Which septic tank is better - features of choosing a septic tank for your home and cottage. Modern septic tanks for a summer residence: which is better, market overview, professional recommendations, reviews from owners The septic tank is the best and practical

If there is no possibility of connecting to a centralized sewerage main, owners country houses we have to take care of arranging local wastewater treatment systems. Help in this without influencing environment, maybe septic tanks. There are many types of such devices. Therefore, those who decide to install a local sewerage system on their site are faced with the question of whether to choose.

The main classification of systems for recycling wastewater from a private home is based on the principle of operation.

  1. Storage containers are the simplest option. They are sealed containers. Sewage enters these containers and accumulates there, which needs to be pumped out, periodically calling the sewer truck.

  2. A septic tank with post-treatment carried out in the soil is a fairly simple option for wastewater treatment. Such stations are formed by 1 or 2 reservoirs in which sedimentation of large particles and oxygen-free decomposition of pollutants occurs. Degree of purification in anaerobic devices not very high, water cannot be discharged into the environment. For this reason, it is necessary to equip a soil post-treatment stage, where the remaining contaminants will be retained in the filter media layer.

  3. A special feature of biological aerobic treatment stations is the additional stage of wastewater treatment by microorganisms in the presence of oxygen. To do this, a compressor is built into the septic tank, pumping air.

Pay attention! Choosing a location on the site for placing septic tanks that carry out aerobic or anaerobic wastewater treatment must take into account sanitary rules.

Present on the market ready-made options from various companies, but with certain skills you can make them yourself, for example, from concrete rings. Material, along with design and other important parameters, is one of the factors that is taken into account when choosing a septic tank.

Online calculator for the required volume of a septic tank based on the number of residents and water use patterns

Enter the requested values ​​and click the "Calculate septic tank volume" button

Please indicate the number of residential water consumers

Plumbing, household appliances and approximate modes of their use

Prices for compressors for septic tanks

compressors for septic tanks

What should you consider when choosing a waste disposal device?

Before buying a septic tank, you need to answer several questions:

  1. How many people will live in the house, what sanitary equipment will it be installed? These factors determine the performance and volume of the septic tank.
  2. What are the features of the soil?
  3. What is the planned budget?
  4. Is it possible to connect to electricity?
  5. Can you make a septic tank yourself or do you prefer to buy a ready-made device?

How many people will live in the house

This setting affects performance. To determine it, you need to multiply the number of inhabitants by 200 liters, because this is how much wastewater per day, according to the standard, is generated by one person.

Model1 ball2 balls3 balls
Volume, l1100 2200 3300
Height1850 1850 1850
Diameter1400 1400 1400
0,35 0,7 1,05
2 4 6
Price18 900 32 900 49 900
Cleaning septic tank modelPerformance
Price, rub.
Septic tank Cleaning 18000,65 33490
Septic tank Cleaning 20000,70 34280
Septic tank Cleaning 25000,85 36840
Septic tank Cleaning 2500N0,85 40440
Septic tank Cleaning 30001 45400
Septic tank Cleaning 40001,3 51740
Septic tank Cleaning 50001,7 62040
Septic tank Cleaning 60002 65200
Septic tank Cleaning 70002,5 73120
Septic tank Cleaning 90003 86160

The wastewater remains in treatment plants for approximately three days. Therefore, productivity must be tripled to obtain the required volume of the station. You also need to take into account the possibility of guests arriving, and also decide whether the house will have sanitary equipment such as a bathtub, dishwasher and washing machine.

ModelVolumePrice, rub.
Aquatech VOC 5 M3000 l77 582
Aquatech VOC 54500 l95 944
Aquatech VOC 84500 l113 738
Aquatech VOC 8A4500 l134 736
Aquatech VOC 154500 l154 194
Neck extension ring H=300mm D=550mm- 2 010
Bioactivators "Biosept", 600 g (24 bags of 25 g each)- 1240

The number of residents affects the type of structure chosen and design features.

If the house is planned to be lived in by a small family only summer time, then the drive will be quite sufficient. To maintain a home with year-round use, you should choose a cleaning station.

The number of users determines the number of septic tanks with soil filtration. So, for a house in which 3 people will live, a single-chamber septic tank is sufficient. If more than 1 but less than 10 m3 of wastewater is generated per day, it is recommended to install a device consisting of two tanks.

Aeration stations cope best with large volumes.

Features of natural conditions

The depth of the primer and the type of soil determine whether it is possible to equip a soil filtration stage that will work effectively only on sandy loams and sands and low groundwater level.

It is possible to install post-treatment on loam and clay, but this work will require a lot of time, money and physical costs.

RegionsMaximum depth of zero soil temperatures, m
Moscow region1,2–1,32
Leningrad region1,2–1,32
Nizhny Novgorod region1,4-1,54
Oryol region1,0-1,1
Novosibirsk region2,2-2,42
Astrakhan region0,8-0,88
Arkhangelsk region1,6-1,76
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug2,4-2,64
Sverdlovsk region1,8-1,98
Chelyabinsk region1,8-1,98
Saratov region1,4-1,54
Samara region1,6-1,76
Omsk region2,0-2,2
Orenburg region1,6-1,76
Rostov region0,8-0,88
Smolensk region1,0-1,1
Tomsk region2,0-2,2
Tyumen region1,8-1,98
Republic of Bashkortostan1,8-1,98
Stavropol region0,6 – 0,66

The design features of septic tanks depend on the depth of soil freezing. The large neck allows you to deepen the device. Among the finished products there are options for installation in the ground with a deep point of zero temperatures.

If you need to install a storage tank on heavily frozen soils, then you should give preference to vertical containers. But in areas with nearby primer, it is better to install horizontal storage tanks.

If there is a significant volume of wastewater and unsuitable natural conditions, it is better to choose a biological treatment station. True, their cost will be higher.

Costs for local sewerage installation

The amount of money that a home owner can allocate for the installation of a sewer system remains one of the main parameters for choosing a septic tank.

The most expensive are ready-made plastic treatment devices, especially those that use aeration to treat wastewater. There are models produced in Russia that have proven themselves among users: “Topas”, “Astra”. You can also purchase European septic tanks, for example, Uponor. On average, biorefinery stations cost 80-100 thousand rubles.

If natural conditions allow, then you can opt for ready-made septic tanks with soil purification. Among such devices, the most popular are the Tank treatment stations, costing approximately 35-50 thousand rubles without taking into account the additional stage. An oxygen-free septic tank can also be built from scrap materials, for example, from Eurocubes, especially if you purchase used containers, which cost about 4-5 thousand rubles.

The cheapest option is storage tanks.

For the price finished product what it is made of also affects.

  1. Concrete rings – traditional and inexpensive material for septic tanks. But to install them you need to hire lifting equipment, which is not cheap.
  2. Ready-made plastic septic tanks are also often used; they are more expensive, but they can be put into a pit with the help of 1-2 people. In addition, you can make a tank from a thick-walled pipe large diameter or use Eurocubes.

Pay attention! Plastic products are subject to floating under groundwater pressure, so they must be installed on a concrete base to which the container must be attached.

Type of service or materialPrice, in rubles
Ring without bottom2000
Floor slab1700
Ring with bottom (or filling the bottom)3000 (2000)
DeliveryIf the distance from the service provider or from the city is insignificant, delivery is free of charge
Additional building materials:
gravel (per m3) / sand / cement (per 50 kg).
1500 / negotiable / 250-500
PVC pipes, per 1 m150
Pipe installation with earthworks(per 1 linear meter)1000
Installation of ceiling and hatch800
Preparing holes in concrete walls250
Installation of 1 concrete element + excavation work2000

Sometimes metal tanks are installed, for example, old tanks. But the savings in such cases are only conditional, since sooner or later the walls are damaged by rust. Therefore, containers have to be changed.

In addition to monetary costs, it is necessary to take into account time costs. If you have the time and skills, you can make a septic tank yourself, for example, from concrete rings. One of the concrete tanks can even be equipped with a compressor for aeration. But the quickest way to install a sewer system on a site is to use ready-made septic tanks.

Sometimes you have to save space.

Installation dimensions

Not every country house has a large plot. Therefore, when choosing a septic tank, you need to take this indicator into account.

  1. Among storage devices, vertical containers take up less space.
  2. Although concrete rings are spacious, they require a lot of space to accommodate them.
  3. Septic tanks with oxygen-free treatment themselves occupy a small area, but for their operation it is necessary to allocate land for soil treatment, for example, filtration fields.

Electricity dependence

For biological systems oxygen treatment of wastewater is necessary stable supply electricity to operate the compressor. Storage tanks and oxygen-free treatment stations do not require electricity if waste water move in the sewer system by gravity.

As a conclusion

Due to the large number of parameters required for local sewerage and the conditions affecting it, it is not recommended to rush into the purchase. After all, installing a sewer system is a responsible matter, because mistakes can not only lead to contamination of the site, but also to additional costs for their elimination.

If you try to decide which septic tank is better for a dacha with non-permanent residence, then you will quickly understand that there is no definite answer here. Family budget, “productivity”, geological features of the site - this is an incomplete list of selection criteria, so in each individual case the best solution will be something different. But in any case, the very nature of seasonal residence already imposes some fundamental restrictions on the choice of design.

There are universal solutions, but they also have certain limitations.

Classification of septic tanks

According to the principle of operation of a septic tank, there are the following types:

    Cumulative. If we take a strict approach, then this is not a septic tank, but simply a container for collecting wastewater, the prototype of which is a cesspool. Previously, there were no special requirements for the tightness of the walls and bottom of such an underground tank. Now it's prerequisite, non-compliance with which is punishable as damage to the land. Therefore, instead of a “pit,” a finished container is buried in the ground or made from reinforced concrete (prefabricated or monolithic).

    Anaerobic. This is a classic example of an underground local treatment station, where wastewater, in the process of flowing from chamber to chamber, is separated and processed by bacteria without access to oxygen. The degree of purification reaches 60-70%, and clarified wastewater undergoes additional treatment with aerobic bacteria in filtration fields, trenches or wells.

    Aerobic. The design is built in such a way that inside the septic tank there is a full cycle of wastewater treatment with aerobic bacteria to a level of 95-98%. This is an energy-dependent species, since the life of microorganisms requires forced air supply.

Comparison of the characteristics of the aerobic septic tank BARS-Aero and TOPAS

Advantages and disadvantages of septic tanks in dacha conditions

Each type has its own set of advantages:

    A storage septic tank for summer living is still one of the most popular options. The advantages include: low price, simple device, ability to accept all types of wastewater, regardless of their “acid-base” balance. It is not subject to standards for the minimum distance from water sources, residential buildings and site boundaries - the wastewater is kept inside a sealed container for the entire period between pumping.

