Are healthy food products beneficial? The healthiest food

Do you want to be healthy and energetic? Start with proper nutrition. Our well-being directly depends on what we eat. A balanced diet affects, first of all, our appearance. Beautiful even complexion, strong nails, shiny hair is thanks to the right food. Cheerfulness, energy and a positive outlook on life - this also comes from healthy food.

By eating unhealthy foods, people obviously doom themselves to a whole series of complications and problems. Lethargy, heaviness in the stomach, nausea and apathy are the first signs of poor nutrition. If you don’t stop in time, you can very soon become the owner of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. This is just a small part of the problems that can arise when eating harmful foods.

Proper nutrition is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. By deciding to opt for healthy food, we help the body increase immunity, endurance and get stronger. This is how we prolong our life. It's okay if you haven't been instilled with culture healthy eating since childhood, and you don't know. It can be learned at any age. We have highlighted several simple rules. By adhering to them, you will always be healthy and full of strength.

So let's repeat: healthy eating is a healthy lifestyle, That's why:

  1. Food should be complete and as varied as possible. Our body needs different microelements and vitamins. They cannot be contained in just one product. The richer your menu, the more benefits.
  2. Follow your diet. It is important to develop the habit of eating at approximately the same time. Main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is worth adding two snacks to them.
  3. Don't skip meals. This has several unacceptable consequences. Firstly, the feeling of hunger. It will make you eat a lot more later. Secondly, the body will become exhausted. As a result, you will get tired faster. Thirdly, this can disrupt the digestive processes.
  4. Minimize your sugar and salt intake. There is hardly a person who does not know about the dangers of sugar and salt. At the same time, many continue to get carried away with them. A large number of these products leads to a strong blow to health. Don't get carried away with them.
  5. Add whole grains to your diet. This is bran, wholemeal flour, and many cereals. They useful exercise for the stomach and a storehouse of vitamins.
  6. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits as often as possible. Ideally every day. They are sources of minerals, vitamins and useful substances.
  7. Eat fish. At least once a week. Omega-3 acid is especially useful. It is found mainly in fatty fish.
  8. Minimize your intake of the wrong fats, especially animals. They hit the digestive system very hard.
  9. Drink water. Clean, without gas. We advise you to calculate your individual daily norm. They can help with this mobile applications. For example, WaterBalance, Hydro and others.
  10. Forget fast food. This extra pounds, heaviness in the stomach and bad mood.

As you can see, eating right does not mean limiting yourself. On the contrary, your diet will become much wider. Healthy eating is not a diet at all! You won't go hungry or be under constant stress. Try it, and you will soon understand that eating the right food is really healthy.

Let's talk about healthy and unhealthy foods

As we already mentioned, you can find anything in modern stores. Therefore, it is very important to know what is healthy to eat and what you should forget about forever.

Products that bring only benefits

This category includes products created by nature. They contain many elements that have a beneficial effect on our health. Of course, our list can be expanded by adding different types cereals, berries, fruits, vegetables, etc.


Eat fish and you can forget about diseases of the cardiovascular system. It removes cholesterol perfectly. Fatty varieties contain Omega-3 acid. This is a rare element. It reduces the risk of disease and cancer. Fish contains healthy protein, which is several times easier to digest than protein from meat.


It contains amino acids and healthy protein. It is one of the main products that fight cancer. Include broccoli in your diet at least once a week and you can eliminate the risk of tumors. It also contains pectin. They improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Broccoli contains a huge amount of valuable microelements. Among them are zinc, iodine and manganese.


We can talk about the beneficial properties of apples for a very long time. They are useful for the operation of almost all systems human body. They prevent many diseases. Rich in vitamins, they cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and lower cholesterol levels.



Saturated with vitamins: A, B1, B3, C, E, P, PP, etc. Also carrots rich in minerals : potassium, calcium, iron, copper, iodine, phosphorus, etc. It is very useful, especially for people with vision problems.


It's not easy delicious berries. This is a panacea for premature aging. Substances contained in blueberries reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia and cancer.


