Benefits for the development of child speech. Didactic manuals on the development of coherent speech using the method of visual modeling and schematization in the senior group for children with special needs development

It should be noted that these game aids are quite simple to make, so most kindergarten teachers can make them with their own hands.

In addition, they are able to help concentrate children’s attention while mastering new material, emotionally involve them in the process of acquiring knowledge, focus on independently solving game problems, and evoke positive emotions.

A game guide for the development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech

“Creating a picture” (for children 4-6 years old)

Target: exercise children in making sentences using prepositions; learning the ability to determine the spatial arrangement of objects; development of fine motor skills of the hands and imagination.


The teacher offers children clothespins, geometric shapes, silhouettes of animals and plants. Pupils, according to the teacher’s instructions, attach objects to a stretched lattice made of fishing line. Then they make proposals on the teacher’s questions. (A butterfly sits on a flower.)


Children independently create a picture from the suggested geometric shapes, silhouettes of animals and plants.

Game aids for the development of phonemic perception, syllabic analysis and synthesis, correction of sound pronunciation

“Let's take the candy from the mouse” (for children 4-6 years old)

Target: automation of the pronunciation of sounds in words.

The manual includes a panel with two mice and candies made from colored paper; on the reverse side there are object illustrations with automated sound.

The teacher draws attention to the mouse, pulling a string of candies that she wants to drag into the hole. The mouse stole the candies and they need to be returned. If the child pronounces the word correctly, the candy is taken away; if it is misspelled, the candy remains with the mouse. Two mice are needed to use this manual to differentiate mixed sounds. (For example: [s]-[w].)

“Miracle Tree” (for children 4-6 years old)

Target: automation of the pronunciation of sounds in words, development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The manual is a panel with a picture of a fairy-tale tree, on which silhouette images of fruits (apples, pears, cherries) are attached using decorative clothespins; on their back side are attached subject cards for a certain sound: [s], [z], [sh], [zh], [l], [r].

Children are encouraged to “harvest the harvest.” When picking a fruit from a tree, the child names the object shown on the card and tries to correctly pronounce the automated sound. If the sound is pronounced correctly, the card remains with the child; if not, it returns to the tree. At the end of the game, you can count how many fruits have been collected and how many words the child has pronounced correctly.

“Starry Sky” (for children 5-6 years old)

Target: training in the ability to perform sound analysis of words.

A star - a card - “lights up” in the night sky. Children name it, determine the sequence and number of sounds in a word; make up its diagram, indicating sounds with color symbols (if the answer is correct, an asterisk of the corresponding color lights up).

“Mushroom” (for children 5-6 years old)

Target: learning the ability to determine the place of sound in a word, developing phonemic hearing and attention.

There are three windows on the mushroom cap to determine the place of a sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end). There are cards in the grass underneath. Children (child) determine the place of the given sound in the word-name of the image on the selected card.

“Caterpillar” (for children 5-6 years old)


Target: learning the ability to divide words into syllables and determine their number.

On the first circle of the caterpillar's body is the syllabic pattern of the word (1-3 syllables). Children select cards with a picture, the names of which have the specified number of syllables, and lay them out on subsequent circles.


Target: strengthening the ability to isolate the first sound in a word.

A letter is attached to the first circle of the caterpillar's body; for subsequent circles, children select cards with images of objects in the name of which the given sound is at the beginning of the word.


Target: development of tactile sensations.

The circle segments of the caterpillar's body are made of fabric of different textures (silk, wool, velvet, etc.). Children are asked to determine the properties of their surface by touch.


Target: development of fine motor skills.

Children connect the circle segments with laces, tying them into bows, and attach them to the caterpillar's body using boot buttons.

Game aids for

“Magic Cube” (for children 2-4 years old)

Target: development of fine motor coordination of hands and fingers, spatial orientation, coherent statements.

The manual includes a cube with multi-colored edges, on which transparent pockets are sewn to accommodate various items, and six double-sided mats, which are attached to its edges using buttons, zippers, and snaps.

The teacher invites children to fasten and unfasten zippers, straps, buckles, clips, buttons, hooks, buttons, tie knots, bows, and lacing.

Designed for both joint play with an adult and for independent play. Tasks should be selected based on the child’s capabilities and the content of the cards. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity to develop children's speech. It is effective to use special surprise tasks placed in the pockets of the mats.

“Multi-colored carousel” (for children 3-4 years old)

Target: learning the ability to match objects by color, developing fine motor skills.

Children are invited to play with color: arrange the cubes in color fields, hide them in bags of the same color, and tie a ribbon on a bow.

“Funny laces and caps” (for children 4-5 years old)

Target: acquaintance with color and learning the ability to correlate objects by color; development of visual-motor hand coordination, visual and figurative thinking.

