How to clean a frying pan with ammonia. How to clean a burnt frying pan

To remove rust you can use mechanical methods(cleaning with a hard brush, soda, salt) or heat treatment of the surface (calcination in the oven or on the stove, boiling with vinegar, soda, Coca-Cola).

Established rust will be removed by professional products: Astrohim, Ranway, Permatex, Eltrans. Fresh, superficial marks can be removed with ketchup, lemon juice, soda, and foil. To restore and strengthen the protective layer, a cast iron frying pan needs to be periodically calcined with oil or coarse salt. Storing the frying pan in a dry place, timely cleaning, and regular use will help to avoid metal corrosion.

A high-quality cast iron frying pan is durable, heavy, and holds heat well. Will help prevent rust from appearing on it correct use and storage. If such a problem arises, it is worth starting to fight it initial stage using soft remedies. It is more difficult to remove ingrained rust from cast iron; radical measures will be needed here.

Causes of rust

Rust on cast iron forms as a result of its oxidation. Causes of corrosion:

  1. Improper care of dishes. Red-hot cast iron frying pan cannot be immersed in cold water. And before storing it, it must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Poor quality metal, violation of production technology. Modern manufacturers do not always follow standards, reduce the cost of products due to cheaper metal components. Cast iron with a porous structure can be used, not carried out special processing from corrosion (calcination).
  3. Rarely used. In combination with improper storage, it aggravates destructive processes.

Important! After washing, wipe the pan dry to remove moisture to prevent metal corrosion.

Methods of cleansing

Rust eats deeply into metal and destroys it. Corrosion is not dangerous to human health, but it greatly damages appearance dishes and the taste of the dish.

You can remove rust from a cast iron frying pan:

  • mechanical impact with abrasive tools and means;
  • heat treatment of dishes;
  • using alkaline household chemicals.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Small areas of metal damage are easier to remove than deep rust. Hard metal brushes, salt, soda, and sandpaper will help you clean a cast-iron frying pan.

Metal wire scourer, sandpaper

Hard metal tools will help remove a layer of rust from cast iron. To do this:

  1. Clean the damaged areas with coarse sandpaper or a wire brush (scourer).
  2. Rinse with hot water.
  3. Re-work with finer sandpaper.
  4. Apply a coat of rust converter according to label recommendations.

Important! After harsh abrasive treatment, be sure to heat the pan to restore the protective layer.

To speed up the process you can use construction tool: drill or grind with a special attachment.

Salt, soda

Complex method

To clean an old cast iron frying pan, use a comprehensive rust removal method:

  1. Soak rusty dishes in a vinegar solution (1:1) for 2 hours.
  2. Without removing it from the bucket, boil for 20–30 minutes.
  3. Treat with steel wool.
  4. Rinse the dishes and wipe dry.
  5. Place the frying pan in the oven, preheated to 250 degrees, leave for 20 minutes.

Chemical cleaning

Professional products will help you effectively clean a cast-iron frying pan from rust: solvents, stainless steels, converters.

Can be cleaned with rust converter

Cast iron – durable metal, a car spray, liquid or paste is suitable for cleaning it. Use the following products: Astrohim, Sapfire, Autoprofi, Ranway, Permatex, Eltrans. Gently apply the solvent to the stain and leave for the time recommended on the label. Chemical reaction quickly dissolves corrosion stains. After this, rinse the pan thoroughly and boil it several times clean water, additionally heat in the oven.

Folk remedies

Try to clean fresh, shallow corrosion on cast iron with mild improvised means, without resorting to radical caustic chemicals.

What to do if light rust appears:

  • apply the paste to the stain baking soda;
  • cover the damaged area with ketchup, wait 20 minutes, wipe off with the hard side of a dry dish sponge;
  • rub the corroded stain with half a lemon;
  • use foil: crumple a tight lump, gently rub the rusty marks.

