Orange peel application in gardening. Orange peels as a natural fertilizer

Cooking and cosmetology are not the only areas where orange peel is successfully used. In horticulture and horticulture, this food waste is becoming more and more famous due to its invaluable properties.

Some summer residents doubt whether it is worth using orange peels in the garden, whether it is too troublesome, whether it will give the expected effect. Meanwhile, such a folk remedy may well be on a par with onions and garlic in terms of versatility and useful qualities. And in terms of nutritional value, it is not inferior to mineral supplements.

Orange peels - benefits and harms

Orange peel contains more vitamins A, C, E than its pulp, rich in essential oils, flavonoids (plant pigments) and pectin. It contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus, which are vital for plants, as well as sodium, which is involved in cellular metabolism and increases the winter hardiness of plants. A real storehouse of usefulness, which should not be thrown into the trash!

You can use the peels in fresh and dried form, in the form of infusions and crushed substance.

What are the benefits of orange peels, we figured it out. As for the harm: for the soil and plants, the use of zest in reasonable quantities is absolutely safe. But remember, any citrus fruits acidify the soil, which can adversely affect the soil microflora. Although there has been one amazing experiment in history. To the territory Guanacaste, one of the World Heritage Sites UNESCO, unloaded 12 tons of orange peels, which were left over from the juice production. In total, they covered 3 hectares of low-fertility soil.

After a while, the soil “came to life”, grass appeared on it. And after 15 years, the entire territory was densely overgrown with greenery, which became a real sensation! Therefore, the use of orange peels to restore and nourish the soil is fully justified. But this is not their only ability.

Now let's take a closer look at how you can use orange peels in the country.

orange peels as fertilizer

Most often, orange peel is used to feed plants and improve soil fertility. To do this, it is buried in the ground, like banana skins, to a depth of 5 cm. The crust saturates the soil with nitrogenous compounds and improves plant germination.

If you throw away the peel from citrus fruits, then only in the compost! Here it will bring a double benefit: it will become nutrient medium for microflora and scare away from a bunch of insects. To make the peel decompose faster, wash it and finely chop it.

Store-bought oranges are coated with special antimicrobial agents, so even in compost, mold will not appear on the peels. Before entering the soil, these substances will completely decompose and will not cause any harm.

Orange peel infusion for pest control

Orange peel is a deadly poison for some pests. And all thanks to the content in it of a special substance - limonene, which violates protective covering insects and lead to their death.

If the plants are affected by spider mites, thrips, aphids, spray the plantings with an infusion of orange peels. To do this, peel 2-3 oranges, chop the peel and pour 1 liter warm water. Insist in a dark place for a week. Then strain, add 2 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap. Handle the leaves on both sides.

From thrips and aphids, 2-3 will be required, from spider mite– 5-6 treatments with a weekly interval between sprayings. Houseplants can be wiped with a cloth soaked in the infusion.

And here are a few more healthy recipes from pests:

  • 100 g of dried crusts pour 1 liter of water and let it brew in a dark place for 3-4 days; spray the plants without diluting the infusion with water;
  • Soak 1 kg of crusts briefly in water, then pass through a meat grinder; put the mixture in three liter jar and pour warm water. Let it brew for 5 days in a dark place, strain. To use, dilute 100 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water and add 40 g of soap.

Orange peels in the garden to repel ants and cats

Orange peel is an excellent natural repellant that will help repel harmful insects. It is especially effective in the fight against ants. To do this, completely chop three medium fruits in a blender, add one glass of water and pour the ant paths with the resulting slurry. You can water the anthill with such a composition. After a while, the insects will be forced to go into more appropriate place. The only disadvantage of this method: fragility. Therefore, it is worth considering additional protection from ants.

Cats do not like strong smells, so orange peels can also be used to scare away the local furry fauna. Lay wet peel on the beds or dig in places where you most often see cats. Such a remedy is also effective: brew the crusts in boiling water and pour all the beds along the perimeter with the resulting water.

Each of us has heard that it is advisable to eat apples with the peel. Nutritionists explain this by the content in the apple peel of a large amount of fiber (which removes toxins and toxins from the body), quartzetin (which neutralizes free radicals), and ursolic acid (which has a beneficial effect on muscle tone).

