Work on thermal insulation of pipelines. Phased pipeline insulation

    Insulation of internal pipelines. Pipeline insulation technology

    Insulation of internal pipelines |

    V. Gorelov

    Thermal insulation of internal pipelines allows not only to save energy resources, but also to increase the service life of pipes, protecting the material from which they are made from external influences. However, the use of insulation requires designers, installers and other specialists to have a competent approach to the selection of insulation and system design. About this - in the proposed article

    Main purpose technical thermal insulation– minimize unwanted heat exchange between the working and environmental media (Table 1). This achieves a reduction in energy costs for heating (cooling) the coolant (refrigerant) and increases the energy efficiency of the system. Other important task– equipment protection. Depending on the area of ​​application, technical insulation prevents the system from defrosting or the formation of condensation on the surface (for this it is necessary that the temperature on the outer surface of the insulating coating be above the dew point), or exposure to aggressive environments. Along with the above main tasks, others are also solved: hydro-steam and noise insulation, protection of the microclimate of living and working premises from unintended influences from thermal or refrigeration equipment and pipelines, safety of accidental human contact with a hot or cold surface.

    Table 1. Results of “savings” on insulation

    Materials for thermal insulation of internal heating, water supply, ventilation and air conditioning systems of individual, public, and industrial buildings differ from each other in cost, operational and consumer characteristics. Choice specific material determines its purpose. So, in some cases, the thermal resistance of thermal insulation comes first, in others - water resistance, in third - the ability of thermal insulation to provide design parameters when operating under peak loads, etc.

    The most common thermal insulation materials used on pipeline systems today are thermal insulation made of foamed polyethylene, foam rubber and mineral wool. Each of these materials has its own characteristics that determine its preferred scope of application.

    General quality characteristics

    The operational capabilities of thermal insulation materials are primarily determined by their thermal conductivity. To quantitatively characterize this parameter, a thermal conductivity coefficient (λ, W/m·K) has been introduced, equal to the amount of heat conducted in 1 s through 1 m3 of material, with a temperature difference on its opposite surfaces of 1°C.

    Despite the fact that thermal insulation materials differ in their internal structure, what is common to all is the presence in its volume of many air cavities, the walls of which form fibers or pores, and the air inside these cavities primarily performs the function of thermal insulation. Therefore, such materials are also called gas-filled. Since the percentage of air in different insulating materials is always high (80–99%), their thermal conductivity differs slightly (Table 2). The thermal conductivity coefficient increases with increasing temperature, so it is possible to compare them in this parameter only under the same temperature conditions.

    Table 2. Thermal conductivity coefficient of various insulating materials

    Air cavities in the thermal insulation structure can communicate with the external air environment or be isolated. Depending on this, materials with open pores (fiber insulation, rigid foam plastics) and with predominantly closed pores (flexible thermal insulation - foamed polyethylene, foam rubber, as well as solid ones - polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene) are distinguished.

    Whether or not the air cavities of the material communicate with the external environment has great value for its thermal insulation properties under conditions high humidity. The thermal conductivity coefficient of water (0.6 W/m K) is significantly higher than the thermal conductivity coefficient of air (0.024 W/m K), so if moisture penetrates the pores and replaces air in the cavities of the material, it thermal insulation properties noticeably worsen. That's why important characteristic for such materials is the water vapor diffusion resistance factor (μ), which shows how many times worse the material absorbs from environment water vapor than air.

    Finally, their scope of application is determined by the flammability of a particular material. According to the requirements for insulation engineering communications in residential and administrative buildings it is allowed to use heat-insulating materials belonging to the flammability groups: NG – non-flammable materials, not capable of burning in air; G1 and G2 are low-flammability materials that can burn in air when exposed to a flame source, but are not capable of independently supporting combustion.

    Minimum thickness insulation depending on the materials, application and placement of pipelines is regulated in DBN V.2.5 67:2013 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”.

    Foam rubber

    The world's leading manufacturers of technical thermal insulation made of synthetic rubber (Fig. 1) are Armacell (Germany), IK Insulation Group (Italy), NMC (Belgium), Thermaflex (Netherlands), Wilhelm Kaimann (Germany). Their range also includes products capable of operating at temperatures up to 150°C (at peak - up to 175°C), and materials that retain their thermal insulation properties when temperatures drop to -200°C. The elasticity of rubber makes it easier installation work, and a special glue ensures a durable glued seam that does not differ in its properties from the base material (the technology is called “cold welding”).

