Cold mixtures for pothole repair. Major and pothole repairs of the roadway

Low price for asphalting roads!
from 400 rubles per sq. meter

Pothole repair asphalt

Pothole restoration of the road allows you to carry out repairs with minimum cost resources. Pothole repair is used if the damage to the asphalt surface is less than 15%, and the diameter of the holes does not exceed 25 square meters. The depth of filling the hole with asphalt emulsion is 5 cm and is sufficient for Moscow roads.

The cost of road repairs in Moscow starts from 570 rubles.

For road repairs, the price is calculated during the marking process. Identification of holes and calculation of the dimensions of rectangular cards for dismantling and applying patches allow you to accurately determine the square footage and announce the price.

The cost of pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavement is 570 rubles. per m2. At the same time, everything consumables included in the price, layer thickness 5 cm.

You can also order a free specialist visit to the site for advice on road repair and construction. The price of asphalt pothole repair is fixed and depends solely on the scale of the work.

Pothole restoration allows you to save money thanks to partial replacement damaged areas. Experience, equipment and in-house production of secondary materials allows Undorstroy LLC to install one of the most favorable prices in Moscow and the region for road repairs.

Our clients

We have been cooperating with Moscow urban planning and regional transport authorities for 15 years. Our company is chosen due to quality guarantees and good recommendations from 10 Moscow districts.

Our clients have already become:

  • administrations of districts and prefectures of Moscow;
  • municipal authorities of the Tula region;
  • government organizations HOA;
  • private transport companies.

The management of all the listed structures responded positively to our company, remaining completely satisfied with the work of Undorstroy LLC.

Timing for asphalt patching repairs

One of the advantages of pothole restoration is the ability to quickly restore the coating. Repairs do not require adjusting large equipment and blocking traffic. The scope of work during restoration is minimal and consists of only three main stages - preparation, dismantling and asphalting.

To restore the road surface as quickly as possible, the Undorstroy company works:

  • around the clock;
  • no days off;
  • on holidays.

Carrying out pothole repairs of roads in Moscow and the region in most cases does not require blocking the route. We level the surface one at a time on different lanes. Partial overlap allows you to not create obstacles to the movement of cars during the work.

The only limitation is the condition that road repairs are carried out only in positive temperatures and dry weather. Otherwise, it is impossible to guarantee the durability of the patches and high performance.

Why is it worth ordering road repairs from Undorstroy?

You can order the services of the Undorstroy company by contacting us by phone and arranging a meeting with a consultant, or by leaving a request on the website. At our disposal:

All our employees are regularly certified for their ability to perform road repair work. Our fleet has our own equipment of any size, from vibrating plates and compactors, to asphalt pavers and 10-ton rollers.

The Undorstroy company independently produces recycled crushed stone and processes asphalt to reduce the price for customers. We started our work in 2001, and maintain a reputation as a reliable partner for the construction and repair of roads in Moscow.

Technology for pothole repair of asphalt pavement

After agreement with the customer, we send the necessary equipment and certified specialists to the road surface repair site. Upon arrival at the site for pothole repair in Moscow, our specialists block one of the traffic lanes.

After installing fences, signs and organizing detours, qualified workers immediately begin repairing the road. Removing potholes includes several stages:

  1. Marking
  2. Sawing cards
  3. Dismantling the coating
  4. Cleaning the base
  5. Asphalting
  6. Cleaning the area

Markings are applied to determine the scope of work, calculate the cost and mark damaged areas. A cold asphalt mill passes along the finished markings, cutting even rectangular cards for patches around the hole.

Cutting is necessary because microcracks in the canvas occupy a larger area than visible damage. The contour of the dismantling card is usually 20 cm wider than the excavation zone. Cutting with a milling cutter does not exceed the width of the traffic lane even with large cracks so as not to obstruct traffic.

After passing the contours of the rectangle for the patch, the recess is cleared of the resulting crumbs, usually manually, using a jackhammer in the center of the map. The Undorstroy company removes and accepts asphalt chips from the site free of charge. With us you can reduce the cost of road repairs during dismantling.

Cleared of chips, dust and debris, the rectangular excavation is prepared by the Undorstroy company to create a load-bearing layer, using recycled crushed stone of its own production. Additionally, treatment with hot bitumen emulsion is possible to strengthen the base and form a layer.

The prepared area is covered with asphalt by road workers with the necessary qualifications. The patch is applied using hand shovels, using special equipment - kochers, which do not allow the finished asphalt to harden.

An asphalt smooth drum roller may pass behind the workers. For small volumes of work, road builders use mobile vibrating plates for local pothole repair of the road surface.

Compacted asphalt pavement does not require waiting to harden. After completion of the work, construction equipment and debris are removed, and fences are removed. The traffic flow along the strip can be restored, and the workers move on to the next part or hand over the object to the customer.

For small potholes, distribution and leveling of the mixture is carried out, as a rule, manually with shovels and trowels or using boxes without a bottom (Fig. 9), and on large repaired maps (area more than 20–25 m2), it is advisable to use a small paving asphalt paver.

After filling the pothole (map) with the hot mixture, it is compacted with special vibratory plates or small-sized vibratory rollers in compliance with all technological rules and requirements (see section 3). The surface of the repaired area after compaction should be at the level of the main coating, that is, it should not have any depressions, protrusions, or the appearance of a “clumsy patch.”

Traffic along the repaired pavement area is opened immediately after all work is completed and the laid mixture has cooled to a temperature not exceeding 30°C. In hot weather, the cooling time of the mixture can be reduced by pouring water at a flow rate of approximately 2 l/m2.

Quite often the question arises about repairing pavements using cast asphalt, which has been known since 1914. Cast asphalt is a hot mixture of dough-like consistency, in which the most important component is mastic, consisting of high-viscosity solid bitumen. large quantity mineral powder and sand (sometimes small crushed stone). Cast asphalt can contain up to 13% bitumen and up to 30–35% mineral powder, which makes it much more expensive than traditional asphalt concrete mixtures. In addition, the temperature of its preparation and laying must be quite high (220–250°C).

A noticeable increase in the costs of using cast asphalt also leads to the need for special vehicles (cochers with mixers and heating) and special pavers (for the construction of pavements) that cannot work on laying other mixtures. All this hinders the use of rather attractive cast asphalt in Russia for pothole repair and pavement construction.

Jet-injection cold technology for filling potholes on road surfaces using bitumen emulsion is now one of the most advanced and progressive, despite the fact that in some countries of Europe and America it has been successfully used for a long time.

Its essence is that all necessary operations (Fig. 10) are performed by the working body of one machine (installation) of a self-propelled or trailed type (Fig. 11).

Preparing a pothole for repair actually comes down to thoroughly cleaning it from dust, debris and moisture by blowing with a high-speed air stream and treating the surface of the pothole with bitumen emulsion. The operation of cutting, breaking or milling asphalt concrete around a pothole may not be performed in this technology.

The pothole filling itself is carried out by filling it with small crushed stone, pre-treated with bitumen emulsion in the mixing chamber of the machine. Due to the involvement and supply of crushed stone by an air stream, its placement in the pothole occurs with high speed This ensures good packaging (compaction), virtually eliminating the need for additional use of vibratory plates and vibratory rollers.

For pothole repair using jet-injection cold technology It is recommended to use clean small crushed stone of a fraction of 5–10 (15) mm and a rapidly disintegrating cationic (for acidic rocks, for example, granite) or anionic (for basic rocks, for example, limestone) bitumen emulsion of 60% concentration.

First, in the laboratory, you should check the adhesion of bitumen to crushed stone and the disintegration time of the emulsion, which should not exceed 25–30 minutes. If necessary, adjustments should be made to the composition of the emulsion and adhesive additives.

The consumption of an emulsion of the specified concentration for priming potholes and processing crushed stone in the mixing chamber of a machine can be approximately 3–5% by weight of crushed stone (in terms of bitumen consumption – no more than 2–3%).

The main elements of a machine or installation for the jet-injection method of filling potholes are shown in Fig. 12.

All these elements and assemblies can be permanently mounted on a light trailer or base truck. In some cases, it is possible to combine them on a separate frame in the form of a hinged or rearranged module for suitable transport.

Such units and machines provide for the repairman-driver to leave the vehicle cab to perform patching repairs at the rear of the car or trailer. Subsequently, some improvements were made to this technology and the scheme of work, which reduced the costs of the repair itself.

In particular, a flexible hose feeding materials into a pothole was installed in front of the car and mounted on a lightweight hydraulic manipulator boom, which is capable of extending, folding and rotating horizontally, serving a certain sector of the coating. The control panel for all operations is located in the truck cab, and the repairman driver no longer needs to leave his workplace. He fills a pothole directly from the cab within 20–30 seconds (Fig. 13).

