What is the name of Svetlana Loboda's husband? Loboda organized a grand celebration for her daughter (Photo)

(PHOTO) Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, who hid her pregnancy for a long time, admitted that she was going to marry the father of her unborn child, choreographer Andrei Tsar.

“We don't think about marriage. The stamp in the passport is a work process, you put the stamp and that’s it. This will only harm us - we are free people, but this does not apply to the concept of fidelity.

And in general, I don’t want to be ringed, I don’t want to be called a wife, although my mother thinks that this is wrong. The only thing I think about is the wedding. Moreover, now, I have already found out that this is possible without registering a marriage at the registry office,” Svetlana Loboda said in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper.

Andrey Tsar is a choreographer and dancer of the ballet of Svetlana Loboda, he is 24 years old, he previously worked in the ballet “Freedom” with Elena Kolyadenko.

Sveta and Andrey worked together at Eurovision in 2009, and before that he choreographed for her for almost three years.

“But we looked closely at each other for a long time. And we realized that everything was serious with us, shortly before we conceived a child. Although we have been dating for 2.5 years,” shared Svetlana Loboda.

Now Andrey has become the singer’s director, he deals with all creative issues.

“We have a common budget that we use and try not to save on anything. After all, we have been working together for a year and a half on my image and music, which means this is our earned money.

And it will be so as long as he is my man, my ally in life. Everything that I have, Andrey also has, and I don’t let him save. And in general, the one who is at the top today may be a nobody tomorrow, and the people from above can kick you for excessive showing off,” the star is sure.

The performer says that she never had plans to marry the oligarch.

“It doesn’t matter how much you earn, what matters is what you can give to your loved one. But giving is not financially. It’s important to me what he thinks about when he wakes up in the morning, what he talks about with me, what books he reads, what films he watches. Andrey and I have similar tastes,”

Svetlana and Andrey live separately from their parents in the center of Kyiv. But already in March they are planning to celebrate a housewarming party - to move to country house near Kyiv.

“There are 20 acres of land there, which means I can finally get a dog—a husky or a husky—one with different colored eyes,” the singer laughs.

Andrey Tsar’s mother lives in Lvov and works in a bank. But dad doesn’t live with them.

“And Andrei calls my mother more often than me. She calls him Andryukha, Andryusha, and he calls her Natalya Vasilyevna,” the artist shared.

The singer met her future mother-in-law when she was pregnant.

“One day I felt something strange, so I went for an ultrasound with the baby’s dad. We were shown a pulsating dot on the screen and told: “Here is your baby.” Andrey and I burst into tears. Although I was sure that I was pregnant (I was already in my second month), this confirmation still came as a surprise.

There was no baby in my plans, I put it off all the time, I wanted to give birth when I was 30. Although my mother and last year and Andrey, they persuaded me, they say, this is such happiness. By the way, in our family all women give birth late - after 26 years,” said 28-year-old Svetlana Loboda.

She plans to work until the last month. And a month after giving birth, she has a big solo concert planned in Donetsk, then in other cities of Ukraine and Russia.

“I will leave the baby for a day with the mother, the nanny, and if anything happens, with the child’s father. But I would like to feed the baby for as long as possible. How? There are many ways for active moms. And as for the money... Over a long time of working on stage, something has accumulated, so we can afford to take a break,” the singer shared.

By the way, upon learning about the pregnancy, she immediately raised her fee. A 45-minute performance costs from 15 to 25 thousand dollars.

Svetlana Loboda is a famous singer and actress in Ukraine and the post-Soviet space. For several years now, since her creative work in Viagra, she cannot leave anyone indifferent.

She is loved, admired and amazed by her sex appeal and extravagance.

Height, weight, age of the singer. How old is Svetlana Loboda (singer)

About famous artist and for the actress, admirers of her talent want to know all the details. Height, weight, age of Svetlana Loboda is not a secret behind seven seals. By her own admission, her height is 174 cm, but is that true? This question torments everyone: fans, journalists, and ill-wishers, the latter of whom insist that this fact is false. You can check it by comparing it with the height of a person whose authenticity no one doubts.

One of the photographs of the Viagra group shows the soloists standing next to each other - Svetlana Loboda and Nadezhda Granovskaya, whose height is 168 centimeters. Looking at the photo, you can be convinced of the veracity of the singer’s words, since in the picture she is not much taller than her friend.

The singer's weight is known with great accuracy. Most recently, a project with her participation took place on Ukrainian television, where the stars shared their secrets. During the project, Svetlana Loboda said that she had gained a little weight, her weight had increased from 49 and at the moment it was 52 kg, which was confirmed during the tests.