Not all housewives can properly wash cast iron and other materials frying pans on both sides with an ordinary detergent. The fat eats away and then burns. open fire gas burner and you get carbon deposits on the back of the pans. Until a certain time, it doesn’t bother the housewife, but when the kitchen starts to smell burnt, the woman wonders how to quickly remove this carbon deposit? We will find out in detail in the article.

Depending on what metal your frying pan is made of and how dirty it is, you can choose 1 or try all 3 methods and clean the frying pan from carbon deposits. Of course, if you can’t completely wash the back of the car in one go, and if someone has smoke, inner part, for example, cast iron utensils.

The main ways to get rid of plaque are:

  • Using mechanical force;
  • Heat treatment;
  • Chemical.

Sandblasting is a good way to clean the surface of dishes. He has a flaw. He will break top layer cast iron and the fat will stick to it again. Housewives rarely use this method.

The soot can be easily removed with a sander. A handy husband will definitely help. Explain to him that the work will require a flap end circle. Even a large frying pan will be clean in just 5 minutes. Your spouse will be pleasantly shocked that you know the name of such a tool.

It is good to clean cast iron surfaces wire brush, which has a rubber base. It can be purchased in the hardware department of the hypermarket, where building materials are sold. Cleaning takes time, but if you are determined to make your utensils shine, take the time and effort. Someone will do it in 1 hour, another housewife in 2, distracted, but, most importantly, the result.

Heat treatment

You cannot remove a cast iron frying pan using this method, but it is suitable for utensils made of other materials. No chemicals are used here, but a soldering lamp or gas burner is required. Create conditions and take materials:

  • Open the windows or the window for a long time and ventilate the room thoroughly;
  • Wire washcloth;
  • 1 brick;
  • A basin with cold water in it.

If you are prone to manual labor husband, then entrust him with this important task. Let him go outside and convenient location place a stool or stump, and a brick vertically on the support. The frying pan needs to be placed on a brick so that the bottom faces down. Let the torch burn the back of the pan until it begins to smoke. This method is clearly shown in the video:

Mechanical cleaning

Our ancestors also effectively washed metal dishes by rubbing them with sand and washing them with water. Sandblasting is popular today. No matter how many years you haven't paid enough attention to cleaning the back and inside utensils, using a method where sand is supplied with compressed air, you will definitely remove rust or dried paint from them in 2 minutes or a maximum of 5. Contact a tire repair shop, agree on the cost of the service and they will help you clean the iron utensils.

The whole procedure takes from 15 to 20 minutes. When the smoke stops, the specialist will dip the dishes into a bowl of water. You will hear hissing and see fumes. The temperature difference will be large and the deposits will quickly fall behind. The worker will only have to use a metal sponge and scrape off the debris.

"Important! If you have cast iron cookware, don't take any chances. If the temperature changes, it may burst. It will turn out that you pay for cleaning, and then buy a new one. But iron ones can be easily cleaned using this method.”

We use chemistry

At home, the first thing that comes to the housewife’s mind is to use some kind of household chemicals to clean the utensils. How? Depends on how dirty the surface is. If you are using the product for the first time, or even with someone you know, it is better to perform the procedure with rubber gloves. So, you definitely won’t burn or dry out the skin of your hands.

These products effectively clean ovens.

Many housewives know and recommend to friends and relatives to clean old frying pans with Schumanite. Wear gloves, the product is poisonous. By acting on the surface for 1 to 2 hours, “Shumanite” can remove even the most severe contamination.

How else can you clean a frying pan from heavy carbon deposits? "Mr. Cheester", with "Pemolux". They are newer, but no less effective means. Amway is great for cleaning both pans and ovens. Its smell is less pungent and unpleasant than Schumanite, but it costs significantly more.

In a construction hypermarket, ask the sales consultant for a good cleaning agent with hydrochloric acid. It removes rust very well. Not suitable for cast iron as it will eat through it. However, modern housewives have an average of 2-5 frying pans, so they will find something to clean.

