Mikhail Guberniev. Dmitry Guberniev: biography, personal life sports commentator

Dmitry Guberniev is a famous sports commentator, a TV presenter and a journalist, famous for its sharp super-pearls, was born in the Moscow region on October 6, 1974.


He was born in the usual Soviet family, having nothing to do with the sport. His father worked at the glass factory, and the mother worked as a pharmacist. Dmitry is the only child in the family, in the upbringing of which both parents invested a lot of time and effort. He grew up a very alive and sociable boy.

In childhood

From the young age, Dmitry became interested in sports. He gladly engaged in football, hockey, swimming, ski racing and biathlon. But academic rowing ranked first in his life. There was a case.

In the universame, standing in line for sausage, Mom of the 11-year-old Dmitry met Lyudmila Baltruk - rowing coach. She suggested the rose, physically strong a boy to try his hand in a new discipline.

Dmitry decided to try. When, after a while, the dad brought him to the rowing base, it turned out that they did not find it there Lyudmila Nikolaevna. Week passed, and it is necessary to happen such a thing, in the same universal, again in line, Mom Dmitry Gubernieva again met Lyudmila Baltruk.

After that, he became a row, repeatedly occupied prizes in all-union and international competitions, was the champion of Moscow. In school, he received the title of Master of Rowing Sports. And then finished with honors from the Institute of Physical Education.


Comment Sports events Dmitry Guberniev dreamed from childhood. At the age of 7, he was presented to this for the first time he played with his elder brother in the table hockey, and his aunt recorded everything on a video camera.

Dmitry assessed his first experience as very good. Since then, he periodically took on the role of commentator football bodies, if he did not go to the field.

But on the way to his dream, first had to work the coach, then the guard in the casino. This period, which came on the dashing 90s, Dmitry recalls as a serious survival school. In the casino there was even a case when a drunk deputy threatened to bury Dmitry to Il. This is despite the fact that the provinces has athletic addition and two-meter growth. But, fortunately, everything was without bloodshed.

Several times Dmitry took part in creative selections to school speakers who organized commercial television channels. The competition on the channel "TV6" ended unsuccessfully, but he was not desperate, and Dmitry was lucky on the selection of TV presenters.

He managed to make a good impression and, despite the fact that the vacancy of the sports commentator was not, the perseverance of the province helped to make it possible to this position.

In the world of sports news, they quickly noticed a new lead and invited EuroSport to the channel. Love and knew almost all kinds of sports, the provinces finally found himself in his native element. And there he has already shown his talents in full force.

The rapidly developed career leads a talented television journalist to the sports edition of the channel "Russia", one of the most significant and prestigious in the country.


Dmitry Guberniev led reports from Russian Championship football fields, UEFA Champions League, European Championships, various international tournaments. A football theme brought real fame to Guberniev, but it is impossible not to note his work as a commentator on tennis and hockey tournaments.

Always very carefully Dmitry Guberniev is preparing to illuminate the most different competitions - freestyle, sumo, acrobatics. He enthusiastically studies the biography and the sports path of future participants in prestigious competitions.

Avoid dry comments, adding interesting facts to his story from the biography of famous athletes. It believes that the fastest journalism in the country is sports journalism.

For five years, Dmitry created and led the copyright. For all the time of work on television, he was lucky to meet with many of his idols. Received in 2007 the highest award of the TV journalist Award "Teffi", established by the Foundation "Academy of Russian Television".

It is impossible not to say about such an integral part of the life of the province, as scandals that accompany him quite often. The commentator is saved in the live broadcast and repeatedly. Does not hesitate to gross words and offensive expressions: "When will these cattle hurt?", "Had to you, citizens of foreign partners!", "Fourcad, you are a pig."

He had to pay partial moral damage and apologize to the goalkeeper V. Malofeev for his statements in his address: "The decisive matches are ahead, and we will stand in the gate."

In 2014, in Sochi, commenting on the broadcast from the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, the provinces confused the national team of Uzbekistan with Tajikistan. To avoid an international scandal, again it was necessary to publicly apologize.

Fans often annoying his excessive pathetic patriotism: "Bjorndanelated compared to our seems to be a pathetic chick." For such attackers, it was characterized as the Khamsky and biased Russian voice of biathlon.

