How to love a job you don't like? How to force yourself to love a job you don't like.

Millions of people waking up in the morning think about how they don’t want to go back to their unloved job, which they failed to love even after many attempts. Some people can’t stand it and decide to quit, even at the risk of losing a good salary, while others continue to fulfill their duties day after day, earning nervous breakdowns and increasing their dissatisfaction with life. But maybe we ourselves are to blame for this situation?

In a calm atmosphere, write down in detail on a piece of paper everything that you don’t like about the position: salary, bad boss, uncomfortable team, unsatisfactory conditions, responsibilities, etc. Now think about each point, think about what you can neutralize. For example, it seems to you that you are completely unlucky with your team, but perhaps it’s you who don’t let anyone near you, and it’s the situation in the workplace that seems too tense. After that, look at what you cannot influence under any circumstances, and think about whether you can come to terms with it. If everything else is tolerable, then start improving your situation. If there are still items that are extremely important to you, then you should look for another job, since there are no positive changes won't help you fall in love with her.

It happens that everything is fine, but there is no joy from work, how can you love your job in this case, what advice from a psychologist can work?

  1. Initiative. Often our interest fades away due to the inability to express ourselves; few people like mechanical actions. Therefore, try to bring something new: maybe you have long needed to improve an outdated work scheme or you want to participate in public life companies.
  2. Competition. The most tedious duties are completed faster if there is a goal to do it faster and better than someone else. If there is no opponent, then try to improve your own results.
  3. Self-improvement. Do you feel like you’ve hit the ceiling in this position, and it’s scary to grow further due to a lack of knowledge? Find time to educate yourself, acquire the skills you will need for a position that interests you.
  4. Positive effect. Going to work just to get a paycheck gets boring, so think about how it helps other people. These duties are ordinary and boring for you, but they are the ones that bring benefits, making life a little better.
  5. Work is not the whole life b. If you almost spend the night at your workplace, then it’s not surprising that it began to cause a gag reflex. In this case, urgently remember that there is another life, in which there is a lot of interesting and joyful things.
  6. Take your time. You will always have time to leave, so before you write a statement, make sure that you have done everything possible.

What to do if you hate Homework Is it possible to love her? It can help to realize the enormous benefit that you bring to yourself and those who live with you. Dirt is an excellent breeding ground for microbes; by destroying it, you prevent the emergence of various diseases, literally becoming the protector of your family. Pamper yourself with a rest after the work done, noting how much more pleasant it is to do it in a clean and comfortable room.

Maybe these tips won’t help you run around the house with sparkling eyes and radiate happiness throughout the working day, but work will definitely stop seeming so hateful.

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According to statistics, only one man out of five is satisfied with his job. It turns out that the rest start their day with a sad thought: “I’m so tired of work and what should I do to stay at home.” Why? Let's try to figure it out.

One of the most common reasons is dissatisfaction wages. In second place is fear of change. Many people are hesitant to change jobs because they will have to change their work schedule. A stable monthly salary also becomes a serious reason to stay at your job and not look for vacancies. Sometimes the best solution is to change your environment and try something new.

If you can't love your job, open own business and start working for yourself. And you will do what you love, and you will set your own work schedule and you will be able to earn money. Perhaps much more than at the current location. But running your own business is a troublesome task, so this option is not suitable for everyone. What to do?

How to love a job you hate?

  1. Use your imagination and pretend that your current job is your dream job. Describe her as if you really like her. Try to believe it. This way you can change your attitude towards work.
  2. Arrange " role playing games" Imagine that your boss is your customer. You just need to complete the client’s next order and earn money, and not clear away the stack of papers that your boss brought.

    It will be much easier to work with this approach.

