What to do to be remembered. How to remember information and anything! Poor health and depression

Has it ever happened that you forgot something? Couldn't remember someone's name, password, event or even a word? Surely yes. But what did you do in such a situation? What did you do? Let's talk about how to remember what you forgot.

We will offer you several not only simple, but also effective ways solutions to this problem, and also tell you why such annoying misunderstandings happen to us. We will also touch on how to develop your memory and even attention.

Why do we forget certain things?

Before we talk about how to remember what you forgot, let’s look at the main reasons for our forgetfulness. There are quite a lot of options why we constantly forget some information, important or not. We will highlight the main ones.

The first, most common reason is insufficient concentration.

Remember how often you cannot remember where you put your keys, phone, notepads, even things. In most cases, you forget where you put the thing if you are in a hurry somewhere or you are distracted, if you are in a hurry and think only about how not to be late, you feel bad, etc. That is, one of the reasons for forgetfulness is absent-mindedness.

The second reason, no less common, is that you consider the information unimportant or unnecessary. In this case, you don't want to memorize it on a subconscious level. The reason may also be the complexity of the information itself.

The third option that we will highlight is weak memory. Agree, not all people can remember large amounts of information for a long time, no matter what it is. This means that after some time it will be erased from memory. It can also be noted that over time, memory weakens, and a person increasingly begins to forget what he knew.

In order to remember as much information as possible and not forget it, you need to constantly train your memory. We will talk to you about how to do this later.

In addition, it happens that we ourselves want to forget this or that incident, words, names, knowledge.

Recalling forgotten information

So, before we talk about how to remember where you put something (and this is the most common problem), let’s try to figure out how to remember any information that surrounds us.

How to remember forgotten information? For example, you studied the material for a year, then repeated it before taking the exam, but when the time came to answer, you completely forgot everything. What to do in such a situation? Try to remember. To do this, do the following.

First of all, remember exactly how you taught this material- sitting at a book, taking notes, listening to the teacher. Try to reproduce this moment in your head as accurately as possible. In most cases, this technique helps to remember forgotten things.

Looking for a missing item

What to do if you forgot where you left a necessary and important thing? How can you remember exactly where you put it? Let's talk about how to remember where you put something.

First of all, try to remember where you usually put this item and where you leave it. For example, if these are keys, try to recall in your memory what you did after you opened the apartment door and went inside. If it is a telephone, remember with whom and what you talked on it, where exactly, and it is quite possible that you will soon understand where you put it.

Remembering passwords

What to do if you forgot your password? For example, we had such a misfortune that we don’t know how to remember the WiFi password. What to do?

In this case, you also need to sharpen your memory. First of all, remember what exactly you put on passwords - numbers, letters or words. Next, we try to remember what ciphers you often use. Try to go through the most likely options. Besides, it's quite effective way- remember what you were thinking about at the moment when you registered, what you were doing. If you recall those minutes in your memory, it is likely that you will remember him.

What if you forgot and don’t know how to remember your login? In this case, you just need to remember what you like, what or who you associate yourself with. After all, logins are often our nicknames, nicknames, what we call ourselves.

"Where did we meet?"

It happens that you see a person on the street and cannot remember where you saw him. How can you remember who it is and what his name is? How to remember a person, especially someone you barely know?

First of all, you need to strain your memory and try to remember where exactly you saw him. What places are associated with him? This will make it possible to remember exactly where you met him.

Next, we try to determine what associations you have with the name this person. It happens that it is associated with a particular action, event, color, etc. In addition, you can go through all the letters of the alphabet. It is quite possible that this way you will remember which one of them the person’s name begins with, and then remember it completely.

Remembering the past

The most necessary, but difficult skill is to remember the past. Quite often it happens that you want to recall some moment in life - childhood or youth, to resurrect in your memory this or that event, celebration, meeting. What to do in this case, how to remember the past?

First of all, try to evoke in your head at least distant images associated with the event you need. Then begin to slowly pull on each of the threads, remembering what happened before or after this episode, what exactly caused certain actions and words.

It is also worth noting that it is not always possible to remember the past in this way, especially what happened in childhood. In this case, you need to seek the help of a psychologist and undergo a hypnosis session. In this situation, this is the most effective way to reliably reproduce the events that occurred in memory.

Remembering a forgotten word

It also happens in our lives that we forget this or that word. Just a couple of minutes ago it was on our tongue, but now we cannot pronounce it. What to do in such a situation? Naturally, try to remember, although there are other options for solving this problem. So let's talk about how to remember a word.

