The fresco on the wall is an ancient art in a modern interior. Fresco on the wall with your own hands How to apply a fresco on the wall

Plan the details of the project. The most important details are:

  • Location. The painting should be painted in a suitable location with a surface that can be painted over. Flat and smooth surfaces are ideal, but if planned correctly, round and rough surfaces will do.
  • Paint type. For outdoor projects that will last for a long time, use an alkyd enamel oil or polyurethane enamel, or new outdoor 100% acrylic may be the best choice. Latex paints are best for indoor walls because they are easier to clean, lower costs and less odor, but whichever you choose, make sure the paint is available in a color that works well for your project.
  • The amount of paint. Because the fresco can be tens of meters in length, and sometimes tens of feet, a large amount of paint will be needed. The total amount of paint can be calculated by measuring the total area that will be covered, but since many colors will be involved in the painting, it is necessary to calculate all of them.
  • Paint application method. A large area, such as a background, can be sprayed with a paint sprayer, where details can be added with brushes or airbrush.
  • Protection from the elements. Paints are sensitive to direct sunlight, high temperature and humidity, therefore it is necessary to plan how to cope with these factors in advance. Obviously, interior projects do not have many complications, when in public places, attention will be needed to preserve the project. You can use varnish for painting.
  • Design. A project should start with a design, photograph or sketch to give you a sense of proportion and ideas for a color scheme. Landscape scenes are very different from still life or portrait, each scene has unique requirements and elements.

Produce a scaled-down version of the finished mural. Use a photograph (or pasted photos) or precise sketches of your theme, and measure in scale the distances and locations of the various shooting points. An example would be the horizon in a landscape, perhaps being in one third of the total area, everything should be covered. Measuring key features will allow you to calculate the amount of paint where each object is identified by a different color.

Prepare a wall or other surface for painting. If the surface is low enough, it can be painted standing on the ground, or using a metal ladder, you are now ready for cleaning and priming, but for higher work you will need to build a scaffold or rent an antenna lift.

Measure the location of the features in your painting, then you should prime the surface. Against the backdrop of a landscape (seascape), you will need to mark the horizon line, as this is where the sky will become the earth and the colors will change distinctively.

Color in the base layer in the background, again if your subject is a landscape, the sky should be pale blue (daytime sky), the foreground can be gray, brown, green, depending on the type of landscape you intend to portray.

Let the paints dry, and then start laying out using scale sketches, the location of the main elements of the foreground. Depending on the complexity of the subject, you can draw a sufficient number of dots and then connect them, but if you are confident in your own artistic ability, you can draw a sketch by hand.

Move from background to foreground, covering large areas of the same color, be careful to keep the edges of the transitions from one color to another clean, but keep in mind that mistakes can be tinted later. Blocking out the largest areas of color allows you to use the paint with the most effective method, whether you choose a paint roller or spray. Always let a color dry before moving on to the next one unless you need a mixture of two (or more) colors to create shadows or intermediate shades and tones as part of your design.

This type of art gained particular popularity during the Renaissance, when it was fashionable to decorate the walls of palaces by painting on raw plaster using a special technique. The decoration of the walls with frescoes was quite expensive, the work was entrusted only to talented artists with a refined technique of drawing a drawing - after all, it can only be done on wet plaster. In our time, manufacturing technologies have been somewhat modernized, often apartment owners make frescoes on the wall with their own hands.

Where to locate

For many centuries, interest in frescoes has not disappeared, they greatly enliven the room, bring a special mood to the interior, make it unusual and original.

Most often, frescoes are used when creating an interior in a classic style.

Examining the frescoes in the photo, you can see that they have a very diverse theme, therefore, they can be placed in any room: a bedroom or living room, in the corridor, in the kitchen, in the bathroom.

Murals on canvas

One of the most popular types of murals today are canvas murals. In their manufacture, it is customary to use only natural materials: sand, lime, glue made on the basis of plant materials, or else extracted from animal remains. The manufacturing technology of such frescoes is rather complicated, requires special knowledge, experience and skills, usually such frescoes are ordered by masters, their cost can reach $ 1000 per square meter.

