What is the Eisenhower matrix. Eisenhower Matrix: A Simple Tool for Distributing Problems

The Eisenhower Priority Matrix is ​​a way to prioritize correctly. With effective prioritization, the quality of life improves, and your resources will be spent rationally. Every minute, hour of your life will be well spent. That is, it's kind of one of the ways to manage your time in a practical way. The priority matrix helps a person to become proactive, that is, to learn how to manage their life. A proactive person knows how to take responsibility, he is not controlled by any events, external factors, such a person is characterized by activity, initiative, which cannot be said about people with reactive thinking. Each case fits into the required square based on its urgency and importance.

How to use the Eisenhower Matrix: Here is a table divided into four squares.

First Quadra t (important and urgent) - things that are very important and need to be done immediately.

Answer the phone call urgently

Unforeseen business such as a visit to a specialist, hospital, car service, etc.

Urgent execution of work that needed to be done in advance.

Preparation of documents for submission to court, submission of reports

Why is this square overfilling:


Lack of or poorly developed organizational skills

Poor self-discipline

Lack of ability to delegate responsibilities, difficulty in organizing affairs, planning

Benefit: the first square is more of a consumer; it does not give you the resources you need to achieve efficiency. Ideally, it should be empty. The fact is that otherwise its overcrowding will introduce you into stress, an emergency state, and energy depletion will occur.

Second square(important and non-urgent) - completing tasks in this category is important, but you have a lot of time to complete them.

Goal setting, setting the right goals

Planning, a clear vision of your actions to achieve the desired goal

Performance necessary work that you know in advance

Regular car service station

Visiting doctors


Attending events necessary for your development, self-development books

Why is this square not filled like the first one:

The point is that we often neglect teaching other tasks, such as going to the cinema, restaurant, etc.

Emergency state due to overcrowding of the First square:

No clear goal

Procrastination (laziness)

Benefit: this square is one of the most important and significant. Thanks to the tasks and deeds from this square, you develop, grow as a person, lay the foundation for a financially prosperous life, gain experience, deplete the first square, feel harmonious, less stress.

Third square(urgent and unimportant) - things that you are forced to do, but they do not bring you the desired result to achieve your goal.

Urgent cleaning before the arrival of guests

Arrival of guests

Unplanned activities that will not lead you to achieve the goal, but even move you away from it

Improper planning (you can buy groceries for a week), and not go for them every day

Minor matters come to the fore, as we forget about the original goals

The concept of an important and urgent is erased (duties at work that you temporarily need to perform, since another employee went on sick leave).

We often attach a lot of importance to these kinds of things, making them important. As a result, they become for us affairs from the first square.

Benefit: this square does not bring benefits as such, on the contrary, it alienates you from your goal by forced deeds. Interferes with your efficiency.

Fourth square(not urgently and not important) - these are the affairs of consumers, from them we have no practical benefit.

Long conversations on the phone

Useless shopping

Read only fiction

Computer games

Watching TV

Why is this square filling up:

Because doing things from this square bring us pleasure.

Although there is no benefit from them in terms of achieving the set goals

Benefit: no, except for moral satisfaction. They are time eaters that interfere with the rational distribution of time.

How to work with the Eisenhower Matrix:

You need to fill in all the squares in accordance with your affairs, tasks and goals. At the same time, carefully consider the squares numbered three and one. Don't confuse tasks by importance. Emphasize importance, not urgency. It is the important things that benefit the "Crush", you do not need to immediately try to fulfill all the goals and objectives. With small steps, you will more confidently reach the top. Do not be distracted by cases from the fourth square, do not accumulate cases in the first square, do not postpone them. It is necessary to complete them depending on the priority and then do the necessary in advance. Devote each day (as far as possible) to activities from the second square.

Alps method

The Alps method is relatively simple, and after some exercise it will take you no more than 10 minutes on average to create your daily plan.

The method includes five stages:

1) drawing up assignments;

2) an assessment of the duration of the planned actions;

3) reservation of time (in a ratio of 60:40);

4) making decisions on priorities and assignment of individual operations;

5) control (accounting for what has not been done).

Using the Alps method provides the following main advantages:

The best mood for the upcoming work day.

Planning for the next day.

A clear understanding of the tasks of the day.

Streamlining the flow of the day.

Overcoming forgetfulness.

Concentration on the essentials.

Making decisions on priority setting and delegations.

Reduced clutter and unwanted interruptions.