The singer’s age is no secret to anyone. She doesn't rip it off. In addition, everyone knows her date of birth: October 18, 1982, therefore, in 2017 the singer will celebrate her anniversary. She will turn 35 years old, which, looking at her, one cannot say: she looks younger than her age.

Biography of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

The biography of Svetlana Loboda has no dark spots. It is common among show business stars.

The birth of Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda became a long-awaited event for her entire family. This happened in mid-October 1982 (18th), although she should have been born at the beginning. She spent early childhood in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR (Kyiv). Parents were far from playing music. But at the age of 3, they noticed the musical and creative talent of young Svetlana and took her to a special school to study piano. Later she began taking conducting and vocal classes.

Parents and friends were amazed at the talent of the young talent during the improvised home concerts she organized, during which she managed to receive standing ovations and every now and then hear exclamations: “Bravo! Bravissimo! Bis!"

After graduating from music and regular school, Svetlana decided to enter the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy for pop-jazz vocal classes, where she entered without any problems. Soon the young student was invited to sing in the popular Ukrainian group “Cappuccino”. In just a few performances, Svetlana becomes popular, but suddenly the group curtails its concert activities, so the decision was made to leave its composition. But according to the terms of the contract, she had to work in the group for two years. Here they tried to stop all the creative endeavors of the young singer. Not wanting to come to terms with this state of affairs, Loboda had to radically change her image in order to go on tour throughout Ukraine, secretly from the production center, taking the creative pseudonym AlisiyaGorn. Here she gains invaluable creative experience.

2003 becomes a landmark year for the talented artist. She was taken to play the main role in the Ukrainian musical “Equator”. She, becoming the savage Miranda, caused a sensation with her performance. Thanks to this, “Equator” became incredibly popular. It was original, created by Ukrainian directors. In addition, general producer Alan Holley contributed to the success. Svetlana Loboda danced, wanting to seduce Miklouho-Maclay, one of the main characters. In 2004 Due to difficult economic conditions in Ukraine, the musical was closed.

At the same time, the singer organized the group “Ketch”. She comes up with her own song repertoire and stage costumes, which she had to sew herself. The group was invited to perform in one of the Ukrainian clubs during the New Year holidays. Here the young singer was noticed by the producer of the VIAGRA group, Dmitry Kostyuk, who invited her to a casting in his group.

The girl, without any doubt, went to the casting in mid-May 2004, where Konstantin Meladze selected her for his project. Svetlana became the leader, beating more than five hundred competitors and standing out with excellent vocal, choreographic and external abilities. This is how Svetlana Loboda managed to become a member of the cult group, which was VIA Gra.

Svetlana Loboda first appeared as a soloist of the group at the Russian Star Factory competition, led by Igor Krutoy. The release of the first “Biology” video, in which she took part, was called by the public “a screening of the most erotic blockbuster.” With her participation, within a week, the entire repertoire of the group was rewritten, which included 21 songs. From now on, she begins to go on tour, participate in rehearsals and concerts.

But even then she begins to think about solo performances. The contract prescribed restrictions on the rights to improvisation and personal life. Producers expressed dissatisfaction due to excessive visibility and sociability with the media mass media.

In November 2004, filming of “Sorochinskaya Fair” took place, which should be shown on screens in the post-Soviet space on new year holidays. Svetlana decided to leave VIAGRA and go on a free solo journey.

After rumors spread about the singer leaving the group and starting solo career at the end of 2004 Through the media, the girl experiences psychological pressure from ill-wishers who talk about the agony of the singer and her imminent death as an artist. Close people have no doubt that she will achieve fame.

With an old acquaintance, musician Taras Demchuk, he writes a composition in a rock stele, called “Black and White Winter”. The famous music video director Alan Badoev starred in the video for this song. The video becomes the most shocking and erotic video filmed on the territory of Ukraine in 2004.

In 2005, the video for the song “I will forget you,” where Svetlana becomes a courtesan, became the winner of the video festival that took place in Portugal.

In 2005 debut album“You won’t forget” causes a sensation among all fans and ill-wishers of Svetlana Loboda. She walks in her chosen style, shocking and astounding everyone around her. Soon the singer becomes a star, they talk about her as one of the brightest on the stage.

In 2006 A joint video with Nadezhda Meikher, “Black Angel,” is released, which raises both singers to unprecedented heights.

