowers can be red, blue, white and pink. Lupine propagates by seeds and cuttings.
  4. Nivyanyk. Seeds are sown from the end of March to April 30. Flowering begins in June, some varieties bloom twice per season. More often garden varieties have white petals and a yellow center. Nivyanik can be simple and terry. The plant is frost-resistant and does not require special care.

Today we told you what flowers can be planted in a cemetery. As a rule, perennial plants are planted next to graves (see photo with the name above), but biennial flowers can also be used. Among them are pansies, Turkish carnations, and forget-me-nots.

Plants planted in a cemetery symbolize the memory of a deceased person, express grief for him, and remind of the immortality of the soul. Many cultures have centuries-old traditions of memorial floriculture. They go back to ancient times, when people, through legends and myths, endowed plants with a soul and ascribed to them a certain symbolic meaning.

In this regard, a set of memorial cultures has historically developed through which people express their grief, remember the deceased, and pay tribute to him.

From time immemorial, it was customary to grow plants in the cemetery. Flowers on a grave serve several functions:

  1. Aesthetic. Serve decorative decoration, complement the composition with a tombstone.
  2. Symbolic. They express memory and sadness about the deceased person.
  3. Protective. They protect the burial mound from destruction and wind erosion.

Since Ancient Greece The cypress tree is considered the emblem of death. Its dark green, almost black, branches mean mourning and grief. People believed that evergreen tree is able to transfer its properties to a deceased person and protect his body from decomposition. Therefore, cypress is planted in cemeteries in many growing regions.

The ancient Jews associated death and tears with the tree and planted it in burial places. IN European countries Since the Middle Ages, graves have traditionally been decorated with forget-me-nots and rosemary. The modest ones expressed a silent request not to forget about the deceased. The pleasant, persistent aroma of rosemary indicated the strength of memories and personified mourning.

It was customary for the ancient Slavs to plant strawberry bushes on grave mounds. It was believed that birds pecking at the berries would in return carry news to the deceased to virium (paradise).

Rules for selecting plants

When choosing planting crops that will perform a memorial function in the cemetery, the following basic requirements should be taken into account:

  1. Flowers should not be pretentious, overly bright or luxurious. Simplicity is preferred.
  2. The palette should be kept in muted tones. The main emphasis is on shades of green, since this color is a symbol of life. It goes well with white, blue or blue. Saturated colors - yellow, orange, scarlet - are least suitable for resting places.
  3. Best to use evergreens and perennial crops. They do not require constant care. You can combine herbaceous and woody floristic species.

In addition, you need to thoroughly study the environment in which the plants will grow: soil type, lighting. One of the main conditions that determines the suitability of a crop for planting in a cemetery is its drought resistance. In most cases, constant watering cannot be provided at the grave, and the plant will completely depend on natural precipitation. Also important is the culture’s ability to withstand severe frosts in temperate zone conditions.

Of no small importance is what flowers the deceased loved. If possible, they should be planted near the grave.

Types of planting crops

Cultivated plants planted in a cemetery are conventionally divided into categories:

  1. Background, framing a monument or fence. They form a single composition with the tombstone. These are mainly trees and shrubs. According to Orthodox custom, a tree can be planted at the feet of a deceased person.
  2. Perennial, forming a permanent herbaceous cover on and around the grave.
  3. Seasonal, decorating the burial site in different times year. Serve as a natural replacement for cut bouquets.

Ground cover creeping species

They play the main role in protecting the burial mound from soil erosion and landscaping it. They create the effect of a green carpet and serve as a background for other colors. In this capacity are:

  • periwinkle;
  • ivy;
  • creeping tenacious;
  • phlox;
  • splint.

The evergreen creeping periwinkle with blue flowers is considered a memorial plant by many peoples and is planted in cemeteries. Periwinkle takes root well due to its unpretentiousness and gradually grows. It is necessary to control its growth and prevent it from spreading to other graves. Ivy also has similar vegetative qualities.

The creeping tenacious creature adapts well. It has a wonderful decorative appearance due to the multi-colored leaves. In combination with stone tombstones made of marble and granite, phlox looks beautiful, suitable for illuminated places.

Annuals and perennials

Basic color accent In the green decoration of the grave, annual and perennial crops are created. Preference is given to unpretentious plants that do not require complex care and replanting:

  • heather;
  • thyme;
  • sedum;
  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • pansies;
  • daisies;
  • marigold;
  • forget-me-nots

These plants are able to grow and complement the memorial landscaping with their flowers. You can also plant immortelle and colchicum in the cemetery.

Spring and summer

To create the effect of the presence of living bouquets at the tombstone, florists advise planting plants that bloom in different seasons of the year.

For spring bloom Muscari, primrose, daffodils, and violets are suitable. The flowers are small in size, so they should be planted closer to each other. Bulbous varieties that need replanting are best avoided.

The summer set of flowers in the cemetery includes: poppies, delphinium, lilies, irises. These flowers are associated with the theme of death.

Trees and shrubs

If desired, large floristic forms - trees and shrubs - can be added to the landscaping of the grave. For planting, low-growing, unpretentious species are usually chosen. Trees are planted as single specimens.

Large trees with a powerful root system can later create difficulties for burials and destroy a grave with a tombstone.

Most often, preference is given to coniferous evergreen species of trees and shrubs:

  • pine;
  • yew.

In the past, people believed that trees owed their constant green leaves and needles to eternal life. By planting them in the cemetery, relatives believed that in this way they would prevent the body from decomposing. Coffins were often made from the wood of these species.

Deciduous trees for the cemetery are represented by euonymus, barberry, dogwood, viburnum, and rowan. They win twice in decorative value: in spring and summer during flowering, in autumn and winter - with ripe fruits. According to legends, their red berries served as food for the dead. You can also plant birch, aspen, lilac, and weeping willow behind the grave fence.

Living plants, long time maintaining their attractiveness appearance, pay tribute to the deceased person and remind the living of his memory.