How to build a bathhouse in camping conditions. Camping sauna: choice of design, subtleties of use and how to make it yourself

When we talk about a bathhouse, we mean not only the opportunity to wash ourselves thoroughly, we are talking about health. When we go on a hike, we also go for relaxation, health, beauty and energy. This means that a sauna on a hike is health squared! And how can we strengthen it? The only option is a mobile sauna. We’ll talk about how you can get it...

Who needs camp baths and why?

Remember how you wash yourself on a long hike: after a whole day of active rest (from which, by the way, you get more tired than from hard work), you find the first body of water you come across, set up a camp next to it and put yourself in order, as God willing. Sometimes it happens that you have to go to bed quickly washed. No fun. Now imagine that you have the opportunity to lie down not just clean, but relaxed and defrosted after a good bathhouse. The difference is huge! And you will feel it immediately! How you rest at night determines your entire next day. Draw your own conclusions... Often, camping bathhouses help out summer residents who do not have the opportunity to build a full-fledged building. Also this great option for a construction team that is permanently “tied” to a site near a reservoir. In general, if you know the price have a good rest If you care about your health and love steam rooms, then, of course, a mobile sauna is for you.

What does a camp sauna look like?

The design of the structure is almost no different from the usual: you will need a closed space that functions as a steam room and an oven for camp bath . Sometimes in hiking conditions They do not use a special stove, but build something out of stones that resembles a fireplace in which they build a fire. Stones are then placed in it. The most important thing is to heat these stones enough to get the right amount of hot steam. If such a homemade “stove” is installed, then they usually try to find rounded stones for it, because flat and layered ones can crack. Scattering into different sides fragments of stones can injure others, so it is better to stay away while the bath is warming up or take another, more “civilized” route - purchase a ready-made stove, and possibly the entire structure.

While the stoves for camp baths heat the stones, you need to build a frame of poles. You will need four vertical posts, four more poles to connect from above. Four diagonal poles will hold up the “walls” and two more will hold up the “ceiling”. Having assembled the frame, you need to cover it with plastic film - this will be a kind of insulation for the steam room, the cracks must be carefully closed. This will be the steam room. To take a steam bath, you will have to constantly add firewood. You can't count on high temperatures either. So, this is a labor-intensive, but “disposable” option. It’s better, of course, to make something more reliable and durable or still splurge on a ready-made structure. Read about all this further.

Ready-made camp sauna: what, why and how

As for ready-made mobile structures, then there is a choice here. You can buy just a tent for a mobile steam room or together with a stove. There are also separate awnings that do not come with a frame: you will have to assemble it yourself.

If you immediately buy a ready-made kit along with a stove, then the problems will be solved “in field conditions"you will not have any at all, but it is advisable to have some vehicle: It’s not so easy to carry a tent and a stove, even the most lightweight ones. But this is an ideal option for summer residents and builders.

You can simply buy a special awning in the hope that the place where you are planning a vacation will definitely have poles for the frame. You can also buy a sauna tent that already has a frame. In any case, this is convenient: the problem of heat loss is much easier to solve, since these awnings hold steam well, unlike plastic film. All that will remain is the stove for the camp sauna. Having built it correctly, you get a full-fledged steam room - warm, cozy and, most importantly, hermetically sealed.

How to make a camp sauna: features

If you have firmly decided that you need a mobile sauna with your own hands, feel free to build it. There is nothing complicated about it. How to do this? You will need following materials and conditions:


The frame needs stands. Carbon fiber or aluminum are quite suitable. Take ready-made stands from a 4-person tent. It is believed that they may not withstand the “bath” temperature, but practice shows that these materials are quite safe and relatively durable. You can, of course, use wooden poles, but they are unreliable and quickly break down. In addition, wood is a flammable material, and you will constantly have to worry about safety.

Covering material

If you do not buy a special awning, then take regular wide polyethylene. When purchasing, be careful not to make a mistake with the size of the piece. Calculate it based on the fact that the area you need to cover is 6x6 m. This amount of material is enough to build a steam room for 6 people. Some of our practical compatriots have adapted to using old banners as covering material. You can try it too. The main thing is, don’t take risks and don’t put up a standard awning from a modern tent, otherwise you’ll quickly say goodbye to it, but canvas tents from Soviet times can withstand the temperature very well.



You need to install a mobile steam room in a place where there is an abundance of firewood. Moreover, for the bath you will need dry firewood with a maximum diameter of 10-15 cm. Do not prepare too thick logs.


They also need to be prepared in advance. For one go you will need about a bucket of stones. If you get more, that's good. Choose large round boulders. Inspect the finds carefully: do not take stones with chips and admixtures of other rocks, flat or layered ones under any circumstances. If required quantity It was not possible to collect large stones, take smaller pebbles.


Camping sauna is being built on the shore of a reservoir. If necessary, organize a dam in advance so that you can swim normally.

Step-by-step construction instructions

Stage one

Place the firewood on the ground in one layer and a layer of stones on top. Light a fire. When it burns well, lay the second layer of firewood, and then again the stones. The procedure of throwing firewood and stones continues until all the collected stones are in the fire. After that, just maintain a good flame. The fire should produce good heat.

Stage two

Take the prepared posts and install them crosswise. Assemble the frame near the fire. If you decide to use poles, they should be 3-4 cm thick. Using rope, tape or electrical tape, build a cube without a bottom or a hut out of them, covering the ends of the poles with fabric so that they do not tear the polyethylene.

Stage three

When the stones in the fire turn red, it's time to set up the tent. Take a shovel or long thick sticks and roll the stones from the fire into the frame. Ideal option– dig a hole for them in advance so as not to drive them all over the camp. When all the large stones are under the frame, remove all the small fragments and water the “path” along which they rolled. This way you will protect both the future tent and your own legs. Next, cover the frame with film, avoiding the place where the stones were placed. Press the edges to the ground with pebbles, logs, or sprinkle with sand. The steam room is ready. Make an entrance on the side opposite the hill of stones.

If you are satisfied with a camp sauna in black style, then the frame and awning can be placed directly above the fire. In this case, you won’t have to roll the stones anywhere, but the fire is prepared a little differently. You can build something like a furnace in the shape of a U, place a box of stones made of twigs or thick wire over a regular fire, or build a structure like a pyramid with a large boulder in the center. Keep in mind: this type of sauna is less safe, so constantly ensure that the materials do not burn or melt.

Some nuances of a camp bath

Remember: stones crack greatly when heated. So try to stay away from them. But there is good news: when you water them, they no longer shatter into fragments, so you can steam with peace of mind. You can draw conclusions about how high the temperature is in the steam room by observing the steam. If it rises upward in a hot wave, then the temperature is high, and you can steam for a long time. And if the steam spreads throughout the tent like a thick fog, then this is the last approach. The disadvantage of a camp bath is the relatively low temperature near the ground. To avoid catching a cold, place a rug or dry grass under your feet. Take care of your health!

A camp sauna is a simple tent equipped with a stove. Both structures are assembled at the resting place from those available at hand natural materials or take it with you in the car collapsible structures factory made.

