Interesting ideas for a bath. Interior in the bath: design ideas, layout and modern design styles (21 photos)

If on the territory of a private house you want to create some kind of cozy recreation area where you can spend time with friends, then the majority chooses the classic, time-tested option - building a bath. It is here that a person can relax, feel relaxed, chat with friends. In addition, a bath is a place for hygiene procedures, an opportunity to relieve oneself of a psychological and moral burden. Rest in the bath will improve sleep, normalize blood pressure and remove toxins, which the bathroom or jacuzzi are not capable of doing.

Bath interior: design choice

When designing a bath complex, it must be remembered that it should include several rooms. In general, their number directly depends on the interior design and financial capabilities of the homeowner.

In the classic version, the bath includes three rooms, namely: a dressing room (dressing room), a shower or washing room and a steam room. In some cases, for example, a Russian bath, a steam room and a washing room are combined into a single space.

In order to increase the functionality and level of comfort, you can use other rooms, including: a swimming pool, a recreation room, a game room (a set-top box or a billiards table), a toilet, a kitchen or a smoking room. All of them are designed for convenience, have their own functional load, but only the owner of the territory and his wallet decide whether to use them.

However, despite all the options and frills, the most popular is the classic Russian bath, which combines practicality, conciseness and restraint. For interior design, it is necessary to use wooden benches and couches, a large oak table and various antique decor items. Of the modern items, only Russian billiards and a plasma TV can be used.

When decorating the interior of an “antique” bathhouse in the relaxation room, it is advisable to place items with embroidery elements, forged parts (candlesticks, etc.), as well as hand-carved wooden items. Oak or birch brooms, bunches of fragrant herbs are used for wall decor.

When decorating a bath inside with your own hands, they often use such an option as a bath-house. In this case, the building can be used as a guest house, while the rest room is equipped with a bed and converted into a bedroom. Thanks to this, guests will feel comfortable and free, and the owner of the house will not be disturbed, creating discomfort from their presence. It is best to use not a bed, but a folding sofa, as this will increase the functionality of the space.

The choice of materials for interior decoration of the bath

When choosing building materials, it is important that they meet the following requirements:

  • Resistant to high temperatures and their sudden changes.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Safety - a person should not have an allergic reaction or burns when in contact with the material.
  • Environmental safety - the absence of toxic substances.
  • Hygiene - the material should be easy to maintain and clean.
  • Long service life.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Attractive appearance.

Finishing the steam room

The best material for lining the steam room is wood, while it is better to give preference to hardwoods. The thing is that these types of wood do not heat up, you will not burn yourself about them, there is no release of resins, and when aired, the material dries quickly, due to which the formation of fungus is impossible.

Types of wood for finishing the steam room:

  • Aspen is a classic option for the northern regions of Russia, since the material has a low cost, it is difficult to split it due to its high strength, in addition, wood has bactericidal properties.
  • Linden is an externally attractive material with a stable color and low heat capacity. Due to this, the tree quickly gains temperature and is safe to touch. Linden also creates a pleasant atmosphere due to its special aroma and has a low price.
  • Abash is a material that is only becoming popular, since it is the wood of the African tropics and we still do not know enough about it. It is best to make shelves from abacha that are resistant to steam, high temperatures, since they hardly heat up.
  • Alder is an attractive externally and tactile wood material that is resistant to steam room conditions. Easy to maintain and clean, has a low cost.

It must be remembered that the tree should never be painted or varnished, as under the influence of high temperatures the coating will release harmful chemicals and odors. When finishing, nails and screws must be carefully hidden, as they heat up and can cause burns. Also, experts recommend filling the lining vertically, because the water drains much faster.

Waterproof skirting boards will help protect the joint between the walls and the floor. For finishing the floor, it is best to use larch or tile - the latter option is more preferable, as it is resistant to fungus and easy to clean. If the tile seemed cold, a wooden grate is laid on it, which is easy to remove if necessary.

Finishing the dressing room and sink

It is better not to use wood for facing the sink, preference is given to tiles, since there is constant contact with water in the shower. Tiles do not rot, are easy to care for, and for an attractive appearance, you can choose special stylish tiles with imitation of natural wood.

As for the dressing room, this is a warm and cozy place, but there are no high temperatures here, so it is allowed to use coniferous wood with a pleasant and healthy aroma.

Among the popular types of wood for finishing the dressing room are:

  • Pine is an attractive and durable material that has a long service life and is the most popular. During use, the wood may change color, becoming a little redder. Also popular is the Scandinavian pine, which has a pink hue and annual rings that create a decorative pattern on the walls.
  • Spruce is a homogeneous structure; when dried, it remains intact and does not crack. The color scheme is slightly lighter than pine.
  • Fir is a tree that, in its properties, is similar to spruce, but at the same time it practically does not emit resin.

To perform the interior decoration of the bath, you need knowledge of the properties of wood and stone, safety requirements and minimal skills in working with wood. We will talk about the materials and types of finishes recommended for use in the bath, and the skills of a joiner and carpenter will have to be acquired along the way.

Does the bath need finishing

Regardless of what kind of bath you have - Russian, Finnish sauna or Turkish hammam, a bath is high temperature and high humidity. Without finishing, without isolating the walls, floor and roof, you will be forced to heat the steam room for hours, and with it the surrounding air, throwing money literally into the wind.

Due to the difference between the outside and inside temperatures, moisture will condensate on the walls, which over time will lead to the formation of fungus, mold and rotting of wooden structures. If the building is made of masonry material (brick or blocks), a steam room without finishing threatens to burn when in contact with a red-hot wall. Only in the case when the bath is cut down from logs or folded from timber, can it be left without additional finishing if the thickness of the walls provides standard resistance to heat transfer. If this is not the case, we return to reading the first sentence of the paragraph.

