Advice from psychologists on how to return the love of a husband to his wife and how to rekindle the former passion in a relationship with a man. How to bring passion back into a relationship: some useful tips How to bring passion back into a relationship

Nothing lasts forever in this world, including marital passion. It would seem that just recently one touch of a loved one caused a sweet shiver throughout the whole body, and now everything has gone somewhere, what previously seemed like magic, has become ordinary and boring everyday life...

At the very beginning of a relationship, when a man and a woman are at the peak of falling in love, you can never say how long the passion will last in their relationship and when it will wane. This can happen either after a year or after ten years of marriage, or it may never happen if a couple in love skillfully maintains their fire of love and does not allow it to go out.

Passion, like a delicate flower, requires care and respect. But, unfortunately, many couples not only do not care about preserving this feeling, but also, without realizing it, help ensure that it leaves their relationship as quickly as possible. And when the process is already irreversible, they try with all their might to return passionate feelings for each other.

Why does passion go away?

Lack of romance For some reason, many couples, having gotten married, immediately forget about the romantic side of the relationship. Men stop giving women flowers, making gifts and giving compliments, and women, in turn, do not even try to somehow decorate and diversify their joint leisure time.

Accumulation of mutual claims and grievances Unfortunately, many married couples do not know how to properly resolve conflict situations that inevitably arise in any family. Instead of peacefully solving all the problems that arise and seeking consensus, the spouses begin to sort things out in a raised voice and arrange showdowns that smoothly turn into scandals, during which things are said to each other that can be difficult to forget... Habit Very bad, when the feeling of novelty disappears in a relationship, and being next to your loved one begins to be perceived not as a gift of fate, but as something taken for granted. At first, the spouses get used to each other, then they stop noticing each other, and after some time they begin to get on each other’s nerves with their very presence. The worst thing is that this process is smooth, imperceptible and, in most cases, irreversible.

So is there anything that can be done to avoid such a disastrous end, prevent the onset of mutual cooling and return passion to the relationship? Family psychologists believe that it is certainly possible! But for this you need to be prepared to make certain efforts so that the fire of desire does not go out.

If you want passion back in your relationship, but don't know what to do, try following these tips:

Try to improve the sexual side of your relationship If lovemaking in your bedroom has long been reduced to a few minutes of hasty sex before bed, then it is not surprising if you and your partner soon lose interest in each other. Nothing is more boring than monotony and repetition. You don't know how to diversify your intimate life? Believe me, for this it is not at all necessary to comprehend the basics of the Kama Sutra! Erotic lingerie, soft, beautiful music and watching an “adult” movie can dramatically improve the quality of your sexual relationships. And if you agree to play sexual games with your partner, he will even begin to carry you in his arms! Diversify your leisure time It’s sad if your family leisure time boils down to you watching your favorite TV series every evening, and your partner in the other room reading a book or sitting at the computer. So you can gradually become complete strangers to each other! Joint activities will help bring passion back into your relationship. Arrange family outings more often: go with your partner to concerts, presentations, visit cafes and restaurants. If you have married couples among your friends, at least several times a year organize group trips to nature with barbecues and overnight stays - it’s so romantic! Make your partner a little jealous of you This does not mean that you should cheat on him or flirt with others in front of his eyes. He just needs to see that you are just as successful with the opposite sex as before. The law of psychology says: if a person knows that he can lose something at any moment, he values ​​it doubly! Let your partner get the impression that you have a lot of secret admirers and that you are with him only because you really love him. Because of this, his feelings for you, filled with passion, can flare up with renewed vigor! Try to always look your best. The external attractiveness of a partner is important for both men and women. Meanwhile, taking care of your appearance does not require much time or money. Move more, engage in some kind of active sport, do not overeat, be neat, tidy and try to follow fashion - and your partner will be proud and admire you for many years! Don’t hide your feelings The more often you sincerely speak kind and tender words of love to your partner, the more chances you will have to return your fading passion and make your relationship emotionally deep, bright and harmonious!

Physical intimacy is a very important part of a relationship. It is especially necessary in marriage. People often don't talk about what bothers them. Women remain silent about their dissatisfaction, and men pretend not to notice.

How to understand that the passion in a relationship has faded?