DIY camp sauna

A mobile bathhouse tent is constructed from a frame covered with film, awning or tarpaulin. A stove is installed inside. There are 2 options for organizing a bathhouse: assemble a structure from available materials or install a factory-made tent.

In the first case, the frame of the camping bathhouse is optimally folded from thin metal tubes, but it will have to be transported to the resting place. In nature, a similar skeleton of a structure is assembled from long, strong poles. Cobblestones are used to lay the stove.

The second option for a camp bath is a ready-made, factory-made tent. She will have to be transported to her vacation spot by car. Plus, a metal stove is included with the tent. It is small, but it has weight, and it is difficult to carry such a load manually.

Advice! When using a tent, it is optimal to give preference to a Soviet-style product.

The choice is explained by the fact that in such models a tarpaulin serves as cover for the frame. The material retains heat and moisture and does not emit harmful fumes when heated.

Features of the design of a camp bath

The main requirement for such structures is that the camp sauna tent must be light, safe, and quickly disassembled and assembled.

The best frame for a bathhouse is considered to be a frame made of aluminum tubes. When disassembled, it is easy to carry even by hand. The assembled frame is durable and fireproof. If the skeleton of the tent is made from wooden poles, then the best material are considered to be long thin trunks of young trees. The poles should not be taken dry, as they are fragile and more susceptible to ignition from the stove.

The best covering material for a bathhouse is Soviet-style tarpaulin, but it is heavy, expensive and cannot be purchased everywhere. An ordinary film will serve as a primitive shelter. For a tent designed for 5 people, you will need a piece measuring 6x6 m. The disadvantage of the film is that it quickly burns out when hit by a spark from the stove, but it is easy to carry with you on a hike.

Any sauna tent must be equipped with a stove. There are 2 options to choose from:

  1. The stove-heater is built on a resting place from large cobblestones. The design resembles a well with a closed top. A window is left on the side for placing firewood in the firebox.
  2. The portable sauna stove is welded from metal. The design resembles a potbelly stove. There is a platform on top of the stove where you can heat water and heat stones to create a steam room.

The camping stove can be folded inside or outside the tent. The first option is called “black”, since there is smoke inside the bath along with the steam. The second option is called “in white”. Smoke from the stove does not penetrate into the tent. The stones are heated outside the bathhouse and brought inside while hot.

Important Terms

A portable sauna tent cannot be installed anywhere. It is optimal to choose a site with suitable conditions:

  • Availability of water. In field conditions suitable option for a bathhouse is the bank of any reservoir or river.
  • Stones. If metal portable oven no, it will have to be stacked from the cobblestones. There should be stones nearby, but not layered, but solid. Otherwise, the cobblestones will crack due to heating. Flying fragments can injure a person. Optimal dimensions cobblestones - from 10 to 12 cm. Small stones cool quickly, and large stones take a long time to warm up over a fire. The optimal shape of the cobblestones is slightly flattened and elongated. It is difficult to build a stove out of round stones, as they will roll off.
  • Young trees. If you don’t have the frame with you, it is collected from long poles 3-4 cm thick. The material is looked for in the nearest forest or planting.
  • Firewood. The stove in the camp sauna is heated for about 3 hours. Firewood requires dead wood. Trees are selected with a trunk thickness of 10-15 cm.

On a hike, it’s not always possible to find a place for a bathhouse with all the conditions, but you need to try to find something in between. First of all, a body of water is in demand. Stones, firewood, and poles can be searched for and brought by hand.

DIY manufacturing steps

A tent bathhouse is set up according to almost the same principle, regardless of the available material. The difference is the location of the stove.

Making a camp sauna “white-style”

“The white way” is to set up a sauna in a tent with your own hands without a stove. It is built outside the steam room. Only hot stones are brought inside the tent. The advantage of this method is the absence of smoke. The downside is that the camp bath takes a long time to warm up and cools down quickly. It is optimal to build a small tent so that there is enough space only for the necessary procedures. A large camping steam room will take a long time to warm up, you will need a lot of stones, and in cold weather this is almost impossible to achieve.

Due to the absence of a stove inside the tent, film can be used as a covering material. The frame in the traveling version is most often made of poles. You will need 8 poles more than 1 m long. The poles are tied together with wire or tape. You should get a cube or parallelepiped.

Advice! For a group holiday, it is better to build a bathhouse for 4 people and take turns to steam.

For 1-2 people, you can get by with a wigwam-shaped frame. 3 poles are placed at an angle, forming a cone. Before stretching the film, tape all sharp knots on the sticks. The polyethylene sleeve is opened with a knife. The resulting single-layer fabric covers the frame. The film is taped to the poles and secured with clothespins.

On the entrance side they leave 2 large canvases films. The doors should overlap so that steam does not escape from the camp bath. Inside there is a place for hot stones. It is fenced off with sticks 30-50 cm long driven into the ground. The floor of the camp bathhouse is covered with spruce branches. For sitting, you can lay a rug or find a stump.

The stove is installed at a safe distance from the tent. The spark should not reach the film cover. You also can’t move the stove too far away, because you’ll still have to carry hot stones into the tent. After the construction of the stove, the remaining stones are not thrown away. They press the bottom of the tent's film cover to the ground. It is important to place the stones tightly together, otherwise steam will escape from under the unpressed areas.

Making a sauna tent “the black way”

Using the “black” method, a do-it-yourself sauna on a camping trip is installed in the same way. The difference in the design is the location of the stove inside the tent. The frame of a camp bath is tied with willow twigs or vines. The easiest option is to fasten 4 poles about 1.5 m long with tape. If you can find long poles about 3 m, then 2 of them will be enough. The poles are simply bent, tying them with a cross in the center to form a hut shape.

Film can serve as a shelter for a camp bath, but polyethylene is afraid of fire. The stove will have to be folded efficiently in order to protect the film tent as much as possible from sparks.

For a “black” camping sauna, it is better to install a collapsible frame made of thin aluminum tubes. It is guaranteed not to ignite in the oven. Instead of film, the tent is covered with a tarpaulin. Durable racks will withstand the shelter even if it is covered with snow or rain accompanied by strong winds.

A quick camp sauna with a stove is organized in a factory-made tent, only with a tarpaulin cover. The frame is assembled from folding arches in a few minutes. For convenience, first a stone stove is laid out in the tent, and then a tarpaulin cover is pulled up.

Do-it-yourself camping sauna stove

The stove-stove for a camp bath is built with your own hands on the spot from large cobblestones. In fact, the design resembles a potbelly stove. First, lay out the firebox in the shape of an unfinished ring, leaving a window for loading firewood. The vault is made as shown in the figure: solid, vaulted or with a lintel. The first scheme is worse due to poor heating of the upper cobblestones, since there is not enough flame to reach them.

The main stages of constructing a bath using improvised means

Experienced travelers quickly erect a sauna-tent with a stove. A beginner should follow the steps step by step, following the recommendations. After several training sessions, installing a camp sauna will take no more than an hour.

