Houses with second light projects up to 200m2. Interior design with second light

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

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What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical rooms, electrical points, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in a design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision of the construction progress. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

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What determines the timing?

The timing depends on the chosen project and material (houses made of logs and timber require time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of changing the volume of wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized experience. A fleet of construction equipment has been put into operation since 2015. We do not involve contractors.

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I want it like in this picture. Can you?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on your staff?

Currently there are 5 interior designers on staff with a total of 74 years of specialized experience.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

The second light is the absence of a ceiling above any room, usually such a room is the living room. Being in your living room, you can see the high ceiling, or rather the roof, if it is an attic. If we talk about the technical side of the issue, then this is just an opening in the interfloor ceiling and it doesn’t matter what technology this ceiling is made of: monolithic, prefabricated slabs, wooden beams or prefabricated aerated concrete. With any technology it is possible to create an opening in the ceiling. In our catalog you will find a huge number of projects of private cottages with second light of any size, in various architectural styles, with photographs and layouts.

Pros and cons


The main and, perhaps, the only disadvantage of this solution is the reduction of useful living space. If you have a family of 4-5 people, you are planning a two-story cottage of 150 sq. m and you want to implement a second light and 4 bedrooms upstairs, then you will have to either reduce the area of ​​​​these bedrooms, or abandon the implementation of the plan, or leave only 3 bedrooms. For this solution to work and fulfill its main function, and not just exist, you will need a house with an area of ​​200 sq. m. Of course, you can implement it in small houses, provided that you do not need a large amount of usable space upstairs.


The most important advantage of the second light is to make the space of the first floor more voluminous and bright. High ceilings in the living room or dining room set a different tone for your home than standard solutions. But to what extent you will feel this, it all largely depends on the area of ​​the house, the height of the ceilings and planning decisions. In general, it all depends on the work of the architect and interior designer.


As mentioned above, most often the designs of private houses contain an opening above the living rooms or dining rooms. Sometimes the living room is combined with a dining room-kitchen, so an opening can be created over this entire large space. This looks especially great in an interior with two floor levels, which, together with the combination of the space of the first and second levels, gives a huge spark to the designer’s imagination.

Also, cottage projects with panoramic windows, as well as bay windows and two-story windows often have second light. Due to this, a large amount of daylight enters the premises. All this, together with the height of the ceiling, generates a feeling of space, lightness and freedom. At the top, along the perimeter of the opening, a balustrade is installed, if this is some kind of classic interior. If the interior of the house is in a chalet or high-tech style, then the fencing should also be made in this style.

A fireplace can be a nice icing on the cake. As a rule, it is always located in the center of the living room, and its chimney rises to the entire height of the house, passing through the second light. There may be a different location of the fireplace. Everything largely depends on the area and layout of the country house. The fireplace gives a certain picture of completeness. Judge for yourself! You are sitting on a soft sofa in your living room, in front of you are high two-story windows, above your head there is a high ceiling from which designer chandeliers hang, and there is a beautiful winter landscape outside. You feel a huge space around you, you feel quite comfortable and free, because... The house is warm, you can hear the crackling of firewood and its slight smell.

As a rule, projects of houses with second light involve construction from scratch, since implementing such an architectural solution in an already built house is quite problematic and expensive. Typically, projects of cottages and houses with second light assume the absence of overlaps between floors with the creation of an extensive balcony inside the living space. At the same time, the architect, using this technique, strives to obtain a feeling of space and solidity. The house will always be bright, in addition, it allows you to experiment with glazing, for example, using stained glass. There are a huge number of options for decorating this type of room, including non-standard artificial lighting. However, it is important to remember that large spaces with high ceilings require special attention when it comes to heating. Modern heating systems can solve this problem without much hassle, but this should still be thought about at the design stage.

Such projects are very successful because they allow you to create original and spectacular interiors that will make the house much more aesthetically pleasing and brighter. In addition, house designs with second light allow you to significantly save on artificial lighting and grow even the tallest indoor plants in the house, which will undoubtedly delight lovers of indoor flora. Some people believe that second light can only be created in houses with a large area, but in fact, there are designs for houses with second light and a small area - the main thing is to properly think through and organize the space. That is why the design of a house should be carried out in close cooperation with the architect. His experience and practical approach will help you realize your plans to the fullest and at the same time get a truly comfortable home. Of course, it is very important to choose a good specialist who can achieve a compromise between the wishes of the customer and the regulatory requirements for a residential building. The best way to find such a professional is to contact a reputable design organization.

Or panoramic glazing, you should pay attention to the projects of houses with second light, developed by our company. This architectural technique “migrated” to private construction from palaces, theater halls, and public buildings.

Its essence is to combine parts of the 1st and 2nd (and sometimes 3rd) floors into a single space due to the absence of interfloor ceilings. Sunlight penetrating from the windows of the walls and attic gives the high room a special flavor, monumentality, and creates a feeling of spaciousness. Stained glass inserts are often used to enhance the effect.

