Furnaces from a gas cylinder drawings. A simple potbelly stove from a gas cylinder

The stove is a necessary and useful device, which is most often used for heating residential premises or outbuildings, cooking and other purposes. Despite the wide range of models that can be purchased today, many people prefer to make them with their own hands.

For these purposes, you can use dimensional barrels or sheet material, but gas cylinders are especially popular, since their use as a basis can greatly simplify the process. The main types of furnaces that can be made in a similar way will be discussed in this article.

Types of furnaces from a cylinder

As already mentioned, you can independently make ovens of various types, below we will consider all the features of the most popular and interesting options:

  1. The potbelly stove belongs to the emergency-reserve type stoves, this is one of the most popular and recognizable varieties. It is distinguished by its versatility and versatility, depending on the volume used to manufacture the cylinder, it can be used both in city apartments and in suburban buildings. The only significant drawback is the short service life, the potbelly stove cannot function constantly, since the thin metal of its base is subject to gradual burnout. However, in case of a sudden power outage, it can become the main assistant for warming up the room.
  2. is made more complicated than a standard potbelly stove, financial resources for this process will also have to be spent much more. However, this option still enjoys continued popularity, which is due to the ability to warm up sheds, garages, workshops and other non-residential premises, without the need to use expensive fuels. With such apparent advantages, there is no mass production of this variety in the factory, since it has been banned by the fire departments. The main distinguishing feature will be the presence of a special fuel tank into which oil is poured.
  3. Bubafonya is one of the most popular options for long-burning stoves. This is easily explained by the fact that its service life is much higher than that of a standard potbelly stove, while the efficiency index is very high, and heat will be released for another day. It is the combination of economy and efficiency that has made bubafonya one of the leaders in its class.
  4. The rocket stove is a very original option. Its manufacture will require a significant investment of time, effort and financial resources, but the resulting device will be able not only to heat the room, it can also be used as a stove bench. The rocket is the best option for people who, for whatever reason, do not want or cannot build a full-fledged brick oven, the consumption of materials for which is several times higher.

Stove potbelly stove from a gas cylinder

Choosing a basis

As you know, most gas cylinders are different, the main criterion for their classification is volume. Therefore, it is on this characteristic that you need to rely on when choosing the basis of a future device, the main recommendations and nuances are given below:

  1. A volume of 5 liters is not suitable, as it will not be enough anyway. for the manufacture of a functional oven that can perform its functions with high quality.
  2. A volume of 12 liters will already be suitable for the manufacture of a universal device, which shows good performance in small spaces. Its power will be approximately 3 kW.
  3. The volume of 27 liters makes it possible to make an oven that can also be used in small spaces and moved if necessary. The power of this option will be about 7 kW, but even this indicator is not enough in some situations.
  4. A volume of 50 liters is the most appropriate indicator, since it will ensure complete burnout of the fuel used. From such a cylinder, you will get a stove with a height of at least 85 cm; you can easily purchase it at specialized gas stations.

Another important criterion is the case material: only those options that are made of solid metal should be used, since composite alloys are too low in heat resistance.

Do it yourself

Potbelly stove from a balloon

Several types of potbelly stove can be made from a gas tank, the following is an instruction, following which will allow you to get a horizontal model:

  1. Place the balloon used as a base in this way so that it is in a horizontal position corresponding to its final shape.
  2. The top must be cut, which will allow you to place a grate inside the structure.
  3. The basis for the lattice will be ordinary reinforcement, while the rod is bent in the form of a snake. For fasteners, it will be enough to fix it in the required place, and then weld it to the walls.
  4. Draw a circle on a sheet of steel, the diameter of which will be equal to the same value of the outer side of the tank.
  5. The marked circle is cut out of the sheet with any suitable tool, after which several holes in the form of rectangles must be marked on it. One will serve as a blower, and the other will supply heat to the fuel chamber. You can cut them with a chisel or grinder, it is more convenient to use the second version of the tool.
  6. Curtains are welded to the lid, after which you can do the installation of the door, in most cases it is bought in advance in the store.
  7. The doors are additionally glued with asbestos cement cord along their entire contour., after which the entire structure can be welded to the main tank.
  8. Now you can move to the back of the potbelly stove, where it is necessary to cut a hole, the dimensions of which will be equal to the diameter of the pipe, it is necessary to remove smoke.
  9. At the final stage, a chimney is welded to the hole made, as a basis for it, a pipe of the appropriate size and sufficiently thick walls is suitable. After completion of this stage, the potbelly stove is ready for operation.

Bubafonya oven

Bubafoni are very popular today, as they belong to long-burning furnaces. They can be made from a variety of materials and fixtures, but using a gas tank for these purposes is the easiest.

Below is a guide to help you through this process:

  1. Cut off the top first gas bottle.
  2. To the part of the structure that will play the role of a cover, you need to weld clamps or stops, it will perform the function of fixing it and fastening it on the device case.
  3. If the edges of the cut part turned out to be sharp, then it is recommended to bend them inward to avoid accidental injury. For these purposes, it is most convenient to use a sledgehammer.
  4. The part that is the lid will also need to bend the edges, but, on the contrary, to the outside. This will allow you to achieve the tightest contact when closing the bubafoni.
  5. Now special attention should be paid to the manufacturing process of the piston. To do this, you will need to prepare a metal pancake with a diameter smaller than that of the cylinder so that it can move freely inside it; a pipe for supplying air to the lower chamber of the furnace; several metal pieces for welding to the bottom surface of the pancake.
  6. A hole should be made in the center of the metal pancake, the dimensions of which will be equal to the diameter of the selected pipe. Several metal elements are welded to its lower part, so that when the piston is lowered, the pancake does not fit too tightly to the firewood, otherwise the necessary amount of air will not flow into the lower part of the bubafoni. It will be enough to have six segments that resemble rays directed from a hole in the center.
  7. The pipe must be cut so that its length is about 6-10 cm, depending on the height of the tank. Then it is inserted into the hole in the center of the pancake and reliably equated to it, while ensuring tightness is not necessary: ​​if gaps remain in the structure, they will additionally contribute to the flow of air into the oven.
  8. In the wall of the cylinder, just below the level of the lid, it is necessary to cut a hole into which a pipe will then be inserted and welded to remove smoke. The recommended diameter is 1 cm, this indicator will be quite enough to ensure normal traction. The length of the horizontal direction of the chimney is about 40 cm, after which it changes direction and rises, the minimum length in this section is 2-3 meters.

Furnace in production

A working furnace or, as it is called differently, an oil garage stove is also much more complicated in design than a classic potbelly stove, but many people prefer this particular variety, since it allows the use of used engine oil and other similar substances as the main fuel, which are essentially waste.