    Rice. 1. Foam rubber insulation

    Thanks to the relatively large (12–15%) linear thermal expansion, rubber insulation is able to withstand temperature changes, and high values ​​of the coefficient of resistance to water vapor diffusion make synthetic rubber an attractive material for industrial refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation systems, for food industry. In particular, foam rubber is used for thermal insulation of pipelines in systems with superheated water and in cryogenic technology (up to 50°C). Using it on internal pipelines engineering systems utility complex, including heating, water supply and air conditioning systems for private houses, is limited by the high price of this material relative to its analogues.

    Thermal insulation made of foam rubber is supplied to the market in the form of tubes (standard length 2 m) various diameters, tubes in coils, sheets and rolls, tape and bundle various thicknesses.

    Foamed polyethylene

    Prices for thermal insulation made of polyethylene foam (Fig. 2) are lower than for rubber. On the Ukrainian market this material is represented by the brands Climaflex, Kaiflex, Thermaflex (manufactured by Armacell), etc. Polyethylene foam is used at temperatures from –80 to +105°C. Covering materials made of polyethylene foam with protective films.

    Rice. 2. Polyethylene foam insulation

    The material has high wear resistance and greater mechanical strength than synthetic rubber. It is non-toxic and practically chemically inert, unaffected by acids, alkalis and metal salts. It is also distinguished by high ozone resistance, resistance to mold and microorganisms. Thermal insulation made of foamed polyethylene is not used in high-temperature systems, since if the upper limit of operating temperatures (about 110°C) is briefly exceeded, the material melts, losing its cellular structure. The low degree of adhesion of the material dictates the need to use specially developed adhesives and careful adherence to installation and operation rules.

    Like foam rubber, polyethylene foam insulation is supplied in the form of tubes of various diameters, which can be equipped with a technological cut to facilitate installation. To protect against mechanical damage, as well as for decorative purposes, some companies additionally offer external hard shells made of aluminum, galvanized steel, PVC and other materials.

    Mineral wool

    An important advantage of thermal insulation materials based on mineral wool is their non-flammability. The upper limit of operating temperatures for mineral wool is 650°C, and for basalt-based materials – 950°C. These materials are cheaper than foamed ones, which makes them promising when used for thermal insulation of large areas. The disadvantage when used in residential buildings is their lower aesthetics compared to foam materials.

    Mineral wool is produced in rolls or in the form of cylinders of various diameters. Similar products are presented on the Ukrainian market by the companies Ursa (Spain), Paroc (Finland), Rockwool (Denmark), Isover (France). Among domestic manufacturers, we can mention OBIO LLC. For example, cylinders made of basalt fiber covered with aluminum foil, which serves as a vapor barrier layer, Hvac Section AluCoat T from Paroc are available in thicknesses of 30–100 mm, internal diameter – 12–612 mm. Length – 1200 mm (other sizes available on request). The cylinders have an adhesive strip that allows for increased installation speed and improved coating integrity. Dry thermal conductivity at 25°C – 0.037 W/mK. When designing internal piping systems, a number of features should be taken into account, in particular additional space for thermal insulation. When working with insulating materials, it is necessary to follow the rules for their transportation and storage. If the thermal insulation is moistened, it must be dried before use (the stone fibers do not change their properties). Cylinders from stone wool are installed on the pipe through an external longitudinal section and tightened using clamps made of steel wire or tapes. When insulating pipes using pierced mats reinforced with steel mesh, wire or clamps are used. Bends and elbows of pipelines are insulated with mats or segments cut from appropriate cylinders.

    Rice. 3. Mineral wool insulation

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    Pipeline thermal insulation technology

    Correct installation of pipeline thermal insulation increases its service life and ensures effective work. Installation of insulating material must be carried out in accordance with established standards and requirements.

    Thermal insulation of pipelines: rules

    There are several rules that must be followed:

    • For thermal insulation of pipelines, only high-quality materials should be used, technical specifications which meet the operating conditions.
    • Installation must be carried out by specialists, in which case you can be confident in the quality of the work performed.