The production of a fresco begins with the preparation of the canvas, which is the plaster base. The selected pattern is applied to it, which is then aged using special techniques. You can also buy ready-made frescoes on canvas by Italian and Spanish artists. They are sold in the form of a roll or in a frame. The job will be to glue the mural onto the surface of the wall using glue designed for heavy wallpaper. The disadvantages of such a decoration include the complexity of caring for it. When cleaning the product from dust, do not use detergents and cleaning agents - they will damage the wax that covers the surface.

How to make a mural with your own hands

Of course, not every one of us is ready to pay such an amount for a fragment of a wall painting, in addition, sometimes the process of decorating our own house is of great interest. Considering that not all of us are given the talent of a painter, we should consider the technology of making a fresco in an apartment, which will allow anyone to create a beautiful piece of art. To begin with, we will choose a suitable subject, purchase acrylic paints or gouache, paint brushes, craquelure varnishes.

The preparation of the wall surface will consist in giving it perfect evenness and smoothness: it may be necessary to apply a leveling layer of plaster. Having decided on the dimensions of the future fresco, you should transfer the selected image to a sheet of paper, increasing it to the desired size.

You should also consider a method by which it will be possible to transfer the drawing to the wall without much difficulty. Perhaps, for example, the use of carbon paper. The line created by tracing the paths can be scratched slightly so that it becomes easily distinguishable.

The edges bounding the pattern should be carefully pasted over with masking tape. To continue working, you will need to moisten the plaster surface well in the area where the drawing will be performed. The color of the paint for the base is chosen in accordance with the plot. After applying a layer of paint, you will have to wait for it to dry completely, it may take a couple of days.

Then you can start applying paints in different shades. You can mix paints, if there is no palette, on a regular flat plate. After the paints have dried, the crackle varnish can be applied. The work should be done carefully, with a brush, with small strokes - otherwise the contours of the image may become blurred. After the varnish dries, it is covered with another decorative crackle varnish layer, which can create an aging effect - a network of small cracks forms on its surface when it dries. Such frescoes in the interior look very natural and attractive, giving the room a special charm.

A very easy way to create murals yourself

There is a way to create frescoes even easier than painting a plastered surface. It consists in sticking fragments of beautiful drawings from paper napkins. As in the previous version, the surface of the plaster is moistened with water and a layer of base paint is applied to it. After letting the paint dry for 10-12 minutes, prepared fragments of the drawing are applied to it. Its borders should be uneven, so the transition line from the image will look more natural.

For reliable attachment to the wall, the surface of the pattern fragment is impregnated with PVA glue, this should be done very carefully so as not to damage the pattern. The finished fresco can contain several well-arranged fragments of the drawing. To add texture to the surface between the fragments of the pattern, a decorative layer is applied with a sponge soaked in a liquid putty solution. After drying, the background paint is reapplied to the future fresco, after a day you can open it with crackle varnish.

Mural wallpaper

Quite an interesting option for obtaining frescoes is wallpaper murals, the so-called. afresco. They are very beautiful, they represent a layer of textured plaster applied to the non-woven base. Original hand-made sketches are used to create these wallpapers.

The purchased canvas is completely ready for gluing on the wall, while the glue is used the same as for heavy wallpaper. There are two varieties of afresco wallpaper with cracked or smooth surface.

Which plot to choose

Considering the fact that the fresco on the wall plays the role of a semantic and sometimes color accent in the interior, the choice of the plot should be approached with special attention. For example, in the living room, plots with the image of a city street, a village landscape, a blooming or autumn garden will be appropriate.

A fresco in the kitchen can overlap with the theme of the room on the topic; images of fruits, vases, dishes, a beautiful landscape will be appropriate here.

For a bedroom that is intended for rest and relaxation, the most suitable options will be images of flowers, pictures of nature, angels - in this room everything should insist on peace or create a romantic atmosphere.

If the overall style of the apartment design suggests something more modern, then you can resort to using abstract images, they are appropriate in all rooms. In general, the choice of theme should depend on the overall style of the house and your personal preference.

Master class on the study of various drawing techniques

The master - class is designed for teachers of additional education, teachers of fine arts, people who are not indifferent to creativity.