  3. Try to finish your work day on time. Don't bring work issues into your personal life. Set a rule - work problems stay at work.
  4. Find yourself interesting activity outside of work and be successful in it. Share your victories with family and friends. It's a great motivator.
  5. If you cannot change the people around you, change your attitude towards them. Seeing colleagues as partners is much more pleasant than treating them like a “ball of snakes.”
  6. Get ready for work in the evening and plan all your routine tasks for the morning. You will know that the rest of the working days will pass much more positive.

These are the basic tips on how to love your job. Follow them and your working days will not only bring you joy, but will also help you advance in your career and realize all your strengths.

Project Sparta

Tags: work career money motivation mood psychology

How to love your job?

The majority of adults are forced to work most of their lives in order to earn and receive money (that is, their livelihood). A person who loves his job is already, in a way, happy because he is in his place and he is interested.

Many quite wealthy people who can afford to live quite well without working, still continue to work. Not just for money, but to maintain a certain socio-economic and creative status. This state of being is normal, idleness is not normal. There are people who work and act from higher goals and motives for the benefit of others, to improve the world, to preserve and increase spiritual and cultural values, to preserve nature, to develop progress, science and the arts.

Choosing a profession

Not everyone, however (at least they think so), is lucky with their choice of work, and sometimes even profession. It happens that the choice of profession is made either under pressure from elders, or by following a certain “fashion”, trends or popularity of a particular profession in a certain, fairly long period of life and development of society.

For example, parents who are doctors want their son or daughter to continue the family dynastic business or at least choose prestigious specialties, and the child wants to become a fashion designer or an artist, or a hairdresser. A boy or girl cannot always defend their choice and insist on it. This happens when an individual’s choice is uncertain, when independence of thinking is insufficiently developed, or due to weakness of character.

Of course, the position of a person who discovers that he does not like his job is not a pleasant one. What to do? There are two ways out: either find another job, or try to find something interesting and positive for yourself in your work. The second option may even turn out to be more interesting, since it leads a person to new development and deeper study of both the profession and himself.

Not many people know how to find a job they love.

First, educate yourself. Based on your inclinations, capabilities and existing education. If your education is insufficient and your age is quite old, don’t despair, it’s never too late to learn new things. When choosing and searching for a new job, focus on what you want and enjoy doing. After all, if you do something you don’t like all the time and for a long time, you can become depressed or become a pessimist.

In general, don’t be too tormented by the question “how to fall in love with a job you don’t like.” If it doesn’t work out, then leave her and find another one that’s more interesting to you. You will be more needed there.

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Every institution that employs several people has its own traditional rules honor the hero of the occasion.

Coming up with such a congratulation so that the hero of the day remembers it and creates the mood of a unique holiday is not at all easy. Having met various options, you can find the right approach to this issue.

The correct approach is to present things selected taking into account the personality of the birthday person. Therefore, before choosing a gift, you need to try to remember what preferences the birthday person has, try to find out from him or simply ask a question about it.

In small teams, communication is quite close, colleagues, as a rule, know each other well, a comic present would be appropriate here. But if the relationship is purely business in nature, then the gift should correspond and be more serious.

It doesn’t hurt to test the waters in advance regarding the need for these things for the birthday person, and then hand them over with heartfelt wishes.

Gift options for a female colleague

There is a significant difference between honoring men and women. Therefore, in the case of the fair half of the team, it is definitely better not to touch upon the issue of age, and not to skimp on compliments.

A warm, sincere congratulation will lift your mood and self-esteem, and a text interspersed with humor and a hint of an invaluable contribution to the common cause will make your colleague smile and strengthen self-confidence:

  1. A bouquet of your favorite flowers is always suitable (find this out in advance).
  2. If the bouquet is supplemented gift card from a perfume store or with a paid coupon to a beauty salon, massage room, then there will be no limits to the birthday girl’s joy.

    It is unlikely that a lady will miss the opportunity to devote time to her grooming.

