Is it possible to drink after castor oil? Castor oil for weight loss and cleansing the body

A popular way to heal the body is to cleanse the intestines with castor oil. Laxative procedures eliminate waste, toxins, and help in the fight against digestive disorders. Traditional medicine recipes will tell you how to take castor oil to cleanse the intestines. This product is a worthy alternative to expensive pharmaceutical drugs.

Benefits of castor oil

Castor bean (Ricinus communis) is an oilseed medicinal plant from the Euphorbia family. Its seeds are the source of the well-known castor oil. India is considered the birthplace of castor beans; now it is grown in Algeria, Egypt, and Greece. The product is produced using two methods: cold pressing or hot pressing. With the first method, beneficial substances are preserved to a greater extent, so it is used to obtain a medical product.

Castor oil is 1/5 composed of a mixture of oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acid fats and 4/5 of ricinoleic acid fats (the main health component of the oil). In addition, castor oil contains 15% protein compounds, 0.1-1% alkaloids, 19% fiber, and also in small quantities potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, chromium. Thanks to its chemical composition, it has the ability to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins.

The work of the intestines is a complex process that is responsible for the absorption of beneficial compounds from food. As a result of reduced functionality, a thick layer of deposits forms on its walls, which clog the mucous membrane. In the process of growth, such a layer poisons the body - hence poor health, lethargy, heartburn, and flatulence.

The fats from castor oil enter the duodenum and react with water-soluble lipase. As a result of the breakdown of fats, thermal energy is released and ricinoleic acid is formed, under the influence of which the following occurs:

  • irritation of intestinal receptors and stimulation of peristalsis;
  • softening, increasing the rate of excretion of accumulated feces;
  • elimination of fermentation, putrefactive processes in the digestive system;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body (weight loss and swelling);
  • release of toxic components of stones;
  • improvement of skin color.


Throughout life, the human body accumulates from 5 to 18 kg of intestinal stones, mucus, unprocessed food residues, and helminths. This “good” is stored in the small intestine. No enema will reach here. Castor oil has been used for centuries as a universal cleanser and laxative. Even official medicine recognizes the use of castor oil under certain circumstances:

Which castor oil to choose

Make sure you purchase castor oil from a reputable manufacturer, as castor beans may be sprayed with pesticides, treated with solvents and other chemical mixtures. These substances can contaminate the seeds and negatively affect the composition.

The action of castor oil is based on the natural stimulation of the intestines for the act of defecation. In addition to its cleansing ability, it restores the functioning of individual organs and systems. The relatively low cost of the drug determines its presence in the first aid kit of every home. For people who cannot stand its taste and smell, the industry produces castor oil in gelatin capsules.


Colon cleansing is an intimate procedure, so patients avoid outside participation in it. Hence the popularity of at-home colon cleansing methods. If there are no contraindications described in the instructions, you can safely begin the procedure. A week before cleansing activities and for several days after them, a special nutrition system is important:

  • Before cleansing, you need to give your body a rest on a light diet of cereals, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables and fruits.
  • Eliminate fatty foods from your diet.
  • A few days before the intended cleansing, it would be advisable to introduce sunflower or other types of vegetable oils into the diet - they soften toxins, facilitating their subsequent removal.
  • After the procedure, you should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Saline solutions and mineral water are suitable for this to normalize the balance of electrolytes.

How to drink castor oil to cleanse the intestines

Castor oil has a laxative effect on the body in its pure form. For better effect and more complete evacuation of waste and toxins, its use in combination with certain products is common. The amount of oil you drink is calculated as follows: 1 ml per 1 kilogram of weight. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh yourself before the procedure. So a person weighing 70 kg needs to drink 70 ml of castor oil at a time.

The laxative effect of the oil begins to take effect 2–6 hours after taking the product orally, so it is better to postpone the event until the weekend. At this time, there is no need to plan anything, since the cleansing occurs quickly and there is a possibility of side effects. The last meal is taken 6 hours before the procedure.

You need to take castor oil for the intestines on an empty stomach; you are allowed to drink water only after the first urge to have a bowel movement. It is advisable to carry out cleansing for 2-3 days, but no more than five, as addiction develops, which harms the normal functioning of the intestines. Do not exceed the dosage; this can lead to food poisoning. It is prohibited to use this method of colon cleansing more than 2-3 times every 30 days.

