How to screw a heating radiator. How to properly install heating radiators with your own hands: a simple and understandable description

In order to keep the apartment warm and comfortable during the cold season, it is necessary to install the batteries efficiently. An important stage is correct connection all elements. The norms and basic rules are prescribed in the legislation, and it would be useful to familiarize yourself with them. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can do the installation yourself.

Features and types of heating systems

How warm the apartment will be depends on what type of heating system is installed in the room.

They can be divided into 3 main types according to the connection diagram:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe;
  • collector

As for the one-pipe system, in this case the coolant flows through one pipe to all batteries, and ultimately returns through it after it has cooled. This option is the easiest to install, and for this reason it is used in all multi-storey buildings. However, there are also disadvantages, in particular, when moving to other radiators, the coolant cools down more and more, and accordingly, less heat enters the room. In addition, you cannot disconnect only one battery for repairs; in this case, you will have to shut off the entire riser.

At two-pipe system The coolant flows through one pipe, but separately to all batteries. In this situation, all radiators are heated evenly, and the cooled water goes through a separate pipe into the boiler, where it is heated again. If replacement is necessary, there is no need to disconnect the riser; it is enough to shut off only one battery, which simplifies the work compared to the previous option.

The system using a collector is used mainly in cottages and is much more complex. IN in this case go to each radiator individual pipes. System installation on our own is impossible, the work of specialists is required.

The batteries themselves, depending on the material of manufacture, can be:

  • bimetallic;
  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • steel.

Bimetallic include elements made from various metals and are often used in apartments. They have good heat transfer, are easy to install, but have a fairly high price. Working pressure – 35 atm.

Aluminum batteries also do not create installation problems and dissipate heat well. Due to pressure up to 18 atm, they are often installed in multi-storey buildings. Radiators are resistant to corrosion, but they cannot be mounted with copper pipes, since the bases may react, leading to the destruction of both elements.

Cast iron batteries are most often used in old housing stock, where there are few floors, since their pressure reaches only 12 atm. They are installed quite rarely in apartments. Radiators have significant weight, which creates difficulties during installation; in addition, they heat up and cool down for a long time. Among the advantages are their strength and long service life.

Steel radiators are reasonably priced and suitable for apartment buildings. Among the disadvantages, consumers note a short service life - about 15-20 years. And also in this case there is no possibility to expand additional sections. Easy to install and can be installed with any pipes.

Depending on the material of manufacture, differences appear in the installation process of radiators. Due to their strength, cast iron heating elements are more resistant to mechanical stress; others require careful handling. Installation should be carried out exclusively on walls made of brick and concrete; if there is a plasterboard wall nearby, a special stand is required.

In modern models it is necessary to provide a Mayevsky tap.

Connection methods

SNiP prescribes the basic rules for installing heating radiators. The ability of the radiator to withstand pressure is important. The manufacturing material should not react with the pipes that are supplied to the product in order to avoid corrosion processes. The battery should be placed 10 centimeters below the protruding part of the window sill to release heat flow.

The distance between the floor and the bottom of the radiator should be more than 10 and less than 15 centimeters. This is a fundamental issue, otherwise the processes of uniform heat transfer will be disrupted. All sections must be connected evenly and have no significant differences in height.

In order for heat transfer to occur most efficiently, it is important to place the heating radiator correctly. Experts recommend placing it under the windows in order to minimize the loss of heat through these areas. In the case when there is an external cold wall, it is recommended to place additional devices on it.

In general, batteries in an apartment can be located in several ways:

  • lateral location;
  • lower;
  • diagonal;
  • sequential.

The most popular is the side arrangement of batteries. It is characterized by high heat transfer. The pipe through which it goes hot water, is inserted into the upper pipe, and the outlet comes from the lower one. In the case of bottom placement, both pipes are located at the bottom. The diagram is relevant if the pipes are located in the floor or under the baseboard.

Diagonal is used when the battery has large number sections, 12 or more. The coolant enters through the top pipe and exits from the bottom. Consistent is relevant when the plumbing system has sufficient pressure so that hot water passes through all radiators.