But, surprisingly, this rule applies to bananas and citrus fruit. It turns out that banana peels and citrus fruit peels can bring obvious benefits to a person, it is only important to know how to use them correctly for good. Of course, unlike apples, such a peel is not suitable for food, but many useful things can be made from it. Are you already interested?

15 Ways to Use Banana Peels and Citrus Peels

1. Air freshener
The peel of oranges or can be used as an air freshener in a room. To do this, add some of the crushed peels, as well as a pinch of cinnamon and cloves, to boiling water. This combination will not only remove unpleasant odors and fill the house with new aromas, but also perfectly humidify the air in the room.

2. Teeth whitening agent
To bleach tooth enamel no need to spend huge money on newfangled pastes. Just rub banana or orange peel on your teeth for 2 minutes, then rinse your mouth. Repeat this procedure daily or every other day, and after a few weeks you will notice amazing results.

3. Skin whitening agent
You can get rid of age spots on the skin with the help of citrus fruit peel. For example, vitamin C contained in orange peels acts as a bleach on the skin, which means that if you regularly wipe your skin with the peel of this fruit, there is no doubt that it will soon become even, without traces of pigmentation.

4. Wrinkle Remedy
It turns out that thanks to the banana peel, you can successfully resist wrinkles on the hands, face and décolleté. Moreover, for this you need only a fresh peel, which should wipe the surface of the skin, and then let the components of the fruit soak for 10 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

5. Insect Bite Remedy
To get rid of redness and itching caused by other insects, it is enough to wipe the affected skin with fresh banana peel. Literally 2-3 procedures within a few hours and the unpleasant consequences of the bites will disappear, as if they never happened.

6. Lemon Sugar Scrub
Finely grate the peel of one lemon and sprinkle it with ½ cup of sugar. By adding a little oil (olive, almond, or jojoba) to the ingredients, and mixing everything thoroughly, you will get a wonderful scrub. After rinsing in the shower, apply the scrub on the body, lightly rubbing it into the skin. Wait until dry and then rinse with warm water.

7. Nail whitening
Lemon peel will also help whiten nails, getting rid of the ugly yellowness on them. It is enough just to rub the skin of the nails, smearing them with lemon juice and, after 5-10 minutes, rinse. Literally in a week, the nails will begin to turn white.

8. Lemon Sugar
Lemon zest will help add extra flavor to the sugar. After drying the peel of a lemon or any other citrus, it remains only to grind it in a coffee grinder and mix with powdered sugar. This fragrant mixture is ideal as a powder for any baking.

9. Food supplement
Want to spice up the taste of your dishes? Take the white layer between the pulp and the skin of the grapefruit, dry it and grind it. Such a bitter powder is ideal for meat or vegetable dishes.

10. Moisture absorber
Did you know that dried citrus peel can act as a real moisture absorber? Just place it in the places where you need to eliminate moisture and the problem will soon disappear!

11. Scented sachets
Dried citrus peels make excellent scented sachets that will repel moths and fill the air of your cabinets and shelves with fresh scents. To do this, you just need to dry the peel of citrus fruits, grind it, and then fill linen bags with ready-made powder. By the way, in addition to the peels of oranges and tangerines, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, cardamom, cloves or chopped nutmeg to the bag.

12. Plumbing Reader
You can clean a dirty sink, ceramic or glass not only using expensive purchased funds, but also with the help of the peel of some fruits. Table salt mixed with the juice of any citrus fruit is more effective than any synthetic plumbing cleaner. With this simple and very cheap tool, you can clean almost any surface, from nickel-plated steel to marble and glass. And if you need to descale the kettle, just add lemon juice along with peels to the water and table salt and then boil for 20-30 minutes. Just remember to rinse the kettle well after cleansing.

There is another recipe for the perfect cleaning of plumbing. To prepare the product, you need to fill the jar with lemon peels and peels of other fruits, and pour everything with white vinegar. The jar with the mixture should be left to infuse for 14 days, after which the finished liquid can be diluted 1: 1 with water and, after filling the spray bottle, spray onto contaminated surfaces for cleaning.

