Benefits for students on intercity buses. Rules for granting benefits for travel on trains

Students, as a rule, do not have large amounts of funds for expenses. At the same time, traveling on public transport on a regular basis requires significant costs. In this regard, the state and regional authorities are trying to ease the financial burden of students as much as possible. From this article you will find out whether train discounts apply to students in 2019, in which regions you can get a discount, and how to take advantage of your right to a discount.

Are there any discounts on commuter trains for students in 2019?

Important! The benefit for students of universities and secondary educational institutions for travel on commuter trains is regional, and therefore the procedure for its registration will depend on the subject of the Russian Federation to which the departure station belongs. Also, the provision of benefits depends on the travel route.

In some regions, this benefit does not apply; in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the privilege is granted without taking into account the place of study and residence, as well as without taking into account the student’s route. In other regions, these factors are taken into account and influence the very possibility of obtaining benefits. Each subject of the Russian Federation is trying to introduce benefits relating to students, since the text of the law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” prescribes the provision of comprehensive support to students and schoolchildren.

At what time of year are train discounts available for students?

As a rule, in most cases, regional authorities provide students with the opportunity to use benefits while attending classes at universities and secondary vocational educational institutions. Taking into account the summer session, it turns out that the student enjoys a discount on travel from September 1 to June 15.

In some regions, however, different rules have been established, so details should be obtained from the ticket office, the Municipal Administration or the social welfare authorities. Information can also be obtained from the student union and the dean's office. In the Pskov region, for example, the benefit is valid not until June 15, but until June 30 inclusive.

Who can apply for commuter train benefits for students?

Only full-time students can apply for a discount on travel on a commuter train:

  • higher educational institutions;
  • institutions of secondary vocational education;
  • educational institutions of primary vocational education.

How to apply for commuter benefits for students

In some regions of the Russian Federation, a discounted train ticket can be purchased in advance. For example, in the Leningrad region you can get a discounted ticket 5 days before your trip.

To apply for discounted travel, you must present on the day of your trip:

  • student certificate;
  • student card (student's card) for full-time education.

Electric train benefits for students in Moscow

In the Moscow region, a student can get a discounted train ticket using the “Student Social Card” or “Student Social Card”.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, discounts on travel on electric trains are provided to students only when studying full-time, but any Russian student can receive a discount when purchasing a ticket. In the capital and region, the possibility of receiving benefits does not depend on:

  • place of residence of the student;
  • the location of the university relative to the station (stop) where the ticket was purchased;
  • the location of the terminal station to which transport communication is carried out without transfers.

Sometimes you can get a discounted ticket for transfer points. Students can purchase discounted tickets:

  • one-time round trip tickets for any train except Aeroexpress trains (in Moscow);
  • for electric trains numbered 6000 - regular commuter trains (in the Moscow region);
  • daily travel pass for a month with a 50% discount on an individual plastic card or “Student Social Card” (to or from a station in the capital).

Electric train benefits for students in the regions

As already mentioned, a discount on travel on a commuter train to a student is provided at the discretion of regional authorities, who introduce the benefit or refuse to provide discounts on student travel after assessing the budget capabilities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In the following table you can familiarize yourself with the features of providing benefits in individual regions of the country:

Regions Features of providing discounts on train travel to students
Tver, Vologda, Novgorod region Travel discounts are not available on fast commuter trains and on trains operated by Interregional PPK OJSC and Aeroexpress OJSC.
Crimea The benefit is provided exclusively to students of universities located in Crimea
St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Pskov, Kursk, Bryansk, Tula regions It is possible to get a monthly pass with a 50% discount
Karelia The discount applies only to weekend tickets for 30 days, in addition to single tickets
Krasnodar region (JSC Kuban Express Suburban), Kirov region, Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk regions, Saratov region (PPK Chernozemye), Kursk region (PPK Chernozemye), Penza, Tambov, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Voronezh regions, Adygea, Bashkortostan, Mari El, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Tatarstan It is possible to get a discounted subscription
Vladimir region (JSC “VVPPPK”) Undergraduate and graduate students living in the region have the opportunity to obtain discounted subscriptions
Moscow, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Smolensk, Ryazan, Oryol, Kaluga, Tver regions, Saratov PPK There is no provision for issuing discounted travel passes

Expert opinion

Vladimir Putin, during a business meeting with the main JSC Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, announced that he had signed a Resolution on the extension of benefits for schoolchildren and students on commuter trains. According to V.V. Putin, the regions will allocate money from funds allocated to them from the federal budget to repay the shortfall in Russian Railways' revenues.

