We build a decorative mill for the garden on our own: a step-by-step master class. Do-it-yourself decorative mill for the garden: step-by-step instructions, photo drawings and master classes Build a decorative mill with your own hands

Despite the fact that the era of agriculture ended many years ago, many are still interested in the question of how to make a mill for a summer residence with your own hands without much effort. Today we will cover this topic in as much detail as possible.

First of all, it’s worth talking about why a windmill is needed in a country house today? After all, most likely no one will decide to use it to grind prepared millet into flour on a daily basis.

In addition, today, growing millet is already more of an activity for professional farmers, because they are mainly responsible for production exclusively with modern technology.

Please note. Even more ideas can be found on the website https://dachadesign.ru/

However, a do-it-yourself decorative mill, which will be installed in the future at the dacha, has not bothered anyone yet.

What is a windmill used for today?

Before you decide to choose a place where your self-made windmill will be installed in the future, you should definitely keep in mind that the structure may have different purposes.

Firstly, a DIY windmill made for your dacha can hide some of the least attractive places in your home, like a manhole.

Secondly, most mills, which can be made without any problems with your own efforts, are quite simply made from lightweight materials, which makes it possible to significantly reduce their size.

For this reason, this type of structure is in most cases used as protective caps necessary for various types engineering objects.

Thirdly, many owners country houses decide to turn the mill drawings into real life to the playhouse for their children. True, this requires a slightly enlarged design, but nothing is definitely possible.

The main thing you should pay attention to is that it is as stable as possible and with an open entrance.

Of course, if you decide to make a mill for the garden, you can later find one for it huge amount the most various applications, as a component of modern landscape design.

Selecting and preparing a site for a new mill

Construction windmill– this is quite a responsible moment. It is important to pay attention to a number of fairly important factors in order to achieve a truly beautiful design.

Ideally, this should be an open space, since the blades will rotate actively and non-stop, and besides, it is much easier to assemble a massive structure in an open area, because absolutely nothing will interfere.

After completing the issue of choosing a location, it is necessary to remove all stumps and bushes that may interfere. By the way, if the grass is tall enough, it is advisable to even cut it. The ground must be thoroughly leveled before installation of the structure.

Create a plan

The easiest way to understand from a photo of a mill at the dacha is how exactly the structure should be built.

The following actions must be taken:

  • Draw a sketch of the future layout;
  • Using the drawing, calculate what size each of the parts for the future mill will be;
  • Choose the optimal material for yourself, which will subsequently be used to create all structural elements.

It is believed that pine is one of the most profitable materials from a financial point of view, since everyone can afford it, and at the same time it is endowed with fairly good performance qualities.

Pay attention!

After completing all the issues with the drawing and, accordingly, the plan, you can then proceed to the process of direct assembly. To make the mill look really beautiful, you can decorate it. This will give the object a finished look.

It is important to note that if wooden elements were not processed well enough, it is advisable to use paint for decoration.

Of course, anyone can make a mill on their own. The most important thing is to think through the first stage in detail and draw the correct markings, as well as subsequently select the ideal place in your opinion.

In addition, you need to decide in advance what qualities you want to endow your building with.

DIY mill photo

Pay attention!

Contents of the article:

A windmill is a structure on garden territory, carrying ancient greatness and wisdom, which since ancient times was used for grinding grain crops, and today can become an excellent decoration for the site and game room for children. In addition, the building can be adapted for household needs: used as a storage room gardening tools, and, if desired, as a wind generator to generate electricity. If you set out to build a mill on your property, you will find a lot of useful information in the article.

Features of the construction of windmills

Today on local area you can see buildings that do not have functional purpose. Such buildings include a windmill, replicating ancient buildings.

The standard design has the shape of an isosceles trapezoid, with blades that are attached to one wall. The blades can be stationary or rotating. For ease of installation, it is made of several parts that are assembled in a given location.

