Flat roof made of corrugated sheets with minimal slope. Roof inclination angle made of corrugated sheets

Thanks to its excellent performance characteristics, the profiled sheet has found wide application both residential and industrial construction. If all required installation technologies are followed, it can be used to make reliable, durable and aesthetically attractive roof cladding.

Manufacturer's recommendations: minimum slope of a corrugated sheet roof

In most cases, this material is recommended to be laid on roofs with a slope angle of at least 20 degrees. This rule, however, mainly applies only to residential buildings. In industrial construction, regulations allow the use of corrugated sheets as roofing material for slopes with an inclination angle of 8 degrees. But on very flat roofs industrial buildings You can only install a special sheet - with a self-supporting profile. Although such material is quite expensive, it is sometimes used in private housing construction. When using it minimum slope roofing of a residential building made of corrugated sheets can be equal to 15 degrees.

Consequences of non-compliance with standards

If, when designing a profiled roof, the requirements of SNiP regarding the minimum permissible angle of inclination of the slopes are violated, the owner of the house will subsequently face problems such as:

  • leaks during rain through screw holes;
  • pushing through the roof with layers of snow;
  • too much heat loss through the roof;
  • sheets torn off by strong gusts of wind.

Many owners of country real estate believe that the flatter the roof, the less material is spent on it. But in reality this is not entirely true. When arranging a flat roof, you usually have to use very large number(step 40 cm). In addition, in this case, the cladding material, according to the standards, is laid with a significant overlap.

The minimum from a profiled sheet, as we found out, is 15 degrees. When designing, you can choose this roof option. But it’s better to make the roof slopes steeper. In this case, the cladding will be more reliable, and the work of installing the material will be easier to complete. The best option The angle of inclination of the slopes when using profiled sheets is considered to be 25-40 cm.

What should be the overlap?

This indicator, therefore, depends specifically on the angle of inclination of the slopes chosen when designing the house. So:

  • for an angle from 15 to 30 degrees, the overlap should be 20 cm;
  • for roofs with an angle of 30 degrees or more - 15 cm.

If the project includes a minimum roof slope, the sheathing is made from corrugated sheets with an overlap between the rows in two waves. Moreover, for additional protection sealant and special sealant are used to prevent moisture penetration. Among other things, in in this case must be stuffed under the corrugated sheet continuous lathing.

Modern industry produces profiled sheets of two main types: wall sheets (marked “C”) and roofing sheets (“K”). This material may also vary in profile shape. Of course, it should be used for the roof. As for the profile, in this regard, “wave” or “trapezoidal” options with a height of 25-31 mm are usually used for cladding the rafter system.

Optimal thickness roofing sheet is considered 0.8 mm. Sometimes the 1 mm option is also chosen for roof cladding. Such thick material is usually purchased if the minimum slope of the roof made of corrugated sheets is selected. In degrees, as we found out, this parameter is eight to fifteen. In centimeters, this will be expressed primarily in the height of the ridge. The wider the opening, the greater this figure will be.

For a slope of a very large area it is necessary to use two or three rows of sheets. However, more often the roof is designed in such a way that it can be sheathed in one row. Therefore, when selecting a material, you should also pay attention to its length. Most often, 6 m corrugated sheets are found on sale. Therefore, it is possible that the roof should be designed exactly for this length.

How to correctly calculate the amount of material required for roofing

The roof project should include not only the actual drawings, but also an estimate with all upcoming expenses. Calculating the amount of roofing material needed is not so difficult. To do this, you simply need to divide the roof area by the area of ​​one sheet. In this case, of course, overlaps should be taken into account. The minimum slope of a roof made of corrugated sheets according to SNiP is 8-15 degrees. For such a flat roof, the overlap, as already mentioned, will be 20 cm. That is, from total area In this case, you need to subtract exactly 20 cm from each sheet.