Appointment of a master class:

A) teachers to study various drawing techniques with children on unusual surfaces;

B) can be used in interior decoration as walls and paintings of any format.

Abstract of the master - class "Imitation of fresco"

Butterfly drawing theme.

Target: To acquaint teachers and educators with the technique of painting on an unconventional surface and the way to create an imitation of a mural.


To acquaint teachers with the type of monumental painting - fresco.

To teach the features of making a fresco, drawing on an unusual surface.

Develop imagination, fantasy, interest in creative activities.

To educate an aesthetically - moral attitude to nature through the image of its image in one's own work.

Materials and tools: a sketch of a drawing, a board for a fresco (fiberboard, ceiling tiles, drywall, wall - the choice of surface is optional), putty (better ready), PVA glue, paints (gouache), a spatula (small rubber), a bag of charcoal, awl, emery paper, art brushes, construction brush, sponge, hair dryer, breadboard knife.

Master class progress:

It's true! Well, what is there to hide?

Children love, love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on a wall

And on the tram at the window ...

Children really like everything unusual. I want to introduce you to the technique of painting on an unusual surface - today we will paint on a putty. Painting on plaster has long been known and comes to us from time immemorial and is called - FRESKA.

History reference: Fresco - (from Italian fresco - fresh, raw), a kind of monumental painting. Paints are applied directly to the surface of the wall, ceiling, vault. The area occupied by the fresco and its composition depend on the architectural forms of the building. Usually interiors are decorated with frescoes; on the facades of buildings, where they can be exposed to harmful effects of moisture, they are placed much less often. The fresco includes several techniques: painting with water paints both on wet plaster (al fresco) and on dry (a secco); painting with casein-lime and tempera paints.

The fresco was already widespread in Aegean art (2nd millennium BC); it reached a great rise in the ancient artistic culture, where multilayer polished soils with the addition of marble dust were used. From the first centuries of our era, murals close to the fresco were created among the peoples of the East (in India, Central Asia, etc.). The ancient masters finished the fresco on dry with the help of tempera. This technique was also typical for the medieval fresco, which was developed in the art of Byzantium, Ancient Rus, Georgia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany and other European countries. The art of fresco experienced a new heyday in the work of the Italian masters of the Renaissance (Giotto, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Raphael, Michelangelo, etc.). Since the XVI century. in Italy, "pure" fresco ("buon fresco") without the use of tempera spread; the top layer of soil (intonaco) in this type of fresco was applied only to the area that the painter expected to finish before it dries. The tradition of frescoes later lived on in the decorative paintings of the 17th-18th centuries. In the XIX century. the Nazarenes in Germany, as well as individual representatives of the "modern" (F. Hodler in Switzerland and others) turned to the fresco. Many progressive artists of the 20th century work in the fresco technique. (A. Borgonzoni in Italy, D. Rivera in Mexico, etc.).

In the USSR, V.A.Favorsky, L.A. Bruni, N.M. Chernyshev, and others made a significant contribution to the popularization of frescoes.

Rice. Michelangelo Delphic Sibyl (fragment of a fresco).

The process of making an imitation mural

On a large scale, a fresco requires a very large multi-stage surface preparation, and the process itself also requires knowledge not only as an artist, but also as an architect, sculptor, builder, etc. There is a lot of information on the Internet about frescoes, about making both on an industrial scale, and for creative people who are simply fond of decoupage, for example.

I have systematized the material and adapted it for school age. I really like to give children something unusual, because it captivates them, develops imagination, imagination! The process of making a fresco is not difficult, preschool children will also cope (subject to safety precautions). Therefore, I offer you this technique and I hope that it will bring you pleasure, and you, in turn, will infect your students (pupils) with this pleasure.

So: Imitation of a fresco (on dry plaster)

We need materials and tools: a sketch of a drawing, a board, a putty, PVA glue, paints (gouache), a spatula, a bag of charcoal, an awl, sandpaper, art brushes, a construction brush, a sponge, a hair dryer, a model knife.

And, of course, if this work is carried out with children (depending on age), you need to talk about safety when using pricking and cutting tools, about the purpose of the putty (instructions for use). If you think that the use of any tool is dangerous for the child, then it is better to show or use the dangerous tool personally by the teacher.