There are several ways to do this. Strong female intuition will tell you that the relationship has cooled due to the following signs:

  1. The man no longer looks at you with enthusiastic eyes. Doesn't bring flowers, doesn't joke.
  2. The family moved into the background for him. He stays late at work more and more often, and upon returning he immediately goes to bed.

Who wouldn’t suspect something was wrong in such a situation? After all, intimacy with her husband is important to every woman. She wants to be loved, feel cared for and know that she is supported in any situation.

Reasons why passion disappeared

It is necessary to realize that passion does not just disappear. There are reasons for this. Let's look at the most likely of them.

1. You lack emotional intimacy.

After all, people are connected not only by sexual relationships. There is something more, especially between husband and wife. Romance and the candy-bouquet period are far in the past. A man no longer whispers erotic compliments into his ear. But! Why not restore it? So what if you're married? So what if you have already learned all of each other's habits?

Emotional intimacy is like the “glue” for your relationship. You lack emotions, liveliness. But it is with vivid shared experiences that real passion begins.

2. There are unresolved issues between you.

Fears and worries, especially regarding sex, should be discussed in marriage. After all, each person has his own vision of what intimate life should be like. A man perceives the concepts of “sex” and “passion” in his own way, and a woman in her own way. And these may be opposing opinions! Discuss your features with your husband without hesitation. Tell him how you see your present and future, and be able to listen to his position. Otherwise, how to maintain passion in marriage?

3. A man has too much to do

The modern world puts too much pressure on men. They have a huge amount of responsibility, worries and problems. A man is told how strong he must be, that he must not give in. Naturally, all this affects his emotional state, and then relationships. Passion fades into the background, because first you need to fulfill all the responsibilities.

Now it's time to figure out what to do? How to get closer again? How to start feeling each other like on first dates? How to renew passion with your husband? What should I change in myself so that everything becomes good again? We have prepared answers to these questions.

How to bring back passion in a relationship with your husband?

Despite all the prejudices in this aspect, it is possible to rekindle the fire of love and return to past states. And it's not as difficult as it might seem. We have prepared a list of the best ways!

There are many ways to bring back passion. Make an effort, because being married is not easy. But the good news is that you can change everything at any time.

In this article, you will learn how to bring passion back into a relationship, as well as why love comes much later than passion and why methods like “wear lacy lingerie” or “try new positions” do not work. After reading the article, you will understand everything.

You can go straight from the content to ways to bring passion back into a relationship. But if you want to know where the passion went, read first.

Where has the passion gone?

If a child grew up in an unhappy family and has not seen a real example of a mature family relationship where mom and dad love, care for each other and live happily, then such a child will have no idea what love is. Unfortunately, we cannot invent life experiences for ourselves; we either have them or we don’t. And therefore, if a person did not have an example of an adult mature relationship before his eyes, most likely it will be difficult for him to build one himself.

Such a child has the opportunity to learn about love only from films, books, and songs. And there, as a rule, they show and talk only about falling in love - the first period of a relationship, filled with vivid emotions, a surge of hormones, and intense passions. And since the child has no other pictures, no other experience, he comes to the conclusion that this is love.

What happens when this child grows up and enters into a relationship? All he can afford in a relationship is only that first period when the so-called chemistry is born, when two people are full of passion and fire.

As soon as this first period of relationship comes to an end, after 1-3 years of relationship, he says to himself: “It seems that love has passed.” He doesn’t have an answer in his head to the question “what’s next?”; he hasn’t seen or heard anywhere about what should happen after the hormones have calmed down.

Most likely, he has the thought: “The relationship with this person is coming to an end, it’s time to look for the next one.” So, he can well afford this initial period of relationships several times, with different people. But he will never reach love itself. Thus, a person loses the opportunity to enjoy a real adult relationship that is not clouded by a burst of love. He closes off the opportunity to truly love.

Love is a feeling that goes through many stages of relationships, and at each stage love has different definitions, different benefits, different identifying marks. And a person who knows only the first stage of a relationship does not even reach love. In this sense, we can say about such a person that he is not an adult, not mature, infantile. Infantile people are unable to allow relationships to mature. They try to delay them in the initial phase and do everything to prevent the relationship from developing further.

It's like trying to remain a child for the rest of your life because mature, adult life is not so fun and eventful. But adult life has its own charms. Just like mature love.