The jet-injection method of filling potholes can be used almost all year round. A little experience in Russia (Roshchinsky DRSU of the Leningrad region, Moscow region, Saratov region and other places) and more extensive practice of its use, for example in the USA, England and Sweden, show that in fact, strong and durable pothole sealing can be ensured even at air temperatures up to -10...-15°С.

As a rule, potholes in the initial stage of pitting destruction of coatings are repaired in this way, i.e., mostly small in size (diameter no more than 40–60 cm), although there are no fundamental and serious objections and obstacles to repairing potholes and larger potholes.

Research and experimental work for several recent years(mainly in the USA) showed that the cleanliness and dryness of the pothole plays a more important role in the quality of pothole repairs. important role than even the temperature of the material and the outside air. Therefore, jet-injection technology has recently undergone further qualitative improvement, the essence of which has come down to replacing the cleaning and drying of potholes by blowing with a high-speed air stream with vacuum cleaning (Fig. 14).

High performance vacuum pump sucks out debris, dust and moisture from potholes. The surface becomes drier and cleaner than with conventional sweeping or blowing with compressed air.

Priming with bitumen emulsion and filling the pothole with crushed stone treated with emulsion in vacuum jet injection technology are similar to the same operations using jet injection technology.

The developers of the method and equipment, based on experience of its use in 25 US states, provide a 3-year service life guarantee for repaired areas.

Russian road workers today have already begun a wider practical application jet-injection repair method using the BCM-24 equipment set, produced by JSC Becema (Moscow region), attached to a dump truck (Fig. 15).

It is appropriate to note that in some Russian places the method of pothole repair using mixtures has not lost its relevance and attractiveness to this day.

Cold ones include asphalt concrete mixtures of all types or compositions in accordance with GOST 9128-97 (with the exception of type A) prepared with liquid or liquefied bitumen of grades SG 70/130 (medium-thickening) or MG 70/130 (slow-thickening). Preference, as a rule, is given to medium-thickening bitumen, since with it a layer of material in the coating is formed faster than with slow-thickening bitumen.

Such mixtures are prepared in the same mixing plants‚which are hot. However, the temperature for preparing cold mixtures is 40–50% lower. After the mixer, the mixture goes through the obligatory stage of cooling to outside air temperature, then it is stored and only after that can it be placed in a coating layer in a cold state. It can be stored in a warehouse in a stack and used as needed for 3–5 months. It lends itself well to loading by machine and transportation by conventional vehicles to any distance.

The most important and special technological problem for a cold mixture is ensuring its non-caking, i.e. maintaining looseness without the mineral grains sticking together into lumps. Without this, it is impossible to prepare the mixture for future use and further effective use.

Usually, the caking of the mixture before storage is reduced by cooling it in air with repeated shoveling with the blade of a bulldozer, loader or motor grader, and sometimes with watering. Cooled and hardened on mineral grains, thin layers and films of bitumen lose their stickiness, and the mixture in stacks in the warehouse does not cake. To return stickiness to the bitumen and form the structure of the mixture after laying it in the coating, it must be heated for some time by the heat of the air and the sun to evaporate the light fractions of the bitumen with simultaneous good compaction by rollers and transport for 2-3 weeks. Therefore, such patching repair of asphalt concrete pavements preferably in spring or in summer and only on roads of III–IV categories (traffic intensity no more than 3000–1000 vehicles/day).

The technology and all repair operations in this case are similar to pothole repair of coatings using hot mixes. In cold technology, there is only no strict limitation on the time of laying and compaction, which is imposed in hot technology due to the possibility of rapid cooling of the mixture and reducing its compaction.

In some foreign countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, etc.), asphalt concrete mixtures based on low-viscosity and liquid bitumen, as well as on a special petroleum binder (the mixture in this case is called oil gravel) are used to construct coatings from the so-called “soft asphalt concrete”, the use of which is limited roads with traffic intensity up to 1000–1500 cars/day. Moreover, when using low-viscosity or liquid bitumen, the mixture for soft asphalt concrete is prepared and laid in the coating using conventional hot technology.