Colon cleansing with castor oil and lemon

Cleaning with castor oil and lemon is popular. Citrus juice weakens the unpleasant taste of castor oil, and the acidic pH promotes the breakdown of stones and waste, diluting excreted fecal congestion. Lemon juice with castor oil is taken in a 2:1 ratio. The amount of oil is calculated based on the person’s body weight. The procedure is simple:

  • prepare fresh lemon juice, you need twice as much as castor oil;
  • Heat the castor oil in a water bath to body temperature;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly until the consistency is homogeneous, until the mixture separates, drink it;
  • it is possible to take castor oil and juice separately, then first you need to drink the oil, then lemon juice;
  • if after drinking you feel nauseated, you should eat a pea of ​​grapes (raisins);
  • You can eat food only after 6–8 hours.

Self-cleaning will begin in about 1-2 hours, so it is recommended to start cleaning early in the morning. It is not advisable to go far from the toilet; the reaction to the product can be rapid. The frequency of procedures is determined by the patient’s health status and nutritional principles. It is important to listen to your feelings. The less pathological waste is excreted in feces, the less often cleanings are performed.

  • in the evening, a light dinner consists of a handful of raisins and rice;
  • you need to brew a glass of green tea with sugar (2-3 spoons) or candy in advance;
  • after two o'clock in the morning you should drink tea, a few minutes later - cognac (about 50 ml);
  • if you prepared candy instead of tea, then it should be eaten immediately after drinking cognac;
  • after half an hour, take warm castor oil;
  • the nauseating taste is removed by eating a slice of orange;
  • after 5 minutes you can go to bed;
  • Such cleaning is allowed to be carried out for up to 5 days in a row, no more.

With kefir

Castor oil to cleanse the intestines can be used in combination with kefir, which enhances the laxative effect. Sourish kefir displaces the unpleasant aftertaste of castor oil, smoothing out reflex urges. The components are combined in equal parts and drunk at the same time. To improve performance, pharmaceutical bran (10 g) is added to the suspension.

Castor oil with flax oil

Castor oil cleansing for the intestines is carried out in combination with flax oil. The combination of these products is considered particularly effective. The cleaning method is as follows:

  • flaxseed and castor oil for intestinal cleansing should be taken in equal volumes, heated to 36–37 ºС;
  • The mixture is diluted with a glass of water and then drunk in one gulp.


  • chronic constipation;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the intestines (ulcers, appendicitis);
  • complex of symptoms of “acute abdomen”;
  • gallstones, cholecystitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • poisoning with fat-soluble elements, male fern extract;
  • pregnancy period, to avoid premature birth;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • the presence of cardiovascular pathologies, because during cleansing a certain amount of potassium is washed out of the body;
  • breastfeeding;
  • age up to 10–12 years.

The purity of the drug of natural origin does not exclude the occurrence of side effects. All of them are associated either with incorrect dosage or with a specific reaction of the body to individual components of the compound. Undesirable effects appear:

  • indigestion (diarrhea);
  • spastic pain in the epigastric region;
  • dehydration;
  • vomiting;
  • lazy bowel syndrome;


Castor oil boasts an ancient history - the beneficial properties of squeezing the fruits of a bright annual plant were used by healers back in pre-Christian times. The scope of application of castor oil was not limited to the hospital ward: it was used to illuminate temples, improve the density of tissues, and increase the service life of the first mechanisms invented by man. And, although for some time castor oil turned mainly into a children's horror story, promising unpleasant punishment for pranks, today castor oil is regaining its former glory and respect, becoming a popular remedy for cleansing, weight loss and beauty.

Where does castor oil come from?

The famous castor oil (which is castor oil) is squeezed from the fruits of the castor bean plant: we have all seen this bizarre-looking tall bush, decorated with clusters of eye-catching thorns, in city squares and in private plots. Castor beans were once called the “palm of Christ” - its carved leaves actually somewhat resemble a protective hand. Well, castor oil really has plenty of protective properties - in its unique composition, scientists continually discover new active qualities that are beneficial for health.

At the same time, castor bean is not a safe plant at all. Its seeds contain extremely dangerous poisons ricin and ricinin, which, fortunately, remain completely in the cake when the oil is made. However, it is important in no case to replace castor oil for weight loss with its seeds or try to extract the oil yourself - such experiments are fraught with the most tragic and, importantly, irreversible consequences (castor bean poisons change the protein structure of cells).

Getting rid of toxic active substances makes castor oil healthier, but does not make it more pleasant. Its unique organoleptic properties (castor oil is very viscous; it does not dry out and does not form a film, and for this it is valued in industry, widely used as a lubricant and impregnating material) and its unpleasant taste do not make the oil available for use on the dinner table, leaving it among the medicinal products that can be taken which can only be taken in strictly dosed doses, like medicine.