If the bath is made of logs, complete interior decoration can be omitted

There are many requirements for the decoration of the bath in terms of safety:

The walls and floor of the bath are most often insulated with stone or basalt wool, but this is not the best option: mats and slabs of mineral insulation contain a small amount of bituminous binder, which evaporates under the influence of high temperature, as well as the smallest particles of fibers that cause irritation when deposited on the skin.

A safer and more economical option - foam glass insulation - avoids these disadvantages. Vapor barrier is performed with aluminum foil or foiled polyurethane foam, which belongs to the group of non-combustible materials and will serve as an additional heat insulator.

Finishing materials for a bath - how not to make a mistake

The interior decoration of different rooms in the bath performs different tasks, in accordance with them, and choose the type of finish.

Table: requirements for finishing the bath

roomPeculiaritiesType of finish
steam roomHigh temperature - fire protection of wood is required. Humidity - impregnation with antiseptic and fungicide is requiredCeramic tiles or porcelain stoneware with waterproofing, hardwood flooring, drainageHardwood cladding, stone or brick cladding at the heaterHardwood false ceiling
washingHumidity - materials are needed that allow periodic washing of surfacesCeramic tiles or porcelain stoneware with non-slip surface, drainageTiling or finishing with materials that allow wet cleaningmoisture resistant painting or false ceiling
RestroomNo requirementsWood or underfloor heating with tilesNo requirementsNo requirements

Steam room finishing

For steam room cladding, it is better to use hardwood, which does not emit resin when heated. When choosing a material for wall cladding, one must remember that a bath is not only pleasant, but also useful. Inhaling phytoncides secreted by a heated tree into the steam room, we increase the body's resistance to colds, and heal the respiratory tract.

Type of woodAdvantagesFlaws
OakSturdy wood, durable, great looksSlips when wet, high price
AshDurable wood with a beautiful pattern, resistant to rotHigh price
BirchLight pleasant aromaIt is susceptible to decay, does not hold its shape well at high temperatures
LindenIt has a pleasant color when heated, exudes a delicate aroma, is resistant to rot and high temperatures, is affordableNot
AspenLow price, light pleasant aromaSubject to rotting, over time changes color to dirty gray
AlderBeautiful appearance, reasonable price, odorless, does not absorb odors, durableNot

If you are interested in a budget option for finishing - choose alder, if there are no cost restrictions, then the best option is ash.

Bath, trimmed with ash clapboard, will look prestigious and expensive

For lovers of coniferous smells, a combined finish can be offered: where contact with the skin is possible, we make hardwood finishes, and, for example, we sheathe the space under the shelves with cedar, larch or pine.

For lining the wall section near the heater, it is necessary to choose a material with high heat capacity and thermal conductivity, which ensures maximum accumulation and uniform heat transfer. The structure of the stone must be homogeneous so that it does not explode when water enters. Stones are selected round or oval in shape with a smooth surface for free air circulation, the optimal size is from 5 to 21 cm. Another requirement is environmental safety: when heated, they should not emit harmful substances.

Table: properties of stones for a bath

Gabbro - diabaseGabbro - diabase is the most affordable and popular option. The stone is dark gray, almost black in color with low water absorption, excellent heat capacity and very durable. Unfortunately, with strong heating, it emits an unpleasant odor, and when essential oil enters, it forms carbon deposits on the surface.
SoapstoneTalcochlorite is durable, strong, has excellent heat capacity, it comes in colors from light gray to cherry. In order to exclude dusting, the stones are washed and calcined before the first use. It has a pleasant, light steam with a healing effect: it reduces pressure, heals the respiratory system and skin. Negative characteristic - high price.
BasaltBasalt is the hardest stone of all volcanic rocks. It has only positive characteristics - it is strong, durable, has a large heat capacity, tolerates temperature changes perfectly, and does not emit harmful substances. I am pleased with the availability even the price.
JadeJadeite is a semi-precious stone, so do not be surprised at the high price of this mineral. The color from white through emerald green to black makes it attractive in appearance, and its medicinal properties were appreciated in ancient China. An excellent choice for people who care about their health.
Crimson quartziteRaspberry quartzite, just like jadeite, is attractive in appearance with its bright color and has excellent operational qualities - hardness, durability, heat resistance, low water absorption and environmental safety. It perfectly tolerates high temperatures, you can pour water on it without fear of an “explosion”. When buying, you should avoid split stones, as they will continue to crumble.
white quartzWhite quartz is not very durable and does not tolerate high temperatures, but due to its spectacular appearance it is one of the most expensive stones: this translucent mineral consists of silicon and oxygen molecules, and when heated, it releases ozone, which makes the steam room with it especially useful.

The ceiling in the steam room above the heater, as well as the wall behind it and the floor around it, requires protection with fireproof material. Above the heater, you can make a section of a suspended ceiling from a soapstone slab. Soapstone is a versatile material for heater stones, floor and ceiling wall cladding. A more budget option is a metal sheet above the stove, the foundation and wall cladding of solid, well-fired bricks.

Soapstone can be used not only as a material for stones, but also as a wall and ceiling decoration behind the heater

The floor in the steam room is made of concrete or ceramic tiles, with waterproofing and a drain for draining water. Hardwood flooring is laid on top.

Finishing materials for washing

A washing room with open shower screens requires the installation of channels, drains and a moisture-resistant finish: facing with ceramic tiles or other durable and moisture-resistant material that can withstand elevated temperatures.

If it is planned to install individual shower cabins, such a finish is not required, you can sheathe the walls with clapboard, paint them or plaster them with moisture-resistant decorative plaster.

In order for water not to affect the frame of the sink, it is tiled

It is desirable to perform floors with heating. The tile should be with a rough surface, excluding slippage. It is undesirable to make an oak floor in wet rooms, as it is very slippery when wet. A coating of coniferous wood is welcome, especially larch, as the most resistant to decay.

