Test "relations with colleagues". Test “Production situations Situation your immediate superior bypasses you gives

Leadership career

Career promotion largely depends on what the future leader is focused on.

This test is aimed at assessing four types of leader orientation in the management process, namely:

D - orientation to the interests of the business;

II - focus on relationships with people, psychological climate in the team;

O - orientation towards official subordination;

C - self-orientation.

You are offered 20 production situations and 4 solutions to each of them (A, B, C and D). Select the solution options that suit you and mark them.

The test also allows you to evaluate another manager in absentia, then choose solution options that suit him.

Try to be sincere and objective.

Situation 1

Your immediate superior, bypassing you, gives an urgent task to your subordinate, who is already busy performing another important task. You and your boss consider your tasks urgent. Choose the solution that is most suitable for you.

a) Without challenging the boss’s assignments, I will strictly adhere to the official chain of command and invite the subordinate to postpone the current work;

b) It all depends on how authoritative the boss is for me;

c) I will express to the subordinate my disagreement with the boss’s assignment, I will warn him that in future in such cases I will cancel tasks assigned to him without my consent;

d) In the interests of the business, I will offer the subordinate to carry out the work begun.

Situation 2

You received two urgent tasks at the same time: from your immediate and your superior. You don’t have time to agree on deadlines for completing tasks; you need to start work urgently. Select your preferred solution.

a) First of all, I will begin to carry out the task of the one I respect more;

b) First I will complete the task that is most important, in my opinion;

c) First, I will complete the task of my superior;

d) I will carry out the assignment of my immediate superior.

Situation 3

A conflict has arisen between two of your subordinates that is preventing them from working successfully. Each of them individually turned to you with a request that you sort it out and support his position. Choose your behavior in this situation.

a) I must stop the conflict at work, but resolving conflicting relationships is their personal business;

b) It is best to ask representatives of public organizations to sort out the conflict;

c) First of all, personally try to understand the motives of the conflict and find a way of reconciliation acceptable to both;

d) Find out which member of the team serves as an authority for those in conflict, and try to influence these people through him.

Situation 4

During the most intense period of completing a production task, an unseemly act was committed on the team, labor discipline was violated, resulting in a defect. The foreman does not know the culprit, but he must be identified and punished. What would you do if you were the foreman?

a) I will leave the clarification of the facts on this incident until the completion of the production task;

b) I will call those suspected of wrongdoing to me, I will have a cool conversation with everyone face to face, I will offer to name the culprit;

c) I will inform those of the workers whom I trust most about what happened, I will invite them to find out the specific culprits and report;

d) After the shift, I will hold a team meeting and publicly demand that the perpetrators be identified and punished.

Situation 5

You are given the opportunity to choose your deputy. There are several candidates. Each applicant is distinguished by the following qualities.

a) The first strives, first of all, to establish friendly, friendly relations in the team, to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and friendship at work, prefers to avoid conflicts, which is not understood correctly by everyone;

b) The second often prefers, in the interests of the case, to aggravate relations “regardless of the persons involved”; he is distinguished by a heightened sense of responsibility for the assigned task;

c) The third prefers to work strictly according to the rules, is always careful in performing his job duties, and is demanding of his subordinates;

d) The fourth is distinguished by assertiveness, personal interest in work, focused on achieving his goal, always strives to complete the task, and does not attach much importance to possible complications in relationships with subordinates.

Situation 6

You are invited to choose your deputy. Candidates differ from each other in the following features of their relationship with their superiors:

a) The first one quickly agrees with the opinion or order of the boss, strives clearly, unconditionally and in established deadlines carry out his tasks;

b) The second can quickly agree with the opinion of the boss, carry out all his orders and tasks with interest and responsibility, but only if the boss has authority with him;

c) The third has rich professional experience and knowledge, good specialist, a skillful organizer, but can be quarrelsome and difficult to communicate;

d) The fourth is a very experienced and competent specialist, but he always strives for autonomy and independence in his work, and does not like to be disturbed.

Situation 7

When you happen to communicate with employees or subordinates in an informal setting, during leisure, what are you more inclined to do?

a) Conduct conversations that are close to your business and professional interests;

b) Set the tone for the conversation, clarify opinions on controversial issues, defend your point of view, strive to convince others of something;

f) Divide general theme conversation, do not impose your opinion, support a common point of view, strive not to stand out with your activity, but only listen to your interlocutor

d) Strive not to talk about business and work, to be a mediator in communication, to be relaxed and attentive to others.

Situation 8

The subordinate did not complete your task on time for the second time, although he promised and gave his word that such an incident would not happen again. What would you do?

a) Wait for the task to be completed, and then have a stern talk in private, warning one last time;

6) Without waiting for the task to be completed, talk to him about the reasons for the repeated failure, achieve the completion of the task, punish for failure with a ruble;

d) Without waiting for the task to be completed, transfer the issue of punishing the employee to the decision of the asset. In the future, increase the demands and control over his work.

Situation 9

The subordinate ignores your advice and instructions, does everything in his own way, not paying attention to comments, without correcting what you point out to him. How will you deal with this subordinate in the future?

a) Having understood the motives for persistence and seeing their inconsistency, I will apply the usual administrative penalties;

b) In the interests of business, I will try to call him for a frank conversation, I will try to find a common language with him, to set him up for business contact;

c) I will turn to the activists of the team - let them pay attention to their incorrect behavior and apply measures of social influence;

d) I will try to figure out whether I myself am making mistakes in my relationship with this subordinate, then I will decide what to do.

Situation 10

A new leader, invited from outside, came to the work collective, where there is a conflict between two groups over the introduction of innovations. How, in your opinion, should he act better to normalize the psychological climate in the team?

a) First of all, establish business contacts with supporters of the new order, without taking seriously the arguments of supporters of the old order, work to introduce innovations, influencing opponents by force

b) First of all, try to dissuade and win over supporters of the old style of work, opponents of change, influence them with persuasion during the discussion process;

c) First of all, select an asset, instruct him to figure it out and propose measures to normalize the situation in the team, rely on the asset, the support of the administration and public organizations;

d) Study the prospects for the development of the team and improving the quality of products, set new long-term goals for joint work activities for the team, rely on the best achievements and labor traditions of the team, and do not contrast the new with the old.

Situation 11

During the most intense period of completing the production program, one of your team members fell ill. Each subordinate is busy doing his job. The work of the absentee must also be completed on time. What to do in such a situation?

a) I’ll see which employee is less busy and order: “You will take this work, and you will help finish it”;

b) I will suggest to the team: “Let’s think together about how to get out of this situation”;

c) I will ask members of the active team to express their proposals, having previously discussed them with members of the team. Then I will make a decision;

d) I will call the most experienced and reliable worker and ask him to help out the team by doing the work of the absentee.

Situation 12

You have a strained relationship with a colleague. Let's say that the reasons for this are not entirely clear to you, but it is necessary to normalize relations so that work does not suffer. What would you do first?

a) I will openly challenge my colleague to a frank conversation in order to find out the true reasons for the strained relationship;

b) First of all, I will try to understand my own behavior towards him;

c) I will address my colleague with the words: Our strained relationship is causing our business to suffer. It’s time to agree on how to work further”;

d) I will turn to other colleagues who are aware of our relationships and can be mediators in their normalization.