13. Excellent fertilizer
Orange or banana peel can be an excellent fertilizer for the soil. They are rich in nutrients, which means they will fill the soil with nitrogen, which will contribute to the intensive growth of seedlings. It is only important not to overdo it, because an excess of nitrogen in the ground will affect the plants Negative influence. At the same time, the peel of bananas and oranges can be added to compost or directly to the ground, because it quickly rots, becoming fertilizer.

14. Natural repellent
It turns out that thanks to the peels of an orange or banana, you can prepare organic repellents that will protect plants from pests. It is enough just to bury citrus peels 3–5 cm around the plant, after which ants and aphids will bypass the plants.

15. Kindling for a fireplace
If you didn't find best use for peeling citrus fruits, dry them and use them to kindle a fireplace in winter. Such an addition to firewood will fill the hall with an unusual aroma.
Health to you and good mood!

Many of us love fragrant and juicy oranges, but, having cleaned them, we throw away the orange peel. However, it should be remembered that not only tasty pulp pleases our taste and contributes to maintaining health. The peel of this fruit is no less useful. There are many areas of human activity where it is possible. The peel of this citrus fruit is most often used in cooking, winemaking and cosmetology. Many housewives use it not only for cooking delicious meals but also for environmentally friendly house cleaning.

In this article, we will not delve into the secrets of confectioners, cooks, winemakers and cosmetologists, but consider the use of orange peels in the garden, in horticulture and floriculture.

orange peel

We have all heard about the vitamins and minerals contained in an orange, but few people know that its peel (outer colored layer) contains more vitamins than the pulp, and it also contains essential oils and pectin substances. All this contributes to the fact that the use of orange peels is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that they can be used not only fresh, but also dried and crushed. Maintaining your health with these orange fruits, you can stock up on dried orange peels throughout our long winter for use during the summer season.

We store for the future

It would seem that it could be simpler - I peeled and ate an orange, dried its crusts. But everything is not so simple. Modern fruits, including citrus fruits, are heavily treated with a variety of chemicals, both during the growing process and during transportation and storage. Therefore, before preparing and starting to use orange peels, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse this fruit, and then pour boiling water over it.

Only after that you can remove the peel from the orange special knife or vegetable peeler. The removed “skin” is dried for two to three days at room temperature. Some housewives recommend drying the peel in the oven or using a vegetable dryer, and only then grind it. You can try to do this with an old coffee grinder or put the resulting mass into a clean and dry container, preferably with a tight-fitting lid.

We save indoor flowers

Plants grown in an apartment are susceptible to diseases and damage by pests. Quite often, flowers are simply destroyed by various mites and aphids. Fresh or pre-stored orange peels will help in saving green "pets". The application for flowers is quite simple: 200 g of orange peel should be poured with a liter of water. room temperature. We remove the container with the solution for five days in a dark place. After this period, we filter the solution, and squeeze the crusts. Mix ½ cup of infusion with 2-2.5 liters of water and add about a teaspoon of "green" or simply sour soap. Plant leaves can be washed or sprayed with the resulting solution on both sides. It is better to repeat this treatment in a week.

Fluffy "pests"

Many flower growers and gardeners are faced with the fact that cats and cats are very partial to young seedlings, and to indoor flowers, as they say, no, no, and “pull their paws”.

Therefore, the following use of orange peels is advisable: spread them on the windowsill next to flowers or seedling boxes. Cats will not come close to them - they do not like the orange smell very much and tend to avoid places with just such an “ambre”. As experiments have shown, deodorants and air fresheners with orange flavor are much weaker.

Another problem is the discrepancy between the cat and your ideas about the place of the toilet. Therefore, you can mix fresh and finely ground and coffee grounds, and then apply around the place chosen by the animal. It may not help the first time, but after two or three applications, your pet will stop going to this place.

garden chores

After saving domestic flowers and seedlings, with the beginning of the summer season, we take out the orange peels accumulated over the autumn-winter season to the garden. Their use in horticulture can be very diverse. First of all, an infusion on the peel of oranges is used to control insect pests such as thrips and aphids. To prepare it, you need to chop the peels from a couple of oranges and pour 1 liter of warm water.

Then remove the container with the product for a week in a dark room. After seven days, a little is added to the resulting composition and filtered. Then the plants affected by insects are treated. It is worth remembering that against aphids and thrips, treatment is carried out two to three times, and against spider mites - 5-6 times with an interval of a week.

