Children's design for a teenage girl. Room for a teenage girl: useful tips and interesting solutions

For a teenage girl, the interior of a children's room is one way to express the inner self. This article will deal with all the nuances of choosing a room design for a teenage girl.

The choice of interior design depending on the area of ​​​​the children's room

In adolescence, a girl usually has a character that leaves much to be desired. At this age, the girl develops a sense of beauty and style, for sure she has her own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow her room should look like. Your task is to help her form a complete idea of ​​the design of the children's room, naturally correcting it in some nuances.

Depending on the size of the room, interior design can be subject to significant adjustments.

Room up to 12 sq. m

Most compatriots have a small area of ​​​​housing, but with the help of competent planning and design tricks, it can be radically transformed. And then if you think about it, for a child to have 8-12 square meters of personal space, this is a lot.

So, what pieces of furniture in a teenager's room can not do without? This is a bed, closet, desk and of course a large mirror.

For a teenage girl, you need to choose a full-size single bed so that it does not have to be changed after 1-2 years. For a small nursery, a bed with drawers, in which it is convenient to fold bedding, would be a reasonable choice.

A place by the window should be allocated for the table.

Closet should be attached Special attention. In adolescence, the girl begins to take care of herself intensely, she has a lot of outfits that just need to be stored somewhere and re-measured from time to time. For a small room, you should choose a closet or wardrobe with mirrored doors, firstly, it will visually enlarge the room, and secondly, it will be convenient for a young fashionista to dress up.

It is very desirable to find a place for a small dressing table.

Wallpaper should be chosen in neutral or pastel colors, without a pattern or with a small pattern, this will also allow you to enlarge the room a little.

Room 12-16 sq. m

A room of this size allows you to place everything you need, you can even allow some excesses, for example, you can place a compact sofa on which you can gossip with close friends, and a small TV in the room will not be out of place for a teenage girl.

For other positions, the advice is the same as for a small room, with the only difference being that you can choose larger furniture.

Room 16 sq. m

Parents dream of a large children's room no less than a child. If you can allocate a room of this size for the needs of a children's room, then almost any fantasies and ideas can be realized in it.

You can take great liberty when choosing wallpaper, you do not need to focus only on light colors, dark colors it will no longer be critical to reduce the volume of the room.

You can also buy a large closet and a full sofa.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting, for a room of such an area one central light source will not be enough, you need to either make additional lighting around the perimeter of the room, or make zonal lighting.

Choosing a room style for a teenage girl

In the matter of choosing the style of a teenage girl's personal room, one should listen to the daughter's opinion as much as possible. Your task is to prompt and slightly correct her choice. For the room of a teenage girl, we have selected the most suitable styles, in our opinion. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

New York

This style is a teenage style of room decoration that came to us from America. Its main key features:

  • use of antique furniture;
  • deliberately primitive finish - walls without wallpaper, only whitewashed or painted, unvarnished wooden floor, etc.
  • the presence of a large number of contrasting decorative elements.
  • carpet with an unusual pattern


This style seems to be created for romantic and impressionable girls. It symbolizes youth, spontaneity and innocence. The Paris style is distinguished by the following key features:

  • wall decoration from a palette of pastel colors, most often choose beige or white;
  • a huge number of elements that carry a purely decorative load;
  • it is desirable to choose furniture with forged or carved elements;
  • many photographs, posters, posters with views of Paris and, of course, with the image of the Eiffel Tower.


This style is equally well suited for both a modest and romantic, and a purposeful and relaxed girl. Modern has the following distinctive features:

  • furniture should be loaded with maximum functionality;
  • the color palette is selected from "soft" colors;
  • easily adapts elements borrowed from other styles;
  • modern technological materials are used as finishing materials.
  • style allows you to combine simple and functional furniture, made in any style. So this style will great solution when you are not planning to buy a new one furniture set to the children's room.

Classic style

The classic is relevant at all times. Of course, it may seem unnecessarily strict and boring to a teenager, but not all children like colorful outrageous styles. Many will appreciate the classics. Distinctive features of the style are as follows:

  • predominantly wooden furniture (in extreme cases, from materials that imitate wood) in traditional colors;
  • obligatory attribute of the window - thick multi-layered curtains;
  • plain wallpaper or without an expressive pattern / pattern;
  • the floor should be in harmony with the furniture.

High tech

Style can scare away impressionable and romantic girls with its cold rationalism and exceptional functionality, but for a purposeful, uninhibited girl, it will surely become a godsend. Hi-tech has the following distinctive features:

  • an abundance of glass and mirror surfaces;
  • an abundance of white, as well as various bright, acid colors;
  • blinds are used instead of curtains;
  • carpets are not used.

  • Minimalism

    Minimalism is to some extent a symbiosis of modern and hi-tech. Accordingly, it includes the distinctive features of both styles. Allows you to use bright colors as the base color of furniture, walls and ceilings. Unlike hi-tech, curtains are an essential attribute of this style, only curtains should be no frills, neutral colors.

    Minimalism is a very flexible style that allows, as the child grows up, to remove some elements, and on the contrary to add some.