The area of ​​the floor near the font, where significant spills of water are possible, is best made of ceramic tiles with a ladder.

The ceiling of the washing room will have to be washed periodically, respectively, the material must withstand the treatment with detergents: larch lining, metal slatted or cassette suspended ceilings.


The rest room has no restrictions on decoration, with the exception of a warm floor - it is always pleasant to walk barefoot on a warm tree. The rest of the interior design depends on the taste and requirements of the owner of the bath.

Photo gallery: options for finishing the premises of the bath

In this steam room, the firewood rack serves as an interesting element of the interior. Soft diffused light and heat from a brick Russian stove will create an unforgettable experience of visiting the bath Protective rail lampshades protect lamps from mechanical influences and create directional light streams It is very comfortable to take bath procedures in a small steam room The interior of the steam room is very decorated with a combined layout of lining made of different types of wood. A steam room for a large company should be heated by a high-powered heater

Do-it-yourself bath decoration

In order to be beautiful in the bath, you need to choose reliable and high-quality finishing materials and mount them in accordance with the specifics of the premises described in the previous sections.

Choice of finishing materials

The choice that takes into account the size of the building, personal taste and financial component will be optimal for each owner of the bath. In order not to make a mistake when buying material, you must first:

Calculation of the area of ​​premises

To determine the need for materials, it is necessary to know the surface area to be finished. All calculations are done in meters.

For the floor and ceiling, multiply the length of the room by its width. To get the area of ​​the walls, we calculate the perimeter of the room: add the length and width and multiply by two. The product is multiplied by the height of the ceilings. From the result we subtract the area of ​​​​doors and windows, if any.

In rooms with complex combined finishes, the area of ​​​​each section is calculated separately.

How to buy quality materials and prepare them for installation

When choosing a material, it is necessary to pay attention first of all to the quality of the goods.

Calculation of the need for materials

  1. Find the area of ​​one board. So, with a standard length of 6 m and a thickness of 90 mm, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe board will be equal to 6 ∙ 0.09 \u003d 0.54 m 2.
  2. Calculate the surface area to be treated. Suppose that it is necessary to upholster the walls of a room measuring 3 x 6 m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The surface area is: (3 + 6) ∙ 2 ∙ 2.5 \u003d 45 m 2.
  3. Calculate the number of boards. To do this, we divide the surface area by the area of ​​​​one board: 45 / 0.54 \u003d 83.3 boards.

For example, here is the specification of the material for finishing the steam room:

In the same way, the need for wood is calculated for the remaining rooms.

To calculate paintwork materials, the surface area should be multiplied by the paint consumption, which is usually given on the package in liters per square meter. The product will show how many liters of paint you need to buy.

All goods must be bought with a margin of 10%, taking into account the tolerance for waste and defects in work.

Required Tools

To finish the bath with your own hands you will need:

  1. Perforator.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Building level.
  4. A hammer.
  5. Furniture stapler.
  6. Plane.
  7. Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  8. Self-tapping screws, nails or clamps.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing the bath

Work is performed after laying electrical wiring and ventilation ducts, starting from the floor. The floor of the steam room is raised 10-15 cm above the level of adjacent rooms. After the clean floor is laid, proceed to the decoration of the walls. The ceiling is completed last.

  1. Making a frame for insulation. The frame is assembled from a 100x40 mm timber impregnated with a flame retardant and fungicide. The beam is fastened with screws or dowels to the wall at intervals equal to the width of the insulation plate minus 5 mm.

    A frame made of wooden beams is mounted on the walls and ceiling

  2. Heater installation. Between the bars of the frame, plates or mats of insulation are laid on heat-resistant glue with additional fastening with dowels, 5-6 pieces each. per 1 m 2.
  3. Installation of heat-reflecting material. Aluminum foil or foil fire-resistant film, for example, foil foam, is fixed with staples using a construction stapler to the thermal insulation layer.

    On the heat-reflecting layer, a counter-lattice is mounted under the finish coating

  4. Wall cladding. The lining is attached to the frame in accordance with the selected layout. Nails are hammered into the grooves so that they are not visible on the finish. Nail the plinth.

    For finishing the premises in the bath, you can choose different types of wood with different shades of color.

    Installation of the false ceiling frame. To the floor logs or to the walls of a 100x50 bar with a vertical orientation, a frame of a false ceiling is attached. The distance between the bars should correspond to the width of the insulation board minus 5 mm for the spacer.

    The ceiling installation is started after the wall cladding

    Installation of heat-reflecting material. Foil or foil material is fixed in the same way as on the walls.

    Clapboard ceiling lining. It is carried out similarly to wall upholstery. The section of the ceiling above the stove is protected by non-combustible material: stainless steel sheet or plate material. Attached ceiling plinth.

    A foil vapor barrier is attached to the insulation, and then a lining is nailed to the finished crate

Video: interior decoration of the steam room

Having got acquainted with the requirements for the premises of the bath and having studied the information on the correct execution of the finish, you have received the necessary theoretical knowledge. The work does not require special professional skills and is within the power of any homeowner.

Have you tried and built a beautiful hut-steam room? Now we need to finish the bath from the inside, which requires no less attention than outdoor work. High humidity and high temperatures put forward special requirements for materials, because not all of them are able to withstand difficult operating conditions. It depends on the choice of sheathing how long the structure will last, how comfortable the procedures will be. Different rooms in the bath require their own approach to finishing, but the most difficult is the finishing of the steam room in the bath.

The design of the steam room in the bath Source

What material is suitable for a steam room

For interior work, there are a lot of finishing materials. To make it easier for you to choose what kind of decoration of the steam room will be done in the bath, each designer has photos and pictures of ready-made solutions. It is worth recalling that even if you yourself made a choice, it is better to coordinate it with a specialist, because not all materials are suitable for installation inside the hottest room.