The windmill diagram is simple - it consists of three main parts:

  • Frame. It is made four- or pentagonal. The owner chooses the dimensions; they mainly depend on the purpose of the structure. For example, if children will play in it, the platform must be massive, and the structure itself must be securely fastened so that it does not tip over. Often the base is made of concrete.
  • Blades. In decorative mills, the shape and configuration of the blades does not matter. If they rotate mechanisms, they are made large, according to certain rules.
  • Power plant. Used only in case of electricity generation. It is difficult to make it yourself, so all parts electrical system buy. The units are installed in the internal cavity of the structure.
Windmills in the country are built in two cases. Designs for decoration distract from everyday worries, decorate the area and are pleasing to the eyes. Built in an old rural style. In this case, its practical value is very limited, since the mill is used only in certain cases:
  1. For masking places not intended for prying eyes, for example, sewer hatches.
  2. Built from lightweight material the structure can act as a protective cap for engineering structures.
  3. The sturdy, large structure becomes a playroom for children.
  4. Gardening tools are often stored in the building.
  5. Stone mills are combined with a barbecue.
  6. The design is sometimes used to repel moles. The rotation of the blades creates vibration, which is transmitted through the legs to the ground and scares away animals.
If the appropriate equipment is connected to the blades, electricity can be generated. The power of the installation depends on the size of the mill; very small buildings produce no more than 100 W.

Preparatory work

Before making a windmill, draw a sketch of it to scale with all the dimensions by which you can determine the number consumables. In our case, the dimensions of the structural units will be as follows: large base - 1.5-2 m; the height of the building from the lower base to the roof is 2 m; roof - 1.2-1.3 m.

To make parts you will need the following materials:

  • Thick plywood or board 15-20 cm wide and 2 cm thick - to create the base of the mill;
  • Wooden lining - for hull cladding, you can use low quality material;
  • Thin slats 20-40 mm - for forming a frame;
  • Layout slats - for making blades;
  • Corners - for closing gaps at the joints of parts;
  • Nails and screws;
  • Drying oil or varnish - to create a protective layer on lumber;
  • A long bolt with nuts and washers - for fastening the blade;
  • Long pins - for rotating the upper part.
Sand all wooden pieces using sandpaper or a machine. Glass and silicon skins are best suited for this purpose. Do not use corundum or similar materials; they create a lot of dust, which settles on the surface and contaminates it.

To extend the service life, coat the lumber with special wood impregnations (Aquatex, Pinotex, Belinka, etc.). They will reliably protect the tree from precipitation, fungi, and insect pests. Apply the liquid in 2 layers, after the previous one has dried. Before the procedure, make sure the product is safe and, if necessary, protect yourself by individual means protection.

To speed up the work, you will need a saw, drill and screwdrivers, an electric plane and a sander.

How to make a windmill in your country house

Let's consider the sequence of operations during construction simplest design. It consists of 3 parts - lower, middle and upper. Each unit can be manufactured separately, and then transported to a predetermined location and assembled there. Below is the sequence of assembling the structure.

Instructions for building a decorative windmill

Let's consider an example of manufacturing a structure with rotating blades and a rotating top part. The building is for decoration only summer cottage, another practical significance does not have.

Perform the operations in the following sequence:

  • Determine where the structure will be located. A mill with rotating blades is built in an open area where it is always windy, which will ensure constant rotation of the blades. Ideal option- a lawn with mixborders, against which it looks very good.
  • Clear the area of ​​vegetation and level the surface. Compact the site for the mill - concrete it, lay it with stone or paving slabs.
  • Make the base of the building. To do this, cut out 2 squares from thick plywood that will serve as platform platforms. In our case, blanks of 30x30 and 40x40 cm are used.
  • Locate the centers of the squares and drill holes through them.
  • Assemble the frame of the mill. First, cut the strip 50-60 cm long. Fasten it to the center of the 30x30 and 40x40 cm platforms by screwing the screws through the holes. Measure the distance between the upper and lower platforms and cut four slats according to the resulting dimensions.
  • Fasten them to the corners of the workpiece. Remove the middle auxiliary part. Check the correct assembly by measuring the diagonals of the structure, which should remain the same. This way you will get a mill base frame that looks like a stool.
  • Nail legs to the base to raise it off the ground and protect it from wet soil or grass. They are attached to internal corners designs.
  • Install the frame vertically and check the location of the platforms in the horizontal plane. Correct distortions by changing the length of the legs.
  • To prevent them from rotting from touching wet soil, they must be insulated. Good decision is to use PVC pipes of suitable sizes. Cut 4 pieces 20 cm long from it. Press them into wooden blocks. Attach the legs to the frame of the mill.
  • Drill holes in the bottom area for ventilation. Water will also flow through them after rain.
  • Make the top part of the mill. To do this, cut out two triangular blanks 30x30x35 cm from plywood. Attach the lower part to wide board, and at the top connect the parts with slats.
  • To make the top of the roof swivel, you will need a 1.5 m long stud with threads along the entire length.
  • Enlarge the holes already made in the center of the frame platforms and at the base of the roof to the diameter of the stud. Install the rod vertically in them and secure with nuts.
  • Place the top of the mill on the pin and secure with nuts in a position that will allow the top to rotate on the rod.
  • To secure the blades you will need 2 identical ball bearings. Make through holes in the triangular walls of the roof, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the bearings. The axes of the holes must be horizontal and pass over the vertical stud in the housing. Install bearings into these holes, and a long pin in them. Secure them from falling out of the walls with nuts and washers large diameter, which are screwed onto a pin on both sides of the wall.
  • Make blades from spreader bars or other material. They can be made from plastic pipe, cutting it lengthwise into two halves. The requirements for the shape and size of these parts are minimal - that they be more or less rigid. Connect the blades together with small nails.
  • Find the middle of the intersection of the blades and drill a hole in it.
  • Place the assembled blades on the horizontal pin at the top of the mill and secure with nuts on both sides. There is no need to clamp the fasteners; the blades should deflect and capture the wind.
  • Attach a rudder-sail to the roof, on the opposite side of the blades, which will catch the wind. To do this, cut two trapezoids from plywood and connect them with boards at the top and bottom.
  • Nail the rudder to the top rotating part of the mill. If the blades are heavy, he will balance them.
  • Sheathe the frame, roof and rudder with wooden molding. The work consists of cutting blanks required length and fastening them to the frame with self-tapping screws. Cover uneven corners with corners.
  • Use a jigsaw to cut out door and window openings. It is not necessary to do them; you can install them instead decorative windows, balconies, doors.
  • Cover the roof of the mill with decorative tiles.
  • Paint the walls in different colors so that the structure pleases the eye. Sometimes images of flowers, butterflies, and insects are applied to the surface.
  • Place the structure on the platform and secure it to the base in any way.
Additionally, you can decorate the mill with living plants that are planted around it. The background can be low flowers and a green lawn. Look good ground cover plants.

The structure is often decorated with lighting. To do this, along the perimeter of the door and window openings install spotlights. This solves the problem of lighting the area.

Features of the construction of a windmill-electric generator

Windmills can provide a source of environmentally friendly and free electricity. Such buildings differ from traditional or decorative ones by the presence power plant.

It consists of 3 main elements: a generator, a shaft connecting the blades to the generator, and an inverter - a device that converts D.C. into variable. You can also introduce batteries into the circuit, which will become charged when the mill is running and release the accumulated energy into the network in the absence of wind.

All these items will have to be purchased. To collect electrical diagram, it is enough to have a basic understanding of electricity.

The mill is usually built from wooden planks, massive buildings - made of brick and stone.

Knots of such structures, in comparison with decorative ones, have their own characteristics:

  • The housing must be strong and securely fastened so that it does not vibrate.
  • The blades are manufactured taking into account the power of the connected equipment. The more effort required, the longer they are.
  • For windmill generator great value has precision manufacturing of parts and assemblies, which will ensure a long service life of the existing building.
How to make a windmill with your own hands - watch the video:

When building a decorative windmill, everyone can test their strength in design and construction, because the structure does not require special precision and can be made from scrap materials. If you have the necessary experience, the design will be beneficial - it will become a source of free electricity, but you will have to spend money on mechanical equipment.

at 08/13/2018 3,154 Views

original creative element landscape design

Not many people have free space on their property, but if they have it, it’s worth taking care of its functional use. At the same time, you don’t have to spend a lot of money; you can quite successfully create decor with your own hands. One of original options- decorative mill.

    • Necessity or whim?
    • Tips before starting work
    • Preparing the site
    • Creating a foundation
    • Sheathing
    • Mill roof
    • Blades - the main element
    • Decoration

Necessity or whim?

A smaller copy of the mill will evoke pleasant associations. You can give it a certain functionality, for example, make a flower bed in the structure. This decor is original, and it’s not that difficult to create.

In addition, it can successfully hide defects in the area - for example, unevenness, protruding elements of communications, such as valves, hatches.

Note! It can be made larger in size, in which case it will be possible to disguise even country toilet. By making it thicker and moving away from standard proportions, it’s possible to place a small gazebo inside.

The miniature structure has mass useful functions for a summer resident

A large building can serve as a place to store equipment

Advice! Another option for using the minimum internal space decorative mill - arrangement of a place for storing equipment.

