Why is Psalm 23 read? Reading Psalms in various life situations

Psalm 22 is one of the most powerful and powerful psalms ever written. It works so quickly and powerfully that after reading it you will immediately feel the changes! The only condition: you need to read thoughtfully, as if passing all the words through yourself.

Psalm 23 does incredible things! It helps those who are in great need of protection and support. Many people who read it in the most terrible moments of their lives said that help came magically, out of nowhere.

This is a translation of the psalm from ancient Aramaic. We sincerely hope that Psalm 23 will help you overcome all difficulties.

Psalm 22

I am your Shepherd. You will never need anything that I want to give you. If you trust in Me and actually allow Me to be the Shepherd of your life, then I will give you such great peace of mind that it will be like resting in the cool green grass of a spring meadow.

And as long as you learn deeper love and trust, peace will be with you. walk on your soul like a serene quiet lake. It will be a great refreshment for your inner man.

Preparations are underway for the accomplishment of many tasks that I have set before you. And do not underestimate any tasks given to you by Me. For this is for My glory and honor, and not for yours. There will be times when, because of My love for you, I will need to lead you into great darkness.

It will be so huge that you will feel as if you are standing on the very edge of the earth, and death is waiting for you below. But always remember that I am still your Shepherd. In the darkness you may not be able to see Me, but you have My eternal promise that I will never leave or forsake you.

If you continue to trust in Me, even through times of darkness, I will once again flood your heart with such peace that you will be able to sit even in the midst of your enemies. Your joy will be so great that it will overflow into the lives of other people. And as your reward, I will give great and important things into your life.

And when you have accomplished everything that I have planned for you to do, I want you to go and live with Me forever and ever!

All the psalms that make up the single sacred book of Psalms, created by King David, were written in the 11th-10th centuries before the birth of Christ and are a reflection of the events that took place in his life. The Psalter is considered by Orthodox Christians to be the main liturgical book. Without it, not a single morning or evening service is held.

Of all the psalms written by the prophet David, the largest part of his life description is Psalm 23, in which he reflects on the blessings that the Almighty has endowed him with. The Lord appears in the form of a Shepherd - a good shepherd. This metaphor is very close to David, since in the near future he himself was a shepherd. In the Bible, the image of a shepherd is very popular. in the very text of Psalm 22 of David, the psalmist realizes that only with such a Shepherd as the Lord will no one have need, only with Him can one experience peace and grace. The entire psalm twenty-two is permeated with King David’s admiration for communication with the Lord, which is expressed in every word.

Psalm 23 - interpretation of meaning

Psalm 22 of David tells about the Lord’s favor towards the king, about how He fully satisfies David’s earthly needs - these are meadows and well-fed herds. Here, too, spiritual food is spoken of. The main food for all believers is the Word of God.

The still waters spoken of in text of Psalm 22 of David nothing more than an image of the Divine world, which every Christian receives from the Lord, from His forgiveness. He is a shepherd, and we are all his sheep. The Lord directs His sheep to the true and righteous path. He leads all who entrusted their destiny to Him along the path of holiness. The rod and staff symbolize His power and protection of His sheep from any danger. Even leaving this world and moving into another world, and the joy that in these moments the Lord is next to you.

Psalm 22 of King David has a main symbol, which is an open testimony to the king’s enemies about his chosenness. Everything described in this Psalm 23 depicts the joy of the fullness of life of a believer. The verse about God’s mercy and grace accompanying the psalmist throughout his life has a special meaning. By saying “I will abide,” David predicts his return, since at the time of writing this creation, he was far from the sanctuary. The text of Psalm 22 of David clearly expresses his desire to return and for many days to remain in the pleasure of communion with the Lord.

Read the text in Russian Psalm 22 of David

The Lord is my Shepherd; I will lack for nothing: He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters, He strengthens my soul, He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff - they calm me. Thou hast prepared a table before me in the sight of my enemies; anointed my head with oil; my cup is overflowing. Thus, may Thy goodness and mercy accompany me all the days of my life, and I will remain

In the 9th–10th centuries before the birth of Christ, the famous prophet David wrote the famous “Psalter” - prayerful and reverent chants describing the history of the Kingdom of God, an abbreviated version of the Holy Scriptures.