How to bring passion back into a relationship - 3 ways

The word “passion” itself is characteristic only of the first, sweet-bouquet period of a relationship. True love is born just after passion and hormonal surge subside. Read about where true love begins in the next subtitle.

In the meantime, let’s talk about ways to return bright emotions to relationships. You've probably already heard about such simple methods as: romantic dates, sex in a hotel, sexual experiments, lace underwear. These are definitely good ways to stir things up in a relationship. But these are external, artificial methods of maintaining passion. We will talk about deeper, internal psychological methods.

So, I present to you 3 ways to refresh your relationship, make it less routine and once again bloom flowers in your family life:

Method #1: Breaking the pattern

One of the reasons for discord in long-term relationships is the desire for merging, the desire to constantly be together. Such a desire is a common occurrence at the beginning of a relationship, but over time, the desire to be together all the time has the opposite, negative effect. Therefore, one of the most important ways to maintain strong emotions in a relationship is disconnection. Try for the sake of experiment, for example, sleeping in different beds or at least under different blankets. You can also go away for a week or let your partner do it. When partners are unavailable to each other for some time, and especially when they are separated by kilometers, the dissatisfaction of not being able to see each other intensifies feelings.

If you are afraid to let your partner go to another city or even under another blanket, you probably don't trust him or you have an addiction. How to work with dependent relationships, read this.

Obviously, there are many benefits to temporary separation or sleeping in different rooms. After all, sleeping under the same blanket for many years turns marriage and marital duty into a routine, into an obligation. Periodic separation or overnight separation will allow you to look at your relationship differently for the first time in years and will likely increase your desire for intimacy. The dissatisfaction of changing the pattern will return or increase your attraction.

Passion burns in those relationships in which there is both intimacy and autonomy. And it is advisable to maintain a balance between them. It is the lack, the lack of a partner, that increases the energy of passion in a relationship. Create this lack regularly, just as regularly as you create intimacy and constant presence. Let them alternate.

To work with addictive relationships or to understand how to return bright emotions and intimacy in your specific situation, you can contact me for a consultation via Skype. I am a psychologist, and relationships are the main profile of my work.

Method #2: Sexual frankness

This method helps partners not only increase the attraction between them, but also get closer to a whole new level. With this method, you can feel each other as yourself.

The method is as follows. Start exploring yourself during intimacy. Concentrate on your own sensations, identify them in your body and describe them out loud. You can tell your partner about your feelings, connecting them with other pictures, associations, perhaps memories, with everything that comes to mind. And just trying to describe what you feel during foreplay and during.

This kind of openness will help you explore your own feelings and those of your partner. This is an incredibly sweet intimacy, a moment in which being present and immersed in your partner helps you dive into the depths of yourself.

Perhaps for the first time during intimacy, you will both be one hundred percent in the present and think only about each other and about each other’s feelings. This type of intimacy requires deep inner work, and it won’t be possible to do it right away. You will need to get into deep contact with yourself. Feel yourself.

This method has an obvious condition - your partner must also be seriously interested in experimenting with sexual frankness. Both of you must learn to describe your feelings during intimacy. It is not easy. But the effect of this method is undeniable - you will get to know yourself and your partner by describing your experience. You will become much closer.

If you think that your partner will not like this idea, begin to gently, gradually introduce this practice into your intimate relationship yourself. Time after time, slowly, your partner will also join in this game, and you will learn to communicate verbally using body language. This method will give you the opportunity to move towards your true self, increasing your awareness through intimacy with another person. And your sex life will become completely different and turn 180 degrees.

It won't be easy at first, but with experience, this type of intimacy will create a great bond between you and strengthen your feelings for each other.

Method #3: Passion for yourself

Our life is a mirror. When you want to argue with someone, you are actually arguing with yourself. When you want to do a good deed for someone, you do a good deed for yourself. Infantilism in relationships, which we talked about in the preface, is usually accompanied by the thought: “He is no longer the same as he was before. I want who he was in the beginning.” This is a child's position. No, don’t try to live in the illusion that someone else is to blame for something. You are already an adult, take responsibility.

