Which is better than Janine Yarina or Diana. Cheap analogues of Jeanine and which contraceptives are better to buy

Endometriosis is a common female reproductive disease. The mystery disease is interconnected with the immune system and has serious consequences - it leads to infertility, while many women are unaware of its existence.

The disease in the developmental stage is treatable. Yarina or with endometriosis - which is better to take is determined by the doctor on the basis of contraindications and within the framework of the effectiveness of the therapeutic course.

The walls of the uterus are lined inside with a special tissue - the endometrium. She participates in the menstrual cycle. In pathological situations, endometrial particles can migrate to another organ.

Most often, these are the fallopian tubes and ovaries, but with the blood flow, endometrial particles can migrate far from the reproductive system, for example, into the intestines or into the eye system, causing bleeding and bloody tears syndrome there.

During menstruation, when the endometrium in the uterus swells and is rejected, tissue located in other parts of the body behaves in the same way. Local inflammation occurs, which ends with the formation of connective tissue. If the fallopian tubes are affected by tissue, obstruction occurs, which leads to infertility. Women are at risk:

  • with heredity;
  • with excessive levels of estrogen in case of imbalance of female sex hormones;
  • over 35–45 years old;
  • alcohol and caffeine abusers;
  • living in zones of ecological trouble;
  • exposed to prolonged stress and emotional stress.

The diagnosis can be confirmed by introducing an optical device into the uterine cavity or abdominal cavity, performing hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. This is not always necessary, since endometriosis is treated by prescribing drugs from the group of hormonal contraceptives.

Taking medications will help relieve the main symptom of endometriosis - stop menstrual pain and change the situation before planning pregnancy, which has a better effect on the woman's reproductive health. The main therapeutic effect is the course of pregnancy.

In the pathogenesis of the mechanism of development of endometriosis lies an excess of sex hormones, therefore, special drugs have been developed that remove the imbalance. For small forms of endometriosis and stopping the development of pathological processes, it is proposed to introduce artificial menopause using oral contraception.

Characteristic OK

Preference is given to modern medicines - Yarina and Zhanin. Both dosage forms are similar in their action and are aimed at:

  • To block or change the course of menstruation with profusion and duration of bleeding. Thanks to this, benign tissue does not grow, and the egg does not leave the ovaries, fertilization does not occur.
  • To reduce the production of uterine secretion, which prevents pregnancy.
  • To neutralize hormones that increase appetite and a set of extra pounds.
  • To withdraw excess fluid.
  • To combat androgenic activity - and acne.
  • On the termination of nutrition of the endometrium and tumor degeneration due to a monophasic combination of female sex hormones.

In addition to these medicinal effects, the drugs adjust the regularity of the menstrual cycle and have a primary contraceptive function.

Yarin's drug with endometriosis at the initial stage allows you to slow down the growth of pathological tissue, and in the future to plan a successful pregnancy. After childbirth, the disease requires another treatment or becomes weakening, remission occurs.

Indications and contraindications

The drugs Janine or Yarina are shown when you need to act quickly in the initial stages of endometriosis. The latter analogue copes with the pathological division of endometrial cells more efficiently. In some cases, Yarin's drug is replaced by the less active Janine.

Those taking the tablet preparation must be aware that the drug will work, it needs conditions for normal absorption in the stomach, intestines and further entry into the bloodstream.

Therefore, all factors that disrupt the process affect the outcome of treatment and the effect of contraceptive protection. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract create a barrier to achieving the goal and are a factor that reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

For the period of violations, it is necessary to use other methods of treatment. Interaction with other medications, especially antibiotics, significantly reduces the effectiveness of hormone therapy.

Diseases of other internal organs and adverse situations are also a contraindication to hormone therapy. Such cases include:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • oncological processes of any localization;
  • smoking;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • vascular pathologies, in which there is blockage of veins and arteries;
  • gynecological diseases in which estrogen is contraindicated for admission;
  • neurological headache attacks;
  • diseases of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

The need for hormone therapy with the use of Yarina or other similar means is established by an endocrinologist according to indications. If you want to protect yourself from conception, you must consult a gynecologist.

Similarities and differences of medicines

In the group of monophasic OC drugs have an identical composition. Combined hormonal contraceptives in tablets contain 2 active substances:

  • drospirenone.

They differ in the dose of a progesterone analogue - drospirenone. Yarin's drug contains 3 mg of gestagen and 30 mcg of estrogen, which is better tolerated by women and manifests itself in relation to the female body. The package consists of 21 tablets, designed for a menstrual cycle of 28 days.