Chasing the ants away

Quite a lot of trouble in the garden is caused by colonies of ants, in the fight against which orange peels will help. Their use in the country is quite simple: grind the peel of two or three oranges in a blender with a glass of warm water. The resulting puree is applied to the paths laid. Dissolving the crushed powder in more water, the resulting composition can be poured over anthills. The only problem is that insects are likely to move their home to another place.

We protect flower beds

The use of orange peels in the garden and in the garden is not limited to insect control. Some flowers planted in the front garden or in the flower bed enjoy increased attention from felines from all over the area. In order to save your plantings from the visits of uninvited guests, spread the peel of oranges in flowers, especially loved by cats.

You can rub the leaves of plants with a fresh peel - then the cats will bypass the flower beds and flower beds. The method is effective, only the crusts will have to be changed after rains or watering. A remedy used at home, namely a mixture of crushed peels and coffee grounds, can help in this case too.

Other features

At the beginning of the summer season, when it is still cold in the house, orange peels will help to make a fire in the stove. Application in gardening will occur a little later, but orange peel is simply irreplaceable as kindling. It burns longer and better than paper due to the presence of essential oils.

In addition, when burning, a very pleasant smell is released, thanks to which it immediately becomes warmer and more comfortable in a still cold room. You can simply spread orange peels around the house - the musty smell will disappear, and for respiratory system this will be useful, because the phytoncides secreted by the zest inhibit various pathogens.

Orange peel will come in handy later, when mosquitoes and midges appear. If you don't have it, you can simply wipe it with fresh orange peel. open areas body - the smell left on your skin will repel insects.

Such a citrus fruit as a tangerine has a lot of fans. After eating the fruit, a lot of fragrant peel remains, which is a pity to throw away. I wonder what use it can be found at home or in the garden?

The benefits and harms of the peel

Citrus fruits are famous for their benefits, helping to strengthen the immune system and improve mood. Very often, tangerine lovers dry the crusts, but do not use them afterwards. But in vain. After all, there are benefits not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in its peel.

The skin contains great amount various essential oils, all kinds of acids, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. In the zest of the tangerine there are substances that have positive influence to the work of the heart. The beneficial properties of the peel contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, help fight viral diseases, help fight obesity and reduce bad cholesterol. The zest can help during a flu or cold, can be a great cough remedy and more.

Essential oils and vitamins contained in the peel help fight depression, depressed mood and chronic fatigue. The aroma of mandarin is often used during aromatherapy, as it has only a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition, this aromatherapy helps fight the flu and strengthens the immune system.

Also, the peel of the citrus fruit helps fight nail fungus, strengthens the nails and returns them to a healthy look. To do this, it is enough to rub the nail plates with fresh peel for several days in a row and the nail fungus will disappear. In addition, a decoction of citrus peels helps restore shine and beauty to the hair.

Due to its enormous benefits, this peel is used to make sachets, to prepare decoctions and drinks, for inhalation, or simply as a dietary supplement.

Undoubtedly, this product has some contraindications. For example, excessive consumption of such crusts can lead to serious diseases such as ulcers or gastritis. You can not use mandarin peel with high acidity, with ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes and allergies to citrus fruits.

This product should not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation. Also, do not give infusions, decoctions with crusts to children under five years of age.

How to use peels in the garden?

Tangerine peels can also be used in the garden on suburban area. The use of such crusts in the garden will help to overcome some pests. You can use both fresh and dried peels. Just be sure to wash them with soapy water before using and drying to remove harmful plaque. You can dry the crusts simply in the sun, laying them out on a board or paper. And you can use a special apparatus for drying vegetables, berries and fruits.

From aphids and ants

Every gardener or gardener is well acquainted with such a pest as aphids. Tangerine peel perfectly repels pests, preventing them from spoiling the crop. For this, it will be enough if you simply spread the crusts next to those plants on which aphids usually appear. You can also make a special citrus solution, which will be convenient to spray the plants.