The benefits of nuts can be described for a very long time. They contain many vitamins and minerals. Serve as a means to increase libido. Reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Strengthens the cardiovascular system and vision.


They can safely be called natural antidepressants. They replenish energy reserves. Normalize work digestive system. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Neutralizes high stomach acidity. Contain a huge amount of useful substances. Perhaps bananas have only one drawback - they are very high in calories.


Increases the body's resistance to infections and strengthens the immune system. It contains almost all microelements, as well as many vitamins. Honey helps with problems with the liver, respiratory system, stomach, intestines, etc. However, you should be careful with this product. This is a strong allergen.


An excellent remedy for colds. It helps normalize body temperature and blood pressure. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pancreas. Strengthens gums.

Products that negatively affect health

The harmful ones mainly include food products containing large number artificial ingredients, sugar, fat. They cause digestive system disorders and negatively affect general condition person.

Sweet carbonated drinks

Gases, chemicals and sugar are their main components. All drinks like Coca-Cola have a negative effect on the stomach. Gases lead to gastritis. And dyes and other chemical additives cause allergies.

Sweets and baked goods

These are the main products causing diathesis, acne, allergies and obesity. You shouldn't give up sweets at all. Just replace cakes and sweets with dried fruits, dark chocolate, and honey. Replace white bread and baked goods with bran or yeast-free bread.

Fast food

This is anything that is deep fried. French fries, whites, pies, pasties, etc. Typically, overcooked butter is used to prepare them. This leads to the formation of carcinogens and many others harmful substances.

Sausages and sausages

Today you will no longer find sausage that does not contain dyes, harmful food additives and flavors. It's good if there is at least a little meat in it. Smoked foods are also harmful. They not only raise cholesterol levels, but also often lead to disorders nervous system!

Mayonnaise and margarine

Mayonnaise can be consumed, but only if it is prepared at home. Bought in a store, it threatens diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, blood vessels, obesity. It contains a large number of substances hazardous to health: dyes, additives, saturated fats, vinegar. Margarine is not far behind. This is by no means analogous butter. This is a composition of trans fats, toxic substances, preservatives, synthetic fats, etc. Please note that margarine is used for store-bought baked goods.

Fast food

Don't be lazy. It doesn't take very long to prepare healthy food. Your liver, stomach, kidneys, intestines and other organs will say “thank you.” Noodles, soups, purees, bouillon cubes are all chemical compounds. There is practically nothing natural in them. You won't get far with flavors, food additives and fats.

These are indicative product lists only. There are many more in both categories. Stay healthy and eat the right healthy foods? Or give preference to fast, high-calorie and sweet food, but acquire a bunch of diseases? The choice is yours.

Attention! Harmful food additives

Many products contain food additives. Some of them are even healthy, as they contain vitamins and minerals. All additives have a name and a special code that begins with the letter E. We will focus on the most harmful ones. Every person should know them.

Harmful food additives
Life-threatening E123, E510, E513, E527
Dangerous E102, E110, E120, E124, E127, E129, E155, E180, E201, E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242, E400, E401, E402, E403, E404, E405, E501, E502, 3, E620, E636, E637
Carcinogenic E131, E142, E153, E210, E212, E213, E214, E215, E216, E219, E230, E240, E249, E280, E281, E282, E283, E310, E954
Causes stomach upset E338, E339, E340, E341, E343, E450, E461, E462, E463, E465, E466
Risk of skin diseases E151, E160, E231, E232, 239, E311, E312, E320, E907, E951, E1105
Dangerous for the intestines E154, E626, E627, E628, E629, E630, E631, E632, E633, E634, E635
Raise blood pressure E154, E250, E252
Particularly harmful to children E270
Little studied E104, E122, E141, E171, E173, E241, E477
Prohibited E103, E105, E111, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E152, E211, E952

You are now armed with basic knowledge about proper nutrition. You know what to include in your daily diet and what to avoid. We hope our recommendations will be useful to you, and very soon you will feel great. Write to us about your achievements and discoveries in the world of a healthy lifestyle.

Proper and healthy nutrition is a diet in which a person can get from food everything necessary for normal life and at the same time be healthy. IN Soviet era The diet of the average citizen was quite balanced and complete. The Russians were not particularly slender (but then the standards of beauty were somewhat different), but on the whole the nation was quite healthy, we all played sports, walked a lot and enjoyed life.

Now everything has changed, each of us is our own nutritionist and doctor, the Internet is filled with all kinds of diets, advice and, often, the imposition of standards and thoughts that are unusual for us. Meat is harmful. Only children can drink milk, but adults cannot digest it. They even suggest looking at cats that don’t drink milk as they age. We look at our beloved Murka, happily lapping up milk, but still we think about it. Cholesterol: Essential and Ubiquitous. Three doctors - specialists in different fields of medicine will help us understand what is possible, what is not, where the truth is, what a healthy diet is: a cosmetologist will tell you how this or that food will affect the skin, a cardiologist will talk about the effects of nutrition on the cardiovascular system, and a nutritionist will note the health benefits or harm of a particular product.

Assumption: Meat is harmful

Nutritionist: Russia has long winters, and Russians cannot live without meat. In addition, meat is a traditional Russian food, and some kind of prolonged digestion is a myth. It takes the same amount of time to digest as other protein foods and is broken down in the stomach. Only carbohydrates are quickly digested; they are broken down in the mouth. Eating lean meats or poultry for a healthy diet is possible. Just don't get carried away. Meat is present in Russian cuisine, but remember how much fast days in Christianity!

Cardiologist: meat is a source of proteins, without which it is impossible to build the body. But if you replace meat with fish and eggs, it won’t be worse. To prevent cholesterol levels from increasing (this is what they see as the “harmfulness” of meat), eat poultry and lean meats. No matter what proponents of a meat-free diet may say, the WHO classifies vegetarianism and a raw food diet as mental illnesses, and researchers often note the health of those who eat fish, not pure vegans. You should not eat fried meat, it requires long-term heat treatment, and when frying in oil, trans fats are formed. It's better to simmer it.

Cosmetologist: The condition of the skin is affected by the presence of B vitamins, which are found not only in meat. If you get the necessary vitamins from other foods, your skin will be healthy.

Conclusion: whether to eat meat or not is up to you. There is nothing bad or harmful about lean meats. If you still refuse meat, be sure to find a complete replacement (fish, eggs). Lean meats are quite suitable for a healthy diet.

Assumption: you need to eat when you want, a regimen is not required

Nutritionist: If you are healthy, then the regimen promotes the secretion of gastrointestinal juice to digest food. If food does not arrive, stomach problems may occur.

Cardiologist: You need to eat according to the regime. When you are hungry, you eat much more than you need, which contributes to weight gain. Excess weight always leads to heart problems.

Cosmetologist: If the regime is not followed, disruptions in the body’s hormonal levels are possible. This always shows up on the skin. A cosmetologist cannot replace a healthy diet.

Conclusion: For health, a regimen is necessary; in the absence of a regimen, the body malfunctions and obesity is possible.

Assumption: bread is harmful

Nutritionist: complete nonsense! White bread made from flour highest category It’s simply not healthy, and bread made from wholemeal flour contains dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is useful for a healthy diet.

Cardiologist: Some types of bread contain potassium, phosphorus, iron and much more, which are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Bread should always be in the diet (according to WHO recommendations).

Cosmetologist: Bread is a source of B vitamins necessary for healthy skin. If this vitamin is not enough, dry skin and inflammatory rashes on it are possible. Fiber promotes good intestinal function, which also improves skin condition.

Conclusion: varieties of wholemeal bread and dietary fiber healthy, bread should be present even in dietary nutrition, but white bread lovers should reduce their consumption.

Guess: weak alcoholic drinks useful

Nutritionist: Most drinks with low alcohol content are sweet, that is, high in calories, they contribute to weight gain, therefore, some alcoholic drinks are harmful. Many alcoholic drinks cause appetite. Undiluted drinks are healthier, but in small doses.