Given the specific operating conditions, the corresponding requirements are imposed on the finish:

    moisture resistance;

    heat resistance;



    environmental friendliness.

Important! For the interior decoration of the bath, you should choose natural materials.

Plastic deforms when the temperature rises, begins to emit an unpleasant odor, and ordinary tiles crack after heating. Therefore, the use of such a finish is unacceptable in the steam room.

The best option is wood. The structure of the finish depends on financial capabilities. For example, lining is cheaper than timber, it is chosen if it is necessary to meet a certain budget. Basically, the owners of baths prefer hardwood. Below is an example of what the interior of a bathhouse might look like, a photo of the classic version.

High-quality wood for the interior decoration of the bath Source

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to sheathe the inside of the paired wood of coniferous species, since when the temperature rises, it releases resin. But this statement is debatable, because the resin has a beneficial effect on health, cleanses the respiratory tract, and strengthens the heart.

Whether or not to sheathe the interior with coniferous wood, it's up to you - maybe someone from the house has an unpleasant smell of needles, or vice versa ...

If lining was nevertheless chosen for lining the bath, then it must be of high quality. Particular attention must be paid to the external processing of the material - there should be no chips, knots, cracks on its surface. Lining should not deform: swell when heated or shrink at normal temperature.

If for some reason wood does not suit you as a material for interior decoration of a steam room, you can give preference to heat-resistant tiles, they have proven themselves well with significant temperature changes.

Video description

How the ceiling is insulated and the walls are finished in the bath is shown in the video:

Ceiling protection

Before finishing, the ceiling should be protected from hot steam. To do this, use aluminum foil or a building membrane.

Important! Do not use foil with glued mineral wool or foamed polypropylene. When heated, these materials release toxic substances.

Protecting the ceiling in the bath with aluminum foil Source

The use of lining - rational or not

Definitely yes! Lining made of linden, aspen, cedar, abasha has become popular due to its properties. It tolerates temperature changes, high humidity, is aesthetic, does not absorb moisture. The lining of the lining has a low thermal conductivity - it does not heat up, but transfers heat into the air.

The lining for the bath is not varnished, antiseptic, paint, it is used in its natural form.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer bath construction services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Preparing the walls for decoration

Starting to finish the walls, they solve the issue of insulation and waterproofing. Without such measures, the bath will not last long, and healing procedures will be reduced to simple hygiene. For insulation, the walls are covered with mineral or basalt wool. The second is more resistant to high temperatures, so it lasts longer.

Wall insulation in the steam room with mineral wool Source

Masters consider cork to be the best thermal insulator for walls in a bath. This agglomerate does not burn, does not rot, is resistant to fungi and mold.

Crate - to do or not to do

Masters prefer to install the crate and attach the interior trim to it. The popular base size is 50x50, less often they make 70x70. The step is not a standard and varies depending on the size of the blocks being reinforced.

The crate is made of wood, less often of metal. Given the operating conditions, the metal must be treated with moisture-resistant compounds. Lining or logs are fixed with screws, nails. They must be copper or brass. The installation of the base is done perpendicular to the skin.

Lathing of walls in the steam room for lining source

Stages of lining

    Perimeter wall and ceiling fix the beam. Fasteners should be every 80–100 cm.

    Cut pieces of insulating wool placed between the tree without ramming.

    Above cover with a waterproofing. The joints are sealed with aluminum tape, paying special attention to the corners.

    Equip ventilation. To do this, fill the remote rail. It will provide a small gap (2–3 cm) through which air will be vented.

    Do separate upholstery doors and windows.

    Fasten the lining. You need to start from the corner, fixing each part vertically. This position will ensure free flow of water. If a horizontal arrangement of blocks is planned, make sure that the spikes are at the top. This will protect the lock from moisture.

    Lining, located in the corners or near the walls, cut to desired size. It is especially important to cut the corner block correctly. It is necessary to accurately calculate the angle of inclination so that the neighboring block is correctly fixed.

Furnace insulation with metal sheet Source

    metal- stainless steel or profile iron is mounted on the wall behind the stove;

    Red brick- laid between the wall and the fire;

    tiles resistant to high temperature (kaolin);

    minerite– a heat-resistant board made of cement and special components.

Video description

Step-by-step installation of lining in the steam room, see the video:

We make the floor in the steam room

Not only comfort, but also safety depends on the choice of raw materials for the floor. Moisture on smooth tiles or linoleum can lead to falls and injury. Installation of such materials will turn the floor into a skating rink. In addition, linoleum, when heated, emits an unpleasant odor containing substances harmful to health.

The optimal choice of floor for the steam room is wood. It does not require special coating, moreover, with such a design, the room will be designed in the same style. It is worth noting that the wooden floor in the bath is not made of oak. This wood becomes stronger when wet, but at the same time its surface begins to slide.

Good for concrete. A floor made of such material will be strong and durable. Tiles are laid on top of it, but the surface structure of such a coating is important. It should not be glossy, a pronounced relief is needed. The floor is laid at a slight slope to the water drain.

Laying tiles on the floor in the bath source

Laying tiles is carried out from the corner, placing crosses between the blocks, tapping with a mounting hammer. After 2-3 days, the seams between the tiles are overwritten. Wooden gratings are placed on top, which allow you not to step on the cold floor and provide additional safety in case of possible slipping.

And now the shelves

A very important point is the shelves in the bath. Since constant tactile contact is assumed with them, increased requirements are put forward for these elements:

    they should not get very hot;

    better if cool down slowly;

    must be environmentally friendly;

    don't slip and not be very rough;

    not have external damage;

    easy to wash.

