Pouring the roof. Concrete screed on the garage roof - detailed instructions and important nuances

When starting to build a garage, or when renovating it, you need to pay attention special attention roof - the safety of the car and all other equipment in the garage depends on its quality.

Most often, the garage roof is one or gable roof made from metal sheet or metal profile. It is rare to insulate a roof, but even the use of insulation various types does not prevent water from penetrating into the building during heavy rainfall. In addition, there is always a risk that in winter, under the weight of fallen snow, the garage roof may become deformed.

Stages of work

Although screeding a garage roof is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, it nevertheless not only has high waterproofing properties, preventing water from entering the room, but also prevents the roof from deforming under loads resulting from heavy winter precipitation.

Pay attention! To dry cement screed For better connection First you need to apply a special bitumen primer.

Bitumen primer can be purchased at construction markets, although the price will be quite high, or you can make it yourself: the simplest method that people use is to fill the resin with diesel fuel (gasoline) + used motor oil, and it will dissolve itself in this environment. Half a bucket of bitumen will require 2 liters of diesel fuel. Applying this primer will ensure maximum adhesion. waterproofing material with a screed.

Often, instead of a primer, a special burner is used to heat the waterproofing material rolled out over the surface.


See how to properly tie a garage roof:

For any true motorist, the garage is rightfully considered a sacred place, because it not only maintains your vehicle, but also stores many things that simply do not fit in the house. Even though such a structure cannot be called residential, its roof should not cause problems for its owner. IN this material We will tell you how to fill the garage roof so that its coating does not leak.

Why does my garage roof leak?

If the garage roof begins to leak, then this is the first thing that starts to deteriorate. rafter system and wall decoration. Leaks occur due to defects in roofing materials. Often the cause is damage to low-quality roofing, or if all roofing work was carried out by unskilled workers. Let's figure out what to do if the roof in the garage is leaking, how and with what it can be repaired.

Leaks can cause the following damage:

  • Cracks. Cheap roll roofing material due to temperature fluctuations, it begins to be dotted with cracks through which moisture penetrates.
  • Defects due to mechanical impact. Soft roof May be damaged by falling branches, rocks and debris.
  • Mold accumulation. The harmful fungus softens the roofing material, making it vulnerable to leaks.

If your garage roof is leaking, how can you fix it if you need to invest a minimum of money? It's simple, you can fill the garage roof with bitumen.

How to get rid of leaks

When deciding how to fill a garage roof, you must first assess the entire volume of upcoming roofing works. To do this, the roof is inspected for damage.

Based on the size of the defects, one of the following types of repairs may be necessary:

  1. Spot. If the damaged area occupies less than 10%, then spot repairs are made to get rid of minor defects. In this case, the damage is filled with bitumen or covered with patches.
  2. Current. In this case, it is expected to eliminate damage with an area of ​​15-20%. During such repairs, partial replacement(top) layer of waterproofing.
  3. Capital. If the volume of damaged areas exceeds 40%, the old material is completely dismantled and replaced with new one. It is considered the most expensive type of repair, which is carried out once every 10-15 years.

It is worth remembering that timely inspection and restoration of damaged areas will guarantee a long service life of the garage.

Repairing small cracks - what to fill with

If the cause of leaks turns out to be minor cracks that appear on the roofing material due to temperature changes, then in this case there is nothing better than to fill the garage roof with bitumen in problem areas. Solid bitumen, which is melted before work, or liquid bitumen, ready for use, is suitable. In general, liquid roof waterproofing is quite popular and practical to use.

Cracks need to be repaired using the following technology:

  • All debris and dust are removed from the roof surface;
  • using a grinder with a grinding disc or sandpaper, remove the layer of protective coating in places where cracks are sealed;
  • the base of the roofing material is degreased, for which you can use gasoline, acetone or alcohol;
  • then take the prepared bitumen and slowly pour it into the crack;
  • after the bitumen has hardened, this operation is performed one or two more times, until the damaged area in the roofing material is completely leveled.
  • To avoid damaging the area being restored, it can be sprinkled with quartz sand or stone chips.

It is worth noting that to eliminate cracks it is better to use cold bitumen. Hot bitumen must be used with extreme caution and as quickly as possible, while cold bitumen is ready for use straight from the package. To get rid of small cracks, one can of such material will be enough.