And in March 2014, news feeds reported to the Governor's fight with Rostovtsev in Sheremetyevo. But nevertheless, it is his reports that most viewers consider themselves alive and interesting. And only this saves him from dismissal from the TV channel.

Personal life

I still do not part with sports, Dmitry Guberniev follows himself, supports physical form at the proper level. It believes that it is not necessary to drink a commentator, it will not help, it's all the lies. Always trying to find time for swimming and walking on skis. About personal life is never particularly distributed.

It is known that he was married once. His wife became Olga Theological (older province for 10 years), athlete, the world champion in 1993 in the 4 × 100 m. There is a son Mikhail. This is the only child in Dmitry Guberniev, and Olga has a son from the previous marriage. However, despite the birth of a boy, the family broke up.

With son

After the divorce, provinions came down with Elena Puttseva. She is not an athlete, but a designer. There are no joint children with a couple.

With Elena Puttseva

In addition to the main work, Dmitry loves rock music. I tried myself as a singer. He starred in a small role in the film "Rzhevsky against Napoleon". Also perfectly coped with the role of one of the leading nationwide beloved New Year's "Blue Light" in 2017.

A future sports journalist was born on October 6, 1974 in a small town of Dresna, which is located in the Moscow region. His father mastered the profession of the glasswhar, and Mom worked by the pharmacist. From the birth of Dmitry attracted sports. It is very useful to him in the future.

First, the provinions were enthusiastically played hockey, then football. But truly revealing the young young man could in the academic rowing section. Dmitry successfully acted in this sport and even received the title of Master of Sports for his successes at the Moscow Championship and Moscow region.

After admission to the Russian Academy of Physical Culture, Dmitry began to pay attention to sports. This Higher Educational Institution of Guberniev finished with a red diploma with a specialty "coach".

In 1996, Dmitry is trying to be at the Olympics in Atlanta, but it does not work. The young man does not despair and decides to get a sports commentator on television. And for the implementation of this goal of the provinces ends the second institute of radio and television. In parallel with study, Dmitry worked as a security guard and coach.

A year later, he falls a chance to get a leading to the TVC channel, as well as to lead sports news. In addition, he earns on the Eurosport channel, where there are several programs about football.

In 2000, Guberniev passes first to work on the TV channel Russia, and then on the "Sport" channel. From now on, his peak of a television career comes, which lasts so far. Dmitry becomes the permanent leading of several copyright programs, including the Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev, comments on many great competitions and tournaments, including the Olympic Games.

In parallel with sports activities, Guberniev is becoming a permanent guest and a participant in many television projects on the channel "Russia". So he was a member of Fort Boyard, who wants to become Maxim Galkin and so on. Every year, Dmitry is removed in the blue New Year's light.

For all the merits of province in 2013, he becomes the editor-in-chief of sports channels VGTRK. But all sports lovers know Dmitry not by his position, but for sparkling comments of those or other competitions. He loves a lot to talk, never silent, tells different stories from the life of athletes and share its own observations and experience. For their merits in the field of television, Guberniev received twice.

In addition to sports, Dmitry is fond of music, especially in the Heavy-Metal genre, which he constantly talks about in his transmissions. He was even trusted to comment on Eurovision 2016.

Personal life commentators

Dmitry rarely advertises his personal life. It is only known about him that Guberniev was a husband at least Fleeves Olga Theological, who in 2002 gave birth to him, son Mikhail. True, a married couple soon broke up, but Dmitry always helped Olga in the upbringing of the son.

Recently, it is increasingly rumored about the novel of the province and Elena Putinseva, which is an interior designer.

Dmitry very actively leads its account in Instagram, where the joint photos are laid out with sports stars from different countries.

Favorite TV presenter Dmitry Guberniev for his work is marked by orders and honorary awards. A wonderful Russian journalist acts not only with comments about sports, but also talks about events in the world. Dmitry Guberniev's wife - Olga Mikhailovna Theologian is a well-deserved master of sports of the Russian Federation for athletics.

Personal life Dmitry Gubernieva

In marriage with Olga Bogoslovskaya (1964), in Mauchenia Naumkina, Dmitry Guberniev (1874) was five years since the two thousandth year. And in 2002, he had a heir to Guberniev Mikhail. Before his career of the TV presenter Dmitry won the title of Sports Master on the academic rowing, which began to deal with the eleven years, under the leadership of Honored Coach Lyudmila Nikolaevna Boltruk. Our hero was a repeated prize-winner of international competitions and competitions for the country's championship.

