Recommendations for installation and installation. Heating systems for country and country houses

Construction and repair of the electromagnetic valve AOGV Rostov (Publication date: 08/18/2016)

60 years old

Due to numerous requests, we publish the design and operation of the solenoid valve that is equipped with gas AOGV boilers Rostov. This device was designed and put into production by the plant back in the 50s. The very fact that in the 21st century we still need a thorough study of the operation of this device only says that the device of the 50s turns out to be much more reliable than everything that has been proposed by “progress” over the past 60 years. And this, I think, is connected only with the fact that there is still not enough electricity for everyone. And even if there is enough, no one can guarantee 100% stability in supplies. Therefore, devices that ensure the operation of gas boilers, regardless of whether there is electricity in the network or not, have always been, are and will always be advanced in the household. What is the best security service? - the most inconspicuous and unobtrusive. Likewise, these devices serve us for years without attracting our attention at all, without requiring special qualifications, or special means for diagnostics, no service, no time, no money. Let me emphasize once again - back in the 50s...


In order for a grip to immediately begin to appear, let’s first consider solenoid valve in the state when it is installed on the boiler. And later we’ll take it off and look at it, holding it in our hands. All the elements we need are numbered in the photo. We will need a grip in order to quickly understand what kind of boiler you have, even if you have lost your passport. Find out quickly what needs to be replaced. Order all this and go do other things.

Let's look at the numbers:

6. Gas supply pipe to the boiler. If you take out this plug, you will see a regular grid (circle) in the depths. This pipe is threaded internally or externally. External thread with a diameter of 3/4"" for AOGV boilers from 17 kW to 35 kW. For AOGV-11.6 boilers, the internal thread is 1/2" - which is what we are seeing here. Next...
5. Gas outlet fitting to the automatic traction tee. From this tee, gas has outlets: down, to the boiler igniter, and up, to the tube emergency shutdown gas in case of overheating.
4. Plug of the gas part of the solenoid valve. It is located on the back side and is not visible in this photo.
3. Connection pipe for connecting to the gas valve temperature regulator. This pipe is always shorter than the gas supply pipe (6). And it always has only internal threads with a diameter of 1/2"".
2. Contact for connecting the gas control thermocouple to the windings of the electromagnetic part of the device. By quickly applying a tape measure from the nut screwed onto the contact (3) and measuring the distance along the thermocouple to its first bend, comparing this length with the lengths of the thermocouples for AOGV Rostov, you can quickly determine which thermocouple is installed on your boiler.
1. Solenoid valve button for manual start gas to the igniter. If this button “looks” to the side, and not up like Zhukovsky’s, then it’s definitely “Rostov”.

Next, we separate the solenoid valve from the boiler and check the numbers again. In the second photo you can clearly see the plug of the gas part of the valve (4). And there is a noticeable difference in length between pipes 6 and 3. And it is clear how to install the valve in its place - contact (3) for connecting the thermocouple should “look down”.

If this is clear, let’s move on to analyzing the solenoid valve for the gas boiler AOGV Rostov

For ease of penetration of visual material into the brain, we made inscriptions on the proposed photos. This greatly simplifies all the main comments, since it is better to see everything once than to waste time wagging your tongue. Let's go! Remove the four screws from the valve cover and separate the top from the bottom. Before us are the electromagnetic and gas parts of the device. I even somehow find it difficult to answer the question “Which part is more complex in design?” Well, most likely, let's start with the electromagnetic part, since it is the main one and controls the situation.

Electromagnetic part of the valve AOGV Rostov

Taking off the cover of the electromagnetic part we will see the following design. In the second photo we use numbers to indicate its main details:

1. Electrical part. Here we see two windings and a contact for connecting a gas control thermocouple.
2. Solenoid valve cover.
3. Washer.
4. Rod.
5 A button with a spring that fits onto the stem.

This is how this thing works. We press button 5, thereby pressing washer 3 to the windings of electrical part 1. Gas goes to the boiler igniter. We light the igniter and wait for the gas control thermocouple to heat up and begin to generate EMF. After which washer 3 will be “magnetized” to the contacts of the windings and will remain in this “stuck” position as long as the boiler igniter is lit and the thermocouple is working. Thanks to this, the gas part valve remains open and gas flows to the boiler. If this does not happen, then either the thermocouples are not in order, or the windings are not energized and washer 3 cannot stick. Then we replace the thermocouple and solenoid valve with new ones. Or change the thermocouple and...