The advantages of Yarin's drug over Janine are as follows:

  • Yarina is a newer and more active drug due to the content of a greater proportion of the main components.
  • Yarina's absorption period is less - 1.5 hours than that of Janine, which averages 2-2.5 hours.
  • The list of contraindications to the appointment of Yarina is also less. In case of metabolic problems, "Janine" is contraindicated. Yarina, on the contrary, is indicated for weight loss and normalization.
  • After discontinuation of Yarina's administration, the drug has a positive effect, while Janine is effective only during the course of the treatment.

Preparations with hormones have an active effect on the entire body, regardless of the dose of the main components and their combination. Self-administration and long-term use is categorically undesirable without examination and doctor's recommendations.

Side effects

After the drug is discontinued, the female body gradually comes to the normalization of the hormonal background and the regulation of processes, therefore, during this period, it can be observed from its side:

  • hair loss - a course enriched with special vitamins is recommended for the recovery period;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium and abdomen, nausea, vomiting - occurs extremely rarely;
  • headaches, depressed mood;
  • gradual weight gain depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The presence of one or more signs in situations of past hormone therapy, as well as taking other medications, should be reported to the gynecologist.

Scheme and rules for admitting Yarina

Reception of hormonal monophasic contraceptives begins according to the general scheme. To obtain the maximum effect from the first cycle of contraception, the drug is taken from the first day of menstruation.

As a rule, on the packaging of the drug, there are numbers near each tablet in the order of calculating the days of the week and arrows indicating the order of taking the drug. Monophasic drugs can be taken in any order as desired, as long as they have the same composition.

But with long-term use, a situation may arise when it is impossible to remember whether the pill was drunk. The scale will help you navigate the days of the week and not miss taking the drug.

Incorrect administration of a monophasic drug entails a failure of the therapeutic effect and a decrease in the effectiveness of contraception. It is best to take OK at the same time every day. A convenient reception is in the evening - before bedtime.

If the drug is missed, if the time deviation is no more than 12 hours, another pill should be taken. This is not critical and does not carry any negative changes in terms of efficiency. If the pass is more than 12 hours, follow the instructions in the instructions.

After the end of the use of 21 tablets in a standard situation, unless the doctor has indicated other points, a 7-day break is taken. These days, the effect is fully preserved, that is, there is no need to use other hormonal drugs.

During this period, monthly bleeding begins. Unlike standard methods of contraception, with endometriosis, there is no break for 7 days - Yarina is taken continuously. This is necessary in order to stop the menstrual function, and with it the retrograde flow of blood, the growth and change of the endometrium in the small pelvis and other organs.

The course of taking the drug is 6 months, unless the doctor determines other conditions for admission for medicinal purposes.

Taking hormonal contraceptives for endometriosis is combined with a regular examination by a gynecologist and accompanied by blood tests in order to monitor the state of the body. Appropriate examinations will help determine the withdrawal or change of the drug.

Janine and Yarina are the names of oral contraceptive drugs. Both are low-dose, monophasic oral contraceptives used to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Janine and Yarina influence the following processes:

  • make cervical secretions impervious to sperm;
  • suppress ovulation;
  • prevent the possibility of the introduction and consolidation of a fertilized egg into the uterine endometrium.

As a rule, gynecologists prescribe any of these drugs, giving the choice to the patients themselves. After studying the characteristics of both drugs in women, the question naturally arises - what to prefer, which drug to choose?
With all the similarity in the effect exerted, the drugs ultimately act differently on the body.


Janine normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves acne, excessive appearance of male-type hair, prevents diseases of the female genital area.
Usually, the body tolerates taking Zhanin's tablets easily. But in some cases, women begin to worry about headaches and nausea. After the start of the intake, some women find that the mammary glands are hardened. However, with prolonged use, all unpleasant symptoms disappear without a trace. Only in rare cases does arterial or venous thrombosis occur.
If unpleasant symptoms appear - shortness of breath, double vision, swelling, bouts of severe coughing - it is better to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor again. If there is a tendency to improper metabolism, you should not take Janine.
In general, Janine is a reliable new generation contraceptive drug.


