Poisoning from the bites of poisonous insects and snakes. Poisonous snake and insect bites

Knowledge of a clear algorithm of events during summer holiday, will preserve the health and peace of the victims and their loved ones.

Continuing the series of articles with tips for the summer, It should be noted that snake bites are not uncommon events on vacation. Thus, on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries there are many species of vipers, including poisonous ones.

A lot of anxiety and inconvenience is caused by the bites of various insects in the summer.

Snake bite symptoms and first aid

Snake venom, regardless of the type of snake, has a similar effect due to the presence of neurotoxins and enzymes in it, which affect the victim’s nervous system, and also have a poisonous effect on the heart and destroy red blood cells.

The snake leaves at the site of the bite (usually on the limbs) two triangular-shaped wounds at the same level, 2-3 mm in size.

Signs of a snake bite may include:

  • pain, burning at the site of the bite;
  • redness and swelling in the wound area;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • violations by nervous system: headache, vision problems, difficulty swallowing, numbness of the bite area or the entire limb, muscle weakness etc.

The above symptoms can be mild or severe. This depends on the degree of venomousness of the snake, its age, and the age and health of the person bitten. Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable category and can die from a snake bite.

10 steps to provide first aid to a snakebite victim:

  1. Provide rest and horizontal position to the person bitten by the snake. The fact is that when a person moves vigorously after a snake bite, as a result of increased blood flow, the spread of poison throughout the body will accelerate.
  2. If possible, you need to kill the snake or throw it away in order to protect the victim and yourself, as well as determine its type and degree of poisonousness.
  3. Observe the condition of the bitten person by applying a napkin moistened with any antiseptic (alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) to the wound. While the blood is bleeding, you need to change the napkins, since the snake’s venom is removed from the wound with the blood. Then cover the wound with adhesive tape.
    If the victim does not have pain or swelling at the site of the bite, and there are no general signs of intoxication, then the snake is not poisonous.
  4. If it is clear that the snake is poisonous, you need to immediately begin action to provide assistance. first aid for snake and insect bites. A splint using available means should be applied to the bitten limb to keep the leg motionless. This will reduce the risk of the poison quickly entering the bloodstream.
  5. It is necessary to suck out the poison from the wound with a suction cup, a syringe without a needle, or a rubber bulb. As a last resort, squeeze the blood out of the wound. The poison will be squeezed out along with it. It is impossible to suck out the snake's venom with your mouth, since the rescuer may suffer himself if he has microcracks in his mouth.
    To better remove venom from a wound, make small incisions in the bite wounds with a sterile (fire-heated) cutting instrument.
  6. Apply a compressive bandage above the bite site (do not tourniquet!). A compression bandage reduces lymph flow and venous drainage, but does not compress the arteries. And the tourniquet will compress the arteries and disrupt blood flow, aggravating the victim’s situation.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to: cut the wound if local tissue swelling has begun; apply thermal bandages; strongly cool the victim’s body, in addition to applying a small cold bandage to the bite site.
  8. It is necessary to provide the bitten person with plenty of fluids to reduce the concentration of poison in the blood.
  9. In severe cases with the rapid development of toxic and shock symptoms, it is necessary to do.
  10. A person bitten by a snake must be taken to medical institution to provide medical care.

How to help with insect bites

To ensure effective first aid for snake and insect bites, you need to know what types of insects can be hazardous to your health during the summer months.

At this time, bites from ticks, bees and wasps, mosquitoes, midges (midges), swimming beetles (in fresh water bodies), spiders, various types ants, ranging from domestic and forest ants, to red fire ants, dangerous to humans, bulldog ants and nomadic ants. The last three species are found in Brazil, Australia, China, southern USA, and Africa. Their bites are very painful and lead to a severe allergic reaction, even anaphylactic shock. Tourism lovers need to keep this in mind.

The bites of the named insects, except poisonous ones, usually do not leave negative consequences for a person. However, they can lead to unpredictable consequences, causing allergic reactions (bites of bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets) and toxic effects (bites of ticks, poisonous spiders and ants) in people predisposed to allergies and with weakened immune systems.

5 first aid measures after an insect bite:

You can find out more about the resuscitation technique in the material:.

From timely and competent first aid for snake and insect bites The life of the victim and his state of health depend.

I wish you to avoid encounters with snakes and poisonous insects on vacation! And if this fails, take confident actions and minimize health risks!

