Where is Lena Bushina from House 2 now. Biography of Elena Bushina

Artist from Lipetsk Elena Khromina came to the project on December 16, 2017. She was born on September 4, 1996 (21 years old) and has many tattoos, including a dog on her chest. She liked Roman Gritsenko, but then she became disappointed and stated that he had no feelings for either her or Olga Buzova, whom she had been courting for several weeks.

In her hometown, the girl graduated from art school, and is now creating exclusive paintings using her own technology.

She is not married, and came to the project to fight for the heart of Roman Gritsenko, who is not breathing smoothly in relation to Olga Buzova.

Khromina Elena House 2, what is her like: biography, career and personal life?

Elena Dom 2 is a new participant who immediately showed herself to be confident and charismatic.

Both the TV cast members and the audience immediately appreciated Elena’s determination, who was ready to fight for the relationship. At the moment, the girl’s heart is free and she made it clear that she wants to win Roma Gritsenko.

The girl is from Lipetsk. Now she is 21 years old, the girl was born on September 4, 1996. According to the Zodiac - Virgo.

Hobby: painting pictures with sparkles and sequins. Most often he paints portraits, but he also sometimes paints in the landscape genre.

Here is an example of her work, it looks good in my opinion.

She also became famous for drawing a portrait of Diana Shurygina using this technique, which is located in the city youth administration of Lipetsk, and children take selfies with him with great pleasure with the memetic gesture Na Donyshke, which glorified Diana even more. Selfies on Donyshke with a portrait of Shurygina have already attracted the attention of many Lipetsk residents.

The artist herself comments on it this way.

Elena Khromina is a young girl of 21 years old, a new participant in the Dom-2 project (she has been on the show since December 16, 2017).

Born on September 4, 1996 in Lipetsk. Graduated from Lipetsk State University pedagogical university Faculty of Graphic Design. Not married, no children, although there was a long-term relationship.

Now Elena Khromina is “fighting” for the heart of another House-2 participant, Roman Gritsenko. A girl who is persistent and confident in her abilities will certainly achieve success.

Elena has an unusual tattoo - a bright, colored dog with a crown on her chest. Lena draws well, using her own special technique - mostly portraits with glitter and glue.

Born in Yekaterinburg on June 18, 1986. As a child, our heroine was an energetic child. Spent a lot of time on the street, hurting my knees. Elena's father works at construction business, and my mother is in the Government of Yekaterinburg. After graduating from school, Bushina entered the law faculty in her own city, specializing in banking law.

Life on the TV project “Dom-2”

Elena Bushina was not going to participate in the reality show “Dom-2”. After a chance acquaintance with Stepan Menshchikov, an active participant in the project at that time, Elena decided try your hand. On October 19, 2007, she came to Menshchikov’s project to create a couple with him. It was not possible to build a relationship, and Elena switched to another participant in the project - accordion player Semyon Frolov. The couple existed for quite a long time, despite being too different characters Elena and Semyon. She is sociable, open, a leader in relationships, but he, on the contrary, is stingy with words and closed. Quarrels in their relationship were common, but this did not stop them from announcing their engagement. Shortly before his departure, Semyon left Elena and began to live in a house on the roof. Their relationship finally ended in December 2008, when Frolov left the project. The break with him was very difficult for Elena. She worried for a long time.

"Istra Witches"

Many project participants are creative people. Some people dance, sing, and draw. Elena is no exception. Together with two project participants, Natalya Varvina (also Lena’s best friend) and Alexandra Kharitonova, they created the group “Istra Witches”. Where does this name come from? “Istra” because the clearing (that’s what the participants call the film set outside the city) is located not far from the Istra River.

The group's soloists often criticized Elena due to her lack of flexibility and inability to dance, which gave rise to a lot of conflicts between them. Despite this, our heroine performed in the group until she left the television project.

There are few compositions in the baggage of “Istra Witches”: “Yes, I am a Witch”, “In Half”, “House 2”. Elena Bushina", "Botanist".