    The only drawback is the need to frequently call a sewer truck, the periods between the arrival of which depend on the volume of the septic tank and the intensity of use. The load on it can be reduced, the duration of operation without pumping can be increased if the wastewater is divided into gray and black, and the water drained from the shower stall, bathhouse and washbasin is drained into its own filter or drainage well.

Effluent from a storage septic tank without electricity must be pumped out periodically

    An anaerobic septic tank consists of two or three chambers connected in one housing or separated into separate containers. Correct selection The volume of the chambers and their relationship to each other regulate the productivity and degree of wastewater treatment to a “clarified” state, which allows them to be discharged into soil treatment and filtration devices.

    Anaerobic septic tanks are energy-independent. The entire liquid part of the wastewater is ultimately discharged into the ground. Containers are cleaned only of solid fractions that settle at the bottom of sealed chambers during the process of separation and processing by bacteria. The frequency of pumping can range from several months to several years - it depends on the volume of wastewater, the number of residents and visitors, and the length of stay. This is the best option for a septic tank for a temporary residence without electricity (even when it is available). But provided that the size of the site and its plan allow the installation to be carried out without violating the requirements of the regulations.

    The main disadvantage is the rather strict requirements for location relative to water intake, reservoirs, residential buildings and site boundaries. In addition, when constructing filter fields and wells, there are restrictions on the type of soil and the depth of groundwater.

In some cases, a pump is used to remove treated wastewater

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer the service of design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    An aerobic septic tank, despite almost complete wastewater treatment, is rarely used for non-permanent residences. To create living conditions for microflora that process wastewater, a constant flow of air is required, which is ensured by the operation of the compressor.

    When the electricity is turned off, aerobic bacteria die, and to start a septic tank, a fairly large amount of work must be done to prepare the system.

    Another reason against interruptions in the functioning of an aerobic septic tank (even if the compressor is running) is the death of bacteria in the absence of “fresh” wastewater containing organic matter, which serves as a food medium for them. But this is not the main drawback. According to the manufacturer of septic tanks Topas, after startup it takes 2-3 weeks to reach the design level of cleaning. That is, if they live at the dacha in the summer, then it should be turned on in the spring and turned off in the fall.

    For the same reason, such a septic tank is not suitable for use in winter if people live in a country house non-permanently, when people come here only on weekends.

For the life of bacteria that live in an aerobic septic tank, a constant influx of wastewater is necessary - during long interruptions in work, the colony of bacteria will have to be repopulated

    Combined septic tanks. A design of this type provides for at least two sealed chambers (in practice, at least three). In the first chamber, the wastewater is divided into fractions and clarified with the help of anaerobic bacteria; in the second, purification with aerobic bacteria occurs.

    The advantage of this configuration over the previous option is considered to be more high performance and less load on the biological phase of purification by aerobic microorganisms. But these are energy-dependent models that have the same disadvantages as septic tanks for non-permanent residences.

Septic tank materials

In both types of septic tanks for non-permanent residences, there must be a container with a sealed bottom and walls.

Septic tanks made of polymers

If you choose among ready-made models, septic tanks are made of durable polymers, not susceptible to corrosion and able to withstand prolonged exposure to aggressive environments. These include low-density polyethylene, polypropylene and fiberglass.

All factory containers are designed for a certain pressure both from the inside when filled with wastewater, and from the outside as a result of soil pressure - the thickness of the walls and a set of stiffening ribs guarantee a constant shape.

Most often, factory septic tanks are made using plastic containers.

Each type of polymer has its own disadvantages, but they are not fundamental. Home general feature- low weight of the container. Even when full, the specific gravity of the septic tank, taking into account the solid fractions of wastewater, does not exceed 1100 kg/m 3, and even near the ground bulk density not less than 1500 kg/m 3, not to mention the compacted state in natural form. Therefore, heaving forces will tend to push the septic tank upward, especially if it is empty. When installing a plastic septic tank, it must be secured to a solid base in the form concrete slab. And on heavily heaving soils, it is recommended to backfill the pit with excavated soil mixed with sand.

Note! In any case, during a long break the container should not remain empty. The standard recommendation for a period of absence is to fill it to 3/4 of the volume so that the walls can better withstand soil pressure and the colony of anaerobic bacteria does not die out completely.

Video description

Biological sewage treatment stations for non-permanent residences have their own conservation process for the winter period. Everything is clearly shown in the video:

Metal septic tanks

Polymer septic tanks have replaced metal containers, but they are still found. Among the offers on the metal septic tank market there are three types of containers:

    factory products with fixed characteristics;

    production to order according to individual sizes;

    sale of used steel tanks and containers for technical liquids, which are modified for storage septic tanks.

Unlike polymer ones, such containers have a large margin of safety: the minimum metal thickness is 4 mm, and for large-volume containers - 8-12 mm. But the service life of metal septic tanks at summer cottages, even with anti-corrosion treatment, is lower than that of plastic ones.

Reinforced concrete rings

One of the most popular materials when installing sewer systems for non-permanent residences is reinforced concrete rings of the KS series. They come in different diameters and heights, which allow you to create a structure of optimal volume.

Advantages: high strength and stability in the ground. Concrete has a tendency to get wet during prolonged contact with a humid environment, but this disadvantage is compensated for by waterproofing the surface.

