What should be the scenario for a home wedding without a toastmaster in a small circle? Summer wedding outdoors: interesting ideas for an unforgettable celebration Wedding outdoors in a tent scenario.

The second day of the wedding celebration no longer has any formality. Only those who are closest to the newlyweds are invited. Instead of a wedding dress, the bride may wear another outfit that is more comfortable. There is no longer any need to pose for cameras, nor, indeed, to go to the registry office. On the second day, guests can be met in a quiet, homely environment. But the wedding scenario can also be different: the second day can be celebrated on a grand scale so that it is in no way inferior to the first. If the holiday was based on some theme, then it can be continued.

No one other than the newlyweds can decide how to properly spend the next 24 hours after registration. They may enjoy a noisy party or a romantic evening alone with each other. And most young couples even go on trips.

Celebration in accordance with traditions and customs

What could it be like, a wedding scenario? The second day, according to customs and traditions, did not imply the presence of mummers. Young people usually went to the bathhouse. They took with them the brooms presented in advance by the guests. People considered this ablution to be cleansing and ritual. After this, the husband and his wife walked back home: he walked first, she followed him. There their mother-in-law and father-in-law were already waiting for them with treats. The husband had to be the first to step on the threshold of his house.

Celebration changes

What was the wedding scenario like? The second day was celebrated at home. The father-in-law and mother-in-law were the first to sit at the table. After them, the newlyweds and the father-in-law and mother-in-law had to sit down. And only then did they invite guests. The obligatory treat was a loaf of bread, which, according to tradition, was “gilded” by the bride. In other words, the young wife had to put coins in it. Customs also implied that it was necessary to give alms to those who were considered beggars. This is how the wedding scenario used to be.

The second day, namely its celebration, began to change over time. Fun and games came to the fore. The guests began to dress up in different costumes. Customs meant that the young wife had to do housework. The guests could disturb her. It even went so far as to kidnap a wife so that her husband could later find her. The role of the mummers was limited to entertainment. They amused curious people. One person always wore the bride's wedding suit. They tried to involve absolutely everyone passing by in the celebration.

You need to decide for yourself

Only the young can decide what the wedding scenario will be. The second day, meeting guests, refreshments, the celebration itself - all this and much more can take place according to customs and traditions. But these are not mandatory conditions. Newlyweds do not always want to make a traditional holiday a reality at their wedding. There are other interesting options.

What other options can be implemented?

What could the second wedding day be like? The most popular examples should be given.

  1. Romantic evening. What does this wedding scenario mean (second day)? The meeting of guests will not take place, since the young people will spend this time only alone with each other.
  2. Honeymoon trip. This tradition came from the West. Only there it was customary to go on a journey after the end of the official ceremony. This idea has its advantages. The trip can be turned into an excellent continuation of the ceremonial part. The young couple has not yet completely recovered from the euphoria, but they already need to fly to the resort. In addition, many travel agencies provide a variety of discounts with bonuses and special excursions to romantic places.
  3. Sauna or spa. This is an amazing opportunity for those who want to relax, unwind after noisy fun and fun. You can always take your closest friends with you. Or you can go to the sauna together. Massage, swimming pool and steam room will help you forget about fatigue and tension.
  4. What could the second wedding day be like? A cool scenario can be built on the basis costume party. Thematic focus may vary. Guests will figure out how to dress up more interestingly in order to amuse themselves and others.
  5. If a young couple belongs to the category of extreme sports fans, then you can celebrate the second day by playing paintball. You can choose another sporting event in which the spirit of competition will reign.

Preparations for a home celebration

If you want to invite guests home, then first of all you should think about how you will accommodate them. You also need to set the table. You can demonstrate all your existing culinary skills. But at the present stage, it has become possible to place an order for food delivery from a restaurant. The day after the celebration, cooking is quite troublesome. The size of the apartment does not always allow you to accommodate absolutely all the guests present at the main celebration. Therefore, you should invite only close people, and not absolutely everyone who was present at such a holiday as a wedding.

The second day (scenarios, competitions, toasts) should be led by one of the guests, since the toastmaster is usually not invited to a home event. It should be remembered that those invited should not be bored. Of course, you can’t really dance in an apartment. Most likely, the scenario will be based on friendly communication, congratulations to the newlyweds and competitions.

Dishes on the second day may not be as sophisticated as at the main celebration. It's better if they become more homey and traditional. What dishes might be served in the wedding scenario (second day)? Pancakes, cabbage rolls, pies, zrazy - there are many options. However, the menu can always be changed to suit your taste.

It is necessary to warn about a noisy feast

While celebrating the second day, we should not forget about the people living in our neighborhood. If any of them have small children or elderly relatives, then it is necessary to warn in advance about how long the event will last. Don't forget that after 11 pm neighbors can call the police. It is unlikely that this will give a positive connotation to your holiday.

