How to remove oil paint from a wall quickly. How to remove old paint from wooden surfaces at home Cleaning the surface of old paint

Sooner or later, every apartment owner or own home comes to the conclusion that the time has come. It does not matter whether it is a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to create a new and more fresh interior, or it will be a serious project, including redevelopment and the use of unusual finishing materials, you may encounter a number of difficulties. Especially if you intend to do all the work yourself. One of the most commonplace problems is removing old decorative covering. If old layer sometimes it begins to crumble and fall off in whole layers, or may come away from the walls in whole stripes, sometimes with a layer old paint will be much more difficult to cope with. And before a certain type of finishing, it must be removed without fail. To simplify this task, you need to know effective ways how to remove paint from a wall.

When should you remove old paint and why?

It's no secret that 15-20 years ago the favorite finishing materials all the builders had paint and... You can especially often find painted walls in the bathroom and toilet, in the kitchen or in the hallway. Builders with creative approach To this end, the walls were often decorated with flowers and boats. Unfortunately, such a print stops touching when it becomes necessary to get rid of it. It’s one thing when the old paint has already peeled off and can be easily removed with the help of a spatula. And it’s quite another thing when there are several layers, they are applied conscientiously and adhere with enviable strength. Assuming the full burden of future work, many give up and the thought creeps in: “ or maybe him?».
We hasten to please you - in some cases old paint really not a hindrance for further finishing works. It all depends on their type:

  • For example, if we're talking about In the bathroom, where there is a need for further installation, you can simplify the task with the help of drywall. Some walls are so curved and have such obvious differences that sometimes it is actually faster and even more economical to level them with the help of a wall mounted on profiles than with plaster. Plus you will get a surface with excellent adhesive properties;
  • For fixing plastic or other wall panels, old paint will also not be an obstacle;
  • If you plan to repaint and the surface of the walls allows you to do without leveling them, You can apply a layer of new coating over the old one. Provided that it does not swell, does not peel, holds tightly and does not have cracks. In some cases, individual areas of peeling paint can be removed, and the resulting unevenness can be filled with finishing plaster. But please note this paragraph only applies to situations where acrylic paint on old acrylic paint, or enamel paint on old oil paint. In case of applying acrylic or water-based paint on old enamel, these compounds simply will not “stick” on glossy surface. Perhaps during application it will seem to you that the paint is still evenly distributed on the surface and everything worked out, but after drying you will find separate islands of a new color that are connected by thin cobwebs;
  • Will allow you to avoid the need for old coating before tiling the walls and modern means. For example, a primer called "concrete-contact" and other interpretations of the name with a similar meaning, promise good adhesion after drying even with a completely smooth surface. Even glass appears on the list, and on the Internet you can find a lot of video evidence.
  • If you plan to apply wet plaster and other compounds to the walls, such as, for example, paint must be removed. Plaster simply will not “stick” to a smooth surface. The paint has minimal ability to absorb liquid, so the usual primer simply will not be able to penetrate its structure and ensure adhesion. And under the weight of heavy wallpaper soaked in glue, the paint can simply come off along with the freshly pasted wallpaper. Even if at first glance, it seems that she is holding on tightly.

What to consider when choosing a paint removal method?

Before starting labor-intensive and time-consuming work, it is necessary to understand what we are dealing with and try to choose a method that will still prove to be most effective with the least amount of labor and time. To do this, you need to pay attention to five determining factors:

But it’s best to “test it by the teeth” and try to remove a fragment of paint on a small section of the wall using each of the methods in turn, starting with the simplest ones.

Mechanical methods of paint removal

Usually the first thing they try is to remove the coating. mechanically. It should immediately be noted that these methods are the most labor-intensive, but at the same time one of the most accessible. The most different instruments, starting from the simplest. Before starting work, it is necessary, if possible, to clear the room of furniture or cover the surfaces with film, which should remain clean and free of dust and paint particles. Let's take a closer look.

No. 1. Using a spatula

This is the very first tool you might want to use to scrape off peeling paint. A spatula can definitely be found in almost any home. Advantage The method lies in the complete absence of dust and the fact that it is possible to remove paint even in corners and other hard-to-reach places - around. TO shortcomings include the relatively slow speed of work, the need to exert considerable effort and the inability to cover a large surface area in one approach. During operation, small particles of paint break off and can get into your eyes, thereby injuring them. Therefore, be sure to think about personal protective equipment. This rule applies to absolutely all methods of removing old coating.

No. 2. At using a chisel And hammer

When you reach a section of the wall where there are no cracks or blisters of paint and the spatula is no longer effective, you can try to remove it with a chisel. It does not bend during operation, unlike a spatula, and if necessary, you can tap its handle with a hammer. It is necessary to sharpen the tool periodically. It will quickly become dull from constant friction on a hard surface.