The electromagnetic part is connected to the gas rod 4. It is with the rod of the electromagnetic part that we press on the valve rod of the gas part to release the gas. Next.

We even pulled the rod out of the electromagnetic part so that we could see where it rests inside the product. It rests against the membrane of the gas part. This is the gas under which there is already gas. It may wear out and it is possible to replace it with a new one. Next.

Let's take a look at this sealing membrane. Underneath we see a plastic lining. This is so that the membrane is not simply pierced by the rod when pressed.

This lining is also easily removed and we finally see the valve stem of the gas part.

It is important that you see the hole for the gas flow to the igniter. For convenience, we put a paperclip there.

It is impossible to remove the valve from the gas part - you have to unscrew the nut from the back. When we turn the latter inside out, we see that gas valve inside the gas part it is supported by a spring. That is, when you press the rod of the electromagnetic part manually and release gas to the igniter and to the entire boiler, the spring resists. They close the valve if the boiler igniter blows out or if the flow of EMF from the thermocouple to pin 2 stops.

We take out the valve and see that this is a simple design, without any subtleties.

By the simplicity of engineering, we can simultaneously judge the reliability of this product. Simple and angry. There is practically no mechanical wear here. Wear of the rubber parts is possible, but if you lubricate it with castor oil, it will be delayed for quite a long time.

That's how things are. Good luck! Go to section

In Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space, along with the old “Soviet” AGV heating boilers, they are widely used and have different reviews gas boilers or Zhukovsky. These devices run on gas, which is known to be the cheapest type of fuel today. In addition, AOGV boilers are quite unpretentious and do not require any special conditions for their work.

In this article we will try to understand AOGV boilers, what they are, consider the technical characteristics of non-volatile gas heating boilers AOGV-11.6, disadvantages, prices and draw up instructions for use.

AOGV what is it

Many of those who are puzzled by the purchase of an AOGV gas boiler may at first find this name of the boiler incomprehensible. It's actually simple.

AOGV is an abbreviation, its meaning is Gas Water Heating Apparatus. The number that appears after this abbreviation indicates the power of the gas boiler. For example, the decoding of the abbreviation AOGV-11.6 indicates that this gas heating apparatus has a power of 11.6 kW, AOGV-17.4, respectively 17.4 kW, etc.

Let's look at AOGV boilers using the example of popular boilers produced at the Zhukovsky plant, produced by ZhMZ.

Boilers AOGV-11.6-3 series Comfort, Universal and Economy

AOGV-11.6 boilers and their technical characteristics

Non-volatile gas boilers are designed for heating a private house, garage or other premises. Available only in floor-standing version. Household versions of gas boilers range from 11 to 29 kW of power. The main type of fuel for the AOGV boiler is natural gas.

Water is heated using gas burner located under the heat exchanger tank at the bottom of the boiler. When replacing a gas burner, it is possible to use the boiler on liquefied gas. The boiler body and heat exchanger are made of steel. The heat exchanger for heating water has a tubular structure, which contributes to its fairly high efficiency.

The inlet and outlet fittings for connecting the coolant are located on the back of the boiler body. The diameter of these fittings is 40 mm or 1 1/2 inches. At the bottom is the “return”, at the top is the “direct”. Smoke channel is connected to the upper part of the AOGV boiler body, the chimney diameter must be at least 120 mm.

Boilers are produced as single-circuit and double-circuit: under the name AKGV-11.6-3. The latter are intended for both heating and hot water supply.

Boiler design AKGV-11.6

The structure of a double-circuit gas boiler is almost identical to a single-circuit one, only a steel coil for running utility water is additionally built into the heat exchanger. If you want to buy a dual circuit with good performance hot water, then you have to choose a device with a thermal power of at least 23 kW.

Double-circuit gas boilers AKGV with a power of 11 kW will give you 4-5 liters warm water per minute. This, of course, is enough, for example, to wash your hands or dishes, but no more.