The secret and peculiarity of castor oil for weight loss is its high (up to 90%) content of triglyceride ricinoleic (ricinoleic) acid. The oil also contains no less useful, but not so rare triglycerides of linoleic and oleic acids. Ricinoleic acid is the main carrier of the unique qualities of castor oil, including those that are in demand for weight loss. This substance has a wound-healing, antioxidant, bactericidal effect, and also causes a laxative reaction in the small intestine, which provides the main effect that has earned castor oil the reputation of a reliable assistant in the fight for a slim figure.

The castor plant received its Russian name - castor bean - due to some similarity of mature seeds with mite insects. Castor oil is also called Turkish hemp, tree of paradise, and, of course, castor oil.

5 superpowers of castor oil: for weight loss and more

  • 1 Due to the richness of its composition and laxative effect, castor oil has a detox effect, stimulating, among other things, liver function and lipid metabolism, and helping to get rid of “deposits” of toxins. When done correctly, castor oil cleansing produces exceptional results.
  • 2 Castor oil for weight loss can be used not only internally, but also externally - wraps and massages with this substance improve the condition of the skin, making it healthier, tighter and more attractive. In addition, castor oil is known for its ability to “dissolve” lymph congestion and improve the local flow of fluids in tissues, which is an effective means of combating cellulite.
  • 3 The disinfecting effect of castor oil has been known since ancient times in Ayurveda: it is important that castor oil is one of the auxiliary agents in the treatment of fungal infections, including candidiasis, which, as studies have shown, often provokes the appearance of excess weight, affecting metabolism.
  • 4 Castor oil has anti-cancer activity, which, oddly enough, is provided by traces of toxic substances in its composition.
  • 5 Taking castor oil internally for weight loss improves the condition of blood vessels and relieves pain in the limbs. This allows you to move more actively, which means you can quickly get rid of unnecessary excess weight!

How to drink castor oil for weight loss to get results, not problems

The laxative effect of castor oil allows one to achieve certain successes in the fight against extra pounds with the help of this oil, but it would be a dangerous mistake to consider castor oil as the main means for weight loss and use it constantly for a long time. Be sure to consult your doctor before consuming castor oil and avoid taking the oil during menstruation and pregnancy.

Castor oil is one of the fast-acting remedies - the characteristic urge to go to the toilet will visit you within 1 hour to 6 hours (depending on the amount of castor oil consumed). Take this indicator into account when choosing the optimal time to take it. It is best to take weight loss oil for the first time on a free day off, when you can stay at home and analyze the body’s reaction in order to know what and when to expect from yourself next time.

The most popular way to take castor oil for weight loss can be considered a weekly “cleansing”: in the morning or evening you should drink 1-1.5 teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach. You can’t eat after this; If you drank the oil before bed and after a while it had the desired effect, eat a light breakfast (some oatmeal, yogurt, tea). When taking the oil in the morning, take care of a light fasting menu for the day and do not forget to drink plain still water (start drinking no earlier than an hour after taking the oil) to avoid dehydration and loss of electrolytes, which is fraught with weakness.

The specific taste of castor oil can be balanced with flaxseed oil, which has also earned a good reputation as a weight loss aid. The mixing ratio is 1:1; the mixture of oils will be more convenient to use if you first stir it in a glass of warm water.

Pharmacy capsules with castor oil are a real find for those who cannot stand the taste of castor oil, but want to take advantage of its help in losing weight. Strictly follow the capsule dosage recommendations!

If you find that you tolerate castor oil normally and are able to control its effect in the name of weight loss, try taking castor oil in the following course: daily for a week - 0.5 tablespoons of oil on an empty stomach an hour before breakfast, a week off, another “castor” week .

You can diversify your “diet” and at the same time take care of reducing your appetite during the day by mixing the specified amount of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of blood sugar-lowering ground chicory and pouring half a glass of water. This mixture, in addition to helping your figure, helps get rid of the constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, normalize stools, cope with flatulence and other “side effects” of office sedentary activity. But do not forget that this remedy is purely optional and in itself does not replace the need to make changes in lifestyle!

Castor-citrus emulsion for weight loss involves an extremely pronounced effect, which should not be abused, but in some cases such a drink can become a “last-minute remedy” before an important event. To make an emulsion, take castor oil at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight and lemon or orange juice at a rate of 2 ml per 1 kg of weight. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and drink the medicine in small sips. After 1-2 hours, your weight will change in a positive direction, but do not rush to leave home - most likely, you will have to visit the toilet several times.

The maximum dose of castor oil for a person of average build is 100 ml. It is unlikely that anyone will want and be able to drink half a glass of this unpleasant-tasting product in one sitting, but you need to know that the more castor oil you use, the higher the risk of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Overuse of castor oil causes weakening of the intestinal obturator muscles.