Selection of location

A suitable site for a camp bath is selected taking into account important conditions. Any source of water, firewood and stones is required. Carrying cobblestones from afar is difficult. The same goes for water. You can bring a couple of buckets, but the pleasure from bathing will be limited. It’s good to stop on the shore of a pond, where you can take a dip after the steam room.

When choosing a site, it is worth examining the soil. The ground must be solid. In soft and loose soil it is impossible to reliably strengthen the tent poles.

Construction of the stove

The most important step is to install a stove for a camp bath using cobblestones found in the vicinity. The simplest heater is built according to following rules even before covering the tent with a tarpaulin:

  1. Cut under the stove with a sharp spatula top part soil. The base is laid out in the recess with cobblestones. If there is dry grass nearby, remove it with a spatula to prevent fire.
  2. Using flattened cobblestones with a size of 200 mm or more, lay out the fireplace. Its height and diameter are approximately 700 mm. A small opening is left for storing firewood in the fireplace. The hearth is covered from above with a large flat stone. You'll be lucky to find a slab-shaped savage. It is convenient to place a bucket of water on a flat stone.
  3. A fire is lit in the stove of the camp sauna tent 4 hours before swimming. The readiness of the stones will be indicated by their red or white, which depends on their breed.

The first watering on the stove is done with caution. If the stones do not crack and no fragments fly off from them, the cobblestones are selected correctly.

Frame structure

A collapsible tent has a frame made of tubes. When using homemade design, the felled poles are cleared of knots. The most convenient and safest is a two-compartment camping sauna. The frame of the tent is made in such a way that the steam room is slightly distant from the stove.

First, 4 racks are dug in the corners. From above they are connected along the perimeter and crosswise by crossbars. The poles form a strong outline of the tent and prevent the tarpaulin from sagging on the ceiling. Two long poles are placed at an angle to one side of any wall. They are attached to the tent frame from above, and pressed into the ground from below. This creates a second compartment for the stove.

Canopy for camping steam room

For a tent, it is advisable to use a single piece of film or tarpaulin. It should be larger in size than the frame so that the bottom edges can be strengthened well. The canopy is pressed to the ground with cobblestones or earth. Most good option- This means digging a trench around the frame, laying a canopy, and covering it with soil.

The warm floor inside the tent is made of spruce branches. Lay a rug on top or lay out thin branches with foliage. Birch is ideal.

Using a sauna tent is easy. A few tips will not hurt novice travelers:

  • when burning wood in the tent, leave a small open window to ventilate the smoke;
  • a bucket of water is placed on the stove to water the heater;
  • after heating the stones, the burnt-out heat is removed from the heater, and the tent is tightly closed to avoid heat loss;
  • The stones are watered as needed to create a comfortable amount of steam.

Cooling of the stove stones takes about 2 hours. During this time you can comfortably steam. To protect the walls of the tent from fire and people from accidental burns, the stove is fenced with shields made of branches.


A camp bathhouse is not built to be too spacious. A large tent leaves heat faster. It’s better to install a small structure and take turns steaming.

How to make a bathhouse on a hike is by no means a rhetorical question, because often after long marches and all kinds of marching throws, the body acquires a peculiar shade and patina, which sometimes slightly interferes and poisons the joy and lightness of life, not to mention the aromas accompanying long-term loads on the route.

You can, of course, just swim in the river or take camp shower, however, a camp bath, if of course you have the opportunity and desire to do it, will give you a lot of tone and will relieve your fatigue along with all sorts of plaque and dirt.

So, how to make such a camp bathhouse? What is needed for this?

But all you need is nonsense: stones, firewood, film and stands for the frame, and various little things. Just a few words about each of the components.
  • 1. stones for fire.
Usually those that are available are taken. Clearly, no one will drag it with them. If there are pellets - ideal, if not - limestone, granite, any rubble - anything that looks like a decent stone will do. Well, perhaps sand-lime brick I wouldn't recommend it. The only thing is that the same limestone (I’m talking about the Crimea, since I tried the most baths on the peninsula), when heated and further pouring water on it, releases a kind of peculiar steam, saturated with I don’t understand what kind of minerals, and there is so much of it in the air that it’s even on your teeth is felt. So if you want to steam in pure steam without impurities, you should bother looking for large pellets - like pebbles, only bigger. Keep one thing in mind: when you pour water on a heated stone, it often cracks and shoots, splashing around hot water and steam and scattering pieces of rock. This occurs due to temperature differences and heterogeneity. The more uniform the stones, the better.
  • 2. firewood.
It seems clear here - firewood and firewood, the more there is, the better, a normal bathhouse requires a lot of firewood to take a steam bath. When I make a sauna, I usually heat the stove for about five or six hours - the stones should not just heat up, but should be calcined to whiteness by at least a couple of centimeters - as a rule, the calcination boundary is quite clearly visible on them.

Regarding which firewood is better and which is worse - if you take Crimea, you don’t have to choose, here they are rich in what they are happy with. Everything goes into the firebox, even slightly damp wood, as long as there is some. There is one thing - I never tire of repeating: please don’t cut down the greenery, the forests here have already been miscalculated once or twice, and we also have our own requests.

Film is a necessary thing. The tent awning is not suitable, let me tell you straight away. It’s not suitable for the simple reason that it has limited breathability, but still not one hundred percent. Therefore, it will release steam into the atmosphere - it has been verified. We once took a steam bath in such a steam room and simply froze. And besides, steam has a detrimental effect on the characteristics of the tent, accelerating its destruction, in short, why ruin the tent, especially since it won’t do any good. The film copes with its tasks wonderfully, the only thing is that, if possible, it should be one large piece. If you have a small steam room for three to four people, you can make a small sitting bath; in this case, an oilcloth of 3 x 5 meters will be enough for you. If you have a large company, you should make the bathhouse higher and, ideally, find a film for greenhouses that comes in six-meter pieces. The size of the piece should be respectively 6 by 7 or 8 meters, let it be a little larger, believe me, there won’t be any extra - it will be more convenient to press it to the ground and arrange a canopy - the entrance.
  • 4. frame.
Under the frame, if the bathhouse is not large, you can use tent racks - usually nothing happens to them, they calmly tolerate bathing procedures. If you are planning a large company, then you will have to make a frame from improvised means, in the sense of branches, something like the one shown in the photo at the beginning of the article (it’s actually under the oilcloth, next time I’ll take a photo without the oilcloth and post it), on which subsequently the film is applied.

Now about what these camp baths are like.

In the literature, as a rule, it is written that such a bath can be of two types: black and white.

In my understanding, in black, this is when a fire is built and an awning is subsequently placed around it, and in white, this is when the awning is placed separately away from the fire and heated stones. The difference is that in the first case, the remaining ash is swept out of the steam room with a broom, but nevertheless, everything that remains gives off abundant smoke and soot, because no matter how hard you try, something will remain.

In the second case, the stones are pulled into a separate steam room, and it turns out that only clean stones are present in the steam room, without ash residues.

I once tried to make a steam room on black, I’ll say, as for me, I didn’t like it: I can’t breathe, the smoke eats away my eyes, in short, if possible, it’s better to make a fire pit separately from the steam room.

