Winter salad with fish - recipes from our chef. Fish salad Blue whiting cutlets

Delicious salads for the winter are our Russian tradition. And salads with fish and vegetables can easily replace a full dinner or be served. I have been collecting recipes for such salads for many years, when I still lived on Sakhalin, in the fishing region.

For such salads, they usually use small fish, herring, sprat, sprat, and sometimes herring. For such delicacies, these are easy to prepare for every housewife.

I always close several jars of herring, mackerel or sprat for the winter, homemade always tastes better, and sometimes I want to surprise guests. Still, such salads are less often prepared for winter than just vegetable ones.

How to prepare fish salads for the winter - choice of products

Most often, preference is given to winter salads made from fish and tomatoes. Probably the most common recipe is sprat or capelin in tomato sauce. This is not only because we are accustomed to them through our trade, it’s just always tasty, you can open such a jar with potatoes, or just as a separate snack.

In order for our salads to turn out really tasty, the fish in them not to fall apart, but to keep its shape, we need to choose it correctly. And it’s good if you live somewhere by the sea, where buying fresh fish is not a problem. Not everyone is so lucky, so I’ll tell you how to choose fish for winter salads.

Fresh-frozen fish is preferable in such cases, because our retail chains have now begun to sell chilled frozen products, that is, initially frozen fish is thawed for sale, the remainder that is not sold on time is frozen again, and so on several times. When buying chilled fish, you can notice on the section of the abdomen an unpleasant dark yellow color from constant frost. Such fish will be very dry and will quickly “spread” when cooked.

Small, freshly frozen small fish, usually with shiny light backs, with a head and tail, not gutted, this is exactly the kind of fish we need.

Winter salad with herring and tomatoes

From the products to prepare:

  • Four kilos of fresh frozen herring
  • Half a kilo of onions
  • Four kilos of red tomatoes
  • Two kilos of carrot roots
  • Half a liter of purified sunflower oil
  • One tablespoon of 9% vinegar
  • Fifteen level tablespoons of sugar
  • Three tablespoons with the top of a spoonful of table salt

Cooking process:

Do not defrost the fish completely; this makes it easier to cut it. Gut, cut off the head and tail, cut along the ridge and separate the fillet, which is cut into pieces.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender or meat grinder and rub through a sieve so that the skin does not get caught. Chop the onion finely and grate the carrots using a regular grater.

Pour half of the vegetable oil into a saucepan, into which we pour the tomato and lay out the pieces of herring, put it on the fire.

In the second half of the oil, fry the carrots and onions in a frying pan. When the fish and tomato have been stewed for half an hour, you need to add salt, add sugar and add the frying. Leave to simmer for another half hour. At the end of time add vinegar. We pack the hot salad into sterile jars, close them with lids and wrap them in heat to cool slowly.

Fish salad for the winter with vegetables

We use the following products:

  • Half a kilo of capelin or herring
  • Three onions
  • Three medium carrots
  • Six large meaty tomatoes
  • One medium beet
  • Two tablespoons of 9% vinegar
  • Tablespoon salt
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • Sunflower oil

How to prepare fish salad:

We peel all the vegetables, cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots and beets on a regular grater, chop the tomatoes in a blender and pass through a sieve to remove the skins and seeds.

Fry each product separately and put it in a common container, at the end add the tomato and put it on the stove to simmer. We simmer for twenty minutes, and while we’re busy with the fish, we need to clean it, cut off the heads and rinse it.

We add the fish to the vegetables, salt, add sugar and leave to simmer for another half hour. At the end, don’t forget to add vinegar and pack the finished salad into sterile jars. Roll under the lids and leave to cool upside down. Store jars of salad only in the refrigerator or cellar.

