What is the difference between basalt insulation from minvati. Types and properties of mineral wool: how to choose the right insulation and sound insulation

To build a house, it is necessary to purchase a lot of different materials, and each of them requires a spare selection. Are no exception to this issue and thermo insulating materials. Today manufacturers are offered a large assortment insulation, but many household owners in the same prefer to stop their choice on one of the types of mineral wool. Therefore, they often have the question of basalt insulation or minvat what is better?

The question, let's say, not quite correct. The fact is that the concept " mineral Wat."Includes, including basalt variety, and this opposition will be incorrect. Therefore, probably, it is worth understanding that it represents the whole mineral wool, to consider each of its species and further learn their characteristics. Based on such comparisons and it will be possible to make a choice in favor of one or another variety.

What is mineral wool?

According to GOST 31913-2011 ( european standard - EN ISO 9229: 2007) "Materials and heat insulating products. The terms and definitions of mineral are considered the following materials:

  • Stone wool, she is also basalt - made from melt rocks.
  • Glass wool - produced from molten glass.
  • Slag cotton wool - produced from waste of metallurgical and mining and processing enterprises, from the melts of a domain slag.

The concept of "mineral wool" includes a few of its varieties

Such thermal insulation material consists of thin fibers - their thickness depends on the raw materials from which they are made. Fibers can be layered horizontally, vertically or have a spatial or corrugated structural location. Any kind of such thermal insulator has a sufficiently high resistance to elevated temperatures, well saves heat and protects the house from external noise. But in terms of the effectiveness of insulation, for resistance to chemical exposure and other important parameters There may be very serious differences between them.

Today, the construction market presents a large number of options for modern mineral wool insulation with improved technical characteristics, under different names, but also made on the basis of traditional raw materials.

Mineral wool applications:

  • Outdoor I. inner insulation Unloaded vertical, horizontal and inclined enclosing structures in all types of buildings.
  • Thermal insulation of ventilated hinged facades.
  • Multilayer thermal insulation in the form of sandwich panels with outer and laid between layers with metal trim.
  • Production sandwich structures For chimneys.
  • Thermal insulation of industrial equipment - pipelines of various purposes, tanks, gas and oil pipelines, etc.
  • Warming and soundproofing of flat roofs and rafal structures of roofs, as well as ceilings and walls in private residential and utility buildings, including in the baths.

The use of mineral wool is regulated by GOST, which stipulates permissible synthetic binders for material fibers for a particular application.

It is necessary to note that individual manufacturers make insulation on their own specifications, in this case, on the package instead of GOST artaVATING TU designation. When gaining, such materials should be done special attentiveness - there are often deviations from standards that reduce the operational qualities of the insulation. In any case, it should always be familiar with the certificates of quality, sanitary and fire conformity, which manufacturers must accompany their products.

Criteria for the choice of mineral wool

Recommending which materials refer to the definition of "mineral wool", it is necessary to define the criteria that the insulation must be consistent with the residential building or, for example, inside the house at the cottage. The fact is that not all of them are fully suitable for this purpose.

So, thermal insulation material, (for example, installed g) must have the following qualities:

  • Environmental purity, that is, the material should not be dangerous to human health:

- Minvat should not distinguish toxic substances in no installation, nor during the operation of the building;

- The material should not cause allergic reactions and diseases associated with them.

  • Fire safety. The insulation must be nonsense, self-fighting, not allocate large number Smoke when exposed to high temperatures and open fire.
  • Low thermal conductivity, that is, the maximum preservation of the accumulated heat in the insulated room. The lower the thermal conductivity, the higher the quality of thermal insulation.

The density of the material should not be too high, since excessively dense material has an increased degree of thermal conductivity, and. In fact, there will be no insulation of the walls. Good thermal insulation can be obtained only from a porous material in which there is a kind of " air bag"Cooperating heat retention.

Gigroscopicity should also be as low as possible, as any insulation that actively absorbs moisture, quickly loses its thermal insulation properties. In addition, moisture contributes to the development of colonies of microflora - mold, fungus, etc.

The durability of the material should ensure the long-term operation of the insulation without its damage and decomposition into the components.

Material must well soundproof Room from external noise. This is especially important when the house is nearby from the lively route or railway line.

An important factor is the technology of installation of material. Therefore, to stay at a specific version, you need to study the process of its laying and make an acceptable choice. This moment is especially important if the owner of the house will carry out insulation on its own.

How to determine the degree of fire hazard heat insulator?

Separately, it must be said about how to determine the flammability of the heat-insulating material, since this question is worried about most acquirers.

The fibers themselves of any mineral wool are not combustible, but to create insulated canvases or blocks can synthetic binders - phenol formaldehyde resins that are able to withstand the temperature only at 300 ÷ 350 degrees without prejudice to the insulation. With increasing these parameters, the destruction of the binding components begins.

  • Since the insulation must be non-combustible or, in extreme cases, self-fighting, when purchasing it, you must definitely pay attention to the labeling, which must be on the package. It is indicated by combustibility with numbers and letters - r1, g2, g3 and g4. Accordingly, the numbers go in the increasing - if M1 denotes a weak flammability, then G4 indicates that it is faster and intensively combustible material.

In the event that the insulation has antipyrenes in its composition and absolutely not a fuel, on the package there is a NG designation.

  • The danger of some insulating materials containing binding resins consists not only in their flammability, but also in creating them when exposed to open fire of strong smoke. This parameter also has regulation and digital-letter designation: from D1 to D3.
  • It is equally important to take into account another fireproof parameter - this is the rate of possible spread of fire. The manufacturer must indicate this indicator on the packaging of RP and numbers from 1 to 4. Accordingly, the designation of RP1 indicates that the flame does not apply if there are no flammable materials, and the RP4 indicates that when burning insulation, the fire can quickly spread All rooms.

Why all this says, because it would seem, mineral wool in this respect should be completely safe? Again, we return to GOST and TU - on the established state standards - there are no questions. But with that should be caution.