    Thermal insulation work occurs after the installation of the pipeline, but in some cases preliminary insulation is allowed. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to prepare the pipes:

    • complete plumbing and welding work;
    • check the strength and density of the surface;
    • coat the pipes with an anti-corrosion agent.

    Cylindrical design: installation of thermal insulation

    Most effective thermal insulation pipelines - fully prefabricated structure or prefabricated. The so-called cylinder insulation. Thermal insulation of the structure consists of laying it on pipes with further adjustment and fastening.

    During the thermal insulation works It is necessary to follow some rules: installation should begin from the flange connections, installing the cylinders closely. Horizontal seams should not form one continuous line. The structure is attached to the pipeline with bandages, using 2 fasteners per cylinder with a distance of 50 cm. The side seams of the structure must have a spacing. Buckles secure the bandage itself and can be made from painted packing tape or aluminum.

    If the thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out with half-cylinders made of hard material, for example, vulcanite, sovelite or diatomite, then they must be installed with mastic or dry. Siliceous lime segments, foam diatomite, and perlite cement are also used for insulation. The material in the form of mats is laid in such a way that the seams are covered, then they are secured with wire hangers at a distance of 50 cm.

    Thermal insulation, depending on the temperature of the structure

    Thermal insulation of pipelines that transport substances with high temperatures is carried out using cylinders laminated with aluminum foil. For this type of insulation it is not necessary to use protective coating. It is recommended to choose aluminum material for the bandage.

    If the pipeline transports cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 degrees, then hydrofibized cylinders should be used as an insulating material. Additionally, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier, and the seams of the coating must be sealed. If the vapor barrier layer is damaged, it must be sealed with a sealant or completely replaced.

    When using cylinders for installing thermal insulation of pipelines in a vertical position, it is necessary to install unloading devices along the height of the pipe, at intervals of 3-4 meters. Such measures will help prevent the thermal insulation material from slipping.

    Thermal insulation of pipelines can be carried out with various materials, but in order to make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account some factors: the purpose of the pipe, the temperature of the transported substance and its location. Incorrect selection or installation of insulation will result in damage

    LLC GK PITER | Insulation of heating network pipelines

    Insulation of heating network pipelines.

    1. TECHNOLOGY for insulating pipes and equipment in the basements of buildings and heating chambers with low-flammable heat-insulating material - moisture-resistant (TTM-V). To protect pipes and equipment from corrosion and reduce heat losses on heating networks in the basements of buildings and heating chambers, it is necessary: Clean the surface of pipes, equipment and metal structures from dirt, salts, fats and oils. Degreasing should be done with a rag moistened with solvent P646, P647, xylene or acetone. The surface must be dry and clean before painting. Cleaning from rust, scale, old paint done manually or mechanically, without the use of metal-cutting tools. After cleaning, embedded parts and other elements of metal structures are also subject to degreasing and painting. Apply an anti-corrosion layer to a dry and grease-free surface using a brush or roller. Metal surfaces are painted in one layer until tack-free, depending on the ambient temperature. Pipelines and equipment of the heating network are subject to thermal insulation, with the exception of drainages and emptyings behind the first shut-off valve. The heat-insulating layer is carried out by applying a difficult-to-use heat-insulating material - moisture-resistant (hereinafter TTM-V) in the form of a paste-like consistency in two identical layers with a total thickness of 20÷60 mm, depending on the diameter of the pipeline. To strengthen the structure, after the first layer of TTM-V has dried, pipes and equipment are wrapped in fiberglass mesh with a mesh size of 2x2 or 5x5 mm, with the mesh lock secured to the pipe. Then the second layer of TTM-B is applied, wrapped in a fiberglass mesh with its tension and immersion in the second layer. Then the material is dried. Waterproofing of the thermal insulation layer is ensured by applying a kaolin moisture-proof insulating coating (KVIP) in one layer followed by drying.