Cardiologist: scientific works, proving harmful influence alcohol does not affect the course of cardiovascular diseases. Early research seemed to show the health benefits of small amounts of alcohol. But recently, articles have appeared that say that experiments with alcohol were carried out on simple organisms (they reproduce faster), beneficial properties were observed there, but the benefits were not confirmed with laboratory rats and mice. Man is still closer to mice. Large doses of alcohol affect not so much the heart as the psyche, and this already leads to diseases.

Cosmetologist: Drinking any alcohol-containing drinks leads to vasodilation, which can cause all kinds of skin diseases. People who frequently drink alcohol develop spider veins on their faces, which are not so easy to remove. And red wine is a strong allergen.

Conclusion: There is no particular harm from unsweetened wines, but the benefits are exaggerated. You can drink a small amount of wine or a small amount of stronger drinks. Wine is appropriate for a healthy diet. But for Russians there is no middle ground, so either drink or not...

Assumption: food should not be washed down

Nutritionist: According to some Western colleagues, if you wash down food, putrefactive processes will occur in the intestines. Nothing of the kind; in humans, the pH of the stomach is constant and changes only when taking certain medications. You can wash down your lunch completely calmly. But, in order not to cause harm by accident (for example, by washing down fatty foods with a cold drink), it is better to use liquid room temperature or a little higher.

Cardiologist: Taking fluids before, during or after meals has no effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Cosmetologist: The skin is affected by the amount of water entering the body when you drink, it does not matter.

Conclusion: Drink water whenever you want. Water has no contraindications for a healthy diet. A person needs to drink about 2 liters of water per day. Contraindications: some kidney diseases, but your doctor will warn you about this.

Assumption: tomatoes are harmful

Nutritionist: another nonsense. Tomato fiber normalizes intestinal function and restores microflora. There are some contraindications for gastritis with high acidity, but heat treatment of tomatoes removes these contraindications. You should not eat raw green tomatoes.

Cardiologist: Tomatoes contain lycopene, which helps with heart disease. We cannot cure diseases, but the benefits of tomatoes are more obvious than the harm.

Cosmetologist: Lycopene, contained in large quantities in tomatoes, is an antioxidant, which means tomatoes slow down the aging process. Tomatoes contain many vitamins and microelements that promote healthy skin. The only contraindication is an allergy to tomatoes.

Conclusion: Eat tomatoes calmly, they are healthy and are included in the list of foods recommended for a healthy diet. Do you sometimes get heartburn? Cook vegetables. You should be aware of allergies.

Suggestion: Spices in large quantities help you lose weight

Nutritionist: Our body is not adapted to a large number of spices; there are not many spices in traditional cuisine. In small quantities, spices can be beneficial, for example, cinnamon is good for digestion. But large doses are harmful to the liver. And yet, natural spices are very expensive, in Russia there are a lot of artificial spices, and they, in best case scenario, not useful.

Cardiologist: Some spices improve blood circulation and are therefore beneficial. But only in small quantities!

Conclusion: spices are good if consumed in small quantities. If there are a lot of them in food, malfunctions in the enzymatic system are possible.

Assumption: soups are not needed as a nutritional element

Nutritionist: Broths are good for digestion and are recommended for patients. Rich soups should be avoided if you are overweight, but light soups will do no harm, even some benefit: liquid fills the space of the stomach and you want to eat less. There are many seasonal soups, e.g. summer period Cold soups are healthy, tasty and not very high in calories.

Cardiologist: soups are traditional Russian food. They have no more effect on weight than other foods with the same amount of calories. Vegetable soups are useful for deposits of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels and are recommended for hypertension.

Cosmetologist: Properly prepared soup without fatty additives and hot spices is good for digestion and, therefore, for the skin.

Conclusion: cook soups for health! Don’t get carried away with rich broths, otherwise there are no contraindications for a healthy diet.

Assumption: coffee is harmful

Nutritionist: Coffee can significantly suppress the feeling of hunger, so it is useful for weight loss. Coffee promotes digestion, which also helps you lose weight. But caffeine helps flush out some microelements from the body, which, of course, is not beneficial.