What is the difference between floor-standing gas boilers AOGV

So, in everyday life the most common heating boilers are AOGV-11.6-3 of the Economy and Universal series. The main difference between these series is the types of automation installed on the boilers.

Gas boilers AOGV-11.6-3 Economy have domestic automation. The operation of this boiler is controlled using a thermostat knob and an electromagnetic valve, to which a draft sensor and a thermocouple are connected.

Boiler AOGV-11.6-3 Economy

Thermocouple for gas boiler AOGV

A thermocouple is important element automation of gas boiler AOGV. It is made of copper, shaped like a thick rod. Serves to control the presence of flame on the igniter. If the draft level decreases, the draft sensor is activated and the solenoid valve shuts off the gas supply.

Automation of boiler AOGV-11.6-3 series Economy

AOGV-11.6 boilers of the Universal series are equipped with Italian Sit automatic equipment. This device has an automatic thermostat and piezo ignition. The boiler starts at the touch of a button. At the same time, there is absolutely no dependence on electricity.

Boiler AOGV-11.6-3 Universal with automatic Sit

The AOGV and AKGV boilers of the “Comfort” series are equipped with American Honeywell automation, which also has a built-in piezoelectric element, but a slightly different design.

Advantages of AOGV-11.6-3 boilers

— ability to work in systems with natural and forced circulation

— compatible with any material from which the heating system is made (steel, cast iron, polypropylene, metal-plastic)

— energy independence

— ability to work on natural and liquefied gas

Disadvantages of AOGV boilers

- outdated automation on Economy series boilers

- it is difficult to find spare parts if they need to be replaced in case of malfunction

- quite high price compared to

Boilers AOGV-11.6: product price

Today, the purchase of a single-circuit gas boiler of the Economy series will cost 11-12 thousand rubles, the Universal series 13-14 thousand. The price is as of September 2014.

In this article we have compiled instructions for boilers AOGV-11.6-3, analyzed the principle of operation, the main advantages and disadvantages, as well as technical characteristics and prices. And finally, let's watch a short video review.

Installation and maintenance of the AOGV-11.6-3 boiler

Installation and connection of the gas boiler AOGV-11.6 to communication systems

Work performed for installation of the AOGV-11.6 boiler:

Remove the preservative grease and wipe the device with dry material.

Install the unit vertically and check the vertical level. Install shield 15 (Fig. 1) at the bottom of the tank.

Install draft breaker 1 (Fig. 1) on the boiler, ensuring its 11 strictly vertical position. The end of the draft breaker door 2 should not protrude outwards and should deviate from the nominal position inside the draft breaker by no more than 1-2 mm.

The draft breaker door should rotate easily on its axis. The casing 3 should not touch the bimetallic plate of the draft sensor 4.

Connect the AOGV-11.6 boiler to the chimney, gas pipeline and pipes of the heating system (CO) and hot water supply (DHW). It must be installed on the gas supply pipe in front of the unit. gas tap, blocking gas access to the apparatus.

The connecting pipes of the pipelines must be precisely adjusted to the location of the inlet fittings of the device. The connection should not be accompanied by mutual tension between pipes and apparatus components.

Fill the pipe for installing the thermometer 5 with machine or automobile oil (the volume of oil to be filled is 15 cm3).

Fill the heating system with water. The filling of the heating system is monitored through signal pipe 3 (Fig. 4).

After installing the AOGV-11.6 boiler, check the gas and water pipes for leaks. Check the tightness of gas pipeline connections using soap emulsion. It is prohibited to use fire to detect gas leaks.

Set the adjusting nut 6 (Fig. 2) of the automation unit to the required water temperature in the boiler.

Switch on the unit sequentially.

Make sure that the igniter flame intensively washes the end of the thermocouple and ensures instantaneous (no more than 2 seconds) ignition of the burner over the entire surface.

Check the automatic operation of the AOGV-11.6 boiler according to draft. Gas cutoff to the igniter and main burner should occur within no more than 60 seconds. and at least 10 seconds. If necessary, adjust the response time of the traction sensor.

When the device is operating for heating and hot water supply, water for household needs should be supplied briefly (the duration of one cycle of hot water intake is no more than 1.5 hours) in order to avoid disruption temperature regime heating systems.