Therefore, buying a heater, it is necessary to carefully examine the packaging, where the characteristics of the material are indicated. If so are missing, then from such a heat insulator is better to immediately refuse and contact a more reliable seller, since health and even the life of households may depend on these data.

Mineral Wat - technical and operational characteristics

Now, knowing the criteria for which special attention should be paid when gaining thermal insulation material is worth considering each of the types of mineral wool.

Name of parametersShagkovatGlasswaterStone (basalt) wool
Terms of use, ° Сup to 250.oT -60 to +450up to 1000 °
Middle Fiber Diameter, MKMfrom 4 to 12from 5 to 15from 4 to 12
Material hygroscopicity for 24 hours (no more),%1.9 1.7 0.095
The coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / (M × ° K)0.46 ÷ ÷ ÷ 0.042.
Sound absorption coefficientfrom 0.75 to 0.82from 0.8 to 92from 0.75 to 95
The presence of a binder,%from 2.5 to 10from 2.5 to 10from 2.5 to 10
Flavoring materialNG - non-combustibleNG - non-combustibleNG - non-combustible
Selection of harmful substances when burningyesyesyes
Heat capacity, j / kg × ° K1000 1050 1050
Vibration resistancenotnotmoderate
Elasticity,%there is no datathere is no data75
Sintering temperature, ° С250 ÷ 300.350 ÷ 450.600
Length of fibers, mm16 15 ÷ 50.16
Chemical stability (weight loss),% in water7.8 6.2 4.5
Chemical stability (weight loss),% in alkaline medium7 6 6.4
Chemical stability (weight loss),% in the acidic environment68.7 38.9 24

I would like to pay attention to the fact that in this table, in the column "flammability" is the designation of NG. However, it must be remembered that the insulation remains non-combustible until the temperature reaches a certain critical turning line (pay attention - each type of material has its own upper limit of permissible heating). Then the binders may be ignited, so it is impossible to say that mineral wool is completely non-combustible.

Relying on this table, you need to consider qualities different species Mineral wool more, since the "dry digits" sometimes not quite accurately tell about the insulation.

Prices for mineral wool Knauf

mineral Wat Knauf.


Fibers for the manufacture of glass gambles produce from glass battle and sand, which are melted at a temperature mode at 1,400 ÷ 1500 degrees. When melting and stretching fibers, their thickness is obtained only in 4 ÷ 15 μm, and their length is 15 ÷ 50 mm. Thanks to this, the insulation mats are durable and elastic.

Positive quality material:

  • The advantages of glass gambles include high resistance to chemical influences. When conducting right mountingThe material is not subject to rotting and the appearance of mold foci in it.
  • Compared to other types of mineral wool, fiberglass do not complain about rodents, so they do not suit themselves in the form of a hole in it, which is very important if he is inspired a private house or balcony of the first floor.

  • The glass gamble is more affordable than basalt insulation, which can be explained by the availability of raw materials and the simplicity of manufacturing process.
  • A packed insulation has a compact size and a small weight, so it is easy to transport to construction facility and easily raise on high floors. When removing packaging material, glass gamble is spread and takes natural sizes.
  • Since the insulation has a small weight, it does not give a large load on attic overlap, roofing or walls.
  • The impact of the structural structure of glass gambles contributes to low thermal conductivity, which will protect against heat leakage.
  • The glasswater density can vary from 11 to 30 kg / m³. In order for the insulation "worked" properly, it is necessary to choose the right density of the material in each case.

- For example, for sound and thermal insulation of partitions, rafal systems of roofs and walls from the inside of the building, you need to use glass gambler, having a density of 15 kg / m³.

- If the building is insulated outside, then the density should be at least 30 kg / m³. In this case, it is better to choose varieties reinforced with fiberglass cloth, which protect the insulation from blowing fibers and hardens the mats.

  • The canvas and blocks are fairly racks for fire. The melting of the binding elements occurs at a temperature of above 350 ÷ 400 degrees and the material changes the structure, loses its heat and sound insulation properties.
  • The material is rather elastic, which is extremely convenient when the structures of the wrong shape, as well as when installing the insulation between metal profiles.

Negative quality glass gambles:

  • To one of the main drawbacks of this material, the fragility and the fragility of its fibers can be attributed, the sharp edges of which it is easy to penetrate through the cloth, traumating the skin. Since microscopic fibers are very lungs, they can get into the respiratory tract or into the mucous membranes of the eyes.

This suggests that the installation of such thermal insulation material must be carried out by defending in open areas Body, putting gloves and a suit from dense fabric. Eyes protect special glasses, and the respiratory tract is a respirator.

After finishing mounting workassociated with glass gamble, all clothes and mittens must be immediately thrown away.

  • Another disadvantage of this insulation that It is manifested in the process of its operation - this is a gradual shrinkage of the material. The glass refers to amorphous materials, and its fibers are crystallized over time and glued up, which makes mats thinner and less in size. Naturally, this process lies on the quality of the insulation of the walls - it is significantly reduced.
  • Since the binding fibers include phenol formaldehyde resins that are harmful to humans, the most important disadvantage of the insulation can be called a constant release of these substances into the air of the rooms. Moreover, we will not be able to destroy, while on the walls there are fiberglass mats.

Stone (basalt) wool

Basalt insulation produce from gabbro-basaltova, Metamorphic rock and Mergeli, who are close to each other in composition.

Stone wool has good resistance to elevated temperatures and low thermal conductivity. The stone fibers themselves are able to withstand the heating to 850 ÷ 1000 degrees, but the binders for them are the same phenol formaldehyde resins, which, as you know, withstand the heating only to a temperature of 350 ÷ 400 degrees, therefore, when they burn, basalt fibers disintegrate.

Basalt fibers in their manufacture acquire a length of not more than 50 mm, and their thickness is about 5 ÷ 7 μm. After processing fibers with binders and molding, blocks or mats are passed twice through the press with simultaneous heating up to 300 degrees.

Prices for basalt wool Rockwool

mineral wool Rockwool.

