What proverbs fit the fairy tale The Soldier's Overcoat. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Soldier's Overcoat"

Russian folk tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"

Genre: folk tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" and their characteristics

  1. Soldier. A simple soldier, naive and at the same time cunning. He sees his benefits far away.
  2. Master. Stupid and rich. Stingy.
  3. Commander. Fair, father to soldiers.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"
  1. Barin and soldier
  2. Buying an overcoat
  3. Wife's doubts
  4. The master is unhappy
  5. Complaint to the commander
  6. Demonstration
  7. Commander's verdict.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The soldier told the master about the extraordinary qualities of the overcoat
  2. The master paid dearly for his overcoat, but he cannot sleep.
  3. The master complains to the commander.
  4. The commander scolds the soldier
  5. A soldier shows how to sleep on an overcoat
  6. The commander encourages the soldier with a glass.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"
After hard work, after labor, even a stone may seem like a soft bed.

What does the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" teach?
Teaches you to be cunning and dexterous, teaches you to be resourceful and look after your interests. Teaches that it is not a sin to boast a little. Teaches how to deceive the rich. Teaches you not to be greedy. Teaches that everyone must work.

Review of the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"
I thought this fairy tale was funny and quite real. This is not even a fairy tale, but rather a parable, which is based on folk experience and observations. What I like most about her is the smart and cheerful soldier who found a way to laugh at the stupid master, and benefited from it.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"
The miser pays twice.
You shouldn't be chasing cheap prices.
You can't outwork a lord's work.
It’s not the intelligence that wanders, but the fact that it leads others.
The beard grew, but did not bring any sense.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Soldier's Overcoat"
One day the gentleman had a conversation with a simple soldier. And the soldier began to praise his overcoat in every possible way. He said that sleeping in it is a pleasure - you can put it on top, under your head, or under yourself.
So the master was seduced and bought an overcoat for 25 rubles. He brought it home, showed it to his wife, and showed it off. And the wife doubts: how can you sleep on it?
And exactly. The master laid out his overcoat and lay down, but he had nothing to cover himself with.
The master was offended, went to the regimental commander and complained about the soldier.
The commander called the soldier and began to reproach him. And the soldier put down his overcoat, lay down on it, covered himself and rejoices - how pleasant it is to sleep in his overcoat after a campaign.
The commander grinned and ordered the soldier to give him another glass.
And he answered the master that whoever does not work will not sleep on a feather bed, and whoever is tired will sleep on a stone.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"

Title of the work: "Soldier's Overcoat".

Number of pages: 3.

Genre of the work: Russian folk tale.

Main characters: soldier, master, commander.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Soldier- resourceful, dexterous and fair.

Master- greedy, stingy and grumpy.

Commander- correct, reasonable and wise.

Brief summary of the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" for the reader's diary

Once a soldier was talking to a master and praised his overcoat so much that you could sleep softly on it, cover yourself with it, and even wear it, that the master began asking to sell him the thing.

The soldier gave him his overcoat for 25 rubles.

When the master returned home, he ordered his wife to remove all the blankets and pillows, because now he would sleep in his overcoat.

But it turned out that she was tough for him.

Then the master went to the commander and began to complain that the soldier had deceived him.

When the soldier was called, he calmly lay down on his overcoat and covered himself with it.

The commander praised the soldier, and told the master that he would never understand the beauty of rest after hard work.

Plan for retelling the work "The Soldier's Overcoat"

1. Conversation between a soldier and a gentleman.

2. The master asks to sell his overcoat.

3. A man brags about his purchase to his wife.

4. It’s hard for a gentleman to lie on his overcoat.

5. The man complains to the commander about the soldier’s deception.

6. The soldier lies down on his overcoat and covers himself with it.

7. The commander praises the soldier.

8. Those who are very tired sleep well everywhere.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that those who work diligently and hard will enjoy any rest and peace, but those who do nothing can only grumble.

What does the Russian folk tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" teach?

The fairy tale teaches us to be hardworking and honest.

On the other hand, the fairy tale teaches us to be cunning and dexterous, resourceful.

The fairy tale teaches us not to be naive.

A short review of the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" for the reader's diary

The fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" is an interesting and instructive work.

It tells how a soldier sold his uniform to a rich gentleman, lying that the overcoat was soft and pleasant.

It turned out that the master did not like lying on the hard overcoat at all and he decided to teach the soldier a lesson.

But the commander did not scold the soldier, but praised him.

On the one hand, I agree with the ending of the fairy tale, but on the other hand, the overcoat is really hard and the master was right about it.

I believe that the fairy tale teaches us not to be naive and not to believe words, but to actually check everything right away.

If the master had immediately tried to lie down on his overcoat, he would not have been disappointed in his purchase.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "The Soldier's Overcoat"

"The miser pays twice."

“A fool will turn sour, but a wise man will see through everything.”

“They give honor to a fool, but he doesn’t know where to sit.”

"Wrapped around your finger."

"The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet."

The passage from the fairy tale that struck me most:

The master came home and said to his wife:

What a thing did I buy!

