What is the difference between cables with the index "NG", "LS", "HF"? Power cables version -ng-LS What is VVG.

Every strategically important facility is unlikely to be able to do without the use of fire-resistant cable. It is used as a high-tech tool for the transmission and distribution of electricity and signals. Fire-resistant, non-combustible cable is an indispensable component fire protection systems, smoke protection and warning and evacuation systems.

Scope of application

Fire resistant cable products with low smoke emission KSRV ng(A)-FRLS and KSREV ng(A)-FRLS (analogue of KPSEng (A)-FRLS, KPSng (A)-FRLS) are intended for group and single installation in various systems fire safety: evacuation management in case of fire, fire alarm, emergency notification, fire detection, ventilation systems and automatic fire extinguishing equipment. This cable product remains operational for three hours in fire conditions. They are very successfully used to maintain the level of fire safety in industrial enterprises, shopping centers, medical and educational institutions, multi-storey buildings and office premises.

Indoors, the cable can be laid in special channels, along blocks, walls, ceilings, on support structures, hidden or open ways.

Description of cable products

Cable KSRVng(A)-FRLS is a pair twisted cable with single-wire copper wires(diameter – 0.5, 0.80, 0.97, 1.13, 1.38 mm). Covered with insulating, ceramized silicone rubber, in a shell made of PVC plastic with the properties of reducing the fire hazard and minimal toxicity during combustion.

Cable KSREV (A)-FRLS has all the above characteristics, but in addition this type The cable is provided with a screen made of aluminum polymer tape, which serves as protection against electromagnetic interference.

Regulatory Compliance

The fire-resistant cable fully meets the requirements of all regulatory documents, including the “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety” GOST R 53315. The products are certified according to the fire safety system of class P1 b. 2.2.2. the GOST standard mentioned above.

Cable Specifications

  • Fire resistance of the cable in case of fire – 180 minutes;
  • Operating temperature range from -40 to +70 °C;
  • Cable operation at alternating voltage – 250V;
  • Cable operation under conditions DC– 300V;
  • Maximum service life – 20 years;
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 12 months.

Advantages of fire-resistant cable products

The advantages of fire-resistant cables KSRV ng(A)-FRLS and KSREV ng(A)-FRLS are obvious. They do not propagate the combustion process either singly or in a bundle. Capable of performing their functions in case of fire for a long time. Another important advantage is that the cable does not emit substances hazardous to human health when burning. chemicals: fluorine, bromine, chlorine and other aggressive gases.

Power cable VVGng LS, technical specifications which is confirmed by low smoke and, as a consequence, increased fire safety of the material.

Design features

A description of the design of an electrical cable brand VVG NG ls is given by GOST 22483. It includes a single-, double- or multi-wire conductor made of copper. As insulating material a polyvinyl chloride composition is used, characterized by a low fire hazard coefficient.

VVGNG technical power cables are produced both round and flat. There can be a maximum of 5 current-carrying cores in a wire. They come in round and sector shapes. The cores are insulated with polyvinyl chloride in a distinctive color. So, for example, the core responsible for zero has a coating blue color, and the grounding is covered with a greenish-yellow PVC composition.

The conductors are class 1-2, twisted, the wire is filled with extruded PVC plastic, which has low smoke and gas emissions. In two- and three-core models, cores of the same cross-section are used; in four- and five-core wires, one core has a smaller size.

The thickness of the plastic compound must be at least 0.3 mm; the sector cores do not need to be filled with an inner sheath of plastic compound; it is enough to overlap them with polyethylene terephthalate film or thermally bonded fabric. The outer covering is made of PVC composition.