Winter salad with mackerel

We will need:

  • One fresh frozen medium size
  • One onion
  • One small carrot
  • Five small tomatoes
  • Tablespoon regular table salt
  • A quarter cup of sunflower oil
  • Three level tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • One and a half tablespoons of 9% vinegar
  • Five black peppercorns
  • Three laurel leaves

Cooking process:

Defrost the fish, clean the insides, remove the tail and head and place in a saucepan with water to boil for twenty minutes.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrot. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a couple of minutes to remove the skin, and then chop them in any convenient way. Combine all the vegetables in a cast iron or thick-walled saucepan and simmer for twenty minutes, don’t forget to add sugar and salt.

Take the cooked fish into pieces and put them in the vegetables, add the remaining spices and simmer for another twenty minutes, add vinegar and roll them into jars.

Preparing fish salads is a fun and not at all difficult activity. Fish salad for the winter in jars has a wide range of uses. It can be served as an independent snack, added to salads or as a side dish. For such preparations it is not at all necessary to use mackerel. Winter fish salad with vegetables can also be made from ordinary herring or capelin.

You just can't help but like fish in a fragrant vegetable sauce. An ordinary herring is transformed beyond recognition. Winter fish salad for the winter goes well with both potatoes and rice.

You will need:

  • half kg. herring;
  • 800 gr. tomatoes;
  • quarter kg. salad onions;
  • quarter kg. juicy carrots;
  • 100 gr. young beets;
  • quarter 200 gr. glasses of butter;
  • a couple of tsp salt;
  • a couple of st. l. Sahara;
  • a couple of st. l. vinegar 9%.

Fish salad recipe for the winter:

  1. The onion must be peeled off and cut into thin halves of rings.
  2. In a frying pan, the oil is heated to the maximum and the prepared onions are well fried in it, after which it is moved to a container suitable for all subsequent manipulations.
  3. Carrots must be washed, peeled and only then chopped in a blender. When chopped, the carrots are fried and added to the onions.
  4. Like carrots, beets are prepared and also added to the already fried vegetables.
  5. Tomatoes are literally immersed in boiling water for seconds, after which the skin is simply removed.
  6. Peeled tomatoes are crushed into puree using the same blender.
  7. Tomato puree joins other vegetables.
  8. The herring must be cut. It is separated from the head and all the insides are removed from it, after which the fish is washed.
  9. Chopped vegetables are stewed for literally twenty minutes, after which they are added with herring, sugar and, of course, salt.
  10. In this composition, the product is prepared for about half an hour. Towards the end of this process, vinegar is also added to the salad.
  11. While the salad is simmering, you need to pay attention to preparing all the containers that are needed to carry out the preservation process. It is washed with soda and subjected to mandatory pasteurization.
  12. The still very hot fish salad is placed into heat-treated jars and rolled up immediately.
  13. It must be cooled upside down and covered with a blanket.

Delicious winter fish salad

Capelin cooked in tomato sauce is an excellent appetizer. The minimal amount of spices perfectly emphasizes the pleasant fishy aroma. Tomatoes add a pleasant sour touch to the dish. Eating a jar of such fish in winter is a pleasure.

You will need:

  • 3 kg. capelin;
  • 1 kg. juicy carrots;
  • 1 kg. salad onions;
  • a couple of st. l. salt;
  • a couple of st. l. Sahara;
  • a couple 200 gr. glasses of butter;
  • half st. l. ground regular pepper;
  • two hundred gram glass of vinegar 9%;
  • 3 kg. tomatoes.

Delicious salad with fish for the winter:

  1. Tomatoes are literally immersed in boiling water for a few seconds. Then the skin is removed from them and they are crushed using a simple meat grinder.
  2. Tomatoes crushed into puree are boiled. This process takes at least an hour.
  3. Carrots are washed, peeled and chopped in plain water using a larger grater.
  4. The onion's peel is removed and it is immediately cut into miniature cubes.
  5. The onions and carrots are moved into the frying pan and fried quite a bit.
  6. When fried, they are added to tomato puree, salted, sprinkled with sugar and pepper. The mass is thoroughly mixed.
  7. The capelin is washed a little and added to the container with the vegetables. In this composition, the product is boiled for about half an hour.
  8. Finally, vinegar and oil are added. In its entirety, you need to boil the salad for another five minutes.
  9. While the salad is boiling on its own, you need to prepare the containers necessary for the canning process. It must be washed and subjected to particularly thorough sterilization.
  10. Hot salad is placed in jars that have undergone heat treatment and immediately rolled up.
  11. The jars should cool upside down and covered with a warm blanket.