Reducing stress and nervous tension.

Improving self-control.

Increased satisfaction and motivation.

A gain in time due to the methodical organization of work.

How to work with the Alps method:

The first stage is the preparation of assignments. To do this, write down everything you want or need to do the next day under the appropriate headings of the "Day plan" form.

The second stage is an estimation of the approximate duration of the planned actions.

The third stage is time reservation. When planning your day, stick to the basic rule of time planning, according to which the plan should cover no more than 60% of your time and approximately 40% should be left as reserve time for unexpected tasks. If you have planned more than 60% of your time, then you should inexorably bring the list of tasks you have drawn up to the specified parameters, setting priorities, delegating cases and reducing the time allotted for them. The remainder of the cases must either be rescheduled for the next day, or deleted, or completed with overtime.

The fourth stage of planning: making decisions on priorities, reductions and outsourcing. Goal: to reduce the time allotted for completing tasks of the day to 5-6 hours.

To do this, firstly, set clear priorities for your affairs and clarify the tasks of the day in accordance with them. Secondly, double-check the need for time calculated by you, and reduce the time for all matters to what is absolutely necessary. Consider each action in terms of delegating and rationalizing it.

At the fifth stage, control over the implementation of your day plan is carried out and the transfer of the undone to another day. Experience shows that not all tasks can be completed, and not all telephone conversations can take place, so they have to be postponed to the next day. If you endure the same case many times, then it becomes a burden for you, and then there are two possibilities: you finally decisively take on it and bring it to an end, or you refuse this case, since sometimes the problem is resolved by itself.

Successful use of time planning techniques and methods scientific organization labor you can save 10 to 20% of your time every day!

Lecture 4. Time management. Timing in performance analysis (2 hours)

Lee Iacocca: “To succeed in business, as well as in almost everything else, the most important thing is to be able to concentrate and use your time efficiently. And in order to use your time expediently, you need to firmly realize what is the main thing in your work, and then give yourself entirely to the implementation of this main thing. "

Timing refers to the determination of the required time by measuring and evaluating the actual time.

The timing process is simple. When producing timekeeping, it is recommended to record all your actions, for example, on paper every 5-10 minutes for at least 2 weeks.

This pedantic and honest method of temporary control allows you to determine where the time is spent, to identify "temporary obstacles" and take measures to eliminate them.

Timing stages:

There are 4 stages of timing.

1.Preparation for timing:

Goal statement;

Determination of types of time expenditures, selection of indicators of interest;

- "technical" training.

2. Carrying out timing:

For several days, fix all the work performed, lasting from 5-15 minutes;

Mark / highlight cases that correspond to the indicators selected at the stage of preparation.

3. Analysis of timing results:

It is necessary to determine the amount of time spent on certain types activities;

Determine the cost of "temporary interference";

It is desirable to present the timing results visually;

identify problems of personal time management.

4. Changes in personal time management:

Optimize time allocation for different kinds activities;

Consider ways to reduce "temporary clutter";

Adopt other solutions to reduce temporary interference.

Do you have a whole mountain of things to do and are you tired of raking it endlessly?

Do you constantly have new tasks and do not know in what order it is best to complete them?

You do not know exactly what to do in as soon as possible, and what can be put on the back burner?

Is it difficult for you to prioritize things in order to more effectively achieve your goals?

To solve such problems, many methods have been developed for organizing and prioritizing cases. All of them are distinguished by their complexity, precision and clarity. For more convenient use of them, many different instruments: special diaries, computer programs, online organizers, mobile applications etc.

One of the most popular methods is Eisenhower matrix or priority matrix... It was developed by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower to organize his affairs and carry them out more efficiently when he was plagued by the problems described at the beginning of the article.

To apply this method, each case must be evaluated according to two criteria: whether it is important or not and urgent or not. For visualization, a rectangular table (matrix) with 4 cells is used:

Important-Urgent: these are the most important things to do in the near future. Someone, so to speak, is happy with such things, they mobilize a person and he performs them faster. And for some, even a small number of such cases can create emotional tension and stress. Then a person can fall into a stupor, panic and postpone such things, although he realizes that they need to be done as quickly as possible. But due to the rush in their implementation, the quality of the results may be lower than expected. Therefore, it is better to strive to ensure that this area is empty. Such cases may appear due to erroneous planning, incorrect determination of the required resources for their implementation, lack of experience, inadequate assessment, force majeure, laziness, etc. When such cases appear, you need to immediately analyze them, determine the reasons why an important case has become urgent, eliminate them and quickly implement such cases.