    If a girl is passionate about rock music, she is attracted by the "severe" romanticism of this musical direction, you can design a room in this style. Actually, this is not difficult to do, the style does not have any clearly formulated canons. It is enough to paint the walls or wallpaper them with beige or gray color, decorate them with graffiti and hang images of your favorite musicians and musical instruments. Instead of curtains, it is desirable to use blinds with a pattern or coloring in the "fatal" theme. In lighting, you can use neon lighting elements.

    Room for two girls

    Two girls, especially those with a small age difference, despite being friendly, will always compete in some things. Therefore, your main task is to divide their space in such a way that there are no reasons for jealousy and quarrels.

    Sleep zone

    In a small room, the problem of dividing the sleeping area between girls can be easily and effectively solved with the help of a sleeping complex, in which the beds are upstairs, and work tables or small lockers or sofas will be placed below - your choice.

    This option will eliminate disputes over who sleeps at the top and who sleeps at the bottom.

    Work zone

    If you use the above advice, then you will avoid such a problem. Each girl will have a bed at the top, a desktop at the bottom. Otherwise, you will have to install two separate tables.

    This is another thorny issue. If we managed to win back the space with the help of a loft bed, then we will have to install two tables.

    storage area

    As a rule, girls here may experience the largest number reasons for disagreement. Therefore, if it is not possible to install two separate cabinets, you should correctly zone the space of a single cabinet. The main thing is that the girls get the same parts.

    Choosing furniture for a teenager's room


    For a teenage girl, you should choose a full-fledged single bed that will meet the main requirements:

    • naturalness of materials;
    • quality orthopedic mattress.

    If there is not too much space in the room, it is desirable that it be equipped with drawers in which it is convenient to store bed linen and accessories.


    The table is most often bought for many years, but the child is constantly growing and needs a table of a certain height for different heights. You can get around this problem with a modern table with adjustable height.

    Materials for the table should be as natural and environmentally friendly as possible.

    If a girl wants a table of an exotic color (for example, pink), you should not give in to persuasion, try to convince your daughter and choose a table of traditional colors. Tastes at this age often change and in just a few months it can become boring to her, and its replacement is not cheap.

    Wallpaper selection

    Modern manufacturers offer the widest range of wallpapers, any styles, colors and patterns. Wallpaper must be selected based on the characteristics of the style that you have chosen to decorate the room.

    If, nevertheless, from all the variety you cannot choose wallpaper with the required color or texture, there is always the opportunity to purchase wallpaper for painting.

    The older the girl becomes, the more neutral the color scheme of the selected wallpaper should be. After all, she is growing up and femininity and taste are being formed in her, and what seemed “glue” to her yesterday will only cause a slight smile of bewilderment today.

    Choice of curtains

    Curtains for a teenage girl's room should be light, airy, not overloaded with pelmets and draperies. You should refrain from heavy, solid colors of curtains, what may be to your taste is not at all interesting for children.

    General requirements for curtains in the nursery:

    • Environmental friendliness (curtains should be made from fabrics of natural origin, without artificial dyes).
    • Lightweight, both in weight and feel.
    • Light colors and shades.
    • Minimum distracting details.

    • ceiling design

      For a child's room, a stretch ceiling is perfect. It has many advantages: stylish look, perfect Smooth surface, the possibility of individual production with the pattern you like, glossy surface creates sensations high ceilings. Stretch ceiling will decorate any interior.

      If the surface of the ceiling is even, without defects and flaws, you can paint the ceiling with paint, quality paint able to give the same effects as a stretch ceiling.

      You can order artistic painting of the ceiling, which is a trend of recent years. For example, you will surely like a painting imitating the sky.

When arranging a room for 15 summer girl, it is worth considering a lot of nuances so that she feels as comfortable and pleasant as possible in the bedroom. A teenager is no longer a child, but not yet an adult, and this is what should be taken into account. The choice of colors and interior must be carried out directly with the fair sex herself, so that there is no incident and a spoiled surprise.

There are a huge number of options for how to decorate the interior for girls or one girl. Everyone has their own taste, but it is possible to choose the most suitable styles and decorate the room, relying on the rules of a particular style. It is worth noting that now you do not need to spend dozens of hours trying to pick up elements, objects and colors, since all this has long been decided by specialists, you just have to follow the recommendations.

Important! If you blindly act on stereotypes, you will not be able to achieve the desired result and unimaginable effect.

You should rely on and do not forget about your taste preferences, as well as what the child is fond of.

The most suitable styles for a teenager's room girls consider:

  • Romanticism;
  • Provence;
  • A combination of the previous two.

The arrangement of the room should be such that each shade, material or piece of furniture complements all the others. The slightest detail, or overly bright colors, can spoil the overall look and make the room too pretentious and far from pleasant. Unlike a boy's bedroom, flowers, butterflies, cats and bunnies, of course, will prevail in the women's bedroom, which will make it even more interesting and enjoyable.