High-quality waterproofing is the key to long-term operation of a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

Installing a septic tank is a little more complicated than installing a finished tank. Essentially it's a team reinforced concrete structure from several containers, each of which consists of several rings (including a filter well without a bottom with perforated walls). But in every region there is construction organizations, specializing in such a turnkey service.

Selecting the volume of the septic tank

With the volume of the storage septic tank, everything is very clear - the larger it is, the less often you will have to call a machine to clean it. And if we divide the wastewater into black and gray, then a medium-sized tank will be enough for a “weekend” cottage for the entire season.

An example of dividing wastewater into “black” and “gray”

The shape and dimensions of the storage septic tank are dictated not only by the required capacity, but also depend on free space in an area that would provide free access for the vehicle to the technological hatch. The standard location is somewhere in the middle between the wall of the dacha on the side of the bathroom and the border of the site adjacent to the road. There are usually no problems with the depth of the container - power vacuum pump The sewer truck guarantees pumping of sewage from a depth of up to 4 m.

The volume of a septic tank without pumping is determined by a simple formula - the number of people is multiplied by the water consumption rate of 200 l/day and a factor of 3 (the number of days it takes to disinfect wastewater with bacteria). Sometimes they add 20-25% for the “volley” reset when guests arrive. This total volume is distributed between the chambers. For two-chamber septic tank(excluding the filter well) at least 2/3 is given to the first tank, for a three-chamber one - at least ½.

Video description

See the following video for the pros and cons of septic tanks and biological stations:


No matter how simple a septic tank for a non-permanent residence may seem, its installation should be done by professionals. Especially if it is an anaerobic septic tank. And the complexity is not even in the installation itself, but in the choice of methods for soil wastewater treatment. Specialists will take into account as fully as possible the geological features of the site and the filtering abilities of the soil.

When a residential building is built, a sewer system is planned, as a rule, an independent one. Previously, a cesspool was used for all sewage, but today it has become popular autonomous septic tank for a private home. These are innovative designs for wastewater treatment, which are an air- and water-tight vessel, usually divided into several chambers.

IN this device Domestic wastewater is first settled, then special microorganisms process it, and then the wastewater is filtered. A huge selection of bio purifiers confronts consumers with current issues, which is the best septic tank for a summer cottage with periodic rest, and which disposal is more suitable for a permanent home? Should I buy a ready-made unit or make the purifier myself? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

The operating principle of modern recyclers

Bioseptic tanks are a local installation, which is a system of an autonomous sewer system for a private house. This treatment plant is installed in those areas where it is impossible to connect to the central sewerage system, that is, near country houses non-permanent residence and suburban residential buildings.

It is advisable to install a deep cleaning station next to a river or pond.

To choose the best bio septic tank, you need to understand the operating principle of this design, which will help you pay attention to the appropriate parameters when choosing a tank. Therefore, let's look at how this design works:

  1. Wastewater flows through sewer pipes into the first chamber, where it settles. Heavy contaminants settle at the bottom, while light fractions and fats remain at the top.
  2. Then the wastewater after primary sedimentation enters the second section, in which the process of purification from organic matter continues with the involvement of biobacteria.
  3. In the third chamber, the wastewater is finally settled and purified. After this, they descend to the filtration field and fall into the ground, where the liquid is filtered and completely cleared of impurities.

When answering the question of which septic tank to choose for a permanent or temporary home, experts advise paying attention to waste disposal units that are equipped with a deep-cleaning biological filter. Autonomous treatment stations of this type provide complete water purification, eliminating the need to construct filtration fields.

What types of septic tanks are there?

There are many types of local septic tanks that can be used to clean wastewater from a private home: from the most simple structures, made with your own hands, to autonomous installations that allow you to purify wastewater to almost 100%.

Treatment stations are systematized according to various criteria:

  • by the number of wells: one-, two- and three-chamber septic tanks;
  • by material of manufacture: steel, reinforced concrete products, plastic and fiberglass;
  • by design features: volatile and non-volatile.

Bio purifiers are also classified into three types, depending on the set of functions they implement:

  1. Cumulative. Such a waste disposal unit consists of one chamber or two interconnected wells. The wastewater in a sealed vessel is separated into liquid and dense fractions, then the organic matter is broken down and the liquid settles. To prevent the tanks from overfilling, waste is pumped out periodically (1-2 times a year). This type septic tank will do for a country house where people relax only on weekends.
  2. A settling tank with a soil post-treatment compartment. This purifier is divided into several infiltrators - chambers without a bottom, which act as filtration fields. Inside the aeration areas there is bioactive sludge, which accelerates the rotting of sewage. This type of septic tank is suitable for a residential building for seasonal use, for example, from May to October. Cleaning is necessary once every 2-3 years.
  3. Station for deep purification of wastewater. This is a tank with three chambers in which sewage decomposes in stages. First, solids settle, then the liquid with organic suspensions undergoes bioprocessing. Best models septic tanks of this type equipped with a compressor. The installation is expensive, but effective. Ideal for a private permanent home. Pumping will be required no earlier than after 5 years.

In order for a closed sewer system to work more actively, it is recommended to equip an anaerobic septic tank, which involves the colonization of special bacteria in the primary treatment chamber. These microorganisms feed on organic matter and do not require oxygen. This measure will speed up the disinfection and dissolution of waste.