The first stage is surface preparation - applying putty.

1. Surface preparation.

A) Apply putty on a wooden (any) surface (composition = dry mixture of putty + paint for background + PVA + water) Consistency of thick sour cream. Any surface where the putty is applied is suitable - we used both fiberboard and drywall. In my master class, ceiling tiles are used. It is necessary to apply the putty with a very thin layer of no more than 4-5 mm and with random frequent movements, no need to try to level the surface. The more irregularities there are, the more spectacular our fresco will look. You can use a ready-made acrylic filler. Dry for 24 hours (see the manufacturer's instructions for use).

B) When the putty dries, lightly sand the surface with sandpaper, not strongly, slightly along the protruding surface, where there are irregularities. Remove dust with a dry brush.

C) Cover with a thin layer of dry PVA + water putty. Dilute glue with water about 1 part of glue and 1 part of water. Allow the glue to dry.

The second stage is the preparation and transfer of the drawing.

While the putty dries, you can choose a drawing, draw a life-size sketch (according to the size of your board).

2. Drawing preparation. Selecting a drawing. I chose a butterfly.

Why a butterfly?

Among the ancient Greeks, a butterfly was a symbol of the immortality of the soul, and the names of butterflies often contain the names of ancient Greek gods and heroes. Even the goddess Psyche was portrayed as a girl with butterfly wings.

Butterflies are treated with special trepidation in Southeast Asia. It is believed that seeing a butterfly in your home is fortunate.

In India, at weddings, lovers give each other butterflies as a sign of loyalty and love.

The expression "butterflies in the stomach" means boundless feelings for a loved one.

Thanks to butterflies, mankind received silk.

Buddhists treat butterflies with the deepest respect: after all, it was to the butterfly that Buddha turned with his sermon.

In Japan, the butterfly is the symbol of the country. According to Japanese beliefs, the butterfly symbolizes a young woman.

For Christians, the stages of the life cycle of butterflies personified life, death and resurrection, therefore, the butterfly was sometimes depicted in the hand of the infant Christ as a symbol of the rebirth and resurrection of the soul.

Butterflies are popular objects in modern culture. Their images are often used in advertisements, decor and design elements.

Butterflies appear as central images in a number of films.

The image of butterflies is found in the works of many artists, writers and poets from around the world. The first artistic images of butterflies are known from ancient Egyptian frescoes, 3500 years old.

Question: What options for transferring a drawing to a product do you know?

Answer options

Draw or sketch yourself.

Symmetrical cutting of the butterfly outline.

Drawing with carbon paper.

I propose this option for transferring the picture.

Preparation and transfer of the drawing to plaster.

A) On the sketch along the contour of the drawing, at the same distance, put down points with an awl.

B) Flip the drawing

B) From the inside out, lightly walk along the protruding points with sandpaper.

D - E) Apply the drawing to the plaster and go through it with a bag of charcoal (or pastel).

Charcoal (pastel) wakes up through the holes and a bitmap is obtained.

Better to use pastels and not too dark shades. It turned out to be very dirty for the children to work with coal. An adult can still cope, provided that it is done carefully.

In practice, with children, we use copy paper.

How to prepare a pouch?

1.Crushed charcoal (pastel) into dust

2.Pour the charcoal (pastel) dust on a piece of gauze (the gauze is rolled into 2-3 layers)

3. Tie with a thread, collecting the gauze in the shape of a bag.

The third stage is the painting itself. The most interesting! Here you have plenty of room for imagination!

3. Painting the drawing.

A) We pass along the contour of the drawing in black (optional).

B) We paint the picture with color (background) - I used watercolor.

C) We paint the drawing itself with color - a butterfly; used gouache (we breed with PVA).

The paint should dry (you can dry it with a hairdryer).

You can use paints: tempera, acrylic, watercolor, gouache. If gouache, then dissolve it with pva glue.

The fourth stage - the final one - is the aging of the surface. This stage may not be considered with children, but I will show and tell you, and it is up to you to decide.