Now about the types of fireplaces for a camp bath.

  • The simplest option (I’ve actually never used this, just from stories) is that you lay a medium-sized layer of firewood on the ground, on which you lay a row of stones. Then again a row of firewood - a row of stones, and one more - in general, it depends on the number of comrades who have expressed a desire to take part in the action. After this, you light the fire, and actually, after it burns out, and it burns for two and a half hours, the stones are ready.
  • The second option is to lay out stones for the bath in a pyramid, which are then lined with firewood on all sides. The same thing - the fire is maintained for three to four hours, after which you can use it.
  • The third option - I usually bother with this type of fire pit; although it is a little more complicated, it is the most effective. The stones are laid out in a large letter P with a closed end, something like what is photographed in the top photo (there we have a full-face front view). A couple of flat stones are used for the ceilings, well, naturally, as flat as possible, since I love a white sauna, the stones must be liftable; when they get hot, it will not be so easy to pull them. On the walls of the fireplace there are a couple of stones on each side, about thirty centimeters long and twenty centimeters high, depending on the thickness, so that you can put them into a kind of fireplace, put a couple of stones at the end, you shouldn’t leave large holes through which it will fly out useful flame.
The number of stones in my fireplace ranges from 12 to 15, somewhere on average, quite enough for a group of five to six people to steam in three passes. I heat the stones for about five or six hours, the top ones in the ceiling in this case are heated quite well, and also the row of stones in the walls, which is on top, is practically in no way inferior to them. Well, the lower ones are already so-so - I use them last, on the third or fourth run, they are usually the coldest in the fireplace. I will add that you should try to position a fireplace of this type with its entrance facing the wind, so that the wind blows inward, so that the distant stones, where it is difficult to stuff firewood normally, heat up very well.

So, as usual, I have an event " » .

Arriving somewhere near a river or lake where there is firewood, we decide: that’s it, we’ll have a bathhouse here today! That we are not people, or what, hiking is hiking, and all that.....))

After that, we begin to fuss: we look for medium and larger (unless, of course, you were too lazy to take an ax with you) firewood for the hearth, collect stones, build a fireplace from them (as I already said, I love the option of a full-fledged fireplace with an overlap). We prepare firewood for this task - we need a lot of firewood, the fire should burn well for five to six hours (well, just to be sure). We light a fire inside the hearth - that’s it, the process has begun. We heat, heat, heat…..more wood, chop more, more fire…..just in case, we’ll cut that dry tree over there…. The forest will be cleaner..... after three hours of heating, we begin to build a frame to the side - I’m too lazy to collect branches, so I take the poles from the tent - it’s enough for four, five people.

Then I throw a film on top of the racks - it should completely cover our structure and at the same time lie on the ground, forming something like a skirt, 10 centimeters wide. We put small pebbles on this skirt so that they press our film to the ground and not in the steam room there was a draft siphoning. You can, of course, cover it with earth, but I don’t really like the dirt that forms in the camp after this; I prefer to spend ten minutes and pick up small stones.

In the front part of the tent, just slightly at an angle to the fireplace, I arrange the entrance - it depends how it turns out and how long the film will last. Usually this is just a canopy that is rolled inward and also pressed down with a pebble from the inside. In relation to the fireplace, I make the entrance slightly at an angle for safety reasons - you never know, you’ll get tired, run out of the steam room and suddenly you won’t notice the fireplace. And so, it’s better to play it safe. But you shouldn’t carry it far either, so as not to drag hot stones too far.

I take stones out of the fire in batches, for this it is best to have a couple of pairs of canvas mittens - the first three or four stones, steamed, cooled down - rolled out of the steam room, the rest are still lying in the coals - there is no point in letting them cool down just like that. He dived into the river, cooled down, came to his senses and rolled the next ones. And again the same thing. I forgot to add that I place the stones in the steam room in the center - then people just carefully and slowly sit around the stones.

I dug a pit for them a couple of times, but came to the conclusion that this is unnecessary - they are simply more difficult to roll out later when they cool down (there are still warm regions that have not been exposed to water)

In order to water the stones, I slightly preheat the water in a pot, well, so that it is warm - then the stones crack less, and the stones do not cool down so quickly.

You can add a couple of drops of aroma oil to the water - they say it has a healing effect, but as for me, it’s not bad at all.

And one more thing - in order to smooth out the difference in temperature in the steam room on the floor and under the ceiling, if possible, it is worth covering it with mats, naturally, leaving room for hot stones.

  • About safetyb – if someone feels completely unwell, you shouldn’t try to break through the hot stones to get out; if a person is sitting far from the entrance, it’s better to sacrifice the wall of the steam room by lifting it and getting out – the wall can be restored, and

If you intend to go out into nature on the weekend, or another day, and at the same time you are thinking about a bathhouse and wondering whether you should cancel your trip to the bathhouse, then the answer is obvious. Take the bathhouse with you or build a new one there. After all, a trip to nature and a trip to the bathhouse can be combined and made into one whole. We are talking about a camping sauna that you can build with your own hands.

Camping sauna made of tarpaulin

Is it possible to buy a camp sauna?

For beginners in this business, it is necessary to know in detail what needs to be available when constructing this structure, so that, in the end, the intended event with washing and the steam room occurs. If you are planning a trip to nature using personal transport, then it is better if the racks for the frame of the camp sauna are already available. Also, if you want to avoid unnecessary work, but, nevertheless, if you need a camp bathhouse, buying such a structure today is not difficult. You can buy a camp sauna as a whole, or you can buy it by component elements: just a stove, just a frame, just an awning. In short, it’s more economical to buy what you most don’t want to invent and do yourself. The purchased bathhouse looks, of course, more aesthetically pleasing, so it is best to purchase it for country house or a dacha, if there is no permanent bathhouse there yet, but you really want to wash yourself, and even more so, take a steam bath. The principle of such baths, no matter what their design, is the same - hot stones are watered with water or herbal decoctions.

What do you need to make a sauna on a camping trip?

For those who are planning a hike, of course, it makes more sense to build a bathhouse right at the resting place. However, you will have to take some things with you. But in order to fulfill your plans, you need to know whether everything you need will be there in this place. After all, in order for a camp bathhouse to turn from an imaginary object into something real, certain conditions are necessary. At the resting place it is obligatory and necessary:

  1. Availability of water. Without water, it will actually be very difficult to wash yourself. This could be the bank of a river, the coast of the sea or a lake.
  2. Presence of stones. Steam when splashed on the stones - without it, a bathhouse in camping conditions will turn into a simple dousing with water. Well, if this is the coast, there will probably be stones. It is worth choosing them carefully. It is better to take homogeneous round large boulders, the fact is that different components of the stone can react differently to temperature changes and, as a result, when heated, the stones will crack and scatter into small components. If there are no boulders, you can get by with pebbles. You need a lot of stones, approximately 1 bucket for 1 wash. In short, each participant in the bathing procedure must collect a bucket of stones for himself.
  3. Availability of young thin trees for frame construction. You can also stock up on racks in advance. These can be simple aluminum stands from sales tents. They are quickly and easily assembled and disassembled, and easy to transport. Some hikers use carbon fiber stands, which are also safe. If there are none available, you will have to cut down young trees. The diameter of the finished poles should be about 3-4 cm. But here we must take into account that the wooden poles will be a safety concern, and you will always have to think about this. You also need to think about the way to fasten them together. Moreover, each trip will need to invent new poles. Therefore, regular fans of camping baths take collapsible racks on camping trips. This allows you not to think about fire safety, and also saves time in constructing the structure.
  4. Availability of firewood. You will also need a lot of firewood, assuming that it will burn for at least 2-3 hours. No need to choose too thick logs. They burn poorly and this does not save any time. The size of the firewood should be a maximum of 10-15 cm, then they will have time to burn out and give off all their heat.

