Nekrasov railway plot briefly. Analysis of the poem “Railroad” by Nekrasov

Retelling plan

1. Landscape sketch.
2. Who built this railway?
3. A story about the builders of the railway.
4. In Vanya’s imagination, terrible pictures of the dead appear who lost their lives due to hard labor.
5. The boy, having woken up, tells the general about his dream, he burst into laughter and speaks disdainfully about the Russian people.
6. The author talks about what kind of payment road builders receive for their work.

Retelling and brief description works

The poem is preceded by an epigraph (the boy asks his father who built the railroad), which plays the role of exposition. The poem begins with a description of autumn, imbued with a mood of cheerfulness and peace:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous Air invigorates tired forces... The lyrical hero - the narrator - is traveling on a train. His traveling companions are the general and his son Vanya. The hero, disputing the general’s words that this railway was built by Count Kleinmichel, begins a story about those who are the true builders of the railway track. The author intends to “show the truth” not to the general, but to his son Vanya. The narrator explains that the people were forced into this hard labor by a king whose name is “hunger”:

It was he who drove the masses of people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle,
Having brought these barren wilds back to life,
They found a coffin for themselves here.

Listening to the story, the boy dozed off, and half asleep he imagined a picture of the living dead - the railroad builders. The dead talk about how backbreaking the work was:

We struggled under the heat, under the cold,
With your back always bent...

Always hungry, wet and frozen, these people lived in dugouts, got sick and died. They received no gratitude for their work; the reward for their work was only beatings from their superiors. And all they ask is to remember them kind words. The narrator emphasizes that these men are brothers to Vanya, i.e. people just like himself.

The author points the boy to one of the crowd of dead people - a Belarusian exhausted with fever. The Belarusian is scary: “ulcers on his skinny arms,” swollen legs, “a hole in his chest.” And now, after death, he does not straighten his back: “mechanically with a rusty shovel” he hollows out the frozen ground. The narrator says that “this noble habit of work” should be adopted by everyone, and calls on “to respect the peasant.”

Suddenly the locomotive whistle whistled. Vanya woke up and told his father about his visions. The father laughed in response. The general spoke of ordinary men as barbarians, a “wild bunch of drunkards”, incapable of creating anything good, and reproached the narrator for depicting only sad pictures of life. The narrator agrees to show the “bright side” - the moment when the “fatal labors” are over. People gathered at the office for payment, but they did not give money; on the contrary, the men still had to stay. A contractor came to inspect the work done. He said that he was giving away the arrears, and at the same time he was giving him a barrel of wine. In response, the men shouted “Hurray” and rolled the barrel with a song. The author asks a sad question:

It seems difficult to see a more gratifying picture

Shall I draw, General?

Son Vanya asks his father, the general, who built the railway. The general attributes its construction to Count Peter Andreevich Kleinmichel.

The narrator - a fellow traveler traveling with them in the same compartment - does not agree with the general’s words and begins his story about the real builders of the railway. The narrator tells the boy about the merciless king, who drove the people to build, and about the famine.

It was he who drove the masses of people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle,
Having brought these barren wilds back to life,
They found a coffin for themselves here.

Listening to the story of his fellow traveler, Vanya falls asleep. In his dreams, he sees ordinary men - real railroad builders. From them the boy learns how difficult the work given to the ordinary Russian people is.

Don’t be shy for your dear fatherland...
The Russian people have endured enough
He took out this railway too -
He will endure whatever God sends!

The locomotive whistle blows and the boy wakes up. The child tells his father about his dream, but he just laughs. He calls the common people barbarians, incapable of creating anything, and reproaches the narrator for telling sad stories to the boy.

The narrator agrees to describe the “bright side” - the work is done, the men are going to the office to pay, but they are not given money; on the contrary, they still owe money. The arriving contractor accepts the work and says that he will give them the arrears, and in addition rolls out a barrel of wine. The men are happy about this too.

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Summary Nekrasov's poem " Railway

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Almost all of Nikolai Alekseevich’s works are dedicated to the common people, and one of the most famous is set out in the summary of the poem “The Railway” for a reader’s diary.


Vanya asks his father who built the railway they are walking on, to which the general replied - it was built by the count. The author was outraged by this answer, and he told the boy the truth - one person could not build an entire railroad, he appropriated the work of other people. In fact, it was made by peasants who were forced to work by hunger and force. They were beaten and tortured, many of them died at the construction site or became seriously ill. Vanya dreams of peasants suffering while building tracks for trains. When he woke up, he told his father about this. He assured the child that these people were slackers and drunkards. And the author again tells the truth - they were promised to be paid, but after finishing the work they paid with a barrel of wine, and that’s all.

Conclusion (my opinion)

This story happened many years ago, but there are lessons to be learned from it: respect the work of people, do not take credit for the efforts of others, and do not elevate just one person when many people have worked.

“The Railway” is a poem by N. A. Nekrasov. It was written in 1864 and became the embodiment of the poet’s thoughts about the plight of the Russian people, injustice and the conditions in which people who built railways found themselves. You can check out brief analysis“Railroad” according to plan. This analysis can be used when studying a work in a literature lesson in 6th grade.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- the poem appeared in 1864 and became one of Nekrasov’s works, dedicated to the people, telling about their difficult life.

Subject- a poem about the suffering of people during the construction of railways in Russia in the 19th century, the recklessness of officials, and the brutal exploitation of the people.

Composition- linear, the poem consists of four parts: the first is a description of nature, and the following are a vivid description of the terrible scenes that took place during the construction of the railway.

Genre- civil lyrics.