“Istra Witches” and other project participants went on tour with their concerts. Now the group has broken up, as the people who were in it left the scandalous show.

Elena Bushina and Gleb Zhemchugov (Strawberry)

Many TV viewers observed Gleb's unrequited love for Elena. Beautiful courtship, romantic dates, readiness to help at any time did not melt the heart of our heroine. The girl was adamant. Moreover, during this period she was already meeting outside the perimeter with her current husband Dmitry. Gleb was ready to fulfill the girl’s every whim; TV viewers had never seen Zhemchugov like this. But, apart from friendship, Elena could not offer anything else to her admirer. It was clear that he was not her type and did not suit her at all. Everyone noticed this except Gleb himself.

After Bushina left the project, she often appeared in front of television cameras to support in difficult situations or give advice to the girls about relationships with Zhemchugov.

She even had a conflict with her husband because Gleb wrote messages to Lena at night. Friends even stopped communicating for some time.

Leaving the project

While on the project, all participants began to notice that Elena Bushina began to often be absent from the television set in the evenings. Because of this, she even had conflicts with the participants. At first, Bushina did not tell anyone about the relationship outside the perimeter. But when there was no longer any point in hiding, since the participants found out the reason for her absence, Elena admitted to everyone that she was dating twenty-two-year-old (at that time) Dmitry Zheleznyak, the owner of a car dealership. But our heroine was in no hurry to leave the project. Apparently, hoping that Dmitry would want to become a participant. But the guy refused to demonstrate his relationship in front of television cameras. The lovers continued to meet outside the perimeter, even going on vacation abroad for two weeks. Elena emphasized that she was very interested in being with Mitya and was never bored.


Soon Dmitry proposed to Elena, and she gave her consent. Date upcoming wedding was not determined - everything was decided by the pregnancy of our heroine.
This event forced her to leave the television project, on which Bushina lived for 860 days. While outside the reality show, she still visited the residents of the project, participated in discussions, and shared events happening in her life.

Life outside the perimeter

In the same year, on August 4, the young couple had a son, Mark.

Then numerous rumors began to circulate that Elena Bushina was pregnant with her second child. Later, these conversations were confirmed thanks to numerous photographs where our heroine’s belly reveals her piquant position. Elena herself posted these photos on her Instagram. The sex of the child is not yet known. The couple does not disclose this fact. It is known that Lena is now in her last month.

Elena Bushina speaks very warmly about her family, and especially about her only son. The child, according to her, is developed beyond his years.

Bushina is not the first participant who became pregnant on the “House 2” project. But unlike the first girl, Rita Kuzina, Elena decided to raise her child outside of the reality show. Which was one of the reasons for her leaving.

Rumors of divorce

The family happiness of the young did not last long. A lot began to appear rumors that the couple is getting a divorce. The reasons were different: our heroine is in conflict with her mother-in-law, Elena Bushina’s husband can no longer tolerate her capricious character, the young woman was offended by Dmitry’s doubts about paternity and filed for divorce, and others.

It was rumored that this led to the couple deciding to give their relationship a second chance. Lena and Dima turned to a family psychologist for help. Did these rumors have any basis in reality? Unknown. Dmitry and Elena now live together, are raising a son, and they try not to comment on rumors of divorce or deny this fact.

Work after the project

After the project, Elena Bushina was on maternity leave for some time with little Mark. But at the same time she delighted TV viewers with her visits to TV shows. These visits ended after the old participants with whom Elena was on the project left.

Sharing her plans for the future, Bushina said that she wanted to try herself as a TV presenter. And in December 2011, the dream came true. She became the TV presenter of the Bigabum lottery on the TNT channel in a duet with her admirer and admirer Gleb Zhemchugov.
The program aired on Sundays at 9.30 am. Before this, the lottery hosts were Igor Vernik and Ekaterina Kirilcheva. But due to low ratings, they decided to replace the cast with Lena and Gleb. Such actions attracted more attention from the viewer.

Elena Bushina also planned to open her own store, Le_bush_room, in 2013. She posed nude in a photo shoot dedicated to the participants of “Dom-2”, along with other famous stars of the project. Their photographs were shown in Moscow and other cities of the country.

Born in Yekaterinburg on June 18, 1986. As a child, our heroine was an energetic child. Spent a lot of time on the street, hurting my knees. Elena's father works in the construction business, and her mother works in the Government of Yekaterinburg.

After graduating from school, Bushina entered the Faculty of Law with a specialization in her own city

Life on the TV project “Dom-2”

Elena Bushina was not going to participate in the reality show “Dom-2”. After a chance acquaintance with an active participant in the project at that time, Elena decided

try your hand. On October 19, 2007, she came to Menshchikov’s project to create a couple with him. It was not possible to build a relationship, and Elena switched to another participant in the project - accordion player Semyon Frolov. The couple existed for quite a long time, despite the very different characters of Elena and Semyon. She is sociable, open, a leader in relationships, but he, on the contrary, is stingy with words and closed. Quarrels in their relationship were common, but this did not stop them from announcing their engagement. Shortly before his departure, Semyon left Elena and began to live in a house on the roof. Their relationship finally ended in December 2008, when Frolov left the project. The break with him was very difficult for Elena. She worried for a long time.

After he left, she was no longer able to create a serious and stable relationship with anyone. But, despite the fact that Elena was a loner on the project, she stayed there for quite a long time thanks to her bitchy, scandalous character and temperament. She was one of the brightest participants on the project and won the love of many viewers.

"Istra Witches"

Many project participants are creative people. Some people dance, sing, and draw. Elena is no exception. Together with two project participants, Natalya Varvina (also Lena’s best friend) and Alexandra Kharitonova, they created the group “Istra Witches”. Where does this name come from? “Istra” because the clearing (that’s what the participants call the film set outside the city) is located not far from the Istra River.

The group's soloists often criticized Elena due to her lack of flexibility and inability to dance, which gave rise to a lot of conflicts between them. Despite this, our heroine performed in the group until she left the television project.

There are few compositions in the baggage of “Istra Witches”: “Yes, I am a Witch”, “In Half”, “House 2”. Elena Bushina", "Botanist".

“Istra Witches” and other project participants went on tour with their concerts. Now the group has broken up, as the people who were in it left the scandalous show.

Elena Bushina and Gleb Zhemchugov (Strawberry)

Many TV viewers watched Gleb approach Elena. Beautiful courtship, romantic dates, readiness to help at any time did not melt the heart of our heroine. The girl was adamant. Moreover, during this period she was already meeting outside the perimeter with her current husband Dmitry. Gleb was ready to fulfill the girl’s every whim; TV viewers had never seen Zhemchugov like this. But, apart from friendship, Elena could not offer anything else to her admirer. It was clear that he was not her type and did not suit her at all. Everyone noticed this except Gleb himself.

After Bushina left the project, she often appeared in front of television cameras to support in difficult situations or give advice to the girls about relationships with Zhemchugov.

She even had a conflict with her husband because Gleb wrote messages to Lena at night. Friends even stopped communicating for some time.

Leaving the project

While on the project, all participants began to notice that Elena Bushina began to often be absent from the television set in the evenings. Because of this, she even had conflicts with the participants. At first, Bushina did not tell anyone about the relationship outside the perimeter. But when there was no longer any point in hiding, since the participants found out the reason for her absence, Elena admitted to everyone that she was dating twenty-two-year-old (at that time) Dmitry Zheleznyak, the owner of a car dealership. But our heroine was in no hurry to leave the project. Apparently, hoping that Dmitry would want to become a participant. But the guy refused to demonstrate his relationship in front of television cameras. The lovers continued to meet outside the perimeter, even going on vacation abroad for two weeks. Elena emphasized that she was very interested in being with Mitya and was never bored.