In cases where it is necessary to install an additional radiator, the coolant must first be removed from the system. After securing the brackets, the radiator is attached, the connections are secured with a special key. You need to install a Mayevsky tap on the free hole, and close all the others with a plug. Next, you should attach the battery itself and carefully align it. After this, the remaining elements are brought in and everything is connected into unified system, which must be absolutely sealed.

Substitution rules

There are times when radiators need replacement.

This can happen in two situations:

  • battery failure;
  • replacing old radiators with new ones.

In the event of a breakdown, it is necessary to notify the Housing Office and the Department of Economic Protection. Representatives of these organizations are required to visit the apartment, conduct an inspection and confirm what to restore old radiator impossible and needs to be replaced.

It may happen that during repairs or for other reasons, residents decided to replace old heating radiators with more modern ones. modern models. In this case, the owner must be ready to go through approvals. Without consent management company and confirming this fact documents, batteries cannot be replaced.

Representatives of the above organization must take part in the work process, otherwise such actions threaten a number of problems.

IN First of all, the parameters may change heating system the whole house. In addition, in order to install a new radiator, it is necessary to shut off the entire riser, and this action can only be performed by employees of the management company. If you do this yourself, the violator may face a considerable fine. But you also need to know the temperature regime, which will directly affect how much heat the device will give off, and, accordingly, the favorable microclimate in the room.

After completing all the documents, you can purchase necessary elements and devices. Next, the installation date is agreed upon, in accordance with which the work is carried out. Our specialists will help you properly connect, configure and run your heating system.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on installing heating devices, you need to clarify the type of wiring by which the system is organized. This determines which parts and in what quantities will be required during the installation process. The work site should be prepared, as well as the necessary tools.

The first thing to start with is blocking the riser. If there are old batteries, they need to be disconnected, drained of all water, and then disconnected from the heating system.

If necessary, you should use a pump, which can be used to remove as much liquid as possible from the radiator.

When the coolant is removed, you should determine the places where the heating element will be attached. Next, the brackets are installed. You will need 2 or 3 of them in order to fix top part batteries, as well as a pair to hold the bottom one. The location of the brackets must be checked using a special level. After this, the site can be considered ready for work.


After preparatory work completed, you can begin the direct installation of heating devices that need to be placed on brackets. If the installation of the brackets is done correctly, back wall The radiator will fit closely to the supports and will be securely fixed to them. When installing the battery itself, you need to take into account that it is necessary to maintain a slight slope, which will be about 3 millimeters per 1 meter of the heating device.

The batteries are installed, pipes and fittings are connected to them, and all this is carefully secured. How well the work is carried out will determine how tight the system will be. Next, you can open the riser and fill it with water. This will allow you to check how tight the connections are.

When installing heating devices with your own hands, you must pay special attention to the installation of shut-off and control elements. The installation of a Mayevsky crane is mandatory, because it is he who will subsequently play the main role when bleeding air at the beginning heating season. The element should be located near the highest point.

When working with single pipe system it is required to install a bypass, which has a valve, in contrast to a two-pipe system, when the connection occurs only with the discharge, which also has a valve. The bends are attached to the pipes using torque wrenches. Such keys are not included in the kit; when installing a radiator, specialists bring this tool with them. If the work is carried out independently, you will need to buy keys, since the work cannot be completed without them. This element ensures reliable tightening of fasteners.


Before you begin installing a heating radiator with your own hands, you should carefully prepare everything you need for this work so that you will be pleased with the end result.

The slightest unaccounted for detail during the operation of the heating structure can result in further big problems, up to and including an emergency.

Therefore, installing heating radiators in apartment building should be carried out by housing and communal services workers (plumbers). IN own home The owner himself decides whether to use the services of professionals or do the installation himself. True, in order to avoid repairing the premises after the hot stream causes serious damage, the property owner should familiarize himself with the information regarding the rules and nuances of installing radiators (read also: " ").

Preparing to install heating radiators with your own hands

First of all, the owner needs to understand the type of wiring that was once used when arranging the heating supply structure. If the owner of a country house created it with his own hands, he knows what heating circuit installed in the house - single-pipe or double-pipe. From the wiring diagram and design features equipment depends largely on the choice of system elements and their quantity.