If you want to fill your relationship with passion, fill yourself and your life with passion. What you want to receive from your partner, you must first of all be able to give to yourself. How do you feel about yourself? Do you love yourself? Is your life full of passion, or is it gloomy and boring? Make life vibrant. Live in pleasure. And I'm not talking about putting on makeup, taking a bath, or making nice purchases for yourself. This is also important, but, as in the case of the hotel and lace lingerie, these are external, artificial methods that have little effect on the deep inner attitude towards oneself.

Light yourself up from the inside out. Start with the body. Do something that brings you true pleasure. Fitness, yoga, swimming, dancing, running. Don't try to do what the majority simply chooses to do. Find what is close to you, what brings you pleasure. Working with the body will give you a lot of energy and saturate you with the hormone of joy.

Do you have passion for what you do? If not, change it. Find something you like that brings you pleasure. This is the key to being passionate about everything. If you don’t want to change your job, change your attitude towards it. Find what you like about it and focus only on those things. Come to work for them. And in your free time, find an activity that brings you true pleasure. Living in pleasure with yourself, you will inevitably experience pleasure in relationships.

In order for you to learn to treat yourself with love and respect, I wrote a book with the same title. you can read its full description and purchase it. In it I have collected the most proven techniques with which I have helped many of my clients increase their self-esteem, become more confident and love themselves. This book will help you fill your life with passion and overall happiness!

You've learned three ways to bring powerful emotions back into routine relationships. They work on a deep psychological level, and if you treat them superficially, then they will only work superficially. Have you been wanting to bring passion back into your relationship? This can only be done through deep work. Lacy lingerie and a night at a hotel will do the trick only for a couple of evenings. And the proposed methods can fill your relationship with emotions for life.

In this video I talk about a few more ways to bring passion back into your relationship:

Now let's find out why, when passion ends, love is still far away. And about what begins in a relationship after the candy-bouquet period.

So what's the deal?

Why did the passion disappear in your couple? It's not always about routine, differences in interests, or the fact that the relationship has been going on for a very long time. Often the reason may lie in insufficient trust between partners, in fears, beliefs, misunderstandings, or simply in the fact that you don’t talk much with each other on frank topics and, as a result, do not know about each other’s true desires and needs.

Relationships between people are shaped by their life experiences, conditions and circumstances of their past, and mostly unconsciously. All these are mental processes. And you can truly understand how your relationship with your specific partner is formed by working with a specialist.

I am a psychologist and provide consultations via Skype. Together with you in consultation, we will be able to understand what formed the relationship you have now, and how this can be changed. you can find more information to get to know me better.

in contact with, instagram or . You can get acquainted with the cost of services and the work scheme. You can read or leave reviews about me and my work.

Where love begins - 7 stages of relationships

At the beginning of the article, I promised to tell you about at what stage of a relationship, contrary to stereotypes, love actually begins. Relationships go through seven stages, and love begins at the very end. So, there are seven stages that any relationship inevitably goes through:

Stage #1: Falling in love

This is that sweet candy-bouquet period that people call love. Poems have been written about him, songs have been sung, films have been made and books have been written. During this period, the mind is clouded by a surge of hormones, you are in euphoria and are not able to look at your partner sensibly and objectively. This period lasts 1-3 years. Typically, the longer you don't live together, the longer it lasts. This surge of hormones and the resulting euphoria were not invented by chance by nature: after all, if we could immediately soberly see a loved one with all his shortcomings, we would create families much less, and procreation would become a rarity.

Stage #2: Satiety

The grinding is over, and you see that your partner has shortcomings. Usually it is at this stage that you already begin to think: “How to bring passion back into the relationship? It seems love has passed." But in fact, it is still quite far away! Typically, the second stage occurs after two people start living together. Now you not only notice flaws, but you can see them up close. This is the time of the first disappointments.

Stage #3: Disgust

Most couples separate at this stage. This is the beginning of the first quarrels, accompanied by a concentration on the partner’s shortcomings. It may seem to you that there is absolutely nothing good about it. To get through this period and move on, remember the mirror rule. Any conflict with another person is always, absolutely always a conflict with oneself. Every time you want to quarrel, first think about why you want to quarrel with yourself? What need of yours have you not satisfied?

You can, of course, understand and work through this more clearly with .

At the stage of disgust, as a rule, partners often sort things out. Read about how to quarrel correctly so that the conflict only leads to the development of relationships.

Stage #4: Patience

Calm, just calm. You have already passed the most difficult part, the stage of disgust, which means that your relationship may well last a lifetime. Well, or at least twenty years. During the patience stage, you both learn to be more comfortable with each other's shortcomings and come to terms with some of them. Your relationship is developing and will soon become love. You are already great!

Stage #5: Respect

Finally, you begin to understand that relationships are built on efforts on the part of both, and you learn to make your own efforts to maintain them. Not everyone reaches this stage. Moreover, many couples live their entire lives in the previous stage. Most people never think about working on themselves and do not shift their focus to themselves. Such people think that everyone around them owes them and everyone except them is to blame. But those who decide to grow up and take responsibility for conflicts reach this stage and understand what love is.

At this stage, people begin to pay attention to what the partner wants. And they try to satisfy each other's needs.

Stage #6: Friendship

You have learned to understand each other, support, communicate. You really feel good together. You trust and are grateful for a lot to your partner. You have learned to please each other. You have become dear to each other. Your partner is your true friend.

Stage #7: Love

Congratulations! You have reached the finish line. And at the finish line, love begins. To reach it, you need to be mature people. Learn to listen to each other. Then - start satisfying the needs of the other. Then make friends. Throughout all these stages you learn to serve each other. If you can pacify your pride and begin to serve your partner, then love can gradually come into your life.

The duration of the relationship stages is individual for each couple. The more mature and aware people enter into relationships, the faster they go through all stages.

Read about how to go through all seven stages, how to communicate, quarrel, give, receive, serve and thank correctly - in articles about and about. Life is a constant work on yourself. If you refuse to work, life will go completely differently than you originally intended. So take it into your own hands. And you can understand what is happening in your relationship, where it leads and how, if necessary, to give it a different direction, in a Skype consultation with a psychologist.


Not only did you learn how to bring passion back into a relationship, but you also learned about all the stages of a relationship. Passion can be returned or experienced again while at any of the stages. True, it will be different, not the same as at the beginning, at the first stage. But that doesn't make it any less pleasant.

Listen to each other and to yourself. Pay attention to where your dissatisfaction comes from. Usually the reason is in ourselves. Serve, give thanks, listen to each other! And then passion will not disappear from your relationship until old age.

And don't forget to buy my book. it can be purchased at a symbolic cost of 149 rubles. In it I share the most effective techniques with the help of which I once became confident and learned to love myself. This book will help you improve your relationships and also help you make your whole life happy!

If you need individual help in building relationships, you can contact me for psychological help. I will help you build mature, happy and long-term relationships in which passion will burn brightly until old age.

You can make an appointment with me for a consultation through in contact with, instagram or . You can get acquainted with the cost of services and the work scheme. You can read and leave reviews about me and my work.

Subscribe to my Instagram And YouTube channel. Improve and develop yourself with me!

Have a passionate life!
Your psychologist Lara Litvinova

When starting a family with a man, every woman expects that even after 20 years the love will be as passionate as at the very beginning of their relationship. But time passes, everyday worries take up more and more time, and sex life is no longer so intense.

When love turns from a seething volcano into a calm, full-flowing river, it is the woman who notices these changes first. Naturally, a woman does not like it when the degree of passion between her and her husband decreases somewhat, so she begins to look for ways to return their former passion to their union.

In order to find the reason for the fading of her husband’s love, a woman, first of all, should look at herself from the outside. Over time, women stop paying due attention to their appearance, and men, as everyone knows, love first of all with their eyes. After the birth of a child in the family, a woman often no longer has any strength left for herself, throwing all her energy and time into the baby and herself.

Another reason is increased control on the part of the spouse and her taking over the role of a man in the family. Strong women, of course, are unique in their attractiveness and worthy of admiration. However, if they try to push a man into the background, then love on his part will begin to fade away. No matter how self-sufficient a woman is, a man wants to see next to him a beloved partner who needs his guardianship and care, and not an authoritarian “mommy.”

Signs of fading love

Everyone knows that every representative of the fair sex has a very developed intuition, so she often manages to notice cooling on the part of a man even in the initial stages.