When drawing hot water for a long time, we recommend: to increase the temperature and volume of hot water, first set the adjusting nut 6 (Fig. 2) to a temperature of 90 C and close valve 10 (Fig. 4) on the return water line 7 in the heating system.

After finishing the hot water intake, open valve 10 on the return water line 7 to restore water circulation in the heating system and set the adjusting nut 6 (Fig. 2) to the required temperature.

On summer period close valve 10 (Fig. 4) on return water line 7 and open valve 10 on line 12. For the autumn-winter period, close valve 10 on line 12 and open valve 10 on line 7.

Fig.4. Heating and hot water supply system diagram

1-Heating device; 2-Expansion tank; 3-Signal tube; 4-Riser; 5-Hot water main; 6-Radiator; 7-Return water main; 8-Drain line; 9-Making water supply; 10-Water valve; 11-Hot water supply line; 12-Small circuit main line.

Switching sequence of the AOGV-11.6 boiler:

Open the gas valve on the gas pipeline in front of the device.

Open the device door 7 (Fig. 1). Tap 11 in front of the burner must be closed.

Remove the shield covering the firebox window.

Press the start button 2 (Fig. 2) all the way and, holding it, bring a lit match to the igniter. The pilot light should light up.

After 60 seconds have passed (counting from the moment the flame appears on the igniter), release the start button, while the flame on the igniter should not go out. If the flame goes out, repeat the operation no earlier than after 5 minutes.

Open the gas valve 11 (Fig. 1) of the burner by smoothly turning the valve handle 90° counterclockwise (the valve handle should be parallel to gas pipe).

The main burner should light up. If for any reason the burner does not light up and the pilot light goes out, re-ignite it no earlier than after 5 minutes.

Reinstall the shield.

Check for draft in the chimney. During normal draft, the flame of a match brought to the draft breaker door should be drawn inside the draft breaker. In the absence of draft, as well as when hot gases are knocked out of the firebox, the AOGV-11.6 boiler cannot be used.

By turning adjusting nut 6 (Fig. 2), set the required water heating temperature. After heating the water to the temperature corresponding to the setting, the gas supply to the burner is automatically reduced and it switches to the “low fire” mode.

When the water temperature in the boiler unit decreases (no more than 15 C) as a result of heat extraction during heating or hot water extraction, the gas supply to the burner automatically increases.

When transferring the adjusting nut from the existing temperature to a lower one, to avoid possible damage to the bellows-thermocylinder assembly, it is necessary:

Close gas valve 11 (Fig. 1) in front of the burner;

After lowering the temperature of the water in the tank to the required temperature, set the adjusting nut to this temperature;

Open the gas tap in front of the burner.

Close the door.

After the AOGV-11.6 boiler is put into operation until the entire heating system is completely warmed up, a temporary appearance of water drops from under the bottom of the tank, falling on the burner and pan, may be observed. This is the result of condensation (sweating) forming on the walls of the firebox. When water is heated to 25–30 °C, condensation stops.

Fig.5. Diagram for setting up automatic water temperature control

1. Adjusting nut, 2. Bushing, 3. Nut, 4. Screw.

Maintenance of the AOGV-11.6 boiler

Maintenance work for the gas boiler AOGV-11.6:

Preventive inspection and repair of the boiler is carried out by specialists from the gas industry, the service department of the manufacturer, and a service department that has a license (permit) for this type works

Monitoring the operation of the unit is the responsibility of the owner, who is obliged to keep the unit clean and in good condition.

Upon completion heating season rinse the heating system with an alkali solution (0.3 kg of soda ash per 10 liters of water). To do this, fill the heating system with the solution and let it sit for 2 days, then drain the solution and rinse the system with water. Fill the heating system with clean

If the AOGV-11.6 boiler stops working, winter time For a long period of time (more than a day), completely drain the water from the heating system and hot water supply system through valves 10 drain lines 8 (Fig. 4) to avoid freezing.

Before the start of the heating season, check and clean the chimney, check that there is no dust and debris under the device.