Children are invited to look at the “funny laces”, “funny caps”, name their color, and play hide and seek with them. The teacher suggests decorating the picture with bows, choosing the caps according to the color, and swapping them.

“Fruit Tree” (for children 5-6 years old)

Target: consolidation of counting within 10, knowledge of the quantitative composition of numbers; learning to distinguish fruits by shape and touch; development of tactile perception, fine motor skills, spatial orientation.

Apples and pears filled with millet are laid out on a large panel tree. The teacher gives the children the task: count how many pears and apples are laid out; make the number 5 from pears and apples, place pears at the top, apples at the bottom, right, left; Closing your eyes, recognize the fruit by touch.

A. Alyushkevich, L. Gvozdovskaya, M. Zharnovskaya, I. Statsenko

Approximate planning of classes on speech development for children of the third year of life Types of activities Table (Month, Week, Topic, Game name, Nominative vocabulary, Predicative vocabulary, Adjective vocabulary) SEPTEMBER, 1 WEEK“Where are our pens?”“Show it to the doll...”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the gameSEPTEMBER, WEEK 2"Fun Cube" (see Appendix 5, p. 131)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game"Family Portrait"SEPTEMBER, WEEK 3"Masha the Confused"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the gameSEPTEMBER, WEEK 4"Toy store"(see Appendix 5, p. 133)OCTOBER, 1 WEEK"Capricious Masha"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.OCTOBER, WEEK 2"Tell me about your favorite toy"(see Appendix 5, p. 135)What does the child learn? Equipment. Mnemonic map for playing the game(found in the Appendix) OCTOBER, WEEK 3"Zaikin's garden" What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.“Doll Masha is preparing a salad”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.OCTOBER, WEEK 4"Compote for Mishka"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication."Wonderful basket"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. NOVEMBER, WEEK 1 “Golden Autumn” (see Appendix 5, p. 137)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. NOVEMBER, WEEK 2 “What has autumn brought us?”(see Appendix 5, pp. 139-141)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. NOVEMBER, WEEK 3 “Dress Manya doll for a walk”(see Appendix 5, pp. 143-145)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. NOVEMBER, WEEK 4 "Little Tailors"(see Appendix 5, p. 147)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the gameDECEMBER, 1 WEEK"Cat Murka and her kittens"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.“Who lives in the stable?”(see Appendix 5, p. 149)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.DECEMBER, WEEK 2“Feel, guess, name”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication."Feed the Pets"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.DECEMBER, WEEK 3“The Christmas tree is dressing up, the holiday is approaching”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.DECEMBER, WEEK 4"Wonderful bag"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. JANUARY, 1 WEEK “The Christmas tree has come to Masha”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Questions. Complication. JANUARY, WEEK 2 “Winter fun” (see Appendix 1, p. 89)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game JANUARY, WEEK 3 “Put your winter clothes in the closet”(see Appendix 5, p. 151)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. JANUARY, WEEK 4 "What's missing?"(see Appendix 5, p. 153)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.FEBRUARY, 1 WEEK“Let’s build a room for Masha’s doll”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the gameFEBRUARY, WEEK 2"Furniture" (see Appendix 5, p. 155)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.FEBRUARY, WEEK 3"Bunny - jumping"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the gameFEBRUARY, WEEK 4"Bunny" (see Appendix 5, p. 157)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Questions. MARCH, WEEK 1 “My Mommy” (see Appendix 5, p. 157)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Story using a mnemonic map about mom MARCH, WEEK 2 “What should we give mom?”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. MARCH, WEEK 3 “We’re going, we’re going home...”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. MARCH, WEEK 4 “Tell me, why?..”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. APRIL, WEEK 1 “Spring” What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game APRIL, WEEK 2 "Spring is coming to us..."(see Appendix 5, p. 136)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game APRIL, WEEK 3 “Let’s buy Vanechka boots”(see Appendix 5, p. 138)What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. APRIL, WEEK 4 "Mom's Helper"(or assistant) What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. MAY, 1 WEEK “We are buying dishes for mother and daughter”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. MAY, 2nd WEEK “I’ll give the doll some tea...”What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game MAY, WEEK 3 "Walk on the Lawn"What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication. MAY, WEEK 4 “One is many” What does the child learn? Equipment. Progress of the game Complication.

Didactic manual "Magic Carousel" for younger children preschool age.

Semenova Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of MKDOU kindergarten“Smile”, Chulym.
Description: the proposed methodology for using the didactic manual will be useful for educators preschool institutions, additional education teachers, creative parents.
The purpose of the didactic manual: speech development, enrichment of the vocabulary of young children, development of cognitive activity, attention, figurative and semantic memory, logical thinking.
- develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, memory, thinking;
- consolidate the skill of word formation and inflection;
- expand and activate the vocabulary;
- develop coherent speech;
- to form children’s ideas about the life of animals;
- develop tactile sensations children, fine motor skills of fingers;
- develop self-confidence.
Didactic material: The “Magic Carousel” shape, circles that are divided into 6 sectors, pictures of animals placed in each sector.
The manual includes four didactic games on lexical topic"Animals":
“Who eats what”; “One is many”; "Who has who"; "Who lives where."