Lighting in the room

Do not forget about lighting fixtures, as the design of the room largely depends on them. Today on sale you can find lamps of the most different kind, shape and even type of emitted rays.

The choice of products can be very different, for example, it will be:

  • Table lamp;
  • Hanging sconces;
  • night light;
  • Spotlights;
  • Chandeliers;
  • Floor lamps.

The purchase of an object for lighting a room must be carried out not only according to external data, but also according to what the child needs the room for. If only for sleep, then the light should be soft and muffled, and if for work, study and games, then you need to purchase several types, among which there are both soothing and brighter, not capable of causing discomfort and vision problems in the future.

Teenage girl bedroom furniture

The design of a bedroom for a teenage girl should be as gentle and airy as possible. Pillows will add lightness and innocence to the room. in large numbers and various colors and shapes. Teenage furniture, and to be more precise, its choice can be very different, but there are certain interior items that must be located in the room without fail.

One has only to carefully consider their location and type:

  1. The bed itself is an integral part of the bedroom. The product must be durable, taking into account children's activity, as well as soft and safe. The best option for a teenager would be a lorry with orthopedic mattress.
  2. Headsets for storing things are also required so that there is no mess in the nursery, which is very important for a girl as a future hostess.
  3. If there is no separate study room, then a desk can be placed in the bedroom. You need to install it so that the light falls to the left of the child. In this case, spoiled vision is excluded.
  4. As for seating, one should be at the table and, as a rule, it is an orthopedic chair with armrests and an adjustable back, and bean bags, which are now at the peak of popularity, can be used as additional ones.
  5. If dimensions allow, then for a young beauty you can install a dressing table, where various accessories and cosmetics will soon begin to appear.
  6. Every room needs a mirror, especially a full-length one. If desired, it can be hidden in a built-in wardrobe, which will not take up much space and will not cause discomfort to a teenager.

Bedroom decoration for two teenage girls

Decorating a bedroom for a teenage girl is not easy, given the tastes of the modern generation, but even more difficult if it is a nursery for two girls. In order to solve this problem, designers have come up with a great way, and this is space zoning.

The room can be divided simply into two parts, or maybe into several, each of which will be for a specific function.

Sleep zone

Beds must be placed in this part of the room. But in the absence of the necessary dimensions, there may be sofas selected so that children do not have discomfort from them. The model must have soft cushions, as well as reliable and strong frame, which will not sag on the first use. To decorate the bedroom area, you can use canopies, curtains made of airy and light fabric, which are located on the windows and along the edges of the sofa bed. The design of the head of the bed looks very original with an unusual and stylish material in color.

Since the room is for girls, the design should be luxurious, sophisticated and chic.

Rest zone

For the whole day, each person gets tired and needs a place to calm and pacify. Where, if not in their bedroom, girls can relax and share new experiences? The seating area should be carefully considered. For example, if there is a large window in the room, then swing frames can be installed on it, original curtains from organza. Next to the window you can put a round compact table with a tea set and comfortable chairs. Relaxing over a cup of tea, to your favorite music and with your sister, and possibly with invited guests, will be simply unforgettable and very pleasant. Equipping the room with a variety of soft toys and pillows will make it more suitable for relaxation.

A composition of a table, cookies, a vase with wild flowers (possibly artificial), cups and all this separated from the general interior, by color on the walls and floor, will appeal to every young lady.

Work zone

In the working area, a lot of attention should be paid to choosing the right and comfortable furniture, lighting, and ensuring that two teenagers do not interfere with each other when studying. In this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room there should not be extra objects that can distract attention or toys. Be sure to take care of the availability of technology for the study of various areas of science and the formation of their own work. Being engaged in a familiar and comfortable environment, teenagers will be able to achieve best results learning.

Making a bedroom for a teenage girl 15 years old (video)

In conclusion, we note that modern children have a slightly different vision of beauty. Therefore, you should not push them away when decorating a bedroom. After all, they sleep there, relax and do their favorite things.

Bedroom design for a teenager girl (interior photo)

For a grown girl, room design is a way of self-expression. We will try to help make your dreams come true.

How to choose a design for rooms of different sizes

The child grows and changes very quickly. And now, by the age of ten, his interests were completely different from what they were literally 2-3 years ago. Just by this time, it is time to make repairs in the nursery and completely change the design and furnishings.

A teenage girl is a very fastidious creature, which is extremely difficult to please. She already has her own ideas about fashion and beauty. And for sure, in her head there was some kind of ideal model of her room. All this, of course, must be taken into account.

We need to combine the wishes of the child, parents, the laws of design and, most importantly, the ability to translate all this into the area of ​​​​the room into one concept.

Room 10 sq. m

Unfortunately, very often we have to invent something and somehow equip such tiny rooms. It's on one side. On the other hand, if you think about it, it turns out that not every adult has at his disposal personal 10 squares! It turns out that for one girl it is quite enough.

What do we need to put in?

  • bed;
  • cupboard.


The bed should be a single bed, designed for an adult, so that you do not have to change it later. Choose a model with drawers. It should be placed away from the entrance.