If you remove from the post-treatment chamber ventilation pipe or connect an air compressor, then you will get another aerobic septic tank. To do this, you need to add special microorganisms to it that process organic substances when oxygen is available.

Biological decomposition of sewage by one or another type of microorganisms allows waste to be purified to the state of industrial water.

What to look for when choosing?

To solve the problem of which bio septic tanks are best to choose for a private home, you need to consider the problem from several perspectives:

First, you need to decide whether to make a sump yourself or purchase a ready-made tank. In the first case, the structure is made of brick, concrete rings or tires. However, such a cleaner is only suitable for homes with seasonal or periodic occupancy. For a long time and safe use It’s better to choose a factory model, even the cheapest one, since the purchased version meets all environmental and sanitary standards.

At the same time, it is not advisable to purchase the most expensive treatment plants, which allow purified water to be discharged directly into a reservoir, for private use, but it is not so expensive for several farms. For individual use, it is better to choose a two-capacity disposal unit. The first compartment collects sewage and performs its primary purification, and the second compartment filters the liquid and releases it into the ground, and not into water bodies.

Secondly, you need to choose the material for making the tank. This criterion affects the service life of the vessel. So, for the manufacture of cleaning stations they use:

  1. Reinforced concrete rings. High-quality reinforced concrete rings are not subject to corrosion for a long time and have a large margin of safety, but their installation requires the use of special equipment.
  2. Plastic. Reservoirs made from various polymers are lightweight and low in price. However, this design is very unstable, and during installation the vessel must be kept vertical at all times. In addition, plastic is damaged by rodents and frost.
  3. Metal. Septic tanks made from this material have the greatest strength, as well as affordable cost. However, metal is easily susceptible to corrosion, so the tank must be waterproofed, both inside and outside. In addition, installation of a metal sump is impossible without special equipment.
  4. Fiberglass. The most durable and practical recyclers are made from this material, since they have chemical neutrality, as well as other positive qualities: strength, lightness, resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Thirdly, you need to consider the type of soil on the site. Recommendations for specific conditions:

  • for sandy soil, it is better to install a disposal unit with a biological treatment function, as a result of which the water is immediately drained into the sand. It is recommended to place the filtration field higher;
  • in clay soil, in addition to bacterial purification, wastewater must overcome the sand filter. Then the purified liquid is poured directly onto the ground;
  • in case of high deposit line surface waters, the most optimal solution There will be a polymer tank with a bio-cleaning function. In this case, the septic tank must be weighted or securely fixed.

How to choose the volume and size of a drain cleaner?

The waste disposal capacity is calculated based on the average daily norm sewage per person (bath or shower, toilet, sink - about 200 liters), the number of people living in the house and a three-day supply. If a family consists of four people, then the required volume of the septic tank is calculated using the following formula:

200*4 people*3 days. = 2400 liters

If in country cottage If guests often stop by, the result obtained is increased by 2/3:

2400*1.66 = 3900 liters.

The optimal depth of the septic tank is from 1.3 to 3.5 m.

Depending on the final result of the required cubic capacity, according to the table, a tank model is selected:

In this case, the depth of groundwater is important. For a single-chamber model, groundwater must be below the bottom of the tank. For a two-chamber version, they must pass 1 m below the bottom of the last stage (filter). If the groundwater is at a depth of more than one and a half meters, it is technically difficult to equip filtration fields for a three-chamber reservoir, especially on waterproof clay soils.

Tips for choosing a summer house with periodic residence

If household members visit their home on weekends and use a minimum of plumbing equipment, then a multi-section septic tank is not needed. Summer residents, as a rule, prefer low-performance, inexpensive, single-chamber waste disposal units. Unlike a cesspool, crushed stone and sand filter layers are poured into such storage tanks, which provide 50% purification.

Experts recommend that it is better to choose a compact two-section mini-septic tank with settling and infiltration chambers. If the volume of drained sewage does not exceed the passport standards, then such a design perfectly performs the functions assigned to it.

Before choosing a small storage septic tank for a country house, you should familiarize yourself with its features:

  • mini-septic tanks are sold complete with activated sludge, which is populated with anaerobic biomaterial;
  • after processing organic waste, the water is settled and purified in a well, after which it enters the ground;
  • storage septic tanks are made of reinforced polymer, which is resistant to temperature changes;
  • compact containers are easy to transport in a regular car, and they will not cause hassle with unloading;
  • You can install such a waste disposal alone, but it’s better to do it together.

Recommendations for selection for a home with permanent residence

For the average family that permanently lives in a country house, the best option would be a septic tank with two or three sections, which is a combination of a one- or two-chamber storage tank and a septic tank filter. The first two containers (settlements) are sealed, and the third is without a bottom; a layer of sand and crushed stone is poured into it, which additionally filters the liquid before draining it into the soil.

If the disposal tank is full, it is pumped out by special sewage disposal services; the bio components and filters of the septic tank must be changed every 3-5 years. The multi-chamber settling tank purifies sewage up to 95%.

Which unit should I choose for a home with permanent residence so that the drains are as clean as possible and pumping is done as rarely as possible?

A good option if there is a high groundwater flow limit would be a multi-chamber utilizer with a biofilter. This one is factory. The model, manufactured industrially, consists of 4 sections:

  • settling tank;
  • anaerobic chamber for decomposition of large waste;
  • separator with filter with bacteria;
  • aerobic septic tank (analogous to a drainage field).