For its manufacture, it is proposed to use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. During operation, the gas cylinder must be kept exclusively in a vertical position. To do this, it is filled with water and half buried in the ground or fixed in a fairly narrow pan, but it must be heavy enough so that the tank does not outweigh it.
  2. Make marks on the top of the balloon and cut it off. For these purposes, a grinder is used, and when a cut is formed, water will begin to flow out, which was previously poured into the tank. It is necessary to immediately stop the workflow and wait until the liquid goes below the cut level, and then finally eliminate the upper part. It must be saved, because in the future it will serve as a fuel tank.
  3. At a distance of about 0.7-1 cm from the cut, it is necessary to make a round hole, it will be required for the installation of the chimney pipe. Its diameter should be equal to the same indicator of the prepared pipe with a total length of about 4 cm. It will need to be inserted into the hole and welded, while maintaining the tightness of the seams.
  4. A vertical pipe will be welded to the horizontal part of the chimney, whose height is 3.5-4 meters.
  5. Now the cylinder should be raised above the floor surface; for its convenient fixation, it is recommended to weld metal legs on the bottom. Similar measures are required to make a square-shaped hole, which will serve as a blower. It will also need to be equipped with a door, which does not have to be made by yourself, but can be purchased at the store. It will be required to manually control the volume of air that will enter the furnace.
  6. It is necessary to lower the fuel compartment to the bottom of the cylinder, it can be easily made from a pipe 7-10 cm high and about 1.5 cm in diameter. At the same time, it must be ensured that it is hermetically welded at the bottom to exclude the possibility of fuel leakage. This compartment will also need a cover, it can be made from ordinary sheet metal material, in which two round holes are made at the same stage. It will be necessary to insert and weld the corresponding pipe into the central hole with a diameter of 1 cm, and place the second hole with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 cm closer to the edge, it will be required to fix the movable cover.
  7. The pipe leading from the mounted cover must be identical in length to the height of the gas tank. A round metal element with the same diameter as that of the main cylinder is welded to its upper end, which will give this mechanism a resemblance to a piston.
  8. The entire piston structure is inserted into the cylinder, while it must be immobilized, so the edges of the cover will be welded to the walls of the tank.
  9. The final stage consists in pouring used oil into the appropriate compartment and conducting the first test of the furnace for mining, this procedure is carried out exclusively on the street. If everything goes well, then the structure can be brought indoors and connected to the chimney system, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

Rocket oven

A rocket stove that allows you to create a heated lounger will be the last option considered. It can also be made on your own, detailed instructions are given below:

  1. Initially, the bed is prepared, this process involves the design and construction of a wood frame. The shape and configuration is selected depending on individual preferences. As a material, it is best to use a beam with a section of 1x1 cm, the frame should form cells with dimensions of 60x120 cm, and the area directly under the stove should have dimensions of 60x90 cm.
  2. A grooved board is used as a sheathing material for the frame., the recommended thickness is approximately 0.5 cm.
  3. All parts and structural elements made of wood, without fail, must be treated with a biocide and several times with a water-based emulsion.
  4. A special kind of cardboard is laid on the floor surface in the place where the rocket stove with a lounger will be installed, which is made from basalt fibers. The minimum layer thickness is 4 mm, all other parameters depend on the shape and dimensions of the structure.
  5. Directly at the installation site of the furnace, you will need to lay a sheet of roofing iron. The size is selected in such a way that the sheet protrudes outward from the side of the firebox by about 2-3 cm.
  6. The frame is transferred to its permanent place, it must be installed securely enough so that it does not stagger or sway. At a distance of 12-14 cm from the lounger, holes are made in the wall surface, which will be required for the installation of the chimney.
  7. Along the perimeter of the structure, formwork must be installed, the height of which will be at least 0.5 cm. It will be necessary to pour adobe into it and level the upper surface, focusing on the sides of the formwork.
  8. The process of drying the mixture will be long and will take about 2-3 weeks, during which time you can make the basis for the furnace. Initially, you will need to cut off the top of the gas tank to get a hole with a diameter of 20-22 cm.
  9. A steel round is installed in the resulting hole, and a second cut is made below, as a result of which a cover should be obtained, along the perimeter of which there is a thin sheet of steel about 0.5 cm wide.
  10. At a distance of 2-2.5 cm from the welded steel, two round holes are made into which bolts are securely tightened.
  11. The lower part of the gas cylinder is cut off at a distance of 0.7 cm, after which a round hole is made in the bottom, through which the riser will enter the tank. In this case, asbestos cord can be used as a gasket that provides sealing.
  12. After that, it will be necessary to make through holes in the steel casing through the holes in the cylinder and determine the depth of the tank in order to understand the required parameters of the riser. A pipe with a diameter of 0.7-1 cm is suitable as a material for it.
  13. A furnace tank is built into the blower and flame tube at an angle of 45-60°, while the secondary air channel is separated. The riser itself is welded into the flame tube through a pre-drilled hole. The blower is supplied with a door for manual control of the supply of air volumes, tightness is not required.
  14. At this stage, the entire structure must be processed heat-resistant type of lining.
  15. Now you can make a shell, for this a pipe with a diameter of about 20 cm is suitable, from below, a bottom with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm should be welded to it.
  16. An additional layer of thermal insulation is applied to the formwork, and after it has completely dried, a furnace structure is mounted on top.
  17. A hole must be made in the lower part of the shell through which it will be connected to the cleaning chamber. Corrugated pipes are used as a material for the connecting channel, which pass under the lounger.
  18. After installing all the components, you can not wait for all the working solutions to harden and pour about five layers of sifted sand into the shell, moisten it and slightly moisten it. A layer of clay of medium fat content is poured on top.
  19. After completion of all work, the installation of another formwork is required., but already along the outer contour, it will also be filled with adobe in the same way.
  20. Corrugated pipes under the bed at the junction with the furnace elements should also be treated with adobe to improve the fixation of the structure. The covers and doors of all chambers are tightly tightened with bolts.
  21. After 2-3 weeks, the adobe will dry out and you can move on to simpler work: elimination of formwork, coating the structure with special mortars and installation of additional plank flooring. Features of decorative finishes will depend on the personal preferences of each person, after their completion it will be possible to proceed with the first tests of the rocket stove.

Operating rules

In order for the operation of furnaces made from gas cylinders to be safe and not entail negative consequences, it is necessary to know and follow some general rules:

  1. When used to kindle liquid fuels they are not allowed to be added to the stove during combustion.
  2. The cylinder and individual elements of the furnace will actively heat up during operation. therefore do not allow them to come into direct contact with wood or other flammable surfaces.
  3. The chimney must be periodically cleaned, otherwise it will not function properly. It is best to carry out this procedure after each use of the oven.

The chimney must be periodically cleaned, otherwise it will not function properly.
  1. It is recommended to start building a chimney not from the stove to the exit to the street, as is usually done, but vice versa. At the same time, it should be of a collapsible type, which will facilitate the mandatory cleaning process.
  2. Complex stoves are used to heat very large rooms made from several cylinders at once, but it is best to entrust this process to people who already had such experience.
  3. When choosing the type of furnace, you need to think in advance about the issue of fuel extraction. For example, in the presence of used oil, the corresponding type of furnace is well suited, and in its absence, it is better to put a bubafon that runs on virtually any fuel.