The Psalter consists of Psalms - instructions for believers on the true path, helping to soften their souls, calling for unity. It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ himself sang psalms at his last supper, emphasizing their significance. The main idea of ​​all the chants is the praise of the Lord God, who gives healing and salvation to anyone in need. Psalm 22 is a clear confirmation of this.

The psalms of David, according to the clergy, have miraculous protective power, more than once helping those who doubt and wander in the dark, showing them the true path. Psalm 22 of David tells how a king, who was in the desert and suffering from thirst and hunger, was practically saved by three men who unexpectedly brought him both food and water.

The meaning of the chant

Psalm 23 teaches us that in any difficult situation there is always a way out if you trust in your Lord and believe in his protection. Today the text of the Psalter has been translated into all languages ​​of the world, including Russian. Many of the believers , Wanting to understand the deep meaning of David’s words, they read the text of the prayer Psalm 22 in Church Slavonic.

Text of prayer Psalm 22

In Church Slavonic with accents

1 The Lord feeds me and deprives me of nothing
2 In a green place, there you will settle me, on the water you will raise me in peace.
3 Convert my soul, guide me in the paths of righteousness, for your name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your rod and Your club, that comfort me.
5 Thou hast prepared a table before me against those who were cold against me; thou hast anointed my head with oil, and Thy cup makes me drunken, like a mighty power.
6 And Your mercy will marry me all the days of my life, and make me dwell in the house of the Lord for many days.

In Russian

1 The Lord shepherds me and will not let me need anything.
2 in a place where greenery is abundant, there He settled me, He raised me by calm waters,
3 He converted my soul, He directed me in the path of righteousness for His name's sake.
4 For even if I walk in the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff have encouraged me.
5 You have prepared a table before me in front of those who oppress me, You have anointed my head with oil, and Your cup makes me drunk like the strongest.
6 And Your mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for many days!

Another version of Psalm 22 in Russian

  1. The Lord is my Shepherd; I won't need anything:
  2. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters,
  3. strengthens my soul, guides me on the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
  4. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff - they calm me.
  5. Thou hast prepared a table before me in the sight of my enemies; anointed my head with oil; my cup is overflowing.
  6. So may [Thy] goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life, and I will abide in the house of the Lord many days.

When is David's Psalm 22 read?

  • before an important event, so that the Lord will instill confidence in you;
  • being in doubt and depression - reading slowly, with understanding of the line of Psalm 22, you will understand that our Father will definitely tell you the true path;
  • when leaving home, say the thoughtful words of the prayer “The Lord is my Shepherd,” and this day will be successful for you and those around you;
  • read the Psalm daily, and if this is not possible, then be sure to say a prayer during church holidays.

The psalm could have been written on the same occasion as Psalm IV, i.e. during the flight from Absalom from Jerusalem, when Sovi, Machir and Barzillai, in view of Absalom’s troops, brought food for David and his companions (see Ps. 22_5 v., cf. .). There is an indirect hint here that David feels some guilt before the Lord (Ps. 22_3). And we pointed out that in most of the psalms originating from the time of Absalom’s persecution, David either directly or indirectly expressed the awareness of his guilt before God.

The Lord is my shepherd, who gives me rest and protects me even in the valley of death (1–4). He prepared a meal for me before my enemies, and showed me mercy, which may protect me all the days of my life (5-6).

. The Lord is my Shepherd; I won't need anything:

"The Lord is my shepherd"- the main idea of ​​the psalm, revealed in detail throughout its entire content. Like a shepherd, the Lord protects and nourishes David.

. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters,

“Greacious pastures” are meadows overgrown with rich grass, to which shepherds drive their flocks. “Quiet waters”, calm, not violently flowing, formed from heavy rains, which then quickly dry up, and the springs do not dry up, always flowing and delivering water.

. strengthens my soul, guides me on the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

"Reinvigorates the soul"– with his care for David, the Lord strengthens him, “my soul” – Hebraism – “me”. – "Guides me to the paths of righteousness"– with various facts from life or revelations of one’s will through the prophets, indicates, in case of deviations, the true path of life. So, for example, it happened after the crime with Bathsheba, which the prophet Nathan exposed. – "For His Name's Sake"- an expression often repeated in the psalms and in the Bible in general. It means that the Lord, Who is holy and has no lack in Himself, also requires moral purity from His slaves - people, which is why “directs... to the paths of righteousness” so that man, as a slave and son of God, does not humiliate his Master and Father God with his unworthiness.

. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff - they calm me.

“The valley of the shadow of death” is a valley full of dangers to life from possible attacks from enemies. This is the valley where he was at this time, full of dangers from the proximity of enemies. David believes that the Lord will save him from mortal dangers. "The Rod and Your Staff"- tools with which shepherds protect their flocks from predatory animals. The Lord protects me with His strength, like a shepherd with a staff.

. Thou hast prepared a table before me in the sight of my enemies; anointed my head with oil; my cup is overflowing.

“Anointed my head with oil”, thanks to the help sent, I experience a joyful mood, an outward sign of which in the East was the anointing of the head with oil.

The Psalms are an endless source of hope in the Lord, the Shepherd of all people. David wrote his songs in moments of deep emotional experiences, and his songs were equally passionate, written in moments of sorrow and grief, and created as a result of happy and tremulous moments.

History of writing

As with all the Psalms, this song has spiritual overtones, so it takes longer to interpret. At the same time, the history of its writing is not exactly known and researchers can only put forward various theories about this.

The main idea of ​​Psalm 23 - The Lord protects and protects man

It is believed that King David wrote it during his flight from Jerusalem from the uprising organized by his son Absalom. On this occasion, the king wrote several songs, in particular the fourth and fortieth. While on the run, the king and his entourage suffered a lot, needing shelter and food.

Researchers claim that the song was written by David after his servants Machir and Barzillai brought food for the king's entire congregation and fed the people. That is why David calls the Lord the Shepherd here, in view of the fact that the Heavenly Father always takes care of his flock. And the king, who previously herded sheep, clearly understands what kind of work a shepherd does and how he takes care of the sheep.

Note! This is the first song in which the Lord is called the Shepherd, as Christ would later be portrayed (Who often compared God to a shepherd in His parables).

Here, despite the admiration and blessing of the Lord, the king expresses some guilt before Him, as in all the psalms that were written at that time.

It is believed that the king's illness, which tormented him at that time, was given to him as punishment for some sin and that is why the psalms of that period reflect David's guilt, although it is not directly mentioned in this song.

1 The Lord is my Shepherd; I won't need anything:

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters,

3 He strengthens my soul, He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff - they calm me.

5 You prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies; anointed my head with oil; my cup is overflowing.

6 So may goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord many days.

Interpretation of the Psalm

The interpretation of the Psalter is often difficult for theologians, and it can even be difficult for a common person to make out some words and understand their meaning. That is why it is important to read the interpretation in parallel with Scripture. The difficulty in interpreting the psalms lies in the fact that some historical events cannot be reconstructed, but they were the ones that influenced the creation of this or that text.

The main idea of ​​Psalm 23 is a simple comparison of the Lord with the Shepherd. Based on it, a person understands that no matter what happens in life, the Lord takes care of him. He is a guardian and a provider, a listener and an adviser - He is a rock and a support for a person. The Lord always provides His children with what they need, be it bread, water or shelter, or maybe trials in order to bring a person back to the Shepherd.

It is also worth looking at each verse of the psalm individually:

The psalm also contains an image of danger and death, but only as a contrast with the reliable protection that a person has in the Lord. Reading this song, a person can be calm - the Shepherd is with him.

Reading rules

Psalm 22 is used in worship and during many rituals in Orthodoxy and Judaism.

In the Orthodox Church it is required to be read before Communion and during repentance. The beauty of the syllable and the brightness of the images made the psalm attractive to directors, so its sound can be heard in many films (“Terminator”, “Sin City”, “Titanic”).

Attention! There are a number of superstitions among the people that claim that the psalm must be read 40 times to heal or solve any problem. These are just superstitions.

It should be remembered that you can read the psalm at the moments of morning and evening prayers, when you want to glorify and praise God, or when fear has gripped your soul. How many times this text is read is completely unimportant, only the sincere heart of a person is important.

Psalter. Psalm 22