Fewer hugs and compliments, lack of participation in solving household problems, and decreased sexual activity are the most common signs that a man has begun to distance himself from his wife.

If love is gone, then it is quite possible that a mistress will appear and the number of scandals will increase. Any request from the wife will cause irritation in the husband.

How to regain your spouse's interest

Noticing that her lover is rapidly moving away, the woman begins to sound the alarm and look for ways to regain her lover’s interest. But first, you should decide for yourself whether you need his love again, for the return of which you will have to make a lot of effort.

Psychologists recommend that married women first understand themselves, understand how they perceive themselves and what exactly they see as their purpose. If a woman sees herself exclusively in the role of homemaker, then she may well lose herself in household chores. As a result, without engaging in self-development, there is every chance of losing your husband’s love.

Therefore, having set yourself the goal of regaining the interest of your beloved husband, be prepared for the following steps:

  • Pay attention to developing yourself as a person. Forget about watching housewives TV series and afternoon gossip with your friend on the phone. Find time to read useful literature, think about your hobbies. Strive to learn something new every day so you can always carry on a conversation with your husband.
  • Stop suffocating your husband with your guardianship. Unfortunately, many wives go too far with their desire to take care of their beloved husband, as a result, projecting onto themselves the role of his “mommy.” And as a result, she will not receive a self-sufficient spouse nearby, but an infantile “peasant” who will expect increased attention to his person and will stop taking part in household chores.
  • Forget about whims and scandals. If the home atmosphere, designed to provide coziness and comfort, begins to depress you emotionally, your husband will not only grow cold towards you, but will also begin to feel irritated.
  • Pay special attention to your appearance and demeanor. After the wedding, most women noticeably relax and stop taking proper care of themselves. Then why are you surprised that your husband has stopped paying attention to you, if in the place of his beloved sweet girl he sees a “poor” housewife. Down with the ladle and robe! Remember how beautiful you were at the very beginning of your relationship: update your wardrobe, get a manicure and change your hairstyle. Your changes for the better will not go unnoticed.

How to bring back the former passion in your relationship with your husband

The longer your relationship lasts, the more ordinary your sex life becomes. Basically, women are the first to lose interest in sex, beginning to perceive sex with their husband as the fulfillment of marital duty. At such moments, excuses begin in the form of headaches and general fatigue.

If you begin to notice that it is your husband who is losing interest in the intimate part of your relationship, then pay your attention to the following expert advice:

  • Stop clamping down. A man dreams of seeing a liberated partner in his bed, and not a sedentary prude.
  • Diversify your bed games. Forget about traditional poses. If, day after day, a woman lies on her back, rolls her eyes and barely breathes, then a man will simply stop wanting to have sex with her.
  • Buy yourself some sexy lingerie. Alternatively, you can wear stockings and high heels. Do not forget that if a woman does not attract a man externally, then she will not excite him.
  • Stop being silent in bed. Are you used to keeping your emotions to yourself and are you afraid to disturb the peaceful sleep of your neighbors with loud moans, or do you think that a loud woman looks overly slutty? Forget about such thoughts! A man will be pleased to see and hear how good you are with him.
  • Don't hide your desires. A man is not a telepath and is not able to understand which part of the body touching will give you the greatest pleasure. Do not hesitate to guide him, because sex should be enjoyable for both.

No matter how they say that sex in a relationship is not the main thing, it is not so. Sex plays one of the main roles in married life, and men are quite dependent on carnal pleasures.

Improve your intimate life, surround him with care within reasonable limits and let him be the main one in your relationship. As a result, you will get a husband looking at you with sparkling eyes, and you will stop worrying that his interest in you may fade.

Which of the established couples has not worried about such a question? An Astro7 expert and a professional psychologist examined the issue from two sides.