A home-made stove made from improvised materials, or "potbelly stove", first appeared in Petrograd in 1918. Due to the humanitarian catastrophe that followed the revolution of 1917, the city's central heating stopped working. In many houses built in the 20th century, fireplaces and stoves had purely aesthetic and decorative functions and could not heat large apartments.

The situation was aggravated by the lack of firewood. And then numerous handicraft workshops launched mass production of compact and economical, quickly installed iron stoves on legs, designed to heat one room, with a pipe leading out the window. According to the name of the buyers of such stoves - representatives of the former rich strata of society - the stoves were called "potbelly stoves". A century has passed since those harsh days, but potbelly stoves, having significantly improved their design, safety and efficiency, continue to warm small rooms.

Such stoves are available for manufacturing in a home workshop, one of the best starting materials for them is a used gas cylinder.

Features and varieties of homemade stoves from a gas cylinder

All solid fuel stoves from a gas cylinder have common structural elements:

  • The body, in which holes are cut for the door, blower and exhaust pipe.
  • It blew.
  • Exhaust pipe equipped with a throttle valve.
  • The grate of the grate, located low above the bottom of the stove. Fuel is placed on it and its combustion occurs.
  • Internal walls that form the flow of combustion products.
  • Legs.

Fuel is loaded through the door and ash and slag are removed from the grate space. Through the blower, an air flow enters the combustion chamber and the combustion mode is adjusted. The blower is made a structural part of the door or made in the form of a separate hole with a damper.
A throttle-type damper is inserted into the exhaust pipe, which also regulates the combustion mode.
Furnaces from a gas cylinder are performed in vertical and horizontal versions. A horizontal oven is easier to implement, but takes up a lot of space. The vertical one can be placed in any corner of the room, it has significantly better traction and fuel combustion efficiency.

And finally, the king of household gas cylinders is a 50-liter giant. This is the best option for creating a potbelly stove with your own hands, suitable for heating a country house.
40-liter industrial gas cylinders are too small in diameter and thick walls. It is better to cut and shorten them. Thick walls will warm up longer and keep heat longer. This stove will also last much longer.

Technology for making a furnace from a conventional gas cylinder

IMPORTANT! Before starting work on any gas cylinder, it is necessary to completely remove the remaining gas from it! To do this, the balloon is filled with water with a detergent designed to rid the future furnace of gas odors and mercaptan flavors.

Next, mark the holes for the door, blower and exhaust pipe and cut them out with a grinder.
You can purchase a ready-made cast-iron stove door in a block with a blower. In this case, a frame of their corners is welded to the opening in the gas cylinder, and a cast door is bolted to it. If aesthetics are not so important, then the door is made from a cut-out piece of the balloon. In this case, a more or less wide gap will inevitably remain. In the most primitive version, there are no grates and protrusions that form the flow of combustion products.

The fuel is loaded to the bottom of the stove, after it has completely burned out, the ash is removed with a scoop. In this embodiment, it is difficult to implement the continuous burning mode.
features of the horizontal potbelly stove
A horizontal gas cylinder stove is quite suitable for heating a garage or greenhouse.

There is little space left in the horizontal potbelly stove to accommodate the grate and the ash tray, so sometimes the grate is welded into the bottom of the stove, and the ash box is welded from below. Potbelly stove doors are hung on purchased or home-made hinges. An interesting option - hinges - these are three links of a massive drive chain from a powerful engine or other mechanism, the extreme links are welded to the wall and to the door, respectively.

The assembly process of the vertical oven

A vertical oven is more difficult to manufacture, but requires less space for its installation and has better user qualities. The volume of the cylinder is used more rationally. The principle of operation of the furnace does not change, but is implemented with greater efficiency. In the vertical version, two doors are made - for loading fuel and for the ash tray. Reinforcement bars are welded between these doors.

In principle, the entire upper part of the furnace can be retracted to load fuel, which will ensure long-term operation on one load. However, often the volume of the combustion chamber is reduced in order to accommodate additional heat exchangers in the upper part. One of the interesting options is through metal pipes welded into the upper part of the gas cylinder, through which air is driven by a fan (necessarily heat-resistant).

Such a device will significantly increase heat transfer and reduce the heating time of the room several times. If forced circulation of water is established through the passage pipes, then a water heating system can be installed.

Bubafon long burning stove

A bubafon type stove, made from a gas cylinder, is a potbelly stove only in appearance.
The design and principle of its operation differ significantly from a simple potbelly stove.

Furnaces of this type are produced by several industrial enterprises, but are not cheap. With an equipped home workshop and basic skills in welding and locksmithing, a gas cylinder bubafon stove is quite affordable for do-it-yourself manufacturing.

Features and principle of operation

It implements the principle of long-term combustion, based on the physicochemical phenomenon of pyrolysis - the smoldering of fuel with a lack of oxygen and the combustion of the gases released during this. One load of firewood is enough for 4-8 hours of burning.
The design of the stove is different in that the air supply pipe with a damper at the end is located vertically and exits through the top of the stove with a small non-sealed gap,

The pipe has vertical mobility. A massive disk with guides for the gas flow is fixed at its lower end. The chimney is welded to the top of the stove on the side. Firewood is loaded vertically into the oven, the disc presses it against the grate. As the lower layers of the fuel burn, the disc lowers and the combustion air is supplied to the upper layer of the fuel to be pyrolyzed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the bubafon top burning stove are as follows:

  1. High fuel efficiency. Heat does not escape into the chimney.
  2. Ease of manufacture and operation.

However, the design also has disadvantages:

  1. It is impossible to replenish the supply of fuel in the stove until it is completely burned.
  2. It is impossible to interrupt the combustion process.
  3. When the draft of the sand is reduced, it smokes.
  4. Not suitable for rapid heating of cold rooms.

The necessary materials are the same gas cylinder, grate fittings, a 90-degree branch pipe, a metal pipe a meter and a half long and a heavy disk, slightly smaller in diameter than the inner diameter of the gas cylinder.

A do-it-yourself bubafonya stove made from a gas cylinder is suitable for heating a greenhouse or other uninhabited premises.

Operation features

When operating, it is important to remember the following:
Firewood in layers should be of the same length, they should be loaded neatly and evenly, avoiding distortions

For the initial warm-up and exit to the pyrolysis mode, the stove takes an hour or more, while up to one-fifth of the fuel is consumed

It is also required to carefully monitor the position of the damper in order to prevent smoke in the room.

Furnace in production

The waste oil furnace works as follows: a supply of oil is poured into the fuel compartment, it is set on fire, and a larger or smaller air flow is supplied through the air damper, thus controlling the furnace power. The products of combustion rise along a vertical perforated pipe and carry away the vapors of the evaporating oil.

This mixture is afterburned along the entire length of the pipe and enters the afterburner, divided into two parts. In the first, oil vapors are burned, in the second, with a lack of oxygen, nitrogen compounds are split into oxygen and nitrogen. The resulting oxygen contributes to the afterburning of combustion products, ensuring temperature stability and energy efficiency.

A pyrolysis oil furnace made from a gas cylinder has a very high efficiency - about 80%. The disadvantage of such a pyrolysis device is harmful fumes and an unpleasant odor. Such a stove is not applicable in residential premises and in places where animals are kept.

How to make an oil stove from a cylinder

The furnace for mining from a gas cylinder is made in a vertical design. The upper part is cut off from the cylinder, into which the afterburner chamber is welded. In the floor of the chamber, a hole closed by a damper is arranged for adding oil.
The outlet for the chimney from the afterburner compartment should be located as far as possible from its partition, at least 20 cm.

It is important to remember that oil should be added very carefully from a gas cylinder to a hot pyrolysis furnace, it is better to wait for it to cool completely. In more complex designs, the oil pipe is led out through the top cover; oil can be added to such a furnace without interrupting combustion.
To make such a stove from a cylinder of 50 liters is quite affordable for a medium-skilled master

Varieties of oil stoves

On the waste oil, you can make the already considered pyrolysis furnace. Another type of oil stove from a gas cylinder is a drip or long-burning stove.
At the bottom of the combustion chamber is a brick. Above it is an oil (or diesel) supply tube.

Adjust the oil supply with a poppet valve so that approximately one drop per minute drips. To start the furnace, a small puddle of oil is poured onto the brick and set on fire, the brick is heated, and the next drops flare up on contact with it. The products of combustion rise to the top of the stove and heat it.

Pros and cons of a dropper

Dropper Benefits:

  1. Extremely simple design, minimal amount of materials.
  2. Profitability.
  3. Disadvantages.
  4. Not suitable for rooms with people and animals.
  5. High fire hazard.

Perhaps one of the proposed options will attract the attention of a home master, and he will try his hand at making a stove from a gas cylinder with his own hands.

The potbelly stove, although it has more than a century of history, has not ceased to be a very popular heating device for small spaces even today.

Such a furnace is made not only from solid sheets of metal, but also various metal objects that can withstand the heat from an intense flame - it can be a barrel, a flask, a pipe or an old gas cylinder.

It is especially popular among avid motorists who, even in winter, cannot refuse improvements in their car, spending all their free time in garages. time. The gas cylinder has an ideal shape, it is practically a potbelly stove, it just needs to be slightly improved: cut off the excess, drill the necessary holes and weld a few pipes! Let's take a closer look at how to make a potbelly stove from a cylinder?

A potbelly stove from a gas cylinder can have a vertical or horizontal arrangement. Some craftsmen make such furnaces even from two cylinders, placing one of them vertically on top of the other, which is oriented horizontally.

However, there are many models, and, having considered different ones, you can choose the one that seems more convenient to use and acceptable in ease of execution.

Naturally, for the manufacture of a potbelly stove from a cylinder, some tools and materials will be required, as well as certain skills in working with them.

What needs to be prepared?

From tools need to collect:

  1. welding machine (200A);
  2. grinder - "grinder", preferably with discs with a diameter of at least 180 mm;
  3. electrodes;
  4. circles for grinding and cutting metal;
  5. a hammer that cleans the slag from welding;
  6. a brush with metal bristles;
  7. folding meter, tape measure, chalk or marker for marking;
  8. drill and drills of the required diameters;
  9. chisel, normal hammer and pliers.

From materials, except for one or two gas cylinders, you must purchase:

  1. a sheet of metal with a thickness of at least three millimeters - it is useful for installing a hob and an ash pan;
  2. ready-made cast-iron doors, or they can also be made independently from a metal sheet or a piece of metal cut from a cylinder;
  3. flue pipe;
  4. corner or thick reinforcement - they will be required for the manufacture of legs and grate. The latter can be purchased ready-made (made of cast iron) or arranged using holes drilled in the bottom of the cylinder.

It should also be noted here that for the manufacture of such a stove, both a standard gas cylinder and a small cylinder are suitable.

As mentioned above, a cylinder stove can be vertical and horizontal. You can choose the one you need based on the amount of space allotted for installing the potbelly stove and the convenience of its operation.

Balloon preparation

Proper preparation of the cylinder is a very important event before starting work, especially if the potbelly stove is made from a container in which gas was not so long ago. Residues of gas may remain inside, and when cutting, which is accompanied by sparks, the cylinder may explode.

  • Therefore, first you need to unscrew the valve located on top of the cylinder, and free the passage for the exit of residual gas - this procedure will take some time. It is best to leave the container open. for the night on open air or in a well-ventilated non-residential area, or even better - fill it with water to the very top.
  • Next, the container is turned over and the resulting condensate is drained. It has a very unpleasant smell, so this process also cannot be carried out in a room where people live.

The washed container no longer harbors any explosive hazard when working with it, and you can safely proceed to the cutting process.

Vertical potbelly stove from a gas cylinder

An ordinary unnecessary gas cylinder is taken

  • In the manufacture of this model, the cylinder is installed in its usual position, the neck is completely released, then marking is made using a tape measure and a marker.

A possible marking option for a vertical potbelly stove

  • Further, using a grinder (or using a gas or plasma cutter), holes are cut out for the device of the furnace and blower.
  • The next step is the installation of a grate between the furnace chamber and the blower. Since this element of the desired shape and size is difficult to find, it is made from reinforcement. It is cut into pieces of the desired size and welded to a pre-marked place.
  • Next, doors are installed - cut pieces of metal are perfect for their manufacture. They are installed on hinges welded to the cylinder body.
  • It is imperative to install latches or hecks on the doors - they must securely hold the doors during the firebox.
  • In the upper part of the cylinder, if desired, you can arrange a small hob. It will always come in handy in order to make coffee or tea or fry scrambled eggs. This panel is made from sheet metal.
  • The photo shows a variant of the preparatory base not just for the hob, but for installing a container for heating water on top, made like a samovar. The pipe leaving the firebox will pass through a container of water, heating it.
  • All seams with which any parts of the furnace are welded must be airtight.
  • The chimney can be installed in the top of the stove or in the side wall. The chimney exits the room through the wall of the building or the roof.

This arrangement of the gas cylinder helps to save space, as the oven is compact and neat. Especially it is well suited for a garage or a small room in the country.

Potbelly stove of horizontal type

  • Another version of the cylinder stove, which is placed horizontally, also has its advantage - you can arrange a large hob on it, which will be able not only to warm tea, but also cook dinner.
  • In order for the design of the potbelly stove to stand steadily, a reliable stand is welded from a corner for it, and after completion of work, the finished stove is fixed on it using spot welding.
  • Work on the cylinder also begins with markings, after which a square hole is cut out for installing the door and a round one for installing a chimney pipe. With a round hole, you may have to get it if there is no cutter. "Bulgarian" is not an assistant here, so first - drilling holes around the circumference, then - work with a chisel and hammer, and then - final fine-tuning with a file.
  • Holes are drilled in the bottom of the future furnace, which will play the role of a grate, and under it a box is welded from a sheet of metal into which ash will be poured.