Now I don’t need a feather bed, pillows, or blanket: I’ll put an overcoat on my bed, and I’ll put an overcoat in my head, and I’ll dress in an overcoat.

His wife began to scold him:

Well, how are you going to sleep?

And sure enough, the master laid out his overcoat, but there was nothing to put his head on and put on, and he had a hard time lying down.

Unknown words and their meaning:

An overcoat is a uniform military coat.

The master spoke to the soldier and began soldier praise your overcoat :

When I need to sleep, I will put my overcoat on my bed, and put my overcoat in my head, and cover myself with my overcoat.

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him his overcoat. So they bargained for twenty-five rubles. The master came home and said to his wife:

What a thing did I buy! Now I don’t need a feather bed, pillows, or blanket: I’ll put an overcoat on my bed, and I’ll put an overcoat in my head, and I’ll dress in an overcoat.

His wife began to scold him:

Well, how are you going to sleep?

And sure enough, the master laid out his overcoat, but there was nothing to put his head on and put on, and he had a hard time lying down.

The master went to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call the soldier.

They brought a soldier.

Why, brother,” says the commander, “deceived the master?”

“No, your honor,” the soldier answers.

The soldier took his overcoat, spread it out, put his head on the sleeve and covered himself with the blanket.

How nice it is,” he says, “to sleep in an overcoat after a hike!”

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him another glass. And he said to the master:

He who works and gets tired will sleep on a stone, and he who does nothing will not sleep on a feather bed! ( soldier's overcoat )

Soldier's overcoat

The master spoke to the soldier; the soldier began to praise his overcoat:

When I need to sleep, I will put my overcoat on my bed, and put my overcoat in my head, and cover myself with my overcoat.

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him his overcoat. So they bargained for twenty-five rubles. The master came home and said to his wife:

What a thing did I buy! Now I don’t need a feather bed, pillows, or blanket: I’ll put an overcoat on my bed, and I’ll put an overcoat in my head, and I’ll dress in an overcoat.

His wife began to scold him:

Well, how are you going to sleep?

And sure enough, the master laid out his overcoat, but there was nothing to put his head on and put on, and he had a hard time lying down.

The master went to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call the soldier.

They brought a soldier.

Why, brother,” says the commander, “deceived the master?”

“No, your honor,” the soldier answers. The soldier took his overcoat, spread it out, put his head on the sleeve and covered himself with the blanket.

It’s so good,” he says, “to sleep in an overcoat after a hike!”

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him another glass. And he said to the master:

He who works and gets tired will sleep on a stone, and he who does nothing will not sleep on a feather bed!

We call the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat” an everyday one, since it contains characters that are commonplace for this type of fairy tale: a resourceful fighter and a stupid gentleman. We rejoice at the resourcefulness of the fighter and laugh at the growing poi-master.

The item that becomes a prerequisite for bargaining between the soldier and the master is a soldier's overcoat. We learn that a fighter knows how to lay out his overcoat in such a way that he manages to put it on his head and cover himself. But the parable is not only about this skill of a fighter. We learn that soldier's service in royal times was very formidable, that on the campaign the soldier did not have any comforts: he had to use what was at hand, what he constantly carried with him. Therefore, the overcoat for him served not only as clothing, but also as a bed. The soldiers worked a lot and did not have enough time to sleep. They became very tired, and when it was time to sleep, they quickly fell asleep from exhaustion, even on a hard bed made of an overcoat.

The master lived in completely different conditions: he slept on the bed, lay on the feather bed, his head on the pillow, and covered himself with a blanket. The master did not work and did not know the hardships of a soldier's life. The parable tells us about this difference between the lives of a fighter and a master, and the narrator’s sympathies are on the side of the fighter.

2. How does the everyday fairy tale you read differ from fairy tales and fairy tales about animals?

The characters of everyday fairy tales, unlike fairy tales of magic and about animals, are people certain types, living not in the distant kingdom, but in the real world. The plot is not magical, but life-like, tinged with humor. In the everyday parable, the joyful and resourceful hero always gets the merit and wins.

3.Can we say that the ending of a fairy tale is similar to a proverb? Why?

The ending of the fairy tale “The Soldier’s Overcoat” is as follows: “If you work and don’t sleep for a long time, you’ll fall asleep on a stone; and he who does nothing will not sleep on a feather bed!” It's like a proverb.

In proverbs, the idea is very important, which is expressed briefly and figuratively; In the end we see the following idea: he who works always sleeps soundly.

Proverbs are often two-part, built on opposition. In the end we see two parts, where a hard-working person is contrasted with a person who does nothing.

Proverbs are usually rhythmic and have rhyme. In this ending, a rhythm is felt and the words are clearly visible, the last sounds of which are close in sound: “if you work” - “you won’t fall asleep”, “doesn’t do” - “you won’t fall asleep”.

4.What genres of fairy tales became known to you in 5th grade? Prepare a short retelling of one of them.

We studied three types of fairy tales: wonderful fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, and everyday fairy tales.

5.Which artists illustrated folk tales? Tell us about one of them (for example, about V. Vasnetsov, I. Bilibin, other artists) or about the features of their illustrations.