How to install ceiling plinths. How to attach a ceiling plinth: correctly cut and glue a plastic ceiling plinth

Ceiling skirting boards are an excellent tool that allows you to hide unevenness or flaws finishing works along the line connecting the wall and ceiling. That is why, in order to carry out high-quality repairs, it is so important to know how to install ceiling plinths.

In practice, you can often find the following designations for this decorative element: baguette, cornice, fillet, border. Usually the baseboard is made of polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane. Installing ceiling plinths is the finishing touch to creating the interior. Let's take a closer look at how to adjust ceiling skirting boards.

How to install a ceiling plinth

When choosing this finishing material you should focus on the size of the room. The design of the ceiling plinth is such that its width should be greater for wide and high rooms, since in such rooms narrow baguettes will dissolve in space. As a result, you can completely ruin the design of the room.

Determining the width of the ceiling plinth

In order to correctly select the size of the plinth in accordance with the dimensions of the room, you must adhere to the following values:

Material calculation

It is not difficult to secure a baguette, but if the material is cut incorrectly or damaged, losses may occur. That's why ceiling plinth Be sure to purchase with a reserve. This will not increase the cost of repairs too much, since the cost of one unit of baseboard is not that high.

Ceiling markings

First, determine if there are any unevenness on the ceiling. If the ceiling-wall line is too curved, then in such places it is better not to glue long pieces of plinth. It is advisable to cut all installed fillets into pieces of the same length. Believe me, even with a large number joints, such a composition will look better than a mixture of short and long skirting boards.

When applying markings to the ceiling, try to draw the lines so that they are not visible after attaching the baguette.

Tools and materials

To make installation of the plinth on the ceiling easy and quick, you should have the following tools:

  • stationery knife or hacksaw;
  • pencils;
  • roulette;
  • wort;
  • rubber spatula;
  • container for putty;
  • mounting gun.

You also need to have the following materials:

Cutting the baseboard

How to make a ceiling plinth that will be installed in the corners of the room? To do this, you need to trim such elements correctly.

Cutting the corners of the baguettes is carried out very carefully, since they will need to be joined evenly (in more detail: ""). For this, a miter box is used - a special carpentry tool that allows you to cut corners.

Since most skirting boards have an asymmetrical shape, you should understand how to install the elements correctly. The long side is always attached to the wall, and the short side to the ceiling.

If all the corners in the room are even, then cutting the baseboard is very easy. This is done with a sharp knife and a miter box. In this case, the side that is glued to the ceiling is placed on the bottom of the miter box (in more detail: " "). It is necessary to keep the plinth level so that gaps do not form at the corners later.

If the corners in the room are not straight, then you will have to work without a miter box. To begin, place one baguette against the wall. Two lines are drawn along its sides along the wall. Now perform a similar operation on the adjacent plane. Mark the intersection points on the ceiling and walls, and then transfer them to the baguettes themselves. As a result, you will receive elements with marks along which the cut is made.

Fitting ceiling skirting boards

If you want to make everything as simple as possible, that is, without calculating the corners, then you can purchase corner mounts for ceiling moldings. They allow you to insert the edges of elements without having to trim them.

But if you decide to cut the corners yourself, then practice on small pieces first. Cut the baguettes at the outer corners, leaving a few millimeters in reserve. It is much easier to polish off the excess than to redo everything again if there is a shortage.

The internal corners are puttied with acrylic sealant using a mounting gun.

DIY ceiling plinth installation

The three most common methods are:

  • gluing to the wall;
  • mechanical fastening;
  • gluing to wallpaper.

Mechanical fastening is used when finishing suspended panels. In this case, a special fastening strip is installed, to which the plastic skirting boards are fixed.

Let's look at how to properly install a ceiling plinth by gluing it to a wall or wallpaper:

  • first of all, it is necessary to level and prime the ceiling and walls;
  • on internal corners Glue is applied to the baseboard. At the same time, they do this carefully - the glue should not fall out;
  • attach the panel to the place where you plan to install it. Remove the part and let the glue set for a while. After this, the plinth is installed in the intended place. It is necessary not to press too hard on the baguette so as not to damage it;
  • the following elements are spread with glue on the surfaces touching the wall, ceiling and previous baseboard;
  • when you reach the corner of the room, measure the distance to it and cut the baguette with a miter box;
  • after fastening ceiling molding along the perimeter of the room, it is necessary to cover all joints, cracks and gaps with putty;
  • if the baseboard should be colored, then apply paint to it (read: "").