In the role of a grate - rows of drilled holes

  • The same chamber will be a blower, so an adjustable door is installed on it so that you can reduce or increase the air flow to establish the desired traction.

You can make your own door...

  • The door for this furnace can be made independently by scalding the part cut out of the cylinder, or you can install a finished cast-iron part that already has a frame. The second option will be easier to install, and it is already equipped with a latch to securely close the firebox.

... or buy ready-made in the store

  • After installing the door, the potbelly stove is fixed on a stand or legs of the desired height are welded to it.
  • Then a pipe is welded onto which a chimney pipe will be installed. It can also be removed through a wall or roof.

Will a small balloon fit?

You can also work with a small balloon. It is made according to the same plan as the horizontal type stove.

  • But in this embodiment, instead of drilled holes in the bottom of the potbelly stove, a cast-iron grate is installed. a window of the required size was cut out for it.
  • The blower in combination with the grate is welded as follows.
  • Next, legs are welded onto the ash box, the structure is turned over and installed on top, and the chimney pipe is fastened by welding
  • After completing work on the potbelly stove, it is installed in a permanent place and the chimney is taken out into the street.

Video: How to make a super wood-burning stove from a used cylinder

The proposed options are only a small part of what was invented by folk craftsmen. See how the craftsman combined brickwork and a gas cylinder in one potbelly stove:

If you have an idea about working with the above tools and all the necessary materials, you can try to make this convenient, and sometimes irreplaceable oven yourself. By doing it yourself, you can save a fairly large amount, as well as make an already unnecessary gas cylinder function. The most important thing is to take a responsible approach to this work and do it slowly, checking each action.

A real home master should know how to make a potbelly stove with his own hands from a gas cylinder. Such an oven will warm in severe frost and help cook food in a summer cottage where there is no main gas. This is not so little.


What is the best bottle to use?

The best option is the use of gas propane cylinders of 50 liters. And that's why:

  • small mass;
  • sufficient volume to obtain optimal power;
  • Sufficient size to burn any fuel.

Why gas? If you have a dacha without a main gas pipeline, you will always find such a cylinder on the farm. Yes, and its thickness is optimal - 4 mm. This thickness is sufficient for burning solid fuel, the cylinder is quite light.

Below are step-by-step instructions for the independent manufacture of the first two designs: a three-way potbelly stove and a pyrolysis potbelly stove for 2 chambers. Before manufacturing, it is necessary to properly prepare the cylinders for working with the grinder and welding. The procedure should be like this:

  • Unscrew the valve at the top of the cylinder and remove the remaining gas. The valve must be completely dismantled.
  • After the remaining gas has come out, turn the balloon over. We remove the condensate into a previously prepared container. The condensate has a strong unpleasant smell. Therefore, the container after use will have to be thrown away.
  • We turn the balloon over again and fill it with water to the brim to force out all the remaining gas.
  • After that, we drain the water.

Time of effective work of a potbelly stove - 2-4 hours.

Do-it-yourself three-way potbelly stove

Three-way potbelly stove

A three-way potbelly stove (pictured above) is two gas vessels of 50 liters welded to each other at a right angle. The principle of operation is as follows:

  • The first is actually a horizontal potbelly stove from a gas cylinder on wood. It is equipped with all the details that are typical for a stove: a blower, a loading chamber for firewood, grates. Firewood is loaded here and fired up.
  • The second vessel is a unique design in its simplicity and genius. It is divided by internal partitions in such a way that the smoke from the combustion of fuel, passing through it, changes the trajectory of movement three times. The speed slows down and the furnace body gives off more heat. In the end, through the outlet pipe, the smoke comes out.
  • Additional ribs are used to increase the heating surface.
  • As in a traditional oven, the air supply is regulated through a blower.

Expert opinion

Pavel Kruglov

Baker with 25 years of experience

Such a wood-burning stove from a gas cylinder is quite capable of delivering about 10 kW of heat. This is enough to heat a room of 100 m2. It can be a warehouse, a barn, a greenhouse or a garage. Such a simple design of the furnace is capable of producing an efficiency of up to 55%.

On such a potbelly stove from two gas cylinders, it is quite possible to cook food.

Before proceeding with the manufacture, we will figure out what materials and tools we will need and prepare the necessary drawings. Very good if you have the skills of a welder. If not, then any specialist in ready-made drawings will bring your project to life. A video that is easy to find on the Internet can also help.

Materials and tools

We will need the following tools:

  • portable welding machine
  • "Bulgarian"
  • drill
  • drill
  • other tool.

There are also few materials:

  • electrodes
  • cutting wheels
  • 2 gas cylinders for 50 liters
  • sheet 2 mm thick
  • fittings with a diameter of 20 mm
  • others

Step-by-step instruction

Scheme of a three-way potbelly stove

  • We make blanks from metal according to the drawing above.
  • We cut out the necessary holes in the balloon. One is for the stove, the second is for the smoke outlet.
  • Cut off the bottom of the second bottle. At the end, we cut a hole for a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. We cut the balloon so that it fits snugly on the first one, as shown in the drawing above.
  • Make a grate.
  • We make a blower. We weld the legs, hinges and frames of the doors.
  • We make doors. We seal all junctions.
  • Scraps from the cylinder should be used for partitions in a vertical cylinder.
  • Weld one cylinder to another, weld the chimney.
  • Weld additional ribs to increase the heating area.

Production of a pyrolysis two-chamber oven

The photo above shows a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder. This version of the potbelly stove is more compact and economical. Instead of two 50 liter propane tanks, we need 1 24 liter propane tank and 5 pipes with a diameter of 57 mm and a length of about 400 mm.

The principle of operation is as follows:

  • The first propane tank is similar to the previous version. The only difference is that instead of grates, slots are cut on top of the cylinder itself.
  • An opening is made on top of the balloon. 5 heat exchanger pipes fit there. Through these pipes the smoke rises to the secondary chamber. While making this path, the heated air gives off part of the heat to the room.
  • Additionally, warm air is supplied to the secondary chamber through a separate channel. The effect of pyrolysis is created - the smoke burns out in the fuel chamber and releases additional heat. And only after that they finally come out.

The power of such a horizontal potbelly stove can reach up to 5 kW. This is enough to heat 50 m 2 of usable area.

Making a pyrolysis (long burning) two-chamber stove is not much more difficult. It is more compact, but has less power. In the same way, we will prepare tools, materials and you can make the necessary drawings.

Materials and tools

You will need the following materials:

  • electrodes
  • cutting wheels
  • 1 gas bottle for 24 liters
  • sheet 2 mm thick
  • corner for the manufacture of "legs"
  • fittings with a diameter of 20 mm
  • pipe diameter 57 mm
  • pipe diameter 20 mm
  • others

You will need the same tools:

  • portable welding machine
  • "Bulgarian"
  • drill
  • drill
  • other tool.