Features of a cottage with second light

When choosing a house with overhead lighting, you need to understand that this will require a rather complex, professionally designed project. The internal layout should take into account:

  • that the usable area of ​​the building is reduced because part of the ceiling is missing;
  • good insulation of the roof is necessary so that the warm air rising does not “evaporate”;
  • an engineering heating system often provides for the installation of a “warm floor”;
  • the choice of double-glazed windows is made based on the calculation of the required parameters to create a comfortable microclimate;
  • Thermal convectors are located in such a way as to make the most efficient use of electrical and natural energy.

The planning solution may be different. A two-story building usually has large windows - from floor to ceiling, illuminating the entire room at the same time. Sometimes the emphasis is on attic glazing, especially if they want to place a winter garden there. Very often a large balcony and a surrounding gallery are built at the top - they offer views of the living room and the surrounding landscape

In our catalog you can choose a project for a one-story house up to 150, 200 m2 with a second light, and for the construction of a large building. An example of the first is a European-style brick house - No. 57-68K (area 144 m2), the second is a 4-storey cottage of 500 m2. An interesting technique has become an effective design solution for modern premises in high-tech and minimalist styles.

What will happen if the panoramic windows on the entire wall are made even larger? Cottages in which part of the overlap between floors is missing, and in the living room has a height of 6-8 meters, are called houses with second light. This is a rather original and not yet very common technique, which allows you to add more light, freedom and monumentality to the house. Moreover, thanks to the second light, you can create a unique one and enjoy picturesque landscapes at home. Similar decision today used primarily in arranging.

The idea of ​​glass houses is not new; it was embodied in the twentieth century in the form of modernist office and public buildings. and cottages with panoramic views have recently developed; this is the fashion of the twenty-first century. The reasons that hampered the construction of houses with transparent walls in previous periods are not technical, but psychological in nature. A house with one completely glazed wall seemed unprotected and fragile, and therefore there was no demand for such construction. The situation changed when cottage villages with protected areas and large plots began to be built.

From the living room there is access to the premises of the first and second floors. To climb to the second floor, a decorative, screw or marching one is built. Another feature of houses with second light is the need think carefully, because a room with a height of more than 5 meters requires a special approach, and it will not be enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses with second light

If we compare all the advantages and disadvantages of such houses, then there are many more of the former, so we can start with them. So, The main advantages of houses with second light include:

  1. opportunity to create unique design, and sitting in the living room you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful landscapes;
  2. opportunity to create unique, since in a room with such high ceilings you can use luxurious or a lot of spotlights, or other interesting solutions with the help of which the house will truly become unique;
  3. if you like to grow plants, then houses with second light will allow you to create an extensive collection, even arrange one, and at the same time the amount of light will be maximum, and you can afford even the tallest plants;
  4. huge ones will significantly save on lighting and make the most of natural light;
  5. the fragility and insecurity of houses with second light has long been refuted. To organize glazing they use durable double glazed windows, which work on the principle of a greenhouse: the sun's rays pass freely through the glass, heat all objects in the house, and are converted into infrared rays, which can no longer pass through the glass.

But also disadvantages of houses with second light also there is:

  1. loss of usable space, because the absence of part of the floors forces you to abandon a couple of not always extra rooms: bedrooms or utility rooms. That is why “second light” is organized only in houses with sufficient space so that this bonus does not cause discomfort;
  2. ceiling height in living room- This additional difficulties, since it will be almost impossible to change the light bulbs in a chandelier without outside professional help, and this is an extra cost;
  3. difficulties also arise when organizing the heating system, because ordinary radiators, even if there are a sufficient number of them, will not be enough - the laws of physics work. That is why it is better to involve specialists to develop a heat supply system. As a rule, you will need a thermal curtain, when a stream of heated air moves along the glass from top to bottom. Walls and roofs will also help, and as heaters it is better to use those that heat objects in the room, rather than the air.

10 interesting projects of houses with second light

If some of the disadvantages of such houses do not bother you, then you can move on to designing and building such a structure on your site. Of course, you can create your own unique project, taking into account all individual requirements, but you can purchase a ready-made one: it is much cheaper, and all these projects are thought out to the smallest detail so that the built house is comfortable and cozy. Let's look at the most interesting of them.

No. 1. Grace

This is a project of a luxurious two-story house with an area of ​​319 m2. Excellent for a large family, who can not only relax here for several weeks a year, but also live fully - all the necessary premises are provided. The main part of the first floor is a spacious kitchen-living room, from which a panoramic view opens. The area can comfortably accommodate a kitchen and dining area, as well as a relaxation area. In addition, on the ground floor there is a bathroom and a lot of utility rooms for storing things, gardening tools and other things. There is a garage for two cars and a terrace where you can have picnics or just sunbathe.