Parts required for proper installation

The parts required to install the batteries yourself are purchased based on the design features of the heating system. For example, if the radiator is used in single-pipe heating, then a bypass is needed. Thanks to this element, if repairs or repairs are necessary, the heating in the room does not need to be turned off. This point is very important, since in the winter cold it is undesirable to cut off the heat supply to the house.
The installation diagram of heating radiators and the type of heating device determine how many connecting and other functional parts will need to be purchased in order to carry out the installation correctly (read also: " "). According to the design and size of the batteries, elements such as nipples, corners, couplings, and adapters are selected. Shut-off valves are also required.

Experts recommend purchasing shut-off valves radiator type and do not give preference to complex ball valves with the so-called “American”, since their installation requires professional skills. Without experience, it will be quite problematic for the contractor to ensure the tightness of the connections.

When installing a heating radiator with your own hands, in order to connect it to the pipeline, you need fittings that have a thread that matches the pipes. A sleeve is also screwed onto the leads, which is then twisted and inserted into the battery. Using the connectors shown in the photo, it is easier to connect the radiator to the circuit and there is no need to use welding to connect the joints between the liner and the pipeline.

If you plan to do this, first of all you should make sure that the brackets included in the kit match the material from which the walls of the room are built.

The rules for installing heating radiators stipulate that it is necessary to remove trapped air from the device, and for this purpose it is usually equipped with a Mayevsky valve. As a rule, it is included in the factory equipment, otherwise it must be purchased.

There are strict rules on how to install a heating radiator:

  • The supply pipeline to the heating devices should be positioned with a slope of 0.5 centimeters per one meter of pipe in the direction of coolant circulation. Calculate the angle of inclination taking into account the length of the mounted pipe sections;
  • the distance from the plane of the floor covering to the radiator cannot be less than 6-10 centimeters;
  • it is required to maintain a gap between the bottom of the window sill and the top line of the battery equal to 5-10 centimeters:
  • the distance between the wall surface and the radiator should be 3-5 centimeters.

Among mandatory conditions installation of devices - precise adherence to horizontal and vertical directions. It is customary to install radiators in the same room at the same level. To increase the efficiency of heat transfer by the radiator, a heat-reflecting shield made of a special material is placed on the wall located behind it. You can coat the wall surface with a composition that has similar properties.

Marking batteries with fasteners: rules

Correct installation of a heating battery with your own hands involves the initial design of the heating structure and the implementation of appropriate calculations, including, among other things, determining the number of battery sections required to heat the building. According to the installation rules, one “square” of the heating surface area of ​​the device requires one bracket for mounting (read also: “”). Given fastener home handyman can easily do it yourself.

Before installing the heating radiator correctly, the following work must be done:

  • Taking into account the above rules, mark the mounting points of the brackets;
  • Before drilling holes, check once again that the markings are correct;
  • Dowels are inserted into the prepared holes and fasteners are screwed in.
If the markings are done correctly, the radiator will fit tightly on the installed supports, resting firmly on them. Then you should connect the device to the elements of the communication system (more details: " ").

Tools and materials

The contractor for self-installation heating batteries It is necessary to carry torque wrenches with dimensions that allow you to maintain the torque with a high degree of accuracy. Since the liquid circulates through the system under significant pressure, poorly performed sealing leads to leaks in the form of a jet gushing from the joint. In case of excessive constriction, there is a high probability of a similar problem occurring.
For this reason, you should strictly follow the instructions for the devices supplied by the manufacturers, as they contain torque values. You will also need a sealant, tow, impregnated oil paint. You can use a special sealing tape.

Carrying out installation work: diagram

Before starting work, completely shut off the heating circuit and drain the coolant from the system. Helps remove remaining liquid circulation pump. Using a level, check the battery hung on the fasteners relative to the horizontal and vertical position.


  • remove all plugs from the radiator;
  • if the heating circuit is single-pipe, proceed to connecting a bypass equipped with a valve. With a two-pipe scheme, the correct installation of heating radiators does not involve the use of a bypass, but for connection they use a squeegee with a valve attached to it.

