Conspiracy for money on a silver spoon. A conspiracy on a rake spoon will help attract money

A spoon will save your money, will not let it leak between your fingers. And not only from spending or a fire, or some other disaster, but also from black witchcraft, from damage, induced on your money. A spoon is a very ancient object, one of the first that a person made.

A spoon is a very simple and at first glance cheap item, but you can’t do without it. In the old days, the whole family lived in one common hut, they drank from the same boiler, but only everyone had their own spoon, sometimes they even marked it so as not to confuse.

And even in the poorest family, they avoided taking someone else's spoon, because it was believed that in this way one could invite misfortune and illness on oneself. And they also believed that the spoon connects the living with their ancestors, with the clan. And if you treat it correctly, then the clan will always stand up for the defense of the house and all the good things in it, and will not allow the family to beg.

And in Altai, during the memorial meal, after each meal, spoons were placed on the table for grandfathers to eat with them, and they always put an extra spoon for the recently deceased. Therefore, an extra spoon in your house, and besides, properly spoken, will surely protect the good and your house.

You need to buy a new spoon. You can either wooden or silver. Cheap metal spoons are better not to buy.

According to the size of the spoon - take a dining room: the larger the spoon, the more good it will hold in itself. You can buy a spoon and bring it into the house any day, but it’s better if you guess parental saturday or the Trinity, it is possible for the day of remembrance of someone from your relatives.

Bringing a spoon into the house, it must be washed under running water, and then put in salt water for an hour. Then do not wipe, but hang it so that the water drains from it. Then the spoon will also keep your house from witchcraft.

Security conspiracy for money from theft and monetary fraud

They read, drawing 12 crosses around themselves with a spoon:

Cross of Christ Spassky, Cross of Jerusalem, Cross - twelve stars. With the cross I protect myself from passions, from misfortunes, from sorrows, from delusions, from a dark forest, from dashing people, from human adversity, from need, from poverty. Save, Lord, save and have mercy.

A conspiracy so that money and things left unattended are safe

They say it if they are planning a trip during which you leave your house unattended. Also, a conspiracy will help on the road - you never know how to take your eyes off the goodness. They take the money set aside for the household or some business (that is, not the one in the wallet, but the one that lies in your house), and fanning a spoon with it, they say:

I stroke - I smooth, my dear - I caress, I care - I cherish the money received, entrusted to me. New money, lucky money, I caress you, I call you the oldest money. You sit in my pocket, follow all the money, don’t let go anywhere, but attract new money. I said and everyone heard. Amen. After that, the money must be put to other money and not spent for a year (mark it).

Conspiracy against theft

So that your money is not stolen, slander on a spoon like this:

Holy hut, you stand in a holy place, I close the doors, windows and all your cracks from a thief - a robber, from an envious person, from a slanderer and a tell-tale, from a dashing person and an unclean spirit. I'm not talking, she's talking mother of God by the power of his slander and the Life-Giving Cross.

Conspiracy against deception through which you can lose money

Read this conspiracy on a spoon in the morning, before dawn, in a whisper, if you want, so that you are not deceived in money. And also this conspiracy will help to avoid the temptation to get money by cunning and deceit.

Righteous God, mighty God, help me, a sinner, free me from any cunning, from any deception, from darkness, from darkness, from swamp fog, and from every cunning, evil creature, and from every person who says one thing and does another. . I am with you, Lord, with your holy truth, forever and ever, Amen.

Conspiracy to return something dear to you

If an expensive thing is lost, stolen, or maybe lost itself, such a conspiracy will help. You need to put a spoon next to any knife (but always one that you often use) and say a plot:

There is a tower in an open field. In that tower lives a sister, a beauty, and a brother, well done. Like that brother's damask knife. A hunting brother will go to the land of hell, beyond the Sayan mountains, into seething pitch, into combustible ash. As soon as he sees the villain - the villain, he will wave a knife.

The villain will scream, the reckless man, he will groan: "Let me go, brother, do not prick me with a damask knife, do not chip, for that I will return all the theft to you."

The brother will take away - well done, I will steal, but bring it to my sister in the tower. So to me, the servant of God (name), return, brother - a damask knife, my theft, bring it in the house and leave it at the doorstep. For that I will praise your sister, and beat her bows. Amen

A conspiracy that helps protect your property from theft

Put all the money that is in the house into a box or casket, put a spoon on top and say, crossing your good three times: rest on me, cross on the wall. Whoever takes my money will die from the second cross. Amen.