A feeling that cannot be confused with anything else

The most valuable thing a person has is absolutely free. These are his emotions and feelings. And their absence is like taking photographs without a flash. Everything seems to be going fine, but there is no brightness, no glowing eyes, for us these are just color pictures, nothing more. And one of the most vivid, merciless and dizzying sensations that we can experience is, of course, passion. A feeling that incinerates everything in its path and breaks all prohibitions and barriers. This is the call of the animal and the uncontrolled inner self, a manifestation of a mixture of instinct and human madness. A feeling that carries enormous energy potential, capable of moving a person in any direction with absolute speed. But - alas - it is short-lived, and sooner or later a person “comes to his senses”: everything melts like snow, returning a person to gray everyday life. Yes, passion can manifest itself in completely different areas of our lives, but the main and most common one is passion for another person. It is so important that, having not received enough of it in one place, a person seeks to replenish it and constantly thinks about it. It is this aspect that many couples stumble over, which causes many difficulties in building relationships. The first thing I want to say is that passion should not be confused with love, these are almost opposite feelings. Love is, first of all, the desire to “give”, and passion is to “take”. Of course, the highest happiness is when a couple has a well-mixed cocktail of both feelings. If you think that love has passed, look from the outside: maybe your relationship simply lacks the energy of passion? And answer yourself the question: do you want to return your former passion? Better yet, are you ready to make it new and brighter? Before you start acting, remember all the bright moments of your shared past, feel them, feel them again - with this you will awaken in yourself the energy of femininity and brightness, exactly the one that your loved one liked and excited. Forget all fears and grievances, all negative emotions, cross out all the past that has nothing to do with passion. Strong expressive music can greatly help with this; it will raise your energy to the limit, force you to act, change and change the world around you. Look at yourself, restore your confidence and self-love. Do something that you have never done or have abandoned for a long time: sports, dancing, even just renovating or rearranging your home can change a lot. Change the sounds and colors of life, and if your husband has not noticed a change in your hairstyle for a long time, change your appearance radically. It's hard not to notice! Not only lipstick, but also hair color, the smell of eau de toilette, and especially clothing priorities. In order for the effect to have the energy of a flash and have a longer lasting nature, you do not need to do all this in one day. This requires seven days. No more, no less - this is exactly what a man needs to rebuild his energy and attitude towards you. And, most importantly, remember that passion is an instinct, and the brightest place for its manifestation is, as they say, the bed. Having regained your sensations, it’s time to start bringing back your partner’s passion!

So, how can you bring back passion in bed?

Many tips, of course, are as old as the hills, but I’ll still remind you of them. Passion fades away when you become predictable, when people no longer need to include their premonitions, because they already know everything. In such relationships, the brain now rules. So become unpredictable. Stock up on new clothes in which you roam around the house, change your dressing gowns to more feminine things, change the colors of normality and familiarity. Do all the housework in a relaxed and playful manner, wash the dishes with a smile, don’t perceive everything as hard work - I assure you, with this attitude, your true attitude towards all this will also change very quickly! Prepare dinner in a new way, get excited about serving, put energy of anticipation into it. Buy new bed linen, use candles, try to find a new place for your meetings. Of course, the renewal of emotions requires a joint vacation. Throw away all conventions: the bed is a place of trust, the realization of fantasies and the wildest illusions of a person. A place to express his instincts and character. Let the person prove himself, show who he is, what role he wants to play. And, of course, that’s not all, I think many of those who tried to return the passion of their loved one have already tried all this, but it doesn’t always work. Most often, this happens because we forget about what a woman definitely shouldn’t do. Here's what you need to understand:— A man, like a woman, is quite impressionable; he can also love with his ears. - There is no need to constantly terrorize him about his obligation to you in terms of marital duty. Your eyes should burn, not your tongue. “You shouldn’t talk about it all the time, it’s better to think, but not insist, it’s better to hint than to force.” Don’t let him think about the fact that he cannot give you a full sense of life. He is a conqueror, and he must want and desire you. He must move mountains for you and rush towards you. - Under no circumstances set him up for failure by reminding him of problems in the male sphere. Do not talk about what you had before him and with whom, and, especially, about how things are going with your friends and acquaintances. He is the best for you. And, recognizing this, you will really feel it. - There is no need to insist, just on your own, do not frighten him with your fantasies, which he may take as unrealistic. - Bring out all your tenderness, warmth and care for him. Let him reveal his desires, perhaps you will like them too, maybe you simply never imagined that this was possible!
“A man’s eyes can perceive even more and even complete fantasy images. - Write him SMS with playful content, notes on the refrigerator, read explicit magazines in front of him, leaving bookmarks in the place that interests you most. So, is it possible to bring back passion? Can! And all other questions - only to the doctor. Unfortunately, such problems also occur.