To increase the service life of the unit and economical gas consumption, it is recommended to fill the heating system with clean, chemically non-aggressive water with a carbonate hardness of no more than 2 mg. eq/l

During operation, check the filling of the system with water once a week to ensure there is a sufficient water level in the expansion tank. If necessary, add water to the tank.

Periodically, but at least once every six months (before the start of the heating season), check the accuracy of the thermostat setting of the automatic control unit of the AOGV-11.6 boiler. To do this, install a thermometer of any type with a measurement limit of 0 ° - 100 °C (0 ° - 160 °C) into the thermometer installation pipe 5 (Fig. 1).

Set adjusting nut 1 (Fig. 5) to 60 C.

Heat the water in the device tank to 60 °C. The burner should go to low fire mode.

If the thermometer readings diverge from the temperature set on the adjustment scale by more than ±5 °C, it is necessary to make adjustments.

To do this, hold screw 4 (Fig. 5) with a wrench and unscrew nut 3 (Fig. 5) 1 - 1.5 turns. By rotating adjusting nut 1 (Fig. 5), align the mark whose temperature corresponds to the thermometer reading with the arrow.

Then, holding sleeve 2 (Fig. 5) from turning with a wrench, slowly tighten screw 4 (Fig. 5) until the valve in the block closes. (The burner switched to “low fire” mode). Lock adjusting screw 4 with nut 3 (Fig. 5).

Set the adjusting nut to more high temperature(the burner should go to “full fire”). Remove the thermometer from the device nozzle.

At least once a year, inspect the condition of the inner surface of the coil fitting at the hot water outlet for the presence of scale.

To remove scale, pour REBOUND, a chemical remover of mineral deposits into the coil, manufactured by KEMILINE; a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (3 parts water to 1 part solution) or other similar means. Remove minor scale using a mechanical
way. After the scale has been removed, rinse the coil with a weak alkali solution, then with water.








Review of gas boiler AOGV-11.6-3 Economy

The household gas heating boiler with a water circuit AOGV-11.6-3 Economy is designed for water heating of residential and office premises equipped with water heating systems (WHC).

The device runs on natural and liquefied gases. The manufacturing plant supplies devices with nozzles for natural gas. To operate on liquefied gas, it is necessary to replace the injectors for natural gas on liquefied nozzles.

These units can be installed in closed heating system with expansion tank membrane type. The pressure in the heating system in operating condition (at a water temperature in the heating system of 60 - 80 ° C) should be no more than 1.5 kgf/cm2.

A safety valve must be installed on the riser (outlet pipe), adjusted to operate at a pressure in the heating system of 1.8 ± 0.1 kgf/cm2. To control the pressure in the heating system, a pressure gauge with a measurement limit of 0.4 kg/cm2 must be installed.

Rice. 1. Gas heating boiler AOGV-11.6 household Economy

1. Traction breaker; 2. Traction breaker door; 3. Casing; 4. Traction sensor; 5. Connection for installing a thermometer; 6. Thermal cylinder of the automation unit; 7. Door; 8. Traction sensor cable; 9. Coil; 10. Automation unit; 11. Gas tap; 12. Gas pipeline; 13. Igniter; 14. Thermocouple; 15. Shield; 16. Burner; 17.
Pipe for supplying water from CO; 18. Heat exchanger tank; 19. Turbulator; 20. Pipe for draining water into CO.

The device is made in the form of a cylindrical floor cabinet, the front side of which is closed with a door that provides access to put the device into operation and regulate heating modes.

Rice. 2. Boiler automation unit AOGV-11.6

1. Thermocouple union nut; 2. Start button; 3. Union nut for draft sensor; 4. Sealing washer; 5. Rod; 6. Adjusting nut; 7. Bushing;
8. Nut; 9. Screw.

The automation unit is an electromechanical device and consists of a block body, inside of which there are valves and a system of levers,
electromagnet, and serves to supply gas to the igniter and burner, regulate the water temperature and automatically turn off the gas supply when:

The igniter goes out.

Gas pressure in the network drops below the permissible level or gas supply stops;

Lack of draft in the chimney.

Draft breaker 1 (Fig. 1) is designed to automatically stabilize the vacuum value in the furnace of the apparatus, i.e. reducing the influence of fluctuations in the vacuum value in the chimney on the draft in the firebox of the apparatus. For successful operation, the draft breaker door 2 must rotate easily on its axis.