Now let's look at the features of fastening the plinth using mechanical fastening:

  • first they are fixed corner elements;
  • secured with self-tapping screws mounting plate(fastening pitch from 30 to 50 cm);
  • after this, the ceiling plinth is mounted directly on the structural parts.

Installation of ceiling plinth, details in the video:

Which glue to choose

We already know how to attach the ceiling plinth, now let's look at the issue of choosing glue.

Ceiling plinths are made from various materials- wood, gypsum, foam and polyurethane. The installation principle does not depend on this - all baguettes are attached in the same way, but certain type material requires the use of a certain glue (more details: "

  • To be able to use polymer adhesives, it is necessary to properly prepare the ceiling and walls. Surfaces must have good adhesion properties. If the walls and ceiling were finished with mixtures of putty and plaster, then they must be primed. If the finishing was made of wood or plastic, then all greasy stains must be removed from it.
  • The putty solution is applied to the entire back of the panel so that when it is applied, no voids are formed in the corners. Excess solution should be removed with your finger or spatula.
  • If you want to hide the wiring behind the ceiling plinth, then it is first attached to the ceiling and walls so that the wires do not pull back the plinth during installation and, thus, do not complicate the process.
  • Now you know how to install a ceiling plinth, and therefore you can easily do this kind of work yourself. All you need is a little accuracy and responsibility.

In order to better understand how to attach a ceiling plinth, we recommend that you look at the photos in our catalog. This way you can understand the peculiarities of a particular operation and, thereby, avoid possible errors during installation of ceiling moldings.

In this article, we examined only the most common methods of installing baguettes. Therefore, depending on the type of technology used in finishing the ceiling and walls, the method of installing skirting boards may also change. But since this material is designed for amateur builders, then in the description there is more complex methods no need. We hope that now you know how to make a plinth for the ceiling.

After repairing or painting the ceiling, you often install the ceiling plinth yourself. This plinth has a huge variety of other names. So, it is also called fillet, frieze, molding, border and baguette.

This work is not particularly difficult. When installing ceiling plinths, you just need to be careful and attentive. And, of course, know how it's done. We hope that our article will provide you with all the information you need to do this.

The materials for the manufacture of ceiling plinths are: polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, wood, gypsum, aluminum, plastic. In our article, we will dwell in detail only on the most common ceiling border made of polyurethane foam, and also clarify what materials and tools will be needed during the process of installing it.

Preparing to install ceiling plinths

First of all, you need to decide on the circumstances of the installation: whether it is done before or after wallpapering. This issue needs to be dealt with carefully and thoughtfully. If before installing the border, wallpaper has not yet been hung on the walls or there is old wallpaper, but you intend to change it, then there should be no question of installing it on top of fresh wallpaper. The right approach in in this case consists of only preparing the surface, installing the baseboard and only then gluing new wallpaper. If you have wallpaper and you are not going to change it, then only in this case the border should be installed directly on it.

When preparing the junction of the wall to the ceiling, that is, the place where the ceiling border will be installed, it is necessary to perform the following operations:

  • Check the evenness of the surface. To do this, you should attach a flat block or level to the wall and make sure there are no gaps between the wall and your standard. To eliminate unevenness, you can apply putty or gypsum plaster. The evenness of the wall guarantees the quality of the fillet fixation. If the ceiling has not been painted before, then a similar operation should be performed on its surface.
  • Clean the entire perimeter of the ceiling-wall junction from debris and excess putty.
  • Prime the prepared surface.

How to determine the required number of ceiling skirting boards

The installation of a ceiling plinth, a video of which you can watch at the end of our article, should also be preceded by the purchase of a sufficient quantity of the border you have chosen.

To do this, first of all, you need to measure the perimeter of the room. Remembering that the standard length of curbs is 2 m, you should divide the resulting perimeter by two. This will give you the number of absolutely necessary fillets. When purchasing, we recommend taking one or two fillets in reserve to compensate for those that may be damaged during operation.