Come up with competitions in which property will not be damaged. There is no need to break plates, even if you consider that it will bring happiness. And there’s no point in tug-of-war.

Outdoor recreation

What other scenario could there be? The second day of a wedding in nature can please everyone. After all, such a vacation allows you to relax and unwind. It will be possible to forget about the official atmosphere, replacing it with a friendly one. If a trip to nature takes place with all the guests, then you need to order a bus. It is worth spending this day at a tourist base or renting a house outside the city so that everyone can shelter from the rain in case of bad weather.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to arrange a lavish feast in nature. Basically it all comes down to appetizers and traditional barbecue. It is necessary to take care in advance about purchasing and marinating meat. Since young people have no time to deal with this issue, this matter should be entrusted to either friends or close relatives. You need to think about preparing the dishes in advance. Even plastic and disposable plates, if properly decorated, can become festive. Moreover, the choice today is quite large.

There must be competitions

What positive aspects does the script contain? The second day of an outdoor wedding can be accompanied by any competitions. There is quite a lot of space, there is an opportunity to make noise and even organize musical accompaniment. If you wish, then you should think about hiring a toastmaster and a photographer. In nature, you can take quite touching and beautiful pictures for a wedding album.

You can relax in nature not only in summer. In winter, the holiday can be combined with sports activities such as skiing, skating and snowboarding.

How can you greet guests?

What else do you need to know when organizing your second wedding day? The scenario (cool or standard) should also take into account the meeting of guests. A young couple usually invites close people to their home or to their parents. However, the newlyweds themselves arrive before the guests to meet them. There are a huge number of different options for how you can have a fun celebration of the second day, starting with a simple meeting of the invitees.

If there is a desire to organize a holiday in full accordance with traditions regarding the presence of mummers and other entertainment, then the meeting should be appropriate. Several people should stand near the doors and wait for guests, offering them a variety of games and competitions. The most common is “Appointment with a doctor.” Its purpose is to test guests for sobriety. Accordingly, the “medicine” will need to be taken. However, there can be many options, and everything is limited only by the imagination of the young. And this must be understood when organizing the second wedding day at home. The script must be written carefully so that nothing is missed.

When thinking about how exactly to entertain guests, you need to calculate the time. You shouldn’t drag out the meeting, otherwise people will quickly get tired. After several games, you can safely invite guests to the table, accompanying this with a toast to the love and health of the newlyweds.

Choosing an outfit

The bride can relax and wear a comfortable dress, since the photo shoot in her wedding dress is already over. There are no restrictions in either color or style. You should choose clothes based on the situation. If the trip takes place outdoors, then it is best to wear something comfortable, depending on the weather and time of year. You don't even have to do your hair.

If the evening is to take place in a restaurant, then you need to purchase a cocktail dress. You can do without skirts with corsets. However, the dress should be elegant and beautiful. A short outfit will also work great. Hair styling and makeup should be done at the discretion of the bride herself. You can check the wedding scenario with the host in advance. The second day is no less important for the toastmaster. Still, he comes up with competitions and entertainment. Accordingly, it is necessary to consult with him so as not to spoil any of his ideas.

If you are planning a costume party, then you need to sew a costume on a given theme in advance. Don't forget that the bride should always stand out among the large number of guests. Accordingly, the outfit should be the most striking and original.

If the second day is spent on a sports theme or in a sauna, then you should not purchase special outfits. But even here you can always stand out with a swimsuit or uniform decorated with a veil and crown.

Do you want your second wedding day to be fun? The scenario is cool (the celebration will take place outdoors, at home or in a restaurant - it doesn’t matter) everyone will like it. How can you entertain both guests and young people?

  1. You can greet guests with jokes, inviting them to the table in verse. However, they must first buy back the forks.
  2. Approaching the table, everyone is obliged to drink to the newlyweds and congratulate them on their marriage.
  3. The presenters should give some advice to the young ones. It doesn't have to be done in a serious tone. However, the script should be written in such a way that it does not contain insults or indecent remarks.
  4. You should scatter trash mixed with money on the floor. The young people will have to remove the litter, trying to separate all the most valuable things from it using a broom.
  5. There should be toasts between competitions so that guests have time to eat and drink.
  6. Periodic shouts of “Bitter” will only add to the mood.
  7. At the end of the celebrations, you can organize a lottery in which there will be no losers.

We should not forget that there should be not only dancing and competitions on the second day of the wedding at home. The script may also include time for communication. Yes, guests also need to sit and relax and eat.

Competitions can be very different: intellectual, active and dance. It all depends on where the celebration will be celebrated. The house will be more limited in terms of competitions and entertainment on the second wedding day. In a village, the scenario, naturally, may involve holding a celebration in the garden or yard. But these are isolated cases. And if you don’t know how to organize a celebration, or you simply don’t have the strength to do it, then you need to hire a toastmaster for 2 days at once.