You should purchase materials with a small reserve. Indeed, during the installation process, some sheets may be damaged. The same applies to additional elements. This is especially true for the case when the minimum slope is selected. Acceptable parameters (8-15°) in this case must be observed. But in any case, sheathing a flat roof will be somewhat more difficult than a steep one, since when performing this procedure, among other things, you have to work with sealants or sealant.

Laying order

Installation of corrugated sheets should begin from the lower edge of the roof. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws with special seals. The latter are fixed in the bends of the corrugated sheet waves. Before laying the material itself, a drain, chimney waterproofing and, if necessary, a lower valley strip are installed.

The sheets themselves are attached in blocks. That is, first, the first one is fixed on the sheathing near the ridge with a self-tapping screw. Why is the second sheet attached in exactly the same way? Next, it is fixed with self-tapping screws to the first one. The third sheet is mounted in the same way. Then the entire block is completely aligned with the cornice and finally attached.

On final stage roof sheathing, ridge, valley, and pipe apron are installed. If necessary, snow guards are installed.

You need to lift the corrugated sheets onto the roof one at a time. Metal shavings that appear when screwing in the screws should be immediately swept away with a brush. Otherwise, the polymer layer may be damaged, which will reduce the service life of the roof. Walk on the roof while performing work in shoes with soft soles. If the polymer layer of the corrugated sheets is scratched during installation, the damaged areas must be treated immediately special composition. The minimum slope of the self-supporting corrugated sheet covering is 8 degrees. For such a flat roof, compliance with the above recommendations is especially important. After all, with a small slope, the roof will bear more than a serious load.

The sheets should only be attached to the sheathing using special self-tapping screws with a gasket. Rivets or nails should not be used for this purpose. The screws should not be screwed in too tightly.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we have found out what the minimum slope of a roof made of corrugated sheets is. Calculations when drawing up a project for such a roof are best done taking into account the length and width of the sheet. In this case, the material will not have to be cut. Consequently, in the end there will be less waste left, and the roof itself will be much more reliable and durable.

I would rafter system If the corrugated sheet is strong and of high quality, then the angle of inclination is not so important! This is what many owners of private houses think when planning to build a roof. And if you are also one of them, we advise you to carefully read the information presented below. Today you will find out what the minimum slope of a corrugated sheet roof is, and why it is so important to strictly adhere to these standards.

What kind of roofs do craftsmen distinguish by type of slope?

1. Flat roofs – when the slope is inclined at an angle of no more than 5 degrees. We can see this option on multi-storey buildings and large commercial buildings.

2. With minimal slope– from 5 to 12 degrees. Such roofs are found in southern regions where there is almost no rainfall, and in windy areas.

3. Pitched roofs– with an angle from 15 to 25 degrees. Such roofs are less sensitive to precipitation accumulation. This option is most popular in central regions Russia.

4. Steep roofs– angle 40 degrees or more. Steep slope is popular in construction country houses, where attic spaces are very often installed. This angle requires strengthening the rafter system, taking into account wind loads.

And right away, a small three-part master class on building a roof with a minimum angle of inclination:

Why do builders propose to make a minimum roof slope?

A professional craftsman will never advise you on the minimum roof slope unless there is a good reason for it. These include the following:

  • Construction is taking place in areas with the strongest wind loads;
  • You use the most reliable brand of corrugated sheeting that can withstand heavy loads (snowfall), or there is almost no snow in your region;
  • Are you constructing a temporary roof for your home or outbuildings;
  • Or everything is much simpler - you insist on a minimum slope, because you hope to save on the consumption of roofing material.

By the way, very often experts in determining the roof angle talk not only about degrees, but also percentages, and even coefficients. How to understand them? Let's look at the illustration:

Is it really possible to save a lot of money on corrugated sheets on a flat roof?

Some savings, of course, are present with a low roof slope. However, gentle slopes require more overlap of materials, more expensive sealing of joints, and better quality waterproofing membrane, and strengthening the rafter system (if there are strong winds in the region). Thus, the savings are minimal, and the risks do not disappear.

How to calculate the roof slope angle yourself?

To do this, let's look at the illustration:

Roof slope and factors influencing it

There are several major factors that determine the choice of roof slope, and many minor ones. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Type of building and its purpose;
  • Weather conditions terrain;
  • Characteristics of the roofing material;
  • Additional measures to strengthen and insulate the roof.

I. Type of building and its purpose

What is the minimum roof slope for corrugated sheets? This question is answered by SNiP standards, which set out recommended indicators for the regions of our country.

Thus, according to official data, the minimum slope slope for roofing with corrugated sheets for outbuildings is 8 degrees, for residential buildings - 10 degrees. This angle allows water to not pass through at the joints of sheets and at fastening points, and can withstand a small layer of snow (15-20 cm).

This is data on the minimum permissible slope, but there is also such a thing as a recommended minimum slope. In this case, experts call the minimum figure - 12 degrees, and the optimal - 20 degrees. Note that many construction companies They insist on precisely this minimum angle, and otherwise, they do not give any guarantees for work. Why is this so? It is these figures that allow the load to be evenly distributed across roofing system And load-bearing partitions at home, do not additionally seal seams and fastenings, do not double overlap materials and ensure safe drainage of precipitation.

Another important point when choosing the degree of slope - the presence of an attic. If you are planning attic room, then you need to choose a roof slope of at least 40 degrees.

II. Weather conditions of the area

1. Wind. More from school course Physics and geography, we can conclude that a strong wind tries to overturn a high roof, and lift a flat roof. That is why experts advise choosing a minimum roof slope and reliable fastening for windy regions roof frame to the base:

2. Rain. Rain is not only excess moisture, which penetrates under a flat roof faster than under steep slopes. This is also the mechanical force with which the drops hit the roof. The higher the slope angle, the less impact force rain or hail. Note that in some cases these weather phenomena may well deform or pierce the material. Therefore, if you live in a region where such weather is not uncommon, then you should think about the maximum possible roof slope. By the way, the maximum for corrugated sheeting is also quite sharp - up to 70 and even 75 degrees.

3. Snow. Snow is a uniform load that lingers on a low roof and can reach up to 500 kg per 1 m2 (in some regions of Russia). With such a load, a roof with a slope of 8-20 degrees can simply collapse on the owners’ heads. To do this, in snowy regions, experts recommend increasing roof slope up to 40-45 degrees:

Of course, there are areas where all weather disasters can occur frequently and even simultaneously. In this case, trusted specialists from your area will help you calculate the roof angle. settlement, well, or neighbors who know exactly how their roofs react to the local vagaries of nature. Data on wind and sediment loads on planes in your area, which can be found on the corresponding maps, will help with the calculations.

III. Characteristics of roofing material

Corrugated sheets are galvanized steel profiled sheets with polymer coating. The latter makes the material resistant to corrosion and allows it not to retain precipitation when the slope is correctly tilted:

IV. Additional measures to strengthen and insulate the roof

If you are determined to make a minimal roof slope from corrugated sheets, then you should think about additional measures strengthening the rafter system and laying high-quality waterproofing on the slopes from the inside, and on the joints from the outside.

With a minimum slope of a roof with corrugated sheets, you must:

  • Select a rafter size of at least 100x200 mm and install them in increments of at least 60 cm;
  • Strengthen the fastening of the Mauerlat to the load-bearing external partitions. The Mauerlat should be reinforced with threaded spiers;
  • Strengthen the fastening rafter legs using wire, anchors and metal corners;
  • Place a high-quality waterproofing membrane under the insulation;
  • Install the counter-lattice and sheathing at intervals of at least 40 cm. If the slope is less than 12 degrees, then it is better to make a continuous sheathing from high-quality moisture-resistant plywood;
  • Overlap the corrugated sheets onto each other by at least 20 cm (it’s best to have 2 sheet waves);
  • Carefully seal all seams and fastening points with construction sealant.