If petroleum binder or bitumen emulsion based on low-viscosity and liquid bitumen is used as a binder, the material for such mixtures can be cold or warm (heated with steam up to 40°C). Thus, in particular, in Finland, cold stored mixtures are produced for this type of asphalt concrete. Their high-quality preparation is carried out in special mobile (mobile) installations MX-30S from the Finnish company “Kalottikone”, which do not have a drying drum, but have a special container for the emulsion and a turbine unit for producing steam.

Cold asphalt concrete mixtures prepared using emulsions based on viscous bitumen, which are very popular and widespread in the world, are no less effective for pothole repair. Such mixtures are called emulsion-mineral, and they can be either porous or dense.

Depending on the category of the road and the strength of the material in the coating, the required type or grade of emulsion is selected according to the viscosity of the bitumen used, the necessary mineral materials and prepare cold mixtures that can be stocked and stored.

In “cold” mixing plants, an emulsion of a given type, concentration and temperature is mixed with unheated aggregate. The mixing plants themselves can be of almost any design and purpose, including very simple ones with low capital investments. When using high-grade emulsions and mineral aggregates in combination with more efficient and sophisticated mixing and dosing equipment, emulsion-mineral mixtures can provide pavement properties and quality similar to those of hot mix asphalt pavements.

Terms (up to 2–3 months) and storage conditions in the warehouse (open area, closed room‚ airtight containers or sealed plastic bags) of such cold mixtures depend on the type of emulsion, bitumen viscosity, time of emulsion disintegration and are set individually in each specific case.

If it is necessary to urgently repair potholes that are dangerous for traffic, you can use any simple and available methods, materials and means that can ensure temporary (at least 2-3 months) accident-free operation of the road.

Emergency repairs are carried out at any time of the year - late autumn(wet and cold)‚ winter (cold) and early spring(cold and wet), which naturally cannot but affect the quality of the repair work.

Such poorly repaired areas must be re-repaired with the onset of warm and dry weather, but in compliance with all the requirements and rules for high-quality pothole repair. This is economically quite acceptable and acceptable, taking into account the not entirely widespread nature and insignificant volumes of accident-defective places on the coating.

During emergency repairs, as a rule, temporary filling methods are used that do not require special preparation of potholes, with the exception of possible cleaning them from dirt, moisture, snow and ice.

The main thing in such repairs is to secure the material used in the pothole so that it has an acceptable connection with the bottom and walls of the pothole and that the particles of such material have sufficiently strong contacts with each other due to mechanical expansion and bitumen, cement, polymer or other adhesive layers.

For emergency repairs, it is recommended to use limestone, dolomite or other not very strong crushed stone materials (fractions 5–20 mm) pre-treated (“cold” black crushed stone) or treated directly in the pothole with liquid bitumen with a surfactant or bitumen emulsion.

As a rule, liquid bitumen should have a viscosity index of at least 130–200 s, and the bitumen emulsion should be rapidly disintegrating, 50–60 percent concentration when heated. Crushed stone for these purposes is sometimes treated with lime or cement (1.5–2% by weight).

Some of the repair materials, with appropriate technologies of use, can be used even with negative temperatures air (up to -10...-15°C), although other materials and technologies are effective only at +5°C and above.

Recently, emergency filling of potholes and other defective places with special repair mixtures with a shelf life of 1–2 years in finished form in sealed containers has been widely practiced in foreign countries. plastic containers(buckets, barrels, boxes) in sealed plastic bags (25–50 kg each) and even in stacks on outdoors. Such mixtures include “Repasphalt”, “Bormix” and “Stralasfalt” from Germany, “Vespro” and “Silvax” from the USA, “Kolmak” from England, “Excel” from Canada and a number of others.

For the most part, the binder for these cold materials is polymer-modified liquid bitumen with special additives or an emulsion based on it, which makes such repair mixtures quite expensive - about 200 USD/t with a binder price of approximately 1000 USD/t. However, their attractive technological advantages (cold technology, long shelf life, performance of work on damp surfaces and even in frost) together with the high strength of sealing defective areas make it possible and even advisable to use them for minor and single emergency pothole repairs.

Sometimes, given the temporary nature and not too much high quality emergency repairs, they deliberately go to simplify and reduce the cost of both the repair material itself and the technology for its preparation and use.

This is the path followed, for example, by the Helsinki road service, which for more than 20 years has been annually producing about 3,000 tons of stored cold mixture “Korsal” for urgent (urgent) repair of pavements and temporary filling of trenches on city streets.