Doesn't matter-Urgent: these are things that for some reason have become urgent, but their implementation does not particularly affect the achievement of goals. Usually in this area there are "other people's" affairs, which are obliged to perform, and not which one wants to. It is better to delegate such cases or refuse them, of course, if this does not lead to negative consequences(fines, penalties, etc.). A large number of cases in this area may indicate that a person is highly dependent on someone who sets tasks for him and uses him as a resource. This means that a person cannot fully go about his business, which means that he does not come close to personal goals. In this case, you need to become freer, determine who imposes goals, get rid of relationships with him or make them mutually beneficial. Therefore, it is also better to make this area empty.

Important - Not urgent: these are the most important cases that do not have a deadline or are still long enough. These tasks must be completed immediately after all urgent matters have been completed. Having most cases in this area speaks of effective planning, prioritization and management of your life. Such tasks are performed evenly, in a comfortable mode (but not slow), and the quality of the results usually exceeds expectations. Consequently, these cases best affect the achievement of goals, so you need to try to ensure that most cases are in this area.

Not important-not urgent: these are the most useless tasks that should not be done or can be done in their free time, for example, for recreation, entertainment. Such cases, as a rule, arise due to insufficient planning or incorrect setting of goals. If it is impossible to refuse such cases, then it is better to replace them with similar, but more important cases, which will turn out to be in the "Important-Not urgent" area. For example, instead of doing "play a game" you can do "practice a skill" or "exercise." Also try to keep this area empty.

Thus, according to this method, the most useful area is an " Important - Not urgent". Therefore, it is necessary to plan things so that most of them end up in this area (but this must be done adequately, and not so that the business was placed here, but in fact it had to be completed yesterday). Then the achievement of goals will be the most successful, efficient and comfortable.

Use the following to determine the order of things to do. rule: Do the most important and urgent matters first, then the unimportant urgent, then the non-urgent important. And non-urgent, unimportant matters may not be worth doing at all.

To make the method even more accurate, you can use not 4 areas, but the scales “ Importance" and " Urgency»With values ​​from 0 to 10. Then each case needs to be subjectively assessed: how important it is on a scale from 0 to 10, and how urgent it is also on a scale from 0 to 10. Then the case is located in the cell of the matrix at the intersection of the set values. Similar to the original version of the method, the area of ​​important and non-urgent matters is considered the best, i.e. with importance 5-10 and urgency 0-5.

For the convenient use of this method, a special section has been created - Important-Urgent.

It automatically places cases based on their Urgency and Importance parameters, which are set in the case details panel on the Motivation tab. The service supports both versions of the method: in the form of 4 areas (2x2 mode), and in the form of 2 scales (10x10 mode). Cases can be viewed in the appropriate cells, moved to other cells for more precise planning and decisions in which order to carry them out.

After distributing all the cases according to such a matrix of priorities, there will be a general, visual picture of which cases are the most important and urgent. Based on this matrix, you can easily determine which cases have the highest priority and are best implemented first.

As a result, with the help of the Eisenhower matrix, you will forever get rid of the "mountain" of tasks, you will be able to quickly prioritize new tasks (put them in the right area), you will easily determine the order of doing things, which in general will help you achieve any set goals more efficiently and more successfully.

We hope this method will suit your taste, it will help you realize your cherished dreams faster and make your life even happier.

Write your opinion about it below, it is very important for us!

And tell your friends about the article. Perhaps she will be useful to them.

Sincerely, Team of the project "Personal development and self-realization"

Head: Sergey Marchenko. Creator of "SiRiOS" and website, practical psychologist, trainer for self-realization, life coach, consultant, systems engineer

Priority matrix- tool for processing a large number numerical data obtained in the construction of matrix diagrams in order to identify priority data. NS It is used mainly in cases when it becomes necessary to present numerical data from matrix diagrams in a more visual form.

Most of the considered seven quality management tools are widely used to transform customer requirements into quality parameters of the expected product and, accordingly, into quality parameters of planning, development, production, installation and product improvement processes.

16.Structuring the quality function (QFD).

It was first applied by Mitsubishi in 1972. The essence of the SFC method is that customer requirements should be "developed" and specified in stages, starting with pre-investment research and ending with pre-sale preparation. It is applied in relation to newly developed products.

