Reconstruction of a summer house into a residential building. Photos and instructions

Size doesn't matter! Even on the tiniest summer cottage You can always make room for a cozy, albeit small house.
I have prepared a selection of 20 bright ideas for such buildings

If you want to take a break from the bustle of the city on weekends and feel connected to nature, then it’s better and more familiar than the countryside country house you can't find a place in the world. But if your house is small or you are just planning to build it on a small scale, then to solve such issues we have prepared interesting and inspiring ideas that you can use.
With a dacha you can do what you didn’t dare to do at home. Therefore, do not hesitate to have a bright and colorful design even for a small house. With 24 square meters and a spacious veranda, the atmosphere here is cheerful and joyful, and the interior is filled with yellow and red hues.

You can paint your wooden eco-friendly house in yellow to match the sun. And he, like a bright light, miraculously will stand out among the lush green vegetation in the garden.

As they say, there is heaven in a hut with cute ones, but few people really dare to make their country house in the style of a hut. Interesting, memorable and charming view This small building will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, the space under the roof slopes is perfect for storing a lot of necessary and unnecessary items.

Do you have an old trailer that has exhausted its road life? Then just three months of work (that’s how long the conversion took for the couple in the photo) - and your mobile “friend” will finally become a full-fledged house of 20 square meters with all the amenities, and will serve faithfully for a long time.

To all fans of the ABC book and just those who love miniature houses, I present a hut in the shape of the letter A. Despite its small size(total 6 square meters, and with a raised wall - 9) two beds fit here - they are also shelves, as well as a kitchen, sink and mini-fridge. This miracle costs $1,200 and is installed in one day.

If you decide to completely merge with nature, then 19 square meters of happiness made from natural eco-friendly materials, such as cedar, will help you with this. Moreover, it looks like this wooden house simply amazing.

In the absence of a foundation, so that the floor country house has not begun to rot, it must be lifted off the ground. For example, this building was built on the basis of a cargo trailer, and has two floors, where on the first there is small kitchen and a dry closet, and in the attic there is a bedroom.

Not ready to part with your house on wheels? Then just bring it with you for the summer season, and then take it back. A very convenient and comfortable option for all times, and most importantly, you don’t have to be afraid that someone will break into your dacha in winter.

A country house does not at all mean a dark, enclosed space with hoes and hoes. Don’t forget that there should be enough light in the dacha, which means we make as many window openings as possible.

Lovers of everything extraordinary and original will undoubtedly be delighted by the exterior of this building. And it doesn’t matter that the house looks like a huge matchbox or a wooden carriage, the main thing is that the inside is incredibly cozy and stylish, and guests will never confuse it with its neighbors.

If you don’t like overly elaborate buildings, then there’s no need to invent anything. A beautiful classic house will become a real decoration of any site, and if you light the fireplace on a cool evening, you can comfortably spend a magical evening with the whole family.

You don't have to build houses to stand out from the rest complex shape and paint them in bright colors. It is enough to simply create contrast in the exterior of the building, which is a very smart solution and looks elegant.

If you have a white house, then to liven it up a little, you don’t have to run for paint. Just put supports or hang a net on it where they can reach climbing plants, which will envelop the hut in greenery.

Little wood, but a lot of glass? Then similar option will be perfect for you, and the space will always be filled with light, even moonlight. But from a security point of view, one should rely on the prestige of the area and the diligent behavior of the neighbors.

Are you afraid to build a tree house for your child, with which the tomboy might fly down? Then create a children's area in the attic, which will become an ideal place where you can play and sleep.

No, this is not the country house of a spy or a fugitive from aliens - this is a clear example of organic architecture. Therefore, if you want to surprise your guests and neighbors unique design, and also dream that your home will dissolve among the surrounding nature - start stocking up on mirrors.

Who said that the house with flat roof can’t be beautiful and cozy? In order to avoid a lengthy construction process and other inconveniences, it is enough to decorate the old trailer with new materials and add a couple of windows.

The beautiful brick color does not mean that everything inside will also be bright and colorful. The main thing is not what is outside, but what is inside. Therefore, while everyone is wondering how extravagant the furnishings are in your home, you will enjoy the warmth and comfort of a wonderful wooden interior.

When there is not enough space and funds, then you should adhere to the best traditions of minimalism. And only then, even in the very small space you can place everything you need for relaxation and work in the country.

It is important to take care not only of interior lighting country house, but also about external lighting. This will be especially true if you like to go out in the evening to sit on the veranda, eating the fruit harvested during the day.