Tools needed when installing ceiling skirting boards

When installing a plastic ceiling plinth, the price of which is the most affordable, it is absolutely impossible to do without:

  • a hacksaw or stationery knife with a set of interchangeable blades;
  • a miter box, which makes it quite easy to make the correct cut of the plinth at the required angle;

A miter box that allows you to trim ceiling skirting boards during their installation

  • rubber spatula;
  • mounting gun;
  • acrylic sealant, putty or glue.

The most difficult operations during installation include trimming ceiling borders in the corners. For this work, you need to use a miter box and a saw with small teeth, which can be replaced with a stationery knife. In a miter box, the plinth is installed the same way it will be installed on the wall, that is, the top and bottom of this plank should not be confused. The cutting itself must be done with light movements, without putting strong pressure on the saw.

This is how ceiling plinths are trimmed in a miter box

Particularly difficult to work with are uneven corners. In such cases, marking should be done at the installation site without using a miter box. The inevitable small gaps can be hidden using acrylic sealant.

This is how joints and cracks are sealed

When installing a ceiling border in rounded areas, cut it into small pieces of a few centimeters, and then adjust the joints, sealing them with putty or acrylic sealant. After painting, the sealed joints will become completely invisible.

Installing ceiling plinths in rounded areas

Gluing fillets should begin with the most visible place in the room. This will allow you to make joints and trims where they are less noticeable. For fixation, you can use special glue, acrylic sealant or putty. However, you should know that working with sealant is more convenient.

The sealant or glue must be applied to the baseboard very carefully

Upon completion of installation of the plastic ceiling plinth problem areas must be hidden with putty or sealant, using rubber spatula. However, some voids can be filled even with your finger.

After the glue or sealant has dried, you can begin painting the borders. To ensure good quality The painting is applied in two layers. You can paint with a spray bottle or a regular brush of a convenient width.

Painting installed ceiling skirting boards

Installing a ceiling plinth (video)

Everything we just talked about is clearly presented in the following video:

A stretch ceiling in its functional characteristics is somewhat different from standard ceiling cladding: painting, finishing with plasterboard and ceiling tiles. During the installation of a stretch ceiling, usually no difficulties arise, but as a result, a gap is formed, the standard size of which is 8 millimeters.

There are several ways to solve this problem, which are usually resorted to by enterprising craftsmen:

Unlike the first option, which does not satisfy the owners of the premises in terms of its aesthetic characteristics, ceiling skirting boards have proven themselves to be full-fledged decorative elements, coping with their functions. They not only hide surface defects, but also give the interior a harmonious and finished look.

Today, skirting boards made from three materials with completely different characteristics are common.

Skirting boards made from foam plastic can boast only one significant advantage– low cost. However, the attractive price negatively affects the properties of the material, since the foam is fragile, brittle and absolutely not plastic.

Practice shows that the process of gluing foam baseboards is accompanied by numerous hassles, which can be easily eliminated only if you have the proper skills. Beginners in the repair business will only waste their time and nerves troubleshooting problems.


Polyurethane skirting boards seem to be a more reliable option because they are flexible and durable. This plinth is indispensable for rooms with curved and rounded walls, the finishing of which usually requires professional skill.

Among the disadvantages of such products, the high cost catches the eye. Besides, polyurethane skirting boards It is not recommended to attach it to the surface of a stretch ceiling, only to the wall. This threatens the lamella sagging.


The plastic plinth is an imitation of stucco. In modern stores you can find plastic skirting boards for every taste: in the form of wood, metal, stone, etc. Its versatility makes it the most popular type of skirting boards.

Considering the variety of skirting boards described above, it is important to have a good understanding of the characteristics of the material and know exactly what you need specifically. To do this, you should arm yourself with several basic rules that will allow you not to make a mistake when choosing a product.

Skirting boards for suspended ceilings must meet several key requirements.

  1. The baseboard should not be heavy.
  2. Products must have an extensive surface of connection with the wall surface.
  3. The baseboard must be very flexible and durable.

When purchasing a plinth, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • color;
  • texture;
  • form;
  • material;
  • execution style.

Installing ceiling plinths is simple and quick, provided you follow the basic tips. Experts insist that there is a secret to achieving the perfect result, and it is simple.