This method is a technology for the design of products and processes that allows you to transform the wishes of the consumer into technical requirements to products and parameters of their production processes.

The main idea of ​​the SFC technology lies in the understanding that there is a big difference between consumer properties (actual quality indicators) and product parameters (auxiliary quality indicators) set in the standards. Also, the task is to formulate clear goals based on the desires of consumers and customers.

SFC method - this is expert method, using a tabular way of presenting data, and with a specific form of tables (matrix diagram), called "Quality houses" (fig. 6.1.1). These tables display the relationship between actual quality indicators (consumer properties) and auxiliary indicators (technical requirements).

The planning process for new products in the framework of the SFC method consists of eight stages.

1.determination and clarification of consumer requirements ... The task of the SFC is precisely to make the opinion of the consumer understandable for the engineer.

The manufacturer's task is to use different methods transform the requirements ("voice") of the consumer into the engineering characteristics of the product.

2. ranking of consumer requirements ... For ranking, it is necessary to evaluate the ratings of consumer requirements, which were determined at the first stage. The list of requirements is sorted in order of importance. The importance is recorded as a rating.

3. development of engineering characteristics ... This stage is performed by a special development team created for this case. At the first stage of work, she is tasked with compiling a list of the engineering characteristics of the future product. 4. calculation of dependencies of consumer requirements and engineering characteristics.

At this stage, we establish the relationship between customer requirements and engineering characteristics to determine which engineering characteristics most strongly affect satisfaction. certain requirements consumers, which are weak, and which do not create added value for the consumer at all. (black circle - strong bond (9b), white circle - medium bond (3b), triangle - weak bond (1b))

5. building a roof ", In which the relationships between the engineering characteristics themselves are put down. The roof is filled with symbols indicating a positive or negative correlation between the corresponding product characteristics from the perspective of the consumer's interests. (If there are contradictions - "-", if there are no contradictions - "+")

6. we determine the weights of the characteristics of engineering characteristics, taking into account the rating of the importance of consumer requirements, and the relationship between customer requirements and engineering performance.

7. technical limitations are taken into account. Not all engineering performance values ​​are achievable. in the next line of the matrix put down expert assessments technical feasibility of those values ​​of engineering characteristics, which are most demanded by consumers. With this in mind, the adjusted engineering performance targets are obtained.

8. taking into account the influence of competitors .. Competitors are judged by how well they are able to fulfill each of the customer requirements identified in the first step. * - the first competitor - the second competitor.

As a result of the implementation of the above procedures, the initial data for the technical assignment for the design and development of new products are obtained.

Building a SFC matrix, obtaining engineering characteristics is the first phase of four (product planning - product components planning - process design - production design), which together "unfold" consumer requirements not only into engineering characteristics, but also further into process indicators and everything production.

November 6, 2016

Greetings! Have you ever scolded yourself in the evening for the fact that you managed to do so little in the day? Were constantly busy, but really important and urgent matters smoothly "crawled" for tomorrow?

Personally, I encountered this problem regularly. By the evening I was tired like a dog, but in fact - mountains of unfinished work, the kitchen is a mess and the apartment was not paid on time.
I was terribly angry, but for some reason I continued to often waste time on nonsense, ending everything important tasks hastily and in last moment(and usually late at night).

All this mess went on for quite a long time. Until I started using a simple, convenient and intuitive tool. In my opinion, this is one of the most effective ways clear your brains once and for all. And finally put things in order.

Meet the Eisenhower Matrix as a prioritization tool.

The matrix was invented by the 34th President of the United States, Dwight David Eisenhower (he served as president from 1953 to 1961).

The politician developed a universal scheme that helped him classify and sort out a bunch of daily tasks. I think the US President had plenty of them. At one point, Eisenhower made a paradoxical conclusion:

Urgent matters are rarely important, and important matters are rarely urgent.

By the way, the Eisenhower Matrix is ​​highly recommended by my beloved Stephen Covey in the book "The main attention is the main things"... I recommend downloading and exploring.

The essence of the Eisenhower matrix

Majority problem modern people- inability to prioritize planning. We prefer to do what we like in the beginning, leaving unpleasant but important things for later. As a result, time pressure, stress and ... syndrome.

Technique from the president instantly puts everything “on the shelves”.

It looks like four quadrants with two axes. The matrix is ​​divided vertically by urgency (“urgent” and “not urgent”), vertically - by importance (“important” and “not important”).
At the same time, the author of the theory refers to the "urgent" that which cannot be postponed. And to "important" - tasks, on the solution of which depends on a full, successful and emotional life. And as my experience shows, all everyday life can be attributed to one of the quadrants.