Whatever choice you make, you should remember that we come to the dacha, first of all, to be in nature, and not to sit in a house. And to store a few things and tools, even a small hut will be enough, the main thing is to add a little home comfort to it.

As a rule, personal plots They are not pleasing with their large size, so in order to save as much free space as possible, compact ones are built on it. Houses of this size are not always able to provide comfortable and convenient living. Creating a project internal layout country houses 6x6, you need to carefully think through even the most insignificant nuances to ensure comfort and coziness for all residents.

Where to start planning

Planning a small country house is an activity that requires patience, careful calculations and balanced decisions. The most important thing is to clearly determine for yourself what money you are willing to spend on the future decoration of the house, and whether you have enough strength and knowledge to properly plan the interior space.

It is very important to be able to see the situation in perspective. After all, in a few years the size of the family may change, children or grandchildren will appear, and in order not to expose the house global changes in the future, it is better to foresee in advance possible options layouts.

The layout of a 6x6 country house, as a rule, involves taking into account the following criteria:

  • the maximum possible area of ​​the future home;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • presence of small children.

It is also worth deciding in advance whether the country house will become a temporary shelter for summer holiday, or life will flow in it all year round.

Selecting a layout

When planning rooms in a private house, it is very important to clearly calculate every square meter so that all the space in the house is used and endowed with functional features.

The algorithm for planning rooms in a private house can be presented as follows:

  1. We determine the number of floors of the future building.
  2. We select quality building materials who can help implement the planned project.
  3. We draw a diagram of the layout of the rooms inside the house.
  4. We choose the most convenient porch design.
  5. We determine the roof configuration and type of roofing material for future construction.

Determine the layout one-story building much easier. Traditionally, the interior space of such a dacha includes a central room combined with a kitchen, several bedrooms and a combined bathroom and toilet. If the area of ​​the dacha allows, then the bathroom is made separate, and perhaps it becomes possible to arrange a bathhouse or sauna.

For a dacha that has an attic, there are many more options for internal layout. As a rule, the attic room is equipped as a full second floor and used for the location of guest bedrooms, gym, library, office, playrooms and much more.

The internal layout of a small two-story cottage can be supplemented with spacious terraces. You can also plan additional spaces for a bathroom or wardrobe.

As practice shows, with proper planning, even a small building measuring 6*6 m can accommodate at least three rooms: a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen, as well as a bathroom and toilet.

The living room is the central room in the house

Traditionally, a living room for a summer residence is not just a place to relax. It can serve as an additional guest bedroom, dining room, game room for children. It is better to choose furniture for such a room that is functional and compact, so that nothing clutters up the already small space of the room.

A convenient option would be transformable sofas, folding chairs and tables, built-in furniture. Each of these elements is designed to solve a problem small space, but at the same time attractive appearance makes the room cozy and stylish. If the area of ​​the house and design features structure, a fireplace can become the central element for the living room.

Planning the location of the kitchen

IN country house It will be very convenient to enter the kitchen from the street. Thus, you can shorten the distance you have to travel when setting a table outside in the summer.

When calculating the required area for the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the parameters of the used household appliances. A stove, a refrigerator, a sink, a work table - all this should be located quite freely throughout the entire area so that the cooking process is convenient.

It is also worth considering the availability of sufficient natural and artificial lighting.

Planning the location of the bedroom

It is better to plan small bedrooms in a country house. This approach will allow you to significantly save on heating costs in winter time. You don't need much to have a good rest. It is enough to arrange a full-fledged sleeping place and place a small wardrobe for clothes.

If the layout of the dacha provides for the presence of an attic, then it is in its area that it is most convenient to place cozy bedrooms. Despite the fact that the ceiling in such a bedroom will have an inclined shape, the attic area allows you to place everything necessary elements furniture.

We place the toilet and bathroom

For a comfortable placement of a bathtub, toilet and washbasin, a room of 4 m2 is sufficient. The walls of the bathroom are covered tiles. It is hygienic, beautiful and easy to clean. The ceiling can be made suspended. How more cheap option, examine the ceiling lined with plastic lining.

To be able to sit comfortably in such a small bathroom, the door must open outward. To save space, instead of standard bath, you can install a compact shower cabin.

Using such simple secrets correct layout bathroom in a private house, even in a small area you can arrange a comfortable and comfortable space. There may be room left to accommodate washing machine.

If the bathroom area is about 3 m2, you will most likely have to abandon the washing machine shower, leaving only the washbasin tap and toilet.

Planning the location of the stairs

For a compact country house, the staircase to the second floor is best located from the outside. In this way, you can save the interior space of the house.

If the area of ​​the dacha allows, then the flight of stairs is located in the central room, with seating areas compactly arranged around it.