  3. Modern confectionery art has reached such heights that chefs can create a cake to order that reflects the characteristic habits, hobbies and image of the birthday girl herself. Such a gift will help the hero of the occasion feel like the center of attention and feel the fullness of joy.
  4. Now fruit bouquets or baskets with a selection of fruits, confectionery, and a tea collection have become very popular. You can attach a colorful card with congratulations from the entire team to such a composition, and then you will definitely be pleased.
  5. For women of attractive age who like to take pictures, you can arrange a photo shoot. After all, the birthday girl came to work that day dressed up and with festive makeup.

    Showered with many pleasant compliments, bouquets of flowers and gifts, she will radiate light and joy. This is the best moment for photography.

It is better not to give cosmetic sets or perfume, because it is always very individual. Before choosing a gift, you should inquire in advance about the woman’s preferences, find out her favorite flowers, sweets, and fruits.

Having decided on a gift, it is important to foresee the moment of delivery in order to avoid banality and boredom:

As an option - decorating the office of the hero of the day. When, having come to his workplace, they will find a lot of multi-colored balls under the ceiling, on the curtains, garlands with a congratulatory inscription, fountains made from balls, bouquets, they will be pleasantly surprised.

You can come up with a video presentation for birthday people, make it up from congratulations from management and employees. Or in the form of photo slides with the word “Congratulations” posted by colleagues: from pencils, balloons, banknotes, flowers. You can take such photos in advance, and then make a presentation or wall newspaper.

An unexpected surprise will be a fireworks display arranged in honor of the anniversaries. A few firecrackers with streamers, confetti, flower petals or even money (you can find these now) will create the mood of a real celebration and lift everyone’s spirits. On command, along with a friendly collective “hurray,” the firecrackers will fire and shower the birthday people from head to toe.

You can come up with many options, the main thing, given the character and age of the hero of the occasion, is not to overdo it with surprises.

Original ways to congratulate colleagues

When everything traditional ways have been used many times and want something bright, stunning, it’s worth using your imagination, thinking and coming up with something fundamentally new.

A very unusual and fun way is to present a present to colleagues dressed in costumes of different characters: a hare and a wolf, Masha and the bear, aliens, Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, pirates, mafiosi. You can create your own costumes or rent them. Characters need an original congratulatory text. Be sure to take a photo of the costumed visit: the hero of the day will be pleased to remember the appearance of unusual guests.

If there are no people willing to change clothes, you can invite mummers. For example, a gypsy choir, with dances and songs accompanied by a guitar; ballerinas performing the dance “Little Swans”; tap dancers; fakir with tricks.

The festive buffet from the catering company will be original. Beautiful waitresses will set the table with champagne, canapés, fruits and sweets in just a few minutes.

If your colleague has a sense of humor, then you can give him a handmade gift, such as a paper cake with wishes and mini-surprises inside.

In general, there is no limit to the scope of imagination; it can only be limited by the size hourly pay invited professionals.

What a fun way to congratulate a colleague on his birthday

You can transform the office into a geographical place that the birthday person dreams of visiting. For example, depict:

  • tropical islands with palm trees, coconuts and Papuans;
  • Paris with Eiffel Tower, Montmartre and French pronunciation (“bon jure, monsieur”, “mercy, madame”);
  • England with Big Ben outside the window and oatmeal for breakfast.

Such transformations will not only please the hero of the occasion, but will also unite the team. You can throw an unexpected surprise party. During the day, everyone pretends to have forgotten about the date, not responding to signals, and in the evening they stun the birthday boy with an unexpected banquet. But such a joke can only be played with easy person, non-offensive and with a good sense of humor.

Even an envelope with money can be presented creatively. To do this, you need to create a treasure hunt plan, like in “Treasure Island.” The hero of the day, following the map, will find his envelope with money in the most unexpected place. You can attach some funny souvenir to the envelope:

  • a mug or T-shirt with a friendly cartoon printed on it;
  • wall calendar with family photos hero of the occasion.

So, congratulating a colleague can become an unforgettable holiday for the entire team; the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, look for new forms and traditions, think creatively and outside the box. A great desire to please a person, to give him pleasure, combined with creativity and a sense of humor will do their job, and everything will work out in the best possible way!

