Runes and their meaning: protection on the way. Rune knitting

Man is a creature vulnerable not only to natural disasters and unfortunate circumstances, but also to the negative influence of other people. Since people are always in society, at the energetic level they are constantly in contact with other people’s biofields. This often happens without our consent: when we are traveling in public transport, shopping in a store, or at a public event. And what can we say about intentional magical effects such as damage, the evil eye, love spells, quarrels. The topic of our conversation today is magical protection runes at all levels, because it is the ancient secret signs that can help us protect ourselves, loved ones and property.

Types of runic protection

There are two ways to protect yourself from negative influences of any kind with the help of runes: the first is the creation of special talismans and amulets, and the second is the application and activation of runic formulas and staves. Both methods are approximately the same in effectiveness, the only differences are in the principle of use. Talismans are made for constant wearing, and when a person no longer needs their help, he simply takes them off or stops carrying them with him. The runic formula is applied to a photograph, body or some object and will remain in effect until you destroy it by fire or erasure.

What runes are used for protection?

The following signs can be classified as rune amulets for protection:

  • - the rune most often used both as part of formulas and on its own. She gives a person protection Higher Powers, protects him from all kinds of troubles and negativity
  • The warrior rune is also suitable for active defense. It is good to use for those people who do not naturally have courage and determination - the symbol will help them gain self-confidence and become more courageous
  • and - two very powerful runes, the power of which in protective formulas is usually aimed at destroying magical effects and any negativity
  • Sometimes, in order to protect yourself, you can use an “ice” symbol that freezes the flows of negativity heading towards you

However, the list of suitable runes is not limited to just the listed signs of the Elder Futhark. Often other symbols are included in runic scripts, depending on the goal they want to achieve.

Basic rules for protection with runes

Before using runes of protection for yourself from any negativity or in order to protect your loved ones, home, family, property from extraneous destructive influences, it is worth getting acquainted with general principle application of such formulas. These rules are quite simple.

First, you need to apply the runes correctly. If we are protecting ourselves or another person - by drawing an object or his body on a photograph, if we are trying to protect a love affair - in a general photo of a couple, when protecting a house - the ligature can be depicted directly on the wall or door. Property is usually protected in different ways: if we are talking, for example, about a car, then a piece of paper with writing can simply be put in the glove compartment, if we are talking about some other thing, in most cases it is enough just to choose the appropriate formula, correctly specify it, draw it on a piece of paper and keep it in a secluded place place.

To protect a business, a similar method is used as with property. Some staves are drawn on an envelope containing a thing that symbolizes what we are protecting, for example, for a house - it could be a key, for a family - family photo, for a specific person - his hair or a personal item. But in most cases, the authors of stavs prescribe very specifically where and how to draw the formula.

Runes for protection from negativity and enemies must be correctly specified - for this we prescribe the action of the stave on a piece of paper in advance, and after applying it we read this text out loud. When drawing, it is important to “intend” the formula, i.e. visually imagine how it comes to life, how it affects, what results it will bring.

The final stage is activation. About everyone existing methods It’s better to talk about it in a separate article. Most bets can be activated by any most convenient method. If we are talking about something specific, then, as a rule, the author always warns about it.

The formula is stored until the end of its influence, or until the moment when we understand that we no longer need the work of the ligature. After this, the becoming is deactivated, in most cases by burning. Some staves with a long-term operating principle can be “renewed” - the runes can be circled again so that the power of the formula does not weaken.

Simple protective formulas

Exists huge amount simple protective formulas, which include a small number of runes written in a row. Such simple ligatures are ideal for beginners who have recently worked with magic symbols. So, for example, to protect a house, you can use a bunch that includes Otala, located in the center, as well as two Algiz to the left and right of it.

For those who are constantly on the road or travel a lot, you can protect yourself with a pair of Raido and Algiz, and in order to protect your property from theft and human envy, the Algiz - Fehu combination is suitable. The Algiz - Berkana pair is an excellent amulet for a woman and her child, and the Evaz - Algiz - Isa combination is an excellent talisman that protects a person from negative magical influences.