Cardiologist: caffeine stimulates the work of the heart muscle, which is beneficial for some heart diseases, but harmful for others. Coffee is beneficial for atherosclerosis and high blood clotting, respectively, and harmful for low blood clotting.

Cosmetologist: The leaching of useful microelements (for example, calcium) from the body has a bad effect on the skin and the condition of the teeth, which ages a woman. But coffee is an antioxidant that slows down aging. It seems that the benefits and harms are equal.

Conclusion: To drink or not to drink coffee is your choice. It's a very controversial drink, with new research findings coming out all the time, both for and against coffee.

Most best expert by product – your body, listen to it. But under no circumstances neglect your doctor’s advice.

Food is the source of energy for all functions of our body and directly affects our body and mind at every stage of our lives. There are many reasons why a healthy diet is important, including preventing disease, maintaining a healthy weight and quality of life. In our article today, you can adopt 10 healthy foods that should make up the majority of your diet. The more you use this healthy food in your diet, the more the body is more efficient will be able to increase pure muscle mass with regular training and avoid fat deposition.

What effects does this have? healthy food:

  • Building muscles
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Strengthens bones
  • Fights cancer
  • Improves immune function
  • Fights cardiovascular diseases

Entire meals and snacks can be created from this healthy food, but it is not necessary. You just need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Include two or three of these foods in each of your three main meals of the day and at least one of these foods in each of your three snacks.
  2. Combine these healthy products nutrition in such a way that with each meal you get a combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  3. Make sure you get some protein with every snack.

  • Superpower: muscle building, appetite control
  • Secret Weapon: protein, monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, folate (in peanuts), fiber, magnesium, phosphorus
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular diseases, loss muscle mass, cancer
  • Allies: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, avocado
  • Enemies: salted or smoked nuts (high sodium content leads to high blood pressure)

You've probably heard about good fats and bad fats. Some are on your side, while others are simply playing dirty tricks. Fast Food falls into the second category, but nuts are our saviors and healthy food items! They contain monounsaturated fats, which clear arteries and help you feel full. All nuts contain a lot of protein and monounsaturated fats. But almonds are the king among nuts. Eating two handfuls a day of this healthy food (about 50 grams of almonds) can suppress your appetite, especially if you put them in your stomach along with a quarter liter of water!

Lentils, peas, hummus, beans.

  • Super Strength: Builds Muscle, Helps Burn Fat, Regulates Digestion
  • Secret Weapon: fiber, folate, iron
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, high blood pressure
  • Allies: no
  • Enemies: Overcooked beans (high in saturated fat), baked beans (high in sugar)

Most of us have a very negative attitude towards legumes (especially peas) due to their laxative effect. But they have good influence to your heart. Plus, the more you add these healthy foods to your diet, the more you will be able to control your hunger. Legumes are low in fat and rich in protein, fiber and iron - nutrients that play a critical role in building muscle and losing fat. Despite all the disadvantages of the influence of legumes on the intestines, they are a healthy food and occupy one of the key steps in our current hit parade of healthy foods on.

  • Superpower: neutralizes free radicals (molecules that accelerate the aging process)
  • Secret Weapon: vitamins A, C and K, folate, beta-carotene, calcium and magnesium, fiber
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis
  • Allies: Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts), asparagus, sweet pepper
  • Enemies: no, as long as you don't fry or stew them

Vegetables are healthy food that is packed from head to toe with all the important and necessary nutrients for the body. For example, just one serving of spinach provides the body with a daily dose of vitamin A and half of vitamin C. It also contains folate, a vitamin that protects against heart disease, stroke and colon cancer. Broccoli is high in fiber and packed with more vitamins and minerals than any other food. If you are a rabid green hater, then just hide them. Puree the vegetables and add it to some sauce. The finer you chop, the less taste, and the easier it is for the body to absorb nutrients.

Skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese.