The battery is connected to the heating structure using threaded connectors. The joints are sealed with tow or other sealant. If you have the skills, use welding at the junction of the pipes and the pipeline. The installation of aluminum, steel and bimetallic radiators The factory packaging is not removed from them. Read also: "".

After installation is completed, pressure testing of the system is still necessary. Such activities should be done by plumbers, since they have experience and they have a device that does not make sense to purchase to install a pair of batteries.

Radiator installation methods

Methods for installing heating radiators depend on the layout of these devices and are as follows:
  • one-way connection;
  • diagonal;
  • lower.

Features of installation of cast iron radiators

Despite the latest devices that provide space heating, such as ultra-light and aesthetic bimetallic and aluminum products, cast iron radiators are still in demand among property owners. And although cast iron products do not have an elegant design, the batteries remain hot for a long time, gradually transferring heat to the surrounding space.

There are specific design features of cast iron appliances that must be taken into account when installing them:

  • Before installation, the battery must be unscrewed, then the nipples must be adjusted and the device reassembled. For disassembly, you will need a workbench and a pair of radiator keys that fit the configuration of the nipple holes. To unscrew the lower nipple, it is necessary to insert a crowbar into the eye of the key and thereby increase the applied force. To avoid distortion, both nipples (upper and lower) should be unscrewed at the same time, so it is advisable to do the work together. Important next moment: By different sides cast iron product the thread is in the opposite direction. Then the section is removed;
  • in the same way, you need to screw together all the sections and then connect them in the reverse order into a single radiator, based on the heating needs of a particular room. An assembled battery consisting of a certain amount sections need to be pressed. If a leak is detected in the device, the nipple located in the problem area;
  • wall models cast iron radiators Can only be mounted on brick or foam concrete walls. Wooden enclosing structures will not support their weight, so the owner of such a house needs to purchase batteries with floor supports, but there must also be fasteners on the walls that support the devices (read also: " ");
  • since usually in our own houses, as a rule, heating is single-pipe, installation of a bypass is required. The diagram must also contain the necessary shut-off valves and a Mayevsky tap;
  • the installation height of cast iron heating radiators above the floor cannot exceed 12 centimeters from the level of the finished floor covering to the lower edge of the heating devices;
  • To connect such batteries, threaded connectors are used.
As is clear from the information provided in the article, there is nothing complicated in the technology of installing radiators. Knowing the rules for creating a heating structure and following the sequence of actions, every home craftsman can perform this work on one's own. Particular attention should be paid to tightness, which can ensure the absence of leaks.

Correct installation of the radiator with your own hands in the video:


Is it possible to install heating equipment on one's own? This point interests many future owners of a private home. According to experts, this is a feasible task for a person who has the skills to carry out construction work who has read the instructions.

If you replace old heating devices with new ones modern radiators, heating the premises will be more efficient. It’s the quality installed batteries the further functioning of the entire heat supply structure depends. Radiators in your own home can be installed quickly and reliably.

What is required to complete the work

Before installing heating batteries yourself, you must:
  • prepare a set of tools;
  • take measurements and perform appropriate calculations;
  • study the instructions on how to properly install the heating battery;
  • allocate time to complete the work, but the main thing for successful result- wish.

Heating layout options

When installing heating radiators, the instructions for them recommend which device installation scheme is preferable.

The most commonly used options are:
  1. Diagonal connection. Usually it is used for arranging multi-sectional heating structures. Distinctive feature diagonal installation is the connection of pipelines: the supply pipe is connected on one side of the battery into the upper fitting, and the return pipe is connected on the other side of the device into the lower fitting. At serial connection coolant liquid circulates due to the pressure available in the heating system.

    To remove air from the battery, Mayevsky taps are used, placing them on the radiator.
    The disadvantage of this option is that if it is necessary to repair the heating device, you will need to remove it and turn off the system. Read also: "".
  2. Bottom connection. This type wiring is used when pipelines are planned to be placed in the floor covering or under the baseboard. The bottom connection is considered the most aesthetic when creating an interior. The return and supply pipes are located at the bottom of the radiator and directed vertically towards the floor. The photo clearly demonstrates what it looks like.
  3. Lateral one-way connection. This method is the most common because it provides maximum heat transfer. Its essence is to connect the supply tube to the upper fitting, and the return pipe to the lower one. The rules for installing heating radiators stipulate that if sections are not heated sufficiently in multi-section devices, a coolant flow extension should be installed.
  4. Parallel connection. The connection is made through a pipeline connected to the supply riser. The spent coolant leaves the radiator through a pipeline that is connected to the return line. The presence of a valve before and after the battery allows you to remove and repair the device without turning off the heat supply. The disadvantage of the parallel method is the need to maintain in the system high pressure, otherwise fluid circulation is disrupted.