The girl really likes pink and lilac tones, and she may want to make her room completely in her favorite color. Is it worth it?

We often see examples of such designs on the Internet, but if we imagine that we see a pink room every day, from morning to evening? Most likely, very soon it will get tired.

It is best to combine the main chosen tone with neutral beige, white, gold, etc. This is necessary so that the look “rests”. Yes, they look better in a small room. pastel shades. You don’t have to give up bright pink, lilac or any other. Just in this color there can be a poster, a bedspread, a vase, flower pots, etc.


If it is even, without cracks, then you can think of nothing and just paint it. One chandelier will be enough to light up such a room well.

With an ugly ceiling, it will be easiest to order a stretch ceiling. It is perfectly smooth, and with it you can forget about any problems with the repair.

Room 12 sq. m

In such a room a little more space, and it pleases! There is free place for a small sofa that can accommodate girlfriends. It seems to us that at this age it is already possible for a girl to have her own TV. It can be hung above the bed, put the sofa opposite, so that it is convenient to watch your favorite movies with a fun company.

It would be nice to put a narrow and high bookcase in some free corner. There are many of these on sale right now. Or make hanging shelves.

About the design of the bedroom 12 sq. m. read more.

Remember! It is easier to decorate light walls with bright paintings and photo collages than to re-paste boring wallpapers.

Room 16 sq. m

A large nursery is a dream for both parents and children. This will include a good wardrobe, and a sofa, and a bed, and a rack for books and other necessary items.

The option of an attic bed is very interesting for such a room, but not with a steep staircase upstairs, but with full-fledged steps. This will appeal to a teenage girl who thinks that simple ones are made for kids. Below, you can equip a sofa or a small wardrobe with shelves and drawers.

A good nursery area allows you to "play" with colors. You can decorate part or all of the wall with some bright color (relatively bright), and leave the other light. You can implement this idea with the help of paint, decorative plaster or wallpaper.

On the ceiling can be equipped Spotlights to vary the amount of illumination and its direction.

Ideal room styles for a teenage girl

I want the style to reflect the inner world of a growing girl, you need to listen to her opinion. In the modern world of design, many styles have formed, among which we can choose something of our own together with the child.

New York

Teenagers over 12 years old are madly attracted by the informal style in everything, including the decor of the room. Children's interests have sunk into oblivion, and anything is ready to come in their place. The design has New York style interior design ideas just for. What he really is?

  • emphatically primitive finishes (wooden floor, whitewashed and painted walls;
  • antique furniture;
  • many bright original items decor, different styles and flowers;
  • unusual carpet, etc.


This design will be preferred by a romantic dreamy girl. Paris style implies sophistication, grace, simplicity and immediacy. How does this manifest itself in the interior?

  • wallpaper or paint only white or beige;
  • posters, photo wallpapers or drawings with a view of Paris in black and white;
  • forged or carved furniture (table with a mirror, bedside table);
  • lots of cute trinkets.


In modern style, you can decorate most of the children's rooms. He, like all modern styles, strives for simplicity and convenience in everyday life. If a teenager does not have clear criteria or special style preferences, we can safely stop at this option.

The main features of modern:

  • simplicity and clarity of lines (ordinary furniture without additional decorations);
  • functionality;
  • softness of colors;
  • the ability to combine with elements of another style;
  • modern technologies in decoration.

Bright colors are acceptable here, but very moderately to dispel boredom. The main thing is that everything is very compact and simple, not requiring a certain style. It just does its job well.

Classic style

Unassuming classic interior good at all times. Not all teenagers strive for shocking and blindly follow fashion. Among them there are serious people who like everything traditional and familiar. If the design of all rooms in the house is designed in classical style, then it makes sense to make the nursery the same.

How does the classic manifest itself in the children's room?

  • There must be wooden or “wood-like” furniture in traditional colors: wenge, walnut, cherry, etc.
  • The floor is laminate or linoleum to match the furniture.
  • The walls are pasted with light wallpaper, plain or with a discreet pattern.
  • There are thick curtains and tulle on the windows.

High tech

A slightly cold ultra-modern style can be adapted to the children's room. There will be fans of this style. Probably, for a girl of 14-15 years old, who is not set up for external beauty, but for convenience and functionality, hi-tech is quite suitable.

The main features of the style:

  • Glass and metal furniture;
  • White walls without wallpaper;
  • Lack of fabric curtains;
  • Smooth floor without carpets.

Of course, you can lay a rectangular plain carpet in the nursery or make a heated floor. This is decided individually. Bare walls can be decorated with black and white photos or paintings.

Such an "adult" room, perhaps, will cause envy among girlfriends.


Minimalism includes features of hi-tech and modern. But softer than high-tech, and more restrained than modern. It allows bright color schemes for wall or furniture decoration, traditional curtains on windows, but only neutral tones and no accessories.

Minimalism is good because it can be transformed with the age of the child, something to remove, and something else to add.

If we wanted to paint a white chest of drawers with bright colors for a ten-year-old girl, then after a couple of years it can simply be painted over and pasted over with patterns. Even by changing the curtains and accessories, we will significantly change the look of the room.