Again, a tree is most well suited for this purpose. Thoroughly cleaned, without knots and notches, it has served people in the bath and steam room for centuries. Shelves should not have sharp corners that can cause injury. They are not made solid, leaving a small distance between the wooden boards.

We equip the dressing room

The main function of the dressing room is to keep warm. The temperature in the room is not high, so it is good to use coniferous trees to decorate the walls in a traditional style.

Design of the dressing room and rest room "under the tree" Source

The interior decoration of the bath from a log creates an atmosphere of antiquity, ancient fairy tales. A light aroma created by pine, fir, spruce is appropriate here. The wood of these species resists fungus and mold well. It does not crack after drying, durable. When heated, fir almost does not emit resin.

If hardwoods are preferred, experts advise decorating the room with birch. The lining can be laid out not only in even rows, but also in a pattern. It is important that the walls in the room are covered with one type of wood.

Bathroom and washroom

These rooms do not have very high temperatures, although the humidity is as high as in a steam room. The choice of finishes in the bathroom and washing room is more extensive. Fans of bath procedures recommend using natural raw materials for such rooms - wood or stone. Among the wood, pine is the leader - this is an affordable material, however, it darkens with prolonged use.

Washroom design example Source

Plastic is acceptable, as there is no high temperature, and it tolerates moist air well. For the shower, you can use ordinary tiles.

What is better to use for decorating a rest room

The rest room should be beautiful and cozy, so the design of the room comes out on top. It is not necessary to install heat and moisture resistant materials here. The relaxation area should be:

    easy care;


    environmentally friendlym;



Video description

For interesting ideas for interior decoration of the bath, see the video:

Finishing the rest room in the bath, in addition to traditional wood, can be done:


    porcelain stoneware;

    natural stone;

    decorative plaster.

Important! The tree is not mounted immediately after delivery to the construction site. It is brought into the room and allowed to stand for a couple of days, so that it "gets used" in the bath. After such a procedure, the tree does not undergo deformation when heated and high humidity.


Finishing the bath from the inside requires effort and imagination. But, if you do everything right and entrust this work to professionals, the bath will last a long time to restore strength and health. It remains for you to choose what will be the finish of the bath inside: a photo of the steam rooms will help you find the best option for style and materials.

When building a bath, it is important how the owner finishes the premises from the inside, since a high-quality and original interior plays an important role in shaping a positive impact on visitors. The article will discuss how to create a comfortable, original and safe bath interior with your own hands.

Basic requirements for the design of bath rooms

Sometimes people believe that design is not a determining factor in the arrangement of the bath. In fact, it is necessary to have a certain set of skills and knowledge in order to create a really high-quality design and comfortable equipment in all bath rooms. It is necessary to take into account various nuances so that each room performs its corresponding functions.

When creating a bath design, it is important to think over the nuances of placing the main finishing materials, appliances and accessories. The finishing itself is a classic combination of everything that is necessary for receiving procedures and rest at the end of this process. In the rest room, for example, there will be wood paneling, the floor will be covered with the skin of a bear, and there will be a samovar on the table, but a TV or an acoustic system will be installed in the corner.

Only with a balanced set of elements can you get real pleasure when visiting a bath. It will not be possible to relax in a room stuffed with electronics, because there is no soul in it, and in a bathhouse without access to the benefits of civilization, a modern person will soon become bored.

However, the following components are included in the standard bath interior set:

  1. The cladding of the premises is made with the help of lining, moreover, usually from plain wood. Colorful walls will not look good, causing some visual irritation. Photographers, for example, will confirm that a simple wood grain looks an order of magnitude more attractive as a background than various newfangled styles that stand out for their brightness and multicolor.
  2. The ceiling covering is also worth choosing, focusing on soft, pleasing to the eye shades. Only in this case, the relaxing effect of the bath will be complete.
  3. When finishing, it is important to avoid the appearance of sharp corners and various protruding elements in order to increase the working space in the room and increase the safety of being in it. In addition to dangerous areas in the bath, there are other factors that can have a negative impact on visitors: excessive temperature and high humidity, as well as slippery floors.
  4. When creating a design inside the bath, it is not customary to use a large amount of artificial materials. It is worth refusing to use plastic, since this material not only melts under the influence of high temperatures, but also releases toxic substances that are unsafe for the human body (in more detail: ""). Also, the above negative manifestations lead to the formation of a persistent specific odor.
  5. The classic interior of the bath suggests the presence of various accessories: herbal whisks, hats, various aromatic oils and infusions. It is necessary to place everything indicated in such a way that it can be easily reached even during the reception of procedures. The same applies to bath accessories: washcloth, shampoo, soap, etc.

Lighting fixtures in the baths

An equally important component in finishing is a high-quality lighting system, which must meet a number of mandatory conditions. It is best, when decorating a bath, to install lamps with soft yellow light, which will create light illumination without a negative irritating effect on the visual apparatus. Usually, special fog lamps of muted shades are installed on top of the lamps.

Technical requirements for lamps:

  • resistance to moisture and high temperatures;
  • intended for use in certain microclimate conditions;
  • power not more than 75 watts (for incandescent lamps).

The owner is not limited in where to install the fixtures, but it is best to mount them on the walls, since the maximum amount of hot air accumulates under the ceiling.

Thus, the slightest defect on the surface of the lampshade, or a discrepancy between the parameters of the lamp, can lead to their deformation and violation of fire safety rules.

Criteria for the purchase of finishing materials

Wood is the main building material that is ideal for designing a steam room in a bath.

The reason for this popularity is due to the positive qualities of the material:

  • ecological cleanliness and complete safety for the organisms of visitors;
  • reduced thermal conductivity;
  • accumulation and uniform distribution of thermal energy;
  • the effect of "breathing" material, which frees the builder from creating an additional ventilation system;
  • the release of substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body;
  • plasticity and ease of processing;
  • aesthetic appearance of the cladding.