Maria Soboleva

How to love a job you don't like?

The truly lucky ones are those who enjoy what they do for a living. What should the rest of us do, how to fall in love with a job that does not bring satisfaction? How to find advantages and advantages in an unloved activity?

Unloved job - reasons

At first glance, quite reasonable advice for those who can’t stand their job is to change it to an occupation that your soul is passionate about.
But such an opportunity is not always available; you often have to endure for years, being in a state close to stress. How can this be?

If you can't change your job, change your attitude towards it. Nothing wiser than this has yet been invented.

Small salary

Agree, it is difficult to love a job for which they pay a very modest amount, insufficient for a normal existence. Even if you like the work you do, a low level of income will in no way allow you to feel satisfaction from your work.

Autocratic leadership

You can count the number of good bosses on one hand. Often, tyrants and tyrants find themselves at the helm, and sometimes simply a tough leadership style frightens subordinates, discouraging any desire to go to work. Even when the boss’s overly demanding approach is fully justified by the interests of the business, this does not make it any easier for the ordinary employee.

No prospects

The chances of career growth are minimal; you can sit in lower positions until old age, retiring as a second assistant to a third deputy of something or other. How to fall in love with this kind of work is a tough question.

A real serpentarium

There are, so to speak, teams where spending a working day is tantamount to a feat. The atmosphere there is so hostile and difficult that few people can withstand it.

Squabbles, intrigues, sneaking, rivalry - is it really possible to endure this?

Lack of interest in work

Are you bored of doing what you're supposed to do? job descriptions, and this makes you sad? The phenomenon is quite common; you rarely meet a person satisfied with his work.

How to love a job you don't like

It doesn’t sound very plausible, but you can love a job you don’t like. Of course, you will have to work on yourself and make some efforts, but this is a completely doable task.

If only you really set such a goal for yourself, and don’t whine and complain about fate, giving up your hands and completely despairing.

Pros of working in a company

Let's be objective and try not to scold the job we don't like, but to find those positive points, which keep us in this workplace.

So, why can you love your job - for the timely good salary, benefits package, for the fact that you work in a comfortable office environment and not in the open air, for communication with the team, corporate events, the opportunity to improve your skills at all kinds of seminars and trainings .

Remember, don’t be shy, otherwise we are all too ready to scold, but somehow we don’t even notice the good moments. Shall we continue? You work close to home without wasting time on the road, you have the opportunity to take time off when you need it, you get bonuses for the holidays, and so on.

Directly take and write down all the points for which you are grateful for your work. And such a diary can be kept daily, remembering the positive moments. Then it is much easier to find the answer to the question - how to love your job.

Work for good

Do you feel like just a small cog in a complex working mechanism and don’t see any particular benefit from your work? But in vain. If you get paid, then your work has value. And when you understand that the chain of actions is broken without you, it will be much easier to love your job.

Are you a simple cashier in a supermarket? What will happen if you don’t go to your workplace - the queues at other cash registers will increase, people will spend extra time paying for purchases, and their mood will deteriorate. Do you see how important your work is? And if you are a janitor and didn’t sweep the yard in the morning, it will be unpleasant for the residents; the well-being and comfort of many people depends on you.

Professional growth

What else can you love about your job - for the opportunity to grow professionally and climb the career ladder. For many, this moment is important in their work activities.

Some people will be content with the modest position of a teacher all their lives, while others see themselves as at least a director kindergarten or the head of RONO. Some are excited by the prospect of rising from a humble office clerk to a representative of top management.

In your organization, career growth is possible - then how can you not love such a job?

You can approach professional development from the other side - even if you are not promoted, you still gain valuable experience and learn something useful. You can then apply your knowledge to another company.

And in order to get noticed in your organization, try to imagine that your work is the best, most interesting and loved, and act with great enthusiasm. Perform your duties more carefully, think about what new and useful things you can add to your work process.