Soon Dmitry proposed to Elena, and she gave her consent. The date of the upcoming wedding was not determined - everything was decided by the pregnancy of our heroine.

This event forced her to leave the television project, on which Bushina lived for 860 days. While outside the reality show, she still visited the residents of the project, participated in discussions, and shared events happening in her life.

On February 12, 2010, in the Griboedovsky registry office in Moscow, the couple Elena Bushina legalized their relationship. She was a witness at the wedding best friend Elena -

Life outside the perimeter

Then numerous rumors began to circulate that Elena Bushina was pregnant with her second child. Later, these conversations were confirmed thanks to numerous photographs where our heroine’s belly reveals her piquant position. Elena herself posted these photos on her Instagram. The sex of the child is not yet known. The couple does not disclose this fact. It is known that Lena is now in her last month.

Elena Bushina speaks very warmly about her family, and especially about her only son. The child, according to her, is developed beyond his years.

Bushina is not the first participant who became pregnant on the “House 2” project. But unlike the first girl, Rita Kuzina, Elena decided to raise her child outside of the reality show. Which was one of the reasons for her leaving.

Rumors of divorce

The family happiness of the young did not last long. A lot began to appear

rumors that the couple is getting a divorce. The reasons were different: our heroine is in conflict with her mother-in-law, Elena Bushina’s husband can no longer tolerate her capricious character, the young woman was offended by Dmitry’s doubts about paternity and filed for divorce, and others.

It was rumored that this led to the couple deciding to give their relationship a second chance. Lena and Dima turned to a family psychologist for help. Did these rumors have any basis in reality? Unknown. Dmitry and Elena now live together, are raising a son, and they try not to comment on rumors of divorce or deny this fact.

Work after the project

After the project, Elena Bushina was on maternity leave for some time with little Mark. But at the same time she delighted TV viewers with her visits to TV shows. These visits ended after the old participants with whom Elena was on the project left.

Sharing her plans for the future, Bushina said that she wanted to try herself as a TV presenter. And in December 2011, the dream came true. She became the TV presenter of the Bigabum lottery on the TNT channel in a duet with her admirer and admirer Gleb Zhemchugov.

The program aired on Sundays at 9.30 am. Before this, the lottery hosts were Igor Vernik and Ekaterina Kirilcheva. But due to low ratings, they decided to replace the cast with Lena and Gleb. Such actions attracted more attention from the viewer.

Elena Bushina also planned to open her own store, Le_bush_room, in 2013. She posed nude in a photo shoot dedicated to the participants of “Dom-2”, along with other famous stars of the project. Their photographs were shown in Moscow and other cities of the country.

“Dom-2” has been on the air for 11 years. Thousands of boys and girls tried to build their love on the project. But not many succeeded. Most of the girls were able to get married successfully after leaving the project. So, we present the TOP 10 ex-participants of “Dom-2” who successfully married.


One of the brightest girls of the project. She was a participant for about four years and left the television set in 2011, on the show’s 7th anniversary. However, she did not completely break off relations with the project, because she married the producer of “Dom-2” Alexei Mikhailovsky. Moreover, the couple also got married in the church.


Elena Bushina, who was very friendly with Natalya Varvina on the project, stayed there for about 2.5 years. Her violent character and bright appearance did not allow her to go unnoticed. But the girl found personal happiness outside the project. Lena was also able to get married successfully. Her husband was businessman Dmitry Zheleznyak. Moreover, she left the project while already pregnant with her future husband.


Anastasia Dashko was one of the first participants in the show. For a long time she could not find her soul mate, but then the dark-skinned handsome man Sam Seleznym appeared in her life. Together they left the project. But outside the perimeter, the couple did not stay together for long. The guys broke up. Now Nastya is married to Konstantin Kuleshov.


Inna Volovicheva was probably remembered by the audience for her unconventional appearance and figure. Also because I was able to lose 40 kg for the sake of my loved one. But this did not help her find love at Dom-2. But after leaving, Inna successfully married Ivan Novikov.