Below is a drawing of a potbelly stove from a 24 liter gas cylinder.

Step-by-step instruction

Scheme of a two-chamber pyrolysis potbelly stove

Your actions should be like this:

How to properly install a potbelly stove and chimney?

In order for the balloon furnace to work correctly and the efficiency to be maximum, it is important to correctly install it. Otherwise, smoke may form in the cold room. All fire and safety regulations must also be observed.

Installation requirements:

  • Any combustible objects should be no closer than half a meter from the stove. Distances to fireproof objects are not standardized.
  • If you are heating a greenhouse, keep the stove away from glass and plants.
  • Wooden flooring must be covered with a metal sheet. From the side of the firebox, a patch of dimensions 50x70 cm is also covered.
  • If the walls are made of wood, it is worth protecting them with fireproof material.
  • The potbelly stove is placed at a height of 200 mm.
  • Point the fan at the potbelly stove. The additional air flow due to convection will increase the efficiency.
  • Clean the blower from the ashes in a timely manner.
  • Insulate the chimney. This will significantly reduce the heat loss of the stove from the gas cylinder in the garage.

trial firebox

After the potbelly stove is made, you need to test it in action. The first furnace will show all the defects. The oven must be heated before painting. The test is carried out in the following order:

  • Ignite the stove with a small amount of fuel. The first stage lasts 30-40 minutes.
  • If smoke is not visible anywhere, next time we make a full bookmark and heat the stove. Our goal is to burn out the old paint.

If smoke penetrates somewhere, these places must be sealed. After the test, the oven must be coated with heat-resistant paint.


What type of potbelly stove from a gas cylinder to choose is up to you. She will become an indispensable assistant. Advantages:

  • The cylinder body has an ideal thickness of 4 mm. This ensures optimum thermal conductivity. The dimensions of a standard 50 liter bottle ensure ideal efficiency.
  • Compact. Can be used in tight spaces.
  • Improvised materials and elementary design are used.
  • A wood burning stove from a gas cylinder makes it possible to install a surface for cooking.
  • Does not require the manufacture of the foundation.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fairly low efficiency
  • Work only on solid fuel. Although, there is a modification of a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder for testing.
  • The need for constant cleaning.
  • The stove from a gas cylinder on wood cools down quickly.
  • Use as a source of constant heating is unprofitable.

As you can see, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. They put such horizontal stoves from a gas cylinder where it is impractical to carry out a centralized heating system and there is no main gas.

When installing a potbelly stove, it is important to strictly comply with fire safety requirements.

Factory stoves are expensive, so it is advisable to make a stove from a gas cylinder to a garage with your own hands from improvised materials.

If you do not have the skills of a welder, any specialist will manufacture such a product for you according to the above drawings.

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Homemade metal stoves are good because the material for them lies under your feet somewhere in the garage or in the backyard. A productive heater can be built from scraps of rolled steel or a finished container, for example, a household or automobile gas cylinder. Propane and methane vessels are made from high-strength alloys and require a minimum amount of modifications, which is why they most often attract the attention of home craftsmen.

Features of heaters from a gas cylinder, their pros and cons

A furnace built from a propane or methane tank will always be more productive and more economical than a rectangular metal one. This is due to the cylindrical shape of the cylinder and the configuration of the furnace.

The stove built from a gas cylinder can be used not only for heating the room, but also as a cooking stove

Its spherical surface and the ratio of height to diameter contribute to the pyrolysis combustion of solid fuel, and this is the key to thermal efficiency. It is also known about other advantages of gas storage vessels as the basis of a home-made furnace:

  • for the manufacture of cylinders, high-quality steels with additives of alloying elements are used. They perfectly resist corrosion and have high heat-resistant properties - the metal will not burn out even after many years of operation;
  • the rigidity and strength of the heat generator are provided by the mechanical strength of the gas vessel itself;
  • the cost of a new domestic gas cylinder is less than 2 thousand rubles, and the old one will be free of charge;
  • conversion of a tank for propane-butane or methane into a full-fledged heat generator will require a minimum of effort and time;
  • optimal shape and size;
  • variety of designs;
  • a cylindrical vessel is well suited for the manufacture of pyrolysis heat generators;
  • The optimal surface area of ​​the stove allows you to heat up the room as quickly as possible due to both convection and radiation.

The disadvantages of a furnace made from a gas cylinder include:

  • high surface temperature;
  • increased requirements for the placement of the device and compliance with safety regulations;
  • the complexity of adjusting the heating temperature due to the high inertia of the solid fuel combustion process;
  • low heat storage capacity of the heating unit;
  • painting gas cylinders with ordinary enamel, which burns out when heated, releasing caustic substances that are unsafe for health into the room.

Almost all negative aspects are eliminated by the modernization of furnaces. So, to regulate the air supply to the combustion zone, thermostatic draft regulators are used, and to preserve heat, the stoves are dressed in brickwork or equipped with a water jacket.

Thermostatic draft regulator allows you to change the degree of opening of the blower depending on the thermal regime of the furnace

Variety of designs: which one to choose

Depending on the purpose of the furnace from gas cylinders can be divided into several groups:

  • heating and cooking appliances that are intended for installation in residential premises. Often they are equipped with a water jacket and used as the main heat generator of a country house or cottage;
  • potbelly stoves for heating storage, utility and other non-residential premises;
  • cooking appliances;
  • small-sized heating and heating-cooking furnaces of a portable type.

The most difficult of them are stationary units, which is due to increased requirements for thermal efficiency and economy. Nevertheless, there are designs that are not inferior to industrial designs both in terms of performance and operational safety.

Simple potbelly stove of direct burning

All that is needed to make such a stove is a gas cylinder, a chimney and a few scraps of unnecessary pipes and corners. The role of the loading door is performed by a part of the cylinder obtained during the arrangement of the furnace opening, and the grate is replaced by slots or holes in its lower part. In this case, the balloon is placed vertically or horizontally. When choosing a design, it is taken into account that the first option takes up less space, and the second has increased heat transfer.

The potbelly stove is the simplest heating device

Long-burning heaters

The duration of operation of these units determines the method of burning solid fuel, including both conventional combustion and pyrolysis. The design requires the arrangement of an afterburning chamber, therefore, to build a heater, you will need a cylinder with a capacity of at least 50 liters. The advantage of long-burning stoves is that not only firewood and coal can be used as fuel, but also any fuel of vegetable origin - sawdust, straw, finely chopped branches, etc. The efficiency of long-term units, or, as they are also called, surface combustion reaches 85% - one of the highest rates among solid fuel appliances.

Long burning furnace uses the most advanced solid fuel combustion methods

Heating units in development

In terms of manufacturing complexity, a heater for working on used engine oil approaches designs using pyrolysis. By the way, the processes of pyrolytic transformation of liquid fuel with the production of combustible gaseous components also take place inside such a furnace. From a gas cylinder, you can build a universal potbelly stove with a drip supply of liquid fuel to the combustion zone (in the absence of mining, it can be heated with firewood) or a unit with a flame bowl. The advantage of mining furnaces is high efficiency, the ability to operate on cheap fuel and the absence of harmful components in the exhaust gases.