Pine is one of the most popular types of wood for bathroom decoration. The disadvantage of the material lies in the high resin content, which will not fit into the design of the steam room, and even create a danger to visitors.

The positive qualities of this coniferous tree:

  • pleasant smell;
  • the release of substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body;
  • low cost.

Rooms with a low level of humidity can be sheathed with linden wood, which has a very beautiful texture, release of nutrients and a great aroma.

Larch materials are distinguished by increased strength, long service life and the fact that wood gains its optimal parameters precisely in operation: under load and constant temperature changes. But the prices for these materials are higher than for pine.

How to process a steam room in a bath

According to the standard, the steam room is the defining room in the bath. It is very important to create an original interior of the steam room, because bath visitors spend most of their time in this room.

Everything should be not only beautiful, but also convenient, so that the procedures bring maximum pleasure. Basically, the steam room is trimmed with clapboard. The nuances of finishing will be discussed in the corresponding paragraph of the article.

Sauna oven equipment

For all its importance, the steam room is equipped with a minimum number of functional elements. The basis of the work of the entire room is the stove-heater. There are many varieties of such furnaces, but the most popular is the simplest masonry made of heat-treated bricks, which are resistant to direct fire and high temperatures.

The rectangular design is considered standard, which fits perfectly into the interior of the Russian bath and heats the steam room with high quality with other rooms. By itself, a brick stove looks original, but if you add it with inserts made of natural stones or refractory glass, you can get a real "miracle of architectural thought."

The stove is located in the farthest corner from the visitors of the steam room, but access to it should remain free.

What should be the shelves in the bath

Developing the interior design of the bath, you can not forget about the shelves in the steam room. The best option is corner seating, which will significantly increase the free space for visitors. Again, it is worth recalling that the room should be free of any sharp corners and protruding surfaces.

Given that the upper shelves are mainly used for procedures using brooms, the distance from them to the ceiling must be correctly selected so that nothing hinders movement. According to the standard, this value is 1.5 meters, and a gap of 1 meter is set between the shelves.

Doorways in the bath

Doors are another component that determines the interior design of the bath in conjunction with other elements. Usually, homogeneous wooden canvases are used in the construction of baths, but on the modern construction market you can purchase more aesthetic ones made of refractory glass. The advantage of the glass version is that a transparent door is more convenient and safer.

If an emergency occurs in the steam room, then help can be provided by those who are outside or, conversely, the visitor will have a chance of salvation if he breaks the door. The peculiarity of refractory glass is that glass fragments will not be sharp. Again, for safety reasons, the door should open outward, and the free space in this case will increase.

Lounge - maximum relaxation and comfort

The tile is considered the best option because:

  • the finishing of the bath will be complemented by the original ceramic pattern;
  • it is very easy to care for the tiles;
  • the material is resistant to mechanical stress, as well as temperature and humidity changes.

In the rest room you need to install a spacious table with chairs or a comfortable sofa. A prerequisite is the use of wooden furniture, since any textile is deformed under the influence of moisture.

On the wall in the rest room there should be a shelf for aromatic oils, items needed for tea drinking, as well as for various items that will brighten up the leisure time of visitors. The windows of the rest room are covered with cotton or bamboo curtains, which are environmentally friendly and safe for the human body.

Of the modern equipment in the bath, acoustic systems, television and computer equipment, etc. are installed. A more traditional option is a fireplace, which will perform two functions at once: heating and decorating the room. Also, inside the interior of a large-area bath, the installation of a billiard table, a massage bench, etc. is not excluded.

Lining installation algorithm

It has been repeatedly mentioned above that lining is the main material for wall decoration in a bath. Consider the algorithm for its installation in more detail. It all starts with the initial leveling of the draft wall, surface treatment with special antiseptic agents and laying communications. For further actions, it is necessary to purchase in advance in addition to lining: fasteners, insulation, metal hangers.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. The material is acclimatized for 1-2 days in the conditions of the room where the installation will be carried out.
  2. A crate is mounted from a bar, previously cut into pieces of 0.5 and 1 meter.
  3. Hangers are mounted on the walls. The interval between adjacent elements in a row should be 30 centimeters, and between rows - 40 centimeters.
  4. Chopped beams are mounted on the prepared suspensions. After the installation of each row, its horizontalness is checked using the building level.
  5. A heater is laid in the voids of the frame and covered with a vapor barrier material.
  6. Then the lining is cut, taking into account the measurements that were made during the purchase of the material.
  7. Laying begins from one of the corners of the room. The elements are fixed with the help of clamps driven into the groove of the board.
  8. The next strips are carefully inserted with a spike into the grooves of the previous strips and knocked out with a rubberized hammer.
  9. Upon completion of laying, it is necessary to process the lining with a special protective compound based on wax and oil.


The article describes in detail the nuances of finishing the interior of the bath. If you follow all the tips, then you will end up with a high-quality bath (sauna), in which the procedures will bring maximum health benefits, and the pastime will turn into unforgettable hours of pleasure.

Also, all work can be entrusted to specialists who will take responsibility for all stages of work - from the purchase of material (taking into account the wishes of the customer) to installation and putting the bath into operation.

The quality of the interior decoration in the bath is not only in the attractive design and pleasant aroma, but also in the practicality of the building itself. In a Russian bath, the temperature of humid air sometimes reaches +120 degrees, so the right lining of the steam room can not only protect the walls from the aggressive effects of steam, but also protect a person from burns and allergic reactions.


Many home craftsmen are sure that all the work on finishing the steam room from the inside comes down exclusively to the stylish design of the walls, floor and ceiling. This is a common misconception; in practice, the organization of many other processes is required: hydro and vapor barriers, insulation of floors, engineering communications, treatment of coatings with antiseptics, fungicides, antiprenes, and much more.