This insulation has a lot of positive qualities, therefore, the basalt thermal insulator is often selected from three types of mineral wool:

  • The low thermal conductivity of the material is achieved by the chaotic content of the fibers, and the fact that they are laid in numerous layers, so that the structure of mats is sufficiently air.

The coefficient T of the region conductivity of basalt wool is 0.035 ÷ 0.042 W / (M × ° K), which corresponds to the heat-insulating properties of the extruded polystyrene foam or foamed rubber.

  • The density of the basalt insulation is much higher than that of glass grooves, and is from different samples from 60 to 90 kg / m³ (some types are even more). But this density does not affect the thermal insulating properties.
  • Practically zero hygroscopicity stone wool allows you to exploit it for a long time, without losing its initial thermal insulation qualities.
  • The structural structure does not allow moisture to penetrate inside the insulation, which means that its thickens do not receive the development of putrefactive processes and does not appear molds (both, in the event of occurrence, dramatically reduce the insulation qualities of any porous material).

One of the main advantages is high water hydrophobicity

In fairness it should be noted that basalt wool still absorbs moisture, but this figure is so insignificant (about 0.095% in 24 hours) that hygroscopicity can be considered almost zero.

  • Parry permeability. Whatever density has a basalt insulation, it is breathable material, that is, the minimum amount of moisture, which falls into the insulation along with the air, is not delayed inside and does not forms condensate. This quality allows you to use basalt wool for insulation of rooms with high humidity, such as saunas or baths. Parry permeability of stone wool is 0.2 ÷ 0.3 mg / (m × h × pa).
  • High resistance to fire, so in the above table, the stone wool is characterized as a non-combustible insulation. However, you need to remember the binders present in the heat insulator.
  • Basalt Wat. It is an excellent insulator and can drown out sound waves passing inside walls. This quality is especially useful for insulation and creating noise insulation of apartments in panel housesSince building structures have inside the cavity and reinforcement elements, well conductive sound oscillations.
  • The strength of the material gives the multi-layered and process PR ESSING in its manufacture. Therefore, even the lowest density of basalt wool does not reduce its resistance to high loads. Due to this, the material is little pronounced deformation and does not change its size throughout the entire period of operation.
  • Stone fibers racks for chemical and biological effects and are not affected by mold and various microorganisms.

Basalt insulation - very comfortable in the installation

  • The ease of installation of the material is explained by the strict "geometry" of the blocks and the absence of a large number of stuffed fibers. But the precautions are still needed - it is recommended to protect your hands, eyes and respiratory tract.

Negative sides of basalt insulation

  • No matter how convincing manufacturers that basalt wool is absolutely safe - this is not quite so. It is as well as glass gamble, can be distinguished toxic substances throughout the entire life, as the fibers are connected with a phenol formaldehyde resin, the evaporation of which is dangerous to human health. The question is how large the concentration of such components - will never know with the certificate of sanitary conformity of the acquired material.
  • Unlike the glass gamblers, the basalt insulation is pleasure to use rodents for housing, so it is necessary to provide in advance and protect the walls of the private house with a backfill around it at a distance of 500 ÷ 700 mM clamzite of the shallow fraction, the thickness of the layer of which should be at least 80 mm. Here this insulating material of rodents accurately bypass, as it does not have a density, simply speaking, they simply "drown".
  • Stone wool has a fairly high price compared to glass.
Video: Review of basalt mineral wool " TechnoNIKOL.»


This type of insulating material is made from a domain slag. The fibers are slaging have a length of 14 ÷ 16 mm, and a thickness of 5 ÷ 10 μm.

Slag - disadvantages more than advantages

Such a heater is able to withstand the maximum temperature only at 285 ÷ 300 degrees, which is much lower than that of other types of mineral wat. If the specified threshold is exceeded, the fibers are sintered, and it almost completely loses its thermal insulation qualities.

The material is very hygroscopic, that is, quickly drinks moisture, which also leads to the loss of its main sound - and heat insulating propertiesAnd inside mats may appear mold and rot.

In addition, rodents calmly settle in this material, arranging nests and moves in it. It is especially important to consider if the insulation is chosen for a private house.

When installing, slag, as in the first two cases, it is necessary to protect the skin, respiratory tract and eyes from entering small stragging fibers. In this case, they are not so numerous as the glass gamble, but in order to get skin irritation, several such a zoom.

In addition, a residual acidity is present in the composition, therefore, if you apply this material for outdoor insulation or indoors with high humidity, it will aggressively affect on the walking next to it metal details, Including on the reinforcing belt of insulated structures. Hence the conclusion that equipped with slag is absolutely not suitable for insulation of water supply and sewer pipes.

The price of slag is significantly lower than on glass or basalt cotton wool. However, you should not choose it precisely on this criteria, as not only money can be spent in vain, but also such insulation is able to seriously harm the health of the residents of the apartment or at home.

Prices for mineral wool Ursa Terra

mineral Wat Ursa.

Basalt mineral wool brands

So, the indisputable leader in operational qualities is still basalt insulation. Despite the increased value, the maternity owners choose it. However, one should not forget about one criterion to which you want to pay attention to when choosing. We are talking about the density of a specific type of material, since the scope of this thermal insulator will depend on this parameter.

Brand of insulating plateMaterial density, kg / m³Scope for insulation
Light plates30 ÷ 40.Inner surfaces of walls, partitions, ceilings, scope roofs, Pipelines of various focus (water supply, sewage, gas highway, etc.)
Soft plates - p7575 Attic floors mansard premises, inter-storey floors, horizontal unloaded surface floors
Semi-rowers - p125125 Horizontal enclosing structures, floors, ceilings.
Hard Plates - P175175 Horizontal and vertical enclosing structures, roofs and facades
High rigidity plates - PPG200200 Roofs (under waterproofing flooring from rolled and mastic materials), plastering and ventilated facades.

When going to acquire one or another type of mineral wool, you need to carefully examine the packaging and check whether GOSTs that must be met during the production process are indicated:

  • Mineral wool plates - GOST 9573-96.

  • Mats are firmware from mineral wool - GOST 21880-94.

Mineral cooker plates of high rigidity - PPG

  • High rigidity plates (PPH) - GOST 22950-95.

Knowing all the information about the varieties of mineral wool, it will be quite possible to decide whether they are suitable for insulation of the house or its location. In any case, if it is even decided to purchase another heat-insulating material, it is also worth carefully learning it specifications.

Alternative to mineral wool - extrusion polystyrene foam

In some cases, the use of mineral wool is inappropriate or even impossible. Synthetic insulation comes to the rescue, among which the most used is polystyrene foam. On physical and operational, one of the most popular varieties of extrusion polystyrene foam - in a special publication of our portal.

Evgeny Afanasyevchief Editor

Publication author10.09.2015

For insulation of the house and any room in it, a stone wool is perfectly suitable - one of the types of mineral wool. With our advice, you will be able to choose the material correctly, make high-quality installation and take care of a long period of operation.

Stone wool: what makes

Wool is made of rocks having basalt, mergele or metamorphic origin. Basalt breeds are considered the best component. However, the quality will determine the acidity, which should adjust the carbonate additives. The higher the acidity, the stronger and the durable wool.

Heater Stone Wat: What do you do? As part of the stone wool, there is also a binder that grips fibers. The most famous substances are synthetic. They include phenol formaldehyde resins and various impurities making material waterproof.

On the modern production The stone insulation is made from a special component - "Hair Pele", or glassy. Stone wool technology for its manufacture consists of a number of stages, the main of which is the separation of the breed to fibers.

Characteristics and Stone Wool Indicators

Material has several important properties, indispensable in repairs or construction.

  • Heat insulation. The insulation of the walls of the stone cotton is a great way to protect against the cold winter, and from the heat - in the summer. The temperature in the room will be constantly adjusted. The effectiveness of this property depends on the components in the composition. It turned out that the stone wool for the insulation of the walls is the right decision.
  • Not flammable. Even at temperatures above 1000˚C, stone wool does not light up. Therefore, it relates to safe materials, and, moreover, protects other marginal parts of the house, preventing the spread of fire. Although the binders evaporate already at 200˚C.
  • Permanent form. Thanks to this characteristic, the wool can carry mechanical effects. This allows the use of stone cotton wool for the sexes that loads all the time. Efficiency depends on the selected binder.
  • Soundproofing. Support simple protection from street or neighbor noise, since the fibers interfere with the spread of sounds.
  • Waterproof. Excessive moisture indoors comes out, not falling into Wat. This property helps maintain optimal humidity. And no matter how wet there is no air, the stone wool always remains dry, and the mold does not start and so on.
  • Ecology. In production and operation, the environment does not give in to negative impact.

Pros and cons

Mineral wool for insulation has such advantages:

  • Non-combustible;
  • Waterproof;
  • Stone wool - insulation for walls - has a wide range of temperature temperatures;
  • Eco-friendly;
  • Safe when installing and operating;
  • Good heat and sound insulation;
  • Warm a stone cotton something easier than other materials.


  • Watches Wattius - costly event. Do not count on buy cheap cotton. Low prices for it suggest that there are many impurities and poor-quality material.
  • Dust. The process of insulation of walls of the houses of a stone wool is accompanied by an abundant amount of dust, especially if it becomes infirm with it. It is advisable to take a respirator to protect, although the usual pharmacy mask is suitable.

Stone Wool: Application

The insulation of the wool is used in the construction of baths, saunas, pools, when laying communications, wells and air ducts. It is put even in the foundations of houses.

Depending on where the insulation will be used, and what a load will have to have a load, it is divided into classes:

  • Soft. It is suitable when laying wells and ventilated walls.
  • Half-west. Suitable for walls in multi-storey houses, for thermal insulation of pipes.
  • Hard. Used in foundations, floors.

Is it harm to health when installing?

Many inexperienced builders are often confused by stone cotton wool and glass, although in fact these are two different material belonging to a single class of mineral wat. Because of this, a common myth arose that stone wool, as well as glass gamble, also harms health, damaging eyes and lungs. But this is only a delusion.

The point here is in its special structure. The insulation is a stone fiber associated with formaldehyde resins, they are not destroyed and do not distribute harmful substances. So confidently declare that construction material Absolutely safe.

How to choose a stone wool?

Before the acquisition of stone wool, you need to know the amount of material and calculate the load that will be on the insulation.

We have already said that prices are high, but you can still save it. The following factors will affect the cost:

  • Wool density;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Category of the binder and rock;
  • The presence of another coating layer;
  • Purchased quantity.

When buying, be sure to look into the instruction, it usually indicates the scope of applying stone wool and its technical characteristics. The most proven companies are considered "URSA (URSA)", "TechnoNIKOL" and "Rockwool". The last firm is located in Denmark; Insulating materials from this country are the highest quality, since there are strict certification authorities.

When choosing, specify the seller, as the fibers are located: horizontally, vertically or in chaotic order. The first two types do not give the material to deform, and the latter provides good heat and sound insulation.

Depending on the density, stone cotton can be divided into categories. Stone wool: wall plates:

  • Brand P-75. Suitable for horizontal internal surfaces, which are not loaded, for insulation pipelines.
  • Heater for the walls of WATT brand P-125. Suitable for both horizontal and vertical surface. It is ideal in the insulation of ceilings, floors and the inside of the walls.
  • PJ-175. Stone insulation for walls from a metal professional leaf or reinforced concrete.
  • Insulation WATT PPH-200. The toughest stone wool. This is used in engineering buildings, preventing them from fire.

Which mineral wool is better for wall insulation

Watt with a stone cotton house starts from the selection of the manufacturer.

Stone wool "Rockwool" - popular both in the domestic market and in foreign. It has the following distinctive features:

  • Good level of strength;
  • Mineral wool for insulation of walls serves from 15 years;
  • Fibers are located in chaotic order;
  • Helps save electricity, as the manufacturer declares;
  • An additional layer that increases moisture resistance.

Stone wool "Tehtonikol".