Decoding the abbreviation

  • the letter A at the beginning of the abbreviation means that the core material is aluminum; if the letter A is absent in the name of the cable, then the core is made of copper;
  • the first letter B indicates the material used for internal insulation; this letter codes polyvinyl chloride;
  • the second B indicates the material from which it is made outer shell, it indicates polyvinyl chloride;
  • the letter G indicates absence protective coating(G – naked);
  • the letters ng indicate that the wire is flame retardant;
  • the English letters ls (low smoke) indicate that the wire has low smoke emission;
  • the letter P means that the cable has an inner sheath made of thermoplastic polyethylene;
  • the letters BB indicate the presence of an armored coating made of steel tape;
  • the letters Шв give information about the outer layer of the polyvinyl chloride hose.

VVGng cable: technical characteristics

  • operating frequency – 50 Hz;
  • laying of communications is carried out at temperatures above -15 ° C, without preheating;
  • cables are used in temperature conditions: from minus 30 °C to + 50 °C;
  • when installing single- and multi-core VVGNG ls cable, a minimum bending radius of 7.5-10 outer diameters is allowed;
  • prolonged heating of the cores up to a temperature of +70 °C is allowed;
  • operating current with voltage up to 0.66 kV, wire with additional characteristics works at more high rates tension;
  • cable combustion begins at a temperature of +400 °C;
  • manufacturers guarantee safe work cable for 30 years, subject to compliance with technological discipline, it is recommended to check operating cables every 5 years for insulation damage;
  • it is allowed to operate communications in conditions high humidity and at high altitudes.

Decoding of other types of VVGng cable

  • vvg – decoding: standard copper wire, when laid alone, does not spread flame, has polyvinyl chloride insulation of the inner and outer layers;
  • VVGNG hf – there are no halogens, the wire is used in group laying, taking into account the volume of flammable load for rooms filled with working computer and microprocessor equipment, as well as in rooms visited by a large number of people;
  • VVG PNG - interpretation: core insulation is made of thermoplastic polyethylene, flat design, used for making wiring in industrial buildings, non-flammable;
  • vvgng p – conductors are laid in one plane, used for laying in air on cable racks or blocks, without mechanical stretching;
  • kvvgng ls - control cable, is attached motionlessly to electrical appliances, devices and clamp assemblies, can be laid externally, in cable channels and indoors, works in aggressive conditions, ensures fire safety of cable communications in group installations;
  • VVGNG-frls – VVGNG frls cable analogue of the VVGNG-LS sample, with increased fire resistance, this is confirmed by the decoding of the letters frls (Fire Resistance Low Smoke), characterized by reduced formation of smoke and gas, prevents combustion in group gaskets;
  • nym cable – power wire, application: stationary installation inside industrial and domestic buildings of power and lighting lines. nym wires stand for “standard cable in the German classification with polyvinyl chloride insulation with an outer sheath.”

Weight and dimensions parameters of VVGNG cables include:

  • number of cores;
  • core cross-section in mm²;
  • O.D;
  • wire weight, kg/km. Gngi

An example of the weight and size parameters of a 3×1 5, 3×1 wire: number of cores 3 pieces, core cross-section 1.5 mm².

The weight of the VVGNG cable for current with an operating voltage of 660 V and 1000 V differs by several kilograms.

For example: 1 km of wire VVGNG 3×1 5 for a current voltage of 660 V weighs 96 kg, and for 1000 V - 122 kg.


The production of VVGNG wires has been established in almost every region of Russia. The cost of domestic products is significantly lower than imported products, with equivalent quality. To attract buyers, many manufacturers sell products directly from the factory, which allows them to reduce the price. For wholesale purchases, various promotions, discounts, and free shipping are provided.

The VVG-ng cable is a representative of a fairly wide group of conductive products used to provide electricity production workshops and offices, for installation in walls, pipes and tunnels, for street lighting. Any electrical installation work When constructing private housing or multi-story buildings, they require the use of this particular type of material. The VVG-ng cable is designed for installation in places where it is necessary to avoid fire. It consists of conductive copper threads enclosed in an insulating sheath and covered with a common film on top. All cable components are designed to continue delivering electrical power to its intended destination in the event of a fire.