What competitions can be used to diversify the holiday?

How can you diversify your holiday?

  1. Have the guests stand around the host. People must pass the pot to each other. After the toastmaster names any letter, the person who has the object in his hands must name several wishes. Moreover, they must begin with the same letter.
  2. You can draw or lay out several identical circles on the floor. They will symbolize boats. The bride will receive one, the groom will receive the other. Contestants climb into either of two boats. The owner of the boat that ends up with more people on it will become the captain of family life.
  3. You can play at being pregnant. Two men get a chance to experience what it's like for girls in this position. Inflatable balls are attached to their stomachs using tape, and matches are scattered on the floor. The one who collects them faster than the rest wins the competition.

Once you start writing the script, competitions and jokes will need to be thought through carefully. There is no need to allow any insults. There is no need for competitions that will hurt the feelings of young people or guests. It is also necessary to exclude vulgarities related to the first wedding night.


This review describes how you can spend the second day of your wedding. If you approach this issue thoroughly, then everything will turn out just fine. It must be taken into account that this holiday should be remembered for a lifetime, regardless of where it will take place. There is no consensus on how a wedding (second day) should be celebrated correctly. The scenario, competitions, snacks, and homely atmosphere may appeal to young people. But the older generation loves it when they throw a big feast. Therefore, one should approach the celebration of this day thoroughly.


The wedding begins long before the festive celebration. You need to draw up a wedding plan (on one page of the site an approximate list of questions for the plan is presented). Well, the solemn day itself naturally begins with the bride price. At the appointed time, the groom and his friends arrive at the bride’s house, where their parents and bridesmaids are already waiting for them. The bride is hidden in the house. Before leading the bride down the aisle, the groom must enter the house and take his beloved, but this is not easy to do, since he has to pass a test and prove his love. BRIDE'S RANSOM

It is advisable for the witness and bridesmaids to prepare a beautifully designed ransom in text form on whatman paper, or thick cardboard, approximately 12 formats. Where to reflect the main tests of the good fellow. All this is rolled up and issued in an ancient royal decree. The witness, with her bridesmaids, meets the groom and his friends on the street: Unfolds a scroll noticeably with the following content (if you do not like the content, replace it with another one proposed on other pages of the site under the heading “Bride ransom”).

Hello, beautiful fellow, Why are you as quiet as a stormy day? Where were you and what did you find? Groom: I came for the bride.

Witness: Look - we have brides, They will be just right for you: Here she is beautiful, here she is white, Here she is blush, here she is slim. Choose which one?

Groom: I need another one.

Witness And the other one is dear to us. To take her, you need to pass tests and pay a ransom.

Stage 1: Place as many coins on a plate as many years as you will live with your wife.

Stage 2: And here is a piece of paper with a tricky riddle, Will you find your betrothed lips?

Stage 3: You can’t get around, show your mercy, Fill the glasses so that I won’t be ashamed: In one, so that it rustles, In the other, so that it rings, And in the third, so that the stormy foam hisses.

Stage 4: Here is the path in front of you, You walk along it and sing, You will sing a song about love, Then you will reach the gate.

Stage 5: And now, my dear friend, don’t disdain our apple, think in your spare time, How can you help your wife, Take a match from an apple, Tell me how you can help your wife?

Stage 6: There is water in three glasses: salty, bitter, sweet. Guess what kind of life with your wife awaits you? (You need to pour sweet water into all three glasses).

Stage 7: And now another question, You, our dear groom, Wrack your wild head, And guess all the numbers. What does each number on the step mean?

Stage 8: Write out the name of the bride with a silver coin.

Stage 9: Guess your bride’s foot (based on the paper foot).

Stage 10: What do you see in front of you? There’s a big lock hanging here. If you pick up the key, you’ll unlock the lock! (There’s a paper lock on the door, the hole is the silhouette of a Champagne bottle.) Pick up the key to enter the bride’s room.

Stage 11: Your trials are over. Here is your bride. Take it! Not like that again! You're too picky and picky.

Witness: You went through severe adversity, striving for the maiden's room, Now say in front of all the people: “(name of the bride)!” I love you!"

Stage 12: Look how beautiful the bride is! Bridesmaids take turns: For the bride's elegant dress, Give us grape wine, groom. For the bride, pumps, Give us a bottle of vodka. For the bride's eyes, a kilogram of "Mask." For the bride, string eyebrows, Give us green credit cards. So that life was sweet, treat the bridegroom with chocolate. For the bride's lips, wrap up 50 rubles in a bow. For the bride's heel, put a heel on us.

Stage 13: The wolf said to the sheep: “Sheep! You have a beautiful complexion!” “Oh, if the wolf praises the sheep - Don’t believe a single word. What will you call your little wife? Say a word every step towards the bride; what will you call her from now on? (The groom approaches the bride and gives her flowers.)