If a child is passionate about rock, for him he has become a part of life, you can play along with him and design a room in rock style. To do this, you can paint the walls in gray or beige color, put graffiti on them, hang photos of your favorite musicians, a guitar.

Instead of curtains, it is better to install blinds, and you can put the simplest furniture, even not new.

Distinctive features of various styles
New Yorkvintageno wallpaperblindspainted
Parisforged, plainin pastel colorslight, airypainted
Modernmodern, functionallight, whiteneutral, simpletension
Classicwooden traditionalwith patternsdensepainted
Rockanywith a trendy patternroll or romanpainted
High techno wallpaperblindstension
Minimalismmodern, multifunctionallight, whiteneutral, light colorstension

Interior of a room for girls of different ages

Room for a girl 10-12 years old

During this period, the child is not far "gone" from his childhood. The girl is still interested in dolls and cartoons, but at the same time she wants to seem like an adult.

She no longer needs any cartoon characters, but Beautiful colors girls will love the design. You can stick light wallpapers and decorate them with photo wallpapers with views of nature, the cityscape, or attach flowers, animal figures.

From childhood, you need to explain to the girl what will be beautiful and what will not be very beautiful, and thereby form her good taste .

Particular attention should be paid to the working area, since the child has a long time to study, he needs a good roomy table, a comfortable chair and a sufficient number of drawers and shelves. A girl of 10-12 years old still has her favorite toys, for them you need to equip a closet or rack.

If the room has room for a sofa, it is worth putting it. So you can solve the problem of accommodating guests both on weekdays and on holidays.

Without a carpet, the nursery will not be so cozy, and very often even rather big children like to sit on the floor. In combination with white or beige furniture, carpets of rich colors look great.

Be sure to check out our design article!

Room for a girl 14-15 years old

A young lady of 14-15 years old is already considered an adult. There are no more toys and children's books in her room. It's time to redecorate her room. A girl of this age has already formed a character and opinion, her taste can be trusted and design decisions must be made jointly. Discuss all the ideas about the interior, look through magazines and websites. Choose a style (minimalism, classic, New York, etc.).

New York, rock, Paris will suit a creative, extraordinary, addicted girl. In these styles, she will be able to constantly realize herself.

Calm, serious natures are better off choosing hi-tech, modern, minimalism or classics.

Key points in the interior:

  • comfortable bed;
  • well-equipped work area;
  • place to gather guests.

Room for two girls

Two sisters with a small age difference and girlfriends and rivals at the same time. It is desirable for them to organize the space in such a way that there is no reason for quarrels.

Where and how to sleep?

In a small room, we suggest installing either a corner bedroom set with two beds upstairs. Shelves and drawers are installed under one bed, and there is a place for a sofa under the second.

This option immediately makes it possible to stop all disputes about sleeping upstairs and saves space.

Where to take lessons?

This is another thorny issue. If we managed to win back the space with the help of a loft bed, then we will have to set up two tables. Can be found compact tables without boxes and placed next to the window. And school things and books are easy to place on hinged shelves. Do not forget that every table should have a table lamp.

Where to store things?

Part of the clothes, bed linen will fit in drawers under the bed. But a tall wardrobe will still be needed. Everything you need will go in there.

If the apartment large corridor, it is better to put a large closet there. Then some of the children's things will fit in it, and it is better to leave free space in the room.

Video with examples of room design for two girls

Choosing furniture for a teenager's room


Now on sale there are many models for older children. At this age, the girl can already sleep on a large bed. Which model to choose?

  • standard (with wooden frame without boxes)
  • forged;
  • with drawers;
  • folding;
  • loft bed.

An ordinary bed will fit perfectly into a classic interior, forged better fit to Paris style. The rest are good for minimalism, modern, etc.

A loft bed is perfect for a small room, a girl of 10-12 years old will be happy to sleep on it and play with her friends.

For an older girl, it is better to choose a folding bed. It comes with shelving and a wardrobe, which is very convenient for limited space.

A bed with drawers, although it takes up a lot of space, allows you to store many things.

When buying a table, you need to rely on the fact that the child will be engaged in it for many years. BUT nice table will last the entire time of study. For a teenager, we will choose a table in such a way that she can study at it, even while studying at the institute. So it must be durable quality materials. The width of the table should be such that it can fit a computer and textbooks with notebooks.

For a teenager, you should not choose pink and other bright furniture. The girl's tastes change too quickly, and if we buy furniture for many years, it should be in neutral tones. When you change the style, it will easily fit into the interior.


The best closet is the one in which everything is included, but which is invisible in the room. This can be considered a built-in corner cabinet. It is very roomy and compact. For maximum convenience, it should have a lot of drawers and shelves. The quality of the cabinet is given out by the fittings; in a cheap model, it breaks down very quickly. Therefore, saving on such important purchase it is forbidden!

Which wallpaper to choose

Today, there are no problems with the range of wallpapers. Beautiful and original colors make you want to buy this and that ... But before you do this, you need to think about what the look of the room as a whole will be like. We have already talked about various styles design. Only having decided on this, you can choose the wallpaper.