  • Super Strength: Strengthens bones, promotes weight loss
  • Secret Weapon: calcium, vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium
  • Fights against: obesity, cancer, osteoporosis, high blood pressure
  • Allies: no
  • Enemies: whole milk(lots of fat)

Dairy products are undoubtedly the healthiest food product and contain the proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids we need, as well as many vitamins and microelements. But the most important and well-known component of any dairy product- this is, of course, calcium, which strengthens our bones, teeth and nails. Recent studies found that people who consumed 1,200 to 1,300 milligrams of calcium per day were able to lose twice as much weight as those who took less calcium. This mineral prevents weight gain by increasing the breakdown of fat in the body and inhibiting its formation.

Low-fat yogurt, cheese and other dairy products can play a key role in your diet. But milk should become the main source of calcium for your body. Liquids take up a lot of space in the stomach, so the brain receives a signal that you are full. A cocktail of milk and chocolate will help kill two birds with one stone - get a dose of calcium and curb your cravings for sweets.

  • Superpower: Increases energy and sex drive, lowers cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels
  • Secret Weapon: complex carbohydrates and fiber
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, colon cancer
  • Allies: High-fiber grains
  • Enemies: Sweet grains

Oatmeal is another healthy food that you can eat for breakfast to give you the energy you need for the day ahead, or two hours before your workout to give you the strength you need to perform. For convenience you should buy oatmeal instant cooking, but unsweetened and unseasoned. To enhance the taste, use milk and all kinds of berries. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which means it attracts fluids and stays in the stomach longer than insoluble fiber (like vegetables). Soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by reacting with digestive acid (which is made from cholesterol) and removing it from the body. When this happens, the liver must remove cholesterol from the blood to reduce digestive acid and cholesterol levels.

Research has shown that oatmeal maintains blood sugar levels longer than many other foods, keeps your insulin levels stable and ensures you won't be hungry for the next few hours. This is good because the spike in insulin production slows down your metabolism and sends a signal to your body that it's time to start storing fat. Because oatmeal breaks down slowly in the stomach, it causes fewer insulin spikes than foods like bagels. Just one single oatmeal for breakfast increases metabolism by 10%. Oatmeal increases free testosterone levels in the body, increasing your body's ability to build muscle, burn fat, and increase sex drive.

  • Super Strength: Build Muscle, Burn Fat
  • Secret Weapon: protein, vitamins A and B12
  • Fights against: obesity
  • Allies: no
  • Enemies: no

For a long time, eggs were considered pure evil and not a very healthy product, and doctors recommended “throwing eggs at passing cars,” but never into your stomach. That's because just two eggs contain enough cholesterol to exceed your daily recommended value. But more and more research shows that eating one or two eggs a day will not raise your cholesterol levels. In fact, most of the cholesterol in the blood is made by the body from dietary fats, not dietary cholesterol. That's why you should take advantage of eggs and their powerful composition proteins.

  • Super Strength: Boost Testosterone, Build Muscle, Burn Fat
  • Secret Weapon: protein, monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, niacin, magnesium
  • Fights against: obesity, muscle loss, wrinkles, cardiovascular disease
  • Allies: cashew, almond and olive oil
  • Enemies: sweets and trans-fat peanut butter

Yes, peanut butter has its downsides: it's high in calories. But it contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that increase your body's production of testosterone, which in turn helps build muscle and melt fat. In one 18-month experiment, people who added peanut butter to their diet were significantly better at eliminating excess weight than those on a very low-fat diet.

Recent research from the University of Illinois found that people who consumed monounsaturated fat before meals in this case, it was olive oil) consumed 25% fewer calories during meals. Peanut butter works on exactly the same principle because it's a quick and versatile snack—and it's delicious.

This diet, which includes the healthy indulgence of peanut butter, won't leave you hungry, is easier to follow, and won't make you a victim. junk food. Just one word of caution: Due to the high fat content, you should not overeat on peanut butter. Limit yourself to 3 tablespoons per day. And don't forget to look at the label when buying peanut butter - choose only natural peanut butter, not brands containing sugar.