  1. For maximum adhesion of the plinth to the wall, the surface must be carefully prepared: cleaned of dust, dirt, and debris. It is important that it is smooth, even and clean; this will ensure a long service life for the product.
  2. The shape of the plinth must match the shape of the stretch ceiling.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to fastenings, since they are often the ones that damage general view designs.
  4. If you want to paint the baseboard, it is better to do it in advance by placing the baseboard on the floor. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage suspended ceiling paint.
  5. Stretch ceiling canvases tend to stretch and contract, so you should not firmly fix it with a plinth. Therefore, it is better to attach the product to the wall surface.
  6. In the process of gluing the baseboard to the wall, there is a possibility that glue will get on the canvas. To avoid this, cover the edges with plastic wrap.

If the corners in the house are 90 degrees, adjust correct view ceiling plinth will be extremely simple. A miter box is used for this.

Step 1. We take a miter box and trim two skirting boards that will meet in the corner.

Step 2. We apply the skirting boards to each other and achieve a satisfactory result using a construction blade.

Step 3. We remove the gap to avoid teeth.

Installation of ceiling plinth

Stage 1. We trim the baseboards as described above.

Stage 2. Take the baseboard and coat it special glue. We apply glue in such a way that it is only on that part of the baguette that will come into contact with the surface of the wall.

Stage 3. We take the plinth coated with glue and carefully apply it to the corner between the ceiling and the wall. This should be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the canvas.

Stage 4. We press down the plinth so that there is a minimum gap between the canvas and the baguette.

Stage 5. Similarly, we paste the room around the entire perimeter.

Stage 6. Level the baseboard.

Stage 7. Remove excess glue. To do this, first use a spatula and then remove the residue with your finger.

Stage 8. We study the presence of gaps between the wall surface and the canvas.

Stage 9. If any are found, fill them with glue.

Stage 10. Clean the baseboard and wall surface with a brush and water.

Many craftsmen prefer not to stop at installing plinths for a stretch ceiling. After carrying out the main work, it is also recommended to paint. The technology is quite simple, but requires extreme care and caution.

During the painting process, there is a risk of damaging the stretch ceiling with a brush. To avoid such incidents, you should use plain paper. In other words, we take A4 sheets and insert them between the canvas and the baguette. Now the canvas is not in danger.

Some improvisers decide to make do with one sheet of paper, alternately applying it to different areas of the work. This is not rational decision, since it turns against the employee.

Over time, the sheet becomes so saturated with paint that it begins to bleed through and stain the canvas. After painting the baseboard, the paper must be removed.

Good luck!

Video - Installing skirting boards yourself

Video - Skirting board for stretch ceiling

When the renovation is approaching its final stage, one of its important aspects is to give it a complete appearance ceiling. or fillets serve to improve the space connecting the ceiling and walls; they decorate the ceiling, mask unevenness, correct flaws and close cracks.

Using a ceiling plinth you can give the ceiling an elegant look, as well as hide some unevenness between the wall and the ceiling.

Installing a ceiling plinth allows you to complete the design of the ceiling and gives it an elegant look.

Today there is huge assortment various sizes and forms of fillets, decorated and designed in different ways. Ceiling plinths are made of polystyrene.

After you have decided on the shape, type and width of the ceiling plinth, you need to measure the perimeter of the room and decide how many fillets are needed. The standard length of the ceiling plinth is 2 meters, but it is always better to take it with a reserve, because unforeseen nuances can happen, and it’s inconvenient to run to the store again, it’s better to plan everything in advance. It’s absolutely uncomplicated; the whole process can be done with your own hands, without the help of qualified craftsmen.

Conditions for installation

Scheme for cutting a baguette at angles using a miter box

It is worth mentioning right away that ceiling skirting boards are glued to the wall in two ways - with wallpaper, with glue or with putty, before gluing the wallpaper. As practice and numerous reviews from people doing repairs show, gluing fillets onto wallpaper is preferable and more convenient. Moment Montazh glue is ideal for these purposes; it works reliably and without mistakes. If, despite the repairs carried out, you still have uneven walls, then there will be large gaps between the wall and the fillets, which can be quite successfully covered with the same “Montazh” glue, it white and therefore looks unnoticeable. very well produced using a sealant, which is called “ Acrylic Sealant" Acrylic is very flexible, does not crack, does not fall out of cracks and can be painted. Some craftsmen glue the fillet with liquid nails or silicone sealant, which cannot be painted, so it is better to opt for acrylic.