First of all, it can be replaced with a synonym. Of course, if this word is a term or a name, then this option will not suit you. In this case, we try to gather our thoughts and try to remember at least part of it, the sound associations that this concept evokes in you.

Another option is to simply forget about this word, don’t get hung up on remembering it, and in a couple of minutes it will definitely appear in your head.

Training your memory

So, we figured out how to remember what you forgot. Now let's talk about how we can develop our memory.

Of course, the most important thing is that in order to avoid problems with remembering certain things, you should definitely train your memory. To do this, we recommend to your attention several simple but quite effective exercises.

Surely you have heard that nothing trains your memory as well as memorizing poetry or even passages of text. Be sure to try to memorize at least a couple of lines from a variety of books every day. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention to large texts, memorizing them completely. So, taking any story, learn a paragraph every day, and do not forget to repeat what you have already learned.

The second simple exercise is to replay the events of the past day in your head every night. So, when you go to bed, remember how your day began, then step by step approach the night. Alternatively, you can rewind events in reverse order. This will also be a good exercise for the brain.

And finally, one more exercise for developing memory and attention. Surely you are often on the street - going to school, work, or just walking. With such a pastime, you can also develop certain qualities. To do this, it is enough to simply remember the license plates of passing cars and carry out various mathematical operations on them. In this case, you will never have a question about how to remember your WiFi password or your login.


We all face the problem of memory loss. This is quite understandable, because we are not always focused on receiving this or that information, our brain cannot always quickly remember this or that word, phrase, action, and we don’t want to remember some things at all.

In fact, remembering what you have forgotten is quite easy and simple if you follow the recommendations we have given. In addition, if you need to recall rather serious and necessary events in your memory, you can always seek the help of a specialist. As you can see, to answer the question: “How to remember what you forgot?” - not so difficult.

A person strives to stand out from the crowd and make the world remember him bright personality. But making a lasting impression on someone at the first meeting is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you have no experience at all in the skill of charming your interlocutors, you can use our tips. The first meeting should be held in such a way that you can be remembered for a long time.

Your headdress says a lot about you

These days it's so easy to stand out with a hat, an almost forgotten but once again relevant accessory. If you just stand and listen in the company of interlocutors, you will never be remembered by others. To start talking and asking questions, you must completely banish fear from your mind. A stylish headdress will give you self-confidence. Tell your own stories and declare your own point of view. In short, don't be a statistic.

Don't be afraid to tackle controversial topics

Most people avoid talking about controversial topics, especially if they are meeting the other person for the first time. Everyone wants to play it safe, so they try to avoid sharp corners. Do you think such tactics will act as a guarantee, and you will win a few extra points in the eyes of others? If you really want to be memorable, don't be afraid to make shocking statements. The only thing you shouldn't do is stoop to insults or get personal. Psychologists say that people remember extremes; dullness and mediocrity go unnoticed.

Be a little unusual

People who go beyond the boundaries of generally accepted behavior are always remembered by others. Here it is important to always keep a positive key, so it is best to make friends with humor. So, for example, unusual, humorous answers to typical questions will be remembered much more than banal ones. Spend some time the day before and find suitable different cases templates Throughout your life you will have to answer questions like “how is life?” or “how are you?” a million more times. Therefore, all previous developments will be useful.

Using body language

Confidence in own strength must be supported by sign language. This will make you irresistible in the eyes of others. Practice a firm handshake, keep your back straight, and always maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to. If you have stopped talking with your interlocutor, but are still among people, do not have the habit of looking at the floor. Your gaze should be directed straight ahead. Show everyone that you have nothing to hide from this world. Own the space around you. This means don't take up space on the edge or in the corner. This way other people will have more opportunities. Don't be embarrassed if you accidentally touch someone's hand.

Play with emotions

The sages say this: “People will forget what we said, but they will never forget the emotions that they experienced.” To leave a deep impression, you need to touch the audience's feelings. It is desirable that these emotions be light and positive.

Be a good listener

After you have voiced your own position and made yourself known, turn your attention to your interlocutors. Become an attentive listener and show people a genuine interest in their problems.

Rarely do any men have the kind of sex life they would like to live. If you give them room for imagination, doing what no woman has dared to do before you, he will idolize... No! Remember you all my life!

So, you would like to be sighed about you and think “Yes... I had SUCH a woman!”
Then let's get crazy!

It is quite possible that you will find some completely unacceptable to you. No problem! Among the list you will definitely find something that suits you personally... and personally for Him!