To protect personal relationships from outside influence, you can draw the combination Gebo - Algiz - Otala on a joint photo, and the magic three Turisaz - Teyvaz - Turisaz is suitable for personal protection of a person. To protect your home and its inhabitants, you can use runes to protect your home and family, written in the line: Teyvaz - Algiz - Otala - Algiz - Teyvaz.

Runic protection at all levels

If you want to protect yourself as effectively as possible from targeted negative influences or get a specific result, very strong and proven magical rune formulas will come to your aid. So, for example, becoming famous“Holy Land”, created by the master Cantas, creates an impenetrable protective shell around a person, through which no destructive influences can penetrate.

Runologist Sinais has created an amazing magical station called “Helper Spirit”, which calls upon a special entity to protect a person - the Guardian, who will not only cleanse the operator of everything “bad”, but will also protect him throughout life. The formulas “Invisible” from Milante, “Shield of Yggdrasil” from Insolate, “Shield” from Bagirka and many other ligatures have also proven themselves well.

Runic protection with retraction

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to break through the enemy’s defense with the help of runes. Yes, this is quite possible. For this purpose, there are special staves that identify existing negativity, remove it from the person and send it back to the offender. Such ligatures are also good at “mirroring” magical attacks at the moment of their application. Similar defensive positions include “Black Star” from maxnamara, “Absolute” and “Absolute 2” from Bagirka, galdrasta “Kaps to the enemy” from Vedma Magnolia and many others. Detailed description, the principle of influence, the rules for applying, stipulating and activating these ligatures, as well as reviews of their work can be found on the forums of runologists and the personal websites of Masters.

The most important thing is that before using any protective measure, do not forget to carry out diagnostics to find out how effective it will be in your case.

The ancestors had deep magical knowledge and with their help they neutralized enemies, protected themselves from danger, and used runes for this against damage and the evil eye. And today strong rituals will protect you from energy strikes.

In the article:

What energy do runes store?

Most often rune futhark, which consists of 24 characters with strong energy, is used for. But the ability to predict the development of events in the future is not the only advantage of the ancient Scandinavian signs.

Rune Futhark

Material energy that attracts prosperity is contained Fehu, Yer, Otal, Dagaz. Considered strong

Fehu - the sign attracts luxury, stimulates accumulation, growth, awakens the energy of life. Yer rewards for perseverance in work, effort, diligence. Otal attracts wealthy people, those who provide assistance in the implementation of plans. Dagaz provides unlimited prospects in career and business.

The energy of love between a man and a woman lies in Evaz - a symbol of the family, it nourishes the couple with tenderness and creates harmony in the relationship. Opening your heart to a trembling feeling or passionate desire will help Kenaz – kindles love, gives attractiveness, charm. Will make you see your soulmate in your partner Nautiz , she organizes a fateful meeting.

There are destructive ones. Hagalaz is capable of removing any protection from a person, and an inverted Laguz turns the course of luck back. Nagalaz , combined with Mannaz And Hagalaz, destroys the physical psychological health, self-confidence, leads to obsessive thoughts of suicide. The use of negative runes to harm others is punishable by the Universe. In order not to ruin your own life, consider using it in divination.

Runic corruption

For negative impact on different areas in human life they use combinations of symbols: one contains powerful primitive energy and cannot harm without a certain message. For special runic formulas are made - stavs, which contain from 2 to 6 characters.

Two runes provoke a single, clear, targeted strike on a certain area of ​​a person. Three symbols launch a destructive mechanism from the beginning to the moment of completion. Four signs block an entire sphere - health, work, family relationships. Five is a suitable combination for damage on the physical, material level. Six - the impact on a person’s personal energy, the external surrounding background. Seven signs are used for destruction leading to death.

Runic damage is insidious in that it does not require direct contact with the victim. A photograph or visualization of an image is enough to apply the formula. A thoughtful sequence of signs is applied to the photograph at certain points or volts, which personifies the object of influence. Afterwards, the victim’s energy field is gradually destroyed.

A feeling of jealousy forces women to resort to runic damage to their partner’s impotence in sexual relations with a rival. Used by becoming - Evaz, Odal, Hagal, Isa, Teyvaz. This powerful effect on a man breaks the love relationship on a physical level. When used in a formula instead of Odal Fehu the man will lose the ability to have sex at all. The lack of energy realization has a destructive effect on many aspects of life, the result is loss, disappointment, despair.