Students can be classified as socially vulnerable segments of the population. Most of them receive low stipends, and the parents of many of them cannot help them fully.

The situation is complicated by the fact that many students study far from home, in other cities. It is not surprising that they often have to use intercity transport. The most accessible and democratic form of transport is railway.

What benefits are provided to students on train tickets?

Despite the accessibility and relatively low prices of railway transport, the state takes care of socially vulnerable sections of society, prescribing various discounts and bonuses for such persons.

Students should carefully study legislative acts in order to clearly know their rights and be able to use them in the right situation.

All benefits to which a student of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution is entitled are prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated December 22, 2012 No. 273-FZ.

Benefits are available only to students of universities in the Russian Federation. If a young person is studying at a branch of a foreign university located in Russia, then he is not entitled to benefits. Students studying outside the Russian Federation are not entitled to benefits.

All benefits for student travel in railway transport of local and domestic Russian destinations are provided from the federal budget and are mandatory throughout the Russian Federation.

Types of benefits for students on train tickets

There are two types of benefits for train tickets

Students receive a 50% discount upon presentation of a student ticket for travel by rail:

  1. in reserved seat carriages on regular and fast trains;
  2. in second and third class carriages on intercity trains.

The benefits are not valid in carriages of the highest category: SV, compartment, first class (except for regional trains). For these trips you need to buy a ticket at full price. Payment on regional trains depends on local legislation.

The benefit is valid during the academic year from September 1 to June 15. The discount lasts until mid-June, because in June, despite the end of the academic year, many students take the exam.

When using this benefit, you should remember that some subjects of the Federation have their own benefits and rules. This must be taken into account when traveling.

Despite the fact that in 2017 there are no discounts on foreign trips and long-distance trains, students can apply for an international ISIC discount card. This card provides a 40% discount on travel on all types of transport in Europe.

This card is issued for 1 year; you must come to the office with a student ID and a 3x4 photo. To receive the card you will have to pay 600 rubles. But it allows you to travel throughout Russia and European countries for a whole year, taking advantage of special discounts on all types of transport.

It should be remembered that each country has its own characteristics and its own discount system. This card allows you to get discounts not only on transport, but a 15% discount on rental housing, visits to museums, theaters, and libraries in Europe (50%).

Russian Railways provides a 25% discount to students

JSC Federal Passenger Company offers the Russian Railways Bonus loyalty program for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation. This program offers a 25% discount on tickets for compartment cars on trains within Russia.

In addition to this discount, points are accumulated for trips on trains of this company, Sapsan or Allegro. These points are then converted into free award tickets. To participate in the program you need:

  1. register for the program;
  2. confirm registration via your email;
  3. obtain a certificate from the dean's office;
  4. send it through your personal account.

The discount is awarded within 2 days after sending the certificate. A simplified form of receiving a discount is available for students aged 14-25 years old. Those over 25 must do all these steps through the Student Council or Trade Union Committee.

Features of discounts on train tickets for students

There are no discounts on tickets in July and August

Full-time students in primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational educational institutions are provided with a 50% discount on travel on commuter trains and electric trains.

It is valid from September 1 to June 15. To receive a discount, you just need to have your student card with you.

Since 2015, a new rule has been in force: if a student studies in nearby or neighboring cities, then he is entitled to a subscription ticket with a 50% discount on commuter trains.

Subscription tickets can be purchased by students of secondary and higher educational institutions.

To do this, an agreement must be concluded between local executive authorities and a transport company providing suburban passenger transportation.

Students who use discounts or apply for them should remember:

  • there are no discounts on tickets in July and August;
  • they are available only to full-time students; part-time students are not included in the list of beneficiaries;
  • the discount is half the ticket price;
  • the benefit is valid only during the academic year and half of June;
  • applies only to reserved seat carriages on all trains (except foreign ones).

In some places, benefits are provided only for a certain period of time. If the student’s time is not satisfactory and he chooses something else, then there will be no benefit. Therefore, such questions need to be clarified in advance.

Benefits do not apply in the summer because students have summer vacations and summer trips for personal reasons. According to the law, benefits are provided only for the period of study. In addition, the student may already have been expelled or be on the expulsion list.

University students studying far from home are entitled to a free train or air ticket once a year.

If a student is under 17 years of age, he is entitled to a 50% discount on train tickets during the summer holidays on trains heading south.

The procedure for providing discounts

The ISIC student card provides a 40% discount on railway transport in Europe

Student discounts on train tickets are clearly defined benefits. They are available to full-time students studying in public educational institutions. Benefits only apply if you provide a certificate from your place of study. Such certificates must be renewed annually.