We patch the canvas using patches

There is another method of closing leaks that will help you figure out how to close the garage roof to prevent leaks - installing roofing felt patches. They are perfect for eliminating minor damage that appears in different places canvases. To make patches you will need roofing felt with flake or coarse dusting, bitumen mastic, a knife, varnish and a piece of emery.

For this method of eliminating defects, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Clean the roof. The base of the slopes must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and other contaminants.
  2. Preparation. The protective coating is removed from the restored surface, and to ensure better adhesion between the layers, they are degreased and dried.
  3. We make patches. We take roofing material and cut patches - their size should be one and a half to two times the area of ​​the defective area. In order for the patches to acquire an even shape, they are placed on a flat surface for 1-3 hours.
  4. Next, bitumen is poured onto the treated area to obtain a film that will improve the adhesion of the patch.
  5. Inner base The roofing felt patch is heated with a gas burner, and then pressed firmly against the problem area of ​​the roof.
  6. Next top part the patches are opened with one or two layers of kukersol varnish or bitumen mastic to increase the waterproofing qualities of the restored area.

It is worth noting that to create patches, it is advisable to take roofing felt with a density of at least 400 g/m2 with stone powder. To simplify the work, you can take material with a self-adhesive base, and they should only be performed at a temperature environment above 5℃.

How to carry out routine repairs correctly

If the roof has significant damage, then simply sealing the cracks on the garage roof with something will not work - you will have to partially replace the material. Sometimes there is no need to install a new coating, however, if bubbles appear on the surface, then first of all the top layers of material under which water has collected are removed.

To properly cover the slope with new sheets of roofing material, you will need:

  • Dismantle old material. Remove 1 or 2 layers of used roofing material on which large number swellings and other defects.
  • On the bubbles that have formed on the surface of the roof, make a cross-shaped cut in the center with a knife, remove all moisture from them, and then allow them to dry.
  • The layer of powder is removed from the base of the roof. To speed up the work, which is not enough, it is better to take a grinder with a special attachment. Keep in mind that all actions must be performed with extreme care so that holes do not appear in the roofing material.
  • The prepared base is primed bitumen mastic to obtain a sticky film - this will allow the new layer of roofing felt to adhere better.
  • A few hours later, after the mastic has partially set, proceed to installing a new layer of roofing material. It is laid with a slight overlap of 10-15 cm. The inner base of the material, covered with fusible bitumen, is heated, and then pressed firmly against the old coating.
  • The second strip of roofing material is placed at intervals from the first. If you don’t know how to coat the seams on the garage roof, then the same bitumen mastic will do.

Experts advise repairing garage roofs only in dry, calm weather and at ambient temperatures above 5 ℃. To avoid injuring yourself, follow the safety rules and do not neglect insurance.

Today we will look in detail at how to pour concrete on a garage roof. This material is most often used for waterproofing garage roofs.
Pouring a garage roof with concrete is not a complicated process, but it must be done efficiently, because the durability of the coating depends on it. This is what we will talk about today.
Instructions for performing this work will be offered and you will know how to properly perform the work and provide for everything.

Getting the job done

Filling will not be difficult. Here you just need to adhere to some rules.
After all, the humidity in the room will depend on the correctness of the work, and this is extremely important for the car. Let's look directly at what to fill, how to fill, and what needs to be provided for this.
All work is done with your own hands and therefore the price will not be high. Before starting work, you should look at photos and videos and draw up a work plan.

Features of the roof covering of a flat garage roof

A flat roof is the best option roofs for garage. These structures are made from reinforced concrete slabs, which rest on the walls of the garage.
It should be noted that such a solution has a number of disadvantages:

  • The presence of gaps between floor slabs and at the joints of slabs and garage walls.
  • It is possible to use only rolled waterproofing materials.
  • Surface screed is required.

Carrying out waterproofing using roofing felt

Before you begin, you need to clean the surface of dirt and debris. We check the condition of the roof for leaks and damage to the slabs.
The wet surface must be dried, and the roofing itself is possible only in dry weather. To listen to the surface you can use blowtorch and a burner.
If there is a roofing covering, it must be checked for holes, swelling and peeling. In some cases, a new screed is required. Why is a thin layer of concrete poured?

To complete this job you will need the following materials:

  • Mastic.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Petrol.
  • Primer for roofing felt.
  • Bitumen.
  • Also for work you will need spatulas, brushes, a container for bitumen, sharp knife and another tool.