The desire to harm another person is caused by strong emotions: resentment, anger, aggression. But many do not think about the fact that revenge is destructive to their own energy. It is impossible to hide either actions or thoughts from the Universe - evil is punished, and good is rewarded.

Runes from damage and the evil eye

To restore energy or health that is damaged by magical influence, runes against the evil eye and damage are effective. But this is a complex, painstaking process. Cleaning is carried out using a photograph or visually, but it is more effective to do the ritual directly on a person.

There are certain restorative combinations of runes - glyphs, staves or binds. One of the most powerful cleansing formulas is Soulu what is between the two Nautiz. When wearing such a combination in the form of an amulet or design on the body, which was made with an ordinary red marker or pen, the state of mind and body is normalized for nine days. But becoming overestimates self-esteem: at the end of the cleansing period you need to wear Algiz or strengthen with it the original formula above and below Soulu.

When there is a possibility that it was done to death, it is recommended not just cleaning, but a strong impact, such as “ Runic Cross» . On right side body (for men) or on the left (for women) a certain runic design in the form of a cross is applied. In the center - Eyvaz, placed on both sides Berkany, above and below - two Turisaz.

Wear the formula for a week. The subtlest energy field, mental devastation, physical weakness are normal, the consequences are observed for another 5-6 days. Upon completion of cleaning, protection is installed.

Protective symbols

Four of the runic futhark are used for personal protection from negative influences from enemies, otherworldly forces, and negative energy: Algiz, Isa, Teyvaz And Turisaz. Symbols protect the house, workplace, loved ones, yourself. They draw on walls, objects or on the body. Use a regular marker or ballpoint pen for this.

The drawn symbol gradually wears off, fades or is washed off during bathing and cleaning. It is more practical to make a special amulet with the image of the required rune. The sign is carved into wood or stone. The base is made of natural material.

Algiz sharpens a person’s intuition, makes the wearer sensitive to energy fluctuations, and allows them to sense danger before coming into contact with a problem. The sign is equally good for protecting a home and people.

What to protect your material condition, money, real estate and business is suitable Teyvaz - a reflective symbol that repels negativity, sends problems to the creator of damage. Teyvaz is capable of awakening in a person’s soul courage and bravery, the ability to resist circumstances.

Isa- neutralizer of any negativity from the outside. Envy, anger, jealousy will not penetrate such protection. The sign changes a person’s energy and frees them from addictions.

Runes from corruption heads Turisaz- activator of inner strength of spirit. The symbol saves you from gossip and intrigue, gives you energy to deal with circumstances, and serves as a talisman for your home.

Runes also bring good luck. Algiz bestows happiness on those born from 10/24 to 11/7, Isa attracts well-being to those who were born from August 24 to September 8. Teyvaz And Turisaz will become advisors for those born from November 23 to December 7 and from April 22 to May 6.

The versatility of the ancient alphabet

The magical properties of Scandinavian futhark have been known for centuries. The signs that Odin, the supreme god of the Northern pantheon gave to humanity, are so strong that they require careful study. Ignorance of all the possibilities of the symbol will lead to tragic consequences when applied.

To understand and comprehend the properties, they study special literature. Reputable researchers are considered Freya Aswin, Kenneth Meadows, Anton Platonov. The features of the combinations described by the authors will help make the futhark a personal protector.

They learn the runes on their own. Learn the image, name and transcription of twenty-four characters. Every day, one rune is applied to the body or to a piece of paper, whatever is nearby, in Futhark order. During the day, listen to your own feelings and write them down. This way you will be able to understand how each will affect a person.

The formula protects and preserves. LAUKAZ - the formula translates as "wild onion", which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical power, mainly of a protective and protective nature.

Rune combination:

URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

Home Protection Spell

Home protection formula. A strong protective spell that protects against the envy of others, which undermines the energy of the home. Prevents negative energy from entering the house. Protects from accidents. It is used to strengthen the home and household, strengthening its status and well-being. A talisman with this spell should be placed at the entrance, on the gate, on the porch, above front door outside.

