Moving objects from the world of dreams is real! A device for retrieving fallen objects from behind a cabinet. Removing foreign objects from a washing machine: help from an expert.

The washing machine consists of different nodes that move and make sounds. But sometimes abnormal extraneous noises appear among them, such as clanging and tapping. If during washing you hear a loud cracking or grinding sound inside the tank, then most likely it is in the drum washing machine The bone from the bra got caught.

Frame wire for a bra: what is it made of and what harm does it cause?

At first glance, if you compare the size of the machine and the linen accessories, it will seem that it is unlikely to do any harm. But the point is not in size, but in the material from which the bone is made.

Most often, frames or bones for linen are made of metal or coated steel.

Getting stuck in the tank of the machine, such corsetry parts begin to rust, stain water and washable items, and can tear linen. And these are even the easiest of troubles. Much worse is that a sharp metal bone can easily pierce the washing machine tank, damage the coating of the heating element, tear the cuff or drain pipe.

If the fittings are made of plastic, then they are less destructive.

Although, when a plastic bone has fallen deep into the washing machine, it can also make a mess. For example, pierce the same drain pipe or slip into the pump and disable it.

Where to look for a bra wire

An uninvited guest gets into the washing machine, falls through and gets stuck in different places:

  • in the perforation of the drum;
  • at the bottom of the tank (the most common case): under the heating element or between the bends of the heater tube;
  • in the space between the drum and the tank (top, side, back);
  • in the drain pipe, filter or pump (very rarely).

Depending on the place where the bra wire is, you can get it out in five ways.

Attention! Before you start disassembling the washing machine, unplug it from the power supply! Follow safety precautions, this will protect you from injury and electric shock.

The first method is how to remove a bone from a washing machine through the drum

Can be used if the bone has just begun to fall through and sticks out with the tip outward from the perforation of the drum.

To locate the part, examine the drum from the inside over the entire surface with your hand. It is very difficult to see thin fittings in shiny metal, but they can be easily identified by touch.

Hook the tip of the bone with tweezers, narrow-nose pliers or wire and pull it out.

The second method is to remove the bone through the heating element.

Attention! This method is suitable for horizontal washing machines with a rear heating element, when the heat element is located under the tank at the bottom.

You felt the drum and found nothing sticking out. This means that the accessories that “escaped” from the laundry have already slipped into the tank. From repair experience, craftsmen know that when a bone from a bra falls into the washing machine, most often it falls to the bottom of the tank and gets stuck in the TEN area. And you can get it out by removing the heating element from the washing machine tank. In fact, you need to remove the heating element, find and pull out the bone, and then put the heater in place.

To do this:

  • Remove the back cover from the machine.
  • Turn off the power to the heating element, remove the terminals from the contacts. Typically, three wires are suitable for the heater: phase, neutral and ground. Phase and neutral have a terminal contact; the grounding contact can be secured with a nut on the central stud.
  • Loosen the fastening nut on the stud. You will see it when you remove the grounding. Unscrew the nut until it is flush with the end of the stud (there is no need to remove it at all).
  • Carefully press the pin inside the heating element so that it “sinks” up to the nut.
  • Move the heating element and remove it from the socket (sometimes serious effort is required).
Attention! Do not swing the heating element by its contacts or pry it with a screwdriver. You will damage the contact pins or sealing collar.

In half of the cases, the bone is removed along with the heating element because it gets stuck in the loop of the heater tube. In other cases, it is found at the bottom of the tank under the installation site. Often, instead of one fitting, there are two, or even three.

Housewives do not always associate the loss of a frame from a cup with the washing machine, and a bone can slip into the tank without noise or knocking, without showing signs of its presence. Therefore, it is found only when disassembling the heater, in company with a “noisy friend”.

Inspect the TEN carefully for damage. Sometimes a metal strip breaks the heater very badly, literally into pieces.

But more often it leaves small dents or scratches on the tube, which are hardly noticeable. And the owners of the machine put the damaged element in the tank, and then are forced to carry out serious repairs to the equipment due to a breakdown of the heater, electrical short circuit and other surprises. Therefore, it is safer to immediately change even a slightly dented heating element.