The meeting of Dima with his future wife occurred in 1996. At first he graduated from the Institute for Qualifications, especially for television staff and radio, and starting from 1997, began to build his career on TV. At the same time (1997-1999) Olga Theological works on TV-6 as a sports commentator popular at the time of the "television news service." Listening to her reports, Dmitry represented how he himself turns out in the chair commentator.

In 2000, Olga acquaintance occurred with Dmitry Guberniev. At first they were just friends. Olga and Dima at this time had their heart attachments. They lived not far from each other, so Olga, on his car often brought Dima to work. On the VGPC they came to work at the same time. It was a new sports editorial office, so the athletes on various issues had to communicate on various issues, so they got together. After that, the personal life of Dmitry Guberniyev radically changed.

Family and Children Dmitry Guberniev

Married, and then, in 2002 Misha was born. Olga Father - Mikhail, and Proviniyev - a friend and colleague Misha Zelensky. So I decided to give the guy the name Mikhail. The first Olya Son from the previous marriage - Egor, was then 12, he was temporarily on the care of her grandmother. The problem was that the beloved wife of Dmitry Gubernieva was supposed to fight for his health from the first days of the emergence of Misha: when he was only seven days later, the child had to postpone a serious operation due to the congenital Laddy's disease. Surgeons made an operation, and then found another disease - intracellular bacterium.

This disease did not allow Olga to take home of the eldest son. Guberniev was a good father, but his sporting, appearance, mode, lifestyle required a colossal amount of time and attention, including Olgin. And since Olga Theological were children, and work, the situation inevitably arose when a woman had to make his choice. Gradually, their marriage collapsed. However, on the relationship of the father and son, the divorce did not affect, despite the fact that, in the opinion of Oli, Dima has always in the first place, and the family and children are on the second.

Gifted television journalist, Dmitry Guberniev does not forget to call Michael daily, regularly meets with him. With Olga, he also had friendly relations, which sometimes, when discussing issues relating to Misha's education, are poured into disputes. But, as Olga herself admitted, the disputes of parents-athletes are always essentially, and all - for the benefit of the Son. Dmitry during the work appeals to his ex-spouse, not otherwise as "Mom Misha Guberniev". Mikhail will soon turn 17. He is engaged in sports and thinks about working on TV.

At the moment, Dmitry is found with Elena Puttseva, she is engaged in the décor of the interrogas and is not interested in television and sports is also strong as her husband.

Biographies of Dmitry Guberniev

Dima grew up in Dresna, which in the Moscow region. His mother is a pharmacist, and dad is a glass sound. After school, the young man decided to study at the Academy of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation, and received a diploma with honors. Already having a higher education, he planned to take part in the 1996 Olympiad, in Atlanta, but his plans were not implemented. And Dmitry decided to become a sports commentator on TV. To achieve this goal, he overcame a lot of obstacles, and having mastered life experience, engaged in sports television journalist. Archival photos from the life of Dmitry Guberniev can be seen on its website.

The sense of humor and permanent readiness to overcome any underwater flow that may arise on the transfer helped the province of becoming together with Maxim Galkin the leading Star Ice Program and "it's funny". Dmitry successfully commented on the Olympic Games, and the Eurovision 2016 Song Contest. And to each his performance on television, he is preparing very carefully, thinking through all the options for possible questions and answers. Permanent work on themselves allowed Dmitry in August 2013 to become the chief editor of the sports channels of VGTRK.

The name of Dmitry Guberniev is known not only to Russian sports lovers, but also fans living in the farthest points of the world.

His comments on football battles and biathlon competitions attract the attention of all people, even very far from sports. He gives an objective assessment of events, even recognized athletes and conventional inhabitants listened to his opinion. The popular commentator sometimes falls into delicate situations, but finds the strength to confess in errors if they happen.

The whole life of the journalist himself and the lead is connected with the sport, which has become the meaning of life for him. He managed to confront all difficulties and get out the winner.

Dmitry Guberniev from the young years is passionate about the sport. Once he sought to become a famous athlete, winning the Olympics. Faced with a serious illness, he did not break down, but he was able to confront her and defeat her. Currently he is healthy and externally attractive. They are given as much time as possible sports activities, even became a master of sports on academic rowing.