Winter salad recipe with fish

How convenient it is to have such a blank on the shelves. You can take it with you on a hike, and it is simply irreplaceable for winter fishing. And just for a quick and satisfying snack, it will come in handy. There is no need to heat it up, and when cold, this snack is simply excellent.

You will need:

  • 4 kg. smelt;
  • 1 kg. salad onions;
  • 1 kg. juicy carrots;
  • half kg. pearl barley;
  • 3 kg. tomatoes;
  • floor 200 gr. glasses of vinegar 9%;
  • a couple of st. l. salt;
  • floor l. oils

Recipe for salad with fish for the winter:

  1. The pearl barley must be washed and immersed in boiling water to swell.
  2. The smelt is cut up. The head is separated and all the insides are removed. The skin is removed and the seeds are removed. In this form, it boils for literally ten minutes.
  3. Tomatoes are immersed in boiling water for a few seconds. After this, the skin is very easily removed from them. They are then ground using a standard meat grinder.
  4. The tomato puree is immediately transferred to a container suitable for all subsequent actions and boiled for about twenty minutes.
  5. Absolutely all the peeling is removed from the onion and it is cut into tiny cubes.
  6. Carrots are naturally washed, peeled and chopped on a simple grater.
  7. Chopped onions and carrots are transferred to a frying pan with oil heated to maximum and fried, after which they are added to the tomato.
  8. Add smelt with well-swollen pearl barley to the tomato mixture. The mixture is salted and sprinkled with sugar.
  9. In this composition, the salad is boiled until the pearl barley is completely ready.
  10. A few minutes before the end of the cooking process, vinegar is added.
  11. During this time, it is necessary to prepare the containers necessary for the full preservation process. It is washed very carefully and subjected to mandatory sterilization.
  12. Freshly prepared salad is placed in jars that have already undergone heat treatment and rolled up immediately.
  13. The cooling process should be as long as possible. For this purpose, the jars are covered with something warm enough.

Fish salad for the winter with pike perch fish

Canned pike perch turns out incredibly tasty. An excellent vegetable filling amazingly emphasizes the delicate taste of the fish, complementing it with freshness and lightness. Despite this, the dish turns out to be very satisfying thanks to the addition of rice.

You will need:

  • one and a half kg. pike perch;
  • a couple of sweet peppercorns;
  • 1 kg. tomatoes;
  • a couple of juicy carrots;
  • half kg. salad onions;
  • two hundred gram glass of rice;
  • floor 200 gr. cups apple cider vinegar 9%;
  • a couple of tsp salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • half tsp ground regular pepper;
  • a couple of clove buds.

Fish salad recipe for the winter:

  1. The pike perch is immediately cut. The head is separated and all existing entrails are removed. Once this process is complete, the pike perch should be washed.
  2. The cleaned fish is boiled for about half an hour along with salt and spices.
  3. The tomatoes are carefully cut and literally immersed in boiling water for a couple of seconds. After that, the skin is simply removed from them.
  4. Peeled tomatoes are crushed using a regular meat grinder.
  5. The tomato puree is transferred to a container suitable for all subsequent actions and mixed with half the required oil. The puree is boiled for literally ten minutes.
  6. All bones are removed from the boiled pike perch and it is chopped into neat pieces.
  7. The chopped pike perch is transferred to the tomato and boiled for about half an hour.
  8. Carrots are washed, peeled and chopped on a regular grater.
  9. All the seeds are carefully removed from the pepper, and it is cut into thin strips.
  10. The existing peel is removed from the onion and it is cut into thin halves of rings.
  11. Chopped vegetables are transferred to a frying pan with oil as hot as possible and fried along with spices.
  12. The rice must be boiled.
  13. Fried vegetables are added to the tomato mass, salted and sprinkled with sugar. Both vinegar and rice are added.
  14. The full salad is boiled for literally another quarter of an hour.
  15. During this time, you should prepare the containers that will be needed to carry out the entire preservation process. It is washed with soda and subjected to the necessary sterilization.
  16. Pike perch with rice and vegetables are placed in thermally treated jars and rolled up immediately.