Let's use lye to clean sewer pipes

Alkali is also called sodium hydroxide and it can perfectly clear blockages from both pipes located in the sewer system and household utensils. You will need a plastic bucket in which you will make a water-alkaline solution. For 5 liters of water - 0.5 kg of alkali. It is important that the lye is pure and not diluted. If necessary, pour the solution into a plastic bowl and dip the utensils into it.

Be sure to pour the lye into the water, and not the other way around. Otherwise, there will be an active chemical. reaction. For work, purchase thick rubber gloves (ordinary kitchen gloves are not suitable). Let the frying pan sit in the solution for about 20 minutes. Take a kitchen sponge and rub it thoroughly on all sides.

This method is excellent for burning, but not all rust is removed. After work, if you do not need the solution, it is better to immediately pour it into the sink or toilet. If you want to store and wash linoleum and tiles with it, then pour it into a plastic bucket again and close the lid. Keep out of the reach of children and animals.

Removing rust with vinegar

The main work of removing carbon deposits is over, now you need to remove the rust. It remains on the oldest dishes. Vinegar will do the job perfectly. Ideally, put on rubber gloves, pour vinegar into a plastic bowl and soak the dishes there for about 20 minutes. But if there are microcracks in them, then you shouldn’t do this, just wipe with a sponge soaked in 6 or 9% table vinegar.

Safe chemicals

Baking soda + hydrogen peroxide. Heat a frying pan on gas or fire. Apply the paste to dirty areas. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, cooling down. Take a brush or kitchen sponge and clean the surface.

"Important! If you don’t wash it off the first time, repeat.”

We use cheap chemicals

Simple ingredients: vinegar + soda + fine salt + citric acid and you can remove carbon deposits from a cast iron frying pan. You also need a steel basin of a suitable size to accommodate your utensils. Pour enough water into the basin to cover the vessel underneath.

Pour 1 cup of vinegar and 0.5 cup of citric acid into a saucepan with 2 liters of cold water. Place the pan on heat and let the mixture boil. Make a small fire under it. About 15 minutes will pass and the plaque will begin to recede. Pull out the dishes and clean the deposits using what is convenient. The task is to remove a little of the top layer so that the vinegar can penetrate deeper.

Place the utensils back into the pan. You can add 2 more tbsp. l. soda, let it simmer on the stove for 15 or 20 minutes. Take out the dishes, wash them in hot water and remove the softened coating with a steel sponge. If not everything is removed the first time, then repeat the procedure. Don't forget to use gloves.

Need to clean a burnt metal pan? To remove, use baking soda + salt. The pan needs to be warmed up a little and rinsed under running water. Sprinkle the area you are going to clean with salt or soda. Let it stand upside down for 1 hour over the burner that is losing heat. The coating on the outside will soften and remove. This method is good for those who cannot tolerate the smell of vinegar.

Man's work - electrolysis cleaning

What else can I use to clean off carbon deposits and rust? Try to cope using this method. Housewives and families without a car are unlikely to have such a device, but car enthusiasts have it for charging. The method is suitable for owners who love experiments. More for men than for women.

Pour 4.5 liters of water into a plastic bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. soda Place a steel baking tray on the bottom or place a suitable size steel plate. The red clamp must be attached to the steel baking sheet. Black, which is negative, to the vessel itself. Turn on 10 amp.

This method will primarily clean the part that is facing the steel plate. Turn the contaminated surface of the vessel towards it. A frying pan next to a steel plate? Great, the reaction and cleaning will be as effective as possible. Do not touch this surface, otherwise the experiment will fail - cleansing will not occur.

When bubbles appear between the cast iron and the steel plate, it means the reaction has begun. Observe or go about your business for 5-10 minutes. After returning, take a vessel, a steel sponge and scrape off the carbon deposits and rust. If you did everything correctly, you will soon have a clean frying pan.

Cleaning aluminum kitchen utensils from carbon deposits

You can perfectly clean an aluminum product from heavy carbon deposits and grease with citric acid:

  • Pour 10 liters of water into a steel or iron basin or tank to boil. Add 1 pack of citric acid to it;
  • Dip the dishes into it and let it sit there and boil for 20 to 30 minutes. Turn off the burner and let everything sit on the stove until the water cools down;
  • Pull out the dishes and clean the deposits with a sponge.