In addition to music lessons, the singer tries herself in different directions. She opens the travel agency HappyVacations, an exhibition of her own photographs dedicated to India. She donates all the funds received from the implementation of these projects to orphans and young cancer patients.

After the release of the album “Macho”, Svetlana began to produce her own designer clothes. In September 2008, the video “For What?” was shot, where the singer acted as a screenwriter and director.

From that same time, Loboda was offered to become the face of the company TM AxeJet on the territory of Ukraine, to which she agreed. At the end of autumn of the same year, Lyuboda began to issue new collection clothes.

Winter 2009 Svetlana submitted an application to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with the single “BeMyValentine”, and on 02/8/2009. she won the final round from Ukraine. The song resonated in the hearts of the audience and the jury.

In May 2009 In the final performance at Eurovision 2009, Svetlana Loboda took 12th place. Throughout summer period She is on a tour of European countries.

January 2010 becomes a milestone for her career: she comes out of depression, shocking the public with her weight of 98 kg. In the spring, the singer celebrates the 5th anniversary of her solo activity.

In 2012, the artist toured the United States.

In 2013, Svetlana Loboda received the title of “People’s Artist of Ukraine.”

At the end of 2014 The singer received a prestigious award for “Song of the Year 2014”, which was given for writing the single “Banned City”.

And in 2016 - the Golden Gramophone figurine in Moscow for the song “To hell with love.”

Today, the singer continues her creative activity, participating in various projects. She is as artistic, shocking and original as she was at the beginning of her career.

Personal life of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

The personal life of Svetlana Loboda seems like a Hollywood blockbuster. There is a place for dizzying success, high-profile romances, and media persecution. The personal life of Svetlana Loboda has always been a secret to others. She dated many men, but for a long time none of them managed to make her happy.

According to rumors, Spaniard Enrique Lopez, Mikhail Yasinsky, Alexander Shirkov (the last two were producers), and TV presenter Gennady Popenko are called her sexual partners.

In 2009, Svetlana became the lover of dancer Andrei Tsar. The meetings took place in secret from others; in 2010 they stopped hiding and began to live, without hiding from strangers, in a civil marriage. Soon the couple became the parents of a daughter named Gospel. Currently, the lovers have separated.

The press made attempts to connect the break with her husband with her new romance. Another dancer, Nazar Grabar, was named the singer’s new lover, but also Svetlana, and he denied this fact. Svetlana herself recently said in an interview that she is not dating anyone today, being in an active search.

The singer herself has said more than once that she is trying to follow the advice Alla Borisovna Pugacheva gave to her. If they don't talk about an artist, it means he's dead. The singer completely agrees with the words of the famous prima donna and tries to provoke rumors about various provocative stories with her participation.

For a long time, rumors were spread in the press about an unconventional relationship between Svetlana Loboda and Nadezhda Meikher. It seemed that the singers themselves were trying to add fuel to the fire, constantly appearing together in public and posting their photographs on the Internet in a provocative manner.

But now Nadezhda Meikher is in Russia, having married Valery Meladze, so these rumors have stopped appearing.

But on the other hand, every now and then rumors appear about the presence of connections with other girls, which the singer, although she does not confirm, does not deny.

Family of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

Svetlana Loboda's family is large. Svetlana is proud of her grandfather, Vasily Loboda, who worked for a long time as a policeman, then as an employee in the KGB. He has been abroad many times for work. In 1958 traveled to the island of Cuba, helping to develop the plans of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara to seize power and prepare a revolutionary uprising.

The singer claims that she took after her grandmother, Lyudmila Loboda, who worked as an opera singer.

Father and mother had nothing to do with creativity. Father, Sergei Vasilyevich Loboda (born 1957), worked for a long time at the plant. Nothing more is known about him.

Mother, Natalya Vasilievna Loboda, is an energy saving specialist. For a long time, my mother was constantly elected as a deputy to the Rada. But in 2016 she had to leave this post due to the good relationship between her daughter Svetlana and her family former president Yanukovych's Ukraine in the past. Members of the Right Sector blocked her activities in the Rada, which forced her to leave there and devote her time to raising her granddaughter.

In addition to Svetlana, the parents also raised their youngest daughter, Ksenia, born in 1992.

The singer remembers both her great-grandfather and great-grandmother, with whom she spent the entire summer and autumn time in childhood. They lived in the small village of Lukashovka, which is located in the Circassian region. The young girl was proud of her great-grandfather, who saved all the village residents by hiding grain from the Germans and distributing it to everyone in need.