No. 3. With an ax or picks

This method is incredibly labor intensive. You will have to swing the ax for a long time, so we advise you to choose a tool that is not too heavy. At the same time, it should not be too sharp. The essence of the method is to apply notches to the wall. The blows must be directed tangentially to the wall. The length of the notches can reach several centimeters, and they should be located at a distance of no more than 10 mm from each other. Only on such a surface will the adhesive composition lie quite reliably. But the main flaw The method actually lies a little deeper. Think about how many blows you will have to hit the wall and understand that each of them will little by little destroy the integrity of the base that you want to rid of the hated paint. Not all walls can withstand such torture and remain strong and reliable.

No. 4. Using a drill with various attachments

This method can be called optimal based on the ratio of speed and safety indicators. Plus, due to the fact that it is not the heaviest hand tool, your hands will get much less tired when working. Safety is achieved due to the fact that work is performed on low revs. Before you start, be sure to check the functionality of the tools - whether the wire is broken, whether the cartridge is holding well, whether the device is sparking. In order not to be distracted by trifles, make sure that the cord is long enough to move freely along the entire length of the room, use an extension cord. Be sure to wear a protective mask, closed clothing and shoes, and a hat. Never leave the sleeves of your clothing unfastened and do not wear gloves. When working with agile tools, their use is unacceptable - the reliability of fixing the tool in your hand deteriorates and you simply may not be able to hold it. IN best case scenario if it falls, the instrument itself will suffer, or at worst, it will injure the performer.

Now you need to adjust the speed of rotation - turn on the drill without an attachment and select the minimum mode. Now attach the attachment, tighten the chuck well and get to work. It is necessary to touch the wall only with the surface of the nozzle and do not move too quickly. The most commonly used is a wire brush. But in practice, it is less effective than an attachment in the form of several connected chains of 3-4 links with a washer at the ends. In addition, sometimes the metal bristles come off and can dig into unprotected areas of the skin;

No. 5. Using a grinder

This method can be called the fastest and at the same time the most dangerous. belong to high-speed tools. If you do not have the skills to work with it, you can be seriously injured. No one is immune from the destruction of a disk during operation, the fragments of which fly at incredible speed in different sides. Disadvantages include high level noise, and huge amount dust. The work is usually carried out using a wide range of tools.

To sum it up we can say that mechanical methods are suitable for removing absolutely any type of paint - both acrylic and oil. It’s just that some of them will need to be wetted periodically and then removed with a spatula, wire brush or power tool.

Thermal methods

Methods for removing old paint layers using elevated temperatures also include to the extreme dangerous. When carrying out such work it is necessary reliable protection and concentration and, of course, experience with the tool below. There are three commonly used methods.

No. 6. We use a regular iron

For a coating that is no longer held in the most reliable way, the temperature exposure method is suitable. with the help ordinary iron. Through a sheet of thick foil, food grade, the desired area is heated well, and then the softened coating is removed using a spatula.

No. 7. We use a hair dryer

In a similar way, only much faster, you can “melt” paint with the help construction hairdryer, and then remove with the same spatula or other convenient scraper.

No. 8. Blowtorch method

Sometimes apply blowtorch. Or in other words, a burner running on kerosene or gasoline vapors. On average, one liter of fuel is enough for continuous operation for 20-50 minutes. The flame must be brought as close to the paint as possible and watched carefully. When the paint begins to melt but not burn, you can scrape it off the wall.

All thermal methods are required accompanied by a sharp and unpleasant smell, which appears during paint heating. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to work in unventilated areas. Also, under no circumstances it is forbidden warm the places where there are passages or those where there are wooden embedded parts in the wall.

Chemical methods

Methods for removing old coating using chemical reagents can be called least labor intensive. You just need to carefully distribute the product on the surface, let it act on the paint for the recommended time, and then remove the softened coating.

No. 9. Ready-made paint remover

The time interval is always indicated on the packaging, as well as recommendations for use, which we advise you to strictly adhere to.

  • All chemical compositions have caustic unpleasant odors And are Very aggressive. Be sure to work with gloves and a respirator, and while the solution is working, it is better to leave the apartment completely, opening the windows for ventilation;
  • Also, after finishing the work, you cannot simply take and pour the remaining solution into the sewer. Chemical reagents are very caustic and should be disposed of properly. This is also mentioned on the packaging or in the instructions;
  • Can also scare away price similar means, but believe me, after you try to remove paint with a spatula, an ax or a grinder and none of the above gives the desired result, you will not want to save. Often, one liter of solution is enough to remove paint from the walls of a standard-sized bathroom and toilet;
  • Please also note that some compounds may be intended for use only on horizontal surfaces.

IN component dependency bases ready-made compositions are:

  • Acidic - based on hydrochloric or phosphoric acid;
  • Alkaline - based on salts of various origins;
  • Organic - which does not contain any salts or acids.

To remove old paint from stone surfaces most suitable are considered acid-free formulations.