Conspiracy not to lose money

Late in the evening, after dinner, when the family leaves the table, clean everything, and then put down your spoon and put a plate next to it. Bow at the waist and say: Grandfather, come to dinner with me. Leave everything like this for the night, in the morning when you come to have breakfast, before removing the device, say over the spoon like this:

A dead man lies in a coffin, he does not hear a chain - a church chant, nor a bell ringing, just like I, (name), did not hear any losses or thefts.

A conspiracy that will protect you from poverty

And that's how you can protect yourself. Take a spoon and say:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates into the open field, under the red sun, under the morning dawn, to the east side; I will pray and bow to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will go to the damp mountains, to the blue sea and to the icy puddle; an ice serpent flows from the icy puddles and devours pure silver and red gold.

And goy thou, serpent, do not devour pure silver and red gold, and go to my house, bring me silver, and devour you, serpent, all the lessons and scribbles and windy slanders that are in my house: and which words I passed, both spoken and not spoken, and all be fulfilled, and forever and ever, amen.

Conspiracy from poverty

By helping the poor and the poor, you will save yourself from poverty. Therefore, in need, do not forget to give alms. And in order to protect yourself from this trouble even more reliably, read the plot on a spoon - three times in the morning. In the evening, cook a soup in which put the meat of any bird (for example, chicken), any vegetables and cereals (for example, potatoes and rice). This soup should be eaten with a spoken spoon. Just as a white swan does not become a black duck - so I, the servant of God (name), in wealth - the joy of blooming, misfortune - poverty do not know. A swan flies - beauty, drops feathers - coins in my wallet arrive. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to avoid falling into a money trap

The lion is the king of beasts, strong and bold, any trap under him will break, any enemy will break off his teeth. Likewise, I am not afraid of anyone, I will protect myself from enemies, I will save myself from evil machinations, and whoever conceived evil to me will receive it back himself. Amen.

A conspiracy that will protect your home from fire

Place the spoon on the threshold and step over it 12 times. For the last time, say:

I put out twelve fires. I will not let fire on the servant of God (name). No matter how the fire burns, its strength still decays. My word is strong, the servant of God (name) helps. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The raking spoon is an original miniature souvenir that symbolizes raking in money. The history of its origin is rooted in the pagan past. Ancient Russia. Today about magical properties This item is legendary.

Popular Rites

Using it as an attribute in a magical rite, you can attract financial well-being into your own life, as well as improve the state of affairs at work or in business. An important condition for the success of the ritual, which uses a rake spoon, is that the object must be made of silver. In order for the raking spoon to begin to attract cash flows, it must be spoken with magic words. Such rituals are very simple, and it is quite possible to carry them out on your own.

A simple conspiracy on a spoon

So, after acquiring a rake spoon, you need to retire to a separate room and put the object in front of you. Then say one of the following conspiracies:

    “I remove all obstacles to a prosperous life, I drive away failures, and I rake in money with a spoon-grab.”

    “I had a silver spoon, and now it will become a spoon for money. I will be friends with her and not grieve. Poverty not to know, wealth to have. I'm going home and the money is all behind me."

A charmed scoop-spoon must be carried in a wallet or in a purse in the money compartment. This can be done without difficulty, since the object has a miniature size.

Ritual for better health

In addition to the properties to attract material well-being, the rake spoon is often spoken of as improving health. In addition, being in close proximity to a person, the spoon becomes a strong talisman and acquires the ability to protect the owner from any negativity. Also, some facts indicate that this item cleanses the house of bad energy. In order for a universal talisman for the home to be made from a silver object, a pogreb spoon must be charmed. The plot goes like this:

“Beyond the seven boundless seas, beyond the seven dense forests, there is a high rock that cannot be climbed. There a blacksmith built a house for himself, and he lives there, he lives well. And although he works day and night, not knowing fatigue, he does not complain. He does not forge a bit and horseshoes for frisky horses, but human happiness. He hurries, works, so that every living person gets it, so that no one on earth remains unhappy. Hit with a hammer once - strengthen the family, hit the second time - turn the house into a full bowl of good and good, hit the third time - wealth will appear.

I will come to the rock and ask the young blacksmith for a little. Help me to turn a silver spoon into a spoon for raking in happiness and kindness. Whoever takes it will say goodbye to misfortune and stop grieving. His family will live in abundance, and they will always have enough money. The deed is done forever and nothing and no one will change my words. Amen".