  • It is made only on the basis of basalt rocks;
  • Additional layer for noise reduction;
  • Little weight facilitating work.

Heater for walls Stone wool "URSA":

  • Special packaging will make it easy to transport material and work with it;
  • Does not contain formaldehyde resins, because it is recommended for schools, hospitals, etc.

To buy truly high-quality goods sometimes it is not easy. Therefore, it is necessary to know some important moments.

  • Notice where and how the wool is stored. Most often, it is stored in the factory package and cooked in a shrink film. Make sure that there are no holes or cuts on the package. Wat should be not outdoors, but under a canopy.
  • If the stone wool is packed in a cardboard boxes (they usually put expensive insulation), then its storage should be protected from moisture. Even after a small blotch, it will not be suitable for use.
  • Purchase goods only from proven sellers. Preferences give to the stores that you are closer to you - this will drop the price for delivery.

Montage of stone wool

Before it is properly insulated with a mineral wool wall, you need to determine where work will be carried out. After all, the insulation of the walls of the house at home will look different on each site. On the facades there is one technology, on the attic - is already completely different.

Balcony and loggia

Effective warming of the house stone wool directly depends on high-quality surface preparation. Therefore, it is logical to tell about it.

  • Remove all extra garbage from the loggia. Make the necessary measurements, having calculated the number of minvati. Evaluate the load on the floor.
  • Next goes glazing balcony. Here preference is better to give plastic windows. All slots on the frames and fence to close mounting foam. It greatly protect the balcony from moisture and cold.
  • Waterproofing is the next stage. Protective funds (Rolled or coating) First you need to apply to the floor and ceiling. But the protection of the walls is also desirable.

Only now you can start directly to laying. The insulation of mineral wool plates is happening:

  1. The first thing is made doom. It is most often made of wood (less often - from metal). Optimal thickness Bruus - 1 cm. More than that of stained wool slabs. The sizes of cells in the grille must be about a centimeter less than a piece of insulation.
  2. Heater for WATT Wall: Laying is topped down: first the ceiling, then the walls and floor. The ceiling needs a more dense minor, for the walls and the floor is suitable.
  3. Special glue is applied on the stove, and it is put on the place in the cell. Before that, do not forget to clean the surface from dirt, and remove unevenness.
  4. It is possible to press the slab tightly and evenly with plywood suitable size. Heat insulation: Stone Wool for this - the best material.
  5. Last stage There is vapor barrier with foam (it is sometimes replaced by conventional polyethylene).

Stone Wool for Mansard Walls

After you set the rafters and laid the roof on them, you can start the insulation of the cotton house. But before you need to create a layer of waterproofing. It will not allow water to get on the Minvatu and on the wooden structures. The best material for this is the usual polyethylene. Fastener is carried out by the stapler.

If the waterproofing layer goes along the entire surface of the roof (up to the skate), then it can be warmed only to the attitude of the attic. This is done only to save money. Quality repairs implies insulation of the entire roof.

When laying stone wool, the most successful option - when the width of the beams on the roof is equal to the width of the plate. In this case, they simply fit between them, attaching to the stapler. Additional reliability will provide a handbreaker or rope mesh, laid below. All formed gaps are closed with a mounting foam, and the root (if it is made of wood) is processed by an antiseptic. Stone wool wall slabs insulates perfectly.

The latter goes a layer of vaporizolation. As suitable material Many builders choose Pergamine - he is cheap and perfectly performs its functions. Fastened to the rafters of the stapler, it is advisable to attach the attachment places.

Wall insulation outside stone cotton

In the process of insulation, the house often the question arises: the walls are better to insulate outside or from the inside? In the direction of each option there is both shortcomings and positive sides. At the first option they are:

  • High defense from cold, noise, sun and wind;
  • Will not water the walls, because Moisture exit. For the same reason, mold and fungus are not formed on the structures;
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe room inside will not decrease;
  • The ability to select any internal design, and also, if necessary, its changes.

Making sure the advantages of this method, insulate the stone walls of the house. The traditional way of laying looks simple: the first insulation layer is mineral wool middle density (75 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bit closes the irregularities of the wall; The second layer is a wool of high density (from 125 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bits role is to create a smooth and hard surface of the wall, because it will facilitate the following work on finishing.

In total, wool for insulation of walls outside should be a layer of 15 cm. The most optimal option is when thermal insulation is between carrier wall and external facing.

In practice, warming up the house by stone wool outside the next plan.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the surface. Rid the walls from irregularities, and apply layer plaster. Sometimes it is logical to apply a couple of layers.
  2. Next, the installation of metal guides, they are attached over the building base with anchor bolts.
  3. How to warm the wall with mineral wool? The first layer is installed heat insulating material (Immediately followed by the second). A glue is applied on the back side of the slab, and it presses against the wall. On the same scheme, all the outer warming of the walls of the stone cotton can occur.
  4. Protect material from deformation will help metal cornerswhich are fixed to external doughs.
  5. On top of the layer put on top of the layer facing brickThe seams are close to plaster.

We reviewed the first method of installation, called the ventilated facade. It is possible to insulate the walls with a stone wool and in the second way.

The second method was called "wet". Technology only a little different from the previous one. Stone wool: Wall insulation:

Both of these methods are equally well insulated house.

After you have warmed the walls of the stone wool outside, you need to take care of some important things.

The layer of thermal insulation will increase the thickness of the walls by about 15-20 cm. Therefore, it is advisable to lengthen the slopes, fits and window sills so that the weather conditions do not spoil the material.

If you decide to put no two layers of mineral wool, and more, then it is a bad idea. The more layers, the greater the air pockets between them. And they lead to the deterioration of heat insulating properties.

Wall insulation from the inside stone cotton

The warming of stone wool from the inside is much faster and cheaper, and with this case it is easy to cope with even novice builders. However, it is possible to produce work only in the room where there is no high humidity. The advantages of the insulation of walls from the inside are as follows:

  • Low cost and complexity.
  • Put the insulation can not only on the whole building, but also on separate roomsin which you will live. This is quite economical.
  • Work allowed at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions.