This way aluminum frying pan cleaning is easy and simple. Read this one too, you might want to use it:

  • Approximately 0.5 pieces of 72% laundry soap are required;
  • Grate it and dissolve in 2 or 3 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  • Dilute everything in 3 liters of cold water and boil on the stove;
  • The pan or tank should be wide enough to fit the frying pan. Dip it there and let it boil for 1 hour;
  • Take it out, rinse under running water and remove the deposits with a washcloth.

Now you know many ways to rid a cast iron, iron or aluminum frying pan of burnt fat. Try to keep it clean. Then you won't have to wash it. Remember that you can use many folk remedies today; they are always at hand.

The considered methods of how to clean frying pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits will help you put your dishes in order. A thick crust of soot not only spoils the appearance of cooked dishes, but also contributes to their burning. There are many recipes on how to clean a cast-iron frying pan from years of carbon deposits that are very easy to apply.

Cleaning a cast iron frying pan

Many gourmets and lovers of preparing all kinds of dishes prefer cast iron products for frying. They believe that a Teflon-coated frying pan is not able to convey the taste of food that can be achieved by cooking in a massive cast-iron frying pan.

Important! Under no circumstances should you clean the frying pan using a knife, wire brush or other similar utensils. Rough cleaning will damage the coating and anything you fry will burn.

There is no arguing about tastes; everyone is free to decide for themselves which utensils to use for cooking. However, cast iron frying pans also tend to become contaminated on the outside with carbon deposits. For example, if you fry pancakes or cutlets, potatoes or mushrooms, in any case, splashes of oil will leave their mark on the walls of the cookware, both internal and external. There are several ways to clean a cast iron frying pan:

1. Firing. For better heating, place the frying pan on a hot stove, after pouring coarse table salt or simple sand into its container. You need to let the pan get hot, and then scrape off the soot layer with a spatula. The method is quite effective, but there is an unpleasant moment of getting it in the kitchen unpleasant odor, after which the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

2. Mechanical method cleaning. Here you will have to use a drill with an attachment in the form of a soft wire sponge. When using this cleaning method, do not forget about safety measures. You can wear glasses to prevent thin metal shavings from getting into your eyes. Gloves must be worn on hands.

You can remove a layer of soot that has recently formed using a cleaning agent. IN in this case you will not need to spend a lot of time, since the dishes will be cleaned very quickly and ready for further use.

No matter how much you want to update your cookware intended for preparing fried or stewed food, you should carefully look at the instructions for its use. If you don’t have one, you’ve already thrown it away a long time ago, just listen to our advice.

Do not resort to rough cleaning methods. If you start scraping carbon deposits from a cold frying pan with a sharp object, you run the risk of getting the pan unsuitable for further use. Use gentle cleaning methods, and they will bring you joy in future kitchen work.

Advice! Don't use cleaning products as they don't always work. It is best to trust folk remedies, baking soda and other methods.

Cleaning a Teflon frying pan

Everyone understands that modern cookware has a protective Teflon layer on both sides that prevents burning, but it also tends to wear out. This means you need to remove it. For a better cooking process, it is recommended to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits. Disadvantages of soot:

The taste of prepared dishes deteriorates;
gets lost aesthetic beauty frying pans;
pieces of soot constantly fall off and fall onto the stove, or into the dish you are preparing;
carbon deposits absorb oil and fat, which also has a very negative effect on cooking efficiency.

For delicate cleaning teflon frying pan from soot, pour into it hot water, add a certain amount of washing layer and 3 - 4 tablespoons of baking soda. The mass obtained on the surface of the frying pan softens after a while and can only be removed with a soft dish sponge. You rarely need to think about how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits; it is best to keep it clean at all times.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you resort to quick cleaning actions using hard sponges, as they can damage the Teflon layer, leaving scratches on the surface. After this, the cooking process will become more problematic.