    2. TECHNOLOGY for installation of molded products made of low-flammability heat-insulating material - moisture-resistant FITTM-V. To protect pipes and equipment from corrosion and reduce heat losses on heating networks in the basements of buildings and heating chambers, it is necessary to: Clean the surface of pipes, equipment and metal structures from dirt and salts , fats, oils. Degreasing should be done with a rag moistened with solvent P646, P647, xylene or acetone. The surface must be dry and clean before painting. Cleaning of rust, scale, and old paint is carried out manually or mechanically, without the use of metal-cutting tools. After cleaning, embedded parts and other elements of metal structures are also subject to degreasing and painting. Apply an anti-corrosion layer to a dry and grease-free surface using a brush or roller. Metal surfaces are painted in one layer until tack-free, depending on the ambient temperature. Thermal insulation is carried out by FITTM-V with a thickness of 10 – 30 mm. and 400mm long. After the primer-enamel has dried, apply the adhesive composition to the internal parts of FITTM-V and press it to the pipe for gluing. At joints between molded parts, as well as at joints to existing insulation coat with a thin layer of adhesive. To strengthen the structure, wrap the molded products in a circle with self-adhesive fiberglass mesh in the form of rings. Number of rings 2-3 pcs. Drying of the material occurs within 10 - 15 minutes. Waterproofing of the thermal insulation layer is ensured by applying a kaolin moisture-proof insulating coating (KVIP) in 1 layer, followed by drying for 10 - 15 minutes.

    3. TECHNOLOGY for installation of molded products from low-flammability heat-insulating material – moisture-resistant FITTM-V. JOINTS.For protection, butt joints steel pipeline heating network after repair work, from corrosion and reducing heat losses it is necessary: ​​After starting the heating network and checking the butt joints for leaks, clean the surface of the pipe and the butt joint from dirt with a brush. Align the edge of the existing insulation. Degrease the surface of the pipe and butt joint with a rag moistened with solvent P646, P647, xylene or acetone. Apply an anti-corrosion layer to a dry and grease-free surface using a brush or roller. The surface of the pipe and the butt joint are painted in one layer. Drying until the primer-enamel is “tack-free” on a hot pipeline occurs within 10 - 20 minutes. Insulation of butt joints is carried out by FITTM-V with a thickness of 10 - 20 mm. and 400mm long. After the primer-enamel has dried, apply the adhesive composition to the internal parts of FITTM-V and press it at the butt joint for gluing. Apply a thin layer of adhesive at the joints between molded products, as well as at the junctions with existing insulation. To strengthen the structure, after grouting the butt joints, wrap the molded products in a circle with self-adhesive fiberglass mesh in the form of rings. Number of rings 2-3 pcs. Drying of the material occurs within 10 - 15 minutes. Waterproofing of the thermal insulation layer is ensured by applying a kaolin moisture-proof insulating coating (KVIP) in 1 layer, followed by drying for 10 - 15 minutes.

    4. Insulation of surfaces with mineral wool materials.

    5. Insulation of butt joints of pipes in polyurethane foam insulation using the pouring method.

If the thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out correctly, this will significantly increase the service life of the system and ensure maximum efficient operation. The thermal insulation of heating pipelines itself must be carried out in accordance with all established norms and standards.

Basic rules of thermal insulation

So, in general, there are several basic requirements (recommendations, rules) that should be observed when installing thermal insulation:

  • For thermal insulation, high quality materials should be used, the characteristics of which are suitable for the operating conditions.
  • Installation of thermal insulation is carried out exclusively by specialists; this is the only way to guarantee the correct and high-quality execution of all work.
In general, thermal insulation is installed only after the piping system has been installed; only in some special cases is premature insulation permissible. So, as mentioned earlier, before thermal insulation work, the pipes should be prepared for work. This includes:

  • Completion of all metalwork and welding work;
  • Checking the density and strength of the surface;
  • Coating of the pipeline with anti-corrosion agents.

Installation of thermal insulation: cylinder design

Thermal insulation of process pipelines will be most effective if it is a prefabricated or fully prefabricated system. In other words it will be a cylindrical structure. The essence of the work is quite simple: laying thermal insulation on the pipe with its further adjustment and strengthening.

When performing work, some requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines must be observed:

  • Installation should begin from the flange connections, while the thermal insulation cylinders should be mounted as tightly as possible;
  • The seams should not form one continuous horizontal line;
  • Special bandages are used as fastening: two per cylinder (in increments of 40-50 cm);
  • The bandage is attached using buckles, which are made of aluminum or packing tape.
If the thermal insulation of SNP pipelines is made with half-cylinders, which are made of a solid type of material such as diatomite, vulcanite or Sovelite, then they are mounted dry or using mastic.