Poetic size- the poem is written in dactyl, using precise and imprecise, feminine and masculine rhyme, cross ABAB rhyming method.

EpithetsHealthy, vigorous air”, “glorious autumn”.

Comparisons- “Ice... lies like melting sugar”, “Near the forest, you can sleep in a soft bed”, “The leaves... are yellow and fresh, like a carpet”, “...the venerable meadowsweet, thick, squat, red as copper”.

Hyperboles“This work, Vanya, was terribly enormous.”.

Metonymy“And on the sides there are all Russian bones”.

Personification“The whistle blew a deafening sound”.

History of creation

The poem “The Railway” was written in 1864. The history of the creation of this work is associated with the construction in Russian Empire railways. The peasants who worked on the tracks were in difficult conditions, hungry and sick. Their lives were not thought or cared for, the only goal was to finish the job quickly. To the poet who was worried about ordinary people, striving to reflect reality as it is, it was painful and offensive to see this. His experiences were embodied in the poem being studied.


The main idea that Nekrasov tried to convey to the general public in many of his works was the plight of the common people in Russia. The theme of the life of peasants and workers, the unbearable conditions of their work and life during the construction of communication routes, was clearly reflected in the poem “Railroad”. Also here, a red thread runs through the poet’s condemnation of those people who were at the head of these works. They did not care about making people's work easier and saving their lives, but used them only as a means to achieve their goals.


The poem consists of four distinct parts. All of them are interconnected and represent a combination of several images of people sitting in a train carriage: the lyrical hero, the general and his son Vanya.

The description is completely built on antithesis: in the first part we see autumn landscapes, thin ice on a river, forest, yellow leaves, moonlight. The author says that “there is no ugliness in nature.” Then we are presented with completely different pictures: hunger, death, and terrible working conditions for people. There “stands, exhausted by fever... a sick Belarusian: bloodless lips, drooping eyelids, ulcers on his skinny arms...”. Here we see the leaders of the work: “in a blue caftan... fat, stocky... contractor.”


The genre of a poem is determined by the topic to which it is dedicated - this is civil poetry. Confirmation of this is a reflection of real reality, not embellished in any way. The poet worries about the Russian people, people forced to work in unimaginably difficult conditions, condemns the leadership, which strives to achieve its goals at any cost.

The poem is written in a three-syllable meter - dactyl. Used various types rhymes: exact (beds - had time, nights - kochi), inaccurate (space - carpet, alone - him), masculine (people - weavers), feminine (huge - merciless), method of rhyming - cross.

Means of expression

In the poem “Railroad” various artistic media. Among them there are often comparisons: “Ice... lies like melting sugar”, “Near the forest, like in a soft bed, you can sleep well”, “Leaves... yellow and fresh lie like a carpet”, “... the venerable meadowsweet, thick, planty, red as copper” .

In addition, other means can be observed, for example, metonymy: “And on the sides there are all Russian bones”, personification: “The whistle blew a deafening sound.”

The abundance of means of expression helps to recreate a bright, living picture of the reality of that time, which appears before us when reading the poem.

He begins with beautiful lines describing the autumn nature that the lyrical hero sees from the train window. The general and the boy Vanya observe this beauty.

Nekrasov Railway

Vanya is the hero who wants to tell the whole truth about who really built the railway. Unlike the general, who attributes the appearance of the railway to Count Kleinmichel, Nekrasov’s hero in the verse The Railway speaks the truth. It is impossible to build a road for one person. And here various images of ordinary people appear who had to work in hard labor, and all because they had to live on something so as not to die of hunger. It was famine that drove a lot of people to the construction of the railway, many of whom died here due to the appalling conditions.

And then terrible pictures appear before the boy. He sees people living in dugouts, sees how they work day and night on construction. They are poorly fed, so they are always hungry. People begin to suffer from various chronic diseases. Many cannot stand it and die. The reward for hard labor is only a beating, and now all they need is just a kind word. The boy sees one of the dead that stands out from the crowd. This is a Belarusian who continues to dig into the earth even after death. He tells the boy that such hard work would do well for everyone else in our world to adopt.

Here you can hear the whistle of a train. Vanya wakes up and tells his dream. The general just laughed in response and immediately began to call the common people barbarians who cannot create anything good, much less a railway. At the same time, the general also reproaches the lyrical hero in N.A.’s poem. Nekrasov's Railway is that he only showed dark side medal and asks to tell about its bright side. And the lyrical hero did not refuse. We will continue the summary of the Nekrasov Railway with the fact that the narrator was able to show the so-called bright side of the appearance of the railway. The reader sees a description of the moment when the work is completed. People came to receive a reward, but as it turned out, there would be no reward. The workers were indebted to their master. But the contractor is very kind person turned out to be. He forgives the debt that accumulated during the work, and out of generosity he gives a whole barrel of wine. The men, shouting Hurray, took the barrel and went home singing. It’s hard to imagine a more gratifying picture.

Nekrasov Railway: heroes

If we talk about Nekrasov’s poem The Railway and its characters, then here we will not see individual characters, although we could single out the boy Vanya, the storyteller and the general. However, the poem contains life pictures that show a social panorama, united by one theme. The poet depicts the people who built the railway in terrible conditions. He suffered and died, but continued to work. But they are trying to attribute their work to the construction manager, Kleinmichel. The lyrical hero tells the whole truth and it is terrible. The truth depicts in the boy’s imagination crowds of dead people who surrounded the train and talked about their lives and hard labor. And here we see great workers, but at the same time, patient slaves who could not stand up for themselves. On the one hand, you want to admire the people who created the road, but on the other hand, you want to feel sorry for them and even reproach them for being satisfied with only a barrel of wine.