Castor oil for weight loss is one of the natural products that initially has virtually no contraindications. However, it has the same risk as other substances used to combat excess weight: having received the first result, those losing weight often carelessly increase the dose, which can lead not only to physical, but also to psychological problems. Nutritionists recommend using any only as a mild incentive: the main job of losing excess weight should be done by adequate physical activity.

Oil squeezed from castor bean seeds. The capsules may contain 500 or 1000 mg of the active substance.

What is castor oil made from?

The source of the oil is the seeds of the medicinal plant Ricinus communis L (castor bean) from the Euphorbia family. In terms of its structure, the finished product appears in the form of a slightly yellowish, transparent, viscous substance with a specific odor.

Release form

  • Oil for external use and oral administration (jars or dropper bottles of dark/orange glass 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100 ml).
  • Soft capsules for oral administration 0.5 and 1 g (10 pieces in blisters, 10 blisters per box).

Pharmacological action

Herbal remedy with pronounced laxative effect .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When taken orally, it is hydrolyzed in the small intestine lipase (water-soluble pancreatic enzyme) to ricinoleic acid, which has an irritating effect on the receptors of the intestinal tract (along its entire length) and causes a reflex increase in peristalsis.

The laxative effect develops after 5-6 hours.

Castor oil also provokes a reflex contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus ( myometrium ).

Indications for use

Oral administration is indicated for . Castor oil is used externally in ointments and balms to soften the skin, strengthen hair, remove , treatment ulcers , wounds and burns .

In cosmetology castor oil used as a care product for hair, eyelashes, lips, heels.

Antimicrobial activity ricinoleic acid allows you to use castor oil for fungal And bacterial infections (including when mycoses nails and fingers), inflammatory diseases internal organs and skin, infectious diseases in gynecology, keratosis , ringworm , chronic itching, which is accompanied by infectious diseases , acne .

In addition, in folk medicine the remedy is used to prevent abdominal stretch marks, to treat sebaceous cysts, muscle strains, , chronic fluid retention in the body, problems with the lymph nodes, liver and gall bladder, And .


Contraindications for use are:

  • hypersensitivity to castor seed oil;
  • poisoning with male fern extract or fat-soluble toxic substances (for example, benzene or phosphorus);
  • acute diseases localized in the abdominal cavity (including internal bleeding into the abdominal cavity or the lumen of its hollow organs, acute inflammatory processes, strangulation of internal hernias , various forms of obstruction of the digestive tract);
  • pregnancy .

Side effects

With long-term use it is possible .

Castor oil: instructions for use

How to drink castor oil as a laxative?

In the case of using castor oil as laxative , adults are prescribed to take p/os 15-30 g, and children - from 5 to 15 g of the drug.

A single dose of castor oil in capsules for an adult is 15-30, and for a child - 5-10 capsules. They should be taken within half an hour.

Colon cleansing with castor oil

Castor oil is a laxative, so it is often used to cleanse the intestines.

Throughout life, a huge amount of toxic substances accumulate in the human digestive tract, which is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, bad breath, bloating, nausea and constipation.

To feel healthy and active, they resort to cleansing the body. The first step is cleansing the intestines. The procedure allows you to remove toxins, remnants of incompletely digested food and feces, which poison the entire body, worsen the health of internal organs, well-being and appearance.

Before you drink castor oil To cleanse the intestines, it is recommended to follow a light diet for several days, eating light soups, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cereals, vegetables and juices. The last meal should be approximately 5-6 hours before the procedure.

Using castor oil How laxative , the dosage is calculated using the formula: 1 gram of oil per 1 kg of body weight. A portion of the product should be heated in a water bath and drunk in large sips.

An equally popular method is colon cleansing with castor oil and lemon. In this case, it is recommended to wash down the heated oil with freshly squeezed juice of two lemons. If nausea occurs after taking the medicine, you can slowly chew a handful of raisins. The effect of the procedure develops within one and a half to two hours.

It should be remembered that using a mixture of Castor oil and lemon juice to cleanse the intestines can lead to a violation of the quantitative and qualitative composition intestinal microflora and, accordingly, to digestive problems.

How to take castor oil for constipation?

Castor oil for children constipation give a teaspoon.

Castor oil for papillomas, warts, age spots

To remove the tumor, carefully rub the oil into the affected area for 10 minutes, without physically injuring it. The procedures are repeated up to 5 times a day for a month.

To do age spots less noticeable or completely remove them, carry out the same manipulations, but twice a day.

Castor oil for feet and callus removal

The product perfectly softens the skin and also removes calluses And corns . The skin of the feet is thoroughly steamed, castor oil is rubbed into it and cotton socks are put on.