The best choice would be a septic tank with a drainage field that combines several wells and a filtration zone. Such a complex requires an area of ​​at least 30 m2. At the same time, the minimum distance between the sump tank and the house is also at least 30 m.

Rating of septic tanks for a country house

Just go to specialty store and see the variety of septic tanks that are offered there, and the consumer will be faced with the problem of choosing the best option. Therefore, we invite you to study the rating of the best non-volatile and energy-dependent wastewater purifiers, which is compiled in accordance with expert opinion, analysis of sales volume and customer reviews.

TOP 3 non-volatile septic tanks:

Such containers operate without electricity and are suitable, first of all, for country houses with temporary residence.

  1. Tank. A simple septic tank that works on the principle of preliminary wastewater treatment by settling, biodecomposition and subsequent distribution of purified water into the ground. This unit is made of durable polymer with stiffening ribs, which contributes to resistance to increased loads in summer and winter periods. Approximate service life is about 50 years. Periodic cleaning is carried out every 3-4 years and pumping out a third of the tank once a year.
  2. Triton. This utilizer is equipped with three chambers that carry out the process of removing fractions from the liquid, as well as anaerobic decomposition of biological material with the subsequent supply of purified waste water to the filtration platform. There are models from 2 to 40 m3. When installing, it requires weighting for reliable fixation. Service life 45-50 years. Requires annual cleaning.
  3. BARS-Bio. The optimal choice for both periodic and permanent residence in a private house with the possibility of creating a filtration field. In such a unit, wastewater passes through three chambers and two biofilters that do not require maintenance. Provides a high degree of sewage purification, which reduces the cost of reconstruction of drainage fields. Service life - more than 50 years. Requires cleaning every 5 years.

TOP 3 volatile septic tanks:

These devices require a constant connection to electricity and oxygen supply to microorganisms, so they are better suited for cottages with permanent residence. These are real deep sewage treatment stations with a high degree of efficiency.

  1. Tver. This design provides comprehensive wastewater treatment through a multi-chamber system for receiving and purifying large volumes using various bioadditives and reagents. This septic tank is suitable for installation in any soil, even in peat with an aggressive environment. The durable plastic tank does not corrode, providing a service life of up to 60 years. Cleansing – once every 3-4 years.
  2. Leader. A unit of six chambers provides comprehensive wastewater treatment without the use of special bio-activators. Allows you to organize an ecological drain to any place (well, ditch, pond) due to the complete purification of sewage using anaerobic bacteria, polymer fishing line that imitates algae, aeration tanks, activated sludge, and an alkaline environment. Service life 55-60 years. Pumping out - once every 5 years.
  3. Ecopan. Another multi-chamber device made of airtight plastic. Available in two versions: for ordinary soils or for high flowing groundwater. The two-layer design of the septic tank prevents the destructive effects of any soil. Completely environmentally friendly, provides a high degree of wastewater treatment. Service life – up to 50 years. Requires cleaning every 3-5 years.

All of the listed models of autonomous septic tanks for private homes have proven themselves worthily in the field of wastewater treatment and have a well-thought-out design with a large margin of safety. Therefore, you just have to choose the required volume.

User selection 4 The best aerator 5

One of the most important issues when purchasing a plot, cottage or country house is the availability of communications. And if, as a rule, there are no problems with water or electricity, then central sewerage in the private sector, especially far from the city, is a rarity. And the fastest and most practical solution to this problem is to buy a septic tank.

The two most common types of individual treatment facilities are a non-volatile (autonomous) septic tank and a volatile station. Both types of devices for waste disposal use several stages of purification: mechanical sedimentation of suspended matter, filtration and biological treatment. Autonomous septic tanks use anaerobic bacteria to process waste, which do not require oxygen but act slowly. In energy-dependent devices, biological filtration occurs with the help of more active aerobic microorganisms that require the use of aerators. But the level of purification in such septic tanks reaches 98%.

The choice of the optimal model of cleaning device depends on several factors:

  1. Required performance. For one person, a volume of wastewater is usually equal to 150 - 200 liters per day.
  2. Availability of electricity supply on site.
  3. Plot size. Autonomous septic tanks require a larger area, as they are equipped with additional ground filtration fields.
  4. Groundwater level. High groundwater level may require the use of additional engineering solutions.
  5. Soil composition. For areas with hard rocks, it is better to use horizontal septic tanks, since they require a pit of shallower depth.

Our review contains models of septic tanks with the best technical and operational characteristics. When compiling the rating, the following were taken into account:

  • recommendations from civil engineers;
  • reviews from users who installed specific models cleaning devices on your site;
  • ratio of price and quality of septic tanks.

Useful video - how to choose the right septic tank

The best budget septic tanks for a summer residence

Septic tanks for installation on a summer cottage are small in size and relatively cheap. As a rule, these are simple standalone models that perform the function of a sump and are connected to an additional filtration system. They have an extremely simple one-piece design, a low level of performance, and are also unpretentious in maintenance.

4 TANK-1

Excellent price/performance ratio
Country: Russia
Average price: 19,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Tank-1 is the youngest model in the Triton Plastic line of non-volatile septic tanks. Its design is simplified to the extreme: there are only two chambers: coarse primary purification and secondary biological purification. But, nevertheless, this small septic tank, capable of purifying up to 600 liters of wastewater per day, has all the advantages inherent in the company’s more expensive models: it has a horizontal layout and a durable one-piece body with special stiffening ribs, which increases service life and eliminates the penetration of soil water into the internal volume of the structure.