Correct installation of radiators: instructions

The rules according to which heating radiators are installed are the same for devices from different materials manufacturing - cast iron, aluminum, steel and bimetallic radiators.

When installing heating radiators, the instructions require ensuring sufficient air circulation and hence heat exchange while strictly observing the permissible distances:
  • the necessary movement of air masses is possible at a distance of 5-10 centimetersfrom the top of the device to the window sill;
  • the gap between the floor covering and the bottom of the battery cannot be less than 10 centimeters;
  • the gap between the wall and the radiator should be a minimum of 2 centimeters and a maximum of 5 centimeters. Correct installation of heating batteries is carried out using special fastenings a certain length (read also: " ").

Calculation of the number of radiator sections

Before installing new radiators, it is necessary to calculate the number of sections that need to be purchased. You can find this information in shopping center when purchasing them or use the following rule: if the height of the room does not exceed 2.7 meters, one section is capable of heating 2 “squares” of area. If a fractional result is obtained, it is rounded up.
From here it should be understood that the calculation of the number of sections is carried out individually, taking into account many nuances related to the characteristics of the premises and heating elements. The cost of heating radiators in both cases will differ, and significantly. Read also: "".

Tools for work

For self-installation batteries you will need the following tools:
  • impact drill;
  • set of keys;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers.

Battery Installation

Recommendations from heating device manufacturers, explaining how to properly install the battery, contain the following sequential steps:
  • First, if you have old radiators, you must dismantle them. First, water is drained from the heating system;
  • then markings are made for attaching new devices;
  • install the bracket and hang the battery with the regulator. To make sure that the fastener is reliable and that it will support the battery, one person should lean on it with all their weight;
  • install shut-off valves and connect pipelines, paying special attention to the reliability of threaded connections. Read also: "".
By following the rules for installing heating radiators, you can make this process safe and of high quality.

Instructions for installing heating batteries on video:

Apartment owners and country houses Recently, people have preferred to install heating devices themselves. This is due to cost savings on those types of work that are easy to perform. It is advisable to replace radiators with the heating system turned off. Instructions for installing batteries are discussed later in the article.

As a rule, heating devices are installed in places of maximum heat loss. It's about about window openings, where even when using modern energy-saving double-glazed windows, a large amount of heat is lost.

In addition to power, it is also important correct location devices and proper calculation of their sizes. If there is no battery under the window opening, then the flow of cold air will “flow” along the wall and spread across the floor covering. If there is a heating device, the warm air will not allow the cold to sink down. Moreover, the effect of such protection will be noticeable if the radiator covers at least 70% of the window width.

In the event that the heating device has dimensions smaller than the norm prescribed in SNiP, ensure the creation comfortable temperature it won't work. Cool air from above will penetrate the floor, where cold spots will form. In such a situation, the windows will constantly fog up, and condensation will form on the walls in places where warm and cold air collide, causing dampness.

Therefore, there is no need to look for batteries with maximum heat transfer. Their purchase and installation can only be justified in regions with cold winters. In the north, heating devices are often installed large size using the most powerful sections. In the central regions of our country, heat transfer of average coefficients is required. In the south of Russia, low batteries with a small center gap are used.

The basic rule for installing heating devices is to cover most of the window.

Another area requiring special attention with a decrease in heat loss, this is front door. In private houses, as well as in some apartments located on the ground floor, this problem is solved by installing a thermal curtain near the door.

The installation of heating radiators should be carried out as close as possible to the opening in the wall for entry and exit, taking into account the layout and the possibility of piping in this area.