Fish salad with vegetables for the winter

A successful combination of fish and vegetables is a real culinary masterpiece. The already tender fish cooked in this sauce literally melts in your mouth.

You will need:

  • 4 kg. capelin;
  • 3 kg. tomatoes;
  • 1 kg. lettuce;
  • 1 kg. juicy carrots;
  • half kg. sweet pepper;
  • two hundred gram glass of sugar;
  • two hundred gram glass of butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence 70%;
  • a couple of st. l. salt.

Vegetable salad with fish for the winter:

  1. Tomatoes are peeled and chopped using a regular meat grinder.
  2. The carrots are peeled and grated.
  3. The existing peel is removed from the onion, and it is cut into thin strips.
  4. All seeds are removed from the pepper and chopped in the same way as onions.
  5. All vegetables are transferred to a container suitable for subsequent actions and boiled for an hour and a half.
  6. Peeled capelin is added to the vegetables and boiled for about another half hour.
  7. A few minutes before this process is completed, vinegar is added.
  8. The containers necessary for complete canning are washed and subject to mandatory sterilization. Only after this process is completed is the finished pike perch with vegetables placed in it.
  9. The jars are immediately rolled up.

A winter fish salad with herring can magically decorate and improve any dish. Such a snack is in demand both on a holiday and indispensable on an ordinary day. Once you have prepared such a miracle, it will no longer be possible to do without it. Incredibly tasty and at the same time very simple.

The unremarkable taste characteristics of blue whiting can be skillfully turned into masterpieces and you can enjoy a budget-friendly but tasty dish!

Thanks to the properties of this type of fish, blue whiting baked in the oven is not only tasty and nutritious, but also dietary and low in calories. To preserve the value of the product, you need to design it correctly, and to do this, follow some simple rules:
The fish are first defrosted, cleaned, removing fins, heads, entrails and black film, rinsed and dried.
If time permits, the product is marinated with spices for about half an hour. If desired, the fishy smell can be neutralized by adding lemon juice to the marinade. The fish can simply be baked until cooked or supplemented with onions, other vegetables and an appropriate sauce of your choice, keeping them in the oven for no more than half an hour.

Blue whiting in the oven with potatoes

The blue whiting baked in the oven with potatoes according to the following recipe is moderately spicy, nutritious and aromatic. If desired, mayonnaise can be replaced with a mixture of sour cream, salt, pepper and grated garlic. The resulting dish is an excellent option for a home-made lunch or dinner, the preparation of 4 servings of which will take no more than 50 minutes.
whiting – 500 g;
potatoes – 500 g;
onion – 100 g;

mayonnaise – 5 tbsp. spoon;
salt, pepper, oil.
Prepare the fish and rub with seasonings.
Peel the potatoes, cut into circles and place in an oiled pan.
Place fish and chopped onions on top, cover everything with mayonnaise.
Bake blue whiting in the oven with potatoes for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Blue whiting in the oven in foil

Blue whiting in foil in the oven turns out especially juicy, soft and rich. If desired, the sheets can be unscrewed 5 minutes before the end of the baking process, thereby drying the dish and browning it a little. If desired, the recipe can be varied by adding vegetables: onions, grated carrots, tomatoes or bell peppers, cutting the ingredients into small pieces and placing them on top of the carcasses or on the sides.
whiting – 500 g;
ground coriander and herbs de Provence - 1 teaspoon each;
salt, pepper, oil.
The fish are processed properly, rubbed with seasonings and salt. After 15 minutes, place the product on oiled sheets of foil and wrap it. Cook the whiting in foil in the oven for 25 minutes at 185 degrees.