This compact model is ideal for installation in a country house and is designed for use by two to three people. The level of wastewater treatment for this septic tank is 75 - 80%, so it is recommended to use a special infiltrator in which additional treatment takes place. Buyers note the compact dimensions of the septic tank, easy installation and trouble-free operation. However, you will still have to clean the chambers from sediment every few years.

3 Termite Pro 1.2

The most durable container
Country: Russia
Average price: 23,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This miniature vertical septic tank can serve no more than two people. The degree of wastewater treatment reaches 85%. Thanks to its low weight - only 80 kg, Termit Profi 1.2 is easy to transport and install. This great option for a small country house or separately standing bathhouse. Additional benefit- the thickness of the walls of the Termit Pro 1.2 container reaches 20 mm, and the shape of the body is specially designed for optimal performance under load.

According to user reviews, this septic tank is easy to install and maintain. Experienced summer residents recommend that the container be sprinkled with sand cement to increase the service life of the structure. Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of using this septic tank at high groundwater levels on the site.

2 MICROB 450

Best price
Country: Russia
Average price: 12,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For a dacha visited by 1-2 people, a guest house or a cabin during the construction period, the best option would be budget septic tank Microbe 450. Its productivity is 150 liters per day, and its weight is only 35 kg. Of course, to install it you will need to make a sand cushion and apply a layer of insulation on top, since its walls are thin. But this septic tank can be installed in areas with any groundwater level - of course, following the manufacturer’s design recommendations.

Buyers especially like the device’s reasonable price and easy installation. Of course, for a country house you will need a septic tank with a higher capacity, but for periodic trips to the country and on a limited budget, Microbe 450 is ideal.

As mentioned above, septic tanks are divided into autonomous and energy-dependent. What are their features, what are their strengths and weaknesses– we find out from the detailed comparison table:

Septic tank type




Low cost compared to a volatile septic tank

Generally higher reliability

Does not depend on power supply

Doesn't create additional costs for electricity

– The need for ground filtration of wastewater

– In some cases, it does not isolate the surrounding area from a fetid odor

– Gradual accumulation of sediment requires periodic pumping

– The need to equip access roads for sewage disposal vehicles


No sediment accumulation

Possibility to move the septic tank to a third-party location, there is no need to equip an access road

Complete isolation from unpleasant odors

No installation of filtration fields required (for ground wastewater treatment)

– Compared to stand-alone models, higher price

– Dependence on electricity and, as a result, significant additional expenses

– The presence of a larger number of constituent elements reduces theoretical reliability

1 Rostok Mini

Stable operation in any conditions
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 24,120.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Inexpensive autonomous septic tank for a small country house. According to user reviews, due to the small volume (1000 liters) and light design (total weight is 65 kilograms), installation does not cause much difficulty. The filtration capacity is 200 liters per day - this is not much, but the septic tank is designed for one or two users. Rostok Mini copes well with the assigned functions; it requires pumping once or twice a year (provided that all connections and the system are in good order). Very good option for equipping a cottage or house that won’t put a big dent in the pockets of potential consumers.


  • seamless, durable and lightweight (65 kilograms) plastic body;
  • the presence of additional stiffening ribs to add strength to the structure;
  • completely blocks unpleasant odors;
  • low but stable performance;
  • does not require frequent maintenance;
  • attractive price.


  • for its price category - it does not.

The best volatile septic tanks

Treatment stations whose biological filters are populated with aerobic microorganisms are the most technically advanced version of septic tanks. They output water that is 98% purified - it can be used for irrigation, other technical needs, or discharged directly into the ground. Cleaning the tanks of sludge is necessary once every couple of years, and the organic sediment itself is an excellent fertilizer for plants on the site. Since the wastewater does not require additional ground filtration, the structure takes up minimal space.

The main disadvantage of such systems is the need for electricity. The aerobic system always includes an aerator-compressor, which saturates the liquid with oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. It is this fact that explains the higher cost of volatile stations - both during purchase and installation, and during operation.


Optimal price-quality ratio
Country: Russia
Average price: 60,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The body of this treatment station is manufactured using rotational molding technology, which guarantees the absence of seams and uniform thickness of the material. The septic tank uses Japanese compressors and German pumps to ensure uninterrupted operation of the entire system. If there is a loss of power, the station can operate normally for two days, after which it switches to the mode of an autonomous septic tank with an anaerobic filter.

Users note, first of all, the excellent price-quality ratio of this model. With a capacity of 800 liters, it consumes only 1.5 kW per day and provides a volume of water disposal sufficient for the permanent residence of 4 people. You can choose either a gravity-flow version of the installation or an option with forced release of wastewater for areas with high groundwater levels.

4 Tver-0.5P

The best aerator
Country: Russia
Average price: 75,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The service life of this septic tank declared by the manufacturer is 50 years. This becomes possible due to the fact that special structural plastic is used to cast the housing, and the compressor equipment is made in Japan. The degree of water purification in this line of treatment facilities reaches 98%, which makes it possible to eliminate the need for additional ground filters.

The maximum productivity of the equipment is 500 liters per day, so Tver-0.5P can be recommended for a summer house or country house with permanent residence of 2 - 3 people. Customer reviews are almost the same: the device copes with its functions perfectly, there are no smells or noise, and periodic maintenance is required only once a year. The only drawback is the high price with relatively low performance.