Witness: Well, dear friend. We looked at your fiance. Get married. Not stingy. And he truly loves, but the most important word belongs to the sister. Sister: I’m letting my sister get married, Well, I’m warning you, So that he loves and respects, And so that he doesn’t offend me. (The groom gives a gift to his sister.)

Stage 14: Guess the last riddle: What is the most powerful thing in the world? (Love).What is most valuable in the world? (Bride).What is the sweetest thing in the world? (Family life). A rope is valued by its length, And the shorter the speech, the better. It's time to drink! Good morning! To all friends! For all of you!

Flowers are sewn onto the witnesses. The bride and groom, accompanied by witnesses, walk through a corridor of balloons that burst above their heads. Wishes are read to them. They get into cars. The groom puts the bride in her car, and he and the witness get into another. Parents, girlfriends, friends and relatives get into cars and go to the registry office.


The bride and groom are greeted by their parents, they throw a towel over them, tie them up and lead them to the table with the words: “Hold on tight, and go through family life together, happily, to the delight of your parents and friends!” The rest pay an entrance fee. The young spouses are invited to the wedding table first, followed by the witnesses. Parents are invited to take the place of honor. All guests are invited to the wedding table.


Presenter: Oh, you, guests, gentlemen! We called you here, So that you don’t dare to get bored, Let us begin. I hope from the bottom of my heart - We’ll have fun! We’ll start our feast with honesty - We ask everyone to sit down!

Presenter: Our dear newlyweds, (names of the bride and groom)! Dear parents! Dear guests! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the most important and joyful, most significant event in the lives of our young people - the day of their marriage, the day of entering into a lasting union. From this day a new page in their life begins, and what it will be like depends only on them.

A Toast to the Young People

Wedding is a beautiful Russian word! The bride is all in white, and next to her is he, whom she with tender love still calls her groom. Parents look at them in anticipation. How they want their children to always keep gratitude in their souls and never forget about them .Today is fun, and toasts, and jokes, And tomorrow ordinary days will come, When you will have to walk through the heat and blizzard through life by the same fate. But no matter what happens, may peace and harmony settle in your little home forever. May the children grow up, and you They call you a happy mother, a smart father. And let your love shine joyfully, Like a rainbow in the sky washed by rain. May you see yourself in every dewdrop and in every tear, just the two of you! Accept the solemn verse as a gift, We raise a toast to you, to both of you. Now you will have to, as usual, divide both grief and joy in half. And now, dear guests, we want to read:

Presenter: Today you were invited to the Celebration. For many this is the first time at such an evening, so I will read you the rules of conduct for the evening.


1. You can’t be bored, you can joke.2. You can't be sad, you can sing and dance.3. Look at other people's wives and husbands, but don't forget about your own.4. We forbid you to swear, Fight, argue under the table. If you have had a little too much to drink, It’s better to go to sleep in silence. 5. Everyone, without further explanation, keep their place, Pouring juice or wine into your neighbor’s pocket is prohibited. 6. Do not grumble or swear, Do not interfere with everyone kiss, Do not get angry under any circumstances, Have fun with all your heart. 7. If someone mistakenly took melancholy with them, Urgently put it in the refrigerator, For cutlets to the cook.8. If before leaving you found someone else's things on you, it's really not a problem. But we strictly forbid leaving home when someone else's husband or wife is next to you!

Presenter: Having familiarized ourselves with the rules, let’s not forget about the young people:

A Toast to the Young People

Walking through life hand in hand You must forget, friends, boredom, Know how to give in to each other And don’t dare to offend yourself. We wish you happiness, and only Let the uncontrollable Evil One ring out again and again: “Bitter!” And so that there is not bitter love. Bitter!

Host: Before we continue our evening, let's get to know each other. I ask the bride and groom to introduce their relatives, close and dear friends. (The young people begin to introduce everyone sitting at the table in turn, let’s say clockwise, if there are few people - 30...40 people, then they introduce everyone, if there are more, the toastmaster interrupts the presentation of the guests after 20...30 people have been introduced and continues to lead the evening further)

Host: Dear and respected guests, today everything is new for our young people. Today they started a family, but they don’t even know what a family is, let’s introduce them:


(name of the bride and groom) have the right to connect their paths and create a healthy, wonderful family, they are obliged to preserve and take care of it until the end of their days. The wife is the supreme legislative body. Her husband is her deputy. The wife is the Minister of Finance, Culture, Trade, Food Industry, and Health. The husband is the Minister of Electrification, the Gas Industry, Meat and Dairy, Agriculture, and the Minister of the Interior. The wife has the right to rest, the husband to work. The wife is required to prepare a light dinner every evening. The husband is obliged to serve his wife hot coffee in bed every morning. Spouses have the right to kiss at least once a week. Spouses have the right to have from 1 to 15 children. Children are required to know who is their father and who is their mother. Subject to compliance with all articles of the constitution, husband and wife have the right to celebrate a silver wedding after 25 years, and a golden wedding after 50 years. Presenter: A toast is proposed to the family created today...