When the bone is pulled out and the heater is normal, you can put it back in place.

The procedure will be the reverse of disassembly:

  • Push the center pin outward by pressing on the inner mounting plate.
  • Insert the heating element into the hole, gently pressing the cuff.
  • Screw the fastening nut onto the stud. Do not tighten it all the way, you will compress the seal and it will leak water from the tank. It is better to tighten it a little looser and then tighten it if necessary if moisture appears in the hole. But, as a rule, the seal seals the tank well and additional tightening of the nut is not necessary.
  • Connect the power supply to the TEN.
  • Plug in the machine and run a test wash without replacing the back cover. To check if there is a leak from the tank through the heater socket.
Attention! Be careful not to touch internal parts machines with the lid removed during washing.

If everything is in order, there are no leaks, secure the lid, having first disconnected the washing machine from the mains.

The third method is how to get the bone through the drain pipe

This method can be used if you do not want to remove the heating element or when it is located under the front cover, for example, in Samsung machines. Disassembling such a model causes difficulties for equipment owners - you need to remove the cover, cuff, front panel, etc. to get to the heater. Therefore, it is easier to remove the mounting clamp and look into the tank through the pipe.

Procedure for washing machines without leakage protection will be like this:

  • Place the washing machine on its side.
  • We remove the bottom, if there is one: unscrew the fasteners or snap off the latches.
  • Weaken fasteners on the pipe (clamp or ring) and remove it from the ledge of the tank.
  • We inspect the drain hole and the visible part of the heating element and tank. We take out the bone from the bra. Sometimes it falls out of the pipe on its own, but more often you need to look for the fittings by shining a light into the hole.

After removing the foreign object from the tank, we install the pipe in place, fix it with a clamp, secure the bottom, and turn the machine over to its normal position.

If you are the happy owner of a washing machine with the Aquastop system for protecting the body from leaks, then we recommend getting to the drain pipe through back wall. In this case, of course, you won’t be able to look into the hole in the tank onto which the pipe is placed; you’ll have to go by touch, but removing the bottom where the Aquastop is installed is still a task, even for a master. After all, you first need to dismantle the leakage protection system, and for this you will need to disassemble half the machine.

The described method can help remove a bra wire from a washing machine with a front-mounted heating element without much disassembly, but it does not always work. The drain hole where the pipe is attached is quite narrow. If the bone does not lie directly above it, but very much to the side, higher or lower, it is difficult to see it and, even more so, to pick it up. In addition, if removing the bottom of the machine is problematic (for SMA with protection of the body from leaks), then the possibilities of the search operation are reduced even more: it is inconvenient to crawl up to the tank from below, you have to search for a bone by touch, as far as your fingers can reach, etc.

The fourth method is how to pull out a bone if it is stuck on top, on the side or behind the cross of the tank

There are rare situations when a bra wire gets stuck in the tank somewhere on top, on the side, or gets caught behind the cross. Then all the previous extraction methods will not work, and in order to pull it out, you need to disassemble the tank. The design of the tank varies significantly between different brands and models. You can find a diagram, but we do not recommend disassembling it yourself if you have never done this.

There are many nuances that only an experienced master knows about. In addition, some machines have a non-removable tank.

Therefore, as an alternative, a method is suitable that allows you to free the stuck fittings and drop them to the bottom of the tank, from where they can be easily reached through the heating element or pipe.

What you need to do:

  • Unscrew the back cover.
  • Remove the belt from the pulley so that it is not in the way.
  • Remove the tank pulley; to do this, unscrew the fastening bolt and remove the pulley. Then screw the bolt about halfway into the hole.
  • Take a hammer with a rubber head or a regular light one and a wooden block. Gently tap the drum shaft so that it moves slightly relative to its axis.
  • Rotate the drum by hand until you hear the bone fall to the bottom of the tank.

Now you can pull it out in the second or third way.