The temperature in a traditional Russian bath, as a rule, is from +80 to +120 degrees, and the humidity level is over 30%. Such operating conditions are considered extreme for any finishing materials. That is why only the strongest and most environmentally friendly materials are used for the internal arrangement of such premises, which do not emit toxic substances and do not spread any unpleasant odors.

Only such raw materials are suitable for finishing, which heats up to a maximum of + 50-60 degrees, only ceramics and wood meet this requirement. The place near the firebox, as well as the stove itself, as well as places that can come into contact with human skin, are lined only with natural materials with a low level of resinousness. Therefore, coniferous woods are only suitable for finishing auxiliary premises.. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a burn and the development of a spasm of the respiratory tract, which leads to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Wood without fail must be treated with fungicides, as well as solutions that increase its hygroscopicity - this is necessary to protect the coating from the damaging effects of moisture and prevent the appearance of mold and fungus.


Many are wondering what material is better to finish the premises inside the bath. The most widely used lining is a small panel used for facing vertical surfaces. It is made from different types of wood. The main advantages of lining are as follows:

  • prevents the formation of condensate;
  • is a "breathable" material that does not interfere with air circulation;
  • has an aesthetic decorative appearance;
  • easy to install;
  • has a relatively low price.

For interior decoration of the bath, finishing with an unedged board is allowed.

  • African oak (abachi). It is notable for its lightness, but at the same time its strength and increased strength, it is light in weight, does not emit resins and practically does not contain knots. Finishing materials from abacha do not burn the skin. However, this is a very expensive material, so not everyone can afford such a lining.
  • Cedar. In decoration, Ussuri and Altai rocks are most often used. They are resistant to high temperatures and excessive moisture, and are also an environment in which fungi do not multiply and mold does not appear. At the same time, the wood has an aesthetic appearance and exudes a pleasant aroma.

Cedar is widely used in medicine, where it is famous for its healing properties due to its calming and anti-inflammatory effects on the human body.

  • Linden. Baths are often lined with linden croaker. Its advantages include high strength and strength with a relatively light weight. The tree of this variety tolerates temperature fluctuations and frequent exposure to moisture, has an interesting texture and releases a healing aroma that has a healing effect on people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Alder. This is the optimal material for the interior decoration of the bath, it is pleasant to the skin, and in addition, when heated, it changes color a little, and after cooling it returns to its original color. This interesting effect creates additional aesthetic pleasure and improves comfort when taking bath procedures. From a practical point of view, it is worth noting that alder does not emit resins and contains very few knots.

  • Larch. This tree belongs to pine, it is distinguished by its strength and pleasant texture. When heated, it releases a pleasant aroma, as well as phytoncides that are beneficial to health and the microclimate. Larch can serve quite a long time.

  • Aspen. This material has a low cost, therefore it belongs to the most budget options. The advantages include zero resinity and ease of processing, however, this coating is prone to a variety of fungal diseases.
  • Birch. It has a uniform, strong structure and an attractive appearance, but at elevated temperatures it can be slightly deformed. To prevent this from happening, when buying, you should give preference to carefully dried materials.
  • Ash. This is a very beautiful type of wood, with which you can achieve a stylish decorative effect.

Such breeds as meranti, cedrella and ofram are very good for finishing baths - these are expensive types of wood. Their main difference is that even when exposed to high temperatures, they maintain a temperature equal to the temperature of the human body. Therefore, they are very convenient to use. However, their cost is quite high.

Not all wood is good for interior cladding baths. For example, pine and spruce can only be used to finish the shower room and recreation area. Making them in the steam room is not allowed, since the material emits resins at elevated temperatures, which, upon contact with the skin, can burn it.

Wood is used not only for walls, but also for floors. However, ceramic tiles can also be used to finish the latter, and the place where the firebox is equipped is lined with bricks. Perlite is used directly under the floor covering - this is sand, which has good thermal insulation properties. This material is very light, so it is optimal for use in enclosed spaces where there is no wind, otherwise it will swell.

The materials that are taken for lining the steam room should not contain any knots, protruding metal parts should not be mounted - all handles and holders are made only of wood. Even the shelves are made without the use of nails, since any metal object heats up very much at high temperatures and can cause burns. Some consumers finish baths with clay, brickwork, salt tiles, bast and stone.

You should separately dwell on materials that cannot be used in the decoration of the bath, especially around the stove. Fiberboard and chipboard are flammable products, which also absorb moisture well. The only place where their use is permissible is the locker room.

Regardless of the material used, it is impossible to cover them with varnishes and enamels, as well as stains and other organic compounds. Under the influence of high temperatures, they begin to release harmful substances that can lead to general intoxication of the body.

Step by step finishing instructions

The interior decoration of the bath includes several technological processes, each of which helps to protect the structure from the aggressive effects of hot steam and creates a favorable microclimate in the sauna. At the same time, absolutely all the work can be done by hand without the involvement of specialists.

To begin with, the premises must be insulated and a vapor barrier installed in them. For this, basalt wool is widely used, which has good thermal insulation, and foil that prevents the accumulation of condensate. The sequence of actions and stages of work are standard.

Ceiling insulation

You can start work with finishing the ceiling. At the first stage of the internal arrangement of the bath, its thermal insulation is carried out. To do this, a foil film is fixed on it with the reflective side down, while the coating is overlapped, and the joints are insulated with aluminum tape. The crate is mounted from wooden bars, for fixing which screws are used. It serves as a frame for the finishing lining of the steam room.

By the way, do not forget to protect the floors from the attic. Before filling up a layer of insulation there, it is worth taking care of laying a plastic film that will not let dust and debris into the bath room.