Yarina, as a rule, is recommended for those women who have hormone-dependent fluid retention in the body.
After using Yarin's contraceptive, many women note positive changes: the skin condition improves, hair stops falling out, nails become stronger. In addition, there is no premenstrual syndrome, menstruation is painless. After discontinuation of the drug, a stable menstrual cycle is maintained for a long time. Many, after taking Yarina, notice weight loss. The drug also helps to get rid of acne.
However, while taking Yarina, side effects often occur: intermenstrual bleeding, engorgement of the mammary glands, discharge from the nipples. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and loose stools are possible. From the side of the nervous system - depression, headache, increased or, conversely, decreased libido. All these side effects do not require discontinuation of the drug, but they must be reported to the doctor.

The question of the choice of the drug should still be faced not by the patient, but by the doctor. Therefore, be persistent - ask to prescribe a drug for you based on information about the state of your body's health.

And are there any differences at all? "

Yes there is. The difference seems to be small, but at the same time, both drugs can have fundamentally different effects on a woman's body.

In order to answer this question in detail, we will break it down point by point.


Both those and other birth control pills contain equal amounts of synthetic hormones:

  • Ethinylestradiol (30 mcg) - an analogue of endogenous estradiol
  • (3 mcg) - has antiandrogenic effect

The difference is that Yarina plus contains calcium levomefolate (biologically active formula of folic acid). This is a medicinal substance designed to eliminate folate deficiency in the female body.

The package of Yarina Plus contains:

  • 21 active tablet
  • 7 vitamins tablets containing only calcium levomefolate


Both hormonal drugs belong to the group of COCs (combined oral contraceptives).

They are used as a means of contraception, as well as to normalize a woman's hormonal levels.

When taking these drugs:

  • the ovulation process is inhibited
  • changes in cervical mucus (becomes thicker and more viscous), which prevents the movement of sperm to the uterus
  • the structure of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) changes, and therefore the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus
  • the menstrual cycle and discharge characteristics are normalized
  • decrease PMS symptoms

When and who should take Yarin, and who should take Yarin plus?

ATTENTION! Only a doctor can prescribe the drug that suits you! The choice of a hormonal remedy against unwanted pregnancy requires a mandatory preliminary examination. Do not self-medicate!

Indications for use

Yarina is prescribed as a contraceptive for healthy women, as well as for the treatment of acne (acne, acne).

Yarina plus can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • As a contraceptive for women with hormone-dependent fluid retention
  • Preventing unwanted pregnancies with folate deficiency
  • As a treatment for acne (acne, pimples)


Although there are slight differences in the composition and action, the list of contraindications for both drugs is absolutely the same:

  • Migraines with neurological symptoms
  • Pancreatitis
  • Thrombosis (arterial and venous)
  • Pregnancy or suspicion of it
  • Lactation period (breastfeeding)
  • Diabetes mellitus with complications
  • Intolerance to active ingredients
  • Cerebral circulation disorders
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Hypertriglyceridemia (increased blood triglyceride levels)
  • Heart defects
  • Liver disease
  • Smoking
  • Postpartum period
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Obesity
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin
  • Renal failure

Which is better - Yarina or Yarina plus?

Considering that we have already found out that the difference between these drugs lies in only one component, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Because Since hormonal active substances in both preparations are the same, then the usual Yarina can be replaced with Yarina plus. ATTENTION! The decision to change the hormonal drug must be made by the doctor.
  • Folic acid deficiency is not uncommon, so it makes sense to replenish your stores. The lack of this substance negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism, because folates perform the functions of regulating the processes of replication of nucleic acids and normalizing the processes of cell division.
  • The use of Yarina plus is preferable if, after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, a woman is planning a pregnancy.
  • The effectiveness of these drugs is almost identical, and only complete abstinence guarantees 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

IMPORTANT! When taking COCs, you should be regularly examined by a gynecologist. Also when side effects you need to immediately consult a doctor so that he can determine a solution to this problem. It is impossible to cancel or re-prescribe drugs on your own!

Contraception is an important part of the daily life of any modern woman of reproductive age. Each strives to choose the method that suits her based on the criteria of effectiveness and safety. The drugs "Jess" and "Yarina" belong to the group of oral contraceptives and are often used not only for the purpose of individual contraception, but also for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases.

In order to choose the right tool, you need to understand in more detail the structure of each of them.

Jess and Yarina - what is it?

The drugs "Jess" and "Yarina" belong to the group combined oral contraceptives... This means that they contain two hormones: estrogen and gestagen. Ethinyl estradiol acts as estrogen - it is a synthetic hormone, an analogue of endogenous estradiol. It is used in isolation with a pronounced lack of sex hormones in the female body.