Try to stand out from your colleagues, and when you have a goal to become better than others, interest in a seemingly unloved job will begin to manifest itself.

Good relationships in the team

We spend a significant part of our time at work and it is quite understandable to want to work surrounded by pleasant people.

It is much easier to fall in love with a job where there is a friendly and close-knit team. After all, communication and support for each other brightens up troubles and forced performance of boring or time-consuming duties.

Haven't established contact with your colleagues yet? Try to do this. After all, not everyone is quarrelsome, boring or annoying; there are also quite pleasant people. Communicate with them and, believe me, going to work will become easier.

Not by labor alone

It doesn’t matter whether you’re just trying to love your job or are completely happy with it, but it shouldn’t take up all your time along with household chores.

Everyone has the right to a hobby, a hobby that brings joy, distracts from everyday troubles, and allows you to relax.

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Millions of people waking up in the morning think about how they don’t want to go back to their unloved job, which they failed to love even after many attempts. Some people can’t stand it and decide to quit, even at the risk of losing a good salary, while others continue to fulfill their duties day after day, earning nervous breakdowns and increasing their dissatisfaction with life. But maybe we ourselves are to blame for this situation?

In a calm atmosphere, write down in detail on a piece of paper everything that you don’t like about the position: salary, bad boss, uncomfortable team, unsatisfactory conditions, responsibilities, etc. Now think about each point, think about what you can neutralize. For example, it seems to you that you are completely unlucky with your team, but perhaps it’s you who don’t let anyone near you, and it’s the situation in the workplace that seems too tense. After that, look at what you cannot influence under any circumstances, and think about whether you can come to terms with it. If everything else is tolerable, then start improving your situation. If there are still points that are extremely important to you, then you should look for another job, since no positive changes will help you fall in love with it.

It happens that everything is fine, but there is no joy from work, how can you love your job in this case, what advice from a psychologist can work?

  1. Initiative. Often our interest fades away due to the inability to express ourselves; few people like mechanical actions. Therefore, try to bring something new: maybe you have long needed to improve an outdated work scheme or you want to participate in the social life of the company.
  2. Competition. The most tedious tasks are completed faster if you can do it faster and better than someone else. If there is no opponent, then try to improve your own results.
  3. Self-improvement. Do you feel like you’ve hit the ceiling in this position, and it’s scary to grow further due to a lack of knowledge? Find time to educate yourself, acquire the skills you will need for a position that interests you.
  4. Positive effect. Going to work just to get a paycheck gets boring, so think about how it helps other people. These duties are ordinary and boring for you, but they are the ones that bring benefits, making life a little better.
  5. Work is not the whole life b. If you almost spend the night at your workplace, then it’s not surprising that it began to cause a gag reflex. In this case, urgently remember that there is another life, in which there is a lot of interesting and joyful things.
  6. Take your time. You will always have time to leave, so before you write a statement, make sure that you have done everything possible.

What to do if you hate homework, is it possible to love it? It can help to realize the enormous benefit that you bring to yourself and those who live with you. Dirt is an excellent environment for the proliferation of microbes; by destroying it, you prevent the emergence of various diseases, literally becoming a protector of your own. Pamper yourself with a rest after the work done, noting how much more pleasant it is to do it in a clean and comfortable room.

Maybe these tips won’t help you run around the house with sparkling eyes and radiate happiness throughout the working day, but work will definitely stop seeming so hateful.

Today in the article, we will tell you in detail how to love your job and how to become the best in the field that you do. Useful tips from psychologist Elena Smirnova, about how to make an unloved job a favorite one.

Unfortunately, there are very rare cases when a person is satisfied with his work. Most people don't do what they like. But work takes up a significant portion of time. And to hate her means to almost always be in this state.

Where will career growth, prospects for salary increases and health come from? Is it really possible to change your attitude towards hateful work? Certainly.