The automation of the gas boiler AOGV-11.6 for regulating water temperature consists of a bellows-thermocylinder assembly 6 installed inside the tank of the apparatus and a system of levers with a valve located in the automation unit.

An adjusting nut 6 is attached to the block body (Fig. 2), by rotating which you can adjust the automation to a temperature from 50 °C to 90 °C. This temperature change is caused by the movement of the bellows together with rod 5 up (down) when the adjustment nut is rotated.

After heating the water to the temperature corresponding to the setting, the gas supply to the burner is automatically reduced and it switches to the “low fire” mode.

When the water temperature in the apparatus decreases (no more than 15 °C) as a result of heat extraction during heating or hot water extraction, the gas supply to the burner automatically increases. The temperature of hot water in the hot water supply system during its intake should not exceed 60 °C.

The automatic traction system consists of a traction sensor 4 (Fig. 1) mounted on the tank lid and a cable 8 connecting the traction sensor to the magnetic box.

Fig.3. Ignition device of the boiler AOGV-11.6

1. Thermocouple; 2. Igniter

The ignition device (Fig. 3) is intended for attaching the igniter, thermocouple and igniting the main burner. The pilot flame should flow around the end of the thermocouple.

The safety of the gas boiler AOGV-11.6 is ensured by automation, which is triggered when:

The flame on the igniter goes out;

Lack of draft in the chimney;

Gas supply stops or gas pressure drops below the lower value.

In this case, the gas supply to the igniter and the main burner is automatically stopped.

Preparing the AOGV-11.6 boiler for operation

The room where the AOGV-11.6 boiler is installed must have free access to air from outside and a ventilation hood near the ceiling and meet the requirements for the placement of thermal units intended for heating and hot water supply of single-family or
blocked residential buildings.

Installation of a boiler unit in a residential building is allowed only if there is a chimney with combustion products discharged from the device into it. The chimney must meet all requirements.

The chimney channel must have a “live” cross-section not less than the diameter of the connecting gas exhaust device of the apparatus, be strictly vertical, smooth, even, without turns or narrowings.

The outer surface of the chimney, located above the roof, must be plastered cement mortar. The part of the chimney located in the attic must be plastered and thermally insulated.

Below the point where the connecting pipe from the device is connected to the chimney, there must be a “pocket” in the chimney, at least 25 cm deep, with a hatch for cleaning. To ensure optimal operating vacuum in the chimney, we recommend that the chimney height be at least 5 meters.

The AOGV-11.6 boiler must be connected to the chimney using roofing steel pipes. The diameter of the pipes must be no less than the diameter of the device's draft breaker. The pipes must slide tightly into each other without gaps along the flow of combustion products by at least 0.5 of the pipe diameter.

The vertical section of the smoke exhaust pipe, located directly above the draft breaker, must be as long as possible, but not less than 0.5 m.

Laying connecting pipes through living rooms prohibited. Should be avoided if possible long length horizontal sections of the chimney.

The total length of horizontal sections of connecting pipes should be no more than 3 m. (In existing houses, a length of no more than 6 m is allowed).

Pipe slope to the side gas appliance must be at least 0.01. Curvature radii should not be made smaller than the pipe diameter.

The AOGV-11.6 gas boiler is installed near fireproof walls at a distance of at least 15 cm from the wall. If the device is installed near a fire-resistant wall, its surface must be insulated with a steel sheet over an asbestos sheet 5 mm thick, protruding 10 cm beyond the dimensions of the housing.

There must be a 1 m wide passage in front of the unit. When installing the unit on wooden floor, the floor must be insulated with steel sheet over asbestos sheet 5 mm thick. The insulation should protrude 10 cm beyond the dimensions of the housing.

To improve the conditions of water circulation in the heating system, it is preferable to install the boiler as low as possible at the level of heating devices (radiators). The expansion tank is located at the highest point of the system. The heating system must be with overhead wiring.

The surface of heating devices is determined by calculation. To avoid high hydraulic resistance of the system, it is not recommended to underestimate the diameters of pipelines.








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