Situation 13

You have recently been chosen as the head of a work team in which you have worked for several years as an ordinary employee. At 8:15 a.m., you called a subordinate to your office to find out the reasons for his frequent lateness to work, but you yourself unexpectedly showed up 15 minutes late. The subordinate arrived on time and is waiting for you. How do you start a conversation when you meet?

a) Regardless of my lateness, I will immediately demand his explanation about being late for work;

b) I will apologize to my subordinate and start a conversation;

c) Say hello. I’ll explain the reason for my lateness and ask him: “What do you think can be expected from a manager who is as often late as you?”

d) In the interests of business, I will cancel the conversation and reschedule it for another time.

Situation 14

You have been working as a foreman for the second year. A young worker asks you to let him go from work for four days at his own expense in connection with his marriage.

Why for four days? You ask.

And when Ivanov got married, you allowed him four,” the worker answers calmly and submits an application. You sign for three days, according to the current regulations.

However, the subordinate returns to work four days later. What will you do?

a) I will report the violation of discipline to my superiors, let him decide;

b) I will offer my subordinate to work the fourth day on a day off. I’ll say Ivanov also worked”;

c) Due to the exceptional nature of the case (people don’t get married every day), I’ll limit myself to a remark;

d) I will take responsibility for his absenteeism. I’ll just say: “You shouldn’t have done that.” Congratulations, I wish you happiness.

Situation 15

You are the head of a production team. During night duty, one of your workers, while intoxicated, damaged expensive equipment. Another was injured while trying to repair it. The culprit calls you at home on the phone and anxiously asks what they should do now?

a) Proceed according to the instructions. Read it, it is on my desk, and do whatever is required;

b) Report the incident to the watchman. Draw up an equipment breakdown report and let the victim go to the doctor. We'll figure it out tomorrow;

c) Don’t do anything without me. Now I’ll come and sort it out;

d) What is the condition of the victim? If necessary, call a doctor.

Situation 16

Once I found myself participating in a discussion between several production managers about how best to treat subordinates. You liked one of the points of view the most. Which?

a) First: “For a subordinate to work well, you need to approach him individually, take into account the peculiarities of his personality”;

b) Second: “all these are little things. The main thing in assessing people is their business qualities and diligence. Everyone must do what they are supposed to do”;

c) Third: “I believe that success in leadership can only be achieved if. If a subordinate trusts his leader and respects him”;

d) Fourth: “This is correct, but the best incentives for work are a clear order, a decent salary, a well-deserved bonus.”

Situation 17

You are the head of the workshop. After the reorganization, you urgently need to re-staff several teams according to the new staffing schedule. Which path will you take?

a) I’ll get down to business myself, study all the lists and personal files of the workshop workers, and propose my project at a team meeting;

b) I will suggest that this issue be resolved by the HR department. After all, this is their job;

c) in order to avoid conflicts, I will invite all interested parties to express their proposals, and create a commission to recruit new teams;

d) First, I will determine who will lead the new brigades and sections, then I will instruct these people to submit their proposals on the composition of the brigades.

Situation 18

There is an employee in your team who is more likely to be registered than to work. He is happy with this situation, but you are not. How will you act in in this case?

a) I’ll talk to this person face to face. I'll let him know that it's better for him to resign. at will;

b) I will write a report to a superior with a proposal to “reduce” this unit;

c) I will invite the work collective to discuss this problem and prepare their proposals on how to deal with this person;

d) I will find a suitable job for this person, assign a mentor, and strengthen control over his work.

Situation 19

When distributing the coefficient of labor participation, some members of the team felt that they had been undeservedly “bypassed”; this was a reason for complaints to the shop manager. How would you respond to these complaints if you were him?

a) You answer the complainants something like this: “The coefficient is approved and distributed by your team. I have nothing to do with it;

b) Okay, I will take your complaints into account and try to sort out this issue with your foreman;

c) Don't worry, you will get your money. State your claims to me in writing;

d) I promise to help establish the truth, immediately go to the site and talk with the foreman, and other members of the brigade. If the complaints are confirmed to be justified, propose to the foreman to redistribute the coefficient next month.

Situation 20

You recently started working as the head of a modern workshop at a large industrial enterprise, having come to this position from another plant. Not everyone knows you by sight yet. There are still two hours before the lunch break. Walking along the corridor, you see three workers from your workshop, who are animatedly talking about something and not paying attention to you. Returning 20 minutes later, you see the same picture. How will you behave?

a) I’ll stop and let the workers know that I’m the new shop manager. Let me note in passing that their conversation has dragged on and it’s time to get down to business;

b) I’ll ask who their immediate superior is. Shall I call him to my office?

c) First, I’ll ask what the conversation is about. Then I will introduce myself and ask if they have any complaints against the administration. After that, I’ll suggest going to the workshop for workplace;

d) First of all, I will introduce myself and ask how things are going in their team, how they are loaded with work, what prevents them from working rhythmically. I'll take note of these workers.

Table 2.2.


Situation number Orientation type


Calculate the number of points you scored for each position and determine the resulting priorities for personal orientations in leadership.

Business orientation (D) characterizes your level of competence, ability to make independent decisions, and your personal productivity.

Focus on relationships with people (P) characterizes your educational, humane orientation, ability to delegate authority, and involve team members in the decision-making process.

Orientation towards official subordination (O) characterizes your desire to comply with the external manifestations of the leader’s activities, appear to be a leader, maintain a great distance from subordinates, and maintain authority at any cost.

Self-orientation (C) characterizes your desire to realize yourself in leadership work, achieve personal goals, desire for autonomy and independence.

Task 11. Test “Your success at work”

Read nine questions that may seem far from official concerns to you. Choose the most appropriate answer from the three options. In the end, you will evaluate your success in professional activities,

1. Tomorrow you are supposed to go on vacation, but you still need to get ready and do a lot of things. Suddenly, your boss assigns you urgent work. What will you do?

a) Sit down and work, even if it’s all night long, just to finish on time and leave with a pure soul;

b) Postpone departure for several days;

2. There is a sale going on at a street stall. fashionable clothes at a very low price. Do you decide to buy something on the spot?

a) Yes, such a case does not present itself every day;

b) No, because the clothes may not fit, and there is nowhere to try them on;

c) Yes, provided that replacement is possible.

3. In a large company you met a person who interested you in something. What will you do?


) You will immediately find a reason to talk to him;

b) You will wait for the right opportunity to be introduced to him;

c) If you don’t do anything, come what may.

4. Not only you, but two more of your colleagues are applying for a vacancy with a salary higher than yours. What will you do in such a situation?

a) You will calmly continue to work, believing that your business qualities do not require “advertising”;

b) Be indifferent to everything;

c) You will do everything to prove to others that you are better than other applicants.

5. Your spouse loves classical music, you are easy (or vice versa). How to reconcile these very different tastes?

a) Try to fall in love with classical music yourself;

b) You will persistently buy CDs with light music and try to “re-educate” your spouse;

c) Leave your spouse alone along with his affection.

6. The police are looking for witnesses to a street incident that occurred in your presence. Do you intend to announce this and act as a witness?

a) Of course, it cannot be otherwise;

b) No, because you don’t like to get involved in any “stories”;

c) No, because we are not sure that we know exactly what happened.

7. You are in a hurry, but there is a long line at the taxi stand. What will you do in this situation?

a) Contrary to the queue, try to get into the first car that arrives and ask the taxi driver to drive away quickly, promising to “thank you”;

b) You will be nervous, but stand in line and wait;

c) Ask the queue to let you go ahead, explaining the reason.