But you need to think about how to cover the constructed frame in advance. You need to take the covering material with you, since, unfortunately, you won’t be able to find anything suitable in nature. There are also many options here, you can buy something, maybe you can find something on the farm. The simplest option is a square piece of polyethylene measuring 6 by 6 meters. You can also use an awning from an old tent, the bottom of which, of course, needs to be removed, or a piece of tarpaulin of a similar size.

Construction of the stove: first option

When everything listed is already available, the main question remains: how to put it all together so that it works, in other words, how to make a camp sauna? First things first, you need to take care of the fire, since it will burn for at least three hours, so you can take care of the frame later. Well, if there are a lot of people on a hike, and everyone wants to wash, let them participate in the work. Then all the work can be done in parallel: some collect stones, others build a frame, others work on the awning, others chop wood, and the most responsible one, of course, manages the whole process. The stove in our case will be like a layer cake. A layer of stones is piled onto the layer of firewood, which are also covered with a layer of firewood. Now you need to make a fire and when it flares up, add another layer of stones. This procedure with layers must be repeated until the stones run out. It is necessary to maintain a good heat for 2-3 hours, the stones should become red hot, this is more noticeable in the dark.

Frame construction

The frame must be made strong and close to the fire (about two meters) and water. The proximity to water ensures fast and uninterrupted water supply, and, if desired, can replace the presence of a swimming pool. The fire must be at a safe distance, and at the same time we must remember that stones will have to be transported there. It may happen that they have time to cool down before they get to the steam room. For stones, by the way, you need to dig a pit on the territory of the frame, and the stones will be collected in it when they heat up to the desired condition. If the frame is made of poles, they can be connected using the example of a hut or cube. The joints can be tied with rope, wrapped with tape or tape (all this should be taken with you as a precaution). After assembly, the ends of the poles must be “packed” into soft material so that they do not pierce the film. If there are racks for the frame, its construction will not take much time. We insert the racks into each other, according to the design technology, and the frame is ready for use.

Insulated camp sauna

Installation of covering material

If the stones have already heated up to the required temperature, it is time to move them into the frame, into a hole specially dug for them. The stones are moved as best they can, some roll them, some drag them with a shovel, the main thing is to do it quickly. You shouldn’t take heavily crumbled ones. When all the stones are already in place, it is necessary, in order fire safety, place the fire (or stones) in contact with the ground, pour water. Now you need to install the awning on the frame. This must be done carefully, without touching the hot stones. You need to leave a “skirt” outside, laying out on it everything heavy that is at hand: stones (cold), logs, etc., so that as little heat as possible comes out. It is better to make the entrance in the opposite direction from the stones, but directly towards the water, where you can dive and rinse off after the park. To check whether everything is ready for the parka, you can splash water on the stones; if the steam rises upward in a hot wave, it means that the bathhouse is ready for the steam room; if the steam has filled the structure with a thick fog, it means that the stones have cooled down, and you won’t be able to steam anymore.

Heater for camping sauna

Construction of the stove: second option

There is another version of the stove design. The camp bathhouse, in this case, will resemble a Russian “black” bathhouse. Such a bath is, of course, smokier, but also hotter. The stove for such a camp bath needs to be built somewhat differently, and the essence will be the same, but the shapes will be different. The first attempt is to place a huge stone - a boulder - in the middle of the proposed stove, and all the other stones are poured around it and placed on top. All the firewood is piled on this pyramid at once, so that no more firewood can be added. When the entire fire has burned down, the bathhouse is ready. The second attempt is to make a structure out of stones in the shape of the letter “P”, and put firewood in the middle. It will take 5-6 hours to heat such a stove, the bathhouse is ready. The third attempt is to make (in advance) a non-flammable box for stones and place it over the fire. And this bathhouse is ready.

Construction and installation of the stove

Installation of awning

The black sauna option is convenient for those who do not like playing golf, with rolling stones into one hole. Here, on the contrary, a frame with an awning is installed above the place where the stones are heated. But first you need to remove all unburnt logs and cracked stone fragments from the fire, and pour water around the fire. It is necessary to equip places for the steam room, placing, for example, a layer of pine needles around the stones. The entrance to the bathhouse can be done in the same way as the previous option - opposite the stones, next to the water. Well, the issue of safety in this version of a camp bath needs to be approached most carefully. If everything is ready, you can steam.

Camping sauna - transformer

So, the options have been exhausted. Of course, they all have a chance to exist. Practice will help which one is better to choose. One thing is certain - after a day spent in nature, a steam room in a bathhouse is the best way to end it. You can feel this only when you experience all the splendor of this procedure for yourself. It’s better to try and not regret than not to try and regret the missed chance for the rest of the time until your next trip!

  • A trip to nature is planned for the weekend and the usual trip to the bathhouse will have to be cancelled!? And it's completely optional. You can make a camp sauna your own

A tourist sauna is an easy way to relieve stress while traveling

When we mention relaxation, almost everyone associates it with relaxation in comfortable conditions that promote maximum relaxation of the body and cleanse it of toxins. Meanwhile, a do-it-yourself tourist bathhouse or a ready-made mobile version has long come into use among travel enthusiasts. This steam room is not at all similar to a traditional one, but has the same healing effect and can relieve tension after a hard day.

Many people don’t like camping because of the unsanitary conditions - without hot water it’s difficult to wash well, but a camp sauna allows you to relax clean and rested. In addition, when you live in a dacha for several days or even weeks, the issue of cleanliness also becomes acute, in which case an impromptu bathhouse will come in handy.

Any tourist would be happy to visit a steam room far from civilization

DIY sauna option

If you travel on foot, it is quite difficult to carry a ready-made mobile sauna with you, so you have to make do with improvised means.

The following facts should be kept in mind:

  • The cheapest covering material is polyethylene; you should purchase a piece sufficient to reliably cover the bathhouse frame.
  • Tarpaulin is more reliable and retains heat better, so you can sew a canopy of a certain size or use an old tent.
  • In trade there is ready-made options mobile baths, which is a tent without a frame. This option is quite attractive - you only need to build a frame from available materials the right size, after which a tent is put on it. The price of this option is quite affordable; when rolled up, the canopy takes up little space and weighs very little.
  • At the site where the tourist bath is being built, there must be enough material to build a frame, firewood to maintain a fire in the heater, and stones to build a fireplace.
  • Stones for the hearth should be round in shape and have a diameter of 20 cm or more. They should not have a layered structure, as this risks the stone exploding during heating.