Sometimes it is difficult to dwell on a certain pattern, color, or it is not possible to come to a common opinion. In that case, give preference to white or beige. They are inexpensive and versatile. Having hung multi-colored photo frames, paintings, you can decorate the walls. It will look very stylish and will not require much work. If desired, they can be painted in any color.

For lovers of the classics, there are many wallpapers with exquisite, almost imperceptible patterns in pastel colors.

White wallpaper with a black pattern looks very original. So that the room does not look too colorful, stick them on one wall, and leave the rest untouched.

The older the teenage girl, the more neutral colors should be used for wall decoration. With age, she becomes more serious, more feminine. And even yesterday's interests today may seem ridiculous and strange to her.

Which curtains to choose

Curtains in any nursery should not be heavy, with draperies and lambrequins. Especially in small room. Ingenious invention designers are blinds. For living rooms rolled fabric blinds were invented and. They combine the functions of standard blinds and simple curtains. They are cozy and comfortable.

A large selection of colors and patterns make them part of the overall design of the room.

If desired, they can be distinguished (hang catchy, original curtains) or made invisible.

Those who prefer ordinary curtains should remember that a teenage girl's room will be lighter and more spacious with light pastel-colored translucent curtains.

ceiling design

When choosing a ceiling, it is difficult to resist installing a stretch ceiling. It exudes style and comfort. In addition, you can dream up with a pattern and color. Of course, with such a ceiling, the design looks more luxurious. And if possible, you can please yourself and the child.

The interior seems more holistic and complete when the stretch ceiling is made in one color scheme with walls.

No less beautiful is the ceiling imitating the sky. Miraculously this creates the effect of true infinite height. Unfortunately, not every design will go well with it, and not everyone will like it. To some, such a ceiling will seem uncomfortable.

And yet the main thing - we must not forget about the unity of style!

White is suitable for a high-tech room glossy ceiling, in a minimalist nursery, a ceiling to match the walls will look good.

And somewhere it is better to abandon the newfangled finish and leave a simple, painted in White color ceiling (New York, Paris, classic).

Room for a teenager in Khrushchev

In spite of small size apartments, the rooms in it are not so small. But not very large, about 14 square meters. m. For its arrangement, we will follow the laws of design of a limited space:

  • only pastel colors;
  • light floor and doors;
  • blinds or tulle on the windows;
  • perfectly flat ceiling (the room will seem larger if you make a plain stretch ceiling in the same color scheme as the walls).

Otherwise, we follow our imagination and bring ideas to life.

Girls subtly feel the aesthetics of the surrounding space. The right design of a children's room for a teenager girl has a beneficial effect on the child's mood, creates a feeling of security and comfort, and contributes to the harmonious formation of the personality of a young lady.

Proper zoning of the room

  • rest zone;
  • work zone;
  • wardrobe.

The room is divided for convenience into functional zones. Usually they are distributed taking into account the illumination. In the bright part of the room, a working area is formed, the darker one is taken away for placement bed and dressing room.

In the recreation area, the child spends a lot of time: here he sleeps, listens to music, talks on the phone, watches TV, reads.

As a bed, it is best to use a wide bed with a soft headboard and an orthopedic mattress. Alternatives- full-size ottoman or sofa.

In a teenage environment, it is quite popular to stay overnight with friends. Therefore, prudent parents often buy functional furniture, which turns into an additional full-fledged bed due to the transformation system.

Not a single teenage room is complete without modern equipment: TV, music center, laptop or computer, powerful speakers and other equipment.

It is necessary to think over the arrangement of these items and purchase specially designed stands for them.

The issues of teaching a child in adolescence recede into the background. The computer and communication with girlfriends become much more important. Therefore, it is necessary to create a space for study in such a way that it would be easy and comfortable for the daughter to study. It is not necessary to clearly divide the work zone and the zone of hobbies.

It is better to consider a compromise option. For example, purchase a table with a wide top and divide it into zones, adapting one part for installing a computer, the other for creative activities, and the third for study.

A good solution would be to buy a desk with a round counter, which provides an increase in the number of jobs. The child will be able to perform collective school assignments, learn lessons with girlfriends.

In order for homework to be perceived as one of the leisure options, you can use unusual design furniture to decorate the work area.

The main thing is not to overdo it: workplace should not lose its functionality.

The correct location for the desktop is next to the window. Such a neighborhood will provide the most comfortable level of illumination during classes. It is necessary to take care of items that contribute to the practical organization of the workspace: bookshelves, racks, chairs.

A luminaire with a color temperature close to daylight will be an excellent addition to the workplace.

The wardrobe area is an important part of a girl's living space. The luggage of young fashionistas is replete with a large number of different things and accessories that allow you to try on all sorts of images in search of your own. individual style. The issue of creating an ergonomic storage area is very relevant.

In the girls' apartments, a large bright wardrobe with mirrored facades and a comfortable internal organization, elegant shelving, a chest of drawers with lockable drawers for storing diaries and personal letters.