A water mill looks great on the site. Of course, a larger area is needed to arrange it. By installing such a structure in a recreation area, you can enjoy its view and receive aesthetic pleasure. There are many original ways to use a mill on a site, but we will consider an exclusively decorative option.

DIY water mill

    • Before you begin construction, you need to consider the rules. The first thing you need to do is choose a place. It should be clearly visible and in harmony with the surrounding environment. That is, putting a mill right under the house is not particularly logical, but in the distance, so that you can observe it, that’s what you need.
    • Second point: we will make a mill from wood. Problems with the compatibility of this natural material will not arise with other elements of landscape design.

Wooden style of decoration of the local area

Advice! If you have no idea where exactly to place the mill, you can use a direction such as landscape in the design of the site. It provides independent placement decorative elements on the site, at a certain distance. They may not be connected to each other at all.

A beautiful building in the center of the garden

      • The style of the mill on the site perfectly emphasizes the growing popularity rustic style. The structure can be installed near the gazebo, if it is made in the form of a stylized hut.
      • If the design of the site shows oriental style, then you simply cannot do without a water mill. It can be harmoniously placed near a bench or pagoda. You should not install it in the far corner of the garden, as it will probably become central elements decor on the site and should decorate, and not be hidden away.
      • You should also choose the placement location very carefully if you plan to have movable blades. This is possible even for a decorative mill, which we plan to create. That is, there is no need to place it too close to trees or any buildings.

Required tools and materials

You can choose any material, but it is most convenient to make a mill from wood. Although craftsmen offer options from other materials:

      • Moisture resistant plywood.
      • Plastic.
      • Metal.

The structure of the mill depends on its purpose

Since we have a classic wooden mill in our plans, the materials we will need wooden beam, board, plywood, roofing felt, polyethylene. If you are planning a fairly massive structure of 1 meter in height, you will need cement to build a light foundation. You also need hardware for fastening, decorative elements, paint and varnish.

As for tools, in principle, you can get by with a hacksaw, a hammer and nails. But if you have a plane, drill, or grinder on your farm, the process will be much simpler.

A small structure that acts as a garden decoration

Preparing the site

By selecting convenient place, you need to prepare it. The essence of the process:

      • Remove excess vegetation.
      • Level the site.
      • If necessary, pour a thin foundation.

Open space allows blades to rotate freely

Creating a foundation

In order for the mill to stand firmly on the ground, a foundation must be created for it. IN in this case it will be made of logs, without a foundation.

Advice! You can also use strong bars with a cross-section of 5 x 5. The base elements are fastened together.

Next comes the construction of the frame. It has the shape of a trapezoid, decreasing by 1.5 times towards the roof. This way it will be possible to achieve proportionality and plausibility of the design. You also need to make a frame along the top - this is a support for the roof.

Advice! To strengthen the structure, it is necessary to make vertical and diagonal braces. For this purpose, a beam of a slightly smaller cross-section than the main one is used for the frame. All wooden elements are gradually fixed with self-tapping screws or nails.

A practical portable design with a simple base


Now important task– carefully sheathe the frame. In this case, you need to make a small decorative window or door. At this stage, the roof and blades are created. At the first stage of sheathing, plywood is used. On top of it is a pre-polished board.

Advice! The block house looks attractive. This imitation log masonry is installed quite easily. Her decorative effect very attractive.

Sturdy concrete footrest

Scheme of building a garden mill

At this stage, you can paint and varnish the main body, since once the blades are attached, this will be inconvenient.

Mill roof

It can be either a classic gable or relatively flat with a slight slope. The purpose of the element being created is decorative, so the roof structure should be approached with special care. It has no special functional tasks, except perhaps for draining water, that is, there must be a slope. Everything else is at the discretion of the owner.

Advice! To prevent moisture from getting inside the mill, it is necessary to lay plastic film or roofing felt, and on top - the selected material.

Leftovers bitumen shingles perfectly protect the structure from getting wet

Blades - the main element

What is a mill without a blade? Creating it is a responsible process, since it depends on general view designs. Without it, it’s just a trapezoidal house on the site. In your work you can use:

      • Wooden slats and plywood. This design will be lightweight and practical. In this case, you need to take moisture-resistant plywood.
      • Wooden blocks and dense captivity. Possible, but not the most practical option, since under UV rays the film breaks within 1 season.

Classic thin board blades

The weight and size of the blades are very important; they should not touch the ground and be heavier than the “house” itself. Normal weight– 2-3 kilograms in total. If the mill is larger, then they should not weigh more than 10% of the weight of the structure.

Important! Where the blades are attached, it is imperative to provide reinforcement - beams inside the frame. This rule must be followed regardless of the size of the decoration.

Children's playhouse in the form of a mill


The last step is decoration. For this, paints and additional elements are used. In a small mill, doors and windows may be overhead, since it is difficult to fit them into the structure.

Since it will be outdoors, it is important to protect the wood. For this we use:

        • Drying oil.
        • Impregnations against mold, fungi and bugs.
        • On top it is necessary to cover it with paint or varnish in several layers.

Advice! You can paint the body and blades with multi-colored paints - it will look very original.


The mill is an excellent decoration for the garden and any area. It's easy to make from simple materials. The pleasure of contemplating such decor garden plot irreplaceable!

Metal windmill

Your site will become cozy and simply ideal if the main idea of ​​landscape design is a serene folk landscape with well-groomed green meadows and colorful flowers. The main character of any pastoral plot is a decorative mill.

Without spending much time, you can make this beauty yourself.

We present to your attention three step-by-step instructions with photos for making wind turbines of varying complexity and several ideas for the design and construction of the finished structure.

DIY decorative mill for the garden. Step by step instructions

You will need: plywood, bars various thicknesses, wooden planks, glue, tape, long hairpin, 4 short hairpins, 4 clamps, nuts, spacers, screws.

Topmost block

Cut 6 long trapezoidal pieces, cutting the edge at a 45º angle.

Advice! It is better to cut all edges of parts that will be fastened at an angle of less than 180º at an angle of 45º.

Fold them sideways tightly to each other, so that grooves form on the inside at the joints. Securely secure all six parts with tape on the front side.

DIY decorative mill. Step by step photos

Turn the part over and fill the grooves with reliable glue, apply the composition to the side edges of the structure. Do everything quickly until the mixture hardens.

Fold the outer parts and assemble the entire structure, secure it with tape and leave until completely set.

Cut off excess glue so that it does not affect the accuracy of the assembly of the finished structure.

DIY decorative mill for the garden. Photo

Cut it out hex cap according to the dimensions of the inside of the top of the structure. Drill a hole in the center and, for ease of installation, do not screw in a small screw completely.

Turn the mill frame over and place it on the narrow part. Apply glue to the underside of the top of the tower, insert the cover, and place a small weight.

Top base

This block will be connected to the lower parts using bar-axis size 70x70 mm. Make two hexagonal blanks with a side size equal to the length of the inner edge of the tower base.

In the bottom cover, make a square slot according to the dimensions of the block - 70x70 mm, and in the top cover, drill a small mark hole in the center for subsequent connection with the axial part.

Cut out the sides of two lids - 6 walls. Their width is equal to the length of the outer edge of the base of the upper part. Side cuts of workpieces should be made at an angle of 45º.

Fold the 3 wall parts edge to edge and connect them on the front side with tape. Apply glue to the grooves on the back of these fastened blanks and on three sides of the six of both covers. Connect the elements of the upper and lower bases with three walls. Additionally secure with screws and a vice. Attach the remaining edges in the same way.

When the block structure is ready, insert an axial block into the lower part and connect it to the top cover with a screw through the previously made hole.

Place the lower block vertically and glue it to the upper part, placing a weight on top.

Ready design polish.

Base part

The base of a decorative windmill made by yourself consists of three blocks, which are made according to the same principle as the upper blanks. The lower block is a hexagonal prism without covers. The sides of the walls and top are also cut at an angle of 450 and assembled using tape and glue. Attach a board between the opposite walls with screws or glue, in the middle of which place a square box with inside 70 mm - for the axial beam.

The middle part will be attached to the lower block - a hexagonal pyramid without a top. The width at the top of each of the trapezoids is equal to the width of the wall of the lower block of the upper part, and at the bottom - the side of the hexagon. The side edges and base of 6 blanks are cut at an angle of 45º and glued together like the very first block made.

The upper element of the base is made according to the principle of the lower one. On all structural elements, grooves are made in the upper part of the joints for installation observation deck along the width of the bars of its frame.

Glue all three base blocks into one structure and install pressure on top, but not too heavy so that the seams of each block do not come apart. Cut off the glue.

Observation deck

Prepare 6 frame bars, at the ends of which make small holes-marks for screws. You also need to cut 5 sets of planks for the platform track, which together make up hexagons of various sizes.

Advice! It is more convenient to make a drawing with markings on the board in advance and then begin preparing all the elements. And stick double-sided tape on the template.

When the parts are prepared, assemble all the planks according to the markings on sticky tape, glue 5 hexagons and bars at the joints. Additionally, press down the frame with a vice. After drying, carefully separate the platform from the template.

Screw to the bars along the outer edge with self-tapping screwsfence posts.

Planks are glued to them railing.

Turn the upper part of the mill over and attach the bars of the viewing platform frame to it with self-tapping screws. Install this structure into the glued grooves of the base and press down with a weight.


This decorative mill element is made of a hollow polystyrene hemisphere. The mounting ring and base have the same outer diameter as the dome.

Make a hole in the circle in the center. Aligning the base with the ring, drill 4 more holes in both parts, one above the other, for self-tapping screws. Align the central holes of the circle and the top of the assembled mill, fasten them with a screw.

Rotating mechanism

Make two square blanks for frame. Place them together, fasten them with a vice and, moving them to one edge, make holes according to the size of the existing bearings. Place the parts with the thin side up, drill a mark for screws in two places with a length below the middle of the hole. Cut these blanks in the middle of the circles. For stability, place bars between the two parts, glue everything together, and attach it to the platform bar. On one side, the base is raised by a small block so that the entire mechanism is positioned not horizontally, but at an angle. Make holes in the corners of the platform for attaching the mechanism to the mill.

How to do decorative mill with your own hands. Photo

Insert the bearings into the grooves of the holes and secure the second parts of the square blanks with screws.

Insert a stainless steel pin into both bearings and secure with washers and nuts.

To make the mill accurately, to accurately mark the hole for the pin in the dome, assembled mechanism placed inside the ring, and the hemisphere with one edge on the hoop, and the opposite edge at exactly the same height. In the place where the pin rests on the semicircle, make a mark and then a hole.

The dome is glued to the ring, secured with adhesive tape.

Mechanism Screw it to the round base of the mill and put on the hemisphere.

The dome is fixed in four places with self-tapping screws.

We fasten the blades

For central mounting wide will do square block 40 mm thick, on which the circle is marked. Stepping back a quarter of the side length from the edges, drill four non-through holes in the center with a large drill. On the reverse side, use a round nozzle to make a recess with a diameter of 30 mm. Using a drill equal to the thickness of the mechanism pin, drill a hole in the center. Make one hole in the sides exactly in the middle. Give the finished part a round shape.

Cut 4 according to the template blades, the size of the mill depends on their dimensions.

For each wing, prepare one frame block, make a hole in the end in which to fix a threaded pin or bolt. On the other side, glue the blade to the block.

Insert clamps into the large holes on the mount, screw the blades into them, and secure with nuts and washers.

Secure the assembled structure to the mill pin.

The next modification of the windmill is much simpler to construct, but looks no less attractive.

“Fast” mill covered with clapboard: step-by-step instructions with photos

Prepare two square parts for the frame: the top with a side of 300 mm, the base with a side of 400 mm. These blanks, like the entire frame, will be sheathed on top with clapboard. Therefore, for their manufacture you can use chipboard sheets or plywood from old furniture or other used materials. Make holes in the center of both parts.

For assembly accuracy, a strip about 600 mm long is installed between the two bases, which is screwed to both squares through the central holes. After which the length of the side ribs of the trapezoid is measured, the slats are cut to the required length. They are screwed to both bases - the frame is ready.

For the roof, two isosceles triangular blanks are made; choose their sizes to your taste. Between the parts, slats of the required length are installed. They are attached to the triangles using self-tapping screws. At the bottom of the roof, be sure to nail a pair of slats in the center to connect to the body. The finished size of the mill will be about one meter, excluding the wings.

Cover the lower part of the frame with clapboard. Nail the measured part with special nails to the slats, or use a drill to mark a hole in in the right place and fasten with self-tapping screws.

The roof triangles are sheathed with clapboard in a vertical direction - it looks better this way. After which the roof is screwed to the body. Such a mill will look more interesting with windows and a door, which are cut into the casing with a jigsaw.

Make a hole in the center of the roof triangle into which to insert the bolt pancakes. Secure it with two washers and a nut. Cover the roof with clapboard, and that’s all corner connections close with a decorative corner strip.

How the blades of the finished mill will look is a matter of taste and imagination of everyone. In this project they are made from lengths of wood lath nailed together with small finishing nails. A hole is made in the center of the two supporting bars and they are placed on a bolt, secured with a nut and two washers.

A simple DIY decorative mill. Photo

Cover the structure with varnish and it is ready for installation.

Step-by-step instructions with photos on how to make a hexagonal log mill for the garden.

It's spectacular and extremely beautiful decoration for the garden is made from materials that can always be found in hardware store. But its quality and attractiveness depend on the skill, patience and imagination of the master.

DIY decorative mill. Photos step by step

The lower part is made of shovel handles. Notches can be made using hole saw or special cylindrical attachments for a drill. For the hexagonal version they need to be made at an angle of 600, but for this you will need an angle of 300 and special mount for two cuttings at the same time.

The finished “logs” can be fastened with glue or put on pins for reliability. To do this, a hole is drilled in each connection of two workpieces, and a metal rod is inserted into them.

Advice! It is more convenient to make windows and doors in no more than two parts.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a decorative mill

The basis is hexagonal blank with pins attached to it. The first row consists of details embroidered in half lengthwise. When the lower frame is completely assembled, it should be treated with impregnation or varnish.

The hexagonal base for the next level is installed on the studs. Furniture corners for the frame slats are installed at the ends of the studs and the entire structure is clamped with stops. It is better to immediately attach decorative, stable, heavy oak legs to the base of the log house.

The slats of the second tier are screwed to the furniture corners at the bottom, and at the top - to the hexagonal base of the next level. This decorative mill floor is sheathed slats, and the joints are closed decorative strips.

Advice! As often as possible and on all sides, cover the assembled structure with varnish and impregnation - the mill will still stand on the street.

A rectangular or square base for the roof is installed on the upper hexagon of the second tier. The roof frame is attached to it: two triangular parts connected to each other by slats. The roof is sheathed with glazing beads, and the ends with smaller sushi chopsticks. The connections are hidden under decorative strips.

The axis of the blades passes through the ends of the roof, and these holes serve as stops for it. It is made from a hoe handle. The ends of the cuttings mounted on the axis were used as plugs.

To seat the blades on the axis, a thick block cut to the shape of an octagon was used. There are holes in the four ends for attaching the wings.

Advice! In order for the blades to rotate and serve for a long time, it is important to make them light, approximately the same weight, from durable material.

To ensure that the design of the wings is identical and accurate, it is better to make a template. The planks are attached to three bars: two side ones and a central one, machined at the base to fit the size of the hole in the octagonal mount. Blade slats are a disassembled blind door with perfectly matched and machined slats. They are glued to the frame.

Frame wings insert into the mount and balance - inserting them deeper into the groove or, on the contrary, slightly pulling them out. They need to be installed slightly at an angle to the plane so that they catch the wind.

Advice! To make the mill correctly, you need to center the blades. They do not fall down under the weight of one of them and rotate easily.

Other original wind turbine design projects

Taking as a basis one of the presented master classes or drawing interesting ideas in all three, you can make an original decoration - a decorative windmill for the garden with your own hands.

Featured design finished product not suitable for your site or you personally don’t like it? Check out our selection of the most interesting windmills for your garden.

Classic version Western European mill design. Best suited for a lawn decorated in a traditional Scandinavian, French, or German style. The first two master classes are taken as a basis, the shape of the roof and wings are finalized.

The basis for this design option will be the first project, and interesting details- roof, covered soft tiles, and the windmill tail. It would be original to make the upper part of the roof movable and rotating in the wind.

Photo of a decorative mill in the garden

Two in one - combine playhouse for children and a decorative landscape mill. To build such a capital structure, it is necessary to become more familiar with the design and construction of non-residential premises.

Photo of a decorative mill in the garden

A simpler, but very juicy and colorful version of the first master class. Ideal for a bright flower bed or garden. You just have to figure out exactly how to make the platform-base.

The foundation of this mill is octagonal. Unlike hexagonal ones, it is easier to make, and both plywood and more embossed lining are suitable as cladding materials.

Photo of a decorative mill in the garden

Spectacular model with a roof sheathed soft tiles, luxurious finishing with wooden slats and decorative cornice. Beautiful solid blades for the mill are attached to the crosspiece and the accuracy of this particular part is very important for balancing.

The upper part of these three windmills is made in the form small house superstructures, due to this the structure becomes collapsible. But anything can serve as a frame... even an old metal tank.

Photo of a decorative mill in the garden

Simple and uncomplicated. Metal windmill will delight you with dynamic movement in windy weather. Especially if you paint the blades with an interesting pattern.

Powerful ancient stone structure, as if built by the ancient Germans or Saxons. If you want to shock your neighbors and acquaintances and please your children, this is just such a model.

One more interesting model, stitched decorative strips. The principle of creation is the same as in the second master class and can easily be made from high-quality lining. The main thing is to carefully and accurately make the details and choose a deep and elegant color.

DIY photo of a decorative mill in the garden

Beautiful windmill made of slats In many respects it repeats the project from the lining. It's up to you to decide which material and design you prefer.

Making a decorative windmill from wood with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems, and not as simple as we would like. Especially if you want the blades to spin in the wind. But the garden with her becomes incredibly beautiful, cozy, sweet and picturesque.

The aroma of coffee tones, lifts your spirits, and inspires creativity and work. And figurines decorated with coffee beans create a wonderful atmosphere of comfort in the interior, adding piquancy and completeness to your dining room or kitchen.

A coffee mill is not only a beautiful and fragrant figurine. The mill can serve as a box for small items or an original gift packaging for coffee. In this article we will tell you how to make a decorative box with your own hands.


  • sheet of cardboard
  • box or plastic bottle for mill base
  • rope
  • small wooden slats, bamboo napkin or ice cream sticks
  • coffee beans
  • wire
  • a small piece of fabric for making bags and doors
  • a small piece of fabric to imitate grass
  • paints
  • Fiberboard for the base


  • tweezers
  • pencil
  • tassel
  • ruler
  • utility knife or scissors
  • compass
  • threads
  • needle

I don’t indicate the sizes and quantities, everything is individual: it depends on what materials you use and the size of the box.

The process of making a decorative box

Making a roof

Draw and cut out a circle on cardboard. The size depends on how big the mill you want to make. For a mill with a height of 19 cm, a circle with a diameter of 19 cm was suitable.

Make a straight cut from the edge to the center of the circle.

We connect the cut circle into a cone and glue it together.

We paint the finished cone a dark brown color, close to the color of coffee beans.

When the paint is dry, cover the cone completely with coffee beans.

Making the “walls” of a coffee mill

To do this, you need to wrap a suitable box with rope, giving the walls texture. The box of chips was very tall, I cut it roughly in half. An ordinary plastic bottle can also be used to create “walls”.

Apply glue to the box and wrap the box tightly with rope.

We also decorate the “walls” in some places with coffee beans, imitating stonework.

To make a coffee mill door, you can take any thin wooden slats or ice cream sticks; it is very convenient to use a bamboo napkin.

When cutting the threads, we unravel the bamboo napkin.

Draw on wooden slats the shape of the future door.

We cut the door along the line and glue it to the fabric.

We paint the door with dark brown paint, giving it the appearance old wood

We make a braid from thick threads and glue it to the door in two places. If necessary, cover them with paint and varnish.

We make a small ring from a thin wire using round nose pliers or tweezers.

We glue the ring to the door, simulating a handle.

The finished door needs to be glued to the mill.

Making coffee mill blades

For the blades, you can use thin slats or wooden skewers. We connect them crosswise and fix them with glue.

We strengthen the blades with small, suitable-sized slats.

We paint the slats dark brown to imitate old wood. The middle can be decorated with coffee beans. Then we coat the blades with varnish.

Using glue, we fix the blades on the roof.

Making coffee bags

To sew bags, it is best to take coarse fabric or burlap.

We sew a small piece along the sides and turn it inside out.

We fold the edges and secure them with thread, tighten the thread a little so that the edges of the bag are gathered.

You can put a piece of paper, cotton wool or fabric at the bottom of the bag, and glue coffee beans on top. We also decorate the bag itself with coffee beans and varnish it.

Making the base

We cut out a circle from fiberboard or thick cardboard on which we will place the mill.

We try on the mill and bags on a circle and mark with a pencil where the objects will be located.

We make a small fence from coffee beans. We fix the grains with glue.

We cover the area free of objects with a cloth that imitates grass. Glue it.

We glue the mill to the base. If desired, secure the bags with glue as well. We decorate the edges of the circle with coffee beans.

You can put a can of coffee inside - it will work original gift. If desired, the roof can be glued on, and then the mill will become a decorative coffee figurine.

The coffee mill is ready.