8. You won the lottery a large sum money. How will you manage them?

a) You will begin to spend with pleasure on things that you have long wanted to buy, but did not have the opportunity;

b) At a family council, decide what to do with the winnings;

c) Put part of the money in a bank account, and spend part at your own discretion.

9. You ran into someone on the street. What's your reaction?

a) Say in an icy tone: “Sorry!”;

b) You make an unflattering remark at someone you meet;

c) “It happens,” say to yourself and silently move on.

Calculate your points using the table

Table 2.3.

Question Answer option
A b V

Your result:

Up to 9 points (inclusive). The thought of a career almost certainly doesn't cross your mind. By nature, you are an easy-going person, shy and try not to draw attention to yourself. The successes and great fame of others do not make you envious; you have long come to terms with your inconspicuous role. However, you should not be upset by this characteristic. The main thing is that these qualities do not give rise to laziness of the soul in us, do not lead to indifferent contemplation of life instead of active participation in it.

10-15 points. From time to time you happen to dream about success at work, about promotion, but almost immediately, doubting your capabilities, you convince yourself that this will require too much effort and sacrifice. You probably value satisfaction of your desires in your personal life much more. Your modest successes at work do not seriously upset you. “To each his own,” you say. However, it happens that you reproach yourself for lethargy and envy the achievements of your colleagues. But in general, it does not take you out of your peace of mind for long.

16-23 points. You do not view your job responsibilities as a heavy burden. Work gives you satisfaction, it is for you - perceived need, and success at work has become an important life goal. Despite this, the qualities of a careerist are alien to you. No, you don’t think that all means are good to achieve your goal. You are a good diplomat and know how to behave flexibly and tactfully in difficult situations. Most likely, you manage to soberly and wisely combine work interests with your personal life.

Over 24 points. It seems that you belong to the ambitious optimists, to good organizers who know perfectly well what they want and what they must achieve. You have sufficient willpower and are a little more persistent than others. But for complete success, other qualities are also needed: composure, broad outlook, objectivity, restraint. And last but not least - the ability to work with people, to find a language with them. Do you have it all? If only in embryo, develop these qualities in every possible way, without them there will be no rush. And another piece of advice: beware of narcissism, do not believe in your infallibility. Don't forget that life has many other attractive sides.

Task 12. Test “Do you consider yourself a valuable employee?”

Most of us want to move up the corporate ladder, but relatively few reach the desired heights. Few people think about this, but from the very first hour of work, the boss has a good or bad opinion about us. And our career depends on it.

This test is based on the requirements that many large companies use when considering the promotion of an employee. If you answer all the questions honestly, you will be able to determine your chances;

Questions should be answered “yes” or “no”.

1. You rarely miss more than five working days a year without a good reason.

2. You come to work minute by minute.

3. You do about the same amount as anyone else would do in your position.

1. If your colleague who performs the same duties is sick, you will do some of his work in your free time.

2. If you are criticized, even deservedly so, you try to defend yourself.

3. It seems like more bad things happen to you than to your colleagues.

4. You often fail to find a common language with your colleagues.

5. In an emergency, you will wait for instructions and then act.

6. Even if you think of a way to increase productivity or improve quality, you will remain silent.

7. Do people who work overtime without extra pay do the right thing?

8. If you are asked to do urgent work, will you work at normal speed?

9. You always have lunch at work.

10. You are convinced that large companies often try to deceive their employees.

11. You make many minor mistakes in your work.

Check your answers against the choices that numerous organizational experts have found to be correct. Does your answer match with the specified option is worth three points.


1. Yes. Since employers are interested in continuous work, good attendance will be in your favor

2. No. Candidates for promotion must show greater interest in the job than those who simply sit through the call.

3. No. If you want to be considered for nomination, the speed and quality of your work must be above average.

4. . Yes. Willingness and ability to take on additional responsibilities Rarely will a chef be left indifferent.

1. No. The ability to accept criticism and take into account comments is considered a sign of maturity and a willingness to improve one's level.

2. No. If unpleasant accidents often happen to you, you will most likely be left without a job, because management is not happy with rising hospital bills.

3. No, quarrelsomeness is considered a serious obstacle to good performance and can be an obstacle to promotion.

4. No: The ability to think and act quickly in a critical situation is considered essential for a leader.

5. No. Most firms welcome proposals that improve working conditions. It's not wise to keep them to yourself.

6. Yes. Such People are rare, and therefore they are always nominated for promotion.

7. No. You will be expected to perform at a higher speed.

8. No. There are times when a conscientious worker simply cannot afford to be distracted by lunch if he wants to finish work on time.

9. No. This attitude is based on denial and is therefore easily noticed.

10. No. If you make too many mistakes, forget about your dream of advancement.


The points received must be summed up.

A score of 36-42 points is considered excellent, 18-33 is considered average, and less than 18 is considered low.

Thus, having learned your weak points, you can turn them into strong ones

Whether you're looking for a job or want to move up to the next level, the test will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

With each of the above statements you need to express your agreement or disagreement - “true” or “false”.

1. 1.When you go for a job interview, it's a good idea to take someone with you for moral support.

2. Most managers respect assertive candidates who immediately seize the initiative during an interview.

3. If you want to get a job for a short time, don't tell anyone about it.

4. You must work for next to nothing if you want to gain experience.

5. You've got some trouble brewing, so you need to make a couple of friends to let off steam on.

6. If you are an excellent specialist in the task assigned to you, you do not have to adhere to a set work schedule.

7. Grading systems, formal and informal, do not play a role in modern production and business.

8. Anyone can do any job if they put their minds to it.

9. You should always try to get ahead.

10. You don’t ask unnecessary questions, but keep them to yourself.

11. You must develop the belief that work is the most important thing in your life.

12. The less your boss knows you, the better.

13. Your boss will be very happy if you sometimes give him unexpected gifts.

14. There are so many people looking for work now that you don’t need to warn your boss in advance if you are going to leave.

15. With the increasing use of on-site training programs, it is not at all necessary to obtain a college degree.

According to large number leaders representing different areas activities, from trade to industry, all answers must be “False”. Thus, for each “wrong” answer, count yourself 1 point.

Your result

From 0 to 3 points. With a result like this, you have little hope of ever even getting an interview.

From 4 to 7 points. You still have to go long haul before you become a truly good employee. If you really want to get a job, you need to think carefully, ask around knowledgeable people and listen carefully to their advice. You should contact an employment consultant, read the relevant literature I

From 8 to 12 points. In general, you are on the right track. Think about the questions you answered incorrectly. If you don't understand something, go to a boss you trust to find out where you're going wrong.

From 13 to 15 points. You have a mature approach to work and will make a good specialist. If you have problems, they are due to other reasons, so try to deal with them too.

Task 14. Test “Can you work in a tense environment?”

What do you do when the atmosphere gets tense? Are you staying calm? Or are you losing your temper? A person's character is best revealed at a critical moment. Knowing this, some large companies, when hiring new employees for management positions, deliberately arrange stressful situations and see how the candidate can cope with them. Try to pass this test at least on paper. You must express your agreement or disagreement (“yes” or “no”) with each of the statements given.

1. If you are faced with a difficult personal problem, you try to eat something, drink or smoke, or perform some other extraneous action in order to delay time and not immediately take on the solution.