The required amount of bitumen depends on the surface area and the presence of uneven surfaces. In most cases for an area of ​​30 square meters Two buckets of bitumen are enough. We heat the bitumen in a metal container and prepare the primer.

Attention: Remember that when heating bitumen it is necessary to add low-octane gasoline to it. If you do not use gasoline, the mixture may ignite.

Surface preparation

Using a primer for roofing felt, we seal existing cracks, crevices and peelings. Final leveling is carried out using heated bitumen.

Attention: Remember that the maximum possible layer of bitumen should not exceed 5 millimeters. Otherwise in winter time years, cracks and tears may appear in the roofing material.

If you are laying a new layer of roofing felt on top of the old coating, you must preheat the roof surface.
After pouring the bitumen, you can begin laying the roofing felt:

  • Installation work is carried out with an overlap with a tolerance of 15 centimeters.
  • If the roof surface has a slight slope, the installation of roofing material must begin from the lowest edge and lay the sheets to the highest point of the roof.
  • The roofing material must be thoroughly heated and compacted tightly. Unglued areas should be completely absent. For this work we can recommend using a special soft roller.
  • When laying roofing felt, make sure there are no air pockets. Condensation forms in such air pockets, which leads to the destruction of the roofing.
  • The roofing material on top is again filled with concrete, which is spread in a thin layer. The second layer of roofing material must be laid perpendicular to the first. The edges of the material are wrapped and nailed with slate nails. The roofing felt is again lubricated with mastic on top. To protect the coating from moisture and mechanical damage We recommend treating the edges and joints with a primer.
  • The top layer of roofing felt for a garage roof should have a coarse powder that will protect the material from mechanical damage.

Attention: Remember that installation of roofing felt is carried out exclusively on hot bitumen.

  • After completing the work, we check the coating for the absence of bubbles and the quality of the joints. When using quality materials and following installation technology, such a roof for a garage can last about 15 years.
    It will perfectly protect the garage from snow, rain and other weather conditions. The use of high-quality coating will allow the roof to operate for at least 30 years.

Experiment with liquid rubber and concrete

It is possible to use such roofing materials for the garage roof as liquid rubber and concrete:

Attention: Concrete coverings are used exclusively for flat roofs. If the roof has a slope, the concrete will begin to flow, which significantly complicates the quality of pouring the coating.

  • Installation work is carried out using formwork, and concrete roofs poured in two layers. The key to high-quality concrete pouring of the roof is the correct screeding of reinforced concrete slabs. The use of waterproofing compounds will allow you to avoid roof leaks (see).
  • It is necessary to ensure that there is properly drainage on the roof. When using concrete to pour a garage roof, you must prepare the mixture to be poured in advance, and then begin construction work.

Initially, liquid rubber was used as a roofing covering for utility rooms. Subsequently, the characteristics of this material were improved, which made it possible to use it to cover garage roofs.
Liquid rubber has a long service life, resistance to cracking, excellent elasticity and frost resistance.
  • This material can be applied to flat roofs even without a screed.
  • Another significant advantage of using liquid rubber is that there is no need for preliminary waterproofing of the roof. You just need to clean the surface from dirt.

Attention: Please remember that if installation work carried out with a roof that has a concrete screed; the concrete should not crumble. This will ensure a long service life of the roofing covering in the future.

Buyers are offered rubber coverings with different color scheme, which allows you to give the roof a neat appearance.
Tools for applying liquid rubber:

  • Container for mastic.
  • Gloves.
  • Paint brushes.

Liquid rubber is applied to a well-dried surface in several layers. The layer thickness should be 1 - 2 millimeters.
It is recommended to dilute liquid rubber with water:

  • After applying the first layer, you must wait 4 hours, during which the material will dry, after which you can begin applying the second layer.
  • Liquid rubber has the property of self-flowing, so the surface will take on a perfectly smooth appearance. The thickness of the top layer should be about 3 millimeters. It takes 48 hours for the surface to completely harden.

Attention: Remember that work on applying liquid rubber can be carried out at temperatures from five to thirty degrees Celsius.

The application of liquid rubber is carried out using characteristic crosswise movements. In some cases, if there are significant differences, preliminary leveling of the surface using special mixtures is required.

Working with sloping garage roofs

Currently, garages can have a single or gable roof.
When choosing a roofing covering, it is necessary to take into account the angle of the roof:

  • It is possible to use galvanized steel, corrugated sheets or slate.
  • Installation is carried out on a lathing made of wooden lumber.
  • When choosing a particular roofing material and carrying out work on the roof, it is necessary to take into account additional work on insulation and waterproofing of the coating.

A flooded garage roof will not require repairs for a long time. The main thing is to do everything correctly and according to technology. Filling a garage roof with bitumen is not a complicated process, but it requires care, so take your time and do everything correctly.

Covering a garage roof is very different from covering a residential roof. In the first case, waterproofing and reliability come first, rather than appearance, which is very important when designing a roof of the second type. The garage roof must be prepared for temperature changes and seasonal changes amount of precipitation so that there are no leaks in the future. Most often, bitumen is used to fill the roof of a garage. We will talk about the nuances of this process in this article.

First of all, let's look at how to properly prepare a bitumen solution for pouring a garage roof. The popularity of bitumen for covering garage roofs is determined primarily by its relatively low cost compared to other materials of this type. But it is worth remembering that bitumen roofing may begin to flow when constantly directed at it sun rays, and in winter, such a coating may crack. But, if bitumen is the only option, then it needs to be welded correctly.

To prepare 10 kg of mastic, you need to use 8.5 kg of bitumen, 0.5 kg of used crankcase oil, 1 kg of asbestos, sawdust, chalk or other suitable filler.

It is best to cook bitumen in a container that has thick walls, as there is a risk of the material burning. The heating temperature is in the range of 160-200 degrees, the higher it is, the less you need to cook the mixture. Typically, preparing the material takes about three hours.

Important! There is no need to raise the temperature above 200 degrees, as coke may form inside the mixture, which will cause the finished coating to crack.

As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous with a glossy surface, it means that the bitumen is ready. If bubbles and yellow-green smoke appear, the mixture is overheated and may be spoiled.

Once it has become clear that the mixture is ready, it must be removed from the heat and added crankcase oil and filler in small portions. You can immediately fill the prepared roof with bitumen.

Roof preparation

The roof must be prepared before pouring. It is worth paying enough attention to this stage and devoting a lot of time to it in order to carry out subsequent work efficiently.

First, remove all debris from the roofing. After this, weak points roofs. If you are just doing a repair and not a full fill new roof, then you need to find vulnerable spots through which the roof leaks and cut the material on them with an ax to the ground. But this is only on the condition that all surrounding coverage can still be used. In the future, you can simply patch the cut-out areas without replacing the full covering.

Important! Spot repairs are not always the right way out. In most cases, if possible, it is better to replace the old roof completely immediately.

Also, if the roof was previously covered with roofing felt, then there may be bubbles on its surface. In this case, each bubble is cut crosswise, and the triangles are folded back. All dirt that has accumulated inside is removed. Later it will be possible to spot fill each such zone.

Features of pouring a flat roof

For garages, the more common roof design is flat. Usually it consists of several slabs supported on the walls of the structure. This design has weak points in the joints between the slabs, so a screed is required, and it is better to cover it using rolled materials.

For roofing felt roofing, which is the most affordable and easiest for the average car owner with a garage, you need to prepare certain materials:

  • Ruberoid
  • Bitumen
  • Special purpose soil mixture
  • Mastic
  • Petrol

You will also need tools such as a sufficient container for heating the bitumen, a sharp knife or other tool for cutting roofing material, brushes and spatulas.

Before carrying out work, in order to speed up the process and then not wait for the finished bitumen, it must be heated. This needs to be done in a big way metal container. Quantity calculation required quantity material is determined based on the roof area. For example, if you are pouring a roof with an area of ​​30 square meters, then two buckets of bitumen will be enough.

While the bitumen is heating up, you can begin to prepare the roof. What is done at this stage was described in detail at the beginning of the article. This includes removing debris and identifying crisis areas of the roof. Be sure to thoroughly sweep away all dust after cleaning up the trash. If the roof surface is wet, it must be dried. There may not be enough sun and air for this, so you can use a blowtorch.

Important! Never use a gas burner for drying.

While the preparation work is being carried out, the bitumen becomes the desired consistency. First, we prepare a primer from it, which will be used to seal cracks and holes. To do this, take 76 grade gasoline and pour ready-made bitumen into it. This must be done very carefully, constantly stirring the mixture.

Important! There is no need to change the mixing sequence, as the mixture may ignite.

The finished solution is divided into two parts. One should be liquid and the other thick. In the first case, you will get a primer, that is, a primer for filling cracks and holes, and the second is needed to level the finished surface.

Advice! If spot repairs are being carried out, then before pouring, roofing felt patches are installed in problem areas and glued using a torch.

In order for the roofing material to stick better, it is heated with gas burner. It is best if the roof in this place is also warmed up, thus increasing the grip. The attached piece of material must be pressed very well over the entire surface, since the integrity of the future coating will depend on the correctness of this work.

After sealing all problem areas, if any, you need to lay out the lining layers of roofing material evenly, without folds. The beginning of the spread is the lowest part of the roof, and the end is the highest. The sheets are laid out with an overlap of 15 cm and very careful heating is required so that they stick to each other and to the roof, forming a single surface.

Important! In places where the sheets cannot stick together, soft fasteners can be installed.

A layer of roofing felt has been laid, so each joint must be lubricated with primer. After laying the layers and treating them with a primer, you need to lubricate the finished surface with a layer of bitumen mastic, which was prepared at the beginning of the work. The layer must be no thicker than 5 mm, otherwise it may rupture when temperatures change in winter.

You can also lay down another layer of roofing material if necessary. This is done on the mastic, perpendicular to the sheets that were laid in the beginning. Their edges must be wrapped and fixed with slate-type nails.

After everything is laid top layer roofing material, which has a rough coating that can protect the roof from bad weather.

If all the work is done correctly, then such a roof can serve without repairs or leaks for 15 years. During pouring, instead of roofing felt, you can use other more plastic materials, which the construction market currently offers, but they are somewhat more expensive.

These are, for example, European-type roofing felt and Rubemaks. These modern materials They are more wear-resistant, which gives the roof a longer service life.

Alternative to roofing felt

You might consider filling the roof with bicrost. This material is different in that it does not require finishing with bitumen mastic. Its installation is carried out using heating with a gas burner.

This material is easily attached to the roof, thanks to a pre-applied layer of oxidized bitumen. This is a material that helps bikrost adhere to the roof surface much faster and more reliably.

Work algorithm:

  1. You need to roll out the roll to about 50-60 cm
  2. Warm up his internal honor with a gas burner
  3. Press tightly ready material to the roof surface and walk along it with a T-shaped stick
  4. Next, you need to stand on the finished coating and, having rolled it out to 40 cm, heat the underside with a burner and press it tightly to the roof.
  5. So you need to gradually lay the first roll, and then all subsequent ones.

Important! The overlap of each roll on the previous one should be around 6 cm.


Filling a garage roof with bitumen is a complex process that must be approached responsibly and with some experience, since even if the algorithm is followed, problems arise. difficult situations, which a beginner may not be able to solve.


Speaking about how to fill a garage roof with concrete, you should know that this mixture is suitable exclusively for buildings that are planned to be used long time. If you plan to use the garage for a maximum of 10 years, then it is recommended to choose less durable and expensive materials.

The concrete roof is quite strong, but due to exposure to moisture it gradually collapses.

Constructing a concrete garage roof is quite simple, but you need to have some skills. You should also know that this process is labor-intensive.

Before you start covering the roof with concrete, you will need to decide on the shape of the future structure. Not only the appearance of the building and the ease of use, but also the complexity of all construction work will depend on this.

Choosing a roof covering

In the process of constructing garages, you can use coverings of two forms: horizontal and inclined. Sometimes you can find roofs and more complex structures, however, they are built without the use of concrete.

Gable structures are covered with concrete mortar quite rarely, since pouring in this case is quite difficult. Concrete is heterogeneous and has a lot of weight, so during inclined pouring the solution will tend downward. In this case, it will not be possible to obtain a layer that will be evenly distributed in thickness over the entire roof. In order to form gable roof, you will need to use a mobile frame structure, which is quite difficult to manufacture. The construction of this roof will take a lot of time.

You can make a garage roof from reinforced concrete slabs. However, it should be understood that they are heavy, so you will need to use additional equipment. The joints of the roof, which is mounted from these slabs, will need to be additionally waterproofed.

Due to such shortcomings, a horizontal roof is most often erected. The construction technology of the structure resembles the creation of an ordinary concrete screed. You will definitely need to provide in advance for the possibility of quickly delivering the mixture to the construction site. For this, a concrete pump or block lift, which you can build yourself, is most often used.