You just need to place the right emphasis and make a little strong-willed effort. Then the new attitude towards work will become a habit. And so, you see, the situation will change for the better and you won’t need to configure yourself in any special way, because the work will already suit you completely.

Does your work seem insignificant or completely meaningless to you? But this is not so. Albeit to a small extent, even at some local level, but it is needed. If others don’t see this, that’s their concern.

Main so that you yourself understand the importance of the actions you perform. And your own importance. No one will do your job better or worse than you. Because at the moment you are the one doing it. Therefore, now you are the ideal performer.

But there is no need to turn up your nose or let anyone know who is in charge here. Surely you have met such individuals among ordinary civil servants who, having scanty power over a stack of certificates, pose as rulers of the galaxy. You shouldn't be like them. Just understand the importance of the work you do and your value as an employee. This will most likely help you think differently about your responsibilities.

Be the best

In any position, in any team, there is room for growth. Is your work boring and monotonous? Try to awaken your interest in research. Find out all the intricacies of your work. Raise your skill level and take an interest in the latest developments in your field. Try to organize your work day in a new way and use your time rationally.

Be creative and smart. Suddenly you will be able to use creativity where, it would seem, there is no place for it. If, as a specialist, you have reached your maximum, perhaps you will be pleased to pass on your knowledge and achievements to a young employee. Take someone under your wing. This will bring some novelty to routine everyday life.

Analyze all existing experience, draw conclusions. Perhaps you will see something in your profession that you had not noticed before. If this option is not for you, try to become an ideal member of the team, its center.

Find out everything about your colleagues, find common ground with everyone. Try to bring everyone together. If you have a pleasant team at work, a healthy atmosphere and warm relationships, then you work much better. Then you will rush to work not because you are late, but in order to exchange a few phrases with these nice people - your colleagues - before the start of the working day.

Appreciate what you have

If you want, you can see something positive in absolutely everything. Analyze your situation and identify all its advantages. What attracts you to your work? It could be:

  • good salary;
  • is located close to home or is convenient to get to;
  • excellent team;
  • the opportunity to learn something;
  • your boss values ​​you;
  • there is no strict control;
  • a lot of free time or you can do your own thing;
  • possibility of using the equipment for personal purposes
  • social package, corporate phone, car or company travel payment;
  • prestige, etc.

There will be many positive moments or they will be significant. Try to focus on them, without focusing on unpleasant details. You work indoors and are not outside in any weather, you do not risk your life, and you do not inhale dangerous chemicals.

You generally have a job, albeit uninteresting and unloved. But some people would give everything for it, but they don’t have that opportunity. Appreciate what you have.

Think about yourself

Even if you are a very obligatory person and live by the “I must” principle, do not forget that you are not a robot. Add some nice touches to your workspace. Display photos (or hide them in a desk drawer from prying eyes), place talismans or other eye-catching trinkets.

A separate office, desk or just a personal locker for clothes is your territory and it should be an island of comfort.

Perhaps feng shui will help you with this if you believe in such things. Or use personal experience and advice from psychologists.

Don't forget also about the pleasant moments of the working day: exchanging news, calling a loved one, drinking tea, the opportunity to warm up. Take regular one-minute breaks. Give yourself the opportunity to take a break, retire if you are tired of people, sit down or walk. Or just sit with your eyes closed.

You have it in mind every right. Don't forget about proper rest. Try not to stay late, get enough sleep, and at least sometimes don’t take work home. On weekends you need to rest - not everyone remembers this. And while on vacation, you shouldn’t think about work, especially in a negative way.

Worth mentioning also about clothes. Even if you wear overalls or have to adhere to a strict dress code, there is always an opportunity to look better than others.

Yes, you will have to review the latest fashions, redo something yourself or go to an atelier, and spend a little money. But the main thing is that your outfit suits you and does not cause inconvenience.

This kind of comfort is very important for both women and men.