1. Unzipping his pants and caressing his dick while he's driving.

2. Freeing his penis and performing oral sex before the man even hangs up his hat.

3. Massaging his penis while he watches a football match on TV.

4. Taking his penis in your mouth in the morning while he is still dozing.

5. Walking around the house naked.

6. Leaning back with your legs stretched out, sitting on a couch or in a chair, and making it clear that your partner's attention and glances are arousing.

7. Asking him to perform oral sex on the beach (all you have to do is pull your swimsuit bottoms to one side and pretend to put suntan lotion on his back).

8. Having a massage with him using massage oil, which smoothly turns into a slow, gentle massage of his penis.

9. Wearing stockings and a girdle to bed.

10. Wearing high heels to bed.

11. Asking him more often about his work, always listening to him with great interest.

12. Inserting a finger into his anus during intercourse.

13. Telling him more often that he is the most amazing lover in the world.

14. Having oral sex with him and swallowing his seed.

16. Wearing erotic lingerie.

17. Not wearing underwear at all and not hiding it (from him, of course).

18. Inviting him to make love at any time, except when they go to bed.

19. Involving him in anal sex.

20. Scratching and pinching his back during sexual intercourse, with the exception of the ticklish situation when his wife is waiting for him at home, to whom it will be difficult to explain these traces of “gangster bullets”.

21. Wearing tight, stretchy underwear.

22. Masturbating in his presence.

23. Making love with him in the shower, bath or in the pool, bathhouse, sauna.

24. Caressing his penis with your toes.

25. Reading a porn magazine with him, trying to reproduce what he read.

26. Inserting a vibrator into your anus during sexual intercourse.

27. Inserting a vibrator into the vagina while he is having anal intercourse.

28. Meeting him before front door completely naked.

29. Trying to dress attractively for him and to impress his friends and colleagues.

30. Shaving the hair on your legs, doing manicures and pedicures, applying cosmetics, trying to always look well-groomed.

31. Trying to be a witty, unobtrusive and understanding woman.

32. Slowly undressing him before he starts undressing you.

33. Trying to “accidentally” show yourself to him in intimate and provoking situations (in the bathroom mirror, through an ajar door, during sleep, etc.).

34. Inventing your own sexy accessories (ribbons, belts instead of underwear, tight shorts with a slit in the groin, etc.).

35. Shaving your crotch.

36. Videotaping yourself naked while a man is at work and showing them to him when he gets home.

38. Talking rudely to him during intercourse.

39. Telling him about your most exciting sexual fantasies in all the juicy details.

40. Asking him about his most vivid fantasies and decorating them with your own ideas.

41. Massaging his penis through his pants pockets at parties, on races, or in other varied and unexpected places.

42. Telling him what he should do to look more attractive.

43. Showing him what turns a woman on the most.

44. Exactly showing how to caress the clitoris.

45. Massaging his penis with your hair.

46. ​​By arranging it so that he looks at her while urinating.

47. Asking him to masturbate her while urinating.

48. Massaging his penis while dressed, and then direct the penis so that the sperm gets into the pulled panties; go on like this all day.

49. Studying whenever possible greatest number information about sex and sexual desires and constantly putting the acquired knowledge into practice.

50. Always treating your man like the best lover in the world.

It's not enough to just do a good job. Often they don’t even pay attention to this. Entrepreneur and author Danny Forest talks on Medium about what you need to do to get others to notice and remember you.

Yesterday I was talking to a very successful writer on Medium, and at some point we started reminiscing about how we became famous. You, like me, probably read articles on various sources about effective strategies, how to find subscribers, get your posts published, and so on. In fact, you are unlikely to succeed just by reading something on the Internet.

I know what you’re thinking: “I’m doing well, but I’m not noticed or remembered!” Well, here's how you can change it:

1. Do your job well

Are you doing something well or excellent? Answer this question. Be honest with yourself. Analyze what the word “excellent” means to you. Surround yourself with great people and you will become one too. Always strive to do something great.

2. Make a good impression

Make a good impression. If a person needs your business card to remember you, I'm afraid you failed to make a good impression on him. Do you stand out when you interact with others? What makes you more interesting?

    Tell exciting stories.

    Look different.

    Find common interests with your interlocutors.

3. Don't pretend

Very often you can spot a person who is faking it. In my stories, I often share my impressions of the people I write about. This is no coincidence. I've lived through these things. People trust those who are honest, vulnerable and confident in what they say. Find your niche. Tell stories. Express your point of view regarding the valuable lessons that life has taught you. Don't copy others - people won't fall for it.

4. Be positive

Nobody likes haters. My negative stories are much less popular than my positive ones. People want to feel good. Expressing positive mood in the midst of a crisis, you will definitely attract attention. Inspire. Give thanks.