The art of decorating walls with painting dates back to before the beginning of our era. Initially, frescoes were used to decorate tombs, churches, monasteries and other structures. Over time, frescoes began to be used in living quarters. These days, this type of cladding is considered one of the most popular trends.

Thanks to the huge variety of colors and textures, frescoes are able to emphasize the individuality of any room. In addition, they perfectly complement almost any interior style.

Frescoes are suitable for decorating all parts of the room. This can be a ceiling, wall, arch, window or doorway. With the help of a fresco, you can visually enlarge the room, make it deeper.

Another advantage of the fresco is the ease of installation. You can buy ready-made canvases and just glue them with a special glue. Or you can arm yourself with paints and a brush and create your own individual masterpiece. You don't have to be an artist, just have a great desire and inspiration.

As for the negative qualities, then first of all it is worth paying attention to the high cost of the material. In particular, we are talking about ready-made frescoes made with the addition of craquelure or about canvases on a cotton basis.

The disadvantages of such a coating also include the fact that any defects that have arisen on it are quite problematic to fix on their own. Most likely, you will have to resort to the services of specialists, which can unpleasantly hit your wallet.

Material selection

The first thing to do before starting all work is, of course, to decide on the choice of material. At their core, frescoes are artistic wall paintings made using various techniques and materials. In total, there are 5 main types of frescoes:

  • sandy;
  • craquelure;
  • on an elastic basis;
  • murals on canvas;
  • digital murals.

Sand murals are considered the most common and sought after. This type of fresco got its name not because of the presence of sand in it. The fact is that such a fresco is attached to the wall using a special fine-grained plaster, the texture of which looks very much like sand. Sand frescoes are capable of retaining the brightness and brilliance of colors for a long time. In addition, such a fresco can easily be given an aging effect, which allows you to embody the most unusual ideas in the interior.

The frescoes made using the craquelure technique also externally have an aging effect. Craquelure fresco is made with the addition of special marble chips, due to which, as a result, the canvas is covered with a mesh of small cracks. This fresco is ideal for themed interior decoration. It looks especially good in high-tech and Empire style rooms.

Elastic frescoes are created by applying a special elastic plaster to the fiberglass. Such a fresco is rightfully considered universal, since it can be used on all surfaces without exception (concave, uneven, convex).

The frescoes made on canvas are distinguished by their special appearance and environmental friendliness. In the manufacture of such frescoes, exclusively natural materials are used: sand, natural dye, cotton and vegetable glue. The disadvantage of this type of fresco is the instability to moisture. In this regard, for greater strength, they must be additionally impregnated with wax.

Digital murals are considered to be a kind of know-how in the world of interior design. They are made according to the principle of self-adhesive wallpaper. The protective ball is removed from the finished canvas, after which it is gradually glued to the wall or any other surface. Such murals are inexpensive and very convenient from the point of view of installation.

Preparatory work

Before you start applying frescoes to the walls, you must first prepare them. This will require a certain number of tools and materials, namely:

  • putty knife;
  • brushes, washcloths and rags;
  • construction vacuum cleaner;
  • primer;
  • cement mortar;
  • grinding board;
  • finishing plaster.

The first preparatory step is to remove the old wall covering. If the walls originally had wallpaper, they can be removed using an ordinary metal spatula. Places in which the wallpaper is glued especially firmly must first be moistened with water and left for a while. After which they can be easily removed using the same spatula. Remains of wallpaper glue are best removed with a washcloth dipped in clean water.

You can get rid of the old water-based coating using a regular soap solution. You can also melt the paint with a construction hairdryer, and then remove it with a spatula, or simply use a grinder.

Having cleared the wall from the old cladding, it should be thoroughly washed and dried. A ball of primer is then applied to the surface. When it dries, you need to start eliminating the existing irregularities. Cracks and potholes can be covered with special plaster or cement mortar. After filling all the cracks, the wall must be thoroughly sanded with a board soaked in water. Next, the surface is left to dry completely and once again treated with a primer. As a topcoat, we use plaster based on sand and cement.

Methods for applying murals

There are several techniques for decorating walls with frescoes at once.