The picker spoon, which turned into a talisman for the home after the conspiracy, should be stored in the dish compartment where other cutlery lies: ordinary spoons, forks and knives. Great gift close person is a spoon. The conspiracy will allow you to turn it into a magical item, but even if this is not done, it will become a constant reminder that there is a reliable friend who wishes material well-being and prosperity in life.

Gaining wealth is a long process, so superstitious people tend to use special souvenirs. One of them is a charm for money - a spoon rake.

It is a small souvenir that can fit in the palm of your hand. To activate the amulet, you need to read the plot.

Why the function of attracting money is prepared for the spoon? It has long been believed that this cutlery is able to keep everything that is said to him.

This cannot be said about the fork - the cherished words will seep through the prongs.

Exists a large number of options for conspiracies to read, here are a few of them:

  1. “What was an obstacle to happiness I completely kick out, I attract good luck and money to myself”.

    This spell is considered the simplest, it must be pronounced after the spoon has been acquired.

    It should be put in a wallet where banknotes are stored. Before you remove the product - say the magic words.

  2. “I had a silver spoon, and there will be a spoon for money Whoever is friendly with her will not need prosperity, He will live in abundance, and the rest of the money ”- the second version of the spell.

    It can be used to conspire a talisman that you want to give to loved ones. Then the recipient will always have money in his wallet.

  3. “Spoon, spoon, help - a lot of money to me, you, give. We will be friends with you - to keep joy and success ”- a variant of a conspiracy for finance and success in work.

    Souvenir spoon zagrebka is placed in the compartment for banknotes. This will contribute to good luck in any financial matters, and protect against debt.

A spoon-like talisman is sometimes replaced by a purse mouse. It operates on a similar principle. The mouse and spoon do not exceed 2 cm - this is made specifically for compact placement among the money.

Don't forget to activate the amulet, and if you are going to present it to your relatives, tell us how to read the plot correctly to activate the properties.

You can make a charm zagrebushka with your own hands, using improvised means.

Souvenir spoon zagrebka made of silver and gold: reviews

Natural materials have always been considered magical raw materials, because they come from nature itself. The rake spoon is made from metals, often from silver and gold. Silver will have a lower value than a piece of gold.

note! Modern amulets to attract money are made in the form of various figures.

They are often framed with ornaments or silhouettes of animals: for example, the handle of a spoon like a goldfish adds originality to the model.

The amulet for attracting finance is made of 925 sterling silver, as well as 585 gold.

The price of a gold product starts from 1 thousand rubles, a silver spoon costs from 350 rubles. Prices vary according to the complexity of the work and size.

Below are the reviews of the owners of magic spoons:

amulet Properties Owner reviews
golden spoon Gold gives its owner balance. The material has long been considered a symbol of wealth, so respectable people tend to purchase gold amulets. A spoon that attracts money should look solid - this can be said about a gold product.

Losing a souvenir is difficult - because it attracts attention with its brightness and brilliance. Owners of gold souvenirs note the effectiveness of the spoon after its conspiracy

Silver clasp As you know, silver is considered a magical metal - it is not able to accumulate negative information.

That is why experts advise speaking a silver rake. Signs say that the material is associated with the Moon, so it is better to read the plot in the growing phase

People who bought the souvenir claim that it really works. In order to enhance the effect of the properties of the amulet, you should completely believe in magic.

Reviews say that the silver spoon is popular due to its elegance, simplicity and affordable cost.

Talisman spoon rake, how to use it correctly?

Modern grebes are represented by exquisite engraving and an abundance of additional details. They are compact and can easily fit even in a small wallet.

If the compartment with small change contains small holes, it is better to place a souvenir in the compartment for paper notes.

Let's highlight the basic rules for using the amulet:

  1. Material. Experts recommend buying a spoon made of silver. Magical rituals performed with this material are capable of being carried out.

    Silver does not collect negativity, therefore it is able to absorb only positive charges.

  2. purpose. The product can be purchased for yourself or as a gift. The amulet acts as a worthy congratulation on the wedding.

    Having presented the product to the newlyweds, it is necessary to indicate the method of using the souvenir and put words for activation.

  3. Usage. If a spoon was presented, ask the giver: is it consecrated, new or not?

    A spoon presented with malicious intent can be spoken in the opposite direction, then the new owner may suffer from lack of money.

  4. cleaning. Before activation and storage, the product must be cleaned. Take a glass of water and dissolve some salt in it.