By release form solutions can be in the form of:

Selecting a composition for a specific type of paint is not difficult. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a wash, It's better to buy universal ones solutions that are suitable for removing paints of any type. For example:

No. 10. How to make a wash with your own hands?

You can still try to save money and prepare the wash for paint on one's own:

Typically, the above methods work well for either removing recently applied or worn-out coatings. For strong layers of paint, it is better to use ready-made, special washes.

Washing technology

When to choose suitable remedy done, it's time to deal with the right technology his application:

That's all, your walls are ready for further transformation. If one of the above methods does not give full effect, try combining it with other methods. By and large, they are all suitable for removing any type of paint.

Different paints are removed in different ways: some are easier, others sometimes baffle even experienced builders. It all depends on the type of paint and the surface on which it is applied. To avoid wasting time searching for information and various experiments, carefully study this article. In it we will look at everything possible ways, how to remove paint, we will describe their advantages and disadvantages, we will not forget about safety measures, and we will also mention the ways in which smart person should not be used at all.

Take it off or leave it on?

Painting the walls of kitchens and bathrooms was a very common practice in interior design in Soviet period. Therefore, many of us are still faced with the need to remove paint from walls, floors and ceilings, for example, before leveling them or before laying ceramic tiles. Is it worth removing it or can the floor and walls be restored over the painted surface?

It all depends on what you plan to do next. If you decide to cover the wall with plasterboard, you can leave the paint on the wall. But in most cases, you will still have to remove old paint from walls and ceilings, since the painted surface has adhesion (adhesion) to tile adhesives, cement plasters and any building mixtures are practically zero. So if you decide to apply plaster over paint coating- the joy from the repair you made will not last long.

How to choose a paint removal method?

Different paints are removed in different ways: some are easier, others sometimes baffle even experienced builders. It all depends on the type of paint and the surface on which it is applied. To avoid wasting time searching for information and various experiments, carefully study this article. In it we will look at all possible ways to remove paint, describe their advantages and disadvantages, do not forget about safety measures, and also mention methods that a smart person should not use at all.

How to choose the best way paint removal?

Four factors influence the choice of one method or another:

  1. the surface on which the paint coating has been applied, and what you plan to do with it next;
  2. type of paint, number of layers and strength of its adhesion to the surface;
  3. tool available;
  4. the budget you have.

The paint itself comes in several types: water-based, acrylic and oil-based. Oil paint is the most difficult to remove from concrete surfaces. Therefore, we will look in detail below on how to remove the old oil paint.

Of course, you may not know what kind of paint is on the walls of your home. In this case, you will still have to experiment a little with removal methods on small area walls. Try the least labor-intensive gentle methods first.

The paint can be applied to metal, wood, drywall or concrete. Oil-based paint is the most difficult to remove from bare, unplastered concrete ceilings.

What might you need?

Depending on the chosen removal method, you may need the following tools and materials:

  • spatula, iron scraper or wide chisel;
  • chemical paint remover, brush or roller;
  • ax for notching;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • electric drill with a special attachment;
  • grinder with a wide nozzle;
  • water;
  • respirator, goggles, gloves, other equipment personal protection.

Description of removal methods. How to remove oil paint?

It is especially difficult to remove oil paint from walls and ceilings if they have not been previously plastered. In general, there are not many ways to remove oil paint. Unfortunately, science has not yet been able to come up with something new, completely harmless, fast and not requiring much effort. Therefore, let's consider everything possible options with their pros and cons.

In general, everything existing methods Paint removal can be divided into three groups:

  1. chemical;
  2. thermal;
  3. mechanical.

Chemical method

The essence of the method: prepare a chemical solution for removing paint according to the instructions, apply it to the surface with a brush (movements are best done in one direction) or paint roller, give time for the paint to soften and remove the paint along with the remover with a spatula, metal scraper or brush with metal bristles. This method is the fastest, but the smell can linger for a long time. Also note: if the paint was applied in several layers, using a remover does not guarantee perfect removal immediately. It may require application in two or three stages.

Removing paint using chemicals is a method that has many disadvantages. Firstly, it is highly toxic and has a sharp, specific, persistent odor, secondly, it can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin, thirdly, it requires special disposal (in no case into the sewer), and fourthly, it is not cheap.

If you do decide to use chemicals, be sure to follow safety rules. Work with reagents only in well-ventilated areas using personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles, gloves); pregnant women and children should not be in the room. It is necessary to completely protect all parts of the body from chemicals, because... This mixture of acids and solvents is very aggressive and contact with it will lead to disastrous consequences.

You can also try the following methods. To remove paint from plank floors, thoroughly wet the boards with water and cover them with a thick layer of soda ash. Cover the whole thing with damp burlap and leave it for a day without letting the burlap dry out. After a day, you can easily clean the paint swollen from dampness with a spatula.

You can also remove old paint with a mixture of potassium carbonate and lime. Mix 1.2 kg of quicklime and 400 g of potassium carbonate (or soda ash) in water until thick. Apply the mixture to the surface and let it sit for 12 hours. After this, the old paint will come off easily.