  1. Pasting. The easiest way is to use ready-made murals, which are sold in hardware stores. The principle of installation of such canvases is as follows. The working surface of the wall and the back of the fresco are covered with a layer of adhesive for non-woven wallpaper. Then the canvas is glued to the wall, leveling it in parallel and driving air from the center to the edges. The surfaces are allowed to dry and then covered with a thin layer of varnish.
  2. Drawing on a slate stencil. This method of decorating walls with a fresco is considered more complex and time consuming. In the process of work, you will need thin paper (the size depends on the size of the future fresco), a lead (a simple pencil), brushes of different thicknesses and paints.

First, a sketch of the desired pattern is applied to the paper web. Further, from the back side, the sketch is completely painted over with a simple pencil. The paper is applied to the wall with the painted side and from the front side, again all the contours of the drawing are drawn. This is done with great pressure so that the sketch is printed as clearly as possible on the wall.

After the above manipulations, you can start painting. This is done from the top down. First, the main, more voluminous objects are painted over. After they dry, small details are worked out. When choosing paint for a mural, it is best to stick with a water-based material. Such paints dry quickly and do not need additional varnish. Tempera and gouache are also good, but after application they must be treated with wax or varnish.

  1. Handmade. The method of painting walls by hand can rightfully be considered the most difficult of all methods. In this case, a ready-made sketch is not used, but a sketch of the drawing is made directly on the working wall.

The design of the picture with paints is carried out in stages, starting with the background. Then the largest elements of the composition are painted. After that, attention is paid to the finer details. After each application step, the paint is allowed to dry completely. This is necessary so that you do not accidentally smear the paint and ruin the drawing. For the same reason, the application of paints is carried out exclusively from the top down.

When the fresco is completely dry, it is corrected with a small sponge, removing all the irregularities and excess paint. Then a special fixative varnish is applied on top.

If the so-called wet method is used to apply the fresco (work on wet putty), it is worth remembering that you need to work pretty quickly. Otherwise, cracks will form in the drawing, and all your work will be nullified.

Little tricks

When decorating the wall with a fresco on your own, it is also worth remembering some little things that will help achieve an even more positive result.

  • To make the surface of the fresco matte, you need to apply 1 layer of strengthening varnish on top.
  • To give a glossy effect, the finished drawing is varnished in 3-4 stages.
  • The aging effect is achieved by applying craquelure. Important! This should be done only after the paint has completely dried.
  • Decorative elements in the form of sparkles or multi-colored powder are applied on a slightly dry surface.

The fresco is an ancient art that is distinguished by its singularity and beauty. A fresco is a painting that is applied to the plastered surface of the walls by stencil or by hand. Fresco has many advantages over other technologies for wall decoration. For example, you can create pictures that are inherent in your imagination, and they are unique. Each person is able to imagine different figures, paintings and landscapes. Therefore, a fresco with your own hands is an opportunity to reveal yourself as a creative person. In this article, we invite you to take a closer look at this finish.

First of all, you should decide how you will apply the fresco to the wall. If you have even a relatively minor aptitude for drawing, then you can depict a fresco by hand. In this case, you will independently determine the level of complexity of certain details. It is also possible to sketch the plot seen, but at the same time add a few of your own strokes.

Even if your drawing is far from perfect, it will be unique in any case.

It is quite another matter if you have completely lack of experience in the visual arts. In this case, apply a digital mural to the stencil. Next, transfer the image to the plastered wall along it. Finally, you can freehand the individual parts as needed.

An image of any complexity can be applied to the plaster, from a simple drawing to a photograph of a person. Moreover, such a pleasure does not always cost a lot of money. Rather, it will require more creativity on your part.

The work on applying the fresco is carried out in several sequential stages. Everyone should be taken seriously, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result. And the key factor is the preparation of the walls. This implies the complete removal of the old coating. Even if in some areas the plaster begins to crumble, then do not feel sorry for it, you should remove all parts of the finish that do not adhere well to the surface. After, all defects will need to be repaired.

In the next stage of preparation, it is necessary to remove all dust from the walls. In this case, a deep penetration primer can be used. Thanks to it, the surface of the wall will have a much better grip. When the primer is completely absorbed, you can proceed to the next step.