Be attentive and careful while resting!

| Lesson plan for the academic year | Providing primary care for snake and insect bites

Basics of life safety
6th grade

Lesson 28
Providing primary care for snake and insect bites

Providing first aid for a poisonous snake bite

When a person is bitten by a poisonous snake, two small red dots remain on the skin from the penetration of poisonous teeth. In the first minutes after the bite, a slight pain and burning sensation occurs in this place, the skin turns red, and swelling increases. Weakness, dizziness, nausea appear, decreases blood pressure. These phenomena reach their maximum 8-36 hours after the bite.

Immediately after the bite it is necessary to ensure that the victim is at rest and in a horizontal position: this will ensure a minimum rate of poison transfer in the blood. Calm the victim. Transport it to a safe, weather-protected location. Immediately begin sucking the poison out of the wound. To do this, immediately after the bite, open the wound by pressing with your fingers, and then suck out the poison with your mouth for 15 - 20 minutes. Spit out the bloody liquid. These actions are harmless to the person providing assistance. With proper and timely suction of poison from the wound, it is possible to suck out 50% of the poison. To reduce blood circulation, you can apply cold to the bite site (a plastic bag with cold water). Disinfect the wound with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage, which should be loosened as the swelling increases.

Give the affected area of ​​the body an elevated position, fix it, apply an immobilization bandage or splint. Give the victim plenty of fluids. Drinking coffee is contraindicated. Arrange for the victim to be transported to a medical facility.

If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you must:

■ make incisions at the site of the bite;

■ cauterize the bite site;

■ apply a tourniquet above the bite site;

■ allow the victim to perform any physical activity.

First aid for insect bites

When bitten by bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees, pain, burning, swelling and a local increase in temperature develop at the site of the bite. With multiple bites, weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting appear, and body temperature rises. In people with hypersensitivity to bee venom Pain in the lower back and joints may appear, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible.

First of all You need to remove the insect sting from the skin and moisten the stung area with alcohol. Apply cold to the stung area (a plastic bag with cold water). Give the victim plenty of fluids.

Note that the most dangerous are stings from bees, wasps, and hornets in the oral cavity, where the insect can get when a person eats fruit. In such cases, urgent assistance is necessary, since the resulting swelling of the larynx and suffocation are deadly.

Due to the specific properties of mosquito saliva, small bubbles form at the site of its bite, causing itching and a burning sensation.

Itching can be eliminated by moistening the skin with ammonia or a solution of baking soda (half a teaspoon of soda per glass of water).

Note that in places where there are large concentrations of mosquitoes, mosquito nets made from gauze are used. Various means are used to repel mosquitoes. Malarial mosquitoes, which are carriers of malaria and other diseases, pose a particular danger. You can distinguish them by their landing. Ordinary mosquitoes sit with their abdomen parallel to the surface, while malaria mosquitoes lift their abdomen upward.

Test yourself

■ What are the consequences of insect bites (bees, wasps, hornets)? Find 1-2 examples on the Internet and prepare a message.
■ How to provide first aid for insect bites?

After classes

Determine what precautions you should take in your area during the spring, summer, and fall to avoid snake bites and reduce the possibility of insect bites. Record your answer in your safety journal. Be sure to discuss your conclusions with your parents and life safety teacher.

1. Determine how the contents of your personal first aid kit will change at different times of the year. Make notes about this in your safety diary.

2. Based on the results of studying the section “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and first aid” and using Internet resources, medical literature write an essay on one of the topics “Causes of injuries and first aid in such cases”, “Use medicinal plants and mushrooms for providing first aid to victims (sick)”, “Personal hygiene in camping conditions”.

We bring to your attention a convenient reminder containing information on first aid measures in case of bites of various insects, snakes and animals. IN summer period These tips become especially relevant.

Insect bites (bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets)

Stinging insect bites are usually quite painful and are accompanied by redness and swelling. The danger mostly lies in the possibility of developing an allergic reaction. In case of a bite you must:

  • Check the affected area for the presence of an insect sting. It must be carefully removed from the wound with tweezers.
  • Treat the affected area with a cotton swab soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, or even plain water with salt (teaspoon per glass).
  • Apply cold (ice) to the bite site. It will relieve pain and swelling.
  • The victim needs to drink plenty of fluids, and if he is predisposed to allergic reactions, he should take an antihistamine (suprastin, tavegil, claritin, etc.). If these measures do not stop the development of symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tick ​​bite

Ticks deserve special attention. Everyone knows that this small-looking insect is a carrier of very serious diseases.