Types of VVG-ng cable and its markings

Products marked VVG-ng include several types of cable, differing in their characteristics. In order to distinguish each of them, markings were invented, including information about the composition of the conductive thread and its cross-section, about the insulating sheath and its properties, and about the features of the cable.

So, the abbreviation VVG-ng means:

  • The thread material is copper (default). If the thread is aluminum, then the designation is preceded by the letter A (АВВГ)
  • BB - means that PVC plastic was used to insulate the copper threads and the outer sheath of the cable
  • G - means "naked". The cable does not have a protective coating in the form of a metal plate or other material. Such protection is present in products with a larger cross-section
  • ng - means “non-flammable”, does not spread fire when laid alone or in a group. The cable manufacturing technology helps limit its fire. Such a cable does not burn in fire, but melts.

When designating products, other signs may also be used:

  • VVG-ng-LS - cable has reduced smoke emission (LS)
  • VVG-ng-NF - cable insulation does not contain halogen materials (NF)
  • VVG-ng-P - the cable has a flat shape and can be used for laying under plaster (P), it is fire resistant
  • VVG-ng-FRLS - the cable is fire resistant (FRLS) and in the event of a fire will continue to supply electricity for a certain time (usually 60-180 minutes)

Along with letter designations When marking the cable, numbers are used. They reflect the number of copper threads and the cross-sectional area of ​​one thread in square millimeters:

  • Marking VVG-ng-LS 3 x 50 + 1 x 25 means that the cable has two sheaths made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound (a sheath of copper threads and a common outer one - VV), has no protection (G), has reduced flammability (ng) and reduced emission smoke (LS). The number of copper threads is 3 with a cross-section of 50 mm (3x50), and one thread has a cross-section of 25 mm (1x25)

The marking also includes the operating voltage of the cable. It is indicated in kilowatts, for example:

  • VVG-ng-LS 3 x 50 + 1 x 25 -1 operating voltage of this cable is 1 kV (number 1 in the marking)

The VVG-ng cable is a universal conductive product used in wet conditions and at altitudes of up to 4300 meters. The application temperature is from +50 to - 50°C, the maximum permissible humidity is 98% (at +40°C).

According to the designation of brands of cable products intended for group installation, letter indices must be added indicating the compliance of the cable products with flame retardation requirements:

  • ng(A F/R) - indicator fire danger PRGP 1a (category A F/R);
  • ng(A) - fire hazard indicator PRGP 1b (category A);
  • ng(B) - fire hazard indicator PRGP 2 (category B);
  • ng(C) - fire hazard indicator PRGP 3 (category C);
  • ng(D) - fire hazard indicator PRGP 4 (category D).

Features of tests for various categories

  • For Category A F/R (applies only to power cables with a conductive cross-section greater than 35 mm2), the cables are secured to a test ladder to obtain a total nominal volume of non-metallic material of 7 liters over a 1 m length of the test piece. Flame exposure time - 40 minutes. This category designed for special cable designs used in specific conditions gaskets according to requirements technical specifications on the cable. Category A F/R is not intended for general use.
  • For Category A, the cables are secured to the test ladder to obtain a total nominal volume of 7 L non-metallic material over a 1 m length of test piece. Flame exposure time - 40 minutes.
  • For Category B, the cables are secured to the test ladder to obtain a total nominal volume of non-metallic material of 3.5 liters over a 1 m length of the test piece. Flame exposure time - 40 minutes.
  • For Category C, the cables are secured to the test ladder to obtain a total nominal volume of non-metallic material of 1.5 liters over a 1 m length of the test piece. Flame exposure time - 20 minutes.
  • For Category D, the cables are secured to the test ladder to obtain a total nominal volume of 0.5 L non-metallic material over a 1 m length of test piece. Flame exposure time - 20 minutes.