5. Work hard

    The more you do, the more you get.

    The more you do, the better you become.

    The harder you work, the easier everything gets.

    The harder you work, the easier it is to be found.

I've been writing a story a day for 41 days now. In that short period of time, my stories have already been published many times, and I have become a top writer in six categories on Medium.


Do your job well, make a good impression, don't pretend, be positive and work hard - and you will definitely be noticed and remembered. Obviously, this is easier said than done. Don't deceive yourself. Pay attention to your behavior and surroundings. Take notes. Work on yourself, and luck will turn your way.

Despite the fact that the number of readers fiction number of people in the world has decreased, reading is still popular and often necessary. This is especially true for students and schoolchildren, who, in addition to reading, also need to be able to remember what they read. How to make sure that what you read is remembered easily and quickly? Is there a way to make the memorization process easier? Let's figure it out.

In order for what you read to be remembered easily, create certain external conditions - a calm environment and silence. When reading occurs in a noisy environment, attention is scattered and, as a result, what is read is not stored in the head. Agree that when reading, for example, on the subway, it is difficult to remember something. Sometimes you don't even realize what you're reading.

So lock yourself in separate room, create silence, and start reading. If possible, find a secluded area in nature, it helps you relax and concentrate. You need to learn to completely immerse yourself in a book. Nothing should distract you!

Reading in the morning is optimal. After sleep, the head is clear and free, it easily perceives information that is quickly absorbed. Therefore, read in the morning, preferably even before breakfast. If reading in the morning is not possible for you, read in the afternoon.

The most bad time to remember information - evening. At this time, the body is already tired, and the information is not absorbed. It is not advisable to read information that requires memorization after lunch or dinner, since at this time the body is busy digesting food and, as they say, has no time for memorization.

Improve your reading speed

To understand how to better remember what you read, you need to understand that visual memory plays a huge role in this process.

When reading, try to cover the entire page with your eyes, read as if from top to bottom. This helps train visual memory, which makes what you read easier to remember. Visual memory is very important. In a situation where you just can’t remember something, it’s often enough just to imagine the page in the book where this information was, and visual memory immediately tells you what was written there.

Reading speed is also important. How faster man reads, the better the information is absorbed. The ability to read well from top to bottom significantly speeds up the reading process.

To develop this skill, you can take speed reading courses. These courses teach you to read diagonally. With this method of reading, a person covers the entire page with his eyes. As a result, he can absorb and remember information quickly and clearly.

While reading a chapter, do not return to what you read, either visually or to reread. This interferes with the holistic perception of information. It is better to read the chapter to the end and re-read it in its entirety.

There is no need to say to yourself what you read while reading. It is also not advisable to read the text by pronouncing it with your lips. All this interferes with the perception and assimilation of information.

Take notes, fantasize, tell

Try to visually imagine the situation you are reading. This will help you remember the text. Relate this situation to something already familiar to you, create associations. Then, by association, it will be easy to remember what you read.

If you are reading educational literature, take notes. Write down the main points, make diagrams, lists. All this makes it easier to remember.

Discuss what you read with friends and parents. Try to form your own opinion. You need to learn to reason and consider the situation from different angles. If you have no one to discuss what you read with, just write a summary, but write it, because writing leads to additional memorization, including visual memory.

If you forgot something, don’t immediately try to open the book and look for it. Try to quickly remember on your own, without peeking. If you can, you will never forget this moment. Stretch and train your memory!

Train your memory

If you have a serious problem with remembering, develop your memory. The most the best remedy For the development of memory is the study of foreign languages. Choose a language that interests you and learn it. You can do this yourself or enroll in courses. In any case, knowledge foreign language It's not superfluous, but it will help develop memory.

To develop memory, learn poetry by heart, and to develop visual memory, practice memorizing images. For example, look at a picture of animals or objects for 30 seconds, close it and quickly list the animals or objects that you managed to remember.

A great way to train your memory is to memorize a sequence of words. Ask someone in your family to write you a list of 10 words. Read it 2 times and try to reproduce it without changing the sequence of words. Practice until you remember all the words. Make new lists, gradually increasing the number of words in them. This kind of training will help you remember everything the first time.

Remembering what you read is important. According to scientists, when reading a book, after just 24 hours a person remembers only 20% of the information read. The worse the environment in which reading occurs, the worse the information received is assimilated.

The older we get, the worse our memory works. Therefore, she should not be allowed to rest. Memory needs to be constantly trained. Then, at any age, you can remember what you read easily and quickly.

And one more important factor. If you read with pleasure, then the percentage of memorization is higher!