It consists of crushed stone (3–8 mm), sand and bitumen emulsion (7–8%). Cooking repair mixture cold method in a regular concrete mixer (capacity 3 m 3) of periodic action and stored in an open area. Before use in winter, the mixture is heated in a warm room.

If you have a bitumen emulsion and a corresponding machine or installation, it is advisable to use the already discussed jet-injection method for emergency patching. cold method. However, due to the inability to thoroughly clean and prepare the pothole, the service life of such a seal will be significantly lower than under normal normal conditions.

In the absence of the required jet-injection equipment, filling a pothole is possible by manually filling it (tamping) with cold crushed stone (preferably blackened), followed by treating it from the surface with bitumen emulsion by simply spraying it with improvised means. The result will be filling the pothole with crushed stone impregnated with bitumen emulsion.

The method of impregnating crushed stone in a pothole with slightly liquefied and hot bitumen is also practiced by road workers different countries‚including Russia‚ to eliminate emergency potholes. Its difference from the emulsion impregnation method is that the impregnation itself is performed before compacting the crushed stone. In this case, the bitumen is heated to a temperature not lower than 170–180°C. Satisfactory results can be obtained even at low air temperatures (down to -5...-10°C).

Some unique technological methods include the Russian method of reverse impregnation, in which bitumen heated to a minimum of 170–180°C, falling on the moisture remaining on the bottom and walls of potholes and on raw crushed stone, foams with a multiplicity of up to 4–6 and covers the surface of the pothole with a thin layer and crushed stone particles. The penetration of bitumen between the particles and grains of crushed stone occurs from the bottom up, which is why this repair technique is called the “reverse impregnation method.” Its effectiveness is limited by air temperature +5...+10°C. With more low temperatures bitumen foams poorly and is difficult.

In the impregnation method, instead of bitumen, they sometimes use polymer materials. In particular, when repairing with polymer concrete, the pothole is filled with crushed stone, which is then impregnated with a fluid composition based on polyurethane, acrylic or other resin, and during the compaction process, the residual water is squeezed out of the hole to the top.

Such repairs are possible at air temperatures from -30 to + 50°C. Traffic opens after 30 minutes. In unfavorable weather conditions(dampness, cold) emergency pothole repair can also be performed with a wet organic-mineral mixture (VOMS), the composition and technology of preparation and use of which was developed at RosdorNII.

VOMS consists of limestone or dolomite crushed stone of a fraction of 5–20 mm (up to 40%), sand with a particle size modulus of at least 1.0, mineral powder (6–12%), binder (tar, liquid or liquefied viscous bitumen) in the amount of 6 –7% and water. Instead of crushed stone, it is possible to use crushed screenings, ASG, crushed slag. This mixture is prepared cold in ABZ mixing plants, retrofitted with a system for supplying and dosing water into the mixer. After unloading from the mixer, the finished mixture is delivered to a warehouse at a temperature of 25–40°C, where it is stored in a stack for several months.

Potholes with a depth of at least 3–4 cm are repaired with this mixture. The main advantage of VOMS is that it is used ready-made using cold technology, on a dry or damp surface and at air temperatures down to -10°C. However, it should be borne in mind that in winter and early spring the formation of a strong VOMS structure in the coating is slow and difficult due to frequent transitions of air temperature through 0°C.

This material acquires the greatest strength after complete drying, but this strength is not so great (1.5–2 times lower than the strength of cold asphalt concrete and 2.5–3 times lower than the strength of hot asphalt concrete) to use VOMS even for ordinary patching of road surfaces high categories. Only emergency (temporary) repair of the surfaces of such roads is permissible with this mixture.

An equally interesting and useful development for pothole repair of pavements, including emergency repairs, was made at one time at SoyuzdorNII: stored asphalt concrete mixtures (SAC) based on viscous bitumen, which can be stored, laid and compacted when cold.

They are prepared using viscous bitumen with increased thixotron properties, which is achieved by introducing special plasticizers into them (summer automotive diesel fuel LTD and petroleum feedstock SB for the production of viscous road bitumen). But the situation with the practical use and implementation of SAS remains the same as with VOMS, that is, not very satisfactory.





Work process map

Pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavements
with pothole depths up to 50 mm
using ED-105 machines


Second edition, revised and expanded.