Children of singer Svetlana Loboda

For a long time, many fans and journalists wondered, where are Svetlana Loboda’s children? She needs this information large number was secret for a while. The singer neither confirmed the rumors nor debunked them. And just recently, in 2015, she made a confession about children.

So far, Svetlana Loboda has only a daughter, named Evangelina. She was born in 2011 from Andrei Tsar. For a long time, the girl was hidden from the public eye and was raised by her grandparents. Most recently, Svetlana Loboda appeared with her daughter at a fashion show dedicated to children with cancer. Currently, every now and then Svetlana posts photographs of her daughter, telling interesting things about her.

Son of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Sergei

For a long time, the singer said that the main dream of her life was to give birth to a son for her husband, Andrei Tsar. She dreamily said that she wanted to see a smaller copy of her beloved man.

At the moment, although the singer does not have a permanent partner, she has not stopped dreaming of a son. On Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” Svetlana Loboda said that her most important desire at the moment is to raise a daughter and give birth to a husband from her beloved man, whom she is actively searching for.

Currently, the singer has a daughter, but plans to give birth to a son and name him in honor of her father - Sergei.

Daughter of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Evangelina Tsar

The girl was born in 2011. For a long time, Svetlana Loboda hid her daughter from strangers, but in 2015 she showed the matured Evangelina to the public.

The girl was raised by her mother’s grandparents, but since 2016, the grown-up Eva has lived with her mother and dreams of becoming a figure skater, visiting a skating rink in Kyiv. Studying at school does not give her any difficulties. At first the girl looked like a boy, but now she begins to imitate her mother. The girl, according to her mother, is inquisitive and smart.

Evangelia loves classes in literature, mathematics, dance and song arts with drumming power plant.

The girl is very proud of her mother and dreams of becoming just like her. When meeting her, she is told that her mother is a great, rich and famous artist, whom she believes to be Svetlana Loboda.

The ex-husband of singer Svetlana Loboda is Andrei Tsar

Svetlana Loboda's husband, Andrei Tsar, was a civilian. He became the father of the singer’s daughter. It was Andrey who became the choreographer, taking part in the creation of all the artist’s videos.

Born in 1984. He participated in the work of the popular ballet “Freedom”, in collaboration with famous Ukrainian artists, in the filming of music videos and Russian stars stage. He considers his most important project to be collaboration with Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

He was a choreographer on the “Star Factory” project in Ukrainian.

Due to mutual misunderstanding, the couple separated in 2015, remaining friends. Andrey takes part in raising his daughter.

During the period of her creative activity, Svetlana changed dramatically several times, which gave the right to compare photos of Svetlana Loboda before and after plastic surgery. The singer does not comment on the fact of surgical intervention. Fans consider the fact to be real, comparing lips before and after possible plastic surgery. When comparing the nose, nothing indicates a radical solution to the issue. The same bend and hump.

Over time, she began to suspect that she often carries out plastic corrections that she needs to hide age-related changes. But the actress does not comment on these guesses in any way, which gives rise to even more assumptions and rumors.

Instagram and Wikipedia of singer Svetlana Loboda

Instagram and Wikipedia of Svetlana Loboda amazes with its popularity. Many residents of Russia, Ukraine and other countries who are fans of the singer’s work are regular visitors to her pages. The singer constantly shares news with fans, although hiding the details of her personal life.

On the artist’s Instagram page, she posts numerous photographs showing working moments of her creative activity, sometimes diluted with touching shots of her daughter.

Fans of the singer’s work, looking through her photographs, are amazed by her beauty, sex appeal and attractiveness. The singer herself points out the reason for this state of appearance in the use of taboos on drinking alcohol, daily fitness classes, as well as a special citrus secretion.

The girl is not afraid to gain weight. She loves tasty things, without trying to limit herself in anything. She loves Ukrainian cuisine including all kinds of sweets.

The actress loves sports very much, but due to her busy schedule, she often replaces them with walking on a treadmill.

Svetlana Loboda loves films with the participation of Marilyn Monroe, who has become the model to which the singer strives. Currently, she is planning to make a film dedicated to this outstanding figure in world art.

Svetlana Loboda designs clothes, which are incredibly popular. If at first design changes concerned only T-shirts, then in 2017 it is possible to purchase a variety of types of clothing. There are representative offices of the singer in Moscow and Kyiv, from which you can order everything you need: from dresses to underwear.

In her house, the singer collects items of clothing that were important at any stage of her work.

The actress constantly participates in fundraising events for children with cancer.

She is fluent in English and Hindi. Dreams of learning to speak French, but now does not have free time for this.

Svetlana is an excellent painter and photographer, as the public recently discovered.