Recently, during the biathlon, the popular commentator shared, what he had height, weight, age. How many years, Dmitry Guberniev, many knew before. He personifies the real Russian hero. Its growth is approximately 2 meters when weighing 105 kilograms. Our today's hero recognizes that once thought that in 40 years it comes true old age. But he became mistaken. In his 43 years, this man looks stunning and striking with his figure and the external attractiveness of many female representatives.

Dmitry Guberniev, a photo in youth and now, they are interested in many subscribers of the official website of VKontakte, shows a good fitness. Users with great attention browsing pictures, amazed that the commentator is outwardly absolutely not changing here for 20 years.

Biography Dmitry Gubernieva

One of the small towns of urban-type with a beautiful and unusual name of DRESNA became the place of birth of our hero. He was born in 1974. Father Dmitry Gubernieva cooked glass. But from childhood, it was thanks to him that our hero was engaged in sports. At first it was done on the amateur level, and then professional. Dmitry Gubernieva's mother worked in a pharmacy pharmacist. Neither the names of the parents, they are currently engaged, can not find out. All information about it is hidden.

From the 10th age, Dmitry was engaged in professionally sports. First hockey, football, Greco-Roman wrestling, skiing and rowing. But at the age of 18 was forced to leave the sport by illness. According to the memories of a man, he almost died. Doctors referred disability at best. But he managed to defeat the disease. True, with professional sports I had to say goodbye.

However, our hero set the goal anyway to be at the Olympics, at least in the role of commentators, which soon did. He graduated from the Russian Academy of Physical Culture, after which he became a professional leading, enrolling the Institute for Qualifications for Radio and Telebermen.

Some time, the biography of Dmitry Guberniyev took place on TVC, where he led one of the gears. But our hero did not stop at the achieved. He was invited to comment on various sporting events on the first TV channel, and then on one of the sports channels.
He is currently incredibly in demand. It comments on, mostly biathlon and football battles.

Personal life Dmitry Gubernieva

Currently, the personal life of Dmitry Guberniev is happy. He absolutely does not hide it. A man, despite his popularity and fame, incredibly modest.

It is officially known that the first wife of a popular commentator is Olga Bogoslavskaya, which is very famous in the sports world. Initially, the relationship of the spouses was ideal. Soon the son of Misha was born. But because of the frequent sounds of Dmitry (at work he had to ride around the world) a couple soon broke up. Now the former spouses say that they just walked to each other. They decided to divorce not to lose their former friendship, currently their communication is normal, which is done for the sake of his son.

For several years, our hero was included in the top leaf of free men who are not related to any obligations. But Guberniev said that he was not created for marriage, so never marrying. Soon, our hero began to appear with Elena Putinseva at various secular events, but marriage is still not in a hurry to execute.

Stem Dmitry Gubernieva

From the children's years, our hero was engaged in sports. He is incredibly popular. Fans want to know everything about this person. But it does not disclose data about your family. It is known that his parents live in the Moscow region. They are waiting for their son and follow his activities.

The family of Dmitry Guberniev is the most ordinary. Parents are proud of their son, who, at the first opportunity, comes to visit them and helps in the economy. He goes with her father on fishing, leads conversations with him on various topics.

Children Dmitry Gubernieva

The popular commentator is very careful about marriage, as the first time he burned. So far, our hero has one son who has currently turned 15 years old. Now the lead is in civil marriage, whether the children of Dmitry Guberniev will appear soon, no one knows. The commentator itself does not give any explanations about this.

But you can not doubt that the birth of a child will love its parents who will fencing him from all adversity. In one of his interviews, Guberniev said that if he had other children, he would raise them in the same way as the son from the first marriage. But at the same time try to avoid mistakes.

Son Dmitry Gubernieva - Mikhail Guberniev

When the boy turned three years old, his parents parted. But the son of Dmitry Gubernieva - Mikhail Guberniev, we still love both mom and dad. He did not feel that his father left the family.

Mikhail recently celebrated his 15-year-old birthday. He was a difficult teenager for some time. He kept adults, but Dmitry and his ex-wife overcame all difficulties. Currently, Mikhail is professionals professionally sports, and the Grand Commentator himself hopes that his son will be able to fulfill his dream - to become the champion of the Olympic Games.