Blue whiting up your sleeve

This recipe for blue whiting in the oven is similar to the previous one, but instead of foil, a baking sleeve is used, which will preserve the juiciness of the product. Just 40-50 minutes of your time - and there’s a delicious treat for four on your table. The dish is served with boiled rice or potatoes, optionally supplemented with fresh sliced ​​vegetables or pickles.
whiting – 500 g;
lemon juice – 15 ml;
onion – 100 g;
tomatoes – 200 g;
spices for fish - ½ teaspoon;
salt, pepper, parsley, oil.
The prepared fish are sprinkled with lemon juice and rubbed with a spicy mixture. After ten minutes, the carcasses are placed in a sleeve oiled inside, onion rings and tomato mugs are placed on top. The whiting with vegetables is baked in the oven for 25 minutes at 185 degrees.

Blue whiting cutlets

Blue whiting cutlets in the oven are not only surprisingly tasty, but also an incredibly healthy and dietary dish, containing a minimum of fat and a maximum of nutritional and valuable properties. Preparing the fish fillets will take some time, but the results are undoubtedly worth the effort. The specified amount of products will yield 4-5 servings.
whiting – 600 g;
onions, carrots – 70 g each;
egg – 1 pc.;
white bread – 1-2 slices;
milk – 50 ml;
sour cream – 1 tbsp. spoon;
salt, pepper, paprika.
Prepared fish are removed from the skin and bones, the flesh is twisted in a meat grinder or in a blender along with vegetables and bread soaked in milk. Add egg, salt, pepper, paprika to the base, mix. Form cutlets, place them on an oiled baking sheet, grease with sour cream and bake 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Blue whiting in batter

For variety, you can prepare whiting in the oven in batter. In this version, the fish retains its juiciness on the inside and, thanks to the breading, is at the same time crispy on the outside. The dish is very tasty served with a sauce made from homemade mayonnaise with the addition of horseradish, chopped onion, lemon juice and mustard. The resulting portion of food is enough to feed four.
blue whiting fillet – 800 g;
egg – 1-2 pcs.;
flour – 1-2 spoons;
breadcrumbs - 2 cups;
olive oil – 40 ml;
salt, pepper, fish seasonings, serving sauce.
Beat the egg, season to taste, stir in the flour. Season the fish fillet, dip in the egg mixture, and then generously in breadcrumbs. Bake the blue whiting in the oven at 190 degrees for 20 minutes.

Blue whiting marinated with carrots and onions

A surprisingly tasty dish that ideally complements a side dish of rice and potatoes will be blue whiting in the oven with carrots and onions. The fish is soaked in a tomato-vegetable mixture, filled with spicy flavors and turns out appetizing and piquant. You can use either prepared whole fish, cut into portions, or fillets.
whiting – 600 g;
onions, carrots – 150 g each;
tomato sauce – 300 g;
laurel – 1 pc.;
vegetable oil – 50 ml;
garlic – 2 cloves;

The prepared fish is sprinkled with lemon juice, seasoned, and placed in a mold. Vegetables are sauteed in oil, tomatoes, bay leaves, seasonings, and garlic are added, simmer for 5 minutes and the resulting mixture is poured over the fish. The whiting with the sauce is baked in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Blue whiting in sour cream

Having cooked blue whiting in sour cream in the oven, you will appreciate the taste characteristics of this seemingly unremarkable fish and will begin to cook it more and more often. The nutritional properties of the dish make it possible to include it in the diet menu, or serve it with any everyday meal as an addition to a side dish, without fear of harming your figure. 4 servings will be ready in 40 minutes.
whiting – 600 g;
onion – 250 g;
sour cream with minimal fat content – ​​300 g;
vegetable oil – 20 ml;
salt, pepper, lemon juice, seasonings.
The fish is prepared, sprinkled with lemon juice, flavored with spices, placed in an oiled dish mixed with onion rings. Continue cooking the blue whiting in the oven at 200 degrees. After 20 minutes, cover the dish with seasoned sour cream and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Blue whiting casserole