A truly famous personality, singer, actress and designer is Svetlana Loboda. For four months she was a member of the VIA Gra group as a soloist. Another significant event in the singer’s career was her performance at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009, where she took twenty-first place performing the song “Be my Valentine.” Svetlana is a very extravagant and sexy woman. She has a huge army of fans of her talent.

It is worth noting the fact that the singer began singing from the moment she learned to talk. Her grandmother, who before her marriage was a soloist at the opera house, contributed to this.

Height, weight, age of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

Due to her popularity, she went uphill after she appeared in the star cast of the famous “VIA Gra”. With this came a fan audience who wants to know everything about their idol, in particular answers to questions such as Svetlana Loboda’s height, weight, age.

The singer weighs 48 kilograms and is 174 centimeters tall. At 35 years old, Svetlana Loboda has such excellent physical characteristics. Photos in his youth and now are in the public domain, there is information about plastic surgery singers, before and after photos can be found without much effort. By the way, the most inquisitive fans of her talent want to know the sign of the Zodiac calendar. The singer's zodiac sign is Libra. More details can be found in the biography of the beauty.

Biography of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

The singer is a native of the capital of Ukraine. The biography of Svetlana Loboda began in the autumn month of October 18th, in 1982. From the very first seconds of newborn Sveta’s life, it became clear to everyone that she would follow the path of her grandmother and devote her life to pop vocals.

Mother: Natalya Vasilyevna Loboda – specializes in the field of energy. Father: Sergei Vasilyevich Loboda, who devoted many years to factory work, is not connected with the stage, in fact, like his mother.

The future singer, first of all, entered a music school for a vocal course. At the same moment, the girl was simultaneously practicing playing the piano. At times, Svetlana got tired of constantly playing the piano and skipped classes, but her grandmother always brought the girl back, saying that the future was closely connected with music.

Over time, Loboda believed in her abilities and took on the task of creating stage costumes herself. After graduating from music school, Svetlana decides to apply to the variety and circus academy of the capital of Ukraine, and her choice was in the department of pop and jazz vocals. As we progress educational process, Loboda did not receive any reprimands or complaints, and then she decides that it’s time to look for a job. The first group with which she toured the country was a group called “Cappuccino”. The repertoire that the group presented consisted mainly of jazz compositions.

The first fans came with the first group, and the reputation that the singer acquired characterized her as a “strong” vocalist. But Loboda was faced with the problem of moral dissatisfaction, although there was enough money, the workload was colossal. And then, the singer decides to leave the team.

The singer managed to play a role in the musical. "Equator" is the first Ukrainian musical in which Loboda receives main role, but the financial side of the musical was a fiasco and the cast was dissolved. After this, the singer creates a new group and begins performing in clubs in Kyiv, then Konstantin Miladze notices her at one of the performances. This is how Loboda’s career begins as part of the VIA Gra group. Then Svetlana finds out that a casting is underway to participate in the group. Loboda signs up and passes with ease, beating out more than half a thousand girls vying for a place in the group. However, she did not stay in this group for long; due to constant restrictions and pressure, the girl left the VIA Gra lineup.

Personal life of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

There were a huge number of rumors around the singer about her intimate relationships with producers. But for a long time, Svetlana Loboda’s personal life was shrouded in secrecy. In the same year, when the singer performed at Eurovision, she met her future common-law husband, choreographer Andrei Tsar. And after a certain period of time, the couple has a child. But the couple decides to end their relationship.

Press service employees immediately decide to attribute Loboda’s new romance with another dancer to the breakup, but the singer denies these rumors. Svetlana herself loves to provoke the media with her pseudo-romances with famous girls such as Nadezhda Meikher.

Family of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

The singer has a very large family, and her parents have nothing to do with the stage or creative craft in general. Svetlana Loboda's family is very proud of their daughter, especially her grandmother. The singer herself says that she is grateful to her grandmother for her vocal abilities. Svetlana is no less proud of her grandfather, who worked in law enforcement as a policeman and later became a KGB officer. Her grandfather traveled a lot around the world former USSR according to service.

The singer is very proud of absolutely all of her relatives, especially her great-grandfather and great-grandmother, with whom she often visited as a child. During the Second World War, they saved their village by hiding grain from the Nazi invaders, and then distributed it to everyone who desperately needed it to survive.

Children of Svetlana Loboda (singer)

Many people are interested in such a topic as the children of Svetlana Loboda. The singer did not react in any way to provocative questions from press officers, as well as inquisitive fans. And until 2015, Svetlana carefully hid any information regarding her children from the public.