Will bring great joy to a young lady by installing in her room dressing table with a large mirror.

Color spectrum

Deciding on the dominant color palette, it is worth remembering the usefulness and beneficial influence certain colors and their combinations on the emotional state of the child.

The best option is sunny, summer tones.

Girls like green, lilac, orange, peach, pink, blue, white. These colors are pleasant for children's perception. Each shade has a certain positive effect on the psyche of the child.

Green calms, lilac gives joy, orange reduces the feeling of loneliness, peach improves mood, pink reduces aggressiveness, blue gives relaxation, white refreshes and creates a festive mood.

Ordinary gray or gloomy dark colors are not appropriate when creating a children's room design for a teenage girl. The abundance of scarlet color can cause nervousness and irritation.

However, the use bright color as a nuance in the design working area quite acceptable.

Red strokes on a neutral background invigorate and activate the brain.

Good idea - highlighting functional areas. The space around the bed can be decorated with calm, light colors, the work area - using contrasting color combinations.

The interior of the room of a young lady 14 - 16 years old should be distinguished by a certain sophistication and sophistication. Late teens take aesthetics very seriously environment, acutely perceiving any discrepancy between the situation and their personal ideas about convenience and beauty.

When developing a design concept, it is important to take into account all the details: from the combination of colors of finishes to the shape of the furniture.

The color scheme is based on the preferences of the teenager. Having chosen light pastel colors as the dominant design palette, it is worth bringing bright notes using additional details.

Elements that emphasize the style of a teenage room can be panels, objects glowing in the dark, posters depicting idols, and graphic drawings on the walls.

You can paste over one wall with wallpaper for painting and invite your daughter to decorate it on her own. This will become a way for the child to express himself.

Space optimization will serve as the installation of a loft bed. On the second floor of the bed there is a full-fledged sleeping place, the area under it turns into a miniature study, filled with all the items necessary for study, creativity and entertainment.

Cute details made of bright fabric to match the walls will make the room more feminine. These can be unusual curtains on the windows, a bedspread, original drapery that adorns the back of the bed, chairs, ceiling lamps.

Materials for finishing the room

  • walls;
  • ceiling design;
  • flooring, carpets;
  • curtains, curtains, curtains.

To decorate the walls in teenage apartments, decorative panels, wallpaper, and paint are used. The choice of pattern and color of the finishing material is best left to the child.

The design of the room in the style of minimalism allows the use of textured plaster and structural paint.

These finishing materials are quite practical and durable. A wide range of textures and colors allows you to create any decorative effects. As an additional wall decor, you can use various stickers and stencils.

Photo wallpaper will add color to the design. Exotic birds at the head of the bed, portraits of favorite performers on the walls, azure sky on the ceiling - beautiful touches of a bright image of a youth interior.

The simplest and practical solution decoration of the ceiling space - surface finish with paper wallpaper. Looks nice and stylish suspended ceiling from drywall, which helps to emphasize the boundaries of functional areas with a level of height and illumination.

Stretch ceilings from artificial materials designers do not recommend using.

The design of the floor can be varied: beautifully laid parquet, carpet with an interesting pattern, mosaic floor. One of the best options is cork. Natural material is durable, resistant to abrasion, environmentally friendly.

An excellent solution would be to combine materials for finishing the floor: in the recreation area, you can use cork flooring, in the working area - parquet.

Use of carpets various forms and size makes the atmosphere of the room more cute and cozy. The pattern and color scheme of the carpet should be in harmony with the decoration motifs. AT girl's room often the floor is decorated with carpets in the form of flowers.

The fabric of curtains should pass air well. Cotton, silk, linen, wool products are perfect for a children's room.

Curtains can be made from tulle, lace, mesh, any beautiful thin material.

Romantic girls like heavy curtains in light colors, decorated with tassels, clips, fringe along the edge.

AT modern interior Roman blinds, blinds with a photographic image applied to the planks, trapezoidal, triangular and other interesting shapes are quite appropriate.

The room of a fourteen-year-old lady will be functional due to proper organization space for study and storage, very light and romantic, thanks to the use of various textured materials and textile elements.

Pleasant sunny colors in the design, comfortable furnishings, your personal wardrobe, a beautifully decorated window create a harmonious image of the living space of a young lady.

An interesting option is to create a podium in which you can hide the bed and bedding during the day. The place on top of the podium is perfect for arranging a comfortable work area.

A practical solution would be to install a specially designed table with shelves for the monitor, scanner and keyboard.

If the size of the room allows, you should organize a reception area by installing a small sofa, elegant coffee table and two ottomans. A sports corner will be useful: girls, no less than boys, love to exercise on simulators.

Video: Interior of a children's room for a girl

decorating a teenager's room

  • furniture;
  • accessories;
  • lighting.

To fill the room use a beautiful, stylish, comfortable furniture made from natural materials. Furniture items are arranged so that there is free space for the comfortable movement of the child.

Welcome to use modular furniture allowing a teenager to independently design a furniture composition.

To decorate a young lady's room, they often choose light furniture: milky, cream, beige.