    The pickle is placed in a container for several hours, then the remaining salt is washed off under running water and wiped dry. money spoon needs rituals if wealth is scarce.

Before using the amulet, you must read the verses indicated in the first section this material. You can compose a verse yourself: it is important that good thoughts are present there.

Important! When reading a plot over an amulet, pay attention to your thoughts. They should be positive and aimed at obtaining money in a good way.

You should not give a souvenir to strangers: after placing it in your wallet, do not take it out of there and do not show it to anyone.

When the rake has found its place in the purse, leave it there. It is noted that the owners of souvenirs are really getting better at work and profit.

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Neither in the ancient written sources, nor in the beliefs passed from mouth to mouth, we do not find a spoon rake. Among the rituals, there is not one that would be performed with the simultaneous use of a wallet and a spoon. This is an invention of modern craftsmen and magicians, but you will see how effective these conspiracies are. Their work can be seen if you buy a rake spoon and imbued with confidence in its magical power.

Wallet conspiracies

Helpers living in a wallet

Where there is a large concentration of tourists, in souvenir shops you will find amulets to add money. One of them is a rake spoon, the other souvenir is related to it. wallet mouse. Merchants will be happy to explain to you what these charming little things are for, and even teach you how to perform rituals for money.

The rake spoon has an ordinary shape, but it is an item of very small size. It is so tiny that it can fit in a wallet. In everyday life, we use spoons for eating, they bring the energy our body needs. And the rake spoon is designed to bring the energy of money into life.

The materials for making a magic spoon are very different. A souvenir made of aluminum, stainless steel, glass, wood, but silver is recognized as the best. Since ancient times, magical powers have been attributed to this metal. Scientific studies have confirmed its antibacterial effect.

Silver was often used in everyday life of rich people. It is preferable to use a silver spoon to attract money.

Conspiracies to activate the magic spoon

The spoon does not have a picker ancient history, there are no special rituals for her that came from the depths of centuries. Then we can use a variety of conspiracies for her to attract money.

Silver was often used in everyday life of rich people.

One of these rituals is a conspiracy for a wallet. Even self-conspiracy is acceptable. It is important to observe certain rules to make the ritual more effective.

Keep in mind when plotting:

  • In a conspiracy, there must be an appeal to higher powers.
  • It is very effective to ask pagans Slavic gods Sort or Veles, to get more money.
  • There must be a quantitative expression of money. Use poetic expressions: “how many grains of sand are on the bottom of the sea”, “how many needles are on a cedar”.
  • Usually rituals are performed on the new moon, so it would be good to mention this luminary.
  • The text should be beautiful and melodious, so that it is easy to pronounce, put energy into every word.
  • At the end, you must definitely say the code words, as if to seal the ritual with a seal.

The following speech construction can serve as an example:

“As the moon floats across the sky in a silver boat, collects stars from the sky in a bag, so my wallet is full of a silver spoon. As I said, so be it, my word will not be interrupted by anyone.

Spoon activation - rakes

In order for an ordinary souvenir to acquire magical power, some effort must be made. With the right activation, the talisman is able to make sure that you always have big money.

If you want to attract something into your life, conspiracies for the new moon will help you

You need to work with the energy of the spoon on the new moon. If you concentrate as much as possible while pronouncing a conspiracy, then money will certainly hear and come into your life. You need to follow these steps in sequence:

A scoop spoon must be purchased in advance. You can also use an ordinary coffee spoon or spice spoon.

On the night of the new moon, take three green candles, on one of them write the amount you need.

The candle with the inscription should burn out, the other two can be extinguished.

Put the magic spoon in your wallet and never show it to anyone

Every new moon, a spoonful of rake should lie on the windowsill so that its energy intensifies and brings you money.

Along with the rake spoon, a purse mouse is used in magic to attract wealth. A small mouse figurine is called a purse because it is placed in a purse. This is accompanied by an appropriate plot and begins to work, attracting wealth and good luck.

The ritual with the mouse is also quite modern. Some esotericists explain it by the fact that mice settle in places where there are a lot of supplies. This suggests that they will help bring a lot of money into your wallet.

The purse mouse ritual is also quite modern.

According to another version, this souvenir was first made in the city of Myshkin. There, according to legend, the mouse saved one of the Russian princes from a snake, went down in history and folk rituals. Having become famous as a positive character, the purse mouse now serves to gain money.

You can buy figurines made of metal or glass, but amber purse mice bring money most effectively. Very strong talismans are also obtained if silver is used to make them.