Olga Buzova, who is now the host of Dom-2, has been a participant from day one. Olga also found family happiness far from the project field. Her husband is the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov.


Victoria Bonya is one of the sexiest participants in the project. Currently lives in a civil marriage with Alex Smurfit, an Irish millionaire. The couple has a personal residence in Monaco.


Margarita Agibalova is known for the fact that she married project participant Evgeniy Kuzin for the first time. The guys have common child. But even he could not save their family. The couple separated. And after some time, Rita very successfully married Pavel Marceau for the second time.


Elizaveta Kutuzova came to the show more than once looking for female happiness, but I never found him there. And I found it after leaving the project in once again. Her chosen one was singer Rostislav Pirogov, performing under the pseudonym RostisLove.


Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, like her sister Yulia, sought happiness on the project. And it worked out for Yulia; Tigran Salibekov became her husband. But Katya found her husband in a completely different place. It was DJ Nikita.


Oksana Strunkina was also unable to build either a family or a serious relationship on the show. It became known recently that she found family happiness with her husband Artem

From an ordinary provincial girl, Evgeniy Feofilaktova, one of the stars of the modern “House-2”, turned into a real Barbie: of course, her breasts and lips were enlarged first, but Zhenya did not stop at these usual operations. She corrected the shape of her cheekbones and added hair extensions, because that’s the only way beauties look!

Rustam Solntsev

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary boy, Rustam, he looked the same as all ordinary boys. But participation in the Dom-2 project not only changed Rustam’s life, but also radically affected his appearance. Having seen enough of the girls from the project who actively enlarged their lips and received injections, Solntsev decided: he needed it too. It's very necessary! We all know very well what came of it...


Svetlana Davydova

Svetlana Davydova is another participant in “House-2” whose desire to become the star of the project and “get out among the people” did not lead to good results. Before the reality show, Svetlana was a very pretty girl, but her desire to become even more beautiful ended with her lips being enlarged to incredible sizes. Donatella Versace and Mickey Rourke nervously smoke on the sidelines.

Victoria Bonya

But Victoria Bonya is one of the few on whom participation in “House-2” had a positive impact, no matter how difficult it may be to believe. Although Victoria was engaged in “tuning” her appearance, she did it carefully and wisely: she slightly enlarged her lips and slightly changed the shape of her nose. As a result, after participating in the project, Bonya really began to look better!

Inna Volovicheva

Once the owner of curvy figures, Irina Volovicheva during her participation in “House-2” was also able to get closer to the ideal. In just a couple of months she lost 40 kg! Eh, what can you do to “build love”... However, they say that it’s not a matter of steel strength Irina's will, but in liposuction and lifting - there were rumors.

Victoria Romanets

Whether Victoria Romanets's appearance has changed for the better during her participation in reality or not is up to you to decide. To us, Victoria, who was once an ordinary pretty girl, seems too “rubbery” and “chic”. Apparently, at the plastic surgery clinic she chose a package of procedures instead of just one.

Elena Bushina

Elena Bushina came to the Dom-2 project as a brunette with a rather prominent nose, and left the “perimeter” as a blonde with a small, neat nose. During her participation in reality, she managed to get rhinoplasty and change her image - what an achievement!

Olga "Sun" Nikolaeva

But Olga “Sun” Nikolaeva, one of the first stars of “House-2,” became noticeably prettier after the project. While participating in the show, she was a real “tomboy”, and now she looks quite feminine. Oddly enough, Olga did not enlarge her lips and was not interested in any “tuning”, as if “House-2” had never happened in her life!

Snezhana Kambur

Once at Dom-2, Snezhana Kambur immediately followed in the footsteps of her predecessors - she began to actively change everything about herself. True, the girl was not very lucky; after rhinoplasty, she accused the plastic surgeon of disfiguring her. It is worth noting that not just the nose: in addition to this operation, Snezhana enlarged her lips and inserted fillers. Now she looks like a completely different person.