Cleaning a Teflon pan with baking soda

Now that you know how to clean frying pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits at home, you can easily tidy up your dishes. Of course, the factors presented are incredibly important, since the quality of your dishes will depend on it. These are the most common techniques that you can use.

To remove thicker layers of fat and oil accumulations on the outer and inner surface frying pans, there is another way. To do this you need to prepare a special solution:

1. Pour water into a three-liter vessel to the bottom
2. Add a cleanser that has grease-fighting properties.
3. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
4. After this, you need to boil the frying pan with the prepared composition for half an hour.
5. Then wash the surface using a soft sponge.

Important! It is best to use cast iron pans when cooking at home. They are optimal for frying, stewing and other functions. They are also very easy to clean.

Utensils for humans have great value. We deal with it almost every day and the frying pan must be in appropriate condition. Therefore, having figured out how to properly care for the presented accessories, you should put everything into practice.

Tips from the professionals

Cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits at home will not be a problem, but here are some rules and recommendations that will make the whole job easier for you. Many chefs practice the techniques that were common above and are also advised to adhere to the following aspects:

When cleaning carbon deposits, use rubber gloves;
Under no circumstances should you rub the surface of the frying pan with various sharp objects;
use chemical cleaning products in extremely rare cases;
spend more time cleaning the frying pan, that is, as often as possible;
Store dishes in suitable conditions.

By following the presented rules, you can protect the frying pan from soot and soot. It is very important to clean on time, since the taste of the prepared food depends on it.

Advice! Before cleaning your pan, find out what material it is made of.

Today there is an incredible large number varieties of frying pans, which differ in the material of manufacture, functional features and other possibilities. Therefore, you need to find an appropriate care approach for each type. Many manufacturers indicate carbon removal technology in the technical data sheet. This is very important to know, since the above method may not work.

Frequent use of the frying pan can cause it to become covered with soot, and something needs to be done about it. Soot itself is a mixture of fat and scale that the metal releases during the heating process. This means that soot getting into food is extremely harmful to health. Therefore, do not let the frying pan reach a deplorable state, when pieces of soot can separate from the walls and get into the food. It is imperative to remember that frying pans come from different materials, and therefore cleaning methods for all types of alloys will be different.

This type of pan is the easiest to maintain. Since they are initially coated with Teflon, which prevents carbon deposits from forming on both sides - both outside and inside.

But there are times when it is possible to burn even a Teflon frying pan. In this case, you just need to pour hot water into it and soak for 30-40 minutes. For greater efficiency, you can drop a drop of detergent into the pan or pour 3-4 tbsp. soda When interacting with carbon deposits, the soda and degreaser will dissolve it, and all you need to do is rub the pan a little with a soft washcloth at the end. Be especially careful with abrasives; they are contraindicated for Teflon frying pans - since Teflon is easily scratched, and food will begin to burn where it is chipped.

Steel is the most capricious material, from which frying pans are made, scratches, stains and abrasions are easily visible on it. In addition, food easily burns to such pans. There are several ways to clean stainless steel handles:

Table salt. This is the most common method for cleaning steel pans. You will need about half a glass table salt, which needs to be poured onto the bottom and left in the pan for a couple of hours. The salt will react with the soot and thus soften it. Later, you can easily wash the frying pan from grease and carbon deposits.

Soda. Soda also shows good results when cleaning steel pans. Just wet the walls and apply a thick layer of baking soda. If possible, leave the baking soda in the pan for a couple of hours. Later you will see that the carbon deposits will separate from the walls, like old wet paint, and it will not be difficult for you to put your frying pan in order;

Vinegar and citric acid. By definition, it is clear that acid dissolves almost everything, especially when heated. So just pour a little vinegar, add a couple of tablespoons of citric acid and put the frying pan on the fire. When boiling, carbon deposits will begin to separate from the walls. When the liquid begins to steam strongly, you can remove the pan from the heat. Next, using a brush, you can easily remove any remaining dirt from the pan.