The space under the stairs should also not be overlooked. Built-in wardrobes for a variety of clothes and household items will be perfectly placed under it. Also, as an option, you can consider a location under flight of stairs working corner.

Design features of a country house

The style in which the interior design of a country house is planned largely determines the taste of the owners. We advise you to give up the habit of taking all unnecessary and outdated furniture and interior items to your dacha. This way you will never be able to achieve harmonious and cozy design. The best option there will be minimalism in the interior. Simple functional furniture from natural wood, a lot of light, and also bright ones were made in the form of textiles, paintings, carpets. They are the ones who create the mood and give comfort to the rooms.

Antique items look harmonious in retro interior. When choosing this style in the design of your dacha, focus on furniture and interior items, leaving the walls and ceiling white, and covering the floor with a simple wooden board.

Fresh flowers, sweet figurines, paintings, hand embroidery or knitted napkins will be a good decoration for the living room and bedrooms of the dacha. As a rule, such things become superfluous in stylish designer city apartments. At the dacha, by combining such decorative elements together, you can create a unique, cozy and very comfortable interior for relaxation.

Country house with stove

Planning a country house special attention You need to pay attention to the location of the stove or fireplace. Such an element in the layout of a 6x6 country house with a stove will not only decorate the room, but can also be used for heating the room and cooking.

The stove is built from hardened red brick. It is better to entrust the installation of the stove to professional craftsmen.

If for some reason it is not possible to equip a brick oven, you can already use ready-made structures, made of metal, they are also suitable for planning a 7x7 country house with a stove.

How to position the oven correctly

In small country houses with an area of ​​6x6 m, it is most practical to place stoves or fireplaces in the center of the living room, this way you can solve several problems: zoning the room and achieving uniform heating of the entire room.

The classic location of the fireplace in the corner of the room or along one wall also takes place, but in this case, you need to remember that heating will occur only in one half of the room.

By placing the kitchen stove along one wall, you can heat not only kitchen area, but also an adjacent room.


The small size of a country house is not a reason to turn it into a temporary shelter, depriving it of any comfort or coziness. Carefully thought out the layout internal space dachas, you can achieve that even in small house you will be able to have a pleasant time with friends, relax and enjoy communicating with the surrounding nature.

Once the layout of the house has been chosen, you can prepare to build the stove. How to install a stove and chimney in a country house, we will find out in the next video

Life in a big city is becoming more and more expensive and uncomfortable. Many people who own even the most modest real estate in rural areas are moving to suburban areas. They do not strive to become hermits, it’s just that some professions allow them to work at a distance, and for those who rent apartments, this option, at current rental rates, is simply an escape from ruin.

For permanent residence V country house, which was previously used as a summer cottage, a number of reconstruction and landscaping works need to be done. There can be as many solutions as possible due to different initial data, but let’s try to consider the simplest option when there is no need to change the layout and touch load-bearing walls, that is, approval of changes to the design documentation is not required.

Regulatory certificate

Without permission from the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate you can:

  • install the boiler;
  • install a fire alarm;
  • connect to the sewer;
  • connect to the gas network;
  • make a canopy;
  • equip a light gazebo;
  • equip an outdoor shower, garage, greenhouse (everything that does not require a foundation).

Action Scenario

Most dachas are not equipped with running water, they do not have a bathroom, gas stove runs on bottled gas, the walls and roof are not insulated. In the warm season, summer residents made do summer shower and amenities in the yard, but you need to prepare thoroughly for winter.

A house where people live all year round should have: uninterrupted heating, cold and hot water, insulated facade and roof, equipped bathroom, reliable windows and doors.

The correct sequence of work looks like this:

  1. Any reconstruction, alteration or addition begins with strengthening the foundation and arranging the blind area.
  2. Then they insulate, and sometimes re-cover the roof.
  3. After this, gas is supplied or equipment is installed in the house to use another type of fuel.
  4. The next stage is the installation of a water supply system. If it is not possible to connect to the centralized village system, you need to dig your own well.
  5. Old windows will definitely require replacement. New sealed window systems can significantly reduce heat loss in a building.
  6. The reconstruction process is crowned by insulation of the building facades.

In most cases, any owner is also faced with the need interior renovation and new interior decoration of the house, however, such decisions depend on design preferences and are not accompanied by as many errors as construction.

Fundamental approach

Experienced builders say that the most important thing in a house is the foundation and roof.

Foundation cracks indicate a heavy load, but sometimes they can be caused by frost heaving of the soil under the foundation, followed by thawing and shrinkage.

A specialist must understand the reasons that caused the cracks. The method of their elimination depends on the origin. If the destruction is caused by the behavior of the soil, then you can get by with constructing a blind area that will prevent the soil from freezing below the foundation.

It is made around the perimeter of the entire building, approximately 60-80 cm wide with a slight slope (from 3 to 10°). Correct blind area protects the foundation of the house from rain and flood waters, and also prevents its deformation.

Concrete, asphalt, paving slabs, sometimes cobblestones, turf and gravel (although the latter do not protect so well from water getting under the foundation).

The standard sequence of work is as follows: remove the soil, fill in and compact sand, then lay a layer of gravel, which, after compacting, is filled with concrete.

After installing the blind area, you need to repair the cracks in the foundation. To do this, use a special mesh, which strengthens the base, and a plaster mixture.

If foundation cracks are caused not by freezing of the soil, but by large structural loads, then it should be strengthened more seriously: in this case, excavation work will be necessary. First you need to dig around the base by 35-50 cm.

Then use a hammer drill to drill holes in two rows to match the diameter of the iron rods (the distance between the holes in a row is 35-45 cm, between the rows - 25 cm). Having cut the rod with a grinder, you need to drive these pieces into the holes throughout the foundation.

Then weld reinforcement of an unmeasured length to the rods along the perimeter of the base in two rows and fill the trench with waste slag mixed with cement 5:1, fill it with water, and compact it. Then you need to put up the panels and fill them to the level of the old foundation with a solution of cement or concrete.

Roofing under a microscope

Before reconstructing the roof, it must be inspected inside and out.

In rafter systems, they check the junction points of the rafters, in which deformations may occur due to shrinkage of the wood and weakening of the fastening, as well as the ends of the rafter legs (mauerlats), where favorable conditions for the material to rot.

Damaged wood is trimmed, and in the case of a significant reduction in cross-section rafter legs, racks, struts and other parts of the rafters are strengthened or replaced with new ones. Reinforcement of wooden beams can be done using over-beams or under-beams, which are attached to the beam being strengthened using vertical bolts.

Reinforcement of rafters in case of minor damage by rot is carried out by prosthetics or extensions. Longitudinal cracks in the rafters they are tightened with metal clamps on bolts.

All wooden elements load-bearing structures from new wood thoroughly treated with an antiseptic.

As a rule, slate is used as roofing material in old houses. When choosing a new coating, you should remember that for natural tiles needs to be strengthened rafter system, and for bitumen - arrange a continuous sheathing.

Therefore, the lungs roofing materials- for example, metal tiles - are optimal for reconstruction. Roofing (with a capillary groove) corrugated sheeting is less commonly used. Both materials are laid on a thin sheathing.

Before replacing the roof, the slate must be removed. First, the slate nails with which the material was attached to the sheathing are removed, then the sheets are torn off from load-bearing structure and dismantled from top to bottom along the slope.

Lay a new covering on the rafter system starting from eaves overhang, from right to left, overlapped in both vertical and horizontal joints. The mounting holes should be drilled slightly to the right of the bottom point of the cavity.

Sheets of metal tiles need to be cut with special scissors; a grinder should never be used. Damage protective layers caused by this tool may further affect operational properties material.

The sheets are fastened to the sheathing with special galvanized screws with polymer coating and mandatory rubber gaskets. In addition to sheet metal tiles, with roofing works Oh, they use additional materials - planks, skates, snow supports. This helps give the roof a finished appearance and provides additional protection.

But any covering can only be laid on a high-quality roofing “pie” consisting of insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing films and so on.

Is there life in the attic

Owners who decide to make the most of usable area In a house, as a rule, an uninhabited attic is converted into a comfortable attic.

To do this, during roofing work they replace not only finishing coat, but also improve the entire “pie”, completing it with the missing layers, and also often add light to the attic by installing inclined roof windows in the roof.

Such work is quite expensive, but it is worth it.

In other cases, the attic can be left uninhabited, but its ceiling will certainly have to be insulated.

The floor of the attic was the ceiling of the living space. It is impossible to live with a cold ceiling. It is this non-insulated structure that can provide up to 30% of the building’s heat loss. To insulate the floor you need vapor barrier film and insulation. In general, for correct device cold ventilated attic you need:

  1. Install a vapor barrier underneath the thermal insulation layer. Otherwise, problems with the insulation getting wet and condensation forming are inevitable. The vapor barrier must be sealed hermetically.
  2. Lay a layer of thermal insulation. The less heat that penetrates from the room into the attic, the better.
  3. Provide supply and exhaust ventilation. The attic “loves” drafts.