Another option is to remove oil paint liquid glass. Lubricate and let dry thoroughly. The silicate film should begin to peel off along with the paint. Repeat the procedure several times.

Thermal method

Removing paint with a hair dryer is a method that has been known for a long time. Heat the painted surface with a construction hairdryer until the paint softens and use a spatula (another scraper) to remove the soft paint from the wall, doors or floor. If you don’t have a hairdryer, take a wide sheet of foil and heat the paint through the foil with an iron.

The method is not applicable in places where there is electrical wiring or there is a decorative coating that can be damaged by high temperature(for example, plastic).

But this method is ideal for removing paint in areas where vibration and shock are unacceptable (for example, glass doors, window frames etc.) But very significant drawback heat treatment - the acrid smell of paint and the release of toxic substances when it is heated. Therefore, you need to reliably protect your respiratory system and use this method only in well-ventilated areas.

Mechanical method

Taking into account physical properties paint, which, when chemically and thermally removed, releases strong toxic substances, the most optimal would be to use mechanical method removal.

Famous old old-fashioned method- labor-intensive, slow, but cheap, non-traumatic and least harmful - notching walls with an ax. To remove the paint you will need, in fact, an axe, water and muscles. First, make notches with an axe, then spray the wall well with water, wait a few minutes until it is absorbed, and remove the paint with an axe. To make work go faster and more efficiently, you need to choose the right angle of inclination of the ax.

Most often, this method is used if further wall cladding is planned. ceramic tiles, since the adhesion of tiles to a non-smooth surface is the most ideal. Although the method is labor-intensive and slow, it is quite acceptable when you need to treat a small area, and is almost ideal in poorly ventilated areas.

Mechanized mechanical methods

To speed up mechanical removal paints with concrete wall To make your work easier and increase productivity, we recommend using mechanized methods.

You can use a grinder with a wide circle. With such cleaning there will be a lot, a lot of dust: after a minute of work you will have to wait twenty minutes for the dust to settle. But today there is excellent new equipment with a built-in vacuum cleaner that allows you to remove paint from the wall as cleanly as possible. Watch the video:

There are two more methods with hammer drill attachments.

The first method is to use a chain as an attachment on a drill. This is a fairly effective and cheap method of removing paint and rust from concrete, wood and metal surfaces.

It is possible to use circuits of two configurations. The nozzle of the first configuration, the so-called paint remover, is presented in the photo and video below.

The attachment of the second configuration is a chain of 13 links with a link thickness of 5 mm. The central link rotates 6 links on each side. A 6 mm bolt is used as the base. Put the chain on and press it well with the nut. The drill is turned on by turning to the left.

If the end link flies off on one side, it is necessary to remove it from the other for balance. You can remove the paint as long as there are at least three links on each side. Unlike a brush, which produces a lot of fine dust, the chain knocks off paint in pieces. You must be protected from mechanical damage.

The second method of removing paint from a concrete wall is to use a brick crown as an attachment for a hammer drill.

How to remove acrylic paint?

You can try removing acrylic paint with a good wire brush or even coarse sandpaper. This handmade, so don't forget about gloves. If the paint is good, it will not come off well. In this case, you can use the removal methods described above for oil paint. Keep in mind that if you plan to cover the surface again with acrylic, it will adhere well to any acrylic paint without cleaning.

Worst ways to remove paint

Ways not to remove old paint:

  1. Thermal method using open fire. It is very fire hazardous;
  2. Chemical wash in unventilated areas.

And remember. Whatever method you choose to remove paint, be sure to use personal protective equipment. This is especially true for the respiratory organs and eyes. After all, when cleaning surfaces from old paint, you are simultaneously exposed to several dangerous factors: dust, toxic chemicals and small particles of paint flying off the wall.

Removing paint from walls can be a daunting task. It is relatively rare for paint to be removed very easily. In most cases you have to work hard and solve several problems.

Unfortunately, construction equipment has not yet been replenished universal machine for cleaning old paint.

And this is unlikely to happen, since construction and finishing technologies have changed a lot. That's why have to use old ways. In this article we will look at the main ways to remove old paint in the bathroom, kitchen and any other rooms.

When is this procedure necessary?

It depends on the method of repair. If you want to plaster surfaces, or repaint them, as well as wallpaper, then removing old paint will be required in all these cases.

There are times when old paint looks attractively durable and the owners stick wallpaper on it. However, in this case, the chances are very high that the drying glue, together with the mass of wallpaper that hangs on it, will detect hidden “bubbles”, where the paint adheres poorly or not at all.

This will immediately affect the wallpaper itself, which will greatly upset the owners, who spent a lot of money on repairs.

If you are covering a wall or ceiling with panels, then in this case the paint can be left on.


There are many ways to clean surfaces from old paint, and which one is the best for each specific case? depends on the nature of both the paint itself and the material walls.


This method is fast and efficient, but unfortunately, it is not always applicable.

Its essence is that one worker heats a section of the wall or ceiling with a powerful gas burner until the paint darkens, and the second immediately after that quickly cleans the darkened area sharp metal spatula.

Respiratory organs of workers are required must be protected by gas masks. Old paints can contain powerful carcinogens.

To avoid fire, it is prohibited to do so clean wooden surfaces. You can burn any paints with organic binders.

Using solvents

The chemical method is suitable for:

  • acrylic paints;
  • glypthal;
  • pentaphthalic;
  • nitro;
  • for some types of polymer paints.

The hardest thing to do is remove old oil paint this way. Washing starts from the top soaking the surface with a swab or roller. After a few hours, the swollen paint is cleaned off with a spatula.

This method is classified as particularly dangerous– may lead to an explosion of solvent vapors. Working without gas masks and effective ventilation prohibited.

Special mixtures (washes)

In this case it applies special remedy. Taking into account the previous (see the section on solvents), chemists have developed a combined method, when the paint binder is organic-based exposed to strong alkali with the addition of solvents.

This leads to a decrease in vapor concentration solvents in the air, and due to the fact that alkali loosens old paint, the solvent quickly penetrates into the depths and has an additional effect.

Swollen paint clean using a scraper and wash the surface: first with acidified water (vinegar, citric acid, weak hydrochloric acid 1-2%), and then lightly wiped with solvent R-646.

Grinder or hammer drill

A very effective and versatile way to remove paint. Suitable for all paints and surfaces, with limitation for wood. Woodworking requires great skill, since the surface can easily be damaged there.

The tool used is a crown brush or a special brick crown (mill). There are also chains, but these are very dangerous way- if a link flies off, then it may seriously injure the worker or those nearby.

The disadvantages of the mechanical method include very large number toxic dust, therefore, it is necessary to work, at a minimum, with a respirator and safety glasses, and also perform continuous exhaust ventilation.

Now they are starting to appear on the market special tools for cleaning old paint, but they are quite rare.

Spatula or chisel

Least productive, but the cleanest method. Ideal, or better yet, irreplaceable, when working near sockets, wiring, pipes, in corners, near baseboards, as well as on wooden surfaces.

A spatula is used to remove layers of paint that do not adhere well to the surface, and a chisel helps in those places where the paint is held firmly. For this cleaning method it is very It’s useful to have sandpaper on hand, for sharpening tools that quickly become dull on stone surfaces.

Ax and water

This method is one of the simplest and completely safe. Its only drawback is that it requires significant muscular strength. Although each blow with an ax requires a little effort, you have to make thousands of such blows and untrained hands will quickly get tired.

An ax is used to make small but closely spaced notches, between which the paint cracks and falls off. Water is used to reduce dust, As a result, there is no dust at all. This surface preparation is very suitable for subsequent plastering.

Using a hair dryer

This method is similar to the burning method. But here the paint is heated at a lower temperature than an open flame gives, heating acts more locally, due to the hair dryer attachment, and this method can sometimes be one of the best.

Less harmful substances are released, but you should never forget about them. And use either frequent ventilation or a gas mask.

The layer of intumescent paint is removed with a spatula. Then the surface is washed and cleaned minor defects and wipe with a swab with a small amount of solvent.

How to choose the right method?

You should choose a method for cleaning walls from old paint: based on several considerations:

  • wall material;
  • type of old paint;
  • ventilation possibilities;
  • agreement with neighbors about noise, work hours, etc.;
  • available tools;
  • affordable budget.

Another sign that will help:

X – chem. M – mechanical T – thermal cleaning methods.

When choosing a cleaning method, priority should be given work safety for people, because lost health cannot be restored at any cost, and working with paint, especially if done unprofessionally, can be very harmful.

Sooner or later, every owner of an apartment or home comes to the conclusion that it is time to make repairs. Whether it is a cosmetic procedure to create a new and fresher interior, or a serious project involving remodeling and the use of unusual finishing materials, you may encounter a number of difficulties. Especially if you intend to do all the work yourself. One of the most commonplace problems is removing old decorative coating from walls. If the old layer of plaster sometimes begins to crumble on its own and fall off in whole layers, and old wallpaper can come off the walls in whole stripes, then it will be much more difficult to deal with a layer of old paint. And before a certain type of finishing, it must be removed without fail. To simplify this task, you need to know effective ways to remove paint from a wall.

When should you remove old paint and why?

It's no secret that 15-20 years ago, the favorite finishing materials of all builders were paint and paper wallpaper. You can especially often find painted walls in the bathroom and toilet, in the kitchen or in the hallway. Builders with a creative approach to their work often decorated the walls with flowers and boats. Unfortunately, such a print stops touching when it becomes necessary to get rid of it. It’s one thing when the old paint has already peeled off and can be easily removed with the help of a spatula. And it’s quite another thing when there are several layers, they are applied conscientiously and adhere with enviable strength. Assuming the full burden of future work, many give up and the thought creeps in: “ or maybe him?».