The progestogen in the preparation is drospirenone- a synthetic hormone that inhibits folliculogenesis by a feedback mechanism and, accordingly, prevents ovulation.

Pregnancy occurs only if the male reproductive cell connects with the female at a certain period of the cycle. There is a misconception that outside the period of ovulation, unprotected intercourse cannot lead to conception. It should be borne in mind that both male and female reproductive cells can survive in the internal environment of the female body for up to several days, so the "calculation" method may not work.

The mechanism of action of oral contraceptives is based on the unique ability of the female body to ovulate. The drug suppresses the natural cycle and puts the ovaries into a "sleep mode", as it were. In this case, the release of the egg does not occur, which means that its fertilization is not possible. In addition to suppressing ovulation, the drug changes the chemical composition of the mucous secretion of the cervix, which creates a kind of barrier for sperm and enhances the effect of the drug.

To assess the contraceptive effect, created Pearl index... It is calculated as the number of pregnant women per 100 women using a given contraceptive. The use of the drug "Jess" or "Yarina" guarantees the Pearl index (that is, the risk of pregnancy) less than 1, which is one of the best indicators on the oral contraceptive market.

The second component of the drugs is drospirenone, also has antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic effects. These hormones lead to a number of problems in the female body:

  • Weight gain.
  • Stagnant fluid.
  • Acne.
  • Greasy skin and hair.

Thanks to drospirenone, unwanted hormonal effects in the body are eliminated, which in some cases determines the indications for the use of the drug.

The most common side effects when taken are:

  1. Nausea, vomiting.
  2. Engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands.
  3. Irregular uterine bleeding of unspecified origin.

Bleeding while taking the drug often occurs when the concentration of synthetic hormones in the drug is insufficient to completely replace the body's natural hormones. Such bleeding is often not profuse, but requires a doctor's consultation in order to exclude a different nature of the occurrence.

Not the most common, but rather formidable complication is thromboembolism... The effect is associated with thickening of the blood and the formation of blood clots - blood clots, which, when they enter small-caliber vessels, can completely close them.

In this regard, the drug is contraindicated in persons with an increased risk of thrombosis, impaired peripheral circulation, liver disease. To protect yourself, before you start taking the pills, you need to consult with your doctor and find out if there are individual contraindications for taking COCs.

Taking the drug in the initial period of pregnancy, which often happens through negligence, does not adversely affect the development of the fetus, but there are no reliable studies on the further development of children. During breastfeeding, oral contraceptives should not be taken, since some of the hubbubs can come out with milk, which in no case should be allowed. The ingestion of alien hubbubs into the child's body can lead to a violation of his sexual development.

Similarities and differences

"Jess" and "Yarina" are two drugs that are most similar to each other. Due to their identical composition, their therapeutic and side effects are no different from each other, which makes the choice between them more difficult. Nevertheless, there are still differences.

The first and most significant difference is the concentration of active substances. The amount of drospirenone in the preparations is the same and is 3 mg... The whole difference lies in ethinyl estradiol. For Jess, the concentration is 20 micrograms, and for "Yarin" - 30 ... For hormonal drugs, this is a colossal difference, which is why Yarina is considered the strongest oral contraceptive on the market.

The next important difference is the way the drugs are used. In the case of yarina, everything is quite simple - the pack contains 21 tablets, which must be taken from the first day of menstruation at approximately the same time. After the end of the pack, a seven-day break is taken, and on the 8th day, the reception of a new pack begins.

Jess has two modes of application. Mode "24 + 4" assumes continuous intake of pills, strictly according to the arrows indicated on the package. It is important to keep the order of the tablets, as some of them are dummies. Inactive pills are designed to keep you on track and get it right at the start of your next cycle.

The "flexible" mode of administration allows you to take active pills without interruption for 120 days, after which you must take at least 1 four-day break. This schedule works only for a special device - the Click dispenser.

Application area

The main indication for the use of these drugs is contraception. Jess is also used to treat acne and severe premenstrual syndrome. In some cases, the drug can be prescribed by a gynecologist for the treatment or prevention of other diseases.

Yarina is not widely used due to the high concentration of hormones. The drug is more suitable for women with children or those who have had a pregnancy, since they have an increased amount of hormones in the body.

Thus, the only criterion for choosing between drugs "Jess" and "Yarin" is the concentration of natural homones in the blood, and the rest of the drugs are absolutely identical.