Quadrant A. Important and urgent matters

Proper planning always leaves this box blank. Things recorded in sector A are a sign of disorganization and incorrect prioritization. “Important and urgent” is force majeure, time trouble and emergency.

Example cases from sector A:

  • Cramming the subject on the last night before the exam
  • Calling a plumber due to a burst in the pipe
  • An urgent call to a client who sent money to the wrong account
  • Acute toothache and an urgent visit to the dentist

Moreover, most of this entire list could well have been avoided. Start cramming a little bit every day a week before the exam. Or visit the dentist every six months for a routine check-up. Do you agree?

Quadrant B. Things that are important but not urgent

The most priority and promising tasks are inscribed in sector B - this is our most valuable box. Ideally, these are the things that should be included in the “To do” list for the day. Statistically speaking, those who focus on the B quadrant achieve the best results while living a fulfilling and happy life.

The absence of the urgency factor allows solving problems deliberately and constructively. But once you relax, a lot of things from zone B will quickly "crawl" into sector A.

Example tasks from sector B:

  • Fill in receipts for payment of utilities
  • Buy groceries for a week
  • Write a business trip report
  • Go to the gym for a workout
  • Make an appointment with the dentist
  • Take a photo for a garage pass

Quadrant C. Urgent but not important tasks

90% of such activities distract from achieving important goals, reduce efficiency and interfere with concentration. But you still need to make them (or not - it's up to you).

Example tasks from sector C:

  • Happy birthday to a distant and very talkative relative
  • Go to an alumni meeting (you don’t want to go, but it’s inconvenient to refuse)
  • Instantly take the papers to the other side of the city at the request of a colleague

The content from sector C must either not be done at all, or proceed to them after the tasks from list B have been fully worked out.

Quadrant D. Non-urgent and non-urgent matters

D should contain only that which does not affect the quality of our life. Have you already guessed what this is about? Well, of course, about the "time eaters": computer games, reading comments on social networks, talking "about nothing" on the phone, aimless shopping, solving crosswords. D-zone tasks should only be done after all other categories are empty!

  1. Start your day by reminding yourself of your main long-term goal. This is a kind of beacon to be guided by when filling out the Eisenhower matrix. For example, the goal is "in five years." And evaluate each item in the matrix from the position: "Will the completion of this task help me achieve my goal or not?"
  2. If you don't like the idea of ​​drawing squares every day, you can simply mark the tasks with the letters A, B, C and D in your diary.
  3. Perform all current tasks exactly in the sequence in which they are listed above: A, B, C and D. Only then you will have time to do everything and avoid "blockages" and "rush jobs". With the right approach, there will even be time for nonsense from the D quadrant
  4. Do not use activities from the fourth sector for rest during work! Practice shows that social networks and "shooters" are seriously distracting and do not allow you to fully relax.

In the Eisenhower matrix I was not satisfied with one important point: I didn't know how to prioritize tasks from different areas. With work, everything is more or less clear (although there are some nuances). But life is not limited to “labor exploits”: there is also health, personal development, family and communication with friends.

In short, my problem could be formulated as follows: “What is more important is to learn 10 new English words or do 10 abdominal exercises? "

For myself, I solved the problem as follows. Highlighted all the important spheres of life: work, health, personal development, communications, economic affairs. You can add something else to this list: personal care (for girls), study (for students), or spiritual practices (for fans of esotericism).

All that remains is to make sure that the cases from each area are entered into the matrix.

This is what my sector B looks like:

  • Finalize the second part of the project for the customer ("work")
  • 3 km in the pool ("health")
  • Take 2 video lessons on learning business English ("personal development")
  • Buy food and cook dinner ("household")
  • Meet with a former classmate who came to town for one day ("communications"). By the way, this item can be safely placed in sector C "It burns, but it doesn't matter"

And what do I refer to sector D? Watching your favorite TV show, for example, or having a beer with friends in the sports bar.

It is clear that this is a very simplified example and the number of points in sector B is much higher. But this approach allows you to live a full life, and not "burn at work" for days. Checked for yourself!

Do you use a matrix to plan current affairs? Subscribe to updates and do not forget to share links to fresh posts with your friends on social networks!

Today we will consider how important correct placement priorities in any business, and how you can learn how to arrange them using a simple technique with a complex name: Eisenhower matrix.