Warming at home mineral wool can be started with the calculation of the required amount of mineral wool. There is a special formula for this. The walls of the walls (m²) multiplied by the thickness of Minvati (mm) and divided into the volume of packaging. That is, if the area is 15, the thickness is 100, the volume is 0.432, then it will need three and a half packaging somewhere.

The insulation of the walls of stone cotton with their own hands is carried out in several stages. The overall diagram of the warmed wall may look something like this: first goes bearing wallBehind it is a layer of vapor barrier, then insulation, and another vapor insulation layer, at the end there is an interior decoration.

Stone wool for the interior walls will suit the average density (look for indicators in the region of 100 kg / m³). Such mineral wool will increase the thickness of the wall by 8-10 cm. Take it into account during the repair work. Heat the mineral wool a small room can be in one day.

One of the methods of execution of the above plan occurs on a relatively simple technology. Stone wool: Installation:

  1. Created a robust support from metal suspensions and profiles. Under it you can put the tape on the foam basis to improve the insulation indoors. If you plan to create two layers of minvati, then another additional framework will be required.
  2. Then there is vaporizolation. If polyethylene was chosen as a material, then between the wall need to leave a small air chamber. Fastening is allowed either on tape or glue.
  3. Inside each section in the frame stacked insulation of stone wool.
  4. Then again goes a layer of vaporizolation. This time it is better to be fixed right to metal profile Samores.
  5. On top are plasterboard and produce an internal finish.

Stone wool inland walls, like a wool outdoor, protects perfectly from unnecessary noise. This is especially useful in those houses that are located near the roads.

Fundament insulation

Usually in the insulation of the foundation Baths need, so first tell about them. Why do you need to do the insulation of the foundation?

  • Due to the temperature difference inside and outside, the condensate is formed, the poodle base of the bath. The insulation helps to cope with this problem.
  • Thermal insulation will reduce the amount of firewood required for the extract.
  • Stone wool can protect against some mechanical damage.

Warm mineral wool is better at the base outside, because the foundation will be better protected, which means it will last longer. Installation technology, shown below, is suitable for belt Fundament. Mineral wool insulation:

  1. The reason to free from the ground. For this, the trench is deep from one and a half meters and a width of 50 cm.
  2. After putting the sand, and the foundation is wicked by bitumen.
  3. Then the insulation is installed. Its thickness is at least 20 cm. The resulting seams to take foam. At the corners of the bath layer of mineral wool - in 1.5 thicker. Working stone wool is simple.
  4. Stone wool needs additional protection from brick wall (Thickness - from 25 cm), which is placed around the perimeter. Upstairs there will be a scene.

Several rules and comments for quality work.

How to choose and applied glue on minvatu

Without the correct selection and use of glue, it can be asked to seek, having ceased to act effectively. Stone wool - pretty unusual material, and provide high-quality grip with a wall. Not every adhesive agent is capable.

The highest adhesion will provide polymer composites. They are sold in the form of a dry mix, similar to cement. There are several famous marks: "EK THERMEX", "ERESIT CT190", "ERESIT CT180".

Taking advantage of the instructions on the package, distribute the mixture with water and mix well (repeat the same thing in 5 minutes). The solution will save its adhesive properties within 2 hours.

On the smooth surface of the wall we apply a uniform solution so that it turned out 7-8 adhesive circles. On the back of the wool (closer to the edges) also apply glue; The surface must be covered with more than half. The joints of the joints are also better to wash. The glue freezes for a while, so it is possible to put the slab correctly. Fasten the stone cotton wall simply.

Sometimes, for funny reliability, an additional fastening may be required. Here can help anchor bolts Or racks fixed on the shepherd.

Heavier keepers and silence

One of the most important criteria The quality of mineral wool is its environmental safety. Defining instant factors The material is considered the following points:

  • Length and diameter of mineral fibers;
  • Quality I. chemical composition binder;
  • The presence of environmental certificates from the manufacturer.

Best Mineral Wat Manufacturers

Consumer confidence deserve only brands with a proven reputation. Among them should pay attention to the brands:

  • Rockwool.
  • Paroc.
  • Isover
  • Knauf.
  • Izovol
  • Beltep

7 leaders of narrow and wide specialization are fighting for buyers, advertising their goods. In contrast to this "Expertssen" will try to give an impartial assessment. heat insulating material and run the types of mineral wat, based on their safety, construction advantages, taking into account the average price tag and reviews of real buyers.

Rockwool - Stone Wool without flaws

Photo: zorenko.ucoz.ua.

Despite its Danish roots, Rockwool has many plants in Russia, which allows the company to offer an assortment of European quality, but without excess price cheating. The high quality of this Minvati confirms builders, stably choosing products of the Danish brand during work.

Mineral wat Rockwool. - these are reinforced indicators:

  • fire safety - Rockwool fibers withstand up to 1000 degrees under standard data in 600 degrees Celsius;
  • absorption of sound and vibrations, so the material is chosen to create noise protection screens and to increase the acoustic comfort of the premises;
  • ecology - Rockwool has an eComaterial Green certificate, although it has long been known that many are missing Minvatu, attributing properties, dangerous to the environment, human life and health;
  • durability without deformation and destruction;
  • heat insulation.

This comes, of course, about the real Rockwell, the purchase of unreliable providers does not guarantee the above quality.

Reviews: "Mineral Wat Rockwill Light Batts is the best - perfectly keeps the size and does not roll."

"The house was saved in a fire only due to the presence of rookvula slabs in the ceiling - it does not burn, it does not move, does not form dangerous voids at high temperatures."

Mineral wool Paroc - excellent quality, but high price

Photo: www.budowazagrosz.pl.

Opening any construction forum, in the topic "Thermal insulation" immediately rush to the name of the parks of the parks. His basalt Minvat firmly occupies a leading place in the ranking of users, and there are many reasons for this. After all, Paroc is about dnakoy product quality, regardless of the location of the plant, and best features For all major indicators of Minvati.