Wall insulation

The principle of wall insulation in the bath is the same as that of the ceiling. The only difference is that before insulating the walls, it is necessary to carefully cover up all kinds of cracks and joints, only after that you can proceed directly to laying. Thermal insulation material is mounted from the bottom up, perpendicular to the floor in three layers.

The first layer is waterproofing, which is applied so that condensate does not settle on the walls. The second is directly a heater that helps maintain the required temperature regime. Vapor barrier is needed to effectively protect the heat-insulating material from moisture.

Floor insulation

The most practical and durable floor is considered to be made of concrete. However, such a coating is rather cold, which leads to discomfort in the steam room. That is why most consumers prefer wood for finishing the floor in the bath. To begin with, a foundation is being built on which beams and logs are laid. The voids formed between them are filled with insulation, as a rule, a layer of sand or expanded clay is applied for this. Some are insulated with sawdust, but this material will not last long in conditions of high humidity.

Then, a vapor barrier and a “first floor” are traditionally applied, a heater is laid on top, a layer of waterproofing, and only then the base “finish” floor. The first floor is a coating made of concrete and crushed stone, it is applied with a layer of 10–15 cm. Roofing material is used to ensure effective waterproofing, and mineral wool or expanded clay should be preferred as a heater. The finishing floor is equipped with lining so that it lasts for a long time, it is treated with special antiseptic solutions.

The guide to finishing the bath has its own nuances. As already mentioned, lining is considered the best option for lining the steam room and washing rooms; it looks stylish and aesthetically pleasing in any interior. You can make it yourself, however, the modern market offers a wide selection of products from any wood, so everyone can choose a ready-made coating to their taste and budget. The main advantage of lining is ease of installation. To fix it on the wall, it is enough to use simple nails without caps or kleimers.

The floor, ceiling and walls are finished in the same style. If the walls are lined with clapboard, then it is better to mount the ceiling from the same material. They fix it with a small gap, which avoids deformation in case of swelling of the coating.

Such a gap protects against the need to rework the entire coverage area. He allows the lining to move if the situation requires it.

As for the floor, it can be made of wood or ceramic tiles. Wood floors can be leaking or non-leaking. In the first case, the boards are mounted on logs with a gap, which, as a rule, is 5–20 mm. Boards of non-leaking coating are stacked tightly to each other, so grooved material should be taken for them.

If the choice is on clay tiles, then keep in mind that after a steam room, stepping on such a coating is not very comfortable. In addition, it is easy to slip on it. That is why, on top of the tiles, experts recommend laying wood flooring, made in the form of a narrow crate, or using cork. The tiles are laid on a pre-leveled surface on a special glue, and all seams are treated with a sealant or grout of a suitable color.

Separately, I would like to pay attention to the processing of lining and other materials that are used for interior decoration of baths. In order for the sheathing to serve for many years, not to lose its aesthetic appearance, not to crack or become covered with fungus, it is treated with special antiseptic compounds. The tree has a loose structure in which microbes like to “settle down”. If you neglect the processing, then rather fungi and mold will simply populate all the wood and destroy it.

There are certain requirements for impregnations: they must protect the raw material, however, they must not prevent it from “breathing”. In addition, the material must be made from environmentally friendly components that do not emit toxic substances at elevated temperatures. In addition, the impregnations that cover the shelves, benches and tables must withstand regular wet cleaning.

Shelves are additionally treated with solutions with deep absorption. They are available in the form of gels, solutions and sprays.

Room design options

The design concept of the interior design of the bath can embody the ideas of a wide variety of styles. The most common is Russian classical. This is ideal for decorating a wood-burning sauna. Its main advantage lies in the fact that such decor does not require large expenditures and can be easily equipped with your own hands.

The main components in this case are wooden walls, a plank floor, laconic benches and, of course, a large wooden hospitable table. Such an interior is complemented by a Russian embroidered tablecloth and all sorts of trifles in the Russian folk style (wooden utensils, brooms on the walls and other elements). In such a bathhouse you will always feel cozy and comfortable.

Country style is very close to Russian design. This is also a model of a "village" bath, but with national motifs from other countries. Light wood-burning furniture, usually artfully aged, tableware depicting rural landscapes and bright textiles are the main features of country-style design that any bath owner can do.

Oriental lovers can be recommended to bring the features of a hamam into their Russian steam room. From the point of view of decor, the main feature of the Turkish bath is considered to be a mosaic, which is used in this country for facing all rooms or a room with a pool, because it is there that such a design will come in handy. In addition, the relaxation room can be converted into a hookah room, place a low table and scatter pillows in bright colors.

The Scandinavian style, fashionable nowadays, has also reached the baths. This is not surprising, because the main feature of this trend is simplicity and natural chic. Deliberate rudeness is combined with a classic design, and all decor elements are simple and functional. In the Scandinavian style, you can finish the rest room. To do this, the surface is plastered with light shades and a couple of bright accents are created, for example, a saturated color lamp or unusual paintings on the walls.

Elements of the classics can be brought into the design of the washroom. If you build several arches, decorate the ceiling with stucco or install a multi-level floor.

The Art Nouveau style is less common in the interior of bath rooms. It involves an abundance of curved lines, abstract images and bright colors. This solution is for those who do not like stereotypes and are not afraid to experiment. Most often, this design is used in saunas made of foam blocks.

steam room

The steam room is considered a fundamental element of any bath, so only the highest quality materials should be used for its decoration. At the same time, as a rule, it has small dimensions, so the internal layout must be carefully thought out so that there is enough space for everyone, as well as for all the necessary shelves and sunbeds.

Separately, it is worth focusing on lighting. Usually small lamps are mounted in the ceiling, which will give a dim, muffled light. A good visual effect is achieved if semicircular ceilings are equipped and combined with oval-shaped sunbeds and benches.