Treatment of abrasions, cuts and hemorrhoids

At minor injuries And hemorrhoids Simply treat the affected areas with castor oil several times a day. Regular use allows for complete healing haemorrhoids .

It is very good to use oil to treat non-healing umbilical wound in a newborn baby, as well as for the treatment of scars and stretch marks.

Application in cosmetology

The easiest way to use castor oil for hair, lips and eyelashes is to apply the product in its pure form to the skin.


An overdose occurs when taking a dose exceeding 7 grams per kilogram of weight. Characteristic symptoms of overdose are:

  • sharp cramps in the abdomen;
  • kidney dysfunction ;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness.

The antidotes of castor oil are And . Treatment is aimed at:

  • replenishment of electrolyte and fluid losses (as a rule, the patient is prescribed a combined intravenous and oral administration rehydration aids );
  • elimination of violations caused by an overdose on the part of various systems and organs.

During development neurotoxic effects should be injected into a vein from 5 to 10 mg .


Castor oil reduces absorption fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K . The use of the drug in a dose of up to 4 grams per day increases the absorption of fat-soluble drugs - , Probucola , , extract of Dryopteris filix-mas (male fern).

In combination with saline laxatives, the possibility of a sharp increase in the laxative effect cannot be ruled out.

M-cholinergic receptor blockers ( Pirenzepine , Platifilin , ) and antispasmodics ( , ) weaken the effect of the oil.

And cholinesterase inhibitors (, Pyridostigmine , neostigmine ) potentiate the laxative effect of the drug.

The drug potentiates the effect of drugs that increase contractile activity myometrium ( , Methylergometrine , prostaglandins , ). This combination increases the likelihood of uterine rupture during childbirth.

When applied topically, it increases the percutaneous absorption of drugs that are applied to the skin simultaneously.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

In a cool place. Protect from exposure to sunlight and moisture.

Best before date

24 months.

Special instructions

What is castor oil? What is castor oil obtained from?

Castor oil is a fatty phyto-oil obtained by cold or hot pressing from the seeds of Ricinus communis L. At least 80% consists of triglycerides (fats) of ricinoleic acid, the remaining 20% ​​is a mixture of triglycerides of oleic and linoleic acids. At the same time, the concentration of oleic acid is 3-9%, linoleic acid is 3-5%.

The name of the product in Latin is Oleum Ricini, in Ukrainian it is ricin oliya.

Belongs to the group of non-drying liquid oils (oil slowly thickens in air). The properties of the oil, namely its increased kinematic viscosity and density, are determined by the high concentration of ricinoleic acid in it. The difference between castor oil and other vegetable oils is that it dissolves well in ether and ethyl alcohol, but is poorly soluble in gasoline.

Another valuable property of castor oil is its low pour point (from -18 to -22°C).

The product is a thick substance of yellow or yellow with a brown tint (the best varieties of Ricinus communis L oil are almost colorless). The density of the liquid varies from 0.96 to 0.97 g/cu. cm.

Castor oil was used for medicinal purposes by ancient Egyptian doctors, who added castor oil to various balms and ointments. However, most often the drug is used for constipation and for colon cleansing .

In combination with, and used to stimulate labor.

The benefits of castor oil in cosmetology

Why do you need castor oil in your home cosmetics bag? The most valuable properties of the drug, if we talk about the use of castor oil for the face, are the ability to soften and nourish the skin (including dry and sensitive), reduce peeling; whiten the skin, reducing the appearance of age spots; even out skin tone and smooth out its unevenness, rejuvenate the skin and eliminate shallow expression wrinkles.

In addition, the product is often used to strengthen hair, as well as to eliminate cracks in the skin, small scars, , corns and calluses .

In cosmetology, hydrogenated castor oil is used, which is obtained from ordinary castor oil by chemical hydrogenation. This product is more resistant to oxidation processes, which is very important for use for cosmetic purposes.

Castor oil for face

What are the benefits of castor oil for skin? Having a pronounced nourishing and softening effect, castor oil helps make the skin smoother and softer. The product stimulates the production And elastin , nourishes the skin and retains moisture.

The product helps get rid of wrinkles (including around the eyes) and , and also makes age spots and freckles less noticeable.

Reviews from cosmetologists indicate that you can rejuvenate your facial skin at home by adding a few drops of castor oil to your daily dose of cream, as well as making masks with castor oil.

For facial skin on which early wrinkles have appeared, use a mask based on castor, olive and sea buckthorn oils. The oils are taken in equal parts and heated in a water bath to 30ºC, then the mixture is applied to the face using a cotton pad and the skin is massaged with light movements for 2-3 minutes. After half an hour, wash with warm water.