In order to extend the period of use of teenage furniture, it is advisable to purchase models that provide for the possibility of reconstruction and modification of the piece of furniture as the child grows up.

If you are not ready to completely trust the choice of the child, then you should look at the options.

And entrust the child with decoupage old furniture with your own hands, you can learn more about which.

The combination of wallpaper in the girl's bedroom will make the room cozy and give the teenager a sense of security from the outside world. You can learn more about this technique.

These products include tables, chairs with height adjustment of the tabletop and seat, as well as sliding beds with the possibility of increasing the length of the bed up to 190 cm.

The choice of accessories depends on the style of the room. In a modern interior, original details are appropriate: an unusual bedside lamp, a gallery with photos of your favorite musicians, vinyl stickers on walls and furnishings, a mirror in a stylish metal frame.

In a room with ethnic motifs there is a place for figurines, mats, wooden chests, decorated with national patterns and ornaments. To create a romantic atmosphere, a floor lamp in the form of a huge flower, a beautiful mirror in a carved frame and other interesting products are suitable.

An important component of design is lighting. Luminaires should be sufficient both to create a general lighting design, and to highlight individual functional areas.

Competent lighting design is created by combining ceiling, wall, floor and table lighting devices.

It is desirable that the room where the teenager lives has a large window. The organization of an artificial lighting and ventilation system can never fully replace sunlight and fresh air.

Theme room

Thematic design involves the implementation of some special idea. A teenager can ask to make him a musical, gothic, Hawaiian, denim, safari, sports room.

If a girl has made such a request, it is worth going towards her desires. Thematic interior gives the child the opportunity to express their individuality. It is worth helping your daughter to realize her ideas.

In the life of every parent, sooner or later (but, as a rule, unexpectedly) there comes a moment when children suddenly become completely adults, they are no longer interested in dolls and soft toys, and innocent motives with Winnie the Pooh and the Little Mermaid are replaced by bright posters with images of their loved ones. idols. Along with changes in preferences, the room of a teenage girl is also changing. I hope these examples and tips will help you decide in which direction to move when working on the interior of a bedroom for a girl.

Courtney Blanton Interiors

First of all, it is necessary to come to terms with the idea that from now on, the girl herself, and not just her parents, is involved in making decisions on the design of her own room. A teenager's bedroom is a place of solitude with a comfortable atmosphere for studying, relaxing, chatting with friends. Therefore, everything in it should correspond to the interests and hobbies of the hostess, her individuality and creativity should be manifested here.

The two main trends in bedroom design for teenage girls can be defined as:- romantic and feminine style(glamour, bright);

neutral modern style closer to or .

Alexandra Fedorova

It is far from always that girls in their choice tend to pink ruffles and delicate flowers, many girls are annoyed by such a puppet environment, so it is very important to find out your daughter's preferences before starting repairs.

If your daughter is aiming for a bright color scheme, don't let her desire it. Why not stop at red, green, purple tones that will stimulate the girl to be creative and productive?

Functionality first!

For all the importance decorative design functionality should come first.

The teenager's room should be equipped with a comfortable one, located close to the window, preferably to the right of it. The desktop should be supplemented with shelves, racks and drawers for storing textbooks, books, stationery.

Design of a small nursery for a teenager

Having free space is very important for every girl. After all, she needs a place to dance, try on outfits, do aerobics or yoga. If the room is very small, pay attention to multifunctional mobile furniture: a folding sofa with storage boxes, a secretary desk, mobile consoles and cabinets, storage boxes under a soft bench and in poufs.

Leave only the essentials in the room. A compact closet is suitable for frequently used things, and shoes, outerwear, all seasonal items can be placed in the hallway, in the dressing room or on the mezzanine.

Room for a teenage girl: the choice of decor

The room of a teenage girl should be original, stylish and modern, so that it would not be a shame to invite friends here, so that it would be cozy and comfortable here. Therefore, pay special attention to the decor.

The individuality of the bedroom will be given by photographs of the hostess and her friends, bright posters, paintings. However, it is also important to strike a balance here. Frame photos and posters in suitable frames, help your daughter hang them up so that all the elements of the composition blend harmoniously and look cool together.

Alexandra Fedorova

Creative girls who strive for constant changes around will appreciate stylish mood boards (boards where you can attach photos, postcards and magazine clippings), walls painted or with a special coating for drawing with markers.

Places for rest

All teenagers love cozy seats and couches, where you can sit comfortably to leaf through a magazine or chat with a friend on the phone. Be sure to provide such a corner in your daughter's room.

It can be:

- bean bag chair (due to its mobility, a convenient thing),

hanging chair or swing (be extremely attentive to the method of fastening - consult a specialist),

- trestle beds, podiums or soft benches (the so-called window seat is especially beautiful, that is, in fact, a bench on the windowsill, under which roomy drawers are often hidden). I wrote in detail about the window seat.

Scavullo Design Interiors

I hope you have some new ideas for decorating a nursery for a teenage girl. Stay tuned, boys' rooms are coming!