There are no discounts for part-time students. The benefit begins to apply from the moment a document confirming the right to receive it is provided.

When traveling with a discount ticket or subscription, a student ID and passport are required. These documents, along with the ticket, must be kept with you throughout the trip in case the tickets are checked by ticket inspectors.

How to get a discount on a train ticket:

  • enter flight details and start searching;
  • select a train and a seat in a compartment using the carriage map;
  • enter the word “student” in the “Ticket type” field;
  • enter the number and series of your student card, your personal data;
  • press the word order and pay for the ticket.

The job of local governments is to comply with all federal laws and regulations. Especially when it comes to travel benefits.

Paying for travel on all types of transport takes up a significant part of the budget of a young person who is forced to travel long distances several times a year.

In the following video you will learn about discounts on train tickets for students:

Jun 22, 2017 Content Manager

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Student years are a time of low income and associated problems. Young people, in particular, have to travel a lot throughout the metropolis and beyond. And this leads to additional expenses. Therefore, in the regions, discounts have been established for students on travel.

Let's look at what benefits young people will be able to take advantage of in 2019.

Public transport

This type of government preferences is financed from regional budgets. This is stated in the Federal Law “On Education” No. 273-FZ dated December 22, 2012. To provide young people with a discount on the use of public transport, local authorities must enter into appropriate agreements with carriers. Educational institutions are informed about this and explain everything to students.

A young person can take advantage of this preference by issuing a student travel card. The government of the Russian Federation decided to take advantage of international experience in solving this problem. Therefore, travel passes for public transport are now issued in the form of a smart card. It operates on all routes for which the authorities have concluded agreements, which is convenient for students. After all, young people have to move from their place of residence to educational buildings, libraries, enterprises, and so on.

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The pass gives you the opportunity to use the following types of transport operating on city lines:

  • by bus;
  • trams;
  • metro;
  • trolleybuses;
  • boats (in some cities).

As a rule, benefits do not apply to travel in taxis and minibuses. However, there may be exceptions. You should find out about them from the faculty dean's office or the rector's office.

Preferences are provided only to young people studying full-time at state educational institutions:

  • higher;
  • medium special.

Procedure for obtaining a travel pass

In order to get a smart card, you need to go to the leadership of the trade union committee of the educational institution. This organization issues a document confirming the student’s rights to benefits. You should have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • student ID;
  • black and white photograph (3x4).
It is recommended to make photocopies of identification papers. They will be required to remain in the union.

The trade union committee specialist will ask you to fill out an application. There is no need to do this in advance, since the application for a smart card is written on a special form. In this case, the following requirements must be observed:

  1. Personal data is entered into the cells. They are filled in block letters.
  2. When filling out the form, only blue ink is used. Writing in other colors is strictly prohibited.
  3. All data must be entered accurately and without errors. In addition, they must correspond to those indicated in the passport.
Applications that are wrinkled, filled out with errors and blots are not considered by the trade union committee.

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Algorithm for obtaining a smart card

  1. An application received from a student is processed in approximately two days. This time is necessary to verify the information entered in the form. If everything is filled out correctly, then the young man is given a decision.
  2. With this paper you need to go to a special cash desk that sells public transport coupons. As a rule, next to it hangs an advertisement for accepting applications.
  3. The cashier is obliged to check the accuracy of the application. To do this he:
    • compares the photo with the applicant’s face;
    • requires you to provide identification.
The student himself must go to the cashier with the application form. You must have your passport or student ID with you.
  1. The cashier gives the young man the counterfoil of the form.
  2. You should return to the checkout with it two weeks later.
  3. You receive a travel ticket by the stub.
To activate a smart card, it must be topped up. Initially its balance is zero.

This document entitles you to a 50% discount on public transport. It cannot be used in a taxi.

Smart card validity period

The travel card can be used for five years. That is, the student has the right to apply for it in the first year and not worry about renewal. You will only need to top up your balance. But remember that the smart card is protected from fraud. Universities submit lists of expelled students to organizations that issue travel cards.

As soon as the student completes his studies at the educational institution, his travel card is cancelled.

Discounts on commuter trains

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 No. 1163, providing benefits for students to travel on electric trains is the responsibility of regional authorities. They must conclude an appropriate agreement with JSC Russian Railways. The preference is 50%. In practice this happens as follows:

  1. The region is adopting a law on preferences for students in paying for tickets on commuter trains.
  2. Based on this, an agreement is drawn up with the service provider.
  3. The carrier receives a subsidy from the budget to cover the costs of services provided.
If the authorities do not carry out the work described above, then there will be no discounts on trains.

