The density of your body is an illusion. Body of Light

What is Light Body

The body of Light in scientific terms is a set of intelligent electromagnetic signals of a higher order. The body of Light is a DNA program that was originally inscribed in the structure of a person so that a person, after immersion in matter, could safely return home, to the Light.

Many millennia ago, it was traumatized and gradually destroyed by the dramas, the pain of humanity, which were recorded in the human DNA and distorted the original program.

For the next stage of Evolution, we need to re-activate the body of light, restore this program. It must wake up and become aware of itself. The Light Body requires self-care, care, exercise and nutrition, just like a normal body.

The Lightbody is an intelligent structure that creates reality through imagination. This is a transport system to other dimensions, spaces, realities.

What can the body of Light

The Body of Light allows you to quickly integrate the acquired knowledge. In other words, you learn exceptionally fast. At the speed of thought.

When you activate your Lightbody, you don't need mechanical implants. You don't have to become a cyborg to be superhuman. Everything is in you. Any conceivable ability.

An activated light body is a strong and healthy nervous system that easily conducts life energy to all organs.

The activated body of light is the framework for SPIRIT. Only when the Spirit fully enters the body, a person begins to understand that, how and why everything in his life happens exactly this way and nothing else. And how to fix it, if necessary. A person completely leaves illusions and comes to Clarity and Truth.

If there is no framework, the spirit cannot linger in the body and you cannot receive guidance for a joyful life.

When a person does not express himself honestly and directly, the spirit cannot live in this body. The person becomes weak. Lies make a person weak. When a person lives in his truth, then he is strong and there is much joy in his life.

Spirit and man together can express themselves more fully together and be a source of strength.

What awakens the body of light

Light, the life force that the Light Body superconducts, awakens hidden talents, abilities, Creativity to the fullest. Man becomes Genius.

This automatically allows you to freely solve all the problems of life that are snowballing at the present time. A person simply becomes above reality and sees everything in its entirety.

The revival of the Body of Light allows a person to find a new meaning in everything that he does.

Now all people are subject to the impulses of rebirth and renewal of the physical body.

Our bodies are transforming

Only resistance to change will interfere with the natural transformation of the body. Any resistance will cause disease in the physical body.

An activated light body speeds up the process of Kundalini release. By the age of 40, usually, Kundalini rises and fills the body with energy.

If a person is a mature being, he uses this energy to reveal his creative potential, knows how to hold and manage this energy. If he does not know how to manage, then he gets old and rolls down.

Previously, the rise of Kundalini took a lot of effort, energy and time.

Now the same effect can be achieved faster - this makes the light. When you draw a beam of light into the body, the Light awakens the Kundalini. Kundalini awakens creative power. You heal, show creativity and easily solve many life problems.

The acceleration of your Light Bodies, provided by the incoming Electric Blue radiation from the Galactic Center through Sirius, has enabled your Galactic Light Body to activate. A completely new set of Geometries, Codes and Meridians are activated at this time to bring the Blue Fire Energy from Sirius and connect the Angels in Human Form and 9th dimensional consciousness to their "home".

This is the very gift of light that you have been waiting for, dear ones. You have gained full Galactic and Stellar consciousness while on Earth. You are ready to live in the Light - beyond the old energies of polarity and suffering. You are ready to live in paradise and ready to bring "paradise" to Planet Earth.

Galactic Consciousness Activation

This process consists of two steps. As soon as you begin to recognize yourself as a Crystal or Christ being - an angel in the form of a man - you begin to seek and find your Angelic spiritual family. Only then can you activate your Galactic Lightbody and move into the 9th Dimension of Consciousness.

Finding your Angelic Spiritual Families allows you to begin the process that is known in the Higher Dimensions as "integrating your 8th Dimension or Angelic Archetype". In effect, this means that you, as a being of light, accept the energy or identity of your "family." You acquire a pass to the Higher Dimensions by the right of your membership in an Angelic family or clan.

All Angels in Human Form belong to the Angelic family. Once you are ready to move into the 9th dimension, you connect with your Angelic Family. It doesn't have to be a "conscious" search, and you don't have to be preoccupied with it. When the time comes and you are ready, you will connect. And then you activate the energies for the Galactic Light Body.

When the Galactic Lightbody is activated, you have full access to the 9th Dimension of Consciousness. The Galactic Lightbody is being activated by the Electric Blue Flame emanating from Sirius the Blue Star. Sirius is the Galactic "home" of all Angelic Families on Earth. The Evolution and Development of the Earth is a joint project of the Creative Angels Elohim and the Sirian "Neters", or Star Beings.

Other Light Beings from this and other galaxies are here to help, but the "original plan" for the Blue Planet comes from the partnership of the Angelic Creators from Sirius and Orion.

So, when the Galactic Lightbody is activated, the Earth Angelic Families again consciously connect with their Higher Dimensional Angelic Beings, whose job it is to support and enable the Higher Dimensional Growth and Evolution for Planet Earth in her Ascended form, the New Earth.

Energy is again free to flow between them. The Earth will receive Light and Unconditional Love, which will create and ensure the fulfillment of the Original Plan - the Planet of Eden, a planet of peace and joy, where Angels in the Form of Humans can grow and play in the Light of the Source.

Planet of the Two Suns

As you activate the Galactic Lightbody above and shift into 9th dimensional Consciousness, you will enter the New Earth, or "new" planet. A planet with two suns!

Sirius becomes the second sun of Planet Earth. Those who have activated the Galactic Lightbody receive white/gold sunlight from the Sun, and blue/white "sunlight" from Sirius.

The blue sunlight from Sirius creates a 9 dimensional field of Electric Blue Light that supports the Galactic Consciousness of the planet through the Angelic Families.

This "truth" was known to the ancient Egyptians, who received it from teachers from Sirius. During the Lion's Gate in late July and early August, they celebrated the rise of Sirius in the morning sky and the flooding of the Nile, bringing prosperity to Egypt.

But the originals knew that in Egypt, also known as the land of "Khem" or alchemy, there was a rule: "as above, so below," and this event symbolized something on a higher level.

This "something" was the alignment of the two "suns" of Earth in the heavens. At this time, the blue-white energy of Sirius "intensifies", passing through the Sun, as through a lens, and waves of creative light, representing waves of abundance, love and prosperity, "poured" onto the Earth as Cosmic Fire. White-gold and white-blue combine to create Magic and bring change, renewal and growth.

The ancient Egyptians defined the sun of the solar system as Ra-Herikuti-Osiris. It carried masculine energy. The Sirian "sun" they called Isis-Maat, and it carried the Feminine energy. Together, in their Sacred Unity, they create Abundance and Peace on Earth.

In ancient Egypt, communication with Sirius was provided through the royal family of the Pharaohs. Their genetic affinity with Sirius allowed them to "hold the field" of Blue Light and maintain Galactic communication through their Galactic Light Bodies. This connection was interrupted by the Higher Dimensions when it was decided to launch a program through which all people could become Angelic carriers of the Galactic Consciousness.

And that time has come! You are ready to create an Earth where everyone will be able to hold the Blue Field of Galactic Consciousness.

What does this mean, dear ones?

This will mean that every Human Angel who activates their Galactic Light Bodies will have the power and ability to activate and transmit the Akashic information codes for realization on Planet Earth. Co-create Paradