The dryer for small clothes in the bathroom is removable. Drying clothes: choosing the ideal option for the bathroom

To ensure that the process of drying clothes causes a minimum of inconvenience, and that chaotically hung shirts and pillowcases do not spoil the interior, you need comfortable and beautiful clothes dryers for the bathroom. Do right choice and will help not to return to it in the next few years useful recommendations and advice.

The range of devices for drying clothes is more than wide. The first thing that catches your eye is the variety of shapes, among which there are miniature models for drying small items above the bathtub, and spacious folding structures that can accommodate the contents of a huge closet on their crossbars. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you will have to soberly assess the size of your own bathroom and finally decide where the dryer will be located: on the floor, on the wall or on the ceiling.

Floor dryers

Floor-mounted folding structures are convenient because they do not take up much space and are not visible when there is nothing to dry - the “folding bed” folds compactly and can be stored in a closet or in a corner. This form is ideal for those who do laundry 1-2 times a week and have sufficient space to use a bulky design when unfolded without compromising a visit to the bathroom.

Folding design is suitable for a spacious room

Vertical models are more compact and can fit in a free corner of the bathroom without compromising the interior or convenience. But this modification is more suitable for those who wash exclusively with an automatic machine and use a spin cycle - if you place poorly wrung clothes on the upper floors, then drops will fall on the lower shelves, leaving unsightly smudges and increasing the drying time.

Vertical models are more compact

Wall dryers

Compact wall dryer for linen in the bathroom cannot boast of a large capacity, but it does not require additional space and quickly comes into working order. Such devices are ideal for those who do not like to accumulate a lot of clothes, but prefer to wash in small batches.

Wall accordions take up little space

Ceiling dryers

Ceiling fixtures – modern alternative grandma's ropes. They can be folding or permanently attached. If you hang the structure directly above the bathtub, you can safely hang on it things that are dripping with water. Most significant drawback ceiling models is that they limit the ability to use the bathroom while drying things.

There are many modifications of dryers for ceilings

How to choose a durable bathroom dryer

Having decided on the shape, you should take a close look at the quality of the product and, first of all, at the materials from which the dryer is made. It is important not to forget about high humidity in the bathroom and frequent contact of elements with wet things - all parts and fasteners must be resistant to corrosion. The most durable and practical material is stainless steel. It makes sense to choose aluminum only if the device will be used only for light laundry.

Convenient and popular “Liana”

Sometimes, instead of stainless steel, manufacturers use ordinary steel, protecting it from moisture with enamel or powder dyes. Unfortunately, enamel is short-lived and quickly becomes cracked. High-quality powder coating is more durable and resistant to moisture, but it must be applied flawlessly to all parts of the product.

In inexpensive wall-mounted dryers and in compact models designed to be placed on a bathtub or on a door, plastic is often found. Buy one economical option Of course it’s possible, but you shouldn’t count on long years of service.

The distance between strings or crossbars must be at least 6 cm

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a dryer for the bathroom, it is recommended to take a tape measure with you to the store. Firstly, it will help you determine the dimensions with an accuracy of a centimeter, and secondly, you can use it to measure the distance between the crossbars or ropes. Ideally, it should be at least 6 cm - otherwise things will take longer to dry, and accidental contact can lead to stains on light-colored fabrics.

Electrical devices for quickly drying clothes

For those who like quick results, there are electric dryers. These devices help out both in winter and summer. In order to dry small items, 40-50 minutes are enough, and large items such as duvet covers and blankets dry in 2-4 hours.

When choosing an electric assistant, it is important to pay attention to its power - it is advisable that this parameter be at least 70 W, then the device can easily cope with bulky jackets, pillows and thick winter sweaters. So that the dryer can be trusted not only with coarse, but also with thin fabrics, it is recommended to give preference to models with several temperature settings.

Standard floor system

For fans of traditional solutions, folding ones are produced floor models, reminiscent in shape of the usual folding dryers. For small rooms There are compact wall structures that can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also for heating the bathroom.

For delicate fabrics and instant results, they came up with a system in which clothes get rid of excess moisture through hot air circulation. Such models have a frame and a cover, inside of which the quick drying process takes place.

Fast delicate electric dryer

Designer clothes dryers not only perform their duties efficiently, but also decorate the bathroom. For a large room, a star-shaped design that folds out like an accordion is suitable.

Star dryer for a large number of small items

Even in a small bathroom there is room for a wall structure that imitates a nice window. The color of the frame is easy to match to the overall design.

Idea for small spaces

Those who like to take foot baths will like the rocking chair with a device for drying clothes.

Rocking chair with extended capabilities

For a country-style bathroom, wood products are more suitable, which, if desired, can be easily made with your own hands.

Wood goes perfectly with rustic style

For small items and knitted items that require washing without spinning, you can purchase an additional dryer installed directly on the bathtub.

The simplest bath fixture

For lovers of technological innovations, it makes sense to take a closer look at the compact ceiling system controlled by remote control. When hanging things, the crossbars are lowered to comfortable height, during the drying process, the laundry can be raised slightly, and in standby mode for the next wash, the structure folds compactly under the ceiling and does not spoil the interior.

Automatic model with remote control

If in huge assortment stores do not have the unique model that you want to have in your home, there are only two options left: either make a device for drying clothes with your own hands, or contact specialists and order them a design drawn in your imagination.

Video: making a clothes dryer with your own hands

Washed clothes need to be dried somewhere. Owners of private houses will easily install clotheslines on their property for this purpose, and residents of high-rise buildings will use loggias. But what should the happy owners of first-floor apartments, where there are no balconies, do, and leaving their belongings unattended on the street for a long time is quite dangerous.

This is where special clothes dryers come to the rescue, which are easily placed in bathrooms. In fact, it would not hurt every owner to have such equipment, since it is inexpensive, but it allows you to cope with the mentioned task in cases where the balcony space cannot be used and it is raining outside. Next, I will introduce you to this device in more detail.

A little about motivation

To begin with, I would like to dwell in a little more detail on the benefits obtained from using clothes dryers in bathrooms:

  1. No need for a free balcony.

But the following situations may occur:

  • It doesn’t exist at all, let alone free;

  • It is used as a storage room, and old skis will not be the best companion for washed clothes. And it will be inconvenient for you to hang something there;

  • It is equipped as an office. If you value your computer or other electronic equipment, then it is better to keep sources of moisture away from it;

  • Do you expect smoking guests? Where will they go out to smoke? That's right, on . And people have no need to admire your linen, which will also get in the way, and the linen itself should not be saturated with tobacco smoke;
  1. Safety. Near high-rise buildings you can also often find stretched clotheslines. But this means that, in fact, any passerby will be able to remove the things you hang and take them home. This, of course, does not apply to private areas; they are guarded by a strong fence, and sometimes by an angry dog;

  1. Ability to dry even in rainy weather. This again applies to the use of street clotheslines and “hits” even the owners of their own fenced plots of land, since rain damages fences and angry dogs never mind.


So, what types of dryers can effectively replace loggias and outdoor clotheslines? Now I’ll tell you everything:

Substitute No. 1: wall-mounted dryer

As the name suggests, we are talking about a structure that is attached to the wall and can have two interpretations:

  1. Rope. It consists of ropes stretched over the bathroom from one wall to another, similar to those that are hung on the street.

In turn, there can also be two types:

  • Stationary– two slats connected by linen cords. The price of such products is the lowest and will practically not “hit” your family budget;

  • Removable- a spring-loaded drum on which the ropes are wound, and a retractable bar with their other ends. The first part is fixed to the wall using dowels and screws, and the second part is attached with hooks to pre-installed rings opposite. When the hooks are removed, the mechanism twists the cords back;

I recommend buying a roll-up model only if you really plan to use this feature. The fact is that standing on the edge of the bathtub in order to unfasten the hooks is not very convenient and quite labor-intensive. In this regard, most users simply leave the ropes unrolled, thereby paying extra money for the presence of an unclaimed mechanism.

  1. Folding. It is even easier to install such devices yourself than those described above. Here it is enough to attach the main panel to one of the walls above the font using the same screws and dowels. Then a structure of metal or plastic slats, similar to an accordion, is pulled out of it, which is then hung with wet laundry.
    The main disadvantage of such a system is that due to the lack of support for the second edge, it will not be able to support significant weight, so for big family It’s better to purchase a rope or ceiling sample, which I’ll talk about below.

On the shelves specialty stores You can find the following models of wall dryers:

  • Model "Gimi Brio Super 120":

  • Model "Rollquick 210 83006":

Substitute No. 2: ceiling dryer

This type of dryer is perfect for a bathroom.

It includes:

  • Two brackets, which are fixed to the ceiling surface with dowels and screws;
  • Several rods. Linen is actually hung on them;
  • Ropes, lowering and raising the barbells. In some models, the rope system has an additional attachment to the wall.

As a result, we can talk about the following advantages of this design solution:

  • Space saving. If you don't need to dry your clothes, then you simply lift the bars up to the ceiling;
  • . The vertical mount can withstand significantly greater weight;
  • Convenientinstructionsoperation. You just need to lower one crossbar and hang it necessary linen, among which there may even be a large duvet cover, and then simply pull the rope, sending the wet fabric towards the ceiling. The main convenience is that you don't need with my own hands stretch upward, all manipulations take place right in front of you;
  • Ability to dry items that cannot be folded. You can lower all the bars to the same level, which will give you comfortable table, on which a woolen sweater or other capricious item in this regard will fit perfectly.

In general, I personally purchased and installed just such a dryer in my bathroom. But everyone is free to make their own choice.

While shopping, you may come across the following representatives of this equipment:

  • Model "Gimi Lift 180":

  • Model “Luminarc 1.4 m”:

Substitute No. 3: battery dryer

Quite a convenient option for those bathrooms that are heated I. Wet things will end up in close proximity to heating element, which will significantly speed up the drying process.

The main disadvantage of such structures is their small area and, accordingly, load capacity. So, for example, drying a sheet on a structure attached to a heating radiator will be very problematic, if not completely impossible.

Installation in in this case It’s quite simple: the product is simply thrown onto the battery with hooks, and the rest rests against it. After use, it is removed and hidden out of sight.

Substitute No. 4: hot tub dryer

Another controversial device, which is a set of tubes and stop legs, which is placed directly on top of the bathing tank.

The advantages of such a device:

  • Saving useful space in the bathroom itself. That is, you can move around the bathroom freely;
  • Easy to use. Here, as in the previous two cases, you don’t need to reach anywhere, all the laundry bars are right in front of you;
  • Quite large capacity. In this case, there will be no problems with the duvet cover.


  • Large dimensions, causing inconvenience when the dryer is not in use, because it needs to be hidden somewhere else so that it does not interfere;
  • Impossibility of acceptance water procedures in the font itself during operation of the structure.

And here's what you can find in stores:

  • Model "GIMI Alablock":

  • Model "GIMI Varadero":

Substitute No. 5: floor dryer

Essentially, this is a folding table, which during use can be placed not only in the bathroom, but in general in any room of your house or apartment. None installation work its use is not anticipated.

In the process of searching for a suitable instance, you may encounter the following options:

  • Model "Gimi DUPLO":

  • Model "Leifheit Roma":


You don’t have a balcony and it’s dangerous to hang your washed clothes outside? There is a solution: purchase one of the types of dryers installed in bathrooms, and then your things will dry without disturbing anyone, and at the same time they will be completely safe, being under your watchful supervision. Moreover, there are enough types of such structures to choose the most suitable one.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information for your reference. If, suddenly, you have any questions on the topic, then ask them in the comments.

The question “Where to dry clothes?” is no longer so sharp, because with the development of technology, many convenient solutions this problem. Until recently, the only suitable place for drying clothes in a city home was a balcony or ropes stretched from the ceiling, but today compact and functional dryers can be installed in any corner of the apartment.

The most suitable place to place the dryer - this is the bathroom. Firstly, hanging laundry there will not be noticeable to strangers. Secondly, a ventilation system is usually installed in the bathroom, which helps to quickly get rid of excess moisture. Even if your bathroom is very small, there will still be free space for installation of this device, since there are models on sale that are designed specifically for small spaces.

Owners of small bathrooms should take a closer look at wall-mounted dryer models. They are attached to the wall, so they don’t need a lot of space, and assembled form wall-mounted dryers are almost invisible. This article is dedicated to existing varieties wall-mounted clothes dryers, features of their placement and installation.

Types, their pros and cons


The folding design is a modern modification of the ropes stretched over the bathtub, on which our mothers and grandmothers dried clothes. It represents two plastic panels with ropes stretched between them. The panels are mounted on opposite walls (most often - under the ceiling). When the dryer is not needed, one of the parts is removed from the wall and attached to the other. The ropes are automatically pulled into the panel. Depending on the model, you have from 4 to 6 rows of ropes at your disposal.


  • low cost;
  • Possibility of installation in small bathrooms and combined bathrooms;
  • ease of operation.


  • the maximum load that the folding dryer can withstand is 7 kg;
  • in budget models that are not equipped with a pull-up mechanism, the ropes may sag under the weight of the laundry;
  • low-quality plastic may crack after just a few dryings;
  • if the dryer is located very high, then hanging clothes on it will be extremely inconvenient;
  • If you hang bed linen on a dryer placed above the font, then while it is drying, you will not be able to take water procedures.


The sliding model has a more interesting design. It is made in the form of a metal console that folds and unfolds like an accordion. The elements of the sliding dryer are connected to each other using reliable rivets. Between the two folding parts there are several metal tubes, which serve as holders for linen.


  • compact design;
  • strength;
  • ability to withstand heavy weight;
  • ease of use;
  • Can be used as a towel holder.


  • The small size of the sliding model does not allow you to dry a lot of laundry or large items on it.


An electric dryer is usually used as a heated towel rail, but it can also be used to dry small items of clothing. The electric dryer is attached to the wall in any convenient location bathroom. It is a kind of ladder made of metal tubes. The number of crossbars may vary depending on the model.


  • wide possibilities for installation;
  • if necessary, the electric dryer can be turned off;
  • low heating temperature protects against burns;
  • Possibility of use as a heater.


  • When installing and operating this type of dryer, you must follow the rules for using electrical appliances in rooms with increased level air humidity;
  • lack of space for drying large items or bedding.



Rope dryers are considered the most economical. You can make something similar with your own hands, since the material (clothesline) costs very little. Rope dryers are usually long enough, so they can be used to dry clothes from several washes at once.


Steel clothes dryers are usually chrome plated, so they look impressive and can decorate the interior of the bathroom. Dryers made of steel are very durable and reliable. The only difficulty is caring for them - to maintain the original shine of chrome you will have to purchase special cleaning products.


Aluminum dryers are considered budget option steel structures. They are also quite durable, but weigh significantly less. True, the weight of washed laundry that they can withstand is also significantly less.


Plastic clothes dryers, despite their lack of durability, are still popular. They are inexpensive and have simple design and light weight. In addition, unlike all other materials, plastic is available in a wide range of colors.


The wall-ceiling clothes dryer has two mounting options: between two opposite walls and on the ceiling. The first option is usually used for installation on a loggia, since attaching the dryer to the ceiling there is problematic.

Thin metal tubes through which ropes are threaded act as laundry holders. The holders can be lowered and raised like blinds by pulling a special rope. Since parts of the structure can move up and down, such a dryer is called an “elevator”.

The number of holders can vary from 4 to 10. The weight that the wall-ceiling dryer can withstand depends on this. On average, such models are designed for a weight of up to 20 kg, which is a fairly good indicator.

Original design

  • Folding dryers can be installed on any vertical surface. If it is not needed, you just need to lift the dryer - this way it looks like an unusual panel. By folding the dryer, you can dry towels and small wardrobe items on it.
  • Over-the-door - as the name suggests, these dryers are mounted directly on the door. Hooks are used as fasteners, so after use the dryer can be removed from the door and stored in a secluded place.
  • Mobile dryers are also called attached dryers. They are a folding triangular structure that is placed on the sides of the bathtub. The disadvantage of such dryers is that until the laundry is dry, you cannot use the bathroom.
  • For batteries - this type of dryer is fixed to heating devices using a pair of hooks. Since batteries are rare in the bathroom, such models are most often installed in other rooms and are used mainly for drying towels.


  • Most of us wash all the laundry that has accumulated over a certain period in one day, making several “approaches” to the washing machine. Thus, the dryer ends up with clothes from several washes at once. In order not to experience interior partitions for strength, choose a solid wall for installing the dryer, preferably a load-bearing one. This way you will be sure that the wall will not gradually begin to crumble under the weight of wet laundry.
  • When choosing a place for the dryer, keep in mind that it will be unfolded from time to time. While the laundry is drying, you should be provided with free access to all plumbing fixtures and cabinets.
  • Try to place the dryer as close to ventilation system- this way the laundry will dry faster, and excess moisture will evaporate in time. Monitor the condition of the fan and clean it periodically.
  • Now take the bracket on which the structure will be attached and attach it to the wall in the selected location. Through the through holes, mark the locations of future fasteners.
  • In accordance with the markings applied to the wall, drill required quantity holes.
  • Secure the brackets to the wall using the set of fasteners included in the kit.
  • Attach the remaining dryer parts to the brackets following the instructions in the assembly manual.

  • How to do it yourself?

    Method 1: Rope Clothes Dryer

    The most basic version of a homemade wall dryer is a system of hooks and ropes stretched over a font. To begin with, we purchase everything from the business department necessary materials(instead of hooks, you can use thick fishing line or beautiful wire). Then we make markings on two opposite walls to which our dryer will be attached. We mark the locations of the hooks: they should be located on the same line on equal distance from each other. After this, we drill holes in which we then fix the hooks. We cut the rope into equal parts and pull it between the hooks. The rope dryer is ready!

    Method 2: overhead clothes dryer

    In order to build a more permanent structure, you will need more free time and tools for woodworking. We will make a dryer from wooden slats cross section 2 cm. First you need to cut the components of the structure: cut two bars equal to the length of the bathtub and 6-8 bars equal to its width. We sand the sawn bars.

    We place the long bars at a distance slightly less than the width of the bathtub and begin to nail the short bars to them. It is the short bars that will serve as holders for linen. You need to try to keep the same distance between them so that the dryer is not only reliable, but also beautiful. The finished dryer can be painted in any color that matches the interior of your bathroom.

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    Drying in the bathroom - more than a simple market overview

    Fortunately, thanks to the emergence washing machines machine, washing clothes has become easy, one might say, commonplace. But although many modern models have a drying function, experienced housewives They prefer to dry things separately, using only the easy spin function. After all, after machine drying, laundry is very difficult to iron. IN this review I will tell you what types of clothes dryers there are for the bathroom and not only for the bathroom, and we will also talk about the criteria for choosing and installing such devices with your own hands.

    What kind of clothes dryers does the modern market offer?

    Naturally, for all manufacturers of this product, the main criterion is ease of use. But the dimensions of bathrooms in modern apartments can vary quite a bit.

    What is suitable for new buildings with an open plan often simply does not fit in Khrushchev-era buildings. Therefore, you need to choose based on specific conditions.

    Wall options

    Wall-mounted drying for clothes in the bathroom is deservedly considered one of the oldest and most proven trends. At the moment, among such dryers there are 2 leading models.

    The device of the first model is technically considered more complex. This device is a drum with a built-in spring mechanism and latches.

    Here the laundry is hung on lines. One end of these ropes is fixed on a monolithic bar, and the second is attached to a drum hidden in a box. In a calm state, that is, when nothing needs to be dried, the box together with the monolithic strip simply hang on the wall.

    To bring such a dryer into working condition, you need to take a monolithic strip and, together with ropes, hook it to a pair of brackets mounted on the opposite wall. At this time, the drum will spin, releasing the ropes to the desired length.

    When the bar hooks onto the brackets, the spring mechanism will ensure stable tension on the ropes, and so that they do not sag under load, the drum will need to be secured with special stoppers, thereby ensuring its stable position.

    Due to its compactness, this model is quite popular. Such dryers from good producers able to withstand up to 12 - 15 kg of wet laundry weight. But these devices have 2 weak points. Firstly, if you constantly “pull” the ropes, they will wear out quite quickly, although this is not so bad, in the end, they can be replaced.

    What’s worse is that the spring mechanism that tensions the ropes and locking clamps is actually under constant load, and if the manufacturer installed low-quality springs with plastic clamps, then such drying will not last long. As far as I know, cheap models break down within the first year of operation.

    The second type of wall dryers is the so-called cantilever telescopic or, more simply put, retractable dryers. They are made from metal strips and tubes. Unlike the first option, cantilever fixtures are attached to only one wall and do not have any springs or clamps.

    In my opinion, the only thing essential dignity What such devices can boast of is their compactness; when folded, such a dryer will definitely not bother you. At the same time bearing capacity this design does not exceed 5, maximum 7 kg. Most often they are used not for their intended purpose, but as a regular towel rack.

    There is another, figuratively speaking, worker-peasant version of wall-mounted dryers. You can make it yourself, but I’ll tell you about it a little later.

    Liana as a recognized leader among ceiling-type dryers

    For owners of small bathrooms, as well as in apartments with high ceilings a model under the general name Liana for drying clothes in the bathroom is perfect. The dryer received such an extravagant name for the abundance of ropes and hanging rollers.

    The ceiling model “Liana” is really very convenient; I have not yet heard any housewife scold this device. The point here is that it is mounted on the ceiling metal frame from two guides. Rollers are suspended from this one, through which ropes are threaded.

    But the laundry hangs not on lines, but on metal tubes. Ropes along with rollers are needed to lift and lower metal tubes. Plus, for convenience, a console is attached to the wall, onto which the ends of the ropes cling. Personally, this design reminds me more of the mechanism for raising sails on yachts.

    Now such models are made not only in the ceiling, but also in wall version. Their operating principle is absolutely the same. The only difference is in the load-bearing elements. As you probably already understood, the ceiling vine is fixed to the ceiling, and the wall version uses two side wall consoles.

    Behind a single name hides a rather wide model range. The length of the tubes in the vines ranges from 50 cm to 2 m. The instructions promise that the vine is designed for an average weight of 15 - 20 kg. But here you need to look at the country of origin.

    Our craftsmen, as well as respectable German burghers, as a rule, make high-quality goods. And I can assure you that 20kg is far from the limit.

    But as for some (not all) Chinese companies and dryers without identification marks, no matter how low the price, you will waste your money. The ropes will get tangled, the rollers will jump off, and the brackets will bend.

    Floor and portable dryer options

    List all existing floor options in one small review it’s simply not realistic. Almost everyone has seen such dryers. The most popular model at the moment is a portable folding dryer, vaguely reminiscent of an ironing board.

    But besides her there is volumetric structures on wheels, which often cannot be disassembled, but they are very convenient to move around the apartment. As far as I have seen, all such dryers are made of metal.

    I like them for their reliability. There are no ropes, rollers or brackets, everything is extremely simple, a regular grid with cross bars. If such drying is handled normally, then children will also get it.

    As for portable models, the range is even wider. The most famous is the dryer, consisting of 2 halves connected by hinges in the form of a book.

    It is made specifically for use in the bathroom. This type of dryer has special stops along the edges. You just need to open this “book” and place it on the edges of the bathroom.

    My wife once on occasion, at a sale, bought a so-called radiator dryer, meaning heating. It consists of 2 curved hooks that cling to the battery, and 5 transverse tubes are welded between them.

    I have never seen a simpler design. My wife uses it when she washes various small items with her own hands without spinning. First, she hangs the dryer on the bathtub, and after the laundry has drained, she transfers it to the radiator, quickly, cheaply and conveniently.

    Active dryers

    Active dryers I call stationary heated towel rails powered by heating system at home or from serving hot water. As well as units that run on electricity.

    Well, there is practically nothing to talk about stationary water heated towel rails; as a rule, they are installed once and if you did not spare money and bought a quality item, then you will use such a dryer for life.

    As for electric models, they can be either stationary or portable. Stationary electric models differ from water models only in the type of coolant.

    Portable models are less common, but you can still find them if you wish. All electric dryers of this type operate on the same principle as oil heater. That is, special oil is pumped inside the sealed housing and a heating element is installed.

    They differ from a standard heater only in the configuration of the body; there are crossbars specifically for hanging laundry and enhanced protection against high humidity.

    Such electric portable models operate from a 220V network, the power in them is calculated so that the temperature does not exceed 60ºC, so it is not possible to get burned on them.

    If you buy an electric model of a bathroom dryer, whether it is stationary or portable, first of all, make sure that your outlet is equipped with a ground loop. The bathroom is a damp room and you shouldn’t rely on a Russian “maybe”; the consequences can be more than serious.

    Average cost table for popular dryers

    Dryer name Approximate price of the dryer Type of design
    Ceiling and wall-ceiling models of the “Liana” type 760 – 2000 rubles
    Floor-standing portable models 830 – 1500 rubles
    Models with bathtub support 550 – 4000 rubles
    Folding wall-mounted dryer on consoles 550 – 720 rubles
    Wall-mounted drum dryer 737 – 1200 rubles
    Portable electric dryer 1500 – 3790 rubles
    Wall-mounted dryer under a radiator 185 – 295 rubles
    Stationary electric heated towel rail From 5500 rubles
    Water heated towel rail From 1500 rubles

    When choosing a factory model, in order not to make a mistake, you need to pay attention to several fundamental things:

    • Almost all modern factory models, if not completely, then at least partially consist of metal. So, I recommend abandoning ferrous metals, that is, ordinary steel, right away. It is best to take stainless steel; if you don’t mind spending money on it, take nickel-plated metal; if treated with care, such a coating will last for quite a long time. As a last resort, buy aluminum, but you shouldn’t count on any serious strength here;

    Sometimes managers shopping centers go for a trick. They say that although the dryer is made of ferrous metal, it is powder coated on top, which is an indicator of quality. So, enamel, powder coating or any other paint will begin to crack after active use within a year, and after a couple of years you will find rust at the joints.

    • The second sore spot is the clothesline in the bathroom.. Even if you are an ardent supporter of everything natural, in this case it is better to take synthetic ropes. Once again, the bathtub room is warm and humid. Under such conditions, any natural material will quickly become a breeding ground for fungus and mold.
      The fact that the rope itself will rot is not a problem. Dangerous are mold spores that will constantly remain on things, including underwear. And this, sooner or later, can lead to serious health problems;

    • Don't go for cheap goods. A dryer is not an essential item. If you don’t have enough money for a quality item, it’s better to dry your clothes for a while old-fashioned method, pulling a rope on the balcony, in the kitchen or in one of the rooms. Do not forget about the old proven truth that the miser pays twice.
    • First of all, remember that wall-mounted models of dryers, at least their main, load-bearing part, should be mounted exclusively on the main, load-bearing wall. Installing a dryer on a wall is always a risk. The entire wall, of course, won’t collapse, but you won’t be able to drive good dowels into it; it won’t be thick enough. And a weak fastening can eventually break out along with the cladding. Agree, it would be a pity to completely re-tile the bathroom because of a small dryer;
    • Before you buy this or that model, think, or better yet, measure whether it will fit in your bathroom. How convenient would it be to close the window, if there is one? Will it interfere with the doors and will you also be able to shower freely?

    • A high-quality wall or ceiling vine for drying clothes in the bathroom is an irreplaceable thing. But with large volumes, one must not forget that the bathtub, in essence, is not a large room and sooner or later high humidity will do its job. In order to protect my bathtub from mold and mildew, I personally immediately installed an exhaust fan, and then, when I was doing the renovation, I installed an electric heated floor.

    Homemade dryers

    As I already mentioned at the beginning, the simplest device for drying clothes that you can come up with and make with your own hands in the bathroom is a rope stretched over 2 hooks. But one rope, as a rule, is not enough. My wife at one time demanded that there be at least 3 such ropes.

    I didn’t think twice about it, I took 2 bars with a cross-section of 40x40 mm and a little more than half a meter in length. I sanded them well, coated them with urethane-alkyd varnish and secured each one with three anchors to the wall. Then I bought a dozen nickel-plated screws in the form of hooks, screwed them into the planks and pulled 5 strong ropes between them.

    Then, in one of the magazines, I saw an original wooden dryer made in the form of a window and made the same one for my bath. The idea is extremely simple. First, the outer frame is mounted and decorated to look like a window.

    After this, the frame is made slightly smaller than the outer one, so that it clearly fits into the outer one. From below these frames are connected by ordinary door hinges, and instead of a limiter, a leather belt up to a meter long is attached to the top.

    A series of horizontal bars are inserted inside the second frame, onto which the laundry is actually hung. The crossbars can be made of wood or stainless steel, it’s up to your taste. When you need to dry your laundry, the inner frame opens and the clothes are hung on the crossbars. In the diagram below I showed general principle assembly of such a dryer.


    Of course, you can live without a clothes dryer for the bathroom, but believe me, it’s much more “dressy” and easier with it. The photo and video in this article contains additional information on the topic of dryers. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, I will try to help.

    August 22, 2016

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    The process of drying clothes in the bathroom is simplified and made convenient various models dryers in the bathroom, which can fit into any interior without violating the overall design concept.

    Existing dryer models

    The modern range of clothes dryers for the bathroom is very diverse. There are compact models for drying small items, and very spacious folding models.

    To choose correctly required model, you need to take into account several nuances so that it fits harmoniously into the dimensions of the room and design.

    Floor models

    Such drying structures, which are installed on the floor in the room, are very convenient. After all, at the moment when nothing needs to be dried, they are put away in a secluded place and do not affect appearance bathroom

    Floor-standing “clamshell dryers” are suitable for those who do laundry a couple of times a week and have a spacious bathroom that could accommodate the unfolded dryer.

    Vertical floor models are the most compact; when assembled, they easily fit in the corner of the room. These models are suitable for those who hang out well-wrung laundry to dry, so that lower floors no drops fell.

    Wall models

    Due to its dimensions and mounting method, the wall-mounted bathroom dryer does not take up much space, and it also turns on and works quite quickly.

    However large number You won't be able to place things on it. These designs are suitable for families where washing is done in small batches and frequently.

    Ceiling clothes dryers

    Modern models have replaced conventional clothes drying lines in the bathroom. Today they are represented by stationary specimens and folding structures.

    If you use this design, then even very wet things from which droplets of water are dripping can be safely placed for drying.

    The only disadvantage of ceiling models is the limited use bathroom during the drying process.

    Choosing a clothes dryer

    In addition to the shape of the product itself, it is necessary to pay attention to the materials of manufacture. Since the humidity in the bathroom is high, and the crossbars are constantly in contact with wet laundry, therefore, all components and fastenings of the dryer must be resistant to corrosion.

    One of the most durable is stainless steel. It is better to choose aluminum dryers for the bathroom when they will be used for drying light items.

    Quite often there are models made of steel, which is protected by a layer of enamel or powder types of dyes. But such specimens are short-lived, since the enamel elements become covered with micro-cracks and deteriorate.

    Inexpensive and small-sized models of dryers can sometimes have plastic elements. However, you should not count on a long service life.

    When going to the store for drying clothes, you should take a tape measure. First of all, it will help you find out the dimensions of the product down to the millimeter, and will also allow you to calculate the distance between adjacent crossbars, which is less than 60 mm. Otherwise, when drying, things may come into contact, staining each other, and increasing the drying time.

    Electric dryers

    For those who do not like to wait a long time for dry laundry, electric models are suitable. On such structures, small items dry in 40 minutes, while bulky sleeping sets and blankets dry in 2 to 4 hours.

    When purchasing such a dryer, you should take into account the power, which should not be less than 70 W.

    It is also better to choose models with adjustment temperature regime so that you can dry items made from light, delicate fabrics on them.

    Unusual modifications of dryers

    Designer clothes dryers will not only cope with their direct responsibility, but will also be able to decorate the interior of any bathroom.

    For small bathrooms, you can use compact models that imitate windows.

    You can choose any color for this frame. To dry small knitted items that can be washed without spinning, you can purchase a small, cute model of dryer that is installed on the bathtub.

    For lovers high technology, there are instances located above the bathtub and controlled by remote control. Such dryers move automatically.

    Photos of bathroom dryers show that today it is easily possible to select models that will meet all the requirements and external characteristics.

    Photo of a dryer in the bathroom