It should be noted that insulation materials such as perlite cement, foam diatomite and siliceous lime segments are often used as thermal insulation. After the volume of thermal insulation of the pipeline has been calculated, the material in the form of mats should be laid in such a way that all seams are covered; then the insulation is fixed to the pipes using wire hangers in increments of 50 cm.

What is noteworthy is that in the event of a thermal insulation element of the structure failing, you can easily selectively dismantle the thermal insulation of pipelines and replace the damaged element with a new one.

Thermal insulation and temperature of the structure features

It should be remembered that the calculation of the thickness of pipeline insulation depends on some important factors, for example, the temperature of the substance transported through the pipes. If the substance has a very high temperature, then thermal insulation is carried out using cylinders that are laminated with aluminum foil. For of this type No protective coating is used for thermal insulation. It is recommended to use aluminum-based material as a bandage.

In the event that water passes through the pipeline, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 ° C, the thickness of the thermal insulation of the pipelines can be increased, and hydrofibized cylinders are used as an insulator. As additional protection, a vapor barrier is installed, and the seams of the structure must be properly insulated (taped).

Attention! If the vapor barrier layer is damaged, it should be properly glued or completely replaced with a new one.

In general, it becomes clear that the calculation of thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out depending on the type of insulation, climatic factors and fluid that is conveyed through pipes.

Proper installation of pipeline insulation increases its service life and ensures efficient operation. Installation of insulating material must be carried out in accordance with established standards and requirements.

Thermal insulation of pipelines: rules

There are several rules that must be followed:

  • For thermal insulation of pipelines, only high-quality materials should be used, the technical characteristics of which correspond to the operating conditions.
  • Installation must be carried out by specialists, in which case you can be confident in the quality of the work performed.

Thermal insulation work occurs after the installation of the pipeline, but in some cases preliminary insulation is allowed. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to prepare the pipes:

  • complete metalwork and welding work;
  • check the strength and density of the surface;
  • coat the pipes with an anti-corrosion agent.

Cylindrical design: installation of thermal insulation

Most effective thermal insulation of pipelines– fully prefabricated structure or prefabricated structure. The so-called cylinder insulation. Thermal insulation of the structure consists of laying it on pipes with further adjustment and fastening.

When carrying out thermal insulation work, it is necessary to follow some rules: installation should begin from the flange connections, installing the cylinders closely. Horizontal seams should not form one continuous line. The structure is attached to the pipeline with bandages, using 2 fasteners per cylinder with a distance of 50 cm. The side seams of the structure must have a spacing. Buckles secure the bandage itself and can be made from painted packing tape or aluminum.

If the thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out with half-cylinders made of hard material, for example, vulcanite, sovelite or diatomite, then they must be installed with mastic or dry. Siliceous lime segments, foam diatomite, and perlite cement are also used for insulation. The material in the form of mats is laid in such a way that the seams are covered, then they are secured with wire hangers at a distance of 50 cm.

Thermal insulation, depending on the temperature of the structure

By which a substance with a high temperature is transported, it is carried out using cylinders laminated with aluminum foil. This type of insulation does not require the use of a protective coating. It is recommended to choose aluminum material for the bandage.

If the pipeline transports cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 degrees, then hydrofibized cylinders should be used as an insulating material. Additionally, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier, and the seams of the coating must be sealed. If the vapor barrier layer is damaged, it must be sealed with a sealant or completely replaced.

When using cylinders for installing thermal insulation of pipelines in a vertical position, it is necessary to install unloading devices along the height of the pipe, at intervals of 3-4 meters. Such measures will help prevent the thermal insulation material from slipping.

Thermal insulation of pipelines can be carried out with various materials, but in order to make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account some factors: the purpose of the pipe, the temperature of the transported substance and its location. Incorrect selection or installation of insulation will result in damage

When laying pipelines prerequisite is to perform work on thermal insulation of networks. This applies to all pipelines - not only water supply, but also sewerage systems. The need for this is due to the fact that winter time Water passing through pipes may freeze. And if coolant circulates through the communications, this leads to a decrease in its temperature. To minimize heat loss, when laying pipelines they resort to installing a heat-insulating layer. What materials and methods can be used for thermal insulation of networks - this will be discussed in this article.