Rune combination:

ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.

Spell for Protection from Witchcraft and Damage

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient protective spell to protect the family from witchcraft and damage. A magical word that means "horse" and is an invocation of the good power of the sacred horse.

Rune combination:

OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

Spell on Protective Barrier, Shield from damage and evil eye

The formula protects against damage and the evil eye. This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier, neutralizing targeted energy attacks and negative energy from others.

Rune combination:

TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
THURISAZ - Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.

Spell for Protection and Reflection (mirror)

Palindrome formula - for reflection and protection. A protective spell operating on the principle of a mirror - any impact is completely reflected - is sent back unchanged.

Rune combination:
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, binding.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, binding.

Spell for Protection from Witchcraft

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient formula for mirror runic protection against magical influence and astral attack. Any malicious message is reflected and sent back to its sender. Helps in magical duels, protects the magician from an opponent's attack.

Rune combination:
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.

Spell for Protection from accidents and disasters - amulet for the road

The formula protects against damage and the evil eye. A powerful amulet for travel. Protection against accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of impending danger. It will help you avoid troubles along the way. Good for motorists.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
RAIDO - Rune of the Path (in every sense), rune of the road and travel.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

Powerful runes of protection- these are the oldest sacred symbols who are fighting the evil on our planet. They allow you to regain faith in yourself and gain strength. To feel them magical influence, just make a personal amulet. Let it be small - its energy will not suffer from this.

Rune signs work with cosmic energy, so their magic is limitless. If you use it according to all the rules, you can change your destiny.

Protective rune staves not only protect from negativity, but also help to cleanse, participate in diagnostic procedures, and destroy witchcraft spells.

Algiz is the main rune for protection

Algiz (Anise) was in first place among the protective symbols among the ancient Scandinavians. She was associated with moose and sedge. Why were these particular concepts chosen?

Elk are known to be a very cautious animal. He will never go to potentially dangerous place. On an intuitive level, the elk senses any manifestation of negativity.

Article on the topic:

In the same way, Algiz instantly reacts to an alien invasion of personal space. The rune sign communicates danger, so it is ideal for a protective talisman.

And sedge is a tender and quivering tree. From every breath of breeze or from loud sound its leaves tremble. The branches are very susceptible to environment and to the people who are standing nearby. Sedge reads thoughts and can even penetrate the thin boundaries of a person’s bioenergy field.


The mysterious writings of the mysterious ancient Germanic people are still shrouded in a fog of guesswork and speculation. What were the runes really?

These are ancient writings of the Germans. They were found in modern-day Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and later in Iceland and Greenland. Runes were carved on hard surfaces - stones, metal, trees and bones. They are distinguished by their angular shape, which is explained by the difficulties of carving. Since the adoption of Christianity, runes were gradually replaced by the Latin alphabet. It is interesting that the root of the word translated from ancient German means “secret”. Today, about 5,000 runic inscriptions are known in the world. A significant part of them were found on the territory of modern Sweden. The existence of runic calendars has also been proven.

It is believed that the runes were given to the Scandinavian people by Odin, the supreme deity of the Northern pantheon. Their power is so great and little known that it requires special care in handling. Ignorance possible consequences can lead a person to tragic events.

The danger and power of runes

Belief in the ability to protect yourself from negative influence, damage and curses still live. Even science provides evidence that runes are indeed capable of interfering in human life and influencing it in a certain way. It's incredible, but the ancients magic symbols can not only protect you, your home and family, but also become faithful assistants in many earthly affairs.

Using the magic of runes correctly, you can radically change your life by letting goodness, joy and light into it. However, those wishing to resort to ancient magic should be very careful. If the runes are interpreted incorrectly, and therefore used, you can get yourself into a lot of trouble. Runic protection is entirely based on faith. Having a strong belief in the effectiveness of runes can achieve great results. Secret signs have been helping those who hear them for centuries.

How do they work?

Runes of protection can become your guardian angels. You're probably wondering how it works. It is quite reasonable, because even the most inexplicable and fantastic things always have a clear scientific basis. Although some argue that this is fiction. Scientists have long recognized the mechanism of action of runes. The thing is that each sign is a specific code that contains a clot of energy.

Everything in the world is interconnected. Illnesses and failures in a person’s life occur when one of the many energy channels is disrupted. Thanks to them, we receive subconscious information from the Universe, which “feeds” the soul. Runes act as a kind of valves that close holes in energy flows. In addition, over time, the use of signs is no longer necessary. During its impact, the rune “heals” the energy field. People who use such signs notice that life gradually gains harmony. Even in small things they begin to get lucky.

It can only be carried out by professionals. It is not advisable to interpret signs on your own. This will not cause any harm, nor will it do any good. For runes to bring good, you need to ask for help. Runic protection will operate if a magician or person with knowledge fills such symbols with the energy of goodness and protection. You can do this yourself, but due to lack of experience, such energy will be very weak and will not bring practical benefit.

Activation of the rune requires the strength of the person himself. The magician has knowledge that will help him correctly set up runic protection and restore the lost balance in a fairly short period of time. Even if an ordinary person manages to charge the rune, he will be greatly drained. In some cases, an ineptly performed procedure can lead to body diseases.


Runes of protection can be of two types - runescript or runic script. The first is a group of signs that is arranged in a linear order; it indicates a special goal. Runic script is the overlay of several characters on top of each other. A professional will tell you what is best to use in a particular case, since each symbol has its own record type. The runescript must contain an exact goal, and not just a direction of energy (for well-being, health).

Ready-made amulets should be worn on the chest, closer to the heart. In the house, secret signs should be located away from prying eyes. Magicians claim that a correctly enchanted rune becomes a “living” entity that has a specific program. This program is laid by a specialist using his energy.

Runic family protection

You can ensure complete protection of your loved ones even with just one rune. The magician must fill it with energy to protect family members, health, preserve property and business, and well-being. The sign should be constantly visible, so it can be cut out on a designer board and hung on the wall or decorated with it kitchen utensils. In order for a secret symbol to influence the life of a family, it is not at all necessary that every member of the family knows about it. Please note that you can display such signs only if your home is visited only by immediate relatives. Otherwise, they should be applied where they will not be visible to guests.

Runic home protection

To protect the family nest, they use strong runes that can withstand negative energy. The combination of runes “Soulu, Otal, Soulu” will help protect family happiness from envy and malice. Soulu is a symbol of victory and struggle. Being on the sides, it gives the whole combination energy aimed at generic protection.

To preserve the marriage and protect against enemy damage, the combination of the runes “Evaz, Algiz, Otal” will help. The Evaz rune means fate, and Otal enhances the generic orientation of protection. In addition to these combinations, you can use the Ansuz, Fehu and Algiz runes to protect your home.

A pregnant or lactating woman requires special protection, since her biofield is very weak. For the amulet, you need to use the Algiz and Berkana runes, which together mean motherhood, security, growth and well-being.

To strengthen a young family and enhance love in a couple, a combination of the Algiz and Gebo runes is suitable.

Particular attention should be paid to the Fehu rune. She will help a man in business, preserve and increase property and activate cash flows concentrated in the hands of the head of the family. To protect vehicle and protect the miner from car accidents, you should use the Algih rune together with Raido.

When applying the symbols in question in the house, you should think about the fact that over time they can wear off, fade or be washed away. In order to avoid constantly updating rune records, it is better to make or buy an amulet. The main thing is that the material on which the rune will be depicted is natural.

The magical properties of the Scandinavian futhark have been used by people for a very long time, but only a few can use runes to protect against the evil eye and damage. For personal protection from envious people, you should use the Teyvaz and Thurisaz runes. The first helps protect the financial condition of the family and protects the business. The sign has a mirror property: it returns the received energy to the sender. This rune can awaken in a person’s soul the spirit of rebellion, the desire to resist circumstances, courage and courage. The Thurisaz sign acts as an activator of a person’s inner fire. It awakens all spheres of the soul, protects against envy, gossip, and intrigue. The rune is very strong against female evil looks and curses.