2. If you unexpectedly lose your job, it will take you a long time to recover before you start looking for a new one.

3. If you are very upset, for example, after losing someone close, it unsettles you for a week, or even more.

4. If you just went to the doctor for a routine examination, and he gives you a referral for tests, you will be very worried until you get a favorable result.

5. If an accident occurs in your presence, you will be able to provide first aid to the victims until the ambulance arrives.

6. If you are told to do a job faster than you expected, the quality of the work will noticeably suffer.

7. You perform worse on exams and tests than usual.

8. You have difficulty speaking in front of an audience.

9. Even if you firmly believe in something, you will remain silent if an opposing opinion is discussed.

10. It happens that you make a long-distance call and, trying to speak briefly, forget to say something important.

11. When you are going to go somewhere, you are so worried that you might forget something at home.

12. If you need to do several important things in one day, you are very worried.

Your result

According to most experts, there are absolutely clear correct answers to each of the above questions. If your answer matches theirs, you get 4 points; if not, you get one point. So, “no” is considered the correct answer to questions 1 to 4 and 6 to 12. “Yes” is the best answer to question 5.

If you score from 36 to 48 points, this is an above average result; it shows that you can work well under pressure.

A result from 15 to 35 points is average, 14 or less is low. You need to take charge of yourself to face life's inevitable challenges.

The test was developed and tested by Leningrad industrial psychologist A. A. Ershov and is aimed at assessing 4 types of manager orientation in the management process.

The connection between personal characteristics and performance effectiveness is mediated by such socio-psychological factors as the individual’s position in the team and the degree to which his interests correspond to the interests of the team members.

The test measures the following 4 types of leadership attitudes, aptitudes, or orientations:

D - orientation to the interests of the business;

P - orientation towards relationships with people, psychological climate in the team;

O - orientation towards official subordination;

C - self-orientation.


You will be offered 20 production situations and 4 options for solving the situation (A, B, C and D).

Please select those solution options from the proposed ones that suit you and mark them.

The test allows you to evaluate another manager in absentia, then choose solution options that suit him.

Try to be sincere and objective.

Situation 1

Your immediate superior, bypassing you, gives an urgent task to your subordinate, who is already busy with another important task. You and your boss consider your tasks urgent.

Choose the solution that is most suitable for you.

A. Without challenging the boss’s assignments, I will strictly adhere to the official chain of command and invite the subordinate to postpone the current work.

B. It all depends on how authoritative the boss is for me.

B. I will express to the subordinate my disagreement with the boss’s assignment, I will warn him that in future in such cases I will cancel tasks assigned to him without my consent.

D. In the interests of the business, I will offer the subordinate to carry out the work begun.

Situation 2

You received two urgent tasks at the same time: from your immediate and your superior. You don’t have time to agree on deadlines for completing tasks; you need to start work urgently.

Select your preferred solution.

A. First of all, I will begin to carry out the task of the one I respect more.

B. First I will complete the task that is most important in my opinion.

B. First, I will complete the task of my superior.

D. I will carry out the assignment of my immediate superior.

Situation 3

A conflict has arisen between two of your subordinates that is preventing them from working successfully. Each of them individually turned to you with a request that you sort it out and support his position.

Choose your behavior in this situation.

A. I must stop conflict at work, but resolving conflicting relationships is their own business.

B. It is best to ask representatives of public organizations to sort out the conflict.

B. First of all, personally try to understand the motives of the conflict and find a way of reconciliation acceptable to both.

D. Find out which member of the team serves as an authority for those in conflict, and try to influence these people through him.

Situation 4

During the most intense period of completing a production task, an unseemly act was committed in the team, labor discipline was violated, which resulted in a defect. The foreman does not know the culprit, but he must be identified and punished.

What would you do if you were the foreman? Choose a solution that is acceptable to you.

A. I will leave the clarification of the facts regarding this incident until the completion of the production task.

B. I will call those suspected of wrongdoing to me, I will have a cool talk with everyone face to face, I will offer to name the culprit.

B. I will inform those of the workers whom I trust most about what happened, I will invite them to identify the specific culprits and report.

D. After the shift, I will hold a team meeting and publicly demand that the perpetrators be identified and punished.

Situation 5

You are given the opportunity to choose your deputy. There are several candidates. Each applicant is distinguished by the following qualities.

A. The first one strives, first of all, to establish friendly, friendly relations in the team, to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and friendship at work, and prefers to avoid conflicts, which is not understood correctly by everyone.

B. The second often prefers, in the interests of the cause, to aggravate the relationship “regardless of persons”; he is distinguished by a heightened sense of responsibility for the assigned task.

B. The third prefers to work strictly according to the rules, is always careful in performing his job duties, and is demanding of his subordinates.

D. The fourth is distinguished by assertiveness, personal interest in work, focused on achieving his goal, always strives to complete the job, and does not attach much importance to possible complications in relationships with subordinates.

Situation 6

You are invited to choose your deputy. Candidates differ from each other in the following features of their relationship with their superiors:

A. The first quickly agrees with the opinion or order of the boss, strives to carry out all his tasks clearly, unconditionally and on time.

B. The second can quickly agree with the opinion of the boss, carry out all his orders and tasks with interest and responsibility, but only if the boss is authoritative for him.

B. The third has rich professional experience and knowledge, is a good specialist, a skillful organizer, but can be quarrelsome and difficult to communicate with.

D. The fourth is a very experienced and competent specialist, but he always strives for autonomy and independence in his work, and does not like to be disturbed.

Situation 7

When you happen to communicate with employees or subordinates in an informal setting, during leisure, what are you more inclined to do?

A. Conduct conversations that are close to your business and professional interests.

B. Set the tone for the conversation, clarify opinions on controversial issues, defend your point of view, strive to convince others of something.

B. Share the general topic of conversation, do not impose your opinion, support a common point of view, strive not to stand out with your activity, but only listen to your interlocutors.

D. Strive not to talk about business and work, to be a mediator in communication, to be relaxed and attentive to others.

Situation 8

The subordinate did not complete your task on time for the second time, although he promised and gave his word that such an incident would not happen again.

What would you do?

A. Wait for the task to be completed, and then have a stern conversation in private, giving a final warning.

B. Without waiting for the task to be completed, talk to him about the reasons for the repeated failure, get the task completed, and punish him for failure with a ruble.

D. Without waiting for the task to be completed, transfer the issue of punishing the employee to the decision of the asset. In the future, increase the demands and control over his work.

Situation 9

The subordinate ignores your advice and instructions, does everything in his own way, not paying attention to comments, without correcting what you point out to him.

How will you deal with this subordinate in the future?

A. Having understood the motives for persistence and seeing their inconsistency, I will apply the usual administrative penalties.

B. In the interests of business, I will try to call him for a frank conversation, I will try to find a common language with him, to set him up for business contact.

B. I will appeal to the active members of the team: let them pay attention to his incorrect behavior and apply measures of social influence.

G. I will try to figure out whether I myself am making mistakes in my relationship with this subordinate, then I will decide what to do.

Situation 10

A new leader, invited from outside, came to the work collective, where there is a conflict between two groups over the introduction of innovations. How, in your opinion, should he act better to normalize the psychological climate in the team?

A. First of all, establish business contacts with supporters of the new, without taking seriously the arguments of supporters of the old order, work to introduce innovations, influencing opponents with the power of your example and the example of others.

B. First of all, try to dissuade and win over supporters of the previous style of work, opponents of perestroika, and influence them with persuasion during the discussion process.

B. First of all, choose an asset, instruct him to figure it out and propose measures to normalize the situation in the team, rely on the asset, the support of the administration and public organizations.

D. Study the prospects for the development of the team and improving the quality of products, set new promising tasks for the team in joint work, rely on the best achievements and labor traditions of the team, and do not contrast the new with the old.

Situation 11

During the most intense period of completing the production program, one of your team members fell ill. Each subordinate is busy doing his job. The work of the absentee must also be completed on time. What to do in this situation?

A. I’ll see which employee is less busy and order: “You will take this work, and you will help finish it.”

B. I will suggest to the team: “Let’s think together about how to get out of this situation.”

B. I will ask members of the active team to express their proposals, having first discussed them with members of the team, then I will make a decision.

D. I will call the most experienced and reliable worker and ask him to help out the team by doing the work of the absentee.

Situation 12

You have a strained relationship with a colleague. Let's say that the reasons for this are not entirely clear to you, but it is necessary to normalize relations so that work does not suffer.

What would you do first?

A. I will openly challenge my colleague to a frank conversation in order to find out the true reasons for the strained relationship.

B. First of all, I’ll try to understand my own behavior towards him.

B. I will turn to my colleague with the words: “The business is suffering from our strained relationship. It’s time to agree on how to work further.”

D. I will turn to other colleagues who are aware of our relations and can be mediators in their normalization.

Situation 13

You have recently been chosen as the head of a work team in which you have worked for several years as an ordinary employee. At 8 hours 15 minutes. You called a subordinate to your office to find out the reasons for his frequent lateness to work, but you yourself were unexpectedly 15 minutes late. The subordinate arrived on time and is waiting for you.

How do you start a conversation when you meet?

A. Regardless of my lateness, I will immediately demand his explanation about being late for work.

B. I will apologize to my subordinate and start a conversation.

B. I’ll say hello, explain the reason for my lateness and ask him: “What do you think can be expected from a manager who is late as often as you?”

D. In the interests of business, I will cancel the conversation and reschedule it for another time.

Situation 14

You have been working as a foreman for the second year. A young worker asks you to let him go from work for four days at his own expense in connection with his marriage.

Why four? - you ask.

“And when Ivanov got married, you allowed him four,” the worker replies calmly and submits an application. You sign an application for three days in accordance with the current regulations.

However, the subordinate returns to work four days later. What will you do?

A. I will report the violation of discipline to my superior and let him decide.

B. I will offer my subordinate to work the fourth day on a day off. I’ll say: “Ivanov also worked.”

B. Due to the exceptional nature of the case (after all, people do not get married often), I will limit myself to a public remark.

D. I will take responsibility for his absenteeism. I’ll just say: “You shouldn’t have done that.” Congratulations and wish you happiness.

Situation 15

You are the head of a production team. During night duty, one of your workers, while intoxicated, damaged expensive equipment. Another was injured while trying to repair it. The culprit calls you at home on the phone and anxiously asks what they should do now.

How will you answer the call?

A. “Proceed as instructed. Read it, it’s on my desk, and do whatever is required.”

B. “Report what happened to the watchman. Draw up an equipment breakdown report and let the victim go to the nurse on duty. We'll figure it out tomorrow."

B. “Don’t do anything without me. Now I’ll come and sort it out.”

G. “What is the condition of the victim? If necessary, call a doctor immediately."

Situation 16

One day you found yourself in a discussion between several production managers about how to better treat their subordinates.

One of the points of view you liked the most. Which?

A. First: “In order for a subordinate to work well, you need to approach him individually, taking into account the characteristics of his personality.”

B. Second: “All these are little things. The main thing in assessing people is their business qualities and diligence. Everyone has to do what they're supposed to do."

B. Third: “I believe that success in leadership can only be achieved if subordinates trust their leader and respect him.”

D. Fourth: “This is correct, but still the best incentives in work are a clear order, a decent salary, a well-deserved bonus.”

Situation 17

You are the head of the workshop. After the reorganization, you urgently need to re-staff several teams according to the new staffing schedule.

Which path will you take?

A. I’ll get down to business myself, study all the lists and personal files of the workshop workers, and propose my project at a team meeting.

B. I will suggest that the HR department resolve this issue. After all, this is their job.

B. In order to avoid conflicts, I will suggest expressing your wishes to all interested parties, and will create a commission to recruit new teams.

D. First, I will determine who will lead the new brigades and sections, then I will instruct these people to submit their proposals on the composition of the brigades.

Situation 18

There is an employee in your team who is more likely to be registered than to work. He is happy with this situation, but you are not.

What will you do in this case?

A. I will talk to this person face to face. I will let him understand that it is better for him to resign of his own free will.

B. I will write a report to a superior with a proposal to “reduce” this unit.

B. I will invite the deputy to discuss this situation and prepare his suggestions on how to deal with this person.

D. I will find a suitable job for this person, assign a mentor, and strengthen control over his work.

Situation 19

When distributing the labor participation coefficient (LPC), some members of the team felt that they had been undeservedly “bypassed”; this was the reason for their complaints to the shop manager. How would you respond to these complaints if you were him?

A. You answer the complainants something like this: “KTU is approved and distributed by your team, I have nothing to do with it.”

B. “Okay, I’ll take your complaints into account and try to sort this issue out with your foreman.”

B. “Don't worry, you will get your money. State your claims to me in writing."

D. Having promised to help establish the truth, immediately go to the site and talk with the foreman, foreman and other members of the brigade. If the complaints are confirmed to be justified, propose to the foreman to redistribute the KTU next month.

Situation 20

You recently started working as the head of a modern workshop at a large industrial enterprise, having come to this position from another plant. Not everyone knows you by sight yet. There are still two hours before the lunch break. Walking along the corridor, you see three workers from your workshop, who are animatedly talking about something and not paying attention to you. Returning 20 minutes later, you see the same picture.

How will you behave?

A. I’ll stop and let the workers know that I’m the new shop manager. Let me note in passing that their conversation has gone on for a long time and it’s time to get down to business.

B. I’ll ask who their immediate superior is. I'll call him to my office.

B. First, let me ask what the conversation is about. Then I will introduce myself and ask if they have any complaints against the administration. After this, I will suggest going to the workshop to the workplace.

G. First of all, I’ll introduce myself, ask how things are going in their team, how busy they are with work, what’s stopping them from working rhythmically? I'll take note of these workers.


Situation number

Orientation type


Calculate the number of points you scored for each position and determine the resulting priorities for personal orientations in leadership.

Business orientation (D) characterizes your level of competence, ability to make independent decisions, and your personal productivity.

Focus on relationships with people (P) characterizes your educational, humane orientation, ability to delegate authority, and involve team members in the decision-making process.

Orientation towards official subordination (O) characterizes your desire to comply with the external manifestations of the leader’s activities, appear to be a leader, maintain a great distance from subordinates, and maintain authority at any cost.

Self-orientation (C) characterizes your desire to realize yourself in leadership work, achieve personal goals, and the desire for autonomy and independence.

Analyze the quantitative values ​​of these characteristics based on work with the “Management Style” test.

Situation 4.

Situation 3.

Situation 2.

Situation 1.

Your immediate superior, bypassing you, gives an urgent task to your subordinate, who is already busy with another important task. You and your boss consider your tasks urgent.

You received two urgent tasks at the same time: from your immediate and higher-ranking boss. You don’t have time to agree on deadlines for completing tasks; you need to start working urgently.