Thermal insulation of pipelines: ways to solve the problem

Provide effective protection for pipeline systems from environmental factors mainly from the outside air temperature is possible if the following measures are taken:

Because last method is most often used, it makes sense to talk about it in more detail.

Standards for thermal insulation of pipelines

Requirements for thermal insulation of equipment pipelines are formulated in SNiP. IN regulatory documents contains detailed information about materials, which can be used for thermal insulation of pipelines, and in addition methods of work. In addition, in regulatory documents standards for thermal insulation contours are indicated, which are often used to insulate pipelines.

  • regardless of the temperature of the coolant, any pipeline system must be insulated;
  • Both ready-made and prefabricated structures can be used to create a thermal insulation layer;
  • Corrosion protection must be provided for metal parts of pipelines.

It is desirable to use a multilayer circuit design when insulating pipelines. It must include the following layers:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • protection made of dense polymer, non-woven fabric or metal.

In some cases reinforcement can be built, which eliminates the collapse of materials, and in addition prevents pipe deformation.

Note that most of the requirements contained in regulatory documents relate to the insulation of main pipelines high power. But even in case of installation household systems, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with them and take them into account when installing water supply and sewerage systems on your own.

Materials for thermal insulation of pipelines

Currently offered on the market large selection materials that can be used to insulate pipelines. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in addition, application features. For the right choice heat insulator needs to know all this.

Polymer insulation

When the task is to create an effective thermal insulation system for pipelines, attention is most often paid to foam-based polymers. Large assortment allows you to select suitable material, thanks to which can provide effective protection from the external environment and eliminate heat loss.

If we talk in more detail about polymer materials, the following can be distinguished from those available on the market.

Polyethylene foam.

The main characteristic of the material is low density. In addition, it is porous and has high mechanical strength. This insulation is used for the manufacture of cylinders with a cut. Their installation can be carried out even by people far from the field of thermal insulation of pipelines. However, this material has one drawback: structures made of polyethylene foam, wear out quickly and in addition to this they have poor heat resistance.

If polyethylene foam cylinders are selected for thermal insulation of pipelines, then special attention it is necessary to pay attention to their diameter. It must match the diameter of the collector. Taking this rule into account when choosing an insulation design, it is possible to exclude spontaneous removal of polyethylene foam casings.

Expanded polystyrene.

The main feature of this material is elasticity. It is also characteristic high performance strength. Protective products for thermal insulation of pipelines made from this material are produced in the form of segments that resemble a shell in appearance. Special locks are used to connect parts. They have tongues and grooves, which ensure quick installation of these products. The use of polystyrene foam shells with technical locks eliminates the occurrence of “cold bridges” after installation. In addition, during installation there is no need to use additional fasteners.

Polyurethane foam.

This material is used mainly for pre-installed thermal insulation of heating network pipelines. However, it can also be used to insulate household pipeline systems. This the material is available in the form of foam or shell, which consists of two or four segments. Spray insulation provides reliable thermal insulation with a high degree of tightness. The use of such insulation is most suitable for communication systems with a complex configuration.

When using polyurethane foam in the form of foam for thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks, you need to know that it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in order for the insulating layer to last a long time, it is necessary to ensure its protection. To do this, apply a layer of paint on top of the foam or lay a non-woven fabric with good permeability.

Fibrous materials

Insulation materials of this type are mainly represented by mineral wool and its varieties. At present They are the most popular among consumers as insulation. Materials of this type are also in high demand, as are polymer materials.

Thermal insulation made using fiber insulation has certain advantages. These include the following:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • resistance of the thermal insulation material to aggressive substances such as acids, alkalis, oil;
  • the material is able to maintain a given shape without an additional frame;
  • the cost of insulation is quite reasonable and affordable for most consumers.

Please note that during work on thermal insulation of pipelines with such materials fiber compression must be avoided when laying insulation. It is also important to ensure that the material is protected from moisture.

Products made from polymer and mineral wool insulation for thermal insulation in some cases can be covered with aluminum or steel foil. The use of such screens reduces heat dissipation.

Multilayer structures for pipeline protection

Often, to insulate pipelines, thermal insulation is installed using the “pipe-in-pipe” method. When using this scheme, a heat-protective casing is installed. The main task of the specialists installing such a circuit is to correctly connect all the parts into a single structure.