But nevertheless, the time has come and the woman, lifting the curtain of secrecy, told that she had a daughter. The daughter's first appearance in public was at a fashion show dedicated to children suffering from cancer. Currently, the singer is publishing new photos of her daughter and telling interesting details from their life.

Daughter of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Evangelina

The singer's first child was a girl who was born seven years ago. Svetlana Loboda’s daughter Evangelina was in the care of the singer’s grandparents until she was six years old. However, recently Eva has been living with her mother. As Svetlana herself notes, her daughter is a very inquisitive and smart child.

Evangelina has a dream - to become a professional figure skater and for this she attends classes at one of the ice rinks in the capital of Ukraine. The girl enjoys playing the drum set and loves subjects such as mathematics, literature, as well as vocal and dance arts.

Svetlana Loboda's ex-husband (singer) - Andrei Tsar

Ex-husband Svetlana Loboda - Andrei Tsar, who is Evangelina’s father, broke up with the singer, but the former couple is still on friendly terms. Andrei and Svetlana were in a civil marriage, and mutual misunderstandings were cited as the reason for the breakup.

Andrey is a choreographer by profession and it was he who was directly involved in the production of the singer’s videos. One of the most successful moments in the career of Loboda’s ex-husband is considered to be working in a ballet called “Freedom”. However, Andrei considers the most significant project to be working with a person like Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

By the way, the choreographer actively participates in the life of his own daughter and the responsibility of raising his daughter is entrusted to him, albeit partially.

Photo of Svetlana Loboda (singer) in Maxim magazine

Regarding whether the singer starred for men's magazines, there is only one answer and it is positive. Yes, there are photos of Svetlana Loboda in Maxim magazine; in these photographs, the singer appears in all her glory and almost naked. But Svetlana not only appeared on the cover of Maxim magazine, she also posed for Ego magazine in a swimsuit.

It is not uncommon for young celebrities to take candid photos at all kinds of photo shoots, in fact, as well as photographs specifically for men's magazines. In addition to photographs of this nature, the singer has many more discreet photos that can be found in the public domain.

Instagram and Wikipedia Svetlana Loboda (singer)

The woman is quite a sought-after celebrity. And therefore, there simply cannot be such things as Svetlana Loboda’s Instagram and Wikipedia. The singer has accounts on many social services, we're talking about about Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and so on.

In the account of the service for sharing photos and video materials “Instagram”, the singer constantly posts fresh photo materials from filming locations and leisure activities, and also shares information about various aspects.

When talking about whether Svetlana has an official page in the free encyclopedia called “Wikipedia,” we can clearly say that she does and it contains detailed and structured information.

Svetlana Loboda is a singer familiar to viewers as the ex-soloist of a popular group. Now Loboda performs solo, in addition, Svetlana works as a presenter, writes song lyrics and launched her own scandalous brand of designer clothing.

One of the most original stars of Russian show business, Svetlana Loboda, was born in Kyiv on October 18, 1982. The craving for music, as the singer herself says, appeared in her childhood: Svetlana constantly performed in front of relatives and family guests and already received standing ovations at a young age.

The development of the girl’s musical abilities was helped by the efforts of her parents and grandmother, in past years - opera singer. Lyudmila Loboda hoped that her vocal granddaughter would be able to reach the heights that she herself, once a promising performer, had given up for the sake of her family. It was the grandmother who motivated little Sveta to continue her studies at music school even when it got boring.


From the whole spectrum educational institutions, where they taught vocals and stagecraft, Loboda chose the pop-circus academy, specializing in pop-jazz vocals. Svetlana quickly found simple studies too boring, already in her first year she began a pop biography and joined the musical group “Cappuccino”, led by Viktor Doroshenko.

Svetlana Loboda in the group "Cappuccino"

Soon the group made a name for itself in Ukrainian show business, and the girls (among whom was also) began to tour the country. After some time, Loboda realized that this was not the format she liked. The singer was constrained by the contract, under which she was forced to work at Cappuccino for another two years.

Svetlana found an eccentric way out. On the advice of a friend, she changed her image and began singing in the role of a “foreign star” who never takes off her dark glasses and carefully hides her non-stage life. She named her alter ego Alicia Gorn. Svetlana gave several dozen concerts in clubs before the need to constantly hide began to tire the girl.

Three days before 2004, it was founded new team called "Ketch". Loboda herself thought out both the repertoire and stage images, and she became the main vocalist and producer of the group. At one of these concerts, Sveta noticed. And then events flowed at a breakneck speed.