For one liter of boiling water, you will need two hundred grams of dry or fresh tangerine peels. Leave the mixture to infuse for three days. After this, the infusion should be carefully filtered and diluted with water. One liter of infusion is enough for five liters clean water. You can also add soap shavings there and start spraying the plants. After this procedure, no pests will remain on the plants. This tool is completely safe and environmentally friendly, so do not be afraid to spray fruit trees with it.

In addition to aphids and other pests, crowds of ants often attack trees. These little insects pave paths and ruin crops. To prevent an invasion of ants, you can use a mandarin peel. From the fresh peel, you should make a thick gruel and coat the tree trunk with it.

If the crusts are dry, then you can pre-soak them and grind them in a blender with a little water.

As a fertilizer

If we talk about tangerine peels, as a fertilizer, then it is worth mentioning that they are able to allocate a large number of nitrogen. Gardeners are well aware that there is some amount of nitrogen in the compost. And to saturate the compost with this component even more, just add to it tangerine peels.

It's no secret that citrus peel contains a certain amount of sulfur, calcium and many other useful substances. All of them can benefit the soil. Tangerine peels will help nourish the earth beneficial substances which will contribute good harvest. Dried peels are also suitable for such a fertilizer.

Methods of application at home

Our grandmothers used dried citrus peels as the most effective remedy for moths. To do this, just lay out the crusts on the shelves in the closet and winter clothes will be stored securely.

If you put a small candle in half of the peel and light it, then this will replace the aroma lamp during a romantic dinner. You can also make a spray or freshener that will help not only fill the house with a pleasant aroma, but also get rid of mosquitoes. To do this, insist peel plain water during the day.

You can also use the peel as a cosmetic product for cleansing pores. To do this, thoroughly rinse the peel, grind it and pour cold, purified water. In a day, the tangerine tonic will be ready. If there are dried peels in the house, then you can grind them, add them to the shower gel and you get an excellent body scrub.

Application in cooking

The peel of tangerines is so fragrant that it is often used for various drinks or baking. For example, if there are dried citrus peels in the house, then they can be used while brewing tea in the cold season. As a result, the drink will be fragrant and healthy. You can brew black tea using not only the peel, but also spices such as cloves, cinnamon or ginger. They go well with citrus fruits and will give the drink an additional benefit.

If you grind dried crusts in a coffee grinder, then this powder can be used while baking buns, muffins or muffins. It will be a natural flavoring agent, thanks to which baking will acquire a unique aroma and taste.

Ground zest can also be used as an ingredient for preparing various sauces, salads or any other dishes. The peel of a citrus fruit will give a unique aroma and spicy taste dish, and it also helps to improve digestion.

It is quite possible to cook candied fruits. To make them, you can use quick recipe. For two hundred grams of peel, you need the same amount of sugar and two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. The peel should be thoroughly washed, then soaked in a clean cold water. Soak it for two days, periodically changing the water. This will rid the product of bitterness and harmful substances.

After the peel is cut into cubes or strips, cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. Mix sugar with water and make syrup. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add our crusts and cook over low heat until all the liquid disappears. Put candied fruits on a baking sheet covered with paper and dry. If you plan to store such candied fruits for a long time, then add a pinch of citric acid to the syrup.

For information on how to cook fragrant tangerine peel jam, see the following video.

See best fertilizers for top dressing indoor plants at home. Recipes for more than 20 natural folk remedies are presented: yeast, sugar, banana peel, succinic acid, wood ash, eggshell and citrus peel.

As well as other homemade natural fertilizers, along with medical and kitchen secrets.

Home fertilizers for indoor plants: popular top dressings

To feed indoor plants with natural fertilizers at home, various products and substances are successfully used.

The most popular household fertilizers are banana peels, sugar, yeast, succinic acid, wood ash, and eggshells.

Top dressing of indoor flowers with a certain substance or product has its own characteristics and application rules.

The effectiveness of home fertilizers and folk remedies also varies significantly and generates debate.

Reviews of flower growers and the arguments of experts can be radically different.

Therefore, the use of folk remedies or home fertilizers as a top dressing for indoor plants is a purely individual matter.

1. Fertilizing indoor plants with yeast

Yeast is a popular household fertilizer for houseplants and flowers. They contain hormones, including cytokinins that regulate cell division, as well as auxins, thiamine, and B vitamins.