Upon completion of the work, the result is a design that looks like this:

  • the basis of the heat-protective circuit is a pipe made of metal or polymer material. It is the supporting element of the entire device;
  • The thermal insulation layers of the structure are made of foamed polyurethane foam. The material is applied using pouring technology; the molten mass is filled into a specially created formwork;
  • protective casing. Pipes made of galvanized steel or polyethylene are used for its manufacture. The first ones are used for laying networks in open space. The latter are used in cases where pipeline systems are laid in the ground using ductless technology. In addition, often when creating this type of protective casing, insulation based on polyurethane foam are laid copper conductors , the main purpose of which is remote control condition of the pipeline, including the integrity of the thermal insulation layer;
  • if pipes arrive at the installation site in assembled form, then the welding method is used to connect them. Specialists use special heat-shrinkable cuffs to assemble the heat-protective circuit. Or overhead couplings can be used, made on the basis of mineral wool, which are covered with a layer of foil.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of pipelines

There are a number of factors on which the technology for creating a thermal insulation layer on pipelines may depend. One of the most important is how the collector is laid - outside or in the ground.

Insulation of underground networks

To solve the problem of ensuring thermal protection of buried communications, insulation work is carried out in the following order:

Thermal insulation of external pipeline

In accordance with existing standards, pipelines located on the surface of the earth are thermally insulated as follows:

  • insulation work begins with all parts being cleaned of rust;
  • Next, the pipes are treated with an anti-corrosion compound. After that proceed to installing a polymer shell followed by pipe wrapping roll insulation from mineral wool;
  • Please note that a layer of polyurethane foam can be used to cover the structure, or the structure can be covered with several layers of heat-insulating paint;
  • The next step is to wrap the pipe as in the previous option.

Along with fiberglass, other materials can be used, for example, foil film with polymer reinforcement. When this work is completed, the structures are secured using steel or plastic clamps.

Thermal insulation of pipelines is an important task that must be carried out when laying communications. There are many materials and technologies for its implementation. By selecting suitable way thermal insulation, it is necessary to adhere to the work technology. In this case heat loss will be minimal, and in addition, the pipeline structure will be protected from various factors, which will have a positive effect on their service life.

At the moment, increasing attention is being paid to reducing heat loss in the structures of buildings and structures, in pipelines in industrial equipment, V vehicles etc. The growing interest in this topic is caused by the permanent increase in the cost of non-renewable energy resources.

So, what are thermal insulation works according to SNiP and what are the features of their implementation?

Goals and implementation features

Thermal insulation work is aimed at reducing the degree of thermal conductivity various designs and, as a result, minimizing heat loss and increasing energy efficiency.

Thermal insulation work is divided into:

  1. Construction;
  2. Assembly.

Construction work involves the installation of thermal insulation of buildings, structures and enclosing structures.

Installation work extends to thermal insulation of heating pipelines, refrigeration equipment, heating units, etc.

Types of Insulation Materials

Collection 26, according to GOST 16381-77, subdivides thermal insulation materials according to the following number of main characteristics:

  • in accordance with production raw materials – organic and inorganic;
  • in accordance with the structure - fibrous, loose, granular and cellular;
  • in accordance with the shape - flat (mats, slabs, felt, etc.), loose (perlite and cotton wool), shaped (segments, cylinders, half-cylinders, etc.) and corded.
  • according to the degree of flammability - combustible, difficult to combust and non-combustible.

Installation technology

In accordance with the standard dimensions and configuration of the thermally insulated surface, one or another type of thermal insulation material and method of its installation are selected.

The instructions for the manufacture of thermal insulation fences involve the implementation of work using the following methods:

  • laying and fixing large-sized products industrial production(blocks, slab segments);
  • laying soft roll materials(cords and mats);
  • laying bricks and other small-piece products;
  • pouring and spraying;
  • coating;
  • backfill.

Important: the most labor-intensive at the moment are considered to be thermal insulation work carried out by backfilling and coating.
The main disadvantage of the method is the need to comply with measures that exclude the possibility of self-sealing of the heat-insulating material and, as a result, prevent the formation of voids.

Relatively new methods are pouring and spraying. This type of thermal insulation application has been found wide application abroad, while in the post-Soviet space it has been used for the last 10-15 years. During the implementation of such work, polymer materials in the form of curing foam are mainly used.