  • It is not recommended to remove the tick yourself; this can be done better by specialists in a medical facility. If you can’t turn to a professional for help, then stock up on tweezers and alcohol. You need to grab the tick as close to the victim’s skin as possible, and pull (do not pull!) perpendicular to its surface, slowly and carefully. If the insect's head does come off, do not rush to panic, but simply remove it like an ordinary splinter, treating the wound with alcohol or brilliant green. If you are afraid of infection, then save the tick in a vial and take it to the laboratory for analysis.

Snake bite

Snake poisoning is always life-threatening. If possible, a person bitten by a snake (after first aid) should definitely contact medical institution, where he will be injected with a specific antidote serum. The bite of a non-venomous snake leaves two stripes of thin small scratches on the body; a poisonous reptile adds a puncture from the fangs at the end of each of them. The first minutes after the injury, the victim does not feel severe pain, but after 10-15 minutes it begins to intensify, acquiring a burning character. It is very difficult to provide effective help on your own.

  • A person bitten by a snake must be laid down, without giving him the opportunity to walk or move, so that the poison does not spread through the bloodstream throughout the body.
  • Remember that panic and nervousness also speed up blood flow, so try to calm down.
  • Wash the bitten area warm water with soap and apply a clean bandage.
  • Not recommended: tight bandaging above the bite site and applying a splint. This is one of the most common methods of combating snake venom, but more and more experts are coming to the conclusion that it does more harm than good. Foreign researchers have found that applying a tourniquet significantly enhances local pathological processes in the body, up to and including gangrene of the entire limb. Sometimes it has to be amputated.
  • Not recommended: Cauterize the bite site, make incisions. This causes excess blood loss, can provoke additional infection, and the wound does not heal for a long time after this.
  • Not recommended: Suck out the poison. This method is not so much dangerous as it is not justified due to its low efficiency. You can use it, but only if you are injured small child or the bite was received from a large and very poisonous snake. In any case, you must act confidently and calmly, and there should be no scratches or other damage in your mouth (on your lips, mucous membranes of the oral cavity).
  • Cold may also help the victim. If a person gets worse, some experts recommend inducing vomiting. A mandatory and urgent call to the doctor is required.

Animal bites (cats, dogs)

Most often, people suffer from dog bites, less often from cats, and even less often from wild animals. natural conditions or at the zoo. Such bites are dangerous for infection with rabies, toxoplasmosis and other diseases.

  • It is necessary to rinse the affected area with running water to remove any remaining animal saliva from the wound.
  • Treat the skin around the wound (not the wound itself!) with alcohol or tincture of iodine, then apply a clean bandage and take the victim to a doctor.
  • Your doctor will decide whether to vaccinate against rabies. Of course, it will be very helpful if you find the owner of the animal that caused the bite, and he will provide you with information about the health and vaccinations of the offender. If the animal is homeless, then the victim in any case will have to endure more than one injection.

Remember - many bites can be avoided if you behave correctly. Never tease animals yourself and teach your children not to do this. It is especially important not to provoke aggression from snakes, which most often move out of a person’s path on their own, and attack only if they are disturbed or teased. Wear while walking through fields, forests or mountains high shoes. Do not touch animals belonging to other owners without permission, and do not allow children to do so. Even the most peaceful and good-natured dog can react inappropriately to a stranger, because it has its own character and mood. Do not provoke situations that could lead to a bite, so as not to blame others for this later. If a bite does occur, no matter who it came from, never try to stop the bleeding - along with it, poison and other harmful substances that can cause infection are removed from the wound.

Often, insect bites pass with virtually no consequences. In some cases, bites poisonous insects can cause severe complications and death. It is very important to distinguish symptoms, features of manifestation poisonous bite. When such a bite is detected, you should know how to provide proper first aid for a poisonous insect bite.

An insect bite is a combination of traumatic and allergic damage, as well as a toxic reaction, which is provoked by damage to the epidermis by an insect and its foreign components.

You can get a poisonous insect bite anywhere. This is explained by the fact that various types insects are distributed over vast areas.