The cast iron frying pan is dearly loved by our mothers and grandmothers, and even today it does not leave many kitchens. And this is not surprising, because such pans are considered almost eternal. They are easy to care for and do not excrete harmful substances for food, and do not lose their appearance over the years. All you need to do is clean off the carbon deposits on time. So, there are a number of recipes for cleaning carbon deposits from cast iron:

Recipes for steel frying pans - the same recipes are suitable for cast iron as for steel - soda, vinegar, citric acid. In addition, cast iron frying pans are not afraid of active abrasive cleaning, so you can safely clean them brushes and steel wool;
Table salt- pour a thick layer of salt on the bottom and pour vinegar over everything, leave to stand for about 15 minutes. Next, put the dishes on the fire and, bringing to a boil, add a glass of soda. After 5-7 minutes you can remove from heat. Place under cold water and rinse under running water. With the help of salt, soda and vinegar, a reaction occurs that softens the carbon deposits and easily allows it to be separated from the surface of the pan;
If you were able to wash the frying pan until it shines, then first of all, before the next cooking, thoroughly ignite frying pan, otherwise the food will burn badly. The thin layer of fat on cast iron skillets is a natural non-stick layer, so don't wash it off completely. When using millet, be careful not to let the soot get too thick and get into the food.

This type of frying pan is extremely popular lately and has a very smooth, uniform surface. But such pans are very finicky to care for and require care. If you scratch too hard, you can damage the top layer, causing the food to burn. Therefore, for ceramic frying pans you need to buy special means care, which can carefully dissolve carbon deposits without damaging the surface and its structure.

If there is a thick, old layer of grease on the frying pan, you can try cleaning the frying pan with laundry soap. For this purpose, you need to take a third or half of a bar of soap (this directly depends on the size of the frying pan) and grate it on a coarse grater. Fill the frying pan with the resulting soap shavings and fill it with boiling water.

To enhance the effect, you need to put the frying pan on the fire and boil its contents for fifteen minutes. In addition, you can try cleaning the pan with vinegar or citric acid. Just pour some water into the frying pan and add citric acid or vinegar.

After that, put it on the fire, bring the water to a boil and boil for ten to twenty minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the pan thoroughly. For aluminum pans this method doesn't fit!

Very simple. Add two to three drops of any of the following to a cold frying pan. detergent for dishes. Next, you need to pour hot water into the pan and wash it with a nylon sponge. After this, rinse it warm water, wipe dry and spray oven cleaner onto the surface.

After this procedure, wrap the frying pan in a plastic bag and leave it like that overnight. In the morning, rinse off the product and wash the pan with dishwashing detergent.

If there is thick carbon deposits on your frying pan, then you should know that during the heating process, it releases very harmful substances that can lead to cancer and other diseases.

In order to give the frying pan its previous appearance, you need to place it in a container filled with 10 liters of water with silicate glue (eighty grams) and washing soda (one hundred grams). Boil for ten minutes. You can replace soda and glue with grated laundry soap.

After the solution has cooled, you need to wipe the dishes with steel wool.

We told you about cleaning methods different types frying pans and hope that you will find suitable tips just for you. But most importantly, keep an eye on the dishes and do not allow too much carbon deposits to build up, as it is harmful to health.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Not every housewife succeeds in washing dishes immediately after cooking. But even with timely washing, an unpleasant black residue forms on the surface of the pans. It not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of dishes and the kitchen as a whole, but is also harmful to health.

How to remove it, what products to use, and what to remember?

5 effective ways to clean pans from carbon deposits

Soot is a “mix” of soot and old fat.

It would seem, so what’s wrong with not cleaning the pans until they shine after each cooking? Many people even consider carbon deposits to be the secret to preparing especially tasty food.

But cleaning carbon deposits is still important and necessary. AND main reason is the release of carcinogens that occurs when exposed to high temperatures.

According to numerous studies, soot often becomes a “springboard” to the development of oncology due to slow intoxication of the body.