Tarpaulin is much more reliable than film, in addition, it retains heat better

Stages of bath construction

Heating and building a bathhouse takes some time, but if you carry out the work in parallel with the work on arranging the camp, you can save a lot of time.

So, the simplest instructions for building a tourist bath:

  • In the area where the stove is located, the turf is removed, after which the bottom is lined with stones, and a fireplace is arranged on top, inside of which a fire is immediately lit. The fire must be maintained until the stones reach a temperature sufficient for bathing procedures (the stones most often turn white or red).
  • When the fire is burning, you can begin to build a frame, which is best made of wood and connected with pieces of rope, since it does not heat up like wire from high temperatures.

In the photo - the frame can be of any shape and size: it all depends on the number of steamers, the size of the canopy and the number of stones

  • Afterwards, a canopy made of film or other material is placed on the frame, while one wall or ceiling remains open to remove smoke. Once the stove reaches the required temperature, the tent is hermetically sealed; it is better to dig a groove around the perimeter, insert the edge of the material into it and cover it with earth, this will significantly reduce heat loss.
  • Enough large number heat is lost through the floor in a camp sauna. It must be carefully laid with coniferous spruce branches, and branches must be laid on top deciduous trees– this will help retain heat.
  • After heating the stones, place a bucket of water on the fireplace; when the time comes to steam, it will be poured over the stones.

Advice: it is better to place the sauna next to a pond - after the steam room it is especially pleasant to plunge into cool water.

Camping sauna on the shore – great solution

Disadvantages of this type

The main disadvantages include the following factors:

  • The stove takes a long time to heat up and the need to collect stones every time a bath is built.
  • The complexity of harvesting wood for the frame and its construction.
  • The fragility of polyethylene film and low heat retention, as a result of which the bath cools down much faster.

If you don’t have enough covering material, you can even build a bathhouse in a dugout

Ready-made mobile baths - specifics of use

Many lovers of steam rooms purchase ready-made tourist baths, which are used in camping conditions.

There are several main types of mobile baths:

  • Tents without a frame, such systems weigh very little and are convenient for hiking.
  • Tents with a frame weigh more, but also provide quick and convenient construction. All racks are made of lightweight and durable materials.
  • Mobile tents with heater stove. A full-fledged option that does not require anything except firewood, and you can carry it with you. The temperature rises quickly enough, which increases ease of use. However, even the most compact stove weighs quite a lot and is difficult to carry with you; this option is ideal for summer cottages and car trips.

Important: when choosing a ready-made tent, you should take into account the approximate number of people who will relax in it.

The finished bathhouse is easy to build and simple to operate

Despite the presence undeniable advantages: reliable heat retention, ease of installation and highly efficient use of heating materials, this type has several disadvantages:

  • High price for mobile baths.
  • The heavy weight of the equipment makes it difficult to carry when hiking.

Tourist steam rooms are an excellent solution for long hikes. With their help you can support good conditions hygiene even far from the benefits of civilization. Due to the simplicity of their construction, almost any tourist group can cope with this task.

Tourist bathhouse: video instructions for DIY installation, photos

Tourist bathhouse: video instructions for DIY installation, price, photo

Camping sauna tent: make it yourself and choose a ready-made one

A sauna tent is the simplest of possible options baths A camp bathhouse will allow you to relax during a long hunt or fishing, on a hike or during a jeep safari. It can also be installed on summer cottage(if a “stationary” bathhouse is being built or is still at the design stage).

A camping sauna tent is an excellent option for relaxing in the countryside, fishing or hunting

There are many options for making a sauna-paltaki. You can buy a ready-made tent with or without a stove, or you can build everything entirely from scrap materials. It is not recommended to use regular camping tents. Firstly, such fabrics are not intended for high temperatures and soon you will have to buy a new tent, and secondly, during heating they can emit harmful substances. Well, they are not designed for use in such aggressive conditions. But an old canvas tent can be used as a bathhouse: it holds heat well and there are no harmful fumes. If you don't have a tarp, appropriately sized plastic sheeting will do.

Sauna tent made of polyethylene film

How to make a camp sauna tent

You need to start by choosing a place. You will need a flat piece of soil near a pond. It is better to arrange such a bathhouse on the banks of a river, stream or lake: it is good to plunge into cool water after the steam room, and you will need to wash somewhere.

Collecting materials

Then you will need to worry about finding frame material, firewood and stones. If you have a ready-made awning or an old canvas tent, there will be less hassle; if you don’t have anything like that, you can get by with a piece of plastic film. Its dimensions depend on the size of the tent you are going to set up. If a couple of people are going to steam, then a small structure is enough, but for 4-6 people you will need a piece of polyethylene 6 x 6 meters (the thicker the film, the better).

Poles for the frame can be found in the nearest forest or planting, and there you also need to find dead wood for the stove (or bring a couple of bags of coals with you). And one of the important activities is searching for stones, thanks to which you can take a steam bath. When they heat up, they accumulate heat and allow you to maintain it in the steam room for some time. desired temperature. It is advisable to pick up stones on the banks of a river or lake. They must be homogeneous, smooth, without foreign particles and inclusions (mica sparkles, layers of quartz, etc.).

Bath stones can be picked up on the river bank

Important! When heated, layered stones can break into small pieces, causing serious wounds. The stones should not be very large, but not very small either. The most optimal size is 10-20 cm and a slightly elongated shape. If you take smaller stones, they will not accumulate much heat and will cool quickly, but large specimens will take a lot of time to warm up. Although, if you have enough time, you can also lay large stones as the basis for the hearth.

Don't forget to make a broom for the steam room. Fortunately, there are plenty of materials for it both in the forest and in the field. True, you can do this a little later, when the bulk of the work is done and you wait until the stones heat up.

Stages of making a camping sauna tent

When all the materials have been collected, you can begin building the steam room. To do this, first of all, you build a hearth/fire/fireplace out of stones - whoever has the skill or desire to do it.

How to fold a stove for a sauna tent

One of the most simple options– Lay firewood and stones in layers, then light a fire. Then you just need to maintain intense combustion until the stones turn red or white (depending on the degree of heating and the type of stones).

When constructing a fireplace, you can use an iron sheet on which to lay stones

When the stove is folded and the fire is lit, you can begin to assemble the frame. If you have an iron frame from an old tent, that will work too. And if the height of the iron posts is not enough, and they are hollow (as is usually the case), then they can be extended with the same poles. So, you need four corner posts that need to be driven into the ground. From above, along the perimeter, you need to tie poles that will connect everything into one structure.

Making a frame around the hearth/fireplace/stove

It is advisable to tie a few more sticks on the roof - they will prevent sagging. If the tent turns out to be high, you need to add more strapping around the perimeter about halfway up the height (remember to leave room for entry by raising the strapping higher on one side). The poles can be secured with rope, wire, tape, etc. The main thing is that the design is sufficiently reliable.

Real tourist bath attendants have a ready-made frame for a camp bath in their arsenal. As a rule, such frames are made of light alloy tubes.