How to buy a discount ticket for a student

According to the established procedure, young people are given a discount based on documents confirming the preferential category. They must be presented to the cashier. That is, when purchasing a travel pass, you need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • student ID;
  • a certificate from an educational institution stating that the person is studying there (upon request).

All of the above documents must be:

  • valid;
  • issued to the same person.

There are a number of restrictions on the provision of this type of preference in 2019. Namely:

  1. The discount on train travel is valid during the educational process: from September 1 to June 15 of the following year.
  2. It applies only to students and pupils of state educational institutions studying full-time.
  3. The discount is valid only on suburban routes.

Discounts on electric trains are not available to students studying:

  • in absentia;
  • in branches of foreign universities.

In 2019, students and pupils have the right to purchase train tickets. The discount on them is also 50%. To do this, you should contact the Russian Railways ticket office, having the documents with you (indicated above).

For reference: these benefits do not apply to intercity trains. However, Russian Railways provides discounts on some seats, for example, upper shelves. This allows students to save money on travel.

International travel card: ISIC card

There is another type of preference, which applies to 130 countries around the world. This is an ISIC card. It entitles you to discounts:

  • for travel on public transport in the European Union countries;
  • on discount tickets on international flights (from 10 to 30%).
You should find out more about preferences at card processing centers. They operate in large cities of Russia.

Who can get an ISIC card and how?

This card is designed for young people aged 12 to 26 years. The main condition for its provision is studying at an educational institution during the daytime. That is, like the travel card, it is not issued to absentee students.

As a rule, the issuance of an ISIC card is handled by university trade unions. In addition, students and schoolchildren can independently contact the relevant centers. You need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport or birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
  • student or school ID card;
  • 3x4 photo.

The ISIC card replaces an identity card when traveling abroad. In addition, it provides an opportunity to receive a discount on housing rent.

This card is issued for one year only. You'll have to pay for it. In 2019 it costs 600 rubles.

March 18, 2017, 07:31 March 3, 2019 13:49

The Russian Law “On Education” was able to resolve the issue of providing financial support measures for students. This law came into force back in 2012. It means that in student life you can use various benefits with the help of the state.

Discount train tickets 2017

Student life is inextricably linked with constant movement. So transport is a fairly significant item in the economy. Students can receive discounted travel on buses, trains, trains and even on planes. So what discounts are available to students on train tickets? They will be as follows:

  • In 2015, 50 percent of suburban passenger companies introduced season tickets. Such activities were created for students in secondary and higher education institutions.
  • Discounts on train travel. They are also provided to full-time students of educational institutions of primary secondary, vocational and higher education. They are allowed to be used from September 1 to June 15 inclusive. In order to receive travel discounts, people must have a student ID.
  • The procedure for providing benefits is regulated by an agreement between the executive authorities of the constituent entities of Russia and suburban transport companies.

It is worth noting that indexation was frozen in 2015. People were left without salary increases, benefits, and so on. In 2015, students were not spared either. At the same time, discounts on travel on long-distance railway trains were stopped.

Discounts for students on the metro and ground transportation

This benefit is not provided at the federal level. Only now, at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the authorities conclude agreements with transport organizations. They also provide benefits to full-time students for travel on buses, subways, trolleybuses and trams. Those students who have purchased a travel ticket or contactless smart card are entitled to such a benefit. For these types of transport, the procedure for purchasing travel tickets can be clarified at each educational institution separately.

What other discounts can full-time students have?

  1. Tax benefits. This social deduction allows the student to get back about 13 percent of the amount that was given for training.
  2. Scholarship. It can be presidential, academic, gubernatorial, and so on.
  3. Deferment from conscription for military service for the entire time the student is studying.
  4. The law also talks about the amount of fees for living in a hostel. This also includes household and utility services, which are paid for by the budget. It cannot exceed 5 percent of the scholarship amount.
  5. The right to free use of the services of municipal or state libraries. Allowed to visit museums for free. There are substantial discounts in stores and shopping centers.
  6. Students have the right to study at two universities or at two faculties at the same time. Students receive only guarantees and compensation that are required by law only once. It is worth noting that obtaining a second education in Russia is carried out on a commercial basis.

When are students transferred to the budget?

— availability of an application for the transition from paid to free education;

— availability of vacancies in the educational institution;

— if there is no academic debt, tuition arrears and disciplinary sanctions;

— the presence of this or the following conditions:

  • Passing the exam during the previous two semesters was excellent.
  • You may be from the category of citizens of orphans, children without parental care, disabled people of groups 1-3, and so on.
  • Loss of one or both parents during education.