“Game is a huge window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. Game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Every parent wants their child to be successful at school, among their peers, and in adult society. Therefore, already at preschool age, children need to develop the ability to focus attention on objects in the immediate environment and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the ability to compare, analyze, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships, and distinguish in objects certain properties, group them.
Famous child psychologist A.V. Zaporozhets said: “We need to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his abilities.”

My task, as a teacher, is to develop the cognitive activity of children; didactic games help me with this, because the leading activity for preschool children is the game, which in an accessible form allows children to become familiar with the environment.
In my work on children's speech development, I use various techniques and methods. One of the methods that the authors of TRIZ technology use in preschool education, called "Lullian rings". Based on this method I made a teaching aid “The Magic Carousel”.

Didactic games for speech development.
Topic: "Animals".
Didactic game "Who has who"
Goal: to teach children to correctly name animals and babies, to teach them to change singular nouns.
The cat has a kitten; the dog has a puppy; the horse has a foal; the cow has a calf.
Didactic game "One - many."
Goal: to train children in the ability to correctly pronounce nouns in the singular and in genitive case plural.
One mouse - many mice; one hedgehog - many hedgehogs; one hare - many hares.
Didactic game "Who eats what."
Goal: to train children in the ability to use simple common sentences in speech, to use nouns in the instrumental and dative, accusative cases in the singular.
The hare eats a carrot. Let's feed the hare carrots. Let's give the hare a carrot.
The cow eats grass. The cow eats grass.
Didactic game “Who lives where”.
Goal: to develop word formation by using nouns in the prepositional case; make simple sentences.
The dog lives in a kennel. The fox lives in a hole. The fish lives in an aquarium.

Methodology for using the teaching aid “The Magic Carousel”.

1. Place the manual on the table.

2. Remove the lid of the teaching aid.

3. We insert selected circles with pictures of a certain didactic game onto the pins located inside the manual form.

4. Close the cover of the manual.

5. Unwind the edges of the circles protruding on the right and left.

6. The picture chosen by the child is installed in the cut-out window; a pair for the installed picture is selected by scrolling the second ring. In these games, one picture of the first ring must correspond to one picture of the second ring, for example, in the game “Who Eats What,” the picture with a cow must be opposite the picture of grass.
A playing child can, with the help of a teacher or independently, make up sentences: “The cow eats grass,” “The cow plucks grass.”

Used literature:
1.T.I. Podrezova “Material for classes on speech development.”
2.T.A. Sidorchuk “Methodological complex for children’s development of ways of knowing: I am learning the world.”

Lena Chernenkaya


Federal State Educational Standards have identified several directions for the implementation of educational educational programs. One of the areas is the speech development of preschool children, the objectives of which are: mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

The period from birth to entry into school is, as recognized by experts, the age of the most rapid physical and mental development of a child, the age of the initial formation of qualities and properties that make a child a human being.

The peculiarity of this age period is that it is precisely this period that ensures general development and serves as the foundation for the future acquisition of any special knowledge and skills, and is also the foundation for mastering various types activities.

To develop fine motor skills, in addition to special didactic toys: inserts, pyramids, lacing, it is necessary to use board educational games.

The game helps create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children and awakens the desire to communicate with adults and peers.

As a result of observing children speech development It was revealed that children have insufficiently developed speech sound culture and have speech disorders. When answering questions, older preschoolers answer in one word, without using simple and common sentences. Some children have poor diction and problems with pronouncing the purity of sounds (5% - low level, 65% - average, 30% - high).

Therefore, the problem arose - how to intensify speech activity. One of the methods for solving the problem can be a didactic manual, which will ensure an increase in the sound culture of speech in younger preschoolers. This is a game teaching aid “Teremok”.


of which: the development of speech activity in children.

This didactic manual promotes speech development, consolidation of acquired speech skills, will not only activate speech, but will also contribute to the development of attention, memory, visual-figurative and logical thinking, fine motor skills and hand coordination. The colorful appearance of the visual teaching aid will not only attract children to play, but also realize the development of aesthetic perception of objects in the surrounding world.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the teaching aid “Teremok”

1. Increasing children's interest in surrounding objects, peers and active interaction with them.

2. Formed desire to communicate with adults and peers, active imitation of them in movements and actions.

3. Proficiency in active speech, included in communication, both with adults and with peers.

4. Children’s understanding of the speech of adults and peers.

Methodology for using the teaching aid “Teremok”

Using the Teremok manual is possible individually and in small subgroups and allows you to solve the following problems:

1. Development of sound culture of speech in children.

2. Development of coherent speech in children.

3. Development of skills in the use of ordinal numbers, spatial representations “left”, “right”, “above”, “below”, prepositions “above”, “under”, “between”.