An example of installing a profiled sheet with a minimum slope

So, let's summarize. A small roof slope is good for outbuildings, garages, houses located in regions with strong wind loads and sunny southern areas. However, nothing is impossible! If you take all the necessary measures, consider the conditions and important factors given above, you can build an excellent low-pitched roof for your home. We wish you success!

Corrugated sheeting has excellent performance qualities, thanks to which it is widely used in civil and industrial construction. It is possible to create a high-quality roof covering using it, provided that the laying technology and slope of the roof made of corrugated sheets are followed.

Minimum slope angle

When constructing buildings for industrial purposes, it is allowed to use this material for roofing when the minimum slope of a corrugated roof is 8 degrees or more.

It is important to know that when installing roofs that are too low industrial buildings allowed to use special products- with a self-supporting profile. Such products are quite expensive, but if there are financial opportunities, they are also used in the construction of private households - then the roof slope angle can be at least 15 degrees.

Failure to comply with permissible roof slope standards and consequences

If the provisions of SNiP regarding the permissible minimum slope for corrugated sheets are violated when designing a roof, property owners will face a number of serious problems:

  • leaks that occur during heavy precipitation penetrating through the holes for the screws;
  • pushing through the roofing surface with snow masses;
  • increased heat loss through the roof;
  • deformation of the roof covering under strong and sudden gusts of wind.

Among the owners of private houses, there is an opinion that a flat roof is an economical option, since its arrangement requires less material. In fact, the construction of such a roof requires the use of an increased number of rafter legs while reducing the installation step to 40 centimeters. In addition, on flat roofs the covering material is installed with a large overlap, so experts recommend building steeper slopes.

The amount of overlap of corrugated sheets on the roof

This indicator most depends on the slope of the roof made of corrugated sheets, which was chosen when designing the facility.

The overlap, for example, should be:

  • at a slope angle of 15 - 30 degrees -20 centimeters;
  • at an inclination of 30 degrees or more -15 centimeters.

When in project documentation The minimum slope value is specified, the corrugated sheet is mounted with an overlap between the rows of 2 waves. At the same time, sealants and special seals are used. In addition, corrugated sheeting must be laid on a continuous sheathing.

Selection of profiled sheets

Manufacturers produce two types of profiled sheets - wall (C) and roofing (K). Also this material differs in profile shape. When covering truss structure They usually use products with relief in the shape of waves or trapezoids, having a height of 25–31 millimeters.

The optimal thickness of a profiled sheet for a roof is considered to be 0.8 millimeters. In some cases, 1 millimeter products are used for cladding. Roofing material of this thickness is chosen when arranging a roof with a minimum slope of 8 - 15 degrees. On slopes with a large area, profiled sheets should be laid in two or three rows.

But usually when designing a roof, installation is provided roofing in one row, for this reason you need to pay attention to the length of the profiled sheet. Typically, products with a length of 6 meters are available for sale.

Calculation of the amount of roofing materials

The roof project, developed by professionals, is accompanied by drawings and cost estimates. The procedure for calculating the amount of roofing material is simple. It is necessary to divide the area of ​​the slopes by the area of ​​one profiled sheet.

At the same time, one should not forget about overlaps. Since the minimum permissible slope of a corrugated roof according to SNiP is 8 - 15 degrees, the value of this parameter will be equal to 20 centimeters. Then you need to subtract the overlap size from the sheet area.

When purchasing materials, it is necessary to make a small supply, since damage to the products may occur during the installation process. The same applies to additional elements. Especially if you choose a minimum slope for a corrugated roof. In this case, compliance with the permissible parameters is mandatory.

In any case, laying roofing on a flat roof is more difficult than on a roof with steep slopes, because in addition installation work sealants and sealants will have to be used.