A conflict has arisen between two of your subordinates that is preventing them from working. Each of them individually appeals to you with a request to sort it out and support his position.

During the most intense period of completing a production task, an unseemly act was committed in the team, labor discipline was violated, which resulted in a defect. The foreman does not know the culprit, but he must be identified and punished.

What would you do if you were the foreman?

Situation 5. You are given the opportunity to choose your deputy. There are several candidates. Each applicant has the following qualities:

A. The first one strives, first of all, to establish friendly, friendly relations in the team, to create an atmosphere of trust and friendship at work, prefers to avoid conflicts, which is not understood correctly by everyone. B. The second often prefers, in the interests of the cause, to aggravate relations (regardless of the person involved), and is distinguished by a heightened sense of responsibility for the assigned task. B. The third one prefers to work strictly according to the rules and is always careful in his job responsibilities, demanding of subordinates. D. The fourth is distinguished by assertiveness, personal interest in work, focused on achieving his goal, always strives to complete the job, and does not pay much attention to possible complications in relationships with subordinates.

Situation 6. You are given the opportunity to choose your deputy. There are several candidates. Each applicant is distinguished by the following features of his relationship with his superior:

Situation 7. When you happen to communicate with employees or subordinates in an informal setting, during leisure, what are you more inclined to do?

Situation 8. The subordinate did not complete your task on time for the second time, although he promised and gave his word that such an incident would not happen again.

Situation 9. The subordinate ignores your advice and instructions, does everything in his own way, not paying attention to comments, without correcting what you point out to him.

Situation 10. A new leader, invited from outside, came to the work collective, where there is a conflict between two groups over the introduction of innovations.

How, in your opinion, should he act better to normalize the psychological climate in the team?

A. First of all, establish contact with supporters of the new, without accepting the arguments of supporters of the old order, work to introduce innovations, influencing rivals by the power of your example and the example of others. B. First of all, try to dissuade and win over supporters of the previous style of work, opponents of perestroika, and influence them with persuasion during the discussion process. B. First of all, choose an asset, instruct him to figure it out and propose measures to normalize the situation in the team, rely on the asset, the support of the administration and public organizations. D. Study the prospects for the development of the team and improving the quality of products, set new promising tasks for the team in joint work, rely on the best achievements and labor traditions of the team, and do not contrast the new with the old.

Situation 11. During the most intense period of completing the production program, one of your team members fell ill. Each subordinate is busy doing his job. The work of the absentee must also be completed on time.

Situation 12. You have a strained relationship with a colleague. Let's say that the reasons for this are not entirely clear, but it is necessary to normalize relations so that work does not suffer.

Situation 13. You have recently been chosen as the head of a work team in which you have worked for several years as an ordinary employee. At 8 o'clock 15 min. You called a subordinate to your office to find out the reasons for his private lateness to work, but you yourself were unexpectedly late for work by 15 minutes. The subordinate arrived on time and is waiting for you.

Situation 14. You have been working as a foreman for the second year. A young worker appeals to you with a request to let him go from work for 4 days at his own expense in connection with his marriage. “Why 4?” you ask.

“And when Ivanov got married, you allowed him 4,” the worker answers calmly and submits an application. You sign an application for three days, according to the current regulations.

However, the subordinate returns to work 4 days later. What will you do?

Situation 15. You are the head of a production team. During night duty, one of your workers, while intoxicated, damaged expensive equipment. Another was injured while trying to repair it. The culprit calls you on the phone and anxiously asks what they should do now?

Situation 16. One day you found yourself participating in a discussion between several production managers about how best to treat subordinates.

One of the points of view you liked the most. Which?

Situation 17. You are the head of the workshop. After the reorganization, you urgently need to re-staff several teams according to the new staffing schedule.

Situation 18. There is an employee in your team who is more likely to be registered than to work. He is happy with this situation, but you are not.

Situation 19. When distributing the labor participation coefficient (LPC), some members of the team felt that they had been undeservedly “bypassed”; this was the reason for their complaints to the shop manager.

Situation 20. You recently started working as the head of a modern workshop at a large industrial enterprise, having come to this position from another plant. Not everyone knows you by sight yet. There are still two hours before the lunch break. Walking along the corridor, you see three workers from your workshop, who are animatedly talking about something, not paying attention to you. Returning 20 minutes later, you see the same picture.

1. The concept of management. Manager and entrepreneur.

2. Essence and characteristic features modern management.

3. Functions, management cycle.

4. History of management development.

5. Classical school management.

6. Behavioral school of management.

7. Situational school of management.

8. Systematic approach to management.

9. Strategic planning.

10. Mission of the organization. Taking into account the external environment (environment) when developing a strategy.

11. Internal environment organizations.

12. Identifying strengths and weaknesses companies.

13. Organizational structures.

14. Bureaucratic and adaptive organizational structures.

15. Functional (classical) organizational structure.

16. Divisional structure.

17. Organizational structure based on product characteristics.

18. Project and matrix organizational structures.

19. Groups and their significance. Formal and informal groups.

20. Motivation and needs. Theories of motivation.

21. Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation.

22. Maslow's theory of human needs.

23. Process theories of motivation.

24. Expectancy theory and equity theory.

25. Control, concept and essence.

26. Stages of control.

27. Leadership, influence, power. Types of power. Balance of power. Partnership.

28. Leadership, leadership styles.

29. Management grid and its use.

30. Management methods.

31. Self-management of the leader. Working hours. Time management.

32. Problems of optimal use of working time. Principles

Pareto and Eisenhower.

33. Information and communications.

34. Business communication, essence and content, types.

35. Organization of business communication.

37. Requirements for management decisions.

38. Decision making process.

39. Methods of decision making.

40. Conflict and stress management. Types, essence. Methods

1. Imagine a situation in which the team you lead has an informal leader who is clearly trying to compete with you for influence. What are your actions?

It is necessary to analyze the situation and understand why this is happening. There are several ways out: attract the informal leader to your side by giving him some element of formal leadership, increase your influence or discredit the informal leader (which is not very decent, but often effective), assess group dynamics and make changes in the department or organization. It is also possible to analyze the motivation of the informal leader and influence some motivators that have not been satisfied to date in order to neutralize his desire to dominate

2. The employee constantly evades responsibility, asks questions about how to do the current job, but in the end does everything very efficiently. The employee has been working for the company for about six months. What could be causing this situation? What are your actions?

This situation is most often associated with the fact that the employee is playing it safe either because of negative experience of showing initiative in the past (this needs to be clarified and made clear how you feel about initiative and independence), or because of uncertainty in his qualifications (if they are sufficient , then this needs to be explained), or because of low self-esteem (then the employee should be praised more). In any case, the leitmotif of the conversation can be the following: “You do your job very well. I see that I can rely on you. I just wish I could give you the opportunity to show more independence. I know that initiative is not always and everywhere encouraged. This is how it is with us. Let's come to an agreement with you (then you stipulate in what situations you expect independence and when an employee should consult with you). By the way, keep in mind that I am ready to discuss any questions, your training and growth, but independence is the main guarantee of development prospects in our company.”