Thermal insulation work by pouring and spraying is carried out using both polymer compositions that foam and harden during the drying process (for example, polyurethane or phenolic compositions) and pre-made polymer foams prepared by mixing liquid polymers with foaming agents.

Scope of application

The production of thermal insulation works covers almost all areas national economy. Thermal insulation systems are necessary wherever there is a need to minimize heat loss. Be it the construction of a house or the construction of a water supply system, in both cases it is impossible to do without the use of thermal insulation materials.

Important: thermal insulation works, for the most part, are complex measures that, in addition to applying and fixing thermal insulation material, provide for the arrangement of its vapor and waterproofing and the manufacture of means of protection against mechanical stress.

Thermal insulation of pipelines

The installation of vapor and waterproofing is necessary when the thermal insulation layer is permanently moistened, in particular on pipelines located underground or on outdoors. Also, work on thermal insulation of pipelines is required if one of the sides of the thermally insulated structure is exposed to critical temperatures. This rule is relevant for refrigeration units, construction projects located in harsh climatic conditions etc.

Thermal insulation work on pipelines in this case involves installing a vapor barrier on the warmer side of the insulated structure, since condensation occurs on a cold surface. In order to protect the thermal insulation layer from mechanical damage, the entire structure is lined with dense materials or plastered.

Modern insulation systems on an industrial scale, in addition to construction, are used to insulate a wide range of engineering communications, such as pipeline systems for water supply, heating networks, sewerage, oil and gas and process pipelines.

Advantages of modern pipeline insulation

The use of fundamentally new categories of thermal insulation materials allows us to minimize the leakage of thermal energy through the thermal insulation and protective layer.

Despite the not-so-budgetary cost of thermal insulation work, the following qualities:

  • High moisture resistance. This indicator is very important, since the accumulation of moisture in the thickness of the insulation provokes a significant decrease in thermal insulation qualities and the intensive development of corrosion processes on the metal of the pipes.
  • Long service life. Water pipes are characterized by a certain service life, after which it is not possible to use them for their intended purpose. According to statistics, the use of correctly installed thermal insulation allows you to double the service life of pipes without reducing technical and operational characteristics.
  • Protection against condensation. Thermal insulation materials with low vapor permeability are used on pipelines through which technical liquids are transported in a cooled state. The optimal protection against condensation is considered to be a polyurethane foam shell, which is characterized not only by low thermal conductivity, but also by hydrophobicity.

This insulator is a double shell, the cavity of which is filled with polyurethane foam. In addition to PPU shells, synthetic rubber or polyethylene foam can be used to insulate water pipes.

  • Fire safety. Modern thermal insulation, used to protect a range of industrial pipelines, is characterized by increased fire safety that meets fire resistance requirements. The best in terms of fire safety Protective materials made from foam glass and basalt fibers have proven themselves.
  • Impact resistance critical high temperatures . Certain technological processes require heating to 600-700 degrees Celsius above zero. Thermal insulation of such pipelines becomes possible thanks to basalt materials.

Among the main requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines, the following should be noted:

  • resistance to the aggressive effects of chemically active substances;
  • increased electrical resistance;
  • resistance against rodents and microorganisms.

The practice of using thermal insulation of water pipelines shows that weak electric currents provoke the development of metal corrosion, which causes leaks. Again, chemically aggressive environments, rodents and microorganisms can cause harm to both the thermal insulation shell and the pipes.

However, professional selection of materials and well-implemented thermal insulation measures guarantee a long service life of both the pipes and the insulation itself.

How much does it cost to install thermal insulation?

Have you decided to thermally insulate a residential building, pipeline or other structures with your own hands to save money? It may be possible to save money, but it is much more likely that an unprofessional approach to work will result in excessive consumption of materials and a waste of time.

A completely different result is achieved if thermal insulation work is performed by qualified specialists who have the necessary experience and have all the necessary tools.

Speaking about the criteria that determine the cost of thermal insulation of pipelines, first of all it is necessary to take into account how high the price of the thermal insulating material is.

In addition, the cost of finished insulation and the cost of work on thermal insulation of the pipeline is formed in accordance with such parameters as:

  • ease of installation;
  • scale of work;
  • availability of technological capabilities to ensure pipe protection;
  • location of the object;
  • time of year.


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