Corrugated sheet laying technology

After a decision has been made as to what the slope of the corrugated roof should be, a project has been drawn up and the necessary building materials have been purchased, they begin to install the roof covering, starting from the lower edge of the slope:

  1. Before laying the sheets, install the cornice strip, drainage system, waterproof the chimney.
  2. The corrugated sheets are fastened in blocks using self-tapping screws, to which special seals are attached. Place fasteners in the bends of the waves. To do this, first, at the ridge, the first sheet is attached to the sheathing, and then the second, which is fixed to the first. Do the same with the third sheet. Then the weight of the block is completely leveled relative to the cornice and finally secured.
  3. To complete the work, install the ridge, end strips, valleys and apron of the chimney pipe and, if necessary, snow retention elements.

When working with corrugated sheets, you should adhere to several rules:

  1. You need to lift the sheets up to the place of installation one at a time.
  2. Metal shavings that appear during the process of screwing in the screws must be immediately removed with a brush, otherwise the polymer layer that protects against corrosion can be damaged, which significantly reduces the service life of the roofing material.
  3. You should walk on the roof surface in shoes with soft soles.
  4. If the polymer layer is damaged during installation, these areas must be immediately coated with a special compound.
  5. Minimum slope roofing made of self-supporting corrugated sheets is 8 degrees.
  6. The sheets are secured to the sheathing with special self-tapping screws and a gasket. Rivets or nails must not be used. The fasteners are not screwed in too tightly.
  7. The steeper the angle of inclination of the corrugated sheet canopy, the more strongly the wind load affects the building. But in addition to the wind strength, its prevailing direction and average annual precipitation should be taken into account.

An important role in the construction of a reliable and durable building is the design stage. If we talk about roofing, it is important to choose the right slope of the corrugated roof. This is not just a matter of personal preference and aesthetics. The size of the attic or attic, the presence or absence of problems with snow accumulation and resistance to wind loads depend on the angle of the roof. In order to determine the slope of the roof, it is important to take into account many factors.

Some believe that the angle of inclination is related only to the desire of the customer and the architectural idea. In fact, there are two groups of factors on which the minimum slope depends:

  • Climatic conditions.
  • Features of roofing material.

Climatic factor

There are several climate features that can significantly affect the angle of inclination:

Unlike rain, snow very often lingers on the roof surface. If a meter or more of snow can fall in an area, it is difficult to imagine how powerful the roof must be to withstand such a mass if it does not slide down. The greater the angle of inclination, the more likely it is that the snow mass will slide down under its weight. It is unlikely that anyone will want to clean not only the yard, but also the roof of snow in winter. Therefore, in such regions there may be structures with a roof slope of 40° or higher.
  • Rainfall. The greater the load from rain in the area, the steeper the roof slope is created. How longer water remains on the roof, the greater the likelihood that over time the roof will begin to leak. If you make the roof slope less than 12°, you need to carefully seal all the joints of the roofing material, and make more overlaps between the sheets.
  • If the previous factors spoke in favor of steep roofs, then in areas with strong and gusty winds, on the contrary, it is recommended to make the roof slope small. This will reduce the windage of the structure. If the region is exposed to strong winds, it is better to create the roof at an angle of 15-25°, no more. In cases where hurricane winds are likely, the angle of inclination may even be 8° or less. However, this does not mean that the structure can be made flat at all, since it will also not withstand a strong hurricane.

    Dependence of the angle of inclination on the roofing material

    Obviously, for areas with heavy rain and snow, it is necessary to make the roof at a large angle, and in areas with strong winds- with a minimum angle.

    The choice of minimum slope is also influenced by the characteristics of the roofing material. Each of them creates its own bottom strip for the corner of the roof. Climatic factors can increase this value, but it is not worth making the roof flatter than the material suggests.