(Issue 1)

Moscow, 2001

Maps of labor processes are intended to improve the organization of labor of workers engaged in repair and maintenance highways.

The maps determine the progressive technology of work, the rational use of working time, the technological sequence of work based on advanced techniques and labor methods.

Maps can be used in the development of organizational and technological documentation for the repair and maintenance of highways (PPR and others), work planning, as well as for educational purposes in the training of highly qualified workers.

A collection of maps of labor processes prepared by engineers A.I. Anashko, E.V. Kuptsova, T.V. Insurance.

Responsible for the release A.A. Morozov.

. Scope and effectiveness of the card

Note: The labor costs on the map include time for preparatory and final work - 5% and rest - 10%.

Using the methods and techniques recommended by the map will increase output by 8%.

. Preparation and conditions for performing processes

3.3 . Working clothes and safety footwear.

1 . Cotton overalls 4

2 . Leather boots 4 pairs

3 . Canvas mittens 3 pairs

4 . Combined mittens 1 pair

5 . Canvas knee pads 3 pairs

6 . Signal vest 3 pcs.

3.4 . Requirement for materials per 10 m 2 of repaired area with pothole depths up to 50 mm: hot fine-grained asphalt concrete mixture ( GOST 9128-84 ) - 1.19 t; liquid bitumen - 5 l; diesel fuel.

4. Process technology and labor organization

4.1 . Work on pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavements using ED-105 machines for repairing asphalt concrete pavements is carried out in the following technological sequence:

Installation and removal of fences and worker crossings at a distance of up to 50 m;

Breaking and cutting off the edges of the covering of the hole being repaired with a jackhammer;

Cleaning pits from dust, dirt and debris;

Lubricating the edges of the coating and base with bitumen;

Laying and leveling of asphalt concrete mixture;

Rolling the mixture with a vibrating manual roller;

Warming up bitumen with bitumen boiler maintenance;

Compressor and generator maintenance.

4.3 . Workplace organization diagram

M 1, A 1, A 2, A 3 - locations of workers; 1 - inventory barrier; 2 - road sign; 3- guide cones; 4 - potholes on the surface; 5 - road sign; 6 - road sign; 7 - machine for repairing black coatings; 8 - cutting map filled with asphalt concrete mixture. The arrow indicates the direction of movement of the link.

Layout of road signs for repair work(detour along the roadway).

Breaking and cutting off the edges of the coverings of the hole being repaired with a jackhammer

You can often see a road crew on city streets repairing asphalt pavement by filling holes and potholes. Such repairs are carried out at any time of the year.

The main causes of damage to asphalt pavement

It is necessary to carry out when the asphalt covering is partially destroyed. It can be caused by various factors:

  • long-term and intense load on the road surface (large daily traffic flow);
  • the composition or structure of the asphalt pavement does not correspond to the loads on it;
  • damage to asphalt from mechanical impact;
  • the coating is damaged due to repairs and restoration work public utilities (replacement of communications, elimination of pipe breaks);
  • roots of nearby greenery;
  • destruction of asphalt from regular exposure to fuels and lubricants.

Partial “delamination” of the asphalt pavement can be caused by impaired production technology of the composition. This may be due to an insufficient amount of bitumen in the mixture or violations were made when laying the asphalt pavement.

It is necessary to carry out “hole-and-patch” repairs so that the coating does not deteriorate even more, which will lead to a complete replacement of the asphalt covering of an entire section of the road.

Technological process of pothole repair

Such repairs are quite simple and consist of several stages: marking the area, cutting down and cleaning the hole, paving potholes.

Preparatory work:

  • First, the damaged areas are marked; for this purpose, a schematic map is drawn up for repairing the holes. The areas of the damaged section of the road where asphalt replacement is needed are identified with rectangular figures.
  • Then the marked rectangles are cut down and cleaned to a depth of 15 cm using jackhammers and seam cutters. In cases where the damage is extensive, equipment designed for these purposes is used.
  • After cutting down, the quality of laying the coating is checked, possibly main reason destruction in a poorly laid base or its complete absence. When the base is there, just add crushed stone and compact it. If there is no “cushion” of crushed stone, the pothole is cleaned of dirt and the base is made anew. Before filling potholes, their edges are treated with bitumen to better bond the old asphalt layer to the new one. If a large area of ​​the road is damaged, cutting and dismantling is carried out using an excavator.