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Tools and materials you will need

To fill concrete mixture In the process of erecting a garage roof from foam blocks or other materials, you will need to prepare the following elements:

  1. Rule. Needed for leveling concrete mortar on the basis. The tool is a wooden plank with a handle attached to it.
  2. Tamping. Used to compact concrete mortar during pouring and remove air bubbles from it. This device It is a block of wood with a handle. The tamper must be heavy.
  3. Brush for ironing cracks. In this case, you can use a large round paint brush with stiff bristles.
  4. A piece of steel rod. Will be used to remove voids in the poured mixture.

All such devices can be bought at a construction supermarket or built yourself.

If you don't want to use hand tool, then you will need to prepare the following elements:

  1. Vibrating screed.
  2. Grouting machine.
  3. Construction probe.
  4. Concrete mixer.
  5. Mesh for sifting sand.
  6. Shovel.
  7. Container for diluting concrete mortar.
  8. An ordinary bucket.

The following elements should be prepared for coating:

  1. I-beams made of metal. Will be used as load-bearing elements.
  2. Concrete grade M250 or higher. It is recommended to purchase a ready-made solution or make it using a concrete mixer. The mixture, which will be prepared manually, will not achieve the desired quality and consistency. If you plan to make the solution yourself, then you should prepare crushed stone of a fraction of 1-2 cm, cement and sand.
  3. Reinforcing rods with a diameter of more than 1 cm. If the mesh is not welded, but knitted, then you also need to prepare wire with a diameter of more than 1.5 mm.
  4. Boards for the construction of frame structures.
  5. Ruberoid or sheet of steel.

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How to fill a garage roof with concrete: instructions

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The process of constructing the substrate and frame structure

The bottom shelves of the slats need to be lined with boards. To build a base, you will need to lay a layer of roofing material or a sheet of metal on top of them. If the support turns out to be insufficiently reliable and cannot support the weight of the roof, then additional supports should be installed.

One support must be provided for every 50 cm².

During the construction of the frame structure, you will need to ensure that the boards are closely adjacent to each other.

If this is not taken into account, then during the process of pouring concrete mortar, cement laitance may leak through the gaps, on which the strength of the concrete garage coating will largely depend.

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How to properly make reinforcing mesh?

Reinforcing bars should be laid across and along the beams. You need to ensure that the grid cells are 20x20 cm. If you plan to arrange welded mesh, then all work should be performed on the ground. In the future finished design will need to be lifted onto the upper floors of the garage. Tying the reinforcement can be done on the roof, however, it will be additionally necessary to fasten the reinforcing bars together so that the mesh does not move during the process of pouring the concrete mixture.

To avoid excessive consumption of concrete mortar and obtain a coating of equal thickness, crushed stone should be placed under the reinforcement. During the installation of reinforcing bars, you need to ensure that a gap of 4 cm is maintained between the mesh and the frame structure. If this is not taken into account, the metal elements may protrude beyond the base of the concrete mortar or be placed at its edge. The result may be not only uneven filling of the solution, but also the subsequent appearance of rust, which cannot be eliminated. This will not affect technical specifications roof, however, it will worsen its appearance.

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Instructions for proper concrete laying

The solution must be laid in strips. The installed beams should be used as a guide. The thickness of the layer should be more than 15 cm. Before performing all work, you need to calculate the time of their implementation so that there are no unfinished strips left.

Concreting of such elements should be carried out continuously so that the concrete solution can dry evenly. The recommended time for pouring the mixture is 1 day.

During the process, it is important to ensure that the reinforcement mesh does not move.

In order to be able to easily dismantle the frame structure in the future, its internal walls must be lubricated with used machine oil.

During the pouring process, the mixture must be leveled using a rule and compacted with a tamper. Large bubbles and air pockets need to be pierced with a probe or steel rod. Frame structure Periodically you need to tap so that the mixture lies evenly. The base should be compacted until it begins to shine from escaping moisture. Build without compaction monolithic roof It won't work out of concrete. The laid and compacted mortar can additionally be leveled with a shovel or a grouting machine.

Cracks and gaps should not form on the base, as moisture can get into them, which can destroy the structure. Defects can be removed only after the solution has dried. For this concrete base you need to moisten it with water, pour cement onto it in a thin layer, and then rub it in with a brush until the base becomes completely smooth and shiny.