The flame bowl unit can be used in residential areas

Rocket oven

Despite the simplicity of rocket furnaces, their design uses two principles of fuel combustion at once, borrowed from long-burning units:

  • afterburning of wood gases released with a lack of oxygen (pyrolysis);
  • flow of gases through the channels of the heating device independent of natural draft.

The rocket stove can be both stationary and portable.

In a rocket furnace, the cylinder plays the role of the outer casing of the secondary chamber. Other elements are made of refractory bricks, clay, cement mortar, etc. Being one of the most complex structures, the rocket oven nevertheless remains very popular with do-it-yourselfers. The reason lies in the economy, convenience and efficiency of about 85%.

Reactive units and other mobile structures

The design of any jet heater is the simplest direct-burning rocket stove. Most often, such units are made from a piece of large-diameter pipe, which simultaneously acts as a furnace and a chimney. The draft in a jet potbelly stove is provided by a vacuum at its hot end, which is often also used for cooking. The efficiency of this design cannot be compared with units using pyrolysis, but with regard to simplicity and compactness, jet heaters have no equal here.

Fuel consumption in a portable rocket stove is small, so even dry branches, splinter or grass tufts can be used

It should be noted that for the manufacture of this type of furnace, cylinders with a reduced diameter are suitable for storing oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane.

The design of the furnace and the principle of its operation

On the Web, you can find many options for cylinder stoves that are used for heating residential and non-residential premises. Most often they are stationary structures used exclusively for heating. Today we will talk about a unique design that, despite its simplicity, will allow not only to get heat, but also to cook liquid food, bake, and warm tea. Among other things, the oven has such a compact size that it can not only be moved from place to place, but also taken with you when outing into nature.

A portable oven can be used not only for heating, but also for cooking

Like other solid fuel combustion units, our furnace has:

  • firebox;
  • grate;
  • blew;
  • loading door;
  • chimney.

A feature of the potbelly stove from a gas cylinder is the combination of the combustion chamber with the furnace body. In addition to this, the design in question is equipped with a hob and a hood for baking pizza or flat cakes.

The furnace works on the principle of direct combustion. After lighting the firewood, the flame maintains a free flow of oxygen through the grate. The intensity of the fire is adjusted by moving the blower valve. The combustion products are removed through the chimney. To prevent heat leakage during the idle heater, the chimney is equipped with a rotary damper.

Necessary materials and tools

To build a portable heating and cooking stove you will need:

  • cylinder for household gas with a volume of 50 liters;
  • pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more;
  • metal door hinges - 2 pcs.;
  • cast-iron grate;
  • steel bar with a diameter of 8–10 mm;
  • a piece of a metal corner with a shelf of 20–25 mm;
  • sheet steel 5–6 mm thick;
  • heat-insulated handles;
  • heat resistant primer and paint.

In order to make it more convenient to monitor the temperature during baking, use any suitable thermometer. You can fix it with cold welding.

You can’t do without a welding machine in the manufacture of a metal furnace

Everyone has the tools they need to get the job done. If from the list below you do not have one or another device, then it is better to purchase it in advance. This will save you a lot of time and nerves later on. So, here's what you need to build a mobile furnace from a cylinder:

  • a simple welding transformer or a semiconductor inverter designed to work with electrodes with a diameter of 3–4 mm;
  • angle grinder (angle grinder), or, in a popular way, "grinder", designed to work with discs of at least 180 mm;
  • circles for angle grinders - several cutting and one cleaning (required for working on metal);
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • nozzle "ring saw" for an angle grinder;
  • welding electrodes;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • tape measure and metal ruler;
  • scriber for marking on metal.

Cutting a cylinder with a grinder presents certain difficulties, so if you have access to gas-cutting equipment, then by all means take advantage of this opportunity.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the construction of the furnace, it is necessary to carefully plan all stages of work. In particular, it is required to prepare a gas cylinder and choose a place to install a heater. As for the technology, with the help of the step-by-step instructions below, it will be possible to avoid mistakes and carry out the installation as soon as possible.

How to free the cylinder from gas residues

It is impossible to start cutting a propane or methane cylinder without preparation, since even a small amount of gas, condensate or its vapors in combination with air oxygen is an explosive mixture. In order for an explosion to occur, the slightest spark is enough. You can make the container completely safe using the method below.

  1. Turning off the valve, release the gas from the vessel.
  2. Using an adjustable wrench or gas wrench, dismantle the faucet.
  3. Turn the bottle upside down and drain the remaining gasoline.
  4. Having placed the container vertically, fill it with water through the upper opening. In this case, all combustible components will be displaced by the liquid.
  5. After drying the cylinder in the open air, you can start any plumbing work, including welding and burning old paint with a blowtorch.

Like any other saturated hydrocarbon, propane and methane are odorless. To detect a leak, strong-smelling organosulfur compounds are added to it, so all work on cleaning the cylinder is best done in open space.

What is the right place to install the stove

Despite the fact that we are considering a mobile structure, most of the time it will be used to heat a garage, shed or workshop. So that the operation of the heater does not lead to unpleasant consequences, when choosing a place, they are guided by the current provisions of SNiP, sanitary and fire safety standards.

  1. The floor under the stove is equipped with non-combustible materials - fireclay bricks, cement-sand screed, asbestos fiber board or metal sheet.
  2. It is forbidden to install heaters near places where fuels, lubricants and other flammable materials and substances are stored.
  3. When installing the stove, the configuration of the chimney must be taken into account. The places of its passage through the roof must be protected by heat-insulating non-combustible materials.
  4. It is forbidden to install furnaces of this type under shelves, in places close to attachments, etc.
  5. It is necessary to consider how air will flow into the room. It should not be forgotten that open flame ovens consume a lot of oxygen.
  6. When the body of the heater is located close to the combustible surfaces of the walls of the room, the latter are protected by heat-insulating shields.

When choosing the installation location of the furnace, the configuration of the chimney must be taken into account. Since most of the heat in direct combustion furnaces is thrown into the pipe, they try to place it indoors, equipping it with a long horizontal or inclined section. It is only important not to be too smart with its length and number of turns, since the traction force, and hence the thermal power of the heater, depends on it.

Instructions for the manufacture of a portable heating and cooking device

For the construction of a mobile heating and cooking unit, any 50-liter domestic gas cylinder is suitable, but it is best to take a vessel with a valve guard. Its upper part will serve as a support, so it will be possible to do without arranging legs or a supporting structure.

  1. It is necessary to draw a line around the circumference of the cylinder at a distance of 50–60 cm from the valve insertion point. To do this, you can use masking tape or glued sheets of paper - in this case, the cut line will be perfectly even. After that, using a grinder, the vessel is cut into two halves.

    The aesthetics of the entire structure depends on the accuracy of the markup.