Next, you will learn how to cook blue whiting in the oven in the form of a tasty and appetizing casserole. Potatoes in the recipe can be replaced with slices of zucchini or eggplant, and you can also add a layer of bell pepper or other vegetables. The preparation of the dish will take no more than one hour, and as a result there will be an unusual delicacy on the table, the portion of which is designed for 4 people.
whiting – 600 g;
potatoes – 300 g;
onion – 150 g;
egg – 1 pc.;
sour cream – 200 g;
bread crumbs - 1 cup;
garlic – 2 cloves;
salt, pepper, seasonings, cheese.
The fish are prepared, removed from the bones. The fillets are seasoned and left for about 10 minutes. Thinly peeled potatoes, onions, and herbs are cut. Potatoes are placed on the bottom of an oiled dish, then fish, onions are sprinkled with herbs and crumbs. The components are poured with a mixture of sour cream, egg, and garlic. , seasonings and bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees, sprinkling with cheese at the end.

Homemade. This salad can be served in combination with a side dish of potatoes, and can also be used as a cold appetizer. It is best to use sprat, capelin or herring when cooking. Some recipes allow the addition of mackerel or herring. An excellent option is a winter fish salad with tomatoes.

Which fish to choose

To make a winter salad with fish and vegetables tasty, you need to choose the right ingredients. It is very difficult to find a refrigerated product on store shelves. Most likely, such fish will already be defrosted. You need to be careful. It is better to choose frozen fish and only whole carcasses that have both a tail and a head.

Winter fish salad with tomatoes

To prepare the workpiece you need:

Preparation of products

Winter salad with fish is very easy to prepare. But the end result is an original snack. To begin with, you should peel the onion and cut it, of course, into half rings. Place a frying pan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil into it. It should heat up well. After this, put the chopped onion in the frying pan. The product must be fried until translucent, stirring constantly.

The almost finished onion should be transferred to a cauldron. If you don’t have such a device in your kitchen, you can use a multicooker bowl. Here the winter salad with fish will be stewed. A multicooker can perfectly replace a cauldron. The taste of the finished product will not deteriorate.

Fresh carrots should be peeled, washed well, and then chopped. This is best done using a blender. If this is not possible, then you can grate the vegetable on a fine grater. You need to put a frying pan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil into it. After this, you can lay out the carrots and fry them lightly. The almost finished product needs to be transferred into a multicooker bowl or into a cauldron with onions.

The beets also need to be peeled, washed and chopped. This can be done using a blender or grater. Chopped beets also need to be fried in vegetable oil and transferred to a cauldron or multicooker bowl with carrots and onions.

Tomatoes need to be peeled. This can be done by placing them in boiling water for a few minutes and then in cold water. The tomato pulp should be crushed in a blender. If desired, you can rub the resulting mass through a sieve. The seeds and skin of the tomato go to waste. The resulting sauce should be poured into the vegetables.

Before cooking, fish must be cleaned, removing the entrails and head, and then washed. Now you can start cooking. Winter salad with fish and vegetables is almost ready.

Heat treatment

To make a vegetable salad with fish tasty for the winter, you need to stew the vegetables separately. It is better to add the fish a little later. All vegetables need to be placed in a slow cooker or cauldron and simmered. This takes about 20 minutes. In the multicooker, select the “Stew” function.

After the specified time, you can add prepared herring to the salad. You should also add granulated sugar and salt to the salad. You can pour vinegar into the cauldron and simmer for about half an hour, thoroughly mixing the ingredients.

How to store

Prepared winter salad with fish should be stored in canned form. Therefore, it is worth preparing glass containers and lids in advance. It is better to take small jars so that the snack is enough for one time.

While the salad is preparing, you can prepare the containers. The jars must be washed well and then sterilized. The same needs to be done with the lids.

The prepared vegetable salad with fish should be placed in jars and rolled up well. After this, hermetically sealed containers must be placed with their lids down and left there until they cool completely. The original one should be stored with vegetables at a temperature not exceeding 8 °C. This is a must. Otherwise, the seaming will not stand. The ideal place to store salad would be the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.