The main focus of Paroc makes energy efficiency. Basalt wool parks allows:

  • save energy, including thermal;
  • do not negative influence on the ecology;
  • protect against noise and dust;
  • provide fireproof.

This manufacturer has implemented all the advantages of stone wool, almost no fakes are found, but disadvantage Still, there is a high price.

Reviews: "Mineral Wat Paroc like best! I plan to roof my house exactly it.

IsOver - High Quality Minvat to choose

Photo: Atlaccapital.ru.

The manufacturer offers two solutions: glass gamble and stone wool. This is a big plus when choosing thermal insulation, since both of these material are usually in demand in the construction of a particular object. The escape has an excellent reputation in Russia and offers thermal insulation only with environmental quality certificates. Permanent implementation modern technologies Allow to improve productivity characteristics and reduce the cost. The last "novelty" from Isover is the production of minvati with high indicators of strength and elasticity, without dust and with a minimum of "stabbing". By quality, products under this brand is unlikely to be compared with more expensive competitors, but at the price / quality ratio, the mineral wool isover is one of the best.

Builders' reviews: "Mineral wool is cheaper and better and better than many other insulation, so I use it for a large volume."

Knauf - produces everything!

Photo: www.dostavkasmesi.ru.

Knauf is a manufacturer, more than once in fact proven that it can provide the building market with the best proposals. The thermal insulation did not exception. Knauf suggests mineral Wat Good quality based basalt fiber, as well as fiberglass composition. The first option is widely used for technical isolation, in construction and in the production of complex equipment. Fiberglass insulation is produced by specialized destination ( HeatKnauf.), What confirm his names:

  • Heat-beam;
  • Heat-flute;
  • Heatcharsl;
  • Acoustic partition;
  • Heataron.

Most of the fully implemented by the manufacturer of Minvati belongs to the series Knauf insulation. In the production of this product there are no poisonous phenol formaldehyde resins. The heat-insulation line of Knauf Insulation and heatHnauf are designed to build residential buildings by individuals and construction organizations.

Disadvantage: high price

Reviews: "Rarely hear a bad word about Knauf. So the material is really excellent. "

URSA - New Generation Mineral Wat

Photo: Alkiv.kiev.ua.

For a long time, the Ursa brand was known for its fiberglass products. But technology does not stand still, and today the company offers the market PureOne - Mineral wool of a new generation from natural and components restored in the nature of the components interconnected by the acry-containing binder.

The effectiveness of Pureone in terms of heat and sound insulation is very high, almost no complaints and other characteristics. The material has a bright white color, does not ourselves, does not scatter, not deformed.

In addition to Pureone, Ursa offers a standard glasswater assortment, with all their shortcomings and advantages. The cost of products does not differ from the analogues of other firms.

Builders' reviews: "Pureone is the best mineral wool, in elasticity and hardness 1.5 times the traditional heat insulators made of fiberglass."

"A friend who works for more than one year on the construction of cottages, said: take the URSA insulation, you will not regret - and warmly keeps it, and it's easy to work with it, and it does not burn. He insulated the attic at the cottage, then screamed, but in the house now warmth" .

Mineral Wool Izovol - the best choice for walls and roofs

Photo: StroimaterialyTorg.ru.

Isowing is another type of basalt wool, enjoyed by increased demand and used for thermal insulation of walls, roofing and ventilated facades. Has excellent physico-mechanical and operational characteristics. Non-flamm, has standard density indicators for material, so it may turn when working, causing some discomfort.

It does not have a high price, all thermal insulation is available on sale and in demand by construction organizations. The most popular line of materials recommended for carrying out scope isolation works roofing roofs and mansard premises.

Despite the diversity of insulation in the modern construction market, mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS) occupy a leading position. What are the difference between materials? Which one is better for this or that scope of application?

Types and features of materials

Differences in the structure and technical properties Data insulation is due to the use of different materials and production technologies. Mineral wool is a fibrous insulation, the raw material for which they perform rocks , technical minerals or burned slag (waste of the metallurgical industry).

Mineral wool fibers may have horizontal or vertical orientation, as well as placing chaotic order. Insulation of the last type have the best indicators of heat efficiency and noise insulation. The low thermal conductivity coefficient is ensured due to the fact that a large number of air bubbles - an effective thermal insulator accumulate between the material fibers.

Minvat implies the use of the respirator when working. Cutting and installation of material are accompanied by highlighting a large amount of dust that annoys the mucous upper respiratory tract.

Depending on the basis, mineral wool materials are divided into several species.

  • Slag.It is rarely used for the insulation of buildings, since it has low values \u200b\u200bof heat efficiency and moisture resistance. Frying and environmentally uncooked.
  • Glasswater.The basis of the material is glass fibers, as well as dolomite, sand and binding components. The result of production becomes long and thin glass blocks formed in sheets. They differ in elasticity and elasticity, high indicators of heat efficiency. Disadvantage - the presence of cutting surfaces. The fiber penetrates the skin, causing irritation, so it follows to work with a glass gamble in overalls.
  • Basalt (stone) wool.The material is obtained by melting such rocks as dolomite, basalt. Heating rocks to a temperature of 1300-1500 ° C, obtain a semi-liquid raw material. Fibers are drawn out of it that form in layers. Next, the material is pressed and subjected to short-term high-temperature processing.



Basalt Vata.

The resulting material has low heat permeability, good sound insulation indicators. It refers to vaporonic materials, allows the "breathe" walls and thus contributes to maintaining a favorable climate in the room. Unlike other mineral wool insulation, stone wool is characterized by moisture resolution. This, in turn, provides improved frost resistance.

The melting point of the stone wool is about 1000 ° C, so it is fire resistant material. Having in composition natural componentsMaterial is environmental safety. Even with an increase in temperature, the insulation does not distinguish dangerous toxins.

Finally, it is more convenient in work. Unlike the glass gamble, the material does not olive.

The polystyrene foam is a gas-filled material consisting of a plurality of air bubbles. This insulation has 2 forms of production - foam and extruded polystyrene foam. The latter is a more advanced version, consists of closed cells, isolated from each other.