There is a classification of bites depending on the pathological changes they cause in the human body:

When bitten by one insect different people Various reactions will occur. This is explained not only by the characteristics of the insect, but also by immune reactivity human body, the tendency of each individual organism to allergic reactions. Depending on these characteristics, ordinary insect bites can cause very complex allergic reactions in some people.

The bite of any insect leaves a mark on the epidermis in the form of swelling and redness. It is easier to treat an insect bite when the type of biting insect is known. After determining the type of insect, specific measures are taken that help eliminate the consequences of these bites.

Often after an insect bite, inflammation appears around the wound. This is explained by the fact that the body cannot cope with the strong components of insect saliva. A tumor forms around the wound, containing unneutralized particles of saliva inside. Such bumps often appear when bitten blood-sucking insects(gadflies, mosquitoes, flies).

Also, a similar symptom occurs when bitten by a poisonous insect such as a hornet. The lump is formed due to infection entering deep into the skin. The danger of a hornet bite also lies in the fact that some of their species lay larvae inside tissues, where they feed, grow, and mature.

The situation is more complicated with bites that were inflicted unnoticed by an unknown type of insect. In this case, you should observe the clinical manifestations of the bite. The nature of the biting insect can be determined based on the characteristics of the symptoms exhibited.

If there is no worsening of the bite general condition body (fever), treatment can be carried out even at home. If the bitten person gets worse, you should consult a specialist.

First aid for insect bites involves performing the following actions:

  1. Apply cold. It is necessary for vascular contraction. Thus, absorption into the systemic circulation slows down. toxic substances. Cold also slows down the progression of swelling.
  2. It is necessary to press down the bite site and the tissues that surround it.
  3. Apply a lotion and wipe with a semi-alcohol solution.
  4. Apply material soaked in water to the swollen area. soda solution or apply soda slurry.
  5. Applying compresses with dimexide. This drug is used in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4. Heparin, antibiotics, and hydrocortisone can be added to this mixture.
  6. The use of ointments that contain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory components (Trimistin, Spasatel, Kremgen, Gioksizon).

To relieve itching, the following remedies should be used:

  • cold;
  • washing the wound with water and laundry soap;
  • adding potatoes (grated, chopped);
  • applying onion leaves;
  • rubbing boric alcohol;
  • lotion with soda;
  • rubbing with vinegar solution;
  • use of menovazine;
  • products with menthol;
  • Fenistil-gel;
  • applying tea bags, tea tinctures (cold).

Snakes are very common on Earth, in its different regions. The consequences after a bite can be very sad. Snake venom is very toxic, it causes not only paralysis, suppuration, but also death of the bitten person.

Sometimes the moment of the bite itself may go unnoticed; a person will guess about it based on certain symptoms. Depending on the type of snake, after a bite the victim will experience the following symptoms:

  1. Damage to nerve structures by neurotoxins.
  2. The breakdown of blood cells (erythrocytes) when exposed to hemolysin.
  3. Manifestation of toxic effects on the cardiovascular system through cardiotoxin.
  4. Disruption of neuromuscular transmission through an enzyme such as cholinesterase.

Toxins from the saliva of poisonous snakes destroy human tissue. The following local signs indicate the presence of a snake bite:

  1. When bitten by poisonous snakes, wounds appear on the epidermis.
  2. Burning sensation, pain in the bite area.
  3. Swelling around the wound, redness.
  4. The presence of blood discharge from the bitten area.
  5. Formation of bluish spots and blisters around the wounds.

Common features include the following:

  • muscle pain;
  • hemorrhages on the epidermis;
  • diarrhea, vomiting (bloody);
  • increase in temperature;
  • development of hepatic-renal failure.

Heart dysfunction manifests itself in:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased breathing;
  • chest pain;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system:

  • headache;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • decreased vision;
  • muscle weakness;
  • facial distortion;
  • numbness of the body.

Providing first medical care is performed as follows:

  1. Calming the victim. The snake should be removed from the bite site to reduce the amount of venom introduced into the body.
  2. Removing jewelry from a limb. When swelling develops due to jewelry, blood circulation is disrupted.
  3. Identify the snake. If it is impossible to fulfill this point, the patient is carefully monitored.
  4. If the snake is poisonous, medical assistance is provided without delay.
  5. The bitten limb is immobilized.
  6. The poison should be sucked out from the wound. This can be done using a special pear or mouth.
  7. Provide plenty of fluids.
  8. If shock is present, resuscitation measures should be performed.