Presenter: My friends! We received two documents and several congratulatory telegrams:


The insidious “enemy” (name of the groom) snatched the fighter for women’s freedom (name of the bride) from our ranks. We resolve:

(name of the bride) make a report on the topic: “How to entangle a bachelor” and award her the Order of Family Happiness (his photo). In financial work, observe the old division of labor. Give your husband the honorable right to earn money; take on the thankless but important task of spending it. Avoid your husband's presence when buying clothes; your husband should not know the true price of things. This will save his nervous system from unnecessary shocks. Cross the street where he wants, but take him where you want. Do not let your husband go one step away from you, so that he does not stray from the righteous path. Don’t forget: the husband is the head, the wife is the neck, I’ll turn it wherever I want! But turn it so as not to lose your head. Promise to give your husband a son or daughter if he raises them himself. RESOLUTION OF THE SOCIETY OF BACHELORS

It is with deep regret that we inform you that the bachelors have suffered a bereavement: he married (name of the groom), an honorary member of the Bachelors Society. With pain and indignation, we learned that recently, he often visited the address __ (address of the bride), where he lured into the net of love and persuaded __ (name, surname of the bride) to legally marry. And therefore the society of bachelors decides:

Exclude (last name, first name of the groom) from the society of bachelors. Sasha went through many tests, showed courage and courage. We award (name of the groom) the Order of “Saint (name of the bride)” (photo of the bride). We wish happiness to the “traitor” and his bride. (name of the groom), remember: you took your wife - forget the silence! Carry your wife in your arms, she will sit on your neck. Don't argue with your wife, she will always think you are right. TELEGRAMS

My favorite! Yesterday I found out that you are getting married. It's a pity! Well, all the best to you! For many years we lived with you in peace and friendship, enjoying each other. Are you really tired of me and have you cheated on me? It's a pity that you met someone else. She is better, kinder, more beautiful than me! Well, goodbye forever! Happiness to you, love. I will console myself with the fact that I have a lot of your brother left. Farewell.=Your single life=Newlyweds.Dear newlyweds!Congratulations on the onset of your honeymoon.=Beekeeping Department=Newlyweds.Place reserved.We are looking forward to meeting you.=Maternity hospital=Newlyweds.Kindergarten is like a swarm of bees,He sends his heartfelt greetings,We We all want to wish you, young people, So that you don’t forget to get in line. = Kindergarten = Guests. Let everyone be drunk and cheerful, Eat and drink wisely in moderation! So that you feel cramped at the table, There is room under the table! = Liquor house factory=Groom. Congratulations! We wish you not to be under your wife’s heel.=Shoe workshop=Bride.Dear Olya! Congratulations! Your order has been completed - you can receive the ironclad gloves at any time.=Department Store=

Host: Dear guests, today is a very significant day, we have already met the heroes of the occasion, but if it weren’t for their parents, this day might not have happened.


Let's lift a cheerful spell for those who raised this glorious couple. Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace, Forged such great happiness for them. The parents are sad, a little sad. We will not judge them harshly for this. After all, this has long been their eternal destiny. Each of us would like to support them. We know that love has married children from end to beginning. For many years, love has married them. And you, without hiding your concerns in the least, must lead them on their marital journey. For their work and worries, for everything they could, May the children will bow to you to the ground. And we, in turn, are good guests, For your work as parents we will simply tell you: Let time fly, but don’t grow old, Let your grandchildren grow up, you become younger in soul, Good luck to you, a huge increase in health, We raise you for you We are making a festive toast. Parting words are given to parents. Dear parents! From this day on, you will be awarded the honorary titles: MOTHER-IN-LAW, TESCHA,

FATHER-IN-LAW, MOTHER-IN-LAW. Allow me to present you with a certificate of conferment of titles. Now listen to our orders:

MOTHER-IN-LAW'S ORDER The mother-in-law has got a son-in-law, Don't sit idle now, Spin on one leg, Do your best in front of your son-in-law. According to the old law, the son-in-law goes to his mother-in-law for pancakes, So that everything in the kitchen sparkles And there is a mountain of pancakes. Only your son-in-law on the threshold, So that there is a pie on the table, And half a liter, and a snack, And so that it’s delicious. If you meet your son-in-law badly, You will answer to us, That’s where things will go. He’ll find another mother-in-law. Look, always carry out our order, A son-in-law will never stop loving such a mother-in-law.


Now words to you, mother-in-law, You are blessed by love. His family is your family And don’t grumble now for nothing. Your daughter-in-law fell in love with your son, So love her like a daughter. And to please your mother-in-law, She will give birth to grandchildren for you. And what’s wrong, then forgive me, Don’t notice all your mistakes, and you will be in such a good mood that anyone will envy.