And one more thing. Try to get the most out of your work. In any case, your professional skills are invaluable experience. But you never know in advance what skills may be useful. Therefore, be interested in everything, “spy” on your colleagues, replenish your piggy bank with new knowledge, and improve your skills.

Change the level of severity and responsibility

Try to take your responsibilities more responsibly. Try to be punctual. Don't be late and submit your work on time. Try to take the initiative and take on social responsibilities.

This will help you realize your own importance, win the respect of colleagues, attract the attention of your superiors, find new facets of your professional activity.

Also learn to take responsibility for what happens to you. You chose this job and you are still holding on to it. This is your decision and no one else is to blame for this. Stop being a victim. You are the master of your world. Behave accordingly.

Another situation is possible when a person is too responsible. Think carefully about whether you have taken on too much. Perhaps those around you have noticed your habit of carrying everything on yourself and are taking advantage of it.

In that case learn to say “no” and “enough.” And to colleagues, and family, and to myself. Otherwise you will undermine your physical health or the psyche will not stand it.

Do you feel like you can't change? Start with the little things. When you feel pleasure from the new state of affairs, get a taste for it, you will have the strength to make drastic changes. Review your job responsibilities. Which of your colleagues managed to give you theirs? Give it back to them. You already have a lot to do. Look, you need to learn to relax. And for a workaholic like you, it will take a long time to master this art. There is no time to do someone else's work.

Everything is perceived easier if reduce the severity of the incident. A sense of humor and introducing elements of play can help here. Are you being harassed unreasonably by your boss or one of your co-workers? That's inadequate! Amuse yourself from time to time by imagining what funny tricks he can pull out. Give free rein to your imagination. Now the attacks of this eccentric will not be perceived so painfully.

Bored at work? Remember how you played in the store or in the hospital as a child. Now play your profession. Do everything with importance and feigned seriousness, just like when you were a child. There will be no room for boredom. Competitive elements will also add interest to the work. Set up an unspoken competition with your colleagues (let only you know about it). Passion, passion, and thirst for victory will significantly diversify your everyday life.

If none of the above appeals to you, then perhaps it’s time to change your field of activity. Fear of change is understandable. But remember the stories successful people. They had to change jobs more than once until luck smiled.

Neither age nor life circumstances should be a barrier. Think about what you want from your job. State it clearly point by point. Talk to colleagues, discuss the issue of work with friends and relatives. Listen to their stories about relationships in the team, bosses, salaries, work organization, benefits, etc.

Develop an action plan to find a new job or make adjustments to an existing one. Or you realize that everything is not so bad and there is no need to change anything yet, except your attitude. Maybe this is the only way you will be able to discover unexpected horizons for yourself.

How I want my work to bring not only money, but also pleasure! And this is not a lonely opinion, almost every person thinks so. The work you love is easier to do, even if it takes a lot more physical and mental energy, brings in pennies, exhausts you to the point of losing sleep, takes up all your free time and deprives you of regular weekends and everyday life with family or friends.

If you like the work, then all its disadvantages turn into advantages at the wave of the magical whim of your own “I”.

But what about those who are unlucky in finding what they love, if the job does not bring any benefits other than salary, and that is unstable?

Causes and consequences of dislike for your business

There can be a lot of reasons why you don’t like your business, ranging from improper upbringing in childhood to the whims of fate. How to avoid this is another question. Here are some simple options.

  1. Never rely on or listen to other people's opinions when searching for a job. Only you yourself know what you expect from your employer and place of work, so be guided by this.
  2. There is no such thing as bad upbringing, there is only reluctance to change anything. If you grew up in mild conditions and now laziness is your middle name, you are unlikely to find a job you love. Change your life from yourself, not from work. Perhaps you want too much from life.
  3. Set your priorities. If money is important to you, focus on salary, and not on conditions; if comfort, then on the place of work, on the availability of a break, an office and similar amenities.