Fifth method - remove the bone from the drainage system

It happens that a bone safely slips through the tank with a heating element and ends up in drainage system machines - in the pipe, filter and even pump. It's mainly about plastic fittings for ladies' corsetry. It, unlike metal, is not so rigid and easily breaks in the drum, without causing significant damage to the parts of the washing machine. That’s why it “flies” so far.

Bone in the filter

First, check the filter. It is usually located in the lower left corner of the front of the car behind a special hatch.

To clean the filter and possibly remove the seed:

  • Open the hatch. It is fixed with a latch, so you need to press the cover or carefully pry it off with a screwdriver.
  • Slide a dry rag under the washing machine in the area of ​​the filter or tilt the SMA back, resting it on the wall, and place a container so that the remaining water does not spill onto the floor.
  • Unscrew the filter and pull it out of the hole.
  • Inspect the filter and the hole, the bone may be there or there. At the same time, remove any other small debris that has gotten into the car. Wipe the filter installation hole and rinse it with running water.

If the bone is found, then everything is in order. If not, look directly into the pump (in the case when it is located directly behind the filter in front). You may see a piece of plastic sticking out and you will be able to remove it.

Bone in the pipe

If nothing sticks out of the pump and the machine drains water normally, then most likely a bone is stuck in the pipe. You can get it from there.

But first you need to put the filter in place and close the hatch. Tighten the filter carefully and at the same time tightly so that the machine does not leak during washing.

Bone in the pump

The first sign that an “uninvited guest” is in the pump is that the machine either does not pump water out of the tank or does not drain well. The pump may make a lot of noise and grinding noise. This is not good, but if the pump crackles and goes completely silent, it’s even worse. Silence indicates that the engine has burned out and the pump will have to be replaced. Therefore, try to deal with the situation while the pump is still alive and making a lot of noise.

To remove a foreign object you need to get to the pump and open it.

In different brands of washing machines, the pump is located differently. And you need to get to it in different ways.

  • In most cars of the brands Ariston, Ardo, Veko, Indesit, Samsung, Candy, Whirpool, LG, the pump is located below the filter. Therefore, you can first inspect the pump through it. For full access, it is most convenient to place the machine on its side and carry out all operations through the bottom.
  • In the Electrolux and Zanussi brands, the way to the pump is through removing the rear panel, because the pump is located closer to it.
  • The “Germans” (AEG, Bosch, Siemens) have the most difficult path. You need to remove the top cover and front panel, as well as pull out the dispenser, remove the locking of the hatch cuff and disable the door lock.

Attention! We recommend contacting specialists immediately if you have German technology. Since disassembly and assembly in these brands is complex and requires experience and accuracy. You can damage the car if you do it yourself
Pump disassembly

The design of the pumps is practically the same. To inspect the “insides” you need:

  • Prepare a container for water or a rag. When you disconnect the pump, water will flow out of it. To prevent a puddle from ending up on the floor, perform disassembly operations over a basin or place a rag.
  • Disconnect the pump from power. To do this you will need to disconnect the connector.
  • Remove the screws that secure the pump to the housing.
  • Disconnect the drain hose on one side and the pipe on the other by loosening the clamps.
  • Disassemble the pump. To do this, you need to unscrew the volute from the body and pull out the engine and impeller from it.

Now inspect the pump from the inside. The bone may be located between the impeller blades or pressed against the casing. Pull it out and inspect the impeller itself for damage. If there are any, then you will have to change the pump (impellers are not sold separately). Even with a “live” engine, a pump with a broken impeller will not drain water.

It is rare, but it happens that the bone did not have time to disable the pump, but simply slowed down its rotation. Then you are in luck and after removing the “alien” you can assemble the pump and put it in place.

Check the pump for leaks before assembling the machine completely, plug it in and put it on a quick wash.

Be careful! Do not touch the internal parts of a working washing machine that is not fully assembled.

The wire from the bra fell into the washing machine and lies quietly - take it out or leave it there

Sometimes a bone clearly disappeared in the car, the owner pulled out her bra and noticed. But at the same time, the washing machine does not make noise, does not tear things and works like a clock. What to do in this case, should you search and pull it out or leave the “alien” inside?