You have a son-in-law, And your son-in-law loves to take. He took your daughter from you By consent, lovingly. Father-in-law, you are a father, a hero! Be a mountain for your son-in-law! Invite him to visit more often, Treat him to delicious beer! Maybe your son-in-law will decide to take something else from you ,You promise to give it back and say thank you.


Well, what can I tell you, father? You, of course, are great! You raised your son, got him married, You yourself are still in the prime of your life. Look - the young bride, Beautiful and daring, Take her into the family, Love her like your daughter.

Outdoor wedding scenario

Organizers can be parents, friends or witnesses. The newlyweds should not know how their wedding will take place, but naturally they should know the style of the wedding so that they do not worry about anything. Arrive at the river bank early and prepare the place - set up a fire pit, but do not light the fire until the newlyweds arrive. Organize a table, set up tents for guests and newlyweds. Make artificial palm trees. The tent for the newlyweds needs to be decorated with something.

Have all guests dress up as Aboriginal people. You can make skirts from straw, hang bones around your neck, or make clothes from pieces of faux fur. You can also use magnetic tape; it will look very good as skirts and wigs.

And when the newlyweds arrive, the whole Aboriginal gang greets them cheerfully, whistling, hooting, shouting: “Chumba-yumba! Chumba-yumba! Chumba-yumba! Here, parting the crowd, the leader of the tribe, the Great Nalivaka (leader), appears, and in a drawn-out, imperturbable voice with a stony expression on his face, making a gesture with his hands to silence the others, he proclaims: “The “No Hangover” tribe welcomes you!” After this, the tribesmen shouted: “Chumba-yumba! Chumba-yumba! Chumba-yumba! Chumba-yumba! Chumba-yumba!

Next, the leader invites the newlyweds to become part of their tribe, dresses them in Aboriginal costumes and conducts an initiation ceremony. The young man must show what a hunter and a sharp shooter he is, and the bride must show what a craftswoman and housewife she is. To do this, make a model of an animal covered in artificial fur, so that you can then sew men’s family panties from this skin. The groom will have to shoot with a bow and hit a model of the animal, and the bride will have to sew her husband’s family fur panties from the skin so that the household will not freeze in winter.

After this, the leader Great Nalivaka invites the newlyweds to light a fire, which will be a symbol of their hearth. And everyone sits down at the common table, drinks, eats, Aboriginal congratulations are heard, and the inhabitants of the tribe present their gifts, read wishes and congratulations. It is also advisable to give the gifts an Aboriginal style.

Then the ritual “Burning of Single Life” takes place. Make a stuffed animal in advance, let it be a woman on one side and a man on the other. Burning this doll will indicate that they will never part, and single life will never return to them.

After the ceremony, the leader announces the first marital dance. And the newlyweds will have to dance to the beat of tom-toms. You can invite special musicians who perform this music. This will be a big surprise for the young people. Also, if finances allow, you can organize a fire show, then the first dance of the newlyweds will definitely be remembered by many.

After the official part, dancing begins for the entire tribe. Mixed with dancing, the Great Nalivaka holds competitions for all residents of the tribe. And the newlyweds can be offered to go on a trip around the lake on a raft (on a boat or speedboat). While the newlyweds are swimming, you can arrange fortune telling for the unmarried ones. To do this, every unmarried girl weaves a wreath and throws it into the water; whose wreath does not sink, she will soon get married.

Upon the newlyweds' arrival at the shore, the bride throws a bouquet of green grass. Whichever girl catches him will have a double chance to get married this year.

By the end of the evening, everyone is probably already hungry, and it’s time to sit around the fire and eat kebabs. After this, the newlyweds are sent to their first wedding night. And the tribesmen continue to have fun until they fall.

The Eighth Wedding Anniversary is closely associated with all kinds of tin products; this anniversary is called: Tin Wedding. Therefore, if you do not want to celebrate it on a grand scale, or rather spend a lot of money, then we suggest you celebrate this holiday in nature. It doesn’t matter what time of year you got married, you can have a good rest among green trees and snow-covered spruce trees. Therefore, the main thing is to gather guests and stock up on food and drinks.

Menu. The main dish of any outdoor recreation is a delicious, hot kebab. Try to please all the guests, don’t choose just one meat, make an assortment, let there be variety, even if it’s a little bit. Next, the main dish on this day should be all kinds of canned foods: sprats, peas, corn, pate, stew, tuna, etc. Boiled potatoes are best suited as a side dish; they will be the easiest to prepare and have the best combination with all of the above products. As for drinks, everything is as usual, strong of your choice, but be sure to add mineral carbonated and non-carbonated water, as well as tea, because according to tradition, at the end of each holiday there is always a cake. , the best thing is a pie, so it won’t have time to spoil in nature, but for a cake, you always need to maintain a special temperature.