  • Due to this, yeast contributes to the active growth of domestic plants and their full development.

Fertilizing houseplants with yeast has been repeatedly studied by scientists. It is scientifically confirmed that yeast accelerates the mineralization of organic matter, produces nitrogen and phosphorus, and also increases the activity of microorganisms in the soil mixture.

Thus, fertilizing houseplants with yeast at home is close to fertilizing with mineral fertilizer.


  1. 10 gr dry yeast (bag) and 3 tbsp. l. sugar stir in 10 liters of warm water. For a smaller volume: 1 g dry yeast + 1 tsp. sugar per liter of water.
  2. The resulting solution is infused for 2-3 hours.
  3. Before fertilizing home plants with yeast, the infusion is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and then indoor flowers are watered.


  1. Dilute 200 grams of yeast in 1 liter of water.
  2. Before use, mix the solution with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.


For maximum effect, feeding houseplants with yeast must be supplemented with calcium and potassium - eggshell powder and wood ash.


  1. Dissolve 10 g of live yeast in one liter of water.
  2. Feed the plant once a year in the spring.

REVIEWS: some experts believe that top dressing with 1% yeast infusion is equivalent to top dressing with a seasonal dose complex fertilizer for indoor flowers.

2. Wood ash - as a fertilizer for indoor plants

Wood ash is a very effective household fertilizer for indoor plants. It contains many nutrients: phosphorus, iron, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium.

In wood ash, phosphorus and potassium are readily available to plants.

The editors of the magazine "Feast of Flowers" believes that feeding indoor flowers with wood ash is a very powerful and safe folk remedy. Wood ash is considered to be the best organic fertilizer for indoor plants.


  1. 3 art. l. ash (about 25 g) dilute in 1 liter of water.
  2. Infuse the solution for a week, and then water the houseplants once every 10-14 days.

DRY: 1. Wood ash is mixed with soil mixture before landing in a ratio of 1 to 50.

IMPORTANT! In addition to top dressing, wood ash also disinfects the substrate. Ash is very fond of begonia, geranium, fuchsia, cyclamen and other indoor plants.

3. Feeding houseplants with sugar

To feed indoor plants, sugar is used as a source of glucose, which provides energy for the flow various processes at the plant.

And as an excellent building material to stimulate the formation of organic molecules. Glucose to be great building material should be well absorbed by the plant.

This is possible only if there is a sufficient concentration of carbon dioxide. Otherwise, sugar will feed root rot or mold.

Therefore, to avoid such an effect, the feeding of indoor flowers with sugar should be supplemented with a preparation with effective microorganisms ("EM") ("Baikal EM-1" or "Vostok EM-1").

APPLICATION: feeding houseplants with sugar is made with a prepared solution - 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of water.

Some growers sprinkle the soil mixture with sugar on top and then water - 1 teaspoon for a pot up to 10 cm in diameter.

GLUCOSE: The maximum efficiency of feeding houseplants with sugar can be obtained by replacing it with glucose. AT this case the recipe is as follows: 1 tablet of glucose per 1 liter of water.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to feed indoor flowers with sugar or glucose no more than once every 30 days.

4. Succinic acid for indoor flowers

Succinic acid is formed during the processing of natural amber and has useful properties. It helps to better absorb substances, strengthens the immunity of plants.

Succinic acid is not a fertilizer, but an auxiliary additive, which is often used for soaking seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for spraying and watering.

Succinic acid for indoor plants use in tablets:

  1. A solution for feeding indoor flowers is prepared at the rate of 1 tablet (0.25 g) or powder per 1 liter of warm water.
  2. The resulting solution is sprayed on leaves, shoots or watered roots to quickly restore the plant.

REVIEWS: top dressing succinic acid especially like aglaonema, arrowroot, ficus, jade, begonia, prickly pear, oleander, chlorophytum, haworthia and citrus fruits.

Succinic acid tablets

IMPORTANT! Home flowers are recommended to be watered with succinic acid once a year, and for cacti and succulents (opuntia, haworthia) once every 2-3 years. An overabundance is not dangerous, but it will bring little benefit.

  • To accelerate the growth of young shoots, spray ground part plants can be every 3 weeks in spring and summer.
  • The solution is suitable for top dressing for 3 days.

5. Eggshell fertilizer for houseplants

Eggshells are a popular and controversial natural houseplant fertilizer. It contains a lot of calcium, but in a hard-to-reach form and reduces the acidity level of the substrate.

In addition, calcium loves a small number of types of home flowers, and an excess of the substance contributes to the occurrence of chlorosis.

  • Therefore, feeding with eggshell houseplants should be carried out carefully and start with small dosages.


  1. Eggshells are crushed, mixed with the soil mixture during plant transplantation.
  2. Make an infusion on eggshells and water.


  1. Dried and crushed egg shells are poured with warm water 1 to 5.
  2. Insist 15-20 days, stirring every 3-4 days.
  3. The resulting infusion is watered with home plants 1 time in 30-40 days.

DRAINAGE: the eggshell may be good drainage. To do this, during transplantation, a 2-cm layer of crushed eggshell is poured onto the bottom of the pot.


  1. Mix 1 egg white in 200 g of water.
  2. The solution is placed in a dark and cool place (basement, cellar, but not a refrigerator (!).
  3. After a week, the solution is diluted in 2 liters of water and watered indoor flowers.
  • The smell is specific, but the plants actively respond to such top dressing.

6. Banana peel fertilizer for houseplants

Banana peel is a popular natural fertilizer for houseplants and flowers. It contains many nutrients, especially rich in potassium.

Top dressing from a banana peel for indoor flowers is made in various ways.

Here we will give the most popular and simple recipe, while others are described in a separate material.

  1. Fresh banana peel, thoroughly washed with warm water and dried (battery, oven).
  2. Dried banana skins are poured into a coffee grinder and crushed.
  3. Banana peel powder is poured on top of the soil mixture and watered with water (1 time per month). It can also be mixed with soil during plant transplantation 1 to 10.

7. Fertilize with citrus fruits

The peel from lemons, tangerines and oranges is an excellent natural fertilizer for indoor plants and flowers, which will stimulate their growth and strengthen immunity.

Top dressing from citrus fruits at home perfectly repels many pests and reduces the likelihood of diseases in indoor flowers, and also introduces nitrogen into the soil.


  1. Grind the fresh zest from citrus fruits and fill a liter jar by 3/4, and then fill the entire jar with water.
  2. The zest is infused for 24 hours, then the infusion is filtered and mixed with water 1 to 3.


  1. If you collect peels from citrus fruits in winter to feed indoor flowers in spring and summer, then put the dried peels in a liter jar by 80% and pour boiling water over it.
  2. After the broth has cooled, it is diluted with water 1 to 5 and watered to feed the plant.

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to feed indoor flowers with citrus fertilizer at home in this mode: 1 time in 30 days - autumn / winter and 2 times in 30 days - spring / summer.

Natural folk remedies for feeding indoor plants:

8. Onions - the protector of indoor plants

fertilizer from onion peel occupies a worthy place in plant nutrition at home, as it contains many trace elements.

Feeding indoor plants with onion tincture is an excellent prevention against many diseases and pests due to phytoncides.


  1. 25 g of onion peel (about a handful) is poured with a liter hot water and boil for 7-8 minutes under a lid and over low heat.
  2. The broth is insisted for 3 hours, and after it has cooled, it is filtered and sprayed with houseplants and upper layer soil mixture.
  3. Top dressing with a decoction of onions is carried out approximately once every two months.

IMPORTANT! A feature of onion fertilizer is that it must be prepared before each feeding of home flowers.

Plants are fed by spraying, therefore, maximum benefit will be for those species that do not have glossy or pubescent leaves.

9. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful prophylactic against fungal diseases in indoor plants.


  1. 150-200 grams of garlic (cloves) are crushed and poured with one liter of water.
  2. The mixture is tightly closed with a lid and infused for 4-5 days, and then filtered.
  3. To feed indoor flowers, the infusion is diluted with water: 1 tbsp. spoon for 2 liters.

IMPORTANT! Garlic fertilizer is suitable for watering and spraying plants - 1 time in 10-14 days.

10. Aloe juice

Aloe juice is a well-known natural stimulant for rooting cuttings, while it can also be a fertilizer for indoor flowers. Feeding with aloe juice strengthens the plant's immunity.