Theoretically, you can leave it, but craftsmen find deposits of seeds in machines when disassembling them due to other faults. But remember that even the fittings lying quietly in the tank are a foreign object that should not be there.

A metal or plastic bone at the bottom will eventually become overgrown with dirt (hair, dust from clothes, threads), which will smell unpleasant and you will have to think about it.

In addition, metal lying in a damp place and constantly getting wet during washing/rinsing will begin to rust and stain the water in the tank, which will contaminate things. It is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to remove rust stains from laundry. That is, the damaged item will have to be thrown away.

A plastic bone is also dangerous because when it comes into contact with a heating element, it begins to melt when heated and smells like burning. This can ultimately lead to damage to the heat element.

Masters recommend! If the bone is stuck inwashing machine, then remove it as quickly as possible. For example, after 1-2 washes. Otherwise they might be waiting for you big problems because of an extra detail.

What is the danger of getting a bone into the drum?

Smell, dirt, rust on clothes, torn items are minor troubles compared to what a bra wire that has fallen inside the washing machine can do.

We already talked about serious problems when we figured out what kind of object this is - a bra wire. Now let's take a closer look at them.

Linen accessories in the washing machine:

  • Deforms the drum and damages (pierces) the tank. A sharp metal plate ruptures the drum cells or flies into the tank wall like a bullet, making a hole. As a result, you have to change the tank or even buy a new washing machine.
  • Destroys the heating element or damages its surface, which leads to damage to the heating element. When a metal bone gets stuck at one end in the perforation and the other ends on the heating element, it cuts the heater tube like a knife. If the fittings fall inside the loop, it breaks the heat element into pieces. In the end we have to.
  • Tearing the tank cuff and causes a leak. As a result, you need to seal the original cuff or.
  • Pierces the drain pipe. If a bone gets into the drain hole, it can pierce the rubber pipe with its sharp end. Repairing holes in it is difficult and unreliable, so you can’t and have to replace it.
  • Damages or disables the pump. Most often, plastic bones slip into the pump; they break into pieces quite easily when they get into the drum. Once in the pump, bone fragments can damage or jam the pump blades. In the case of a “wedge”, the pump will hum strainedly, but will not pump water. If you do not remove the obstacle in time, the engine of the unit will burn out and you will have to.

What to do if another foreign object gets into the washing machine

The bra pit in the washing machine is not the only one “ uninvited guest" During inspections, craftsmen find coins (even anniversary coins!), buttons, pins, curtain fittings, Lego parts, bolts, screws, nails and other small items. The dimensions of this “good” are smaller than those of a stone and they are less likely to linger in the perforations of the drum or at the bottom of the tank.

Their favorite habitats are:

  • Cuff near the door hatch.“Creeping small fry” easily gets into the fold and remains there.
  • Drain pipe. There are small metal parts, screws, and nails left in it.
  • Drain filter. There may be a warehouse of coins, nuts and screws, and small plastic items. Everything that slipped through the pipe, but did not have time or could not fly into the pump.
  • Pump. It carries light plastic parts there, like parts children's construction set, matches, small accessories, buttons.
  • Drain hose. Matches, small pins, and plastic dowels fly through the pump.

Since the dimensions of this “good” are small, they usually do not cause significant harm, such as breaking the heating element or damaging the tank. But, for example, a nail or self-tapping screw is quite capable of damaging the heating tube, unraveling the perforation of the drum, or even making a hole in the tank. And it’s easy to break the pump or cause a blockage.

Therefore, if there is extraneous noise in the machine, pump crackling and other strange sounds, it is worth looking to see if there are any foreign “guests” in the inside of the washing machine. If it’s difficult to handle on your own, call a repair specialist.

Professional servicing of washing machines in Moscow and the region

The RemBytTech company offers repair and maintenance of washing machines at home in Moscow and the Moscow region. Masters know how to quickly remove a bone from a washing machine from Bosch, LG, Samsung, Indesit, Ardo, Electrolux and others. You can see how much it costs to remove a bone or other foreign object from your brand of machine in the table.

Washing machine brand How much does it cost to remove a foreign object*
(work only)
Bosch from 1500 rub.
Indesit from 1400 rub.
Samsung from 1900 rub.
LG from 1900 rub.
Ariston from 1500 rub.
Candy from 1700 rub.
Electrolux from 1500 rub.
Zanussi from 1500 rub.
Miele from 2300 rub.
Whirlpool from 1500 rub.
BEKO from 1700 rub.
Siemens from 2000 rub.
Ardo from 1800 rub.
AEG from 1500 rub.
Brandt from 1800 rub.
Atlant from 1500 rub.
Gorenje from 2000 rub.
Hotpoint Ariston from 1800 rub.
Other brand from 1300 rub.

* The cost of the extraction specialist is indicated foreign object, excluding the price of spare parts and replacement work that may be required if damage to the machine is discovered during inspection. The price of the service and parts depends on the SMA brand.

Call "RemBytTech" by phone:

Or register. A specialist will arrive within 24 hours, on the day of the call or the next, at a time convenient for you.

We have been servicing washing machines since 2003! Trust your equipment to experienced professionals.

Nobody knows what situation awaits you on the way. Read this article carefully, because this technique can save someone's life.

Miscellaneous objects gets stuck in the throat in people much more often than you can imagine: food, a bone, small parts from a designer in the case of a child... This can lead to suffocation. What to do in a situation where such an unexpected accident occurs? A scientist named Heimlich discovered a simple method of action that will protect you and your loved ones from danger.

How to act in case of strangulation

  1. Assess how serious the case is. How blocked respiratory tract ? It is very good if the affected person coughs. With the help of coughing, the body protects itself from foreign objects, trying to push them out. If there is a cough, the airways are not completely blocked. Ask the victim to cough until you see the stuck object, then use your index finger and thumb to pull it out.

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    You must be very careful to ensure that the object does not completely block the respiratory tract. If you are dealing with a child under one year old, it is very good if he cries and coughs.

    © DepositPhotos

    It also happens that a foreign part completely closes the respiratory tract, this is easy to determine - the victim does not make any sounds, but is conscious. In this case, you should immediately resort to the Heimlich maneuver.

  2. Remember: Heimlich maneuver should be used only if the victim is more than a year old and cannot cough, speak, scream and, accordingly, breathe. If help is not provided in time, the person will lose consciousness. The main thing is to do everything quickly and not to panic.

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    It's not difficult at all:

    • Stand behind the victim; if you are right-handed, a little to the left; if you are left-handed, a little to the right.
    • Hold it firmly under your chest and tilt it forward slightly so that the object stuck in your throat moves outward rather than further inward.
    • Gently but firmly hit the victim between the shoulder blades top part wrists.
    • Check to see if the object has come out. If not, hit again, and repeat up to five times.

    If the blows have no effect and the victim still cannot breathe, make a fist and place it between his navel and ribs. Place your other hand on top and press several times until the stuck object comes out. Please note that this technique cannot be used with pregnant women, children under one year old and people who are noticeably overweight.

    If breathing has not been restored, call an ambulance. Do not leave the victim alone and continue to use the Heimlich maneuver until the doctors arrive.

  3. Child under one year old choking is a special case. If your baby is not coughing or crying, place your baby's mouth down along your forearm or thigh so that the head has something to rest on.

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    Gently hit him on the back five times with the top of your wrist. After this, carefully examine the child’s mouth and remove the object if you notice it there. Under no circumstances should you try to remove a stuck object by putting your fingers in the victim’s mouth! It may slip deeper and this will worsen the situation.