Nowadays, oral contraceptives occupy a leading position among the means to prevent unwanted pregnancies. At a young and middle age, up to 35 years old, for patients with a "boyish" constitution (tall, thin physique, small breasts), gynecologists recommend taking low-dose hormonal drugs with antiandrogenic action: Diana, Silhouette, Janine, Tri-merci, Jess plus, Lindinet ... This list also includes Yarin's contraceptives, doctors' reviews, the pros, cons allow a woman to assess the possible risks with prolonged use of this OK.

And they, undoubtedly, exist, since violent interference in the processes taking place in the female body is fraught with long-term negative consequences. For some - mild and insignificant changes, and for some - serious and irreversible. After all, hormone therapy "turns off" the ovaries, changes the thickness of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), the viscosity of cervical mucus, and even affects the work of certain parts of the brain.

Yarina - tablets with medicinal and cosmetic effect

Since the appearance on the market of pharmacological products, in 2001 in the USA, it was discovered that Yasmin, in Russia the medicine is called Yarina (tablets), not only prevent ovulation, but also perfectly solve problems with the skin, in particular with acne, and hair ( increased greasiness, loss). The creators initially did not focus on such properties of the main active ingredient, drospirenone. It was later revealed that the new progestin also promotes weight loss. Tempting bonuses and a wide advertising campaign led to an increase in Yarin's popularity, the use of the drug, I must admit, fully meets expectations in terms of improving the appearance.

In addition, it, like other OK, helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, relieves pain on critical days, heavy and prolonged bleeding, relieves PMS symptoms. This is achieved due to the state of artificial pregnancy, which, by the way, lasts not 9 months, but several years, during the entire period of Yarin's intake. The use of the drug in this regard significantly increases the load on the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and liver. A weak organism may not be able to cope with such a burden. "Answer" with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, varicose veins, tumors, including malignant ones, strokes, heart attacks and other equally unpleasant sores.

Therefore, the responsible doctor before prescribing this drug will not be limited to a routine examination, but will refer the patient for a consultation with an ophthalmologist, mammologist, for ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs. For blood tests, biochemical, lipid, hormones, coagulogram. Inquire about health, diagnoses, bad habits and family heredity. In an accessible form, she will explain why Yarina is not suitable for her or, on the contrary, is shown. Reviews of doctors, the pros, cons of therapy also need to be sanctified in detail. The final decision still rests on the shoulders of the woman herself, different opinions, reliable information will obviously not be superfluous in this case.

Yarina: reviews of gynecologists

Yulia Sergeevna, practicing female doctor

I think that fears about oral contraceptives, pills of the third or fourth generation, are definitely exaggerated. The advantages of these OCs are much greater than the disadvantages. And they are prescribed not only for protection. For example, with the help of Yarin, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, and polycystic ovaries are successfully treated. Studies have confirmed that thanks to this drug, it is possible to avoid inflammatory and oncological diseases of the genital area, mastopathy, atheroscherosis, osteoporosis, which overtakes women in old age. Significantly reduce the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy.

The instructions for use indicate the presence of contraindications and possible side effects in Yarin. But antibiotics also have them, but this is not a reason for refusing the medication prescribed by the doctor. In order not to be afraid in vain, it is enough to undergo the necessary examinations and be regularly observed by a specialist.

Pavel Valentinov, obstetrician-gynecologist

Unfortunately, in our country, hormonal contraceptives are in little demand, only about 10% of women use them. Meanwhile, in America and Europe, the numbers are much higher - over 50%. Jess plus, Yarina's reviews are mostly good, they have proven themselves perfectly with long-term use (several years). By the way, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, you should start taking OK in 3-4 months after the first menstruation, and continue until the onset of menopause (a year after menopause). Naturally, intermittent pregnancy and breastfeeding. And necessarily by appointment and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Yarina: reviews of those who took

Olga, 28 years old

No matter what they say, I personally like Yarina. I experienced the opinions of doctors, the pros and cons. On the positive side: monthly painless, and before that I swallowed pills in packs, sometimes I even gave injections. I completely forgot about the migraine. Outwardly prettier: dropped 5 kg, skin cleared, hair became thicker. However, I understand that you have to "pay" for convenience (first of all, for protection with a 100% guarantee). For me, this is still regular, once every 3-4 months, visits to the gynecologist. On his advice, I periodically drink medications to maintain the liver, vitamin and mineral complexes. Trying right