    • Ondulin. The minimum slope of the slope is 6°.
    • Soft tiles. Minimum 11° tilt.
    • Profiled sheeting. At least 12°, otherwise you will need to start gluing the joints of the corrugated sheet.
    • Metal tiles. The minimum slope value is 14°.
    • Rolled materials in two layers - 15°. If a three-layer coating is used, the roof can be made completely flat (2-5°).

    Various roofing materials

    SNiP requirements

    Slate, tiles and others piece materials. The minimum slope value is 22°.

    According to the requirements of SNiP, for a roof made of corrugated sheets the minimum permissible threshold is 8°, but it is only permissible for outbuildings and industrial buildings. The angle of corrugated roofing for residential buildings is at least 10°. However construction companies They only provide a guarantee on structures with a slope of 12° or higher. The maximum tilt angle can be even 70° or more.

    However, it is worth remembering that the lower the height of the roof and, accordingly, the angle of the slope, the smaller the distance should be between the sheathing boards. As can be seen from the table below, a roof with a slight slope requires continuous sheathing.

    SNiP requirements

    Advantages and disadvantages of minimum tilt angle

    Why is there even a question about the minimum permissible norm for gable and pitched roof? What are the advantages of low structures? The following are some of their advantages:

    • Reducing the consumption of roofing material. If the roof is high, it needs a more massive rafter system. By reducing the angle of the slope, you can reduce the cost of the entire structure. However, it is worth considering that the overlap of sheets will be greater on low roofs.
    • Safety when performing roofing work.
    • Shed roofs are devoid of a ridge, and therefore the entire scope of work with it.

    In addition to the advantages, low roofing also has a number of disadvantages:

    • Slow water flow, which means a high probability of leaks and damage roofing pie. To do this, the sheets must be sealed in places where they overlap.
    • High snow load on the roof. In some cases, during heavy snowfalls, you will need to clean the snow from the corrugated sheet roof yourself.
    • Inability to equip a residential attic.

    Calculation of the angle of inclination

    Taking into account all the above factors, you should decide what angle of inclination will be optimal for specific situation. First of all, when planning to build a house, you need to look at the roof angle of your neighbors, because the climatic conditions in one area are the same.

    It is also important to determine how it will be used attic space. If you need to create one or more living rooms, then the roof height will be greater than the minimum allowable.

    There are several types of corrugated sheet roofs:

    • Low slope (14° or less). The vertical overlap of the material is 20 cm, and the joint is made in three waves.
    • Medium slope (15-30°). The vertical overlap is 15-20 cm and the overlap is 1 or 2 waves.
    • Steeply inclined (30° and above). The minimum overlap is 10-15 cm, and the overlap is one wave.

    As you can see, the slope of the roof also affects the consumption of roofing material. If you take into account all building codes and regulations, and also correctly determine snow and wind loads, you can create optimal angle roof slope for a building under construction.

    • Today, in the vast market of roofing materials, corrugated sheets have gained great popularity. It is successfully used in both industrial and private construction. In addition to high performance characteristics, corrugated sheeting also has beautiful view– possibility to order a sheet the right size greatly simplifies its installation. The only thing you need to do is follow correct slope roofs made of corrugated sheets.

      Taking into account the minimum slope is necessary not only from the standpoint of visioning the image of the future home. This question is also relevant in connection with climatic conditions area of ​​proposed construction.

      Advantages of corrugated sheets as a roofing material

      Let's note it right away

      • high strength,
      • reliability in operation,
      • ease,
      • aesthetics.

      It can be used with a slope slope of at least 8° (1:7) according to SNiP. In this case, the slope of the roof prevents rainwater from overflowing through the waves of corrugated sheeting. The same applies to the effects of snow load. This is a significant advantage, since it allows covering work to be carried out all year round, despite the vagaries of nature. Profiled sheets are adapted for use in adverse conditions. It is not at risk of corrosion after rain, or fading under the rays of the sun.

      This building material widely used for covering large pitched roofs. The increased rigidity of the ribs prevents it from deforming, it is durable and economical.