Having argued with a friend, Svetlana came to the casting of Meladze’s next project, where she easily made it to the top twenty finalists. Then the girls were informed that this was not a simple casting: it was about replacing one of the vocalists of the VIA Gra group.

Svetlana Loboda in the group "VIA Gra"

The VIA Gra team at that time had already established itself with popular songs and the defiantly attractive appearance of the participants. But Loboda also had not only excellent vocal abilities, but also no less outstanding external abilities: model height (at 174 cm, the girl’s weight is 48-49 kg), chiseled figure and an interesting, pretty face. Sveta won this fight and took the place of the departed one.

Life in the group turned out to be tense. Loboda later admitted that she felt like a cog in a huge machine. She saw how tired they were and understood that she herself was holding on only due to a huge internal resource.

In just a week, all the songs were rewritten taking into account the singer’s voice, but such efficiency was not a consequence of attention to the performers, but of the “flow” of what was happening, which practically excluded rest. Loboda had to work within tighter limits than ever: the terms of the contract severely limited both the girl’s improvisation on stage and the artist’s behavior in front of the cameras.

The producers grumbled that Sveta was starting to stand out too much from the other participants. The girl herself gradually came to the conclusion that the vice in which she found herself was too constraining for her and could not continue like this. After filming the musical film “Sorochinskaya Fair”, Loboda decided to leave the group in November 2004. The producers agreed that it would be better for everyone.

The daring singer was predicted to die soon, but the expectations of spiteful critics did not materialize, and it was her solo career that brought the best songs to the performer. A month after leaving the team, Svetlana presented the public with the first single “Black and White Winter”, and a little later a video for this song, filmed.

A year later, the song “I will forget you” was released, revealing new facets of Loboda’s lyrical talent. For this composition, Sveta received her first award: the video won the Portuguese competition for the best foreign videos.

At the end of 2005, the singer’s first album, “You Won’t Forget,” was released. She has finally decided on the image of a performer who does not confine herself to the confines of pop classics: she is erotic, dramatic, and shocking with equal ease.

The artist shot a video for the hit “You Won’t Forget.” However, a month after the premiere, the broadcast of the video was banned, considering the video too explicit.

Svetlana Loboda at Eurovision 2009

In 2006, Svetlana tried herself as a TV presenter: she hosted the Showmania program on the New Channel. A year later, in the same role, Loboda joined the Miss CIS project on the TET television channel. The singer continued to release singles one after another, and each one became a hit. Loboda also began to actively engage in charity work, organizing an exhibition of her own photographs to help children with cancer.

Svetlana Loboda represented Ukraine at Eurovision 2009 in Moscow. At the opening ceremony, the artist appeared in bandages and with numerous injuries. The frightened press found out that such appearance Loboda was provided with makeup, and with this act the singer drew attention to her social campaign “Say Stop to Domestic Violence.” The French performer later joined this action.

At Eurovision, Svetlana performed the song “Be My Valentine” (Anti-crisis girl!). In her performance, the singer relied on the popular theme of the crisis, on her memorable and cheerful image. Svetlana took first place at preliminary concerts in Paris, London and Amsterdam, became one of the most talked about participants of that year, and the recording of the artist’s performance on the Eurovision YouTube channel took third place in the number of views. Unfortunately, the singer did not even make it to the top ten finalists.

In 2010, Svetlana registered the trademark and stage name LOBODA and continues to perform under this pseudonym today. Soon Svetlana recorded the song “The Heart Beats” in a duet with, with whom Loboda had an unpleasant incident just a couple of years before. Max, then still a member of the Star Factory, cut his wrists right on stage, declaring his love for Svetlana. The incident ended without tragedy, and the musicians subsequently established a working relationship.

In the same year, a video clip was released for the song “Heart Beats,” which became one of the most expensive videos in the entire history of Ukrainian show business.

In 2011, Svetlana’s new solo album was released, some of the singles from which the artist dedicated to her newborn daughter.

In December 2012, Loboda became the only representative of the Ukrainian pop scene at the “Christmas Meetings”. The singer performed a new composition “40 degrees”, which Ukrainian fans heard back in the summer of the same year.

In June 2013, Svetlana Loboda received the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine,” one of the highest proofs of a performer’s success.

In 2014, Svetlana Loboda recorded the track “Looking at the Sky” together with the singer. A year later, Loboda and Emin received the YUNA 2015 award for this song in the “Best Duet” category. The singer also recorded the singles “Not Needed” and “City Under Ban,” for which she received the “Song of the Year” award.