3 Unilos Astra 5

User selection
Country: Russia
Average price: 76,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most famous septic tank models in domestic market, which does not have a single visible weak point. If you do not take into account the price level, then the fifth Astra fully meets the requirements of a premium class product (if this is acceptable in this case). The system is based on a very fine filtering effect on incoming wastewater - thanks to aerobic and anaerobic filters, it is possible to achieve almost 100% purification rates. In this way, up to one cubic meter of wastewater is processed per day, which is a normal average value. Enter drain pipe can be organized at heights from 0.6 to 1.2 meters relative to ground level, which greatly simplifies the installation of the container.


  • high degree of aerobic and anaerobic purification (98%);
  • reliable container body;
  • good throughput(filtration of up to one cubic meter of wastewater per day).

2 Eco-Grand 15 (Topol)

Better processing ability
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 148,230.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A large, energy-dependent septic tank, ideal for equipping large country houses. Except for the fact that the container weighs 380 kilograms, there are no problems with installation. And in terms of operational indicators, everything is very good: the entire volume of the septic tank is divided into four compartments, two of which are equipped with aerators. After the wastewater enters the receiving chamber (a salvo discharge can reach 450 liters), thanks to aeration, solid fractions begin to decompose.

In a separate compartment under the controls there is a compressor for pumping waste water through the system. By the way, the latter consumes a total of up to 2.8 kilowatts of energy per day - not much, but over a long period of operation a decent amount accumulates.


  • active filtration and aeration of incoming wastewater;
  • good productivity (1.8-2.0 cubic meters of wastewater per day);
  • capacity equal to six cubic meters.


  • high cost;
  • increased energy consumption.


The most economical model
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 99,875.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most economical energy-dependent septic tanks available to a wide range of consumers. It is not entirely justified to install such a tank in a country house - it would be much better suited to a small country house. Convenience of manual installation (as in stand-alone models) can no longer be ensured here - the entire structure weighs almost 350 kilograms. Thanks to installed filters does not require cleaning, well limits unpleasant odors, and also filters up to 1.5 cubic meters of wastewater per day. According to users, the cost of power supply is noticeable, but much less than that of competitors and older models of this series - the septic tank consumes only 1.5 kilowatts per day.


  • popularity among users;
  • low power consumption;
  • highly efficient filtration;
  • reliable case;
  • ease of operation and low maintenance requirements.


  • not found.

The best autonomous septic tanks

Autonomous septic tanks that do not require connection to the mains - best option for a summer cottage or a country house in a remote area where there are problems with electricity. Their design does not contain moving mechanical parts, so they are simple, reliable and will perform their functions in any case.

Of course, there are also disadvantages - lower productivity, worse level of wastewater clarification. The best models provide no more than 85% purification, and, therefore, the water requires additional filtration. There are several methods - drainage fields, infiltrators, filtration wells - and all of them mean additional monetary costs and reduce the usable area of ​​the site. However, for houses with periodic residence, such structures may be more preferable, since they do not consume electricity and can be easily mothballed if necessary.

3 Uponor Sako

Good quality plastic
Country: Sweden/Finland (made in Russia)
Average price: 67,575 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Scandinavian concern for the production of serious household equipment has quite successfully entered the Russian market. The domestic branch has launched the production of autonomous Uponor Sako septic tanks, suitable for installation both in a private house and in a summer cottage. In general, the system is not bad: it reliably retains unpleasant odors, filters wastewater without problems (but not perfectly), and also does not impose high maintenance requirements. Problem area, judging by user reviews, there is extreme intolerance to the drainage of rainwater and drainage water to the local cleaning system. Why this happens is a matter of heated debate. But the fact that this is an obvious disadvantage is supported by everyone unanimously.


  • good standard filtration efficiency;
  • high-quality case materials.


  • entry into the rain or drainage water treatment system leads to a deterioration in filtering ability.

2 Termite Pro 3.0

Maximum cleaning degree in the classroom
Country: Russia
Average price: 49,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The productivity of this model, which uses the principle of anaerobic clarification of wastewater, is 1200 liters per day. At the same time, the purification level reaches 85%, which allows minimizing the area of ​​final ground filtration. Such a septic tank with a sufficient supply provides permanent residence six people. The tank is washed only once a year, and the structure is completely autonomous.

According to user reviews, the septic tank fully complies with the characteristics declared by the manufacturers, is reliable and practical. It is especially convenient to use it for seasonal living: mothballing it for the winter and then putting it into operation again is not a problem. The disadvantages include a rather complicated installation procedure.

1 Triton-ED-3500 Horizontal

Favorable price
Country: Russia
Average price: 43,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This is a relatively inexpensive option for a purification system for a country house or country house where there are significant problems with the power supply. The model's capacity is 700 liters per day, which meets the needs of 4 - 6 people. At the same time, the septic tank does not require an electrical connection, and sludge can be pumped out once a year. Of course, in order for the water discharged into the ground to be sufficiently purified, it will be necessary to additionally use a drainage field or infiltrator.

Buyers especially like the horizontal layout of the septic tank, which allows you to limit the depth of the pit, as well as its independence from the electrical network. The disadvantages of the device are that it must be placed away from residential premises, since it is not possible to completely get rid of odors. This treatment plant It is especially suitable for a country house in which a family of 2-3 people lives, but guests periodically come.