      Basic rules for roof construction

      The method of laying the material when installing corrugated sheets on the roof largely determines the slope of the corrugated roofing. When working with it, you should adhere to certain installation features and operating rules.

      What should the roof slope be?

      The minimum slope of a roof made of corrugated sheets for residential buildings is considered to be 12°, the optimal one is considered to be 20°, and for those made of corrugated sheets for industrial buildings it is, respectively, 8°.

      These limits may change depending on the number of layers applied. For example, if laying is done in two layers, then the slope must be increased to prevent various precipitation from accumulating at the joints profile sheet. To protect them from precipitation, the joints are coated with hermetic filler.

      • If the roof slope is less than 14°, then when laying the overlap of adjacent sheets in the horizontal direction should not be less than 20 cm.

      At the junction with the valley and ridge, sealing is carried out using special profiled seals. This type of gasket prevents precipitation from getting under the roofing elements during severe weather, such as heavy rain. When installing it like this, a gap sufficient for air movement is left.

      It should be especially noted that in the process of covering a roof with an angle of 12° or less, the joints of the horizontal and vertical overlaps of the profile sheets are sealed using silicone sealant.

      • 15 –30°, an overlap of 15 to 20 cm is required.
      • More than 30° - allowable overlap of 10 to 15 cm

      How a corrugated sheet is attached to a roof structure

      For fastening corrugated sheeting to roof structures made of wood, special roofing screws, which are made at the end with a drill and equipped with a neoprene gasket, are most suitable. In contrast, here the fastening is carried out only at the bottom of the wave.

      The screws used have dimensions of 4.8 x 35 mm. To secure the skates in the upper part, use larger self-tapping screws, 8 cm long. You should also take care of vapor and waterproofing, and the presence of a gap to ensure ventilation of the space under the roof. These requirements are mandatory.

      Which lathing to choose

      In production and industrial facilities The roof is usually flat or pitched. For flat roofs use load-bearing corrugated sheeting with a profile height starting from 4.4 cm. It is welded to metal frame. Then an unused flat roof is placed over it.

      For pitched roofs, a profiled sheet is usually used, the profile height of which is no less than 3.5 cm, and the sheet thickness is about 0.6/0.7 mm.

      It is important to know that the higher the profile, the more it can withstand the load.

      The size of the sheathing determines the wave height of the sheet used and the slope of the roof made of corrugated sheets.

      • If C20 grade corrugated sheeting is used for work, then with a slope of less than 15°, a continuous sheathing is made, and the sheets overlap in two corrugations.
      • If the angle is less than 15° and the material used is grade C35, then for the sheathing it is recommended to choose a pitch of 30 cm, with an overlap of one wave. In some individual cases, a step of 65 cm is allowed.
      • Another grade of profiling sheet is C44 and more. In this case, the distance between the laths is increased to 500 mm, possibly more. If the slope of the slope exceeds 15°, the structure for the sheets is made in increments ranging from 350 to 500 mm, depending on the height of the corrugated sheeting.
      • For any slope of the roof, it is also supposed to install a drainage system that will be “responsible” for the proper removal of precipitation and excess moisture from the roof surface. Its tilt must be arranged so that when installing internal system drainage basin, it was directed towards the funnels for receiving water, or in the direction of the gutters, if there is an external drainage basin. It is also important to ensure optimal slope roofs made of corrugated sheets.
      • When organizing a slope of up to 10°, it is recommended to lay special membrane coverings that can reliably protect the roof from moisture and damage to materials.

      It is important to know that if the roof slope decreases, the ventilation gap must be increased accordingly.

      • When installing profiled sheets, you must follow all the requirements for installation conditions, fastening spacing and the recommended overlap size. In particular, they are mounted with an overlap on the base to ensure protection of the under-roof space.

      Neglecting any of the required criteria can lead to disastrous consequences.