Surely each of us at least once faced with a lack of time to complete all the planned tasks. Moreover, there is a certain category of people who miss him constantly and catastrophically! Trying to do everything, they even try, but the overall result suffers from this only even more.

The main problem of such people is their ignorance or unwillingness to use them in practice. In particular, one of the most important methods of time management, which sounds like this: the correct prioritization.

It is on the ability to correctly prioritize that the success and timeliness of the implementation of all available tasks largely depends.

In other words, a person needs to correctly distribute the order of performing tasks and follow this order.

Exists different methods prioritization. Today I want to consider one of the most popular, and perhaps the most efficient method, which was named "The Eisenhower Priority Matrix". What it is and how to use it - more on that later.

The Eisenhower Matrix prioritization method was invented not even by a mathematician or psychologist, but by the 34th President of the United States himself, Dwight David Eisenhower. As a well-known politician, he, naturally, was constantly faced with the need to perform a huge number of tasks, and so, in order to keep up with everything, he developed this method for himself, which is now actively used in time management to perform both work and personal tasks.

The Eisenhower Matrix is ​​a coordinate system that shows the importance of things to be done on the X-axis and urgency on the Y-axis. Thus, four segments are formed, which differ from each other in terms of urgency and importance. Consider what the Eisenhower matrix looks like in the picture:

The Eisenhower Matrix prioritization method consists of assigning all available tasks and tasks to these four segments to be performed in a strict sequence.

If we distribute all tasks into these 4 segments, then it turns out that:

- from above - all urgent matters;

- on the right - all important matters;

- from below - all not urgent matters;

- on the left - all not important matters.

And now we will briefly characterize each of the resulting squares in the exact sequence in which you need to perform the tasks related to them.

1. Important and urgent matters. That is, the upper right segment of the Eisenhower matrix. The most important tasks should be located here, which, moreover, must be completed urgently. What is called "a matter of life and death."

This can include, for example, completing a job that is nearing its due date, an important business call if you promised to call at a certain time. Or, personally, a visit to the dentist if you suddenly have a sharp toothache.

Ideally, this square should not accumulate more than 1-2 cases. It is categorically not worth "shoving" everything into this segment: you must objectively assess how important this task is and how urgent it is.

2. Not important, but urgent matters. Or the upper left segment of the Eisenhower matrix. This segment should include unplanned, suddenly appeared cases that need to be done urgently, but which are not particularly important at the same time. What is called "force majeure".

For example, the boss asked to go send mail. Or, on the way, a heel flew off, and you need to urgently repair it or return to change your shoes. Or you suddenly remembered that a colleague has a birthday today, and the working day is already ending - you urgently need to congratulate.

Someone may mistakenly think that these cases fall into the first category, that is, they are important, but this is absolutely not the case. Because their implementation will not affect your future life or the results of your work in any way - from the fact that you do these things, nothing will change at all, nevertheless, they need to be done urgently, without it in any way.

The second segment can often be empty at all: tasks in it, as a rule, appear suddenly and disappear immediately after they are urgently completed.

3. Important but not urgent matters. That is, the lower right segment of the Eisenhower Priority Matrix. This includes all tasks that are important to you, but do not require immediate completion. Important cases, the deadline for which is not yet “running out”, and which can wait if there are cases in the first two segments.

For example, business contacts with clients that do not have a clear time frame, current work. On a personal level - playing sports, studying of English language reading useful literature.

It is important to understand that some cases from this category, if not performed, gradually rise up and move to the first segment, that is, they become urgent. For example, you need to repay the loan by the 25th. If there is a 20th number on the calendar, this is simply an important matter, and if the 24th is already important and urgent.

This segment, although it is already the third in the prioritization, plays a very great importance, since it is the solution of the tasks included in it that has the maximum effect on the further life of a person.

4. Not important and not urgent matters. The last, lower left square of the Eisenhower priority matrix. This includes matters on the implementation of which nothing depends at all, and which, by and large, are often not needed by a person at all. They are united by one general term- "eaters of time".

For example, chatting with a friend on the phone, climbing in social network, visit entertainment sites, etc.

You should start performing tasks from this category only if all other categories are currently empty.

This is how the Eisenhower Matrix prioritization method works.

That's all. Hope you have taken note of these useful tips and recommendations. Until we meet again on the site, which will help you achieve success in any business and teach you how to manage your personal finances competently.