  2. The rim is dismantled from the bottom, after which the bottom of the container is cut off along a line that runs just above the weld. This work must be done as carefully as possible - the cut off part will be needed as a cap when baking pizza and baking other products.

    One part of the cylinder will serve as a body, and the other will go to the manufacture of furnace parts.

  3. In the body of the furnace, an opening is made for the furnace. To make it neat, use hole saws-nozzles to the "grinder". First, round holes are made at the corners of the furnace window, after which the remaining metal is cut through with an angle grinder. The downside of aesthetics is the inability to use the cut-off part to make a door. However, when using a large cylinder, the remaining metal will be enough for all the details of the structure.

    The aesthetics of the opening will provide rounded corners

  4. A door is cut out of the remaining cylindrical part of the vessel. Its size should be 10–20 mm larger than the opening - in this case, it will be possible to achieve acceptable tightness of the furnace part.

    The door should cover the furnace window with a small margin

  5. The door is adjusted to the firebox to ensure its tightest fit, after which it is attached to the body with metal hinges.

    Fuel will be poured into the door located in the body of the gas cylinder

  6. To prevent spontaneous opening of the loading hatch, it is equipped with a deadbolt of the simplest design.

    The simplest valve can be equipped with a heat-insulated handle made of any material

  7. A blower hole is cut in the bottom of the furnace, which is equipped with a valve to adjust the air supply. To do this, pieces of a metal corner are welded on the sides of the opening, and the damper itself is made from the rest of the cylinder or a suitable piece of sheet metal 4–6 mm thick. The guides are adjusted in place, after which they are mounted with an intermittent seam.

    The installation of the blower damper must ensure its free movement along the guides.

    To ensure a snug fit of the valve to the blower window, the shelves of the guide corners are cut to a height of 6–8 mm.

  8. A handle and a roller are welded to the damper, which limits its movement to a certain position.
  9. A grate is mounted from the inside of the furnace. Since it is impossible to cook cast iron with conventional electrodes, segments of a steel bar are used for fixing.

    To make the installation of grates convenient, you can pre-burn a hole with a cutter and insert rods

    You can do without cast-iron grates if, instead of a blower opening, a series of holes Ø10-12 mm or slots 8 mm wide are made in the bottom of the furnace.

  10. A circle equal to the diameter of the cylinder is cut out of the middle part of the workpiece or sheet metal 4–6 mm thick - it will serve as the arch of the furnace and, in combination, a brazier. It is quite difficult to do such work with a grinder, so it is better to use a gas cutter or a plasma cutter here. If such equipment could not be found, then a polygon is cut out with an angle grinder, after which it is processed on an emery wheel.
  11. The brazier must be welded to the top of the body with a continuous seam. Its tightness is especially important if the oven is to be used for baking.
  12. To ensure the mobility of the structure, the chimney is made removable. To do this, a so-called collar is cut into the arch of the heater, the diameter of which will ensure a tight connection with the chimney. Such a pipe can be made from a metal strip bent into the shape of a cylinder. Often, the collar is made from the same pipe, for which a length of 10-15 cm is cut lengthwise and slightly unbent, and then welded with a continuous seam.

    The size of the chimney pipe must be the same or smaller than the size of the blower door

  13. For the manufacture of the cap, the previously cut off bottom of the cylinder is used. Since a chimney will be attached to the lid, a hole is made in it equal to the diameter of the chimney. To ensure a stable position of the parts relative to each other, the cap is equipped with exactly the same collar as the brazier.
  14. On the back of the furnace, the cap can be attached to the body with hinges, and a latch can be equipped in the front. If you ensure its free installation, then this will allow you to regulate the temperature of the hob during operation.

    For convenience, the exit under the chimney in the brazier is made from the side opposite to the loading door, and in the hood - above the furnace opening.

  15. A hole for a thermometer is cut in the center of the cover, after which the measuring device is fixed by cold welding.

    A thermometer installed in the center of the hood will allow you to monitor the degree of heating of an impromptu oven

  16. The strips of metal remaining after cutting the cylinder can be used to make handles. To do this, they are bent in an arc, after which cuts are made from the center to the corners. So that when carrying the cylinder, the holders do not crash into the hands, their lower part is bent inward and only after that they are welded to the walls of the cylinder.

    For the manufacture of handles, you can use the remaining strips of metal

  17. To increase the supporting surface of the furnace, it is necessary to weld a previously sawn off rim to its base. All that is needed for this is a welding machine and 3-4 pieces of a thick steel sheet or bar.

    The rim is installed for additional stability of the furnace

Before painting, the oven is checked in operating mode. It is important that the walls of the unit heat up to the maximum - in this case, the old enamel will completely burn out. After cooling, the surface of the heater is treated with a metal brush, after which it is primed and painted in several layers with any heat-resistant composition.

Before painting the stove, it is necessary to clean its surface of old paint in any way possible.

Video: a simple oven for a cauldron from a gas cylinder

Features of the operation of a mobile stove

Before kindling the furnace, the blower valve is fully opened, after which scraps of paper or cardboard are placed in the furnace. Firewood is laid on top of them with a “hut” or “well”. After igniting the fuel, the furnace door should be slammed shut. As soon as a stable flame appears in the chamber, the blower damper is covered. By adjusting it, the duration of the heater’s operation is increased from one tab and the desired temperature is set. As it burns, 3-4 logs are added to the working chamber.

Any solid fuel is suitable for a cylinder stove - firewood, branches, straw, sawdust, wood pellets, coal, etc., but it is better to use hardwood - it gives more heat and burns much longer.

If pizza or tortillas will be baked in the oven, then a ceramic tray is placed on the brazier. After ignition, the firewood is allowed to burn well. Since smoke will enter the baking chamber during cooking, only hardwoods are used. It is best to prepare a supply of "noble" fruit wood from cherries, plums, apricots, pears, etc. for cooking. In this case, you will be able to get pastries with an incomparable aroma. And, on the contrary, for these purposes, you should not use pine, glued laminated timber and various waste wood building materials, since the substances released during their combustion can be hazardous to health.

There is nothing tastier than pizza baked “with smoke” in a self-built oven

The temperature in the mobile oven can be adjusted in two ways. The first is the decrease in air flow through the blower described above. The second is a change in heating, carried out by turning the furnace hood relative to the opening for the release of combustible gases. The closer the chimney is to it, the more heat will go into the chimney. Heating is controlled by a thermometer. For baking, a temperature of 200 to 260 degrees will be enough.

In order to provide the unit with normal draft and at the same time not lose mobility, the chimney can be made composite using several sections up to 1 m long.

The simplicity and accessibility of the design described above allows you to build a furnace with your own hands, spending one day on it. Such a unit is well suited for heating utility rooms and simultaneous cooking. Be sure to take the opportunity to make such an oven. It will be enough to take her to nature once and cook meat or pizza “with smoke” for friends in order to secure the glory of a skilled owner and an unsurpassed culinary specialist for many years.