3. IN large company The following situation has arisen: regional sales department long time was in an office separated from other departments. The department is large, professionally strong, with a very experienced leader. At some point, the management of the entire company decided to merge and move all departments to a common office. A conflict has arisen. Determine the true and imaginary positions of the parties and propose ways to resolve the conflict

Most likely, in the process of discussing the merger in a common office, real and imaginary positions will be replaced. The argument will come down to territories, technology, communication with clients, savings and similar aspects on both sides, while the basis is a question of control and the degree of independence. In this case, both sides are approximately equally strong in their positions and cannot afford to apply much pressure. Therefore, the best way is to openly outline the positions of the parties and find a compromise solution, stipulating the degree of independence of the regional department, procedures and forms of control. Perhaps it makes sense to somehow stipulate an increase in the status of the regional department and its head as compensation for the partial loss of independence

4. Imagine that a person who previously worked in the same position as yours comes to report to you. What could cause such a transition and what will be your actions?

A penchant for analysis, versionism, a tendency towards an accusatory position, practical management skills. The most correct approach can be considered in which the candidate names both positive reasons for the transition (the person goes to a more well-known company, for a job that is more interesting in content), and negative (failed to cope, cannot be a manager), as well as neutral ones (family circumstances, closure of the company). It is this approach that is most suitable for balanced and clear analysis and competent management. Depending on the reasons for the transition, a situational leadership model will be built

5. One of your subordinates, due to an error due to insufficient experience, missed out on a major deal. Another concluded a similar deal, and took advantage of the reward offered by the supplier for himself personally. In the first case, the company missed out on significant benefits, in the second, it received significant profits. Describe your reaction and actions in the first and second situations

Honesty and clear prioritization regarding the inadmissibility of questionable employee actions. The degree of rigidity in assessing errors, the inclination and ability to train staff. Of course, if your business and corporate culture are focused on honesty and integrity, then the second employee deserves punishment. In the first case, everything depends on the degree of rigidity of management, but the main thing is to teach this employee and others so that in the future there will be no such situations or there will be fewer

6. From an employee who previously gave excellent results, his work efficiency has sharply decreased, while he formally fulfills all his duties. What could cause this situation and what will be your actions?

Management style and skills, versional thinking, tendency to an accusatory position. It is important that the candidate identifies the following groups of factors:

  • objective, market or product;
  • subjective, related to motivation;
  • subjective, related to qualifications;
  • subjective, related to personal circumstances;
  • objective, related to the situation in the company or management style. It is also very important that the main focus is not on finding someone to blame, but on solving the current situation. But the extent to which the employee’s interests should be taken into account depends on your corporate culture and approach

7. You have a person working under you who has already somewhat outgrown his position. However, due to various objective reasons, there cannot be career growth, but the income is quite high, and there are also commissions. Find ways to further motivate such an employee

Skills in motivating subordinates, versional thinking. At least 2-4 methods must be named. It is important that the candidate notes that the search and analysis of the effectiveness of these methods will be determined by the individual motivation of the employee. It is also important to have a positive approach and take into account not only material, but also non-material motivation.

8. As a leader, you must be a good judge of people. Are you good at reading people? (Most likely, we will receive an answer no lower than “satisfactory” or “not bad.”) Then characterize me as a potential colleague or subordinate (in detail and specifically: what corporate culture suits me, what are my personal characteristics, how to motivate me, etc. )

A similar CASE has already been given to evaluate a salesperson, and, of course, a candidate for the position of head of the sales department should not be given this task twice. We test resistance to stress, the ability to give a frank assessment, the ability to understand people based on fairly brief communication

9. The team has a person who constantly asks his colleagues for help. What's good and what's bad about this situation?

Analysis, versioning, accusatory position. The balance of the positive and negative factors found is important; the factors themselves can be very different, their choice shows a propensity for a particular corporate culture and management style

10. “Your immediate superior, bypassing you, gives an urgent task to your subordinate, who is already busy with another important task. You and your boss consider your tasks urgent. Choose the solution that is most suitable for you"

Apparently, this kind of description of a situation can pursue two purposes: either to encourage the subject to demonstrate the breadth of erudition, or to serve as an illustration for some point of view.

In the first situation, you may be expected to reason about the need and sources of additional data, forecasts regarding the subjects and/or causes of the situation, demonstrate the ability to use a systems approach, a situational approach, and a broad perspective on problems. An action program should be prepared aimed at implementing, for example, an analytical method of problem solving. It would be unacceptable if you wanted to immediately begin processing paperwork to dismiss an employee.

The second situation is taken from the “Production Situations” test, developed and tested by Leningrad industrial psychologist A.A. Ershov and aimed at assessing 4 types of manager orientations in the management process (business assessment of the manager). The test, consisting of descriptions of 20 such situations and four behavioral options for each situation, measures the following 4 types of positions, inclinations or orientations of the leader: orientation towards the interests of the business, orientation towards relationships with people (psychological climate in the team), orientation towards official subordination, self-orientation.

Projective interview questions are one of the the best ways deep expert assessment of the candidate. But this method requires serious vocational training appraiser.

Qualities of a weak leader

All weak leaders have common important characteristics that can be useful for assessing a leader. Here are some of them:

1. He always faces unpredictable, incomprehensible circumstances, because... is not able to predict their approach, consequences and how to prepare for them in the required manner.

2. I am confident that he knows the business and his tasks and knows how to do it better than anyone, so he tries to do everything on his own, without delegating key points to subordinates.

3. Participates in everything, which is why he never has time for strategy and thoughtful planning. Receiving visitors in his office, holding the phone in one hand, and the letter he received last week in the other, and at the same time, scolding the employee standing at the desk - this is the principle of his work. As a rule, the entire desk of such a boss is overflowing with unnecessary papers and documents.

4. Desk he is always overwhelmed with something. Moreover, it is completely unclear which of these documents are important, which are urgent, and which have long since lost relevance.

5. Works for 12-14 hours. Stays up late, overworked and always tired and angry.

6. Always walks with a briefcase in which he carries unread papers from work to home, and from home to work.

7. People often try to postpone a decision: after all, an important issue can be resolved by itself or it can be decided by another colleague or management.

8. Never solves anything completely in a necessary and sufficient way; the burden of unresolved and lingering issues falls on him, puts great pressure on his psyche, and prevents him from thinking and working normally.

9. Sees everything in black and white, there are no halftones or nuances for him, he is not able to rise above the situation, without judgment, weighing all the pros and cons.

10. Tends to make a big deal out of little things. Secondary details are given unnecessarily great value, is not able to distinguish the main from the secondary, is not ready to competently weigh the pros and cons, or think critically.

11. He is familiar with his subordinates: by patting him on the shoulder or hugging him around the waist, he tries to gain the reputation of his boyfriend.

12. Tries to accept best solution, instead of accepting what is feasible. Inadequately assesses the situation and resources to solve the problem; the manager’s assessment does not include the necessary factors and does not focus on key points.