When choosing a souvenir, pay attention to the fact that the tail of the animal is bent. Otherwise, the wallet assistant will not bring money, but will make a hole: both in your wallet and in the family budget.

Sometimes a purse mouse is depicted with a spoon, which enhances the effect of the talisman. Both a mouse and a rake spoon can be stored in the wallet at the same time. But in this case, a separate plot must be read for each item.

Working with a wallet mouse

In order for a simple souvenir to bring you the desired results, it, like any magical thing, needs to be energized. Traditionally, rituals to attract money are held on the new moon. Well, if at the same time it will be a conspiracy for a new wallet. To activate the talisman, you need to do this:

  1. Buy a new wallet on the new moon. Best Option- red or green.
  2. To enhance the action of the conspiracy, light green candles.
  3. Say, putting into words all the energy of your desire and desire for wealth:

    “Kind mouse, settle in my wallet, paper money, always have it.”

  4. You need to place the mouse in the wallet compartment where you have large bills or bank cards. It was then that big money would always be found in the wallet. Do not forget to "recharge" your talisman every new moon.

A simple souvenir can be an indispensable tool for attracting wealth. Simple magical actions with pretty little things carried out on the new moon will change your financial situation in better side. Conjure, wishing good and happiness to yourself and everything that surrounds you. Then the world will surely answer you with kindness and give you the money you need.

Money talismans have long been used to attract material well-being. One of the effective amulets, which is designed to improve the financial situation, is a rake spoon. Usually silver was used for its manufacture. You can buy such a souvenir in jewelry stores or at points of sale of souvenirs. In order for such a talisman to help improve the position in a career, increase material resources, attract good luck in business and call for a flow of material wealth, a special conspiracy is carried out. On a spoonful, the spell is powerful if you are convinced of its power.

In most cases, the talisman was made of silver

The talisman helps the owner close his material needs and not need anything

A rake spoon is a souvenir to attract money, a conspiracy or prayer will help activate it. From time immemorial, people began to use a spoon to attract satiety and abundance. The magical abilities of this talisman lie in attracting material wealth to its owner. The talisman spoon rake helps to change the financial sphere of the owner of the talisman for the better: income will increase thanks to the charm of the spoon, you can quickly get rid of debts, and a continuous flow of monetary energy will open.

Due to the fact that silver is the basis of this souvenir, magical properties are attributed to it. It is believed that with the help of silver you can cleanse and get rid of all kinds of negative influences, from damage, evil eye, envy and other negative effects on the human energy field. The properties of the spoon are to protect and increase existing savings. It is also designed to protect funds from theft, squandering, evil eye and damage.

But above all, this object of magic metal is designed to attract flows of material wealth. With its help, it will be possible to find a well-paid job, receive stable cash flows, create or expand your business, pay off all debts and loans. Also, a silver talisman will become a personal protection against evil spirits, will reflect any negative magical effect, help heal ailments, protect against loss of finances and savings, from ruin and bankruptcy.

The spoon will be an excellent amulet against third-party negative influences.

Why money rituals are carried out on this subject

Money talisman spoon in relation to other cutlery is more powerful. Our ancestors were sincerely convinced that it was the spoon that was able to accumulate and increase the power of certain rituals, prayers and slander. If some enemy lets you eat spoken food, if his goal is to send misfortunes and misfortunes for you, the spoon scoops them up in full, but at the fork all the negativity seeps through its prongs without reaching the goal.

But if a ritual is done for prosperity, prosperity and financial well-being, through the fork, these benefits will also leave without remaining. But with the help of a spoon, you can increase the effectiveness of rituals, attract good luck to your family and home.

Currently, such a souvenir to attract wealth can be purchased even in kiosks with jewelry. But in order for such a talisman to start working, it must be activated with the help of a conspiracy. It is necessary to give such a gift sincerely, from a pure heart. Only in this way will he give all his positive energy, give his owner financial luck and cash flows. You can give such a gift along with other money talismans.