Epps is made by swelling and subsequent welding of cells by means of hot (up to 100 ° C) water or steam. After that, the raw material is passed through the extruder. The result is a more durable material. The EPPS compared to the polypalast has the best performance of fire resistance and moisture resistance, distinguishes fewer styrene during operation.

Comparison according to the characteristics

To compare materials, it is logical to analyze their indicators for the main characteristics, important for insulation.

  • Parry permeability. EPPS has vapor permeability equal to 0.03 mg / (m * h * pa). Mineral wool performance exceeds this value 10 times, that is, it is 10 times better missing moisture pairs. It is a big plus for wooden houses, but not for buildings, in the system of which are used polymer materials. If the mineral wool is concluded between the two layers of synthetic coatings, then the resulting condensate will not find the output and will remain inside the insulation. This will lead to the wetting of the material and the loss of thermal insulation properties. In principle, when used in similar conditions of extruded polystyrene foaming, the situation will look similarly. An exception is that condensate can go through the seams and irregularities.

  • Moisture resistance. Mineral wool can absorb 0.2-20% moisture from its mass. At the same time, wet, it loses its heat-insulating properties, since the fluids are warm. In this regard, the use of mineral wool requires high-quality hydraulic protection. More moisture constraints are considered varieties of stone wool having hydrophobic processing. EPPS is able to absorb on average 0.4% moisture, which contributes closed system cells. This allows in some cases to negotiate the hydraulic protection, use the material for insulation of the basement, basements and apply contact materials directly to the surface (primer, plaster).

  • Strength. The strength of any insulation depends on its density. The smaller the latter indicators, the more additional protection needs material. All insulation having a density of less than 250 kg / kV. m, need protection against external influence. Epps is afraid of the effects of aggressive chemicals, the effects of UV rays, for mineral wool, the main "enemy" is moisture, and for loose materials - the wind.
  • Fire resistance.Stone wool is considered non-combustible, and glass gamble - weakly thorough material. When exposed to temperatures above 500 ° C, glass gamble will not flame. Epps is burning at a temperature of 100-120 ° C, and very active. Moreover, toxic compounds are distinguished during the combustion. Depending on the brand of Minvati (that is, the content of organic binders in it, susceptible to the combustion), it has a class NG (non-combustible material), g1 or g2 (weakly and moderate material). Epps, regardless of the brand of products, always has a class G (that is, combustible). The class of flammability, by the way, also changes depending on the type of material and ranges from G1 (weavorborean) to G4 (strong-brave).


Stone Vata.

  • Heat resistance. Stone wool and expanded polystyrene have identical indicators of thermal conductivity. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of stone wool is 0.042-0.036 W / (MK), EPPS - 0.040-0.030 W / (MK). Glasswater is slightly inferior to these materials in its heat efficiency. According to experts, EPPS has better indicators of heat efficiency, since 90% of its composition is air emptiness formed by closed cells. In a mineral wool insulation that does not have similar cells, warm air Moves towards cold, with the result that the room cools faster. Only tiled mineral wool can be compared with polystyrene foam material in its thermal insulation properties.

The materials equal in thermal insulation indicators have a different weight and, accordingly, have a different load on the surfaces of the surface. So, per quarter. M When finished with a 10-centimeter layer of extruded polystyrene foaming accounted for 15 kg. The mineral wool used (density and thickness correspond to its thermal efficiency similar to the EPPS indicator) will weigh about 20 kg / sq. m. At the same time for heavier wool required more gluethat also increases the weight of the structure.

  • Convenience of mounting.Both materials in work are fairly simple and convenient, but during the installation process there are nuances. So, the polystyrene foam is easily cut and sticks, but the likelihood of preserving seams and joints between plates - future "cold bridges" is great. In this regard, the mineral wool insulation is much easier to lay without seams. However, the works should be carried out only in the respirator, and if the glass gamble is used, the overalls are required.
  • Ecology.EPPS highlights styrene, negatively affecting human health. Stone wool is considered completely safe.
  • Durability.EPPS can be operated only 6-8 years. However, if there is a protective hydraulic and vapor-permeable material at the formations of the material, the period of operation of the insulation reaches 25-30 years. Naturally, the cost of the material also increases.

The service life of Minvati is 20-25 years old, and if we are talking On dense sheets, then 30-40. It is not exposed to mold, does not represent interest for rodents.

But Epps becomes home for the latter.


The advantage of both materials is identical highness of thermal efficiency. And mineral wool materials are also excellent soundproofing material. And cotton, and polystyrene foam insulation are distinguished by universality of use - they are suitable for both newly built buildings and buildings that are subjected to restoration. Both insulation can be used almost all parts of the structure, isolate the room from the inside and outside.

The advantage of stone wool is its ingrediability. This makes it the optimal insulation for high-rise buildings, floors, garages and premises, which are presented with increased security requirements. In addition, mineral wool is used to increase fire resistance of other insulation.


Perhaps the main minus Epps is low resistance to open fire. Despite the presence of flames in the composition, it quickly flashes and supports burning. If the entire building is insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, then in the event of a fire, its users risen to be in a fire trap. In addition, toxins are distinguished during combustion. Inhalation of them even for a short time leads to a significant deterioration in the state of the person.

Another disadvantage of EPPS is its instability to the effects of aggressive tools, for example, contained in nitrolakes. Even the effects of vapors of many of them leads to the destruction of the material. On the other hand, a glass gamble and a loose stone wool of a small density is given with time shrinkage, which also leads to a decrease in their thermal insulation properties.

It is believed that the lack of stone wool is its higher cost. This is true. But if we take into account the total cost of the insulation of EPPS and mineral wool, then expenses will be almost the same.

Of course, it all depends on the manufacturer and density of the material.

Choice for specific tasks

Completing the comparative overview of mineral wool and EPPS, it will rightly notify that there are no "good" and "bad" insulation. The advantages and disadvantages of materials are due to the correctness of their application. In other words, the use of each type of insulation must comply with its purpose.