We hasten to please you - in some cases old paint really not a hindrance for further finishing work. It all depends on their type:

What to consider when choosing a paint removal method?

Before starting labor-intensive and time-consuming work, it is necessary to understand what we are dealing with and try to choose a method that will still prove to be most effective with the least amount of labor and time. To do this, you need to pay attention to five determining factors:

But it’s best to “test it by the teeth” and try to remove a fragment of paint on a small section of the wall using each of the methods in turn, starting with the simplest ones.

Mechanical methods of paint removal

Usually, first of all, they try to remove the coating mechanically. It should immediately be noted that these methods are the most labor-intensive, but at the same time one of the most accessible. A variety of tools are used, starting from the simplest. Before starting work, it is necessary, if possible, to clear the room of furniture or cover the surfaces with film, which should remain clean and free of dust and paint particles. Let's take a closer look.

No. 1. Using a spatula

This is the very first tool you might want to use to scrape off peeling paint. A spatula can definitely be found in almost any home. Advantage The method lies in the complete absence of dust and the fact that it is possible to remove paint even in corners and other hard-to-reach places - around switches or sockets. TO shortcomings include the relatively slow speed of work, the need to exert considerable effort and the inability to cover a large surface area in one approach. During operation, small particles of paint break off and can get into your eyes, thereby injuring them. Therefore, be sure to think about personal protective equipment. This rule applies to absolutely all methods of removing old coating.

No. 2. At using a chisel And hammer

When you reach a section of the wall where there are no cracks or blisters of paint and the spatula is no longer effective, you can try to remove it with a chisel. It does not bend during operation, unlike a spatula, and if necessary, you can tap its handle with a hammer. It is necessary to sharpen the tool periodically. It will quickly become dull from constant friction on a hard surface.

No. 3. With an ax or picks

This method is incredibly labor intensive. You will have to swing the ax for a long time, so we advise you to choose a tool that is not too heavy. At the same time, it should not be too sharp. The essence of the method is to apply notches to the wall. The blows must be directed tangentially to the wall. The length of the notches can reach several centimeters, and they should be located at a distance of no more than 10 mm from each other. Only on such a surface will the putty or adhesive composition lie quite reliably. But the main flaw The method actually lies a little deeper. Think about how many blows you will have to hit the wall and understand that each of them will little by little destroy the integrity of the base that you want to rid of the hated paint. Not all walls can withstand such torture and remain strong and reliable.

No. 4. Using a drill with various attachments

This method can be called optimal based on the ratio of speed and safety indicators. Plus, due to the fact that a drill is not the heaviest hand tool, your hands will get much less tired when working. Safety is achieved due to the fact that work is performed at low speeds. Before you start, be sure to check the functionality of the tools - whether the wire is broken, whether the cartridge is holding well, whether the device is sparking. In order not to be distracted by trifles, make sure that the cord is long enough to move freely along the entire length of the room, use an extension cord. Be sure to wear a protective mask, closed clothing and shoes, and a hat. Never leave the sleeves of your clothing unfastened and do not wear gloves. When working with agile tools, their use is unacceptable - the reliability of fixing the tool in your hand deteriorates and you simply may not be able to hold it. In the best case, the instrument itself will suffer if it falls; in the worst case, it will injure the performer.

Now you need to adjust the speed of rotation - turn on the drill without an attachment and select the minimum mode. Now attach the attachment, tighten the chuck well and get to work. It is necessary to touch the wall only with the surface of the nozzle and do not move too quickly. The most commonly used is a wire brush. But in practice, it is less effective than an attachment in the form of several connected chains of 3-4 links with a washer at the ends. In addition, sometimes the metal bristles come off and can dig into unprotected areas of the skin;

No. 5. Using a grinder

This method can be called the fastest and at the same time the most dangerous. The grinder is a high-speed tool. If you do not have the skills to work with it, you can be seriously injured. No one is immune from the destruction of a disk during operation, the fragments of which fly at incredible speed in different directions. The disadvantages include a high noise level and a huge amount of dust. The work is usually carried out using a wide range of tools.

To sum it up we can say that mechanical methods are suitable for removing absolutely any type of paint - both acrylic and oil. It’s just that some of them will need to be wetted periodically and then removed with a spatula, wire brush or power tool.

Thermal methods

Methods for removing old paint layers using elevated temperatures also include to the extreme dangerous. When carrying out such work, you need reliable protection and concentration and, of course, experience with the tools below. There are three commonly used methods.

No. 6. We use a regular iron

For a coating that is no longer held in the most reliable way, the temperature exposure method is suitable. with the help ordinary iron. Through a sheet of thick foil, food grade, the desired area is heated well, and then the softened coating is removed using a spatula.