How to use the talisman

Such a charm is special, so it must be treated with respect and reverence. If you were given such an amulet or you yourself chose it as a personal amulet, it is recommended to adhere to certain nuances (experts in the field of esoteric and occult sciences speak about them):

  1. Better choose classic version- a small silver spoon
  2. Such a talisman cannot be thrown anywhere, a wallet must be its place of storage. It is very good to put a large banknote near it. So he will be in reverence and begin to work at full strength.
  3. To attract wealth, you should not put this item next to small money, as it will only attract small change.
  4. Do not put it in an empty wallet compartment, as it simply will not work. If there are no large banknotes, you can put it near a bank card (only not a credit card, where there are debts).
  5. If you have been given such a gift or you have bought a personal amulet for yourself, you must first clean it. To do this, put a small handful into a glass of water. table salt, dip a spoon into it, leave overnight. In the morning, remove from the water, rinse thoroughly under warm running water, then wipe dry. A similar cleansing ritual can also be carried out as a preventive measure, because after a while the protective qualities and monetary power of the spoon can gradually weaken, so it needs to be strengthened periodically. After the purification procedure, you can begin to activate the amulet.
  6. Without a special rite of activation, such a talisman will not work.
  7. You should never show your talisman to anyone. This is a personal protection, hidden from prying eyes.
  8. You can not give away a charged amulet to anyone, even to the closest and dearest people. Otherwise, you can give away your well-being, worsen your financial condition, become bankrupt. If you want to give a gift, it is better to purchase a new souvenir item that will also protect the person for whom it is intended.

All rules for using the amulet must be followed

It is very important to remember the gratitude to the spoon. Never brag about your financial well-being. Treating such an object without respect, demanding too much from it, one can attract the opposite results. Experts say that if the amulet is treated with disrespect, its owner may lose his well-being for the next seven years. Treating with respect and reverence, you can consistently attract new cash flows.

Activation options

Before putting a spoon into a purse, you need to use certain conspiracies to activate it, pray or spell. Usually such actions belong to white magic. To obtain good and blessings, they do not turn to black magic, especially simple people, not experts in the occult or esoteric. The simplest conspiracy that is read on the talisman:

“There is no more obstacle for my happiness. I will drive away all failures, and I will rake in luck. I will attract happiness, success, I will grab all the blessings for myself. Help me, magic spoon."

Such a spell activates the work of the talisman.

Talisman activation does not require any additional attributes

Activation can also be carried out using the following conspiracy:

“My magic spoon, my helper spoon. Become a help for me, rake in money for me. I will be your friend, you will bring me happiness and good luck, joy and prosperity.

They also use this option:

“Spoon-assistant, always help me, protect, protect, increase my money! Zagrebushka, put aside your laziness and work, work, work. Euros, dollars and rubles, row, row, row! Live in my wallet, pull money to yourself. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and wealth!

It is very important to sincerely believe that this talisman has great power and will really help to gain the long-awaited financial well-being. The stronger the faith in the power of the talisman, the faster the result will be. Many people light a candle while reading the plot, it is believed that the flame of fire additionally charges the amulet.

Candle flame will help strengthen the amulet

The easy way

A simple conspiracy for a spoonful of grebes is read on this subject three times, clearly pronouncing each word:

“I will drive away all the obstacles to my happiness forever, and I will rake in happiness, luck, prosperity. It was silver, now you will become money. You will attract happiness, rake in money. As I go along the path home, so all the money will run after me.

For prosperity and good luck

A conspiracy for a spoon rake to attract money is carried out with the help of certain paraphernalia. You will need the following items: 4 church candles, silver or gold spoon, clover leaves, spring, spring, lake or river water.

Light all the candles, spread clover leaves between them (you can not fresh, but dried). Put a spoon behind the candles, drink water and whisper:

“I wish to be rich, I wish to be successful, I wish to be happy, to have gold and silver, I wish abundance, health, protection and help. Let the money come into my life. I wish this sincerely. So be it."

After the ritual, water must be drunk

Repeat magic words seven times. After this ritual, the owner of the talisman will not know the need.

The most powerful ritual for money

Most strong conspiracy on a spoon, the rake is pronounced in parallel with certain magical actions. Wash the magic object with seven waters, wipe it thoroughly, and wrap it in a piece of red cloth. Then say one of the most powerful readable conspiracies:

“There are seven rivers, seven forests. Behind them there is a high and dangerous mountain. Nobody can climb on it. A well done blacksmith lives at the very top. From dawn to dusk, he works tirelessly. He never complains to anyone, never gets tired. At his own forge, he does not forge horseshoes and gates, but forges human happiness. Let no one be left out. One knock - for a strong and sculpted family. The second knock is for a full and rich house. The third time knock - so that the money is in full. I ask you, blacksmith of happiness, help me, forge a silver spoon. I will eat from it happiness, prosperity, abundance. Forever and ever! My words are strong, no one can destroy them. Amen!"