13. Ready to compromise in order to avoid responsibility, inclined to blame others for his mistakes.

Additional potential limitations important to evaluate:

Inability to manage oneself Every leader must be able to manage himself and interact with subordinates as a valuable and important resource. Those leaders who do not know how to deal with conflicts and stress, to properly use and distribute their time, resources and qualities are limited by this inability and cannot manage other people. These are important prerequisites for planning and management, assessing the quality of a manager, and assessing the manager as a whole.
Blurred personal values, unclear personal goals Leaders must make many decisions every day based on internal values ​​and principles. If personal values ​​are not explained and developed, and are not accepted for oneself and others, they will be perceived distortedly by others. As a result, the efficiency of planning, decision-making and implementation is significantly reduced. A leader who is unable to define his goals cannot achieve success in leadership activities and is limited by this
Stunted personal development The ability for self-development and self-improvement is characterized not only by constant study and work on oneself, but also by the ability to put acquired knowledge into practice, apply new things and conduct important experiments
Inability to solve problems (make decisions) The main talent of a leader is the ability to quickly and correctly make informed, high-quality decisions. There is never a solution to problems simple matter, but the necessary decision-making skills can be developed to an appropriate degree. Assessing a manager and his problem-solving skills is an important element of general management diagnostics.
Lack of creativity at work Creativity in personnel management has always been highly valued. Such a person is always better prepared to work in conditions of uncertainty than others. Managers who use a situational approach in their activities are able to promptly change tactics and adjust their actions depending on the development of events. To achieve results, they cannot break with traditions, use innovative ideas, or even take risks. A leader who is not willing to take risks or maintain a creative perspective in his work cannot force others to think outside the box and use new quality and breakthrough ideas in their work.
Inability to influence people Managers with a penchant for power dress appropriately and have a flashy personality. appearance, express their thoughts clearly, are confident in themselves, and give clear instructions. An insufficiently influential leader does not have mutual understanding with colleagues
Misunderstanding of the specifics of managerial work A manager must achieve results not only through personal work, but mainly through others. Until managers evaluate the quality of their management of others, they will not achieve high results in the company. Managers who do not understand staff motivation are severely limited by this understanding of leadership work
Low organizational skills (inability to lead) We are talking about the manager’s ability to optimally organize work. Uncoordinated work processes and ineffective methods lead to people feeling weak and unsatisfied at work and, accordingly, working below their abilities
Inability to teach Every manager must equalize his subordinates. A good manager acts, among other things, as a mentor and senior. Advanced training, no matter in what form it is carried out, as well as assessment of the manager, - essential element managerial efficiency
Inability to form a team Among stable groups of people vital role belongs to the work collective. Forming a team taking into account the fundamental interests and goals of its members, directing these interests towards the goals of the organization - necessary condition manager's success

Managerial evaluation methods used

in the practice of assessment centers

Method name

Brief description of the method

Biographical method

Evaluation of an employee based on data from his life and biography

Oral or written references in any form

Description of achievements and omissions using the critical incident method

Evaluation of achieved results

An oral or written description of specific work and its results, their quality, extent, timing and other characteristics


Conducted in a structured or unstructured form. The compliance of the experience, professional knowledge, work behavior and attitude of the assessed employees with the established requirements is assessed

Group discussions

Assessment of knowledge, qualities, skills, leadership potential, level of communication, business abilities during a joint discussion of the tasks assigned to the group

Analysis of specific situations (case - study)

Analysis of specific practical situations. The managers being assessed must identify the most important problems of the situations proposed for analysis and develop proposals for solving them

Selecting evaluation characteristics from the standard list

Comparison of the qualities possessed by the person being assessed with a certain general list of qualities presented in the evaluation form

Method expert assessments

Determining the degree of manifestation of certain qualities in employees by giving expert assessments on a certain set of scales presented in the evaluation form

Psychological testing

Determination of personality traits, knowledge, abilities, skills, abilities and other characteristics based on specially selected test tasks


Determination, with the help of experts, of the rank (place) assessed among other candidates based on the totality of assessment results

Business games

Playing out situations according to a pre-developed scenario that simulates production conditions and requires decision-making based on available information

Preset Scoring Method

Accrual of points for certain achievements (omissions) during the assessment of the manager

Graphic profile method

Instead of quantitative or qualitative assessments of the leader, a personality profile is used. The method allows for a visual comparison of the person being assessed with the profile of the “ideal” manager, as well as for comparing different employees.

Critical Situation Method

It evaluates how the employee behaved in certain difficult situations(stress, making a responsible decision, solving a new unfamiliar problem, resolving conflict situation etc.)

"Manager's folder"


Development of an action plan and decision-making based on the analysis of a specially designed package of documents: letters, reports, memos, negotiations, etc.

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) Ask your employees about current affairs more often. Talk and talk again. Discuss solutions to all problems with your team. As you know, “truth is born in dispute!”

What are the proposals to improve the situation in the travel company? Scarlet Sail» Could you contribute?

1) Important stage Improving the situation in the team means competently distributing the workload within the team. Here you should take into account the pace of work of each employee, the quality and quantity of assignments, and much more.

) Team spirit in a team is very important. A team is when each employee can count on the help of colleagues and can provide it themselves at the right time. Create conditions for collaboration. For example, you can send part of your team to open a new hotel in a neighboring city. Entrust another part of the team with creating an advertising presentation for a new tourist destination. The main thing is to work as a team.

) Conduct master classes, trainings, attend seminars on tourism. It is necessary to expand horizons. New knowledge is simply necessary. Explore new directions.

) Corporate vacation is very useful for the team - it helps to relax, get into the right frame of mind and restore strength. For example, you can go with the whole team to nature. Minimum costs, maximum pleasure.

) Financial incentives are the most popular incentive for employees.

) Be attentive to the requests and suggestions of your subordinates, very often they are not unreasonable. For example, employees suggested moving the lunch break an hour earlier due to low occupancy for a certain period of time.

Imagine that you are the head of a department. Every day you decide different psychological problems. Below are specific situations, requiring your attention. Indicate what decisions you will make. Use the Blake-Mouton Grid to determine your leadership style.

I stick to 9.1, where I have enough power to impose power on others, but I still have control. Straightforward judgments and their demonstration benefit the work process. Attention to the subordinate is minimal.

Situation 1

Your immediate superior, bypassing you, gives the task to your subordinate, who is already busy with urgent work. You and your boss consider your tasks urgent. What will you do in this situation?

Firstly, it is necessary to warn the boss that this employee has already been given an assignment.

Secondly, clarify the degree of importance of this instruction.

Thirdly, find out at what stage the execution of my order is. If the work is nearing completion, then the order from higher management can be entrusted to this employee immediately after he is released. If the work is far from complete, then you can start doing it yourself.

Situation 2

A conflict has arisen between your subordinates that is preventing them from working successfully. Each of them individually turns to you so that you take his side and resolve the conflict. What is your position in this situation?

Conflict is a special interaction between individuals, groups, and associations that arises when their views, positions and interests are incompatible.

Intrapersonal conflict is a difficult to resolve contradiction caused by a clash between approximately equal in strength, but oppositely directed interests, needs, hobbies of a person, etc. Intrapersonal conflict is accompanied by strong emotional experiences.

Interpersonal conflict is a conflict between two or more people. Interpersonal conflict is very closely related to intrapersonal conflict. The confrontation between people occurs on the basis of a clash of their personal motives.

Intergroup conflict is a conflict between two or more groups. The opposing sides are groups (small, middle and micro groups). This type of conflict is based on a clash of opposing group motives.

I believe that in this situation it is necessary to listen to each subordinate separately and analyze the opinion of each. Then gather the conflicting parties and try to try on the sides through a compromise solution, or make a decision yourself if you can’t try on the sides. As well as an option to solve the problem, you can consider transferring the case to other employees, and give each of them a new task separately.

Situation 3

One of your team members suddenly falls ill. Every employee is very busy with urgent work. The work of the absentee must also be completed on time. How would you behave in such a situation?

The first place to start solving the problem that has arisen is to try to find the employee who is least busy at the moment and entrust him with this task. You can also divide this task among other subordinates. If no one can take on this work, then you will have to do it yourself.