In 2015, Loboda’s song and video “It’s Time to Go Home” were released. The stars of the popular travel program “” took part in the filming of the video clip, and the video was directed by.

In the fall of the same year, the singer organized a tour of the same name through the cities of Ukraine. During the “It’s Time to Go Home” tour, Svetlana performed new songs “Fuck Love,” “Your Eyes,” “Angel” and “Don’t Love,” which were released as singles after the concerts in 2016. In addition, as part of the tour, the singer presented a social art project dedicated to the problem of violence against women. The artist dedicated the presentation to International Day protection of women from violence on November 25.

In December 2015, Svetlana Loboda was recognized as the most popular woman in Ukraine. In 2016, the singer and the artist’s singles were nominated for 13 prestigious music awards. At the same time, the girl was awarded the Golden Gramophone trophy for the composition “To hell with love.”

Personal life

For a long time the singer lived with common-law husband Andrey Tsar, a choreographer who worked with Svetlana Loboda’s ballet. In 2011, the couple had a daughter, Evangelina. Loboda's family boat was wrecked in 2014.

Svetlana broke up with Andrei Tsar quietly and without scandals; perhaps the fact that the couple lived in a civil marriage and no legal procedures were required for divorce also played a role in this.

The press linked the artist's divorce with an affair with another dancer - but both Svetlana and Nazar deny these rumors. The young man has a beloved girl, whom he does not hide from anyone, and the guy has a purely business relationship with Loboda - Nazar works as a backup dancer for the singer.

Loboda claims that he wants to devote himself entirely to work, his sister, his parents and raising his daughter. " Instagram“The singer’s account only confirms this: the artist’s account is full of photographs of work moments, which are sometimes diluted by touching shots with her daughter.

In the spring of 2018, information appeared in the press that Svetlana Loboda was having a second baby. The artist carefully hid her father’s name. However, after some time, journalists found out that the singer was having an affair with the leader of a German rock band. The man already has two children and a grandson. And the artist was married twice. The public is sure that he is the father of Loboda’s unborn child.

The couple first met at the Heat festival in Baku in the summer of 2017. A chance acquaintance in the VIP area grew into a relationship. However, neither Svetlana nor Till gave official comments about the affair that happened.

May 24, 2018 Svetlana Loboda. The baby was born in one of the clinics in Los Angeles. The girl's name is still unknown.

A day after giving birth, the singer shared a touching photo with her newborn on the Instagram microblog. Followers immediately congratulated their favorite star on the new addition.

After the start of her solo career, drastic changes in her image gave rise to many questions from fans who wondered whether the changes in the singer’s appearance were the result of the work of plastic surgeons. But numerous collections with photographs of the young performer in comparison with photos from the period of her solo career (amateur analytics of the artist’s image “before and after plastic surgery”) show that Svetlana had plump lips and a straight nose as a teenager, modern medicine has nothing to do with it .

Over time, the singer began to be suspected of being interested in age-correcting plastic surgery, but Loboda does not comment on these guesses.

Svetlana is a fan of the work of the American musician. The girl dreams of singing a duet with her favorite singer.

Svetlana Loboda now

On February 14, 2017, Loboda took part in the Muz-TV concert in the Kremlin, dedicated to the Day lovers. The singer attracted attention: Svetlana appeared on stage in a short dress, forcing the media to write that Loboda appeared in the Kremlin almost naked.

A month later, on March 8, the performer gave a concert at the Sports Palace. The show lasted three hours. Loboda presented to the audience a new album “H2Lo”, work on which lasted five years. In this program, the artist competently combined old and new compositions. The public heard “Paris”, “Bride”, “Random”, “Bitch” and others.

The day after the presentation, the new album reached the first line of the charts in seven countries: Ukraine and Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

In the same year, there was a loud scandal involving the singer’s security guards and journalists from the 1+1 TV channel, who invaded the private territory Svetlana to receive exclusive and compromising materials. This story was covered in the “Let Them Talk” program.

In December 2017, Loboda, together with her, became the host of the “star” edition of the “Heads and Tails” program.

In the spring of 2018, the performer presented to the public a new composition called. The sensual song delighted fans. This hit was the soundtrack to the Russian film about evil spirits. A little later, the singer presented a video.


  • 2005 – “You Won’t Forget”
  • 2006 – “Black Angel”
  • 2006 - “Wait, Muschina!”
  • 2008 – “Not Ma4o”
  • 2009 – “Anti-Crisis Girl”
  • 2017 – “H2Lo”