However, all this may not lead to the desired goal. For example, you apply for new job, you really like her, ideal prospects, good salary, a normal team, and there are many applicants for your place, but after a couple of months everything changes, and secret cabinets are opened with all sorts of shortcomings in your workplace and position. The first thing that comes to mind is to quit, but this is easier said than done.

Job change

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? How do you see a glass of water? When changing jobs, it is your worldview that plays a key role, because only an inveterate optimist would agree to change jobs during a crisis if, in addition to everything else, he has a wife and children. After all, in fact, there are at least three main reasons why quitting your job is not so easy.

  • Fear of not finding a new job. If you are alone, then you can still get out somehow, but if you have a wife and child, what will they eat?
  • Uncertainty that you will find something better and not end up in even worse difficult situation, in more difficult work.
  • Lack of experience for the job you want.

In this case, there is nothing left to do but learn to love what you have.

Learning to love your job

The peculiarity of an optimist is the ability to make a masterpiece out of black, to know how bad it is, turn it into good and make you rejoice if everything is going to the abyss. This is the approach you should use to fall in love with a job you don't love.

  1. The boss is common cause employee dissatisfaction. Identify its shortcomings and try to turn them into advantages. There are absolutely unreasonable bosses who fool their employees, and, alas, nothing can be done about them. But if yours, for example, high standards, he's nagging or something, put yourself in his shoes. Maybe he will have these qualities for a long time. The job must be done perfectly, can you say that you did everything flawlessly? Start with yourself, analyze your work. If you have done everything well, approach from the other side. Perhaps he simply demands more, because he sees that you can do more, that you can be promoted up the career ladder, and for this you must work more. It's just a couple simple examples how a bad boss simply cares about his subordinates, but they don’t even know about it. That is, do not judge strictly until you find out everything.
  2. Salary is a sore point for any employee. But if you are not satisfied with the salary, there are two ways out of the situation. First, strive for a promotion, although you will have to work more, you will get the desired increase. The second option is to find a part-time job. Many types of work allow you to earn extra money outside of working hours. This can be good practice and allow you to make money. For example, a builder can earn extra money by taking on private orders or opening a blog on the topic of construction. You will learn a lot of interesting things!
  3. Working hours are very important. For example, if you have children and need to take them to kindergarten or school, then the morning should be free. There’s basically nothing you can do here, except maybe switch to a more convenient schedule. At the same time, people are often afraid that they will not be able to cope with the new schedule, but you will get the desired morning time, so just take the risk, and luck will smile on you.
  4. Working conditions: location, lunch break, uniform - this is a matter of comfort and your willingness to put up with some shortcomings. Don't expect to be allowed to wear what you want if you get a job as a factory worker, but at least provide yourself with clean clothes. Many employees work for months in dirty overalls, and this does not improve their performance; rather, it spoils their mood. Wash things more often, then at least they will be comfortable. Lunch is also important, don't skip it. A good snack can improve your performance, because better at home take time to do this rather than get angry at work because of the lack of tasty food. Your place of work can become more beautiful if you bring home photos, your own corner will help give optimism and generally look at the situation with optimism. You may have already known this place, but every day there is something new, look for it and admire it: trees, weather, funny situations - don’t stand on the sidelines, but plunge into this world, maybe you’ll like it.
  5. Employees. Never think that a bad attitude cannot be changed. If you are disliked, find out why, and then change the situation, try to get closer to your employees, imbued with their spirit of competition, striving forward to your business, then work will be more enjoyable.
  6. Your responsibilities. If you don't love what you do, it's more difficult. However, weigh the pros and cons; if it’s too late to learn a new profession, try to find positive aspects in his. Go online and enter your profession into a search engine, along with the word “advantages” or “features.” This is the easiest way to find out the importance of your business, its distinctive and positive traits. Next, take a look at your team and who helps you. You may not like your business very much, but there are reliable people next to you who help you, stick to them. And finally, think about why your soul is not in this profession; maybe it really is the lack of something that can be brought there.