You can use ready-made prefabricated frame for sauna tent

After installing the frame, you can flood the heater. While the stones are heating up, start laying out the floor. Most best option– lay coniferous spruce branches on the bottom, and on top - the foliage of birch, oak, linden - any trees that are nearby.

We insulate the floor of a sauna tent using pine spruce branches

When the stones begin to heat up, set the water to heat, and while it is heating up, you can begin to pull the awning and secure it. Just until all the firewood has burned out, you can’t seal the tent hermetically - you might inhale smoke, or, what’s much worse, carbon monoxide. You can leave either one of the sides or the roof open, depending on the design of the awning/film.

When all the firewood has burned out, the ash and coals are raked out and taken out of the tent, leaving only heated stones. Now you can seal everything hermetically. By the time you have sealed everything, the air in the camping steam room will have warmed up well. All you have to do is add steam by pouring water or brewed herbs onto the hot stones. The camp sauna tent is ready. You can steam!

If you use plastic film, the heat will not last long and you need to steam quickly. If a tarpaulin was used, then the heat should be enough for 3-5 full sessions, and this is almost a real bathhouse.

Ready-made mobile sauna tents

If you lead an active lifestyle and long hikes are not uncommon for you, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made sauna tent. There are many models, manufacturers, and configuration options. There are simply awnings without a frame and a stove. They are made of material that retains heat well and can withstand high temperatures. As a rule, they are light and compact (the weight of a tent for 4 people is 2.5-3 kg) and are easy to carry in a backpack. But you will need to build a stove out of stones (or purchase a portable camp version), look for poles for the frame and build it.

There are many types and models of ready-made sauna tents

There are tents with a ready-made frame and stove. They obviously weigh and take up more space, but you don’t need to worry about anything. It’s already difficult to carry them in your hands or on your back, so this is more likely an option for cycling or car travel.

Sauna tents with a ready-made frame and a prefabricated stove weigh quite a lot, so it’s more convenient to transport them in a car

The only thing that needs to be found on site is stones for the heater, but they are required much less than when setting up a fireplace and it will take a little time, although you can carry them with you if you have somewhere to put them...

Bathhouse tents with stove

When choosing a ready-made sauna tent, you need to pay attention not only to the size and cost. One of important characteristics- speed of installation/assembly.

Mobile sauna "Mobiba"

For both large and small companies, you can choose suitable products from the Mobiba model range.

Mobile sauna "Mobiba" for a small company

The Mobiba sauna tent can be single-layer or double-layer. In a single-layer bath you can steam at ambient temperatures down to -25 degrees Celsius, and in a double-layer bath up to -40 degrees.

Tents are made of Oxford - a durable fabric made of chemical fibers (nylon or polyester) of a certain structure, usually with a coating that ensures complete waterproofness of the fabric. The fabric also has water-repellent properties.

The frame is made of aluminum aviation alloy D16T, which combines two important qualities: lightness and reliability.

A fairly popular model is Mobiba MB-104. It turns out that our compatriots even bring such baths to America.

Bani Mobiba is designed for the use of stoves. There is already a hole in the ceiling for chimney. For fire safety purposes, the passage under the pipe is lined with heat-resistant materials.

Important! Do not use sauna tents not intended for this purpose for heating. wood stoves, For example made in China. The fact is that when burning a stove with wood, sparks will fly one way or another and burn through the ceiling. For Mobiba baths, it is better to use specially designed fashionable wood-burning stoves that prevent the flying of sparks - they have a built-in spark arrester. Such stoves are “Mediana” and “Optima”.

For more information about the Optima oven for Mobiba MB-5, Mobiba MB-12, see the video clip.

Camping sauna tent Nova Tour

Bath-tents from Nova Tour are popular among tourists. The tents are very light, which makes it possible to carry them even in a backpack when hiking. For example, a sauna tent designed for 4 people weighs only 2.5 kg.

Camping sauna tent Nova Tour

Tent material - Poly Taffeta fabric. The fabric is made of polyester (polyester fabric), which, unlike nylon, is more resistant to ultraviolet rays and stretches less when wet.

The tent has windows, so there will be no problems with lighting during the daytime. The entrance to the bathhouse is sealed with a zipper.

The bathhouse is closed with a zipper

The Nova Tur tent for 4 people can be bought for 4 thousand rubles.

Attention! The kit does not include a frame, so you will have to build it on a hike using improvised materials. You can buy a ready-made frame for a sauna tent or make it yourself.


More choice means more benefits. There is always a choice. If it is not possible to purchase ready-made sauna, then buy a piece of thick polyethylene and you can always build a camp bathhouse while in the forest.

If you are interested in auto-tourism, then it is logical to purchase a ready-made camp sauna, which can be installed within 30 minutes.

Camping sauna tent: do it yourself and choose a ready-made VIDEO

A sauna on a camping trip is not a dream. It can even be made from a piece of film and several poles. The most important thing is to find a sufficient number of stones for the heater and also -

DIY camp sauna

A long stay far from civilization is not a reason to abandon its achievements. Avid steamers can do without breaking their tradition, since a camp sauna is almost no different from a regular sauna. Need a steam room - closed room for procedures, as well as a source providing heat. Outdoor recreation stores sell collapsible camp baths, even equipped with stoves. But to show special chic is to organize it with your own hands.

Purpose of a camp bath

Mobile camp baths are ideal for tourists during long treks, summer residents whose plot is under construction, construction crews, located on the road and tied to their facility.

Requirements for a bathhouse in camping conditions

To build the structure you will need a sketch or drawing of a camp bath, the necessary set simple tools and compliance with certain conditions on site:

  • Availability of water. It will be difficult to wash without it. Therefore, to place a camp sauna, you should choose the bank of a river, pond, lake or stream.

Construction of a camp bath

Frame with awning for a camp sauna

The prepared racks of the future camp bath with the stove are connected at the ends until a cube-shaped structure is obtained. For dressings, you can use rope, tape, etc. The ends of the stakes should be wrapped with fabric, otherwise they will make holes in the awning when it is tensioned. If you connect the corners of the roof with poles, these rigid diagonals will increase the stability of the structure.

Stove for a bath in camping conditions

First of all, you need a stove to heat the collected stones. If there is a ready-made frame, it is lined on opposite two sides large stones with minimal gaps between them. Two sides remain open, they will support draft when burning wood. Then smaller stones are placed on top and on both sides of the stove. This will be the “heart” of the steam room.

Using a bathhouse in camping conditions

A ready-made camp sauna can be taken either black or white. The main difference between these options is the location of the frame. Black saunas are located above a stove or fire, while white saunas contain only stones heated on it, which are rolled into the sauna tent using improvised means.

  1. Black sauna. In such a camp bath, ash and coals are removed from the stove, and the surrounding space is filled with water. The finished frame, covered with an awning or film, is installed over hot stones. Containers with hot and cold water are brought into the tent room. Water can be heated on the same stove. You should not enter such a bathhouse without shoes, since when cleaning the firebox, small coals remaining on the ground can burn your feet.