You can set a goal and carry out a thorough repair of the walls, aimed at perfect alignment, but it will be easier before wallpapering the walls and applying putty. You can use putty to smooth out the unevenness and immediately seal all the cracks, and then adjust the wallpaper to the fillets; it will work out quite well, but everyone must decide for themselves which method is preferable for them.

We should not forget that with obvious unevenness and distortions of the walls or ceiling slab, the fillet will only emphasize the imperfections, but this rule works the other way around. The overall appearance of the interior and the quality of the repair as a whole depend on how you install the ceiling plinth with your own hands. Installation of ceiling plinths begins from the corners of the room, because the corners are most striking during a visual inspection of the room. You should try to use the most solid and longest fillet sections so that the number of joints is kept to a minimum. In places where the baseboards are not very noticeable, for example, corners above doors or the area behind the eaves, you can use the remaining trim.

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Tools for work

Before work, you should collect everything necessary tools for a smooth procedure for gluing ceiling plinths.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • miter box;
  • small saw;
  • gun for tube with sealant;
  • sandpaper;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • pencil;
  • rubber spatula;
  • sharp knife;
  • masking tape (optional);
  • clean rags.

Materials you will need:

  • fillets;
  • ready-made corners (optional);
  • sealant, putty or glue;
  • primer for painting.

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Methods for installing fillets

It is necessary to start the process from the corner of the room; making a corner is not such a simple matter as it seems at first glance. If you don’t want to bother with the cutting process, then you can buy ready-made ones, made of the same material and suitable in pattern and size for your baseboard.

When it comes to corners, the main thing is not to confuse external and internal corners, otherwise you can ruin a lot of material.

To cut corners you will need a miter box and a fine file or sharp knife. The plinth is inserted into the miter box at an angle of 45 degrees and pressed tightly with your own hands, then you need to cut it off from the desired side and at the desired angle. Don't confuse internal and external corners and double-check them before making final cuts. First practice on pieces of fillet, and if everything turns out well, start working. For convenience, you can lay out the fillets ready for installation along the walls on which they will be installed.

If the baseboard is glued to the wallpaper, carefully cover the fillets with glue and press them firmly against the wall, remove any remaining glue with a soft, clean rag, and carefully cover the resulting cracks with glue. If the repair involves installing ceiling skirting boards before wallpapering the walls, then the glue must be replaced with putty. Apply the putty to the fillet using a spatula and press it firmly against the wall again. You can completely control the joints, fitting and trimming fillets, but the help of a partner will not hurt, the process will go faster.

Ceiling plinth is one of the types of cornice and is intended for decorating the junction of walls and ceiling in the house. It can have different widths, finishes, and be convex or concave.

Installing a ceiling plinth with your own hands will please the eye and help you save money by refusing the help of specialists. How this is done and what materials are needed for this process are described below.

Tools for gluing ceiling plinths

  • Ruler
  • Roulette
  • Pencil
  • Construction knife
  • Glue (liquid nails)
  • Glue gun
  • Spatula (rubber)

Consumables: ceiling plinth, acrylic sealant, special glue, polyethylene lining (for suspended ceilings).

For each corner take material with a margin of up to 10 cm on both sides.

Getting ready to install the ceiling plinth

  • We place the plinth on the floor for now, figuring out the best placement of the pieces.
  • We cut corner joints.
  • We check the correctness of the measurements and see if our “puzzle” of the ceiling plinth fits together.

When designing baseboards, try to maintain factory edges. They connect perfectly without any errors.

First, take two corner pieces, which are coated with glue, and glued simultaneously to both the ceiling and the wall. Then lightly press the baseboards and wait about a minute. The joints between them do not need to be lubricated with glue.

After completing the work, it is necessary to seal all joints of the baseboard with the walls and ceiling using a rubber spatula.

How to glue skirting boards to a suspended ceiling?

To glue the plinth to the suspended ceiling, choose very light elements so as not to weigh down the stretched fabric and damage it. Glue the baseboard with the wide side facing the wall. Place between the ceiling and baseboard polyethylene gasket, which is removed after installation.

As you can see, you can glue the baseboards yourself without much effort. It is enough to know only some of the tricks that we have shared with you.

Installation of ceiling plinth (video):