We are no longer talking about chairs and folding tables; you yourself know this very well. And in the end I would like to remind you of some more important details. Don't forget to take disposable tableware with you, as it is very convenient, and napkins, both wet and paper. And of course, firewood, barbecue and everything else you might need to prepare hot dishes.

We gathered in nature,
We hope that according to the weather,
We will relax with you,
Celebrating a big holiday
It's (husband's name and wife's name) anniversary,
Eight years is the reason
To congratulate them,
Raise a glass to them,
This is actually where we start,
And so please, let’s pour the wine!
(everyone fills their glasses)

Dear (name of husband and name of wife), today your relationship turns exactly eight years old, and the symbol of these years is such metal as tin. This name was chosen for a reason, because tin is a metal, albeit flexible, but still much stronger than previous paper and wood. And tin shines very well, just like your relationships in this year of life. Therefore, accept ours! Happiness to you not yet for eight, but for eighty years!
And to prove your love,
I’ll tell you “bitterly” without any extra words!
(all the guests pick up the word “bitter”, the couple kisses, then drinks, a meal passes, from the radio of the nearest car)

And now dear friends,
I want to hear your words
You also want to congratulate the couple,
And also together don't be shy with this one and give it as a gift!
(time of congratulations passes)

For heartfelt words,
Everyone will receive a glass of wine,
And we drink so quickly
And then we start the competition!
(everyone drinks)

Relaxing in nature
We raise our glasses to the tin,
So the competition will be like this:
To fit into a big company!
The competition is called: “Tin Throwing.” Everyone can take part, then we divide into two equal teams. Each team needs to choose one catcher, the leader gives him an open tin can, and he stands at a distance of four meters from the team. Then the host gives each participant two tin rings (can be made from foil), as a symbol of any wedding. Then, to the music, each team begins to take turns throwing rings into a tin can for the catcher, in the end, the team that is more accurate and collects the largest number of rings wins. Prize: each participant a jar of pate.

We played everything well
Rings fell into a tin can,
And now I ask you,
In this bright idle hour,
Everyone deserves to stand up
And a wish to say a toast,
And at the end we make a clap,
Let the confetti fly at your feet!
(the presenter hands out a cracker with confetti to everyone, and so the guests stand up in turn, say one wish to the couple and clap the cracker, and in the meantime, any two guests of their choice leave and at the end of the congratulations present the couple with a lit sky lantern)

All the guests have done their business,
And now it’s time for the dear couple,
Letting the ball go into the sky,
But first I ask make one dream for two,
And then we will meet you for the golden wedding,
And we will find out whether you have fulfilled your dear dream!
And you guests on the side don’t shut up,
Say goodbye to the sky lantern with applause!
(the couple makes wishes and solemnly releases the sky lantern into flight amid applause)

To make the dream come true,
We all need some wine here!
(meal takes place, music plays)

It's good to be in nature
I just like everything
But we just forgot about something,
They didn’t twirl in bright dances!
(go through the dance break)

And now everyone aside wine,
We need tea for everything
Wedding cake, for,
Baked he is with all his heart!
(sweet meal time)

And now my friends,
Since we ate kebabs,
The couple was fully congratulated
It's time for me to leave,
Well, you continue further,
Don't be bored without me!
(the presenter leaves the celebration, but the celebration can continue further)

At the entrance to the hall, guests line up on both sides of the aisle where the newlyweds and witnesses will pass. At the beginning of this “living” corridor, a young couple cuts the wedding ribbon and moves on. A cheerful wedding melody sounds. At the end of the corridor they are met by mom and dad. Mom with bread and salt, and dad with a tray on which there are two glasses with sparkling champagne. Parents congratulate the newlyweds and offer traditional bread and salt, and then champagne. The young drink the sparkling drink to the bottom and break the glasses on the floor. Everyone enters the hall and takes their seats.

Dear guests! Attention!
We are opening our wedding meeting!

All evening tonight
We will drink and eat
Toast, laugh, dance
And congratulations to the newlyweds!

Dear guests, do not hesitate,
Make yourself at home,
Try and help yourself to everything,
What's on this wedding table?
But at the same time, don’t forget
Pay attention to us.
And please support us
In all endeavors.

From now on, two hearts sound in rhythm.
The union was held together by two rings.
Now, along the abyss of life
The two of you will go to the end.

We wish you great happiness,
May there always be spring.
So that you never know bad weather
And their hearts were pure.
We raise our glasses higher,
We wish you love and happiness!...

To the sound of a crystal glass,
To the sound of champagne wine,
Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you happiness and goodness!

We wish you beautiful love,
So that you keep her from year to year,
How the jewel was carried
Through the storms of life's adversities.

May it never fade
Have a happy life on your dawn.
Let everyone exclaim “Bitter!”
May it always be sweet for you...

And now, the floor is given to mom.

And now, the floor is given to dad.

Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish them love and happiness,
For a husband to obey his wife
And love her alone.
And for the wife to give birth to children,
Dear, glorious little naughty girls!
We expect heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
To be young forever
But for the golden wedding
Don't forget to invite!

Dear witnesses, now it’s your turn to congratulate the newlyweds!

For those who, having taken honorable care,
From now on I must for many years in a row
To follow with desire, with joy, with eagerness,
So that there is sponsored peace and harmony in the family,
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, joyful, big
Before their wedding, silver in the beginning,
Well, and then - until golden!
I drink, as you noticed,
For young witnesses!

A toast to the young
From this 20... year, the month of October,... day, I command the young man... and the beautiful maiden... to be considered husband and wife, who have mutually agreed to exchange their free and free life for a married one, and therefore they must be accepted only together, but separately should not be taken seriously, for they are one and indivisible. The spouse should be the head of the family, earn a living, and not look at other beauties.
Let the wife not fear her husband, but love him, respect him, and honor him as a hero; He doesn’t make you angry, he doesn’t tease you, he feeds you well, but in moderation, so that he doesn’t become obese and doesn’t become passive in his affairs.
May you live a happy and joyful life. Keep the door to the hut open for the sake of cheerful and genuine guests. The soul lives not with Persian carpets and overseas crystals, but with true friends. Don’t forget your father and mother, share your joys and sorrows with them, use your parents’ wise advice.
Do all household chores together, start family rituals, keep the room clean, sing funny songs, drink spring and fruit water.
This order must be protected and preserved, for it contains unprecedented power. And if something bad happens between you, take out this order, sit side by side, read it thoughtfully and the bitter quarrel will be settled, you will have peace and harmony, happiness and joy in the house. Follow the order strictly and teach your children according to it.

The Wife's Oath
- Do you swear to love only your husband all your life, to be friendly and affectionate with him?
- I swear!
- Do you swear that you will cook cheesecakes more often, pour more tea and more often?
- I swear!
- After lunch, when you lie down with the newspaper, swear that you won’t swear for this!
- I swear!
- Do you swear not to blow your lips, not to let even the wind blow on him?
- I swear!
- Do you swear here that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife?
- I swear!

Husband's Oath
- Swear to take care of your wife Always kiss her when leaving for work?
- I swear!
- There are such things that happen: The wife spends half her pay on stockings. Swear that this is your business. Your wife won't go to work wearing skinny clothes!
- I swear!
- You swear that you will be an exemplary husband, a Protector, a friend, a faithful assistant!
- I swear!
- Swear that you will not offend your spouse with words or deeds, no matter who is in front of you!
- I swear!
- Do you swear to go through life together, to stick with each other along the way?
- I swear!
Take care of love persistently, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding may you...

If you're a little tired,
If your legs ask to dance,
Don't be shy, come out
Show us your dance class!
But first, dance for them -
To our dear young people!

Waltz. Everyone is dancing and relaxing.

Our dear guests!
You came to the wedding together,
Flowers, gifts, toasts
They brought it for the newlyweds.

Come on, guests, don’t be stingy,
Share your generosity!

Our wedding is shining brightly
It's time to give gifts!

1. “Question and answer.” The questions and answers are on two trays that are passed around by the witnesses.
2. “Don’t spill a drop.” All guests sit at the table and pass the glass around in a circle. Everyone pours a little drink into a glass. The last one whose glass overflows and the drink overflows must say a toast and drink.
3. “The odd one has died.” The game is built on the principle of the children's game “The odd one out.” 5-6 guests are invited to participate in the competition. Large glasses (or glasses) are placed on the table, one less than the number of participants. Vodka, cognac, wine (whatever you want) are poured into glasses. At the leader’s command (for example, clapping your hands), the participants begin to walk around the table. As soon as the presenter gives the conditioned signal (the same clap), the participants need to grab one of the glasses and immediately drink its contents. The one who doesn't have enough glasses is eliminated. After this, one glass is removed from the table, the rest are filled, and the game continues in the same way as described above. The main thing is that there is always one less glass than the number of players. The game ends when one of the two remaining participants drinks the last glass. In the absence of appetizers and sufficiently spacious glasses, the finale looks indescribable, since it is usually difficult to call it walking around the table.
4. “Pass the bottle.” The participants of the game stand in a circle (alternating: guy, girl). The first participant clamps a bottle between his legs, preferably a 1.5-2 liter plastic soda bottle, and passes it to the next one without touching the bottle with his hands. the other participant also picks up the bottle only with the help of his legs. The game is a knockout game, the pair that drops the bottle is out of the game. The last remaining pair is considered the winner and the most “skillful”.
5. "Stream". A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Girls are invited to spread their legs wide apart and walk along the “stream” without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the walk along the stream, but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed the stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes). The woman is embarrassed. the second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!
6. "Dance with balls."
7. “Volleyball with a ball.”