4. Development of phonemic hearing, automation of sounds in syllables.

5. Development of fine motor skills.

A differentiated approach to the implementation of the didactic objectives of the manual will allow us to qualitatively track the dynamics of speech development in children.

The teaching aid “Teremok” is a sewn colorful house with pockets in the form of windows for placing subject pictures: images of fairy-tale animals, cards with letters, syllables. The pockets are located on four levels. Designer design, the support of colors makes the guide harmonious and attractive. The house is attached to a box for vertical use of the aid, which will allow it to be demonstrated not only in a horizontal position individually, but also in a vertical position for working with a subgroup of children with the same disabilities speech activity. To stabilize the manual in a vertical position, a weight is used inside the box, which is secured, so the manual is safe for use.

The speech development of children occurs successfully under the condition of constant communication and correction of speech deficiencies using didactic games that solve certain problems of activating speech activity and automating sounds. Gradually, children learn the rules for using the teaching aid in joint activities. Work on the problem of intensifying speech activity and developing the sound culture of speech in preschool children is based on the interaction of adults and children.

The allowance can be used by a teacher or parent.

The benefit includes:

1. House with pocket windows

2. Subject pictures: images of fairy-tale animals and cartoon characters; images: letters, syllables,

Card index of games.

The manual can be used:

In joint activities of children

During regime moments

Individually and in subgroups

Description of work on the proposed material:

Options for tasks.

1 task. D/i “Remember the fairy tale”

Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech, to practice using ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows object pictures of fairy tale characters.

Guess which fairy tale the heroes came from?

Tell this fairy tale (the child tells the fairy tale independently or with the help of a speech therapist).

Who was the first to find the tower? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower?

The teacher depicts fairy tale characters: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. The child guesses. Then the child and teacher change roles.

3 task. D/i “Who lives where?”

Goal: Learn to use prepositions above, below, between.

The teacher places animals in pocket windows, asks them to look carefully and guess who they are?

This beast lives above the wolf. This…

This animal lives above the fox. This …

This beast lives under my arm. This …

This animal lives under the frog. This …

This animal lives between the wolf and the hare. This…

This one is between the mouse and the bear. This …

Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words above, below, between

Task 5. D/i "Settle the tenants"

Goal: To consolidate spatial representations on the left, right, above, below.

The teacher offers to move the animals into apartments.

The mouse will live on the third floor on the left.

Fox is on the second floor on the right.

The bear is on the first floor on the left.

The hare is on the third floor on the right.

The frog is on the second floor on the left.

The wolf is on the first floor on the right.

6 task. D/i “Select pictures with the given sound”

Goal: to develop phonemic awareness, learn to isolate a given sound in a word, automate the sound [...] in words.

The teacher puts a letter in the top window indicating the sound [...] (or another sound to be assigned) and invites the child to find pictures with this sound.

Task 7. D/i “Divide into syllables”

Purpose: to practice dividing words into syllables.

The teacher places syllable patterns in windows with right side and invites the child to place the residents on the left side in accordance with the diagram.

Name each resident. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who lives in which apartment.

Task 8. D/i “Syllabic songs”

Goal: to develop phonemic awareness, automate the sounds in syllables.

teacher: “In the evening, all the residents in the Teremka organize a concert. Everyone sings their favorite song. Let’s sing along with them! Listen carefully and repeat the songs with the mouse. And now with the fox, and now with the bear. Try not to make mistakes!”


The didactic manual “Teremok” helps the child with speech activity. When playing with it, children’s speech is activated, the sound culture of speech, phonemic hearing, memory, and logical thinking are developed. Children improve their skills in automating sounds, pitch and timbre of the voice, dividing words into syllables, using prepositions in speech, consolidating spatial references on the left, right, above, below.

As a result of the work, I noticed that children’s cognitive interest in environmental objects, peers and adults increased, children began to formulate questions and answer adult’s questions, children began to interact more actively with each other in routine moments, children’s speech became understandable.

In the future, the didactic manual can be offered to parents for individual work with children at home.

List of used literature:

1. Federal state educational standards to OOP DOU.

2. Gvozdev A. N. Questions of studying children's speech. - M., 2005. – 98 p.

3. Kosinova E. M. Gymnastics for fingers. M., "Olma-Press", 2001

4. Speech therapy website “Chatterbox”. //

5. Marchenko A.I., L.O. Sokolovskaya. Children's speech early age. Collective of developmental classes “Dolonki” – Kyiv, 2009. – 12 p.

6. Fine motor skills or the influence of hand actions on brain development.