Therefore, you should clean your pans as often as possible. The main thing is to choose the right method.

The following are recognized as the most effective methods for cleaning cast iron frying pans from heavy carbon deposits:

  1. Apply oven and roasting pan cleaner to the pan, wrap tightly in plastic, and leave for 12 hours. Remaining carbon deposits are removed using a melamine sponge or a regular metal sponge. Next, all that remains is to wash the dishes with a sponge using regular dishwashing detergent.
  2. Carefully heat the frying pan on the stove, in the oven or over a fire, after pouring salt or sand inside. Next, remove from the heat (with an oven mitt!) and tap the dishes so that the carbon deposits fall off. Remove the residue with a metal sponge. You can also use a blowtorch for these purposes.
  3. Grinding. Using a drill and a metal brush attachment, we remove carbon deposits, as if “grinding” the pan. The result is 100%, but this work is not for women. It is also important to protect your eyes and face from flying metal shavings.
  4. Ammonia and borax. An excellent method that is even suitable for cleaning the grate from the stove. Mix a couple of drops of ammonia and 10 g of borax in a glass of warm water, apply the solution to a frying pan, pack it in a sealed bag, shake and leave overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to thoroughly rinse off the used product.
  5. Soviet method. Heat water in a large container (enough to fit the frying pan), add a bar of grated ordinary laundry soap, 2 packs of silicate glue and half a kilo of soda. Dissolve the ingredients and mix, lower the frying pan into the solution and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the gas, close the container with a lid and leave the frying pan in it for 3 hours. Then all you have to do is wash the dish with a regular sponge. Important: the smell from the glue is very unpleasant, without exhaust and open windows can't get by.

Scratches that appear after radical cleaning are removed using fine sandpaper.

These methods are not suitable for ceramics, Teflon and even aluminum.

Removing carbon deposits from a frying pan using folk remedies - the best ways

  • Vinegar (for cast iron frying pan). Dissolve vinegar in water (1:3), pour the product into a frying pan and heat it over low heat, sometimes adding a little water. Afterwards you will have to boil the frying pan in soda solution to remove the vinegar smell.
  • Laundry soap (for almost any frying pan). We grate it, dissolve it in boiling water and lower the frying pan into the solution - let it cook for 30-40 minutes.
  • Oil with powder (for any frying pan). Pour 3 spoons into the container sunflower oil, add a few spoons of washing powder, add water and after boiling, lower the frying pan into the solution to soak.
  • Citric acid (for cast iron frying pan). Dilute 1 tsp of acid in 1 liter of water, then soak the pan in it for 1 hour. If the deposit is old, the procedure may have to be done twice.

Video: How to clean a frying pan, burners, saucepans and other utensils from years of carbon deposits and old fat?

5 Safe Home Remedies for Cleaning Pans at Home

Unlike cast iron skillets, which can be cleaned by simply lowering them over the fire, cookware with non-stick coating extremely delicate care is required.

  1. Digestion. Dissolve a glass of detergent and 50 g of soda (preferably soda ash) in 3 liters of water, lower the dishes into a container with this solution and boil for 30-35 minutes over low heat.
  2. Coca-Cola. Pour a glass of soda into the vessel and boil for 30 minutes. To remove carbon deposits from the outside, you should boil the entire frying pan in the drink.
  3. Dishwasher. Option will do for dishes with light carbon deposits. Important: carefully select the temperature, detergent. The use of abrasives is prohibited. And one more thing: pay attention to whether the manufacturer allows you to wash a particular frying pan in the dishwasher.
  4. Food baking powder. Mix a glass of water and a couple of spoons of the product, pour the solution into a bowl and boil. After the liquid has cooled, remove carbon deposits using a regular sponge. For external soot, make more solution and lower the entire pan into it.
  5. Melamine sponge. An option that is suitable for any frying pan. Naturally thick and old soot The sponge will not give in, but if you have not yet managed to bring the frying pan to this state, then a melamine sponge is in your hands! More precisely, wear gloves, because this product is not safe for health. The melamine sponge itself is ideal for cleaning carbon deposits, rust and other contaminants, but the dishes should be washed thoroughly after using it (it’s better to do it twice and pour boiling water over it to be safe).

7 best store-bought products for cleaning frying pans from soot and old grease

The chemical industry never ceases to delight customers, and today there is huge amount various kitchen products that help the housewife keep her nerves - and hands - intact.

Among the most effective remedies for soot, grease and soot, buyers highlight the following:

  • Domestos. Average price: 200 rub. An effective product with a powerful scent. Work with gloves and with the window open.
  • Unicum Gold. Average price: 250 rub. High-quality grease remover from an Israeli company. Ideal for cleaning dishes from carbon deposits and old dirt. Not suitable for aluminum or scratched surfaces.
  • Mr. Muscle (approx. - Expert for the kitchen). Average price: about 250 rubles. This product has already proven itself with the best side. It will easily clean grease from frying pans, stove grates, ovens, and baking sheets. Action time is about 30 minutes.
  • Schumann. Average price: about 500 rubles. The product is expensive, has a “thermonuclear” smell, but is fantastically effective. Impeccable cleanliness can be achieved in a matter of minutes: no grease or soot! The downside is that you need to wear gloves.
  • Cillit. Average price: about 200 rubles. This product also does not smell like roses and requires open windows and a respirator, but it removes even the oldest and most powerful contaminants that have not succumbed to any folk remedy. The product is not suitable for enameled and other delicate surfaces.
  • Miracle-Antinagar from Himitek. Average price: 300 rub. Domestic, effective remedy for quick and easy removal food soot.
  • Any pipe cleaner. Average price: 100-200 rub. Although such products are aggressive in their effects, they still remain the most effective for cleaning the most difficult stains. Naturally, such a product is not suitable for Teflon, but a cast iron frying pan can easily be subjected to this cleaning method. With the help of such a product, carbon deposits will come off from the frying pan, even with its thickest layer. For 5 liters of water, use ½ liter of product. Important: we do not add water to the product, but the reagent itself - to the water!

Video: How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals?

Top tips for cleaning and caring for different types of pans

The most important tips cleaning pans concern, first of all, the health of housewives. Why do you need clean pans if you can, at a minimum, get poisoned by inhaling fumes from toxic household chemicals?

Therefore, the most important thing...

  1. Use rubber gloves. Remember that household chemicals can also act through the skin.
  2. Wear a respirator, if you use “vigorous” household products. As a last resort, you can use a cotton-gauze bandage.
  3. Clean dishes thoroughly after using household chemicals. Ideal option- boil so that not even a hint of the use of “chemistry” remains.
  4. Open windows while cleaning, and if possible, do it on the street.
  5. Remove children and animals from the premises when using household chemicals. Unless this is the kind of eco-chemical that can even be used to wash apples. But you can’t wash away the carbon deposits with such chemicals.

What should you remember about cleaning pans?

  • Wash the pan thoroughly immediately after cooking . This will make your work much easier.
  • If the outside of the frying pan is covered with a layer of fat and soot after cooking, put it in a bowl of boiling water - let it soak. You can boil it for 15 minutes, and then easily clean it with a simple sponge. It is easier to clean light carbon deposits than thick and old ones.
  • Try not to use metal jaws and abrasive cleaners for washing pans. The more scratches, the more unsafe it is to wash the pan with chemicals, the stronger the carbon deposits stick, the more dangerous it is to cook in such a frying pan.
  • Cast iron pans should be heated as hot as possible before cooking with them. How better frying pan warms up, the less soot there will be.
  • Wash aluminum pans without abrasives – warm water, sponge and soda. Aluminum oxidizes after hard cleaning, and this oxide, if ingested, is severely harmful to health. Therefore, such pans should be washed only with gentle products and tools.
  • Use normal when washing laundry soap – it is more effective than even the most modern means for washing dishes.
  • Wipe pans after washing hard waffle towels.
  • Teflon cookware should be changed every six months.