  1. Cut off from 3-4 year old aloe lower leaves and put in a bag, and the bag in the refrigerator so that the juice becomes softer.
  2. The next day, the juice is squeezed out of aloe leaves and diluted with water - 1 teaspoon per 1.5 liters of water.
  3. Feed home plants by watering or spraying no more than 1 time in 14 days.


  1. 6-7 branches of aloe are chopped (cut with a knife into small pieces), put in a 3-liter jar and poured with boiled warm water.
  2. Insist week in a dark place.
  3. 200 grams of infusion (glass) is diluted in 3 liters of water and indoor flowers are poured under the root with natural fertilizer.

11. Sleepy coffee

This natural fertilizer is widely used by many flower growers. Drinking coffee makes the nutrient substrate looser and lighter, increases acidity and the amount of oxygen.

PECULIARITIES: increasing the acidity of the soil does not positively affect all houseplants. Top dressing with sleeping coffee is recommended for azaleas, hydrangeas, lilies, ripsalis, roses and many evergreen species.

APPLICATION: Mix the coffee grounds with the soil mixture in the pot.

12. Tea brewing

Some flower growers feed home flowers by pouring tea leaves like mulch on top of the ground, but we do not recommend it, since sciarids (black flies) are easily bred in tea leaves.

APPLICATION: sleeping tea as a fertilizer can only be used in this version.

  1. The tea leaves are dried, collected in a separate bag, and during the transplantation of indoor plants, they are mixed with the soil mixture in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. It is recommended to feed with tea only indoor flowers with a delicate root system - begonia, peperomia, violet and others.

REVIEWS: sleeping coffee and tea brewing, according to experts, it makes sense to use it exclusively as a drainage.

13. Aquarium water

Aquarium water has a neutral pH and contains many substances that stimulate the growth of indoor plants, and, therefore, is a fairly good natural fertilizer.

APPLICATION: aquarium water can be fed with home flowers only from March to June, and no more than once a month.

Top dressing of indoor flowers: kitchen and medical secrets!


The main danger is the risk of the appearance and development of unwanted microorganisms.


Some flower growers feed indoor flowers with water that remains after soaking legumes (peas, beans, lentils) or potato broth.

The bottom line is that starch enters the water, which feeds the plants with energy.


fertilizing with decoctions of vegetables is popular with some flower growers, however, a scientifically proven positive effect on home plants has not been obtained.

Therefore, the editors of the Feast of Flowers magazine do not consider a decoction after vegetables to be a good fertilizer.

After June, it is not necessary to stimulate the active growth of green mass in most plant species. And top dressing more than once a month leads to excessive reproduction of algae and further landscaping and acidification of the soil mixture.

17. A decoction or infusion of dried mushrooms

A natural stimulant for soaking seeds before planting certainly won't hurt, but scientific results have not been found.


  1. 25 grams of 3% hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a liter of water.
  2. The resulting solution can be sprayed or watered plants.

Feeding a weakened plant should be carried out several times until it looks better. Spraying indoor plants protects them from diseases.

19. YOD

Iodine is often used to protect against fungal diseases and powdery mildew, and also it is good stimulant growth and flowering.

  1. 1-2 drops (1 ml) per 1 liter of water.
  2. Water along the edge of the pot so as not to burn the root system.

Feed every 7-10 days to restore a weak and fading plant.

  • In other cases, it is enough to feed houseplants with iodine once in spring and summer.



top dressing castor oil it has a very good effect on flowering plant species at the time of bud setting (budding) - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water.


This top dressing is suitable for indoor plants that love alkaline soil.

  1. 20 ml of toothpaste is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water and potted flowers are watered.


This recipe is good for root rot.

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of tooth powder, 2 tbsp. spoons wood ash and 1 tbsp. spoon blue vitriol mixed in 100 g of water.
  2. Move the soil near the root of the plant and water it with the resulting solution.
  3. We move the plant to a dry place

The most famous and effective home fertilizers for feeding indoor plants are considered. We will be glad if it becomes easier for you to feed indoor flowers, and they will respond with their beautiful appearance.


If you have favorite fertilizer for indoor plants at home, then please share your recipe with us.

Flower growers will be grateful, as will their pets!