Now it's time to fix all possible defects on the walls. If you have removed parts of the plaster, then use cement mortar and smooth out all the unevenness with it. Make sure that there are no abrupt transitions between the new plaster and the old coating. The surface of the wall must be flat. To do this, you can slightly moisten a flat bar and lightly sand the newly plastered places with it.

When the plaster is dry, you will need to re-prime everything. When the primer is dry, a layer of putty can be applied. The surface will need to be sanded and then re-primed. In this case, the surface of the wall will be fully prepared for the application of the fresco.

The method of doing the work depends entirely on your ability, whether you draw everything by hand or from a stencil. But regardless of this, you will need to acquire the following tool:

  • Acrylic paints.
  • Artificial bristle brush.
  • Natural bristle brush.
  • A soft, clean cloth.
  • Clear nail polish.
  • Wide lead.
  • Sharp pencil.
  • Washcloth.

Choose a brush of the correct thickness depending on the pattern you choose.

Consider the features of applying a fresco using two different methods.

The drawing should start from top to bottom. In this case, you will not get stained with paint or ruin the drawing. Draw the large elements first, and then the small ones. In some cases, it is better to deal with small details after the main part of the drawing has dried.

Some people decide to create the effect of cracking by applying craquelure paint. In order to give the picture antiquity, use a silver or gilded powder. At the same time, remember that the craquelure is applied to completely dried paint, and the powder to slightly hardened.

When the surface is dry, using a washcloth can remove any excess. In the very conclusion, you just have to treat the entire surface with varnish. There is often a need to apply the varnish in several layers. Everything will depend on the desired effect.

Compared to the previous method, the principles of applying paint and varnish remain unchanged. Therefore, there is not too much difference in this work. The key difference is stenciling.

To apply a mural using this method, you need to paint over the sketch with a wide lead. Next, apply the sketch with the painted side to the wall and trace the contours with a pencil. You may accidentally scratch the sketch in the process. It's not scary. This can give a certain personality to a particular drawing.

It is better to do this work together, one holds the stencil, and the other traces the outline.

You can learn how to apply a fresco through a stencil from the video:

There are stencils that are made of thin paper. It is covered with special glue on the back and applied to the wall. When the paper is dry, your design is applied over it. Another option for applying a mural is even easier. A special patterned canvas is glued to the wall, like wallpaper. It is glued with non-woven glue. When the canvas is dry, it remains to level and varnish the surface.

You can learn how to simply apply a fresco through a thin paper stencil from the following video:

So, we suggest you follow step by step how to do this work yourself:

  1. At the first stage, the wall is prepared, which includes the removal of the old coating and the application of a new one.
  2. Before direct drawing, the wall should be primed.
  3. Next, you need to make a markup. For example, let's take a fresco with three compositions. Therefore, use a level to draw 3 rectangles. In this case, 1 rectangle is equal to the size of the picture, 2 for a mat, and 3 for a baguette.
  4. When the marking is complete, the contours of the drawing must be pasted over with masking tape. Then apply the plaster in a thin layer.
  5. The next step is to prepare the rice paper on which the image is applied. To make the image look textured and natural, tear off the ends.
  6. When the putty is dry, you can glue the rice paper by flattening it with a rubber roller. It should be smoothed from the middle to the side. The drawing itself is glued with PVA mixed with water.
  7. The drawing and its individual elements are glued in the desired sequence.
  8. Now putty the small frame of the mat. Next, tint the frame to the desired color. So that the consistency of the paint is not too thick, add a little water to it and stir until smooth.
  9. It is necessary to paint the mat so that no transitions are visible. And if you want to make smooth transitions from one color to another, then the brush should be thoroughly washed before the other color.
  10. Without waiting for complete drying, sand all the resulting textures of the fresco.
  11. Now you can leave the drawing to dry completely.
  12. When everything is dry, take zero-grade sandpaper and sand the surface, making it smooth. Then wipe the fresco with a damp cloth. You should act carefully, as you can very easily damage the drawing.

At the end of all work, the surface of the wall remains to be painted with liquid acrylic with a wide brush, to apply a matte varnish on the drawing in two layers. Decorate the entire resulting composition with a baguette.

This is the sequence of the fresco. This technology will allow you to create a unique look for the entire interior.