For children preschool age It is undesirable to experience the influence of runes. This is due to the fact that the child’s energy is very weak, and the ancient forces of the signs can damage the unstable field. Runes should be used very carefully for children. When the child gets older, it is better to use such signs in the form of amulets rather than apply them to the body.

The most “gentle” stava runes, which are suitable for children over 10 years old, are the following:

  • Algiz. Possesses divine energy, gives the child the protection of Higher powers.
  • Berkana. The sign of the Mother, which protects the well-being of not only the child, but also the entire family.
  • Combination "Ansuz, Uruz, Hiero, Ansuz". The signs are aimed at helping in gaining knowledge, studying and mastering everything new.
  • Soulu, Dagaz, Manaz. These stava runes orient the child towards personal development, success, and form the ability to achieve set goals.
  • Ansuz, Dagaz and Manaz. The combination of runes is intended for teenagers, as it promotes self-knowledge and self-acceptance.
  • Tiwaz, Raido and Ansuz. The combination has a very good effect on boys and young men. Develops courage and perseverance.

It is worth noting that the runes Hagalaz, Isa, Kano and Thurisaz cannot be used for children, as they have strong energy. In addition, these signs can awaken evil tendencies in a child.

Rune Isa means winter, concentration, slowing down. Kano is fire and light, life experience. Hagalaz symbolizes uncontrollable force, a natural disaster, a hurricane.

Runic Mirror Defense

Such protection is based on the mirror principle, that is, on reflection. When you send negative energy, it will return, and vice versa. Such protection will help to identify an ill-wisher in a short period of time, as he will begin to get sick and suffer. By sending evil and negativity, a person will receive the same without even expecting a blow. For protection, a combination of runes “Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa” is used.

A distinctive feature of this method is that it cuts off any energy from the outside, even positive. It is advisable to use it during periods of life when time is needed to rethink. An amulet with mirror protection will protect you from external influence and leave a person alone with himself.

Runic entry for protection

Runic inscriptions are left on photographs of a person to influence the course of his life. You can apply the sign at home with varnish, a marker or a pen. Please note that important role plays the color of what the rune is applied with. It is advisable to use a black pen or marker.

If the runic record is not made on paper, then it is best to use wooden products, which in themselves have positive properties. Juniper is a powerful space cleanser. At the same time, the tree has the properties of amulets even without applying signs. By drawing runes on juniper, you can greatly enhance the effect of the amulet. This is what is used most often. The smell of wood can overcome depression, insomnia, and strengthen nervous system and clear your mind. Juniper also fosters fortitude and courage in difficult situations.

For the fair sex it is best to use runic amulets made from linden and birch. These are “female” trees that have soft but stable energy. Their smell helps improve health.

If the amulet or amulet is made of fabric, then best choice there will be flax. This natural material, which will enhance the impact of the signs. Applying runes to synthetic fabrics is highly discouraged. All protective symbols can be divided into 3 groups of effects: on knowledge, on sanity, on self-awareness.

"Rune Cross"

In case of fatal damage, wearing amulets will not help. In such a situation, a complex influence on the person will be needed. For this they use strong defense called "Rune Cross". The rune is drawn on the body. Men are supposed to draw a rune cross on the right, and women on the left. In the center there should be two Berkans on the side, and two Thurisaz runes on top and bottom.

An important feature of applying the amulet to the body is that the process itself should take about a week. Signs should be displayed alone so that no rustling or noise distracts. The process itself is a kind of ritual, which is intended to focus a person on rejecting a negative clot of energy. After applying the symbols, you should go deeper into yourself and be alone more. In a couple of weeks you can return to the usual way life.

After removing damage or the evil eye, a person very often feels severe emptiness, loneliness, physical weakness. This happens because the energy field is weakened. After removing strong spells, you must immediately put reliable protection. It is advisable that it be made using weak runes, while energy body the person will not get stronger. After a couple of months, the protective combination should be changed to stronger signs.

To summarize, it is worth noting that to use runic protection for a person it is better only when absolutely necessary. If life is harmonious and prosperous, there is no need to make your own adjustments to it. Fate or providence is much smarter than people, and negative events sometimes only lead to the better. If the help of ancient signs is necessary, then it is better to seek advice from magicians or knowledgeable people.