For a good rest in a camp bath, you can stock up on a couple of brooms in advance; in the field they are not steamed, but simply soaked in cold water. When heating water to moisten hot stones, you can add plants for aroma: juniper, pine needles or lingonberry leaves. They will complement the healing effect of a camp bath with a pleasant, invigorating scent.

  • Hot stones should be watered with hot water, as cold liquid can cause their destruction.

It is unlikely that you will be able to assemble a camp sauna with your own hands without the help of friends. After all, it’s difficult to install and cover the frame alone, haul water, stones and chop wood for the fire. When relaxing with a group, you can simply determine the responsibilities of each team member for such an event, and things will immediately go smoothly.

How to make a camp sauna with your own hands

Many people prefer hiking and relaxing in the lap of nature. But some are annoyed by the problem of lack of hot water and washing in the field. The way out of this situation

Many people believe that in order to take a steam bath in camp conditions, you need to have special equipment and possession of specialized skills and knowledge. In fact, a camp bathhouse with a stove is very simple to build, and does not require practically any tools other than those that you already take on a hike: an ax, a shovel and, in some cases, a hammer.

The main stages of constructing a bath using improvised means

This chapter is a kind of instruction on how to make a sauna in camping conditions, and by following each of the stages, you can easily take a steam bath even far from the benefits of civilization. The requirements are quite simple, but the reliability and convenience of the structure depend on their implementation.

Selection of location

The following factors should be considered at this stage:

  • The soil at the construction site must be quite dense, especially if a frame is being built from stakes driven into the ground. It is impossible to build a reliable structure in soft soil.
  • It is best to choose a place next to a body of water - after the steam room it is pleasant to plunge into cool water, in addition, in conditions wildlife This is the only way to wash.
  • The stove for a camp sauna is made of stones, so it is worth inspecting the area for their presence. Carrying boulders for a kilometer is not very smart, and it’s hard.

Construction of the stove

Perhaps this is the most important stage, which determines how good the steam room will be.

To achieve good result, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • In the place where the heater will be located, it is necessary to remove a layer of soil and lay out an improvised foundation of stones.
  • The stones must be oblong in shape, the surface must be smooth and uniform without foreign inclusions. The size of the stones is from 20 cm or more; as is known, the larger they are, the longer the heat lasts.
  • The construction of the hearth can be carried out in two ways: alternating layers of stone and firewood and subsequently maintaining the flame, or laying out a kind of hearth with a diameter of about 70 cm and the same height. Space is left inside for storing firewood, and a flat stone is placed on top. So that you can put a bucket of water on it to heat it up.
  • After finishing the installation, you can make a fire, since the improvised stove for a camp bath heats up for quite a long time - about 4 hours, until the stones are white-hot or red-hot, depending on their type.

Advice: do not use layered stones, as when heated they lose strength and can simply explode when water is poured over them, which can result in quite serious injuries.

Frame structure

A bathhouse in camp conditions is constructed from any available means that provide the necessary reliability of the structure. It's not bad if you have it ready metal frame suitable size - this greatly simplifies and speeds up the process.

If there is no ready-made frame, you can build it from improvised means:

  • Wooden poles are quite strong and can be prepared on site.
  • Rope, insulated wire (metal can melt the canopy when heated), twine and other materials to strengthen connections. If you have a hammer and nails, even better.

First, the size of the building is determined, after which 4 poles are hammered into the corners; if the building is long, then additional poles can be placed between the corners. Two more crossbars are laid crosswise on top; they are designed to prevent the ceiling from sagging.

Some people prefer a safe design in which the heater is located in a separate area, this minimizes the danger of touching hot stones. You can see the features of its device in the figure.

After this, the frame can be further strengthened with spacers or cross members and all connections can be checked for reliability and stability. If everything is fine, you can proceed to the next step.

Canopy for camping steam room

Most often, one or two pieces of plastic film are used for these purposes. It is quite light, in addition, it can be used as a means of protection from bad weather. You can also use an awning for a camp bath made of tarpaulin or other fairly reliable material that retains heat well.

The size of the material should allow the canopy to be strengthened near the ground using stones or sand (a reasonable solution is to dig a groove around the perimeter, with its help you can significantly increase the tightness of the structure).

The floor in the steam room also needs insulation. First, coniferous spruce branches are laid, and branches of deciduous trees can be laid on top.

With this simple way can be significantly improved. The easiest way to use logs as seats.

Advice: never use as a canopy synthetic materials, used in the manufacture of modern tents - when exposed to high temperatures, they emit harmful substances, in addition, this option is very short-lived, and after several uses the fabric will become unusable.

Features of visiting hiking steam rooms

We looked at how to make a sauna while camping, but we should note the basic rules that should be followed to ensure safety and achieve the best effect:

  • Until the firewood burns out, one of the walls or the ceiling should be left open to prevent the accumulation of smoke and carbon monoxide.
  • When the stones are hot enough, a container of water is placed on them, which will be used to water the heater.
  • After the wood burns out, all the heat is carefully removed, after which the tent is completely closed.
  • It is reasonable to additionally protect the walls around the heater with thick fabric or a screen made of wooden poles.
  • You should ensure that the canopy is securely fastened than less loss heat, the longer the good temperature in the bath will remain.
  • The stones are watered, causing steam to be released. Cooling down takes one and a half to two hours, this time is enough for an average tourist group to take a steam bath.
  • You should not build a structure that is too large for several people; the larger the frame, the greater the heat loss.

Ready-made camp baths

Nowadays, there is no shortage of options to choose from.

It is worth considering the main points:

  • Size of the building and its features— the design may include a dressing room, windows and much more. The price depends on the availability of these parts.
  • The material from which the tent for the camp sauna is made. It must be light, durable and resistant to high temperatures. To use the steam room in cold conditions, models with double walls are available, this allows you to use the steam room at temperatures down to -40 degrees.
  • Availability of frame. Some tents are a canopy that fits over any structure of suitable dimensions, and some have a frame, thanks to which the installation of a mobile steam room is greatly accelerated and simplified.
  • Lightweight design. Some models in assembled form weigh 2.5-3.5 kilograms, which allows you to carry them even on hikes.

Special stoves for camp baths

If you most often travel by car, a smart decision would be to purchase a ready-made mobile sauna stove. It is quite compact and light weight. It requires much fewer stones to work (many people carry them with them so as not to waste time searching).

Such stoves are equipped with a spark arrester, which is very important when used in tents made of flammable material. They have a fairly attractive appearance.

Pipes for the chimney are included; most often, tents have special holes for their installation.


How to make a camp sauna and what to use for it depends on your desires and capabilities. Naturally, if you travel on foot, carrying a ready-made stove and a tent with a frame is quite expensive. In this case, the easiest way is to carry only a ready-made awning, and build the frame and stove on site ().

If you are a fan of car travel, then you can carry complete set and build a mobile steam room in a matter of minutes. Moreover, its size can be very impressive, which is important when vacationing with a large group.

In order to understand all the intricacies even better, we recommend watching the video in this article, which clearly shows the beauty of using a sauna on a hike.