Rules for installing heating devices

It is necessary to observe the linear dimensions and references to the wall, floor and window sill:

The above rules are general in nature. Each manufacturer has its own requirements for how to properly install and operate a heating device. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you must carefully study all recommendations.

Mounting methods depending on the type of wall

To reduce heat loss due to heating of the side structure behind the heating device, foil or a foil screen with heat insulator functions is attached in this place. This simple method allows you to save 10-15% on heating costs. To increase heat transfer, this element must be placed at a distance of at least 2-3 cm from the radiator. The insulating material must be fixed to the wall, and not just applied to the battery.

Before starting work, you need to decide when to install radiators. This depends on the design features of the devices. If they are connected from the side, then they can first be fixed to the wall, then proceed with the installation of pipes. When using heating devices with bottom connections, it is recommended to install them only after all pipe routing work has been completed.

Installation procedure

When installing heating devices with your own hands, you need to do everything correctly, taking into account every little detail.

Professionals recommend using at least three reliable mounts when placing radiators, two of which are located at the top and one at the bottom. Sectional batteries of any type are hung on anchors with an upper collector. That is, the upper fastenings withstand the main load, and the lower ones are used for fixation.

When installing heating devices, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions:

The technology for installing heating radiators is described here in as much detail as possible. To carry out this work yourself, you need to consider some points in more detail.

Installing a thermostat

The thermostat for mounting on the radiator has threaded connection. When installing this device, it is necessary to ensure that the arrow on the housing points in the direction of movement of the coolant, which must be supplied through the thermostat.

A device designed to maintain the required temperature regime air, is installed in a horizontal position, since its correct work. The device determines the temperature in the room and, depending on its value, adjusts the locking mechanism.

The thermostat should be installed at least 80 cm from the floor, since the air below is colder. The device must be protected from exposure sun rays, however, it should not be covered by furniture or curtains. The thermostat must be installed so that the existing sensor is not affected by heat from the battery.

How to hang a radiator correctly

It is important that heating devices were installed on flat wall. To make the work easier, you need to find the middle of the opening and draw a horizontal line 10-12 cm below the window sill. This line is needed to align the upper edge of the battery along it.

The brackets are installed taking into account this line, so that after mounting the radiator is positioned horizontally. But this provision is applicable for the circular movement of the coolant using pumping equipment.

In systems with circulation without the use of additional devices, it is necessary to create a slope of 1-1.5% in the direction of the coolant movement.

Installing radiators on the wall

The batteries are hung on brackets or hooks that are attached to the side structure. The last elements are installed in the same way as when installing anchors. A hole is drilled into the wall corresponding to the diameter of the dowel that is inserted into this hole. Next, the hook is mounted in a specialized fastener. The gap between the radiator and the wall can be reduced or increased by turning metal part clockwise or counterclockwise.

Hooks for cast iron equipment are significantly thick, so they can withstand greater loads compared to fasteners for radiators made of aluminum.

During installation, it is important to remember that the upper hooks are the most loaded, and the lower one is necessary for fixing the battery to the wall in the desired position. The lower mount is installed so that the collector is 1-1.5 cm higher, since otherwise heating device do not hang.

To install the brackets, you must first attach the radiator to the wall where it will subsequently be mounted. Next, the mounting location on the vertical enclosing structure is determined and marked. The next step is to fasten the bracket with special elements and screws screwed into dowels, which are pre-inserted into holes drilled in the wall. At the final stage, the heating device is hung on the mount.

Installation of radiators in the floor

If the design of the walls does not allow hanging radiators on them, the devices can be installed on flooring. Some devices are equipped with legs, but if for some reason they are not suitable, it is recommended to use special brackets.

First, these parts are installed on the floor covering, then the radiator is hung on them. The legs are adjustable and non-adjustable. Depending on the material, fastening to the floor is done with nails, screws or self-tapping screws.


Installing a radiator with your own hands is not an easy task, but it is doable if you follow the installation technology. At the same time, you need to understand that the installation of a heating system by a specialized organization allows you to obtain a guarantee for the work performed.

Installation and crimping of radiators is confirmed by special documents with the signatures of the performers and the seals of the organization. If there is no need to confirm warranty obligations, you can handle this work yourself.