Author: elremont from 08/19/2016

Hi, I'm Matt, in this video I'll show you how to remove a bra wire or other foreign object from your washing machine. If during or after a wash cycle your machine begins to make a strange noise when the drum rotates, then this could very well mean that you have a foreign object between the drum and the tub. Now it is very important to get this out as soon as possible as it could punch a hole in the tank and cause a flood in your home and cause irreparable damage to your car. Safety first: Always unplug the machine before carrying out any work. Now, as soon as you hear a noise coming from something catchy, take a flashlight and look closely through the drum perforations. Rotate the drum slowly and try to determine where the noise is coming from. You may be lucky and find the end of the bra wire and very carefully, using your hands or pliers, pull the bra wire through the holes in the drum.
You may need to turn the drum a little to make removal easier. Next problem, I'll show this small piece of clothing sandwiched between the tank and the drum. If you are spinning the drum and you see and feel a lot of resistance to the drum turning, then this may mean that something is stuck between the tub and the drum. What can be done is to slightly increase the gap between the hatch cuff and the drum. If you are lucky, when the reel is spinning you will be able to see an object that is interfering with the spin. However, if nothing is visible, it is a good idea to use a thin flexible probe, such as cable tie. And walk around the outside of the drum to see or feel the stuck object. Now, I can actually see and feel that there is tissue stuck between the tub and the drum. It can be pulled out with your fingers, but in this case it is quite possible that the object will tear in half if it is a rag such as this. But you don't want the other half stuck inside the car. So to get this out, I'm going to take a screwdriver and a wedge that I'm going to put between the drum and the door seal, and then I'm going to push the drum back enough to give me some more space and access the item inside. Great, we managed to get everything. After removing the item, rotate the drum to make sure that the gap between the drum and the hatch cuff is not too large. If large, then you can easily slide the drum back into place using wooden hammer, since you don’t want clothes and objects to get stuck in the large gap. If you are unable to find an object stuck between the drum and the cuff, it may well be that the object has slipped under the drum. To gain access to the space between the tank and the drum and find the object, you must remove the heating element or drain hose. I've already removed the back panel of the machine and I'll take out the heating element to show you how an object can get caught heating element. And there we can see the object. But if you are unlucky and you find that the object does not catch on the heating element. Then you should take a flashlight and take a good look inside the tank through the heating element hole to see if there is anything inside. If nothing is found, then you will need to get to the drain path at the bottom of the machine. In this case, it would be better if you lay the machine on its side so that you can access it safely. drain hose. When installing the heating element back, make sure that you insert it all the way and that it engages with the bracket.
I put the car on its side and removed the bottom panel, and here we can see the pipe from the tank pan. I'll also loosen the clamp so we can remove the hose and look underneath the drum. So this is another way to access the tank. You can also lift the machine back upright and use a flashlight to shine through the perforations. And then, if you see an object, you can push it and reach it through the hole in the tank. On some washing machine models, you can remove the laundry lifter inside the drum, this is another way to gain access under the drum. However, this will not work on this model. If you looked at all the methods in this video and still cannot find a foreign object, then it may well be that you will have to dismantle the entire tank. To do this, watch another video on how to replace drum bearings in a washing machine. Remember, spare parts and accessories for all household appliances for your home can be found on our website. Thanks for watching.

  1. A vacuum cleaner with a nylon sock placed on the tube, the air will pull the object out of the crack, and the sock will prevent the vacuum cleaner from absorbing the desired part;
  2. Wooden tongs for removing laundry from the tub with hot water. They are about 40 cm long and allow you to reach out and get parts that have rolled far under the furniture. Residents of the older generation remember and keep this artifact at home.
  3. Using regular long metal tweezers or chinese chopsticks for sushi.

From under the closet small detail get it using:

  • broom;
  • mops;
  • sticks;
  • rulers.

Much harder to get small tool from a narrow vertical space. For these cases, home craftsmen have invented several life hacks. All of them involve sticking the desired “lost object” to the surface of the device or capturing it using various probes or hooks.


A sticky grabber is very easy to make. It will require:

  • ruler, flat tube, mop stick;
  • double sided tape.

Double-sided tape is glued to one end of the ruler or tube. The “fishing rod” is lowered into the crack, the “fugitive” is caught on the sticky side. This way you can get a fallen small magazine or ring. A more massive thing, like a telephone or scissors, is taken out using two rulers, tubes and even long knitting needles with tape glued to the ends. Instead of Velcro, housewives sometimes use chewing gum.


After several unsuccessful attempts, the tape or chewing gum is changed, as dust sticks to it and the adhesive properties are lost.


Pliers and other tools with handles are removed from a narrow vertical hole using a loop grip. You will need:

  • a set of cocktail straws or a long thin tube;
  • scotch;
  • a piece of clothesline equal to two distances from the object falling into the hole.

The tubes are glued together with tape, increasing required length. The rope is folded in half and inserted into the tube so that the loop comes out on the opposite side. They bring an improvised “fishing rod” to the handle of the fallen object, put it on it, tighten the loop by pulling the ends of the rope from above. When the loop tightly fixes the object, there is confidence that it will come off, and the “fishing rod with the catch” is removed.


To get a fallen puck, a phone in a case, a ring, earrings - anything that can be picked up with a hook, use a fishing line with fishing hooks. In the absence of fishing equipment, they are made from scrap materials: hooks made of wire are tied to a rope. They lower it into the hole and, highlighting it with their phone, pry it up and take out the fallen objects.


Using devices with a magnet, it is also possible to remove a fallen small part from a narrow hole. For this you will need:

  • fishing rod;
  • magnet;
  • small wooden block;
  • clamp;
  • screws.

To one side wooden block attach the magnet with screws, drill a hole on the other one. Remove the hook from the fishing rod and connect the fishing line to the piece of wood using a clamp. The “magnetic fishing rod” is ready. They lower it into the hole and take out the fallen object. Instead of fishing line, a simple rope will do.


Using a souvenir magnet from the refrigerator, it is easy to find a needle that has fallen on the floor. But to do this, you will have to gradually explore the entire floor and step only where the check has already been completed.

How to get small objects that have fallen into a gap

Sometimes in narrow gaps washers, nuts, needles slip. First, they illuminate it with a flashlight and determine, if possible, the exact location of the “fugitive.” Retrieve a small fallen object using:

  • a narrow piece of metal (knife, chisel);
  • magnet.

Using a loose magnet, remove metal product very difficult, so it is applied to the knife and pushed into the hole. The “lost” sticks to the surface of the knife and is easily removed.

A small part or piece of decoration that has fallen into an open hole or rolled under furniture can almost always be found and retrieved using store-bought or home-made devices made by craftsmen. What methods do you use to cope with this problem?

Small foreign objects often get into the tank of the machine and get stuck there. The ingress of a harmless object can cause a serious equipment malfunction, and in some cases, a breakdown of the SMA. So it is important to know how to remove an item from the washing machine drum. Most often the following things get inside:

    soft and small in size (socks, tights, handkerchiefs, gloves, etc.) - they often wrap around the tank shaft, get stuck between the parts, it can be difficult to remove them, and to remove them you may even need to partially disassemble the equipment;

    hard, very small (buttons, small items from pockets, hooks and bones of underwear, small contents of clothing pockets, etc.) - as a rule, such small things settle to the bottom, and it is much easier to pull them out, but not in all cases.

During operation of the machine, foreign objects can cause serious damage. important details equipment may cause serious damage. So if you hear an uncharacteristic sound while your appliance is operating, then this is a sign that there is a foreign object inside the washing machine. The machine must be turned off immediately, and the stuck small piece- put away.

Where are small objects most likely to get stuck?

The contents of the pockets and other small items usually settle at the bottom of the tank, get stuck between them, or are wound around the shaft in several layers. To determine exactly where the foreign body is located and remove the object from the drum of the washing machine, you can slowly spin it and shine a flashlight into the holes behind the wall of the tub.

If you were still unable to visually determine where the small change was located, then most likely it got stuck somewhere between the parts and did not have time to reach the bottom of the tank. In this case, the machine will have to be disassembled.

How to properly remove an item from a washing machine?

There is the simplest and effective way, how to remove a foreign object from a washing machine. To do this, you need to pull out the heating element, and also unscrew the bolt securing the pulley (but not completely). This will allow you to slightly shift the position of the tank and, by tapping in an inclined position, remove the stuck part (through the hole for the heating element).

Experts do not recommend disassembling the SMA structure yourself when an object has fallen under the drum of the washing machine. It's better to contact our experienced craftsmen in Moscow. We quickly and without damage remove any small items from the tank of the machine that could cause it to break down.