To prepare a mask for dry, aging skin, boil 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in milk and mix it with honey and castor oil (take 2 teaspoons of these ingredients). The mixture is applied in a thick layer to cleansed facial skin for 20 minutes, 2 times a week.

A mask for dry and normal skin with wrinkles is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of heated castor oil with raw yolk.

For delicate skin around the eyes, castor oil is used in its pure form. Apply the product with light clockwise movements.

Castor oil for acne

Castor oil is an effective remedy for acne . Successfully fight acne allow the properties of ricinoleic acid, which is part of castor oil, which, penetrating deep into tissues, prevents reproduction bacteria and fungal infection .

The procedure is carried out in the evening. To begin with, the skin is cleansed and steamed to open the pores (you can make a compress with a hot towel). Then apply a few drops of oil along the massage lines with light movements. There is no need to rinse off the product. Treatment should be continued for 2 weeks.

A mask can be used to enhance the effect by mixing a teaspoon of castor oil with a teaspoon of calendula tincture in 70% alcohol, one egg white and a powdered tablet. acetylsalicylic acid .

The mask should be applied in 3-4 layers, maintaining five-minute intervals. after 5 minutes After the last layer has been applied, wash your face.

Castor oil for eyebrows

Why is castor oil used for eyebrows?

Dermatology reference books indicate that the benefits of castor oil for eyebrows are enormous: healing procedures with castor oil can make hair thicker, healthier and silkier, in addition, the oil promotes faster eyebrow growth. If you believe the reviews, you can achieve a noticeable effect after just a month of using the product, but it will take at least six months to consolidate.

Castor oil for eyebrow growth is used as follows:

  • eyebrows and the skin around them are thoroughly cleansed with shampoo;
  • soak a cotton swab with oil and wipe one of the eyebrows with it, then take a clean swab and repeat the procedure for the second eyebrow;
  • In the morning, eyes and eyebrows are washed with cool water.

To achieve visible results, the procedure must be repeated at least 4 times a week, but it is best to wipe your eyebrows daily.

For better effect, castor oil can be mixed with:

  • calendula extract;
  • chamomile extract;
  • olive, peach or burdock oil.

What is castor oil used for eyelashes?

Using castor oil for eyelashes can reduce the fragility of eyelashes and prevent their loss.

How to strengthen eyelashes with castor oil? Following the instructions of specialists, for preventive purposes the product should be applied three times a week for 1 hour; if there are more serious problems - actively falling out and excessively brittle eyelashes - the oil should be used daily, at night.

How to apply eyelashes? The product is applied to the eyelashes with a clean mascara brush from roots to ends, avoiding getting oil into the eyes. In the morning, rinse eyelashes with warm water.

Castor oil can be used either in its pure form or in combination with other ingredients. So that the eyelashes become even more velvety, you can add an oil solution to it vitamin A or E (a drop of vitamin per 3-4 drops of castor oil).

To grow eyelashes, castor oil is mixed with rum in a 1:1 ratio (the product should be applied very carefully so that it does not get into the eyes).

It must be remembered that in some cases oil can provoke the occurrence of conjunctivitis .

Castor oil for hair

The use of castor oil for hair allows you to strengthen your hair, restore its structure, and eliminate dandruff .

Castor oil for hair growth is used as follows: the product is slightly heated and rubbed into the hair roots and scalp, then the head is covered with a plastic bag and a towel. You can wash your hair after a couple of hours, or you can leave the mask on all night.

For greater effectiveness, castor oil for hair can be combined with linseed or burdock oil in a 2:1 ratio. Reviews and instructions for using the hair care product note that the product is difficult to rinse off, so it is recommended to wash your hair with slightly hot water and a large amount of shampoo.

Shampoo can be mixed with egg yolk. This mixture will not only remove residual oil, but will also make your hair shinier.

For hair loss castor oil used in combination with kefir or cognac. A nourishing hair mask with kefir eliminates excess oiliness and dandruff; in addition, it is very useful for the ends of the hair.

To prepare it, add 2 tablespoons to a glass of kefir heated in a water bath. castor oil . The mixture is applied to the hair under a plastic cap and washed off after half an hour.

The mask with cognac, in addition to castor oil and cognac, which take 1 tablespoon each, also includes 1 raw chicken egg yolk. The mass is distributed on the hair and washed off after half an hour.

From dandruff A mask is effective on dry hair, for the preparation of which you take 1 part castor oil , 1 part olive oil and freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. From dandruff on oily hair, a mixture of castor oil, lemon juice, aloe and honey taken in equal proportions helps.

The mask should be applied to your hair about half an hour before washing your hair. Full course - 10 masks.

Also 2 parts castor oil can be mixed with 1 part fish oil and rub thoroughly into the scalp. The mask is left overnight and washed off with shampoo in the morning. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every week for 2-3 months.

Castor oil for nails

Castor oil for nails - reviews are confirmation of this - this is an effective remedy for improving the appearance of nails and cuticles. The product helps fight hangnails and also makes nails less dull and brittle.

The easiest way to use it for nails is to rub warmed oil into the skin of your fingers and nail plate every day. You can also add a few drops of castor oil to your hand cream. In the absence It is applied to the product in a 10-day course, after which a break of 10 days is maintained and the course is repeated again.

Castor oil goes well with other oils (olive, peach, almond, etc.) and can be used as one of the components of oil baths.

To prepare a bath, you can take 60-80 ml of sunflower or olive oil (several tablespoons) and add 10 drops of castor oil and jojoba oil and a few drops of any essential oil. Warm the mixture slightly and dip your hands into it. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

Before doing a French manicure (or just to whiten your nails), you can add a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the castor oil and rub the mixture into your nails.

To achieve better results, apply the product to your hands and nails before going to bed, and put on cotton gloves on top.

Castor oil for beard

How to properly use castor oil for a beard? First, you need to wash your beard with shampoo, and then apply the product to the places where the hairs grow (in the direction of growth). After an hour, the remaining castor oil is washed off with warm water.

Many people suffer from such a common ailment as constipation, but few people know that the natural remedy castor oil is a good remedy for relieving this kind of suffering. Its main healing property is its laxative effect. By taking castor oil internally for constipation, you get the effective effect of its enzymes on the gastrointestinal tract, this causes increased muscle contraction, which leads to cleansing. The properties of castor oil are superior to those of other vegetable fats; it has a yellowish tint, an unpleasant taste, and a specific waxy aroma.

Instructions for use of castor oil

Before starting treatment, it is clear that it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all contraindications, restrictions, rules of use, and be sure to consult a doctor. Castor oil is available for sale in pharmacies in the form of capsules, as an ointment or liquid oil in small bottles. Indications for the use of this remedy, in addition to a laxative, are extensive: against poisoning, to stimulate labor, normalize intestinal function, treat wounds, cracks, burns, dandruff, etc.

How does the laxative effect occur? When you take castor oil for constipation, lipase is hydrolyzed in the small intestine and ricinoleic acid is formed, which irritates receptors throughout the intestine and causes a reflex excretion of feces from the body. The end result (bowel emptying) should occur within a period of between 5 and 6 hours.

How to drink castor oil for constipation

During intestinal and digestive disorders, the drug should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Several recommendations for the correct use of castor oil for constipation:

  • the medicine can be addictive, so you should not abuse it;
  • for best absorption of the oil, it is necessary to drink it for a long time before or after meals, the approximate interval between meals and the drug should be at least an hour;
  • if you take oil, wash it down with a drink of ginger, milk, or dissolve the required dose in a glass of drink;
  • Drink as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration.

Dosage for adults

For adults, the dosage is prescribed strictly once a day, a maximum of 30 grams of oil or 30 capsules as one dose, drink over half an hour (if the capsule contains 1 gram). Please note that the drug is taken for a maximum of three days. If the purpose of taking the drug is different, for example, to induce labor, then the dosage is slightly different, and interactions with other medications are observed.

Norm for children

The dosage for children starting from 12 years of age is prescribed in the same way: once a day. Depending on the complexity of the problem, follow the following doses of medication:

  • the minimum dose of the drug is 5 grams of oil (approximately one teaspoon), or 5 capsules of 1 gram each;
  • the average dosage is 10 grams of oil (dessert spoon) or 10 capsules of 1 gram each;
  • maximum dosage – 15 grams (a tablespoon of oil) or 15 capsules of 1 gram.

The rule for taking capsules for children is the same as for adults - drink the required amount half an hour before meals.

Harm and contraindications of castor oil

You can cause considerable harm to yourself by taking castor oil if you have not followed the rules for taking it. You may experience the following side symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, disruption of digestive and intestinal motor processes, diarrhea, disturbances in the electrolyte balance and metabolism of the body, rash, allergies.

To avoid these troubles, it is important to familiarize yourself with and take into account all the contraindications associated with taking this oil:

  • if you have been chronically constipated for a long time;
  • Taking castor oil for appendicitis is strictly prohibited;
  • You should immediately stop taking the oil if you suddenly feel acute abdominal pain, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of what is happening;
  • should not be taken by women suffering from uterine bleeding, since this medicine tends to rush blood to the female organs;
  • the presence of kidney-related diseases;
  • It is strictly forbidden to treat constipation with castor oil for pregnant women - this threatens the pregnancy of the child;
  • You should also not take the oil during lactation, so as not to harm the baby’s health;
  • Taking castor oil is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age;
  • poisoning with poisons, male fern extract, etc.

Watch a video explaining what constipation is and how to deal with it:

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body: not always what helps one will be an effective panacea for others. As with any other medicine, with castor oil, it is important to always remember this and not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor to remove not only the results of diseases, but also to find out their causes, and then engage in treatment. Watch your diet, your lifestyle, approach your health and the health of your children thoroughly - after all, this is the most precious thing you have.

Normal stool is regular soft stool. Ideally in the morning. But alas, poor nutrition, stress, old age and various diseases can cause constipation, that is, difficulty defecating.

The cheapest, most popular and fastest-acting remedy for this problem is castor oil or castor oil.

The oil has long passed from folk medicine to official medicine, is sold in pharmacies with instructions for use, and is often prescribed by doctors.

What is castor oil

The oil is made from the seeds of the castor bean plant.

This shrub grows almost everywhere.

In the tropics and subtropics these are tall, powerful plants; in the temperate Russian climate they are low shrubs.

The oil is obtained by cold pressing.

Castor oil is similar in thickness to olive oil; it does not harden or dry out. It doesn't taste the best and the smell is weak.

How it works

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid. It irritates the nerve receptors of the intestinal walls.

The intestines begin to contract, increased peristalsis occurs, and the body is cleansed of feces.

The effect of castor oil usually appears a few hours after administration. That is, the oil does not act sharply, but gives an impetus to the intestines to work actively.

When should you take a laxative?

Castor oil stimulates peristalsis, softening stool.

Due to the specificity of the action, it, unlike an enema, forces the body to work independently, and does not simply remove the contents of the intestines.

This means that castor oil is also indicated for problems with the anus.

Indications for taking castor oil as a laxative:

How to take it correctly

Castor oil can be drunk in liquid form, and for those who cannot swallow the unpleasant substance, castor oil is available in capsules.

The norm for an adult is 15-30 ml of castor oil, which should be drunk within half an hour. If you drink capsules, then you need 15-30 capsules.

Children under 12 years of age are not given castor oil, they have sensitive intestines, and castor oil is too aggressive for them.

For children over 12 years old, the norm is 5-15 ml per half hour (or 5-15 capsules).

Castor oil is taken on an empty stomach.

On the page: it is written about the treatment of diarrhea in children with folk remedies.

If you drink the oil as a liquid, it can cause a gag reflex, so you can mix it with lemon or orange juice to reduce the fat and unpleasant taste.

There are usually no problems with capsules; you just need to wash them down with water.

Castor oil should be drunk in such a way that after 4-6 hours you should be able to visit the toilet frequently.

You can drink the oil at night, then by morning you will have an effect. If there is no other option, you can drink it during the day, but then you will have to wait longer for the castor oil to take effect.

To cleanse the intestines, mix a teaspoon of castor oil with a tablespoon of kefir, and you can add bran. This is a one-time procedure.

Drink castor oil for no more than three days. That is, one dose per day. If you drink longer, it can cause addiction and disruptions in the independent functioning of the intestines.


Under no circumstances should you drink castor oil during pregnancy.. The oil causes intestinal contractions, which can trigger uterine contractions, which leads to uterine tone and even miscarriage.

This is especially dangerous in the early stages.

And in the later stages, stimulation of uterine contractions can cause premature birth.

There is a widespread belief among people that if labor does not begin for a long time, you need to drink castor oil.

This is possible only with the permission of the doctor, when the child and mother are healthy and ready for childbirth. This is a gentle way to induce labor.

During lactation, you should also not drink castor oil. It is better to replace it with glycerin suppositories or microenemas, that is, topical preparations.

Castor oil should not be used as a laxative for conditions such as:

  1. kidney disease;
  2. suspicion of appendicitis;
  3. exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. severe abdominal pain, which in medical terminology is called “acute abdomen”;
  5. bleeding (uterine or intestinal).


Castor oil helps to cope with constipation itself and remove stagnant feces. But it doesn't treat the cause. After castor oil relieves you of constipation, you should try to prevent it from recurring.

To do this, you need moderately soft food, it is advisable to eat oatmeal more often, drink sour milk, and from time to time eat laxative vegetables (cauliflower, boiled beets) and fruits (plums, apricots). But as the first and most effective aid for constipation, castor oil has no equal in terms of price-effect-ease of use.

You will see how to take castor oil to cleanse the body while watching the video.