  • Superpower: protect the heart, improve vision, improve memory
  • Secret Weapon: antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, tannins (cranberry)
  • Fights against: cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity
  • Allies: Most other fruits, especially apples and grapefruit
  • Enemies: jam (lots of sugar)

Depending on the taste, any berries will be considered a healthy food. However, raspberries contain powerful levels of antioxidants - versatile compounds that help the body fight heart disease and cancer. Flavonoids in berries improve vision, coordination and short-term memory. One small cup of raspberries contains 6 grams of fiber and more than half your daily value of vitamin C.

Blueberries are also packed with soluble fiber, which, like oatmeal, keeps you feeling full longer. In fact, it is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can eat. Blueberries beat 39 other fruits and vegetables in antioxidant activity ratings. Strawberries contain another valuable type of fiber called pectin (as do grapefruits, peaches, apples and oranges).

  • Super Strength: Build Muscle, Improve Immune System
  • Secret Weapon: protein, iron, zinc, (beef), omega-3 fatty acids (fish), vitamins B6 (chicken and fish) and B12, phosphorus, potassium
  • Fights against: cardiovascular disease, obesity, mood disorders, memory loss
  • Allies: beef, lamb, chicken, fish
  • Enemies: sausages, bacon, pork, ham (all fatty meats)

Protein is a classic muscle-building nutrient. Is the foundation of any sound nutrition plan. Turkey is one of the leanest meats you can find. Combines almost a third daily requirement body in nicotinic acid and vitamin B6, contains a lot of zinc and iron.

Beef is another classic tool for building muscle. But it also has a downside: it contains saturated fat. To further reduce saturated fat, focus on (tuna and salmon) because it contains a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein. These fatty acids lower levels of the hormone leptin in the body. Recent research shows that leptin directly affects metabolism: the higher your leptin levels, the easier it is for your body to store calories as fat.

Researchers studying the diets of two African tribes found that leptin levels in a tribe that frequently ate fish were almost five times lower than in a tribe that ate mostly vegetables. Also, men who do not eat fish doom themselves to a 3-fold risk of developing prostate cancer than those who eat fish regularly. It's all omega-3s that prevent the development of prostate cancer.

  • Superpower: prevents the body from storing fat
  • Secret Weapon: fiber, protein, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc
  • Fights against: cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure
  • Allies: Brown rice, whole grain pasta
  • Enemies: processed baked goods ( white bread, bagels, donuts)

A person always craves carbohydrates because the body needs them. The main thing is to consume those that have been least processed - carbohydrates in which the fiber remains intact. Grains like wheat, corn, oats, barley, and rye are the seeds of cereals and are divided into three parts - the germ, bran and endosperm. The endosperm surrounds the sprout and is nutritionally hopeless. It contains starch, some protein and some vitamins. The sprout is a small part of the grain. While it is small, it has great nutritional power. The sprout contains proteins, oils and B vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine. It also contains vitamin E and the minerals magnesium, zinc, potassium and iron. The bran is the third part of the grain and the part where all the fiber is stored. This is the coating around the grain that contains B vitamins, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other beneficial minerals.

So why this whole biology lesson?

Here's why: When food manufacturers process grain, guess which two parts they get rid of? Absolutely right: bran, which contains all the fiber and minerals, and sprout, which contains all the proteins and vitamins. What remains is the nutritionally bankrupt endosperm (that is, starch) from which bagels, white bread, white rice and almost all other baked goods are made. Crazy, isn't it? But if you eat foods made from all three parts of the grain - whole grain bread, pasta, long grain rice - You get all the nutrients.

Whole grain carbohydrates play important role V healthy life.

In an 11-year study of 16,000 middle-aged people, scientists from the University of Minnesota found that eating three daily servings of whole grains could reduce a person's risk of death over a ten year period by 23%. Whole grain bread helps keep insulin levels in the body low, which prevents the body from storing fat. Carbohydrates - correct view carbohydrates are good for you.

Warning: Food manufacturers love to cheat. Sometimes, after processing and stripping the wheat of all its vitamins, fiber and minerals, they use molasses to give the bread its brown and then put it on the grocery shelf with a label that says " wheat bread". This is a trick! In reality, real nutritious bread and other unprocessed foods will have the word "whole" - whole grain or whole wheat grain. Don't be fooled!

Are you eating right?

The occurrence of any symptoms of the disease is explained by many factors. It could be bad habits, and an unhealthy lifestyle, and the consequences of the environmental situation, and, of course, junk food.

Of course, almost any disease can be cured. But to prevent her from returning, you need to reconsider your life and make changes to it. This also applies to food. What foods are healthy? For food to be as healthy as possible, it must contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, vitamins and many other microelements, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Let's tell you about some of the food products that bring maximum benefit for a person.

Let's start with bananas. They relax blood vessels, soothe cells and have an enveloping effect. Since bananas protect the walls of the digestive tract from harmful effects spicy and salty foods, they also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. And their individual components help in the functioning of the heart.

Pineapples - also healthy food. The substance bromelain included in their composition perfectly breaks down and removes excess fat cells from the body, helping in the fight against excess weight.

Grapes are considered an excellent dietary product. It increases appetite, improves metabolism in the body, normalizes blood pressure, helping with various heart diseases. It also lowers cholesterol levels and removes harmful radionuclides from the body. In addition, grapes are also an excellent tonic.

Healthy foods like pomegranate are essential for various kidney diseases. This fruit also lowers body temperature and quenches thirst.

Food can also include fish. Its frequent use reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increases brain efficiency, provides the body with calcium and phosphorus and lowers cholesterol levels.

As a healthy food, our list also includes bread. But not simple, but only coarsely ground or from rye flour. Due to the fact that it contains a high concentration of fiber, minerals and vitamins, its consumption helps lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, speed up metabolism and remove toxins and waste from the body.

Those with a sweet tooth will be interested in the properties of the following food product. We're talking about chocolate. This is, of course, not the healthiest food, but it also has properties that have a positive effect on the body. Moderate consumption of chocolate and other sweets produces the hormone endorphin in the body, which is responsible for good mood and cheerfulness. Chocolate also helps with heart and brain function.

Onions and garlic are also known to be healthy foods. The vitamins, microelements and minerals they contain improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, thyroid gland, increase immunity and lower cholesterol levels. Surprisingly, even with heat treatment, garlic and onions do not lose their beneficial qualities.

Cranberries have their place on all lists. It can normalize brain function, increase endurance, lower blood pressure, and help get rid of liver, bladder and kidney diseases. Cranberries also have bactericidal and antipyretic properties. It is recommended to drink cranberry juice if you have problems with the pancreas.

There are a number of useful products that have a positive effect on the human body. But the main thing to remember here is that healthy food is only good when it is consumed in moderation. Eat right, good health!

Almost all of us know that there are healthy and unhealthy foods, we divide all foods into bad and good, and this is true, because not all of them are useful for the human body, and there are many that are harmful and sometimes dangerous. Let's look at harmful and healthy foods in order to get not only moral satisfaction from food, but also benefits.

The most harmful food

It is very difficult to consider all existing products that are harmful to the human body, one might even say that it is impossible, but it is still worth naming the most harmful products from this series.

  1. Sauces: ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressings with a lot of unhealthy fats and huge amount calories.
  2. Food from McDonald's, which is recognized as harmful, but for some reason does not lose popularity. It is difficult to find anything healthy in such food, since it is prepared from products of dubious quality and origin.
  3. Chocolate bars: all kinds of “Snickers”, “Mars”, “Nuts” only at first glance seem tasty and healthy, in fact they are harmful, because they contain not only high-calorie foods, but also products that are full of carcinogens.
  4. Lemonade and other sweet carbonated drinks. If you do not want to have health problems, stop using them, as they are not only harmful, but also dangerous.

The healthiest food

  1. Fruits and vegetables. It will not be a revelation to anyone what vegetables and fruits will bring to the body. enormous benefit, as they are tasty and healthy food, rich in vitamins and a lot of other useful substances.
  2. Vegetable oil. Useful properties possess and vegetable oils, since they have an antioxidant effect, due to which the functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs is stabilized.
  3. Nuts. Nuts are beneficial for the human body because they are rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for normal life.
  4. Fermented milk products . This group of products is considered useful due to the content of bacteria necessary for our body,