The length of the charred part of the sample, measured from the bottom edge of the burner, should be no more than 2.5 m

Cable products should be divided according to fire hazard indicators into following types executions:

Type of cable product Type decoding Fire hazard class Preferred area of ​​application
Without designation Cable products that are flame retardant when laid individually O1. For single installation in cable structures and production premises. Group installation is permitted only in outdoor electrical installations and industrial premises, where only periodic presence is possible. service personnel, in this case it is necessary to use passive fire protection
ng(A F/R) Flame retardant cable products when laid in groups P1a. For laying, taking into account the volume of flammable load of cables, in open cable structures (overpasses, galleries) of external electrical installations
ng(A) P1b.
ng(V) P2.
ng(C) P3.
ng(D) P4.
ng(A F/R)-LS Cable products that are flame retardant when laid in groups, with reduced smoke and gas emissions P1a. For laying, taking into account the volume of flammable load of cables, in internal electrical installations, as well as in buildings, structures and closed cable structures
ng(A)-LS P1b.
ng(B)-LS P2.
ng(C)-LS P3.
ng(D)-LS P4.
ng(A F/R)-HF Cable products that do not spread fire when laid in groups and do not emit corrosive gaseous products during combustion and smoldering P1a. For laying, taking into account the volume of flammable load of cables, in internal electrical installations, as well as in buildings and structures with large numbers of people, including multifunctional ones high-rise buildings and building complexes
ng(A)-HF P1b.
ng(B)-HF P2.
ng(C)-HF P3.
ng(D)-HF P4.
ng(A F/R)-FRLS Cable products are fire-resistant, flame retardant when laid in groups, with reduced smoke and gas emissions P1a. For laying, taking into account the volume of flammable load of cables, in fire protection systems, as well as other systems that must remain operational in fire conditions
ng(A)-FRLS P1b.
ng(B)-FRLS P2.
ng(C)-FRLS P3.
ng(D)-FRLS P4.
ng(A F/R)-FRHF Cable products are fire-resistant, do not spread fire when laid in groups and do not emit corrosive gaseous products during combustion and smoldering P1a.
ng(A)-FRHF P1b.
ng(B)-FRHF P2.
ng(C)-FRHF P3.
ng(D)-FRHF P4.
ng(A F/R)-LSLTx Cable products that are flame retardant when laid in groups, with reduced smoke and gas emissions and low toxicity of combustion products P1a. For laying, taking into account the volume of flammable load of cables, in buildings for children's preschools and educational institutions, specialized homes for the elderly and disabled, hospitals, dormitories of boarding educational institutions and children's institutions
ng(A)-LSLTx P1b.
ng(B)-LSLTx P2.
ng(C)-LSLTx P3.
ng(D)-LSLTx P4.
ng(A F/R)-HFLTx Cable products that are flame retardant when laid in groups, do not emit corrosive gaseous products during combustion and smoldering, and have low toxicity of combustion products P1a.
ng(A)-HFLTx P1b.
ng(B)-HFLTx P2.
ng(C)-HFLTx P3.
ng(D)-HFLTx P4.
ng(A F/R)-FRLSLTx Cable products are fire-resistant, flame retardant when laid in groups, with reduced smoke and gas emissions and low toxicity of combustion products P1a. For laying, taking into account the volume of flammable load of cables, in fire protection systems, as well as in other systems that must remain operational in fire conditions, in buildings of pre-school educational institutions, specialized homes for the elderly and disabled, hospitals, dormitories of boarding educational institutions and children's institutions
ng(A)-FRLSLTx P1b.
ng(B)-FRLSLTx P2.
ng(C)-FRLSLTx P3.
ng(D)-FRLSLTx P4.
ng(A F/R)-FRHFLTx Cable products are fire-resistant, flame retardant when laid in groups, do not emit corrosive gaseous products during combustion and smoldering, and have low toxicity of combustion products P1a.
ng(A)-FRHFLTx P1b.
ng(B)-FRHFLTx P2.
ng(C)-FRHFLTx P3.
ng(D)-FRHFLTx P4.