Pit asphalting process

If the pothole is small, it is repaired manually, filling the asphalt mass with special rakes. Compact and level the area covered with asphalt using hand rollers or vibrating plates. Large potholes are filled with an asphalt paver and compacted with a roller.

The road surface is 30-40% more than full asphalting of the road due to the use manual labor.

Roads and streets, by general rule, are perceived as transport arteries, routes of communication. But it often happens that they turn into a kind of construction site, where work is carried out on fragmentary replacement of asphalt concrete pavement - pothole repair.

Causes of asphalt destruction. The need for patching asphalt occurs when it is partially destroyed. The reasons can be very different:
- intensive or long-term use of the road surface;
- mismatch between loads and coating composition;
- mechanical damage;
- excavations made by utility services during the repair of underground communications;
- roots of nearby trees;
- regular contact with fuel and lubricants on the asphalt.

The fragility of asphalt can be caused by violations in the technology of its production (insufficient bitumen content) or violations in the technology of its laying (insufficient compaction, working with a cooled asphalt concrete mixture, poor-quality base). Whatever the specific reasons that prompt you to carry out pothole repair of an asphalt concrete pavement, doing it is just as necessary as going to the dentist when caries appears: if you miss something small, you can lose something big.

Pothole repair technology not very "sophisticated". In any case, you need to start by marking the damaged areas, for which you draw a patching map, taking into rectangles all the sections of the canvas that need to be replaced. Damaged sections of asphalt are cut down to a depth of 5-15 cm (depending on the dimensions of the hole, crack, etc.): the contour is cut through with a seam cutter, and the middle is dismantled using jackhammers. In cases where asphalt replacement needs to be done over a fairly large area, and it is difficult to do it manually, special equipment is used.

It is necessary to check the quality of the base under the removed fragments of asphalt: perhaps this is precisely why the need for repair arose. It’s one thing if the “root of evil” is in a thin or poorly compacted foundation, then it will be enough to add crushed stone and compact it thoroughly. Another case is when there is simply no foundation under the asphalt. Instead there are pieces of clay, soil, or even just dirt. Here you will have to work more carefully, making a full-fledged crushed stone base according to all the rules.

Immediately before laying the asphalt patch, the edges of the hole are treated with bitumen: binders are poured to ensure better adhesion and adhesion of the new layer to the old one.

Let us separately focus on the asphalt paving process. In cases where the asphalt thickness is more than 6-7 cm, laying is carried out in 2 layers. One layer of asphalt - according to general practice - should be 4-6 cm. The asphalt is poured out, leveled (planed), then rolled (compacted). At this stage, the professionalism of asphalt workers is very important. It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of uncompacted asphalt concrete mixture so that after its compaction the level of the restored pavement coincides with the level in the adjacent areas. During compaction, the asphalt “squats” approximately 1.5 times.

Equipment and tools for pothole repair. The destruction and removal of old asphalt and underlying layers is carried out using seam cutters, jackhammers, and even excavators. If it is necessary to dismantle old asphalt over large areas, special machines are used - road milling machines. Sometimes, on the contrary, small amounts of work associated with various kinds of constraints force the use of manual labor.

Laying out the asphalt concrete mixture during pothole repair is done exclusively manually - using rakes (they look like mops). To compact the base and asphalt concrete mixture in small areas, vibratory plates, vibratory rammers, and small hand rollers are used. Manual vibrating rollers weighing about half a ton are very convenient for performing pothole repairs.

Cast asphalt: pros and cons. The technology of pothole repair using cast (liquid) asphalt has become quite widespread. This technology is regulated by GOST R 54401-2011. This asphalt concrete mixture is characterized by a high bitumen content. It is transported to the place of installation in special vehicles with a closed body that provide heating and mixing. The main advantage of cast asphalt technology is that cast asphalt does not require compaction. It is distributed into the gaps to be repaired using rakes, after which it spreads and hardens. This is naturally easier and faster. True, this technology also has disadvantages. Firstly, the higher cost, and secondly, the fact that in summer, in conditions high temperatures The cast asphalt coating melts, spreads, and is pressed through.

Cost of pothole repair. Pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavement and sidewalks is not at all like easy installation asphalt. And the volume of such work is small, and the space in which it is performed is much smaller. But the share of manual labor is much higher. These circumstances make pothole repair a rather expensive position: its cost is 30-50% higher than conventional asphalting.