No. 7. We use a hair dryer

In a similar way, only much faster, you can “melt” paint with the help construction hairdryer, and then remove with the same spatula or other convenient scraper.

No. 8. Blowtorch method

Sometimes use a blowtorch. Or in other words, a burner running on kerosene or gasoline vapors. On average, one liter of fuel is enough for continuous operation for 20-50 minutes. The flame must be brought as close to the paint as possible and watched carefully. When the paint begins to melt but not burn, you can scrape it off the wall.

All thermal methods are required accompanied by a sharp and unpleasant smell, which appears during paint heating. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to work in unventilated areas. Also, under no circumstances it is forbidden warm the places where they pass electrical wires or those where there are wooden embeds in the wall.

Chemical methods

Methods for removing old coating using chemical reagents can be called least labor intensive. You just need to carefully distribute the product on the surface, let it act on the paint for the recommended time, and then remove the softened coating.

No. 9. Ready-made paint remover

The time interval is always indicated on the packaging, as well as recommendations for use, which we advise you to strictly adhere to.

  • All chemical compounds have pungent, unpleasant odors and are Very aggressive. Be sure to work with gloves and a respirator, and while the solution is working, it is better to leave the apartment completely, opening the windows for ventilation;
  • Also, after finishing the work, you cannot simply take and pour the remaining solution into the sewer. Chemical reagents are very caustic and should be disposed of properly. This is also mentioned on the packaging or in the instructions;
  • Can also scare away price similar means, but believe me, after you try to remove paint with a spatula, an ax or a grinder and none of the above gives the desired result, you will not want to save. Often, one liter of solution is enough to remove paint from the walls of a standard-sized bathroom and toilet;
  • Please also note that some compounds may be intended for use only on horizontal surfaces.

IN component dependency bases ready-made compositions are:

  • Acidic - based on hydrochloric or phosphoric acid;
  • Alkaline - based on salts of various origins;
  • Organic - which does not contain any salts or acids.

To remove old paint from stone surfaces most suitable are considered acid-free formulations.

By release form solutions can be in the form of:

Selecting a composition for a specific type of paint is not difficult. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a wash, It's better to buy universal ones solutions that are suitable for removing paints of any type. For example:

No. 10. How to make a wash with your own hands?

You can still try to save money and prepare the wash for paint on one's own:

Typically, the above methods work well for either removing recently applied or worn-out coatings. For strong layers of paint, it is better to use ready-made, special washes.

Washing technology

When the choice of a suitable product has been made, it’s time to deal with the right technology his application:

That's all, your walls are ready for further transformation. If one of the above methods does not give full effect, try combining it with other methods. By and large, they are all suitable for removing any type of paint.

Removing oil paint from walls is a long and labor-intensive job

Anyone who has at least once tried to remove old paint from walls knows how difficult it is to remove oil-based paint. Even if in some places it swells and falls off on its own, in some areas it holds so tightly that it cannot be affected by a scraper or iron brush.

However, there are several ways to remove old oil paint from walls, and their choice depends on the intended further finishing and your willingness to spend time or money.

And is it always necessary to do this? The question is very simple, as is the answer.

Let's start with - where can you find such coating on the walls now? Perhaps in old apartments, which still have “Soviet” decoration: walls painted underneath dark color and light (or whitewash) on top. But it's not that important.

What matters is what you are going to do with them next:

  • If you level with plaster (see Leveling walls with plaster according to all the rules), putty, tile with ceramic tiles, paint or wallpaper, then it is imperative to clean off the coating, because building mixtures and the adhesives will not “stick” to it, or the adhesion will be very unreliable. The result may be peeling of the new coating.
  • If finishing with plasterboard, clapboard, wall panels or any other materials attached to the sheathing, there is no need to remove paint.

Therefore, it is advisable to make a decision on further finishing in advance, before removing oil paint from the walls, spending a lot of time and effort. And even if this is necessary, the method of dismantling the old coating is also often selected depending on the type of new coating.

What tools will be useful

A variety of tools are used to remove paint from walls. That is, everyone can find something that will ideally suit their budget and situation as a whole.

Depending on the type of paint and the method of its removal, the following materials and tools may be needed:

  • Construction hair dryer - they are useful for the thermal method;
  • Electric drill;
  • A spatula or scraper is a universal tool;
  • Water;
  • Personal protective equipment such as gloves, respirator.
  • A liquid used to remove varnish, well, brushes or a roller for it. You need to be extremely careful with this product as it can be toxic and cause allergies.

Methods for removing oil paint

Each method described below has both advantages and disadvantages, including one common one: in any case, it will require a lot of effort and time from you.


Physically, this method is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming, but it does not require financial costs and is not harmful to health. The main tool of labor is regular ax who will have to use their own hands. This requires considerable physical strength.

This method is ideal if:

  • After cleaning, you will level the walls with plaster;
  • Or tiling it.

Both plastering and adhesive solutions They adhere best to a rough surface, and after processing with an ax this is exactly what it becomes. The essence of cleaning a wall from an oil coating is that it is literally cut off from the surface.