IN summer time a person can be bitten by a bee, wasp, bumblebee, snake, and in some areas, a scorpion, tarantula or other poisonous insects. The wound from such bites is small and resembles a needle prick, but when bitten, poison penetrates through it, which, depending on its strength and quantity, either acts first on the area of ​​the body around the bite, or immediately causes general poisoning.

Poisonous snake bites life-threatening. Usually snakes bite a person on the leg when he steps on them. Therefore, you should not walk barefoot in places where there are snakes. Snake bites are most dangerous when the venom enters a blood or lymphatic vessel. When poison is injected intradermally, intoxication increases within 1-4 hours. The toxicity of the poison depends on the type of snake. Cobra venom is the most dangerous for humans. Other things being equal, poisoning is more severe in children and women, as well as in persons under the influence of alcohol.

Symptoms: burning pain at the site of the bite, two deep puncture wounds, redness, swelling, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin, blisters with fluid, necrotic ulcers, dizziness, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, tachycardia. After half an hour, the leg can almost double in size. At the same time, signs of general poisoning appear: loss of strength, muscle weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, weak pulse, drop in blood pressure, fainting, collapse.

First aid:

§ a tourniquet must be applied above the bitten area or
twisting to prevent poison from entering other parts of the body (only for cobra bites for 30-40 minutes);

§ the bitten limb must be lowered and try to squeeze out the blood containing the poison from the wound;

§ immediately begin intensive suction of the poison from the wound with your mouth for 10-15 minutes (previously squeeze the fold of skin in the area of ​​the bite and “open” the wounds) and spit out the contents; You can pull the blood along with the poison from the wound using a medical jar, glass or shot glass with thick edges. To do this, hold a lit splinter or cotton wool on a stick in a jar (glass or shot glass) for a few seconds and then quickly cover the wound with it;

§ ensure immobility of the affected limb (splint or fixing bandage); rest in a supine position during transportation to a medical facility; drinking plenty of water;

§ apply cold (ice pack) to the wound; wash the wound with a 10% solution of potassium permanganate, inject into the wound 0.5% adrenaline, diphenhydramine, 1 ml of 1% solution intramuscularly; 500-1000 units of specific serum intramuscularly, deliver the victim to a medical facility.

!You cannot suck blood from a wound with your mouth if there may be scratches or broken teeth in your mouth, through which the poison will penetrate into the blood of the person providing assistance.

! Do not make an incision at the site of the bite; provide alcohol in all forms.

Insect bites(bees, wasps, bumblebees) lead to the appearance of both local symptoms and signs of general poisoning, and can also cause an allergic reaction in the body. Their single bites do not pose any particular danger. If there is a sting left in the wound, it must be carefully removed, and a lotion of ammonia with water or a cold compress from a solution of potassium permanganate or just cold water should be applied to the wound.

Bites poisonous insects very dangerous. Their venom causes not only severe pain and burning at the site of the bite, but sometimes general poisoning. Symptoms resemble those of snake venom poisoning. In case of severe poisoning by spider venom karakurt Death may occur within 1-2 days.

Symptoms: limited local painful inflammatory reaction: burning sensation, pain, redness, swelling (especially when stung in the face and neck). There are no general toxic effects. Chills, nausea, dizziness, and dry mouth are mild. If general toxic phenomena are strongly expressed, this indicates an increased sensitivity of the body to insect poisons and the development of allergic reactions, which can cause death.

Urgent Care: quickly remove the bee sting and squeeze out the poison from the wound; put cold on the bite site; moisten, drip galazolin, alcohol, validol into the bite site; take antihistamines internally: diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen; hot drink; if asthmatic syndrome develops, use a pocket inhaler; with the development of complete asphyxia - tracheotomy; call an ambulance.

A person gets sick from the bite of a rabid dog, cat, fox, wolf or other animal. rabies. The bite site usually bleeds slightly. If your arm or leg is bitten, you need to quickly lower it and try to squeeze the blood out of the wound. If there is bleeding, the blood should not be stopped for some time. After this, the bite site is washed with boiled water, a clean bandage is applied to the wound and the patient is immediately sent to a medical facility, where the victim is given special vaccinations that will save him from the deadly disease - rabies.