Former wife Dmitry Gubernieva - Olga Bogoslavskaya

For the first time our hero married youth. His chosen was also connected with the world of sports. He entered into a marriage union with Olga Bogoslavskaya, which was engaged in an air athletics. Woman before marriage with a famous Russian commentator was married again. She brought up the son of Egor, whom our hero accepted as a native.

Soon young spouses were born a boy who called Misha. But three years later, the provinions left the family, while retaining a good relationship with the former spouse.

Now the former wife of Dmitry Gubernieva - Olga Bogoslavskaya again married. Her chosen was Alexander Porsok.

Civilian wife Dmitry Guberniev - Elena Puttseva

A well-known commentator has become at all secular events to appear with an attractive girl. Young people knew each other in school years. But their paths for a long period were separated. Their meeting occurred, according to the recognition of our hero, is quite ordinary. He spoke with one of his friends. Suddenly his look attracted a girl. She had nothing like that, but she read ... Russian-German dictionary. Dmitry looked at her more closely and found out his acquaintance. They began to meet, but soon and live together.

Civilian wife Dmitry Gubernieva - Elena Puttseva engaged in interior design and creativity. A sports star tries on his relationship with a new spouse, very little, casual. But he is currently happy, many viewers and radio listeners who loving sports are not tired about.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Guberniev

It actively works in the World Wide Web Dmitry Guberniev. VKontakte the official site is very popular. Page subscribers love to view snapshots made during sports worldwide.

The popular master in one of the interviews declares that it is in VC that it is possible to learn about it the most detailed information, and in other social networks work under his name clones, including instagram. And Wikipedia Dmitry Gubernieva contains information that lost its relevance some time ago.

In many ways, sports journalism and especially the commentation craft in Russia is associated with many of them from Dmitry Guberniev. He, along with several colleagues in the workshop, remains the most sought-after commentator of the country and is literally the "voice of the country", appearing on many shows and as a participant. However, everyone says regularly on celebrities, but about a person who has only been known for a voice. This article will reveal interesting moments from the life of the scandalous journalist.

Dmitry Guberniev was born in a small village near Moscow, called Dresna, October 6, 1974. Parents in their professions in no way affected the sports sphere: Mom was a pharmacist, the father of the glassovar.

Like many sports journalists, our hero tried himself to start himself in sports, achieved serious heights, almost in any form of competitions: swimming, biathlon, ski racing. In many ways, thanks to its physical data, Guberniev was managed, because the growth of Dmitry is quite solid - 200 cm at 105 and kilograms of weight!

Career history of Guberniev

Having achieved certain heights in sports, the provinces received a serious injury that everything crossed out. Dmitry did not want to leave this sphere and seriously thought about the craft of the telecommunicator, entered the Institute of Radio and Television and having tried himself on TV there remained until today.

In 1997, winning the selection on the role of the TV channel "TV center" received the first job in the role of commentators, but did not stay there, worked for 3 years. But the reason for the gap is pleasant - Talent Dmitry noticed on a more serious, international Eurosport channel, he began to work in the role of the leading Eurogol program, work on various programs, but soon our hero moved to work on the Russia-1 channel, Where and became known to the whole country.

Guberniev is known to many even far from sports for people thanks to their successes and in other areas: he was a commentator at various competitions, including Eurovision, led the morning show, "Star ice" and many others, also appeared in a number of TV shows and films mainly in the role of Kameo.

Career commentator

As you already understood, Dmitry Gubernievs from those sports that our hero involved, from a variety in his professional career he is a very versatile person. It also applies to the commentator career, where he initially worked as a football commentator, appearing exclusively at the matches of Russian teams.

Then the major European and world championships have already gone, and over time, Guberniev has already begun to try themselves in other sports: hockey, tennis, biathlon, and many different, not even popular competitions. In addition, the leading sports news is working for a long time.

In 2007, the award found a hero and Dmitry Guberniev receives the award of Teffi - the highest award in the Russian TV journalist.

Personal life of Guberniev

In the personal life of Guberniev, also wanted to be connected with the sports industry - his wife was a famous athlete Olga Bogoslovskaya, they had 2002 a son born, but it did not save marriage from divorce later.

Guberniev is an active user of social networks and is very popular there:

  • vk.com/dmitry_guberniev
  • instagram.com/guberniev_dmitry.