This is done like this:

  • First, with a sharp ax, frequent cuts are made across the entire area to be cleared.;

  • Then the wall is generously moistened with water using a sprayer or a wet rag;
  • When the water is absorbed, use the same ax or hammer and chisel to clean off the coating, holding the tool no longer straight, but under acute angle to the surface.

Advice. It is better to wet and clean small areas so that the water does not have time to dry out.

This method is also chosen if the work is carried out in a room without ventilation, which cannot be actively ventilated. Quite a lot of dust is generated, but a regular gauze bandage will help protect the respiratory organs from it.


It is physically much easier to remove paint from walls than to cut it down (see How to remove paint without problems). And faster. And this is quite feasible, since there is a special tool for removing oil paint from walls, and more than one. This is often called a wash.

It contains acids, solvents and other chemicals that soften the coating, which can then be easily removed with a spatula or metal scraper.

As you already understand, the washing process is not at all similar to removing dirt from the surface with water and a rag, since the solution is very aggressive, and you need to work with it strictly following the technology:

  • The solution is applied to the surface with a roller or brush in one direction;
  • After the specified time, when the coating becomes soft, it is removed along with the applied product with any convenient tool;

It is very convenient to work with a metal spatula

  • The procedure sometimes has to be repeated to achieve the desired result. As a rule, repeated washing is necessary if the paint is applied in several layers;
  • At the end of the work, the mixture of paint and solvent must be disposed of, preventing it from entering the ground or domestic sewer.

Most big drawback This method poses a danger of being poisoned by volatile substances or getting a serious burn to the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, it can only be used in rooms with a powerful hood or with good ventilation. But even in this case, the smell can last for quite a long time, so you cannot live or simply stay in the room for a long time during repairs. Especially children and people with health problems.

Advice. To protect yourself, you should perform the work in a respirator, protecting your eyes with special goggles and your hands with gloves. It is also advisable to wear a suit with long sleeves and long pants.

The second serious disadvantage is the high price of the product, which significantly affects the wallet if a large area is to be treated. In addition to ready-made chemical reagents, you can also use less dangerous substances: lime, soda ash, liquid glass.

Their use on walls is difficult, but oil paint can be removed from the floor without any problems:

  • It needs to be moistened generously with water, covered with a continuous layer of soda and covered with sackcloth for a day, constantly wetting it during this time. The next day, the swollen paint will be easily removed with a spatula.
  • Will help speed up the process quicklime, which is mixed with soda ash in a ratio of 3:1. A thick paste is also applied to the surface and left for 12 hours.
  • But the walls can be smeared with liquid glass and allowed to dry. When this happens, the resulting silicate film will be removed from the surface along with the old paint.


Oil paint softens not only under the influence of chemical reagents, but also under the influence of high temperature. If the coating is heated well, it can be scraped off with a spatula. This can be done using construction hair dryer.

In this case, the work is performed simultaneously: small area heats up and immediately releases the paint before it hardens again.

Cleaning with a hair dryer

In the absence special tool You can use a regular iron, heating the painted surface through the foil.

This is important. The method cannot be used in areas with electrical wiring, as well as on surfaces that are afraid of heating (plastic, PVC).

The heating method could be considered the cleanest and safest if the paint did not release toxic substances when heated. Therefore, as in the case of the wash, the instructions allow its use only in ventilated areas and subject to the use of respiratory protection.

But use a blowtorch to soften the paint, gas burner or any other source of open fire is prohibited - it is a fire hazard. Especially if the base under the coating is wooden.


Mechanized methods speed up the process, but create a lot of dust and dirt. Therefore, here too it is worth recalling the need to use a respirator or a gauze bandage on the face.

The main tools used are a grinder or a drill with special attachments:

  • Grinder attachments – wide abrasive wheel or round metal brush. To reduce the amount of dust, it is recommended to take an assistant with a vacuum cleaner if it is not possible to use specialized tool with built-in vacuum cleaner.

  • You can attach a brick bit to a drill or hammer drill.

  • Another tool for removing paint is a paint remover chain, also attached to a drill. If you cannot find it, you can use any chain with thick links (at least 5 mm in cross-section). There should be an odd number of links: 11, 13 or 15, so that after fixing the central link, the length of the chain on both sides is the same - for balance. For the same reason, if links on one side are damaged, they are removed on the other, until there are three left on each side. In this case, the chain is replaced with a new one, since working with a short one will be inconvenient and dangerous.

Please note. If you are right-handed, the drill with the chain should be turned on by rotating to the left, if you are left-handed - to the right.


Thermal and chemical methods cleaning is less labor-intensive; moreover, they allow you to avoid serious damage to the base surface and subsequently save on leveling solutions. But they are also the most dangerous to health. Therefore, think carefully before choosing any of the suggested methods.

Perhaps the video in this article will help you with this.