On the second floor, the project involves placing three bedrooms, one of which has its own bathroom, as well as one more. There are enough recreation rooms for a large family, and a house built according to this project will be comfortable and conducive to relaxation.

No. 2. North

A house built according to this project, unlike the previous one, will be suitable for a small family, who will not spend very much time here, since it is compact and has a minimum of bedrooms. A special feature of the house is a spacious terrace, which can become an excellent place for relaxation and family celebrations. The total area of ​​this two-story house is only 76 m2, so the project is suitable only for a specific group of people.

On the ground floor, as is customary, there is a spacious kitchen with a living room, as well as a bathroom. In the part of the house where there is no panoramic glazing, there is a children's room and a small bedroom. On the second floor, according to the project, you can place a more spacious bedroom and a dressing room.

No. 3. Optimum

Such a house can become a place of complete and varied recreation, and there is enough space for a large family or a large group of friends. The design of this two-story house boasts an area of ​​more than 530 m2. From the ground floor there is access to a huge terrace that can be used in different ways. Also on the ground floor there is a leading to a spacious living room, the decoration of which is the “second light”. The kitchen is separated from the living room and also has ample space and a separate dining area. The kitchen and living room have access to the terrace, so on fine days you can easily have lunch in the fresh air - all products can be easily and easily taken out.

Also on the ground floor there are a couple of bathrooms, a huge gym, a sauna with a swimming pool, a boiler room, a storage room, utility rooms and space for two cars. The staircase from the living room leads to the second floor into the hall, which also offers stunning views from the window. On the second floor there is a bedroom with a separate bathroom and dressing room, as well as three other bedrooms and two additional baths. Such a project is suitable for those who dream of relaxing in their country house with maximum comfort.

No. 4. Greece

This is a project of another spacious two-story house with an area of ​​302 m2. Both the external and internal solutions are thought out to the smallest detail. So, on the ground floor there is a living room overlooking the terrace and surrounding landscapes. The kitchen and dining areas are nearby, but separated by a short partition. From the dining area there is access to the terrace, so if desired, everything cooked can be easily taken outside to have lunch or dinner in the fresh air. On the ground floor there is also supposed to be a bathroom, a storage room, a boiler room, a wardrobe, as well as a bedroom, from which there is also access to the terrace.

From the living room, a staircase rises to the second floor hall, from where doors lead to three bedrooms, a bathroom and a dressing room, and another bathroom is provided in one of the bedrooms. The result is a good project for a country house for a large family.

No. 5. Finnish house

Quite an interesting project, according to which you can build a cozy two-story house with an area of ​​286 m2. Thanks to the layout features, this area will accommodate even more useful objects than in the previous version. The basis of the first floor is a living room with second light. Next to the living room there is a dining area with access to the terrace, and the kitchen is located right there. In addition to these rooms, as well as the hallway and hall, on the ground floor there is a bathroom, a bedroom with a dressing room and a bath, but that’s not all. A special feature of the project is that there is space for a sauna with a shower and a changing room.

As in all other projects of houses with a second light, here the staircase to the second floor leads from the living room and goes to the hall on the second floor. It is also used as a relaxation area, because the view is the same as from the living room. There are also three bedrooms, one of which has a wardrobe and a balcony, and one bathroom for all.

No. 6. Arrow

The design of this house is truly unique and interesting; it is suitable for those who want to achieve an original solution, but at the same time not deprive the house of comfort and coziness. The area is 370 m2, there are two floors, and the peculiarity is the presence of a gallery on the second floor, as well as a lot of facilities for rest and relaxation. The house has a peculiar shape, and on the ground floor there is a living room and a kitchen-dining room, and they are located so that they form a single room, and two walls parallel to each other are completely glazed. In addition, on the ground floor there is a vestibule with an entrance hall, a bathroom, as well as a hall with access to the bathroom, utility rooms and a gym; nearby there is a passage to the pool, from which you can exit to a spacious terrace. It is impossible to think of a better solution for a relaxing holiday. For convenience, there is space for a two-car garage on the ground floor.

Since the “second light” is actually located on two sides, the second floor is planned using a gallery that leads from the staircase to two children's rooms. Also on the second floor there are two bedrooms and a bathroom.

No. 7. Friends

The name of the project of this house speaks for itself. The rooms here are located and equipped so that there is enough space for a huge group, and so that everyone’s stay is as comfortable as possible. It’s worth noting right away that the house design does not include a garage, but the issue of parking can be solved in a lot of other ways. But on an area of ​​450 m2 all the necessary rooms are located.

On the ground floor there is a huge living room with second light, it connects to the dining room, which also offers a beautiful view. The kitchen and dining room are combined, and from the latter there is access to the terrace for outdoor dining. Also on the ground floor there is a guest room with access to the terrace and its own bathroom, dressing room, gym with bathtub. The second floor has a spacious hall, a dressing room and four bedrooms, each of which has a separate bathroom - ideal for a large group of friends.