New regulatory requirements, developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 123 "Technical

Regulations on fire safety requirements" regulate the need

When installing communication lines, use fire-resistant cable to ensure the required

Operating time of systems in case of fire.

According to clause 4.1 of the set of rules SP 6.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems.

Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements": "cable lines of systems

Fire protection must be made with fire-resistant cables with copper conductors, not

Propagating fire during group installation according to category A according to GOST R IEC 60332-3-22

Low smoke and gas emission (ng-LSFR) or halogen-free (ng-HFFR)."

Preferred areas of application of cable products, taking into account their type of execution

Defined in GOST R 53315-2009 and GOST R 53769-2010.

Predominant area of ​​application of fire-resistant cable

When designing security systems, a cable with an end is often included in the project.

In the marking ng -FRLS (for example cable KPSEng FRLS 1x2x0.5), although it is more logical to use

Cable ng-FRHF (KPSEng FRHF 1x2x0.5).

The LS index, which is an abbreviation for Low Smoke, literally means "lowered

Smoke emission" is apparently more understandable compared to the HF - Halogen Free index, which

Means "halogen-free". Perhaps this is the reason why more widely

The cable used is ngFRLS, rather than fire-resistant cable with the index ngFRHF. Obviously the role is the same

The good thing is that the price for KPSEng FRLS cable is always a little lower.

According to GOST R 53315--2009 with amendment No. 1 "Cable products. Fire safety requirements

Safety "NGFRLS cable is used" for installation, taking into account the volume of flammable load

Cables, in internal electrical installations, as well as in buildings, structures and closed cable

structures", while fire-resistant cable ng FRHF - "for laying, taking into account the volume of flammable

Cable loads in internal electrical installations, as well as in buildings and structures with mass

The presence of people, including in multifunctional high-rise buildings and buildings -


Cable fire hazard class

According to GOST R 53315--2009 in the fire hazard class designation:

  • the first indicator is the fire propagation limit (O1 or O2 for a cable tested singly, or P1--P4 for a cable product tested during group installation)
  • the second is the fire resistance limit;
  • the third is an indicator of corrosion activity;
  • fourth - toxicity indicator;
  • the fifth is the smoke generation indicator.

So a cable with a declared fire resistance of at least 180 minutes type ng(A)-FRLS (for example KPSEng

FRLS 1x2x1) has fire hazard class P1b.

Cable type ng(A)-FRHF (for example cable KPSEng FRHF 1x2x1) - has a fire hazard class

P1b. Accordingly, the use of ng(A)-FRHF cable provides not only minimal

Emission of corrosive gases, but also significantly less smoke emission compared to

Cable ng(A)-FRLS. Therefore, for complete clarity, the ng(A)-FRHF cable is correctly called

Fire-resistant, halogen-free and smokeless, non-flammable when grouped


Halogens, corrosivity and toxicity

NGFRLS cable (for example KPSEng FRLS 2x2x1 cable) when exposed to high temperatures And

Flame releases halogens. The most famous of them are chlorine and fluorine. These are toxic substances and

Vigorous oxidizing agents that cause corrosion, which seriously limits application possibilities

Such a cable. In case of fire, highly toxic gaseous chloride

Hydrogen released from the material collapsing under the influence of temperature cable insulation,

It spreads throughout the object and, combining with water vapor, condenses in the form

Concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Acceptable values ​​of indicators of corrosion activity of products according to GOST R 53769-2010

Smoke and gas emissions during combustion and smoldering of insulation, shell and protective materials

Cable hoses with the LS index and the HF index differ by 28 times!

Smoke emission

The NGFRLS cable (for example, the KPSEng FRLS 1x2x0.75 cable) is quite smoky - when

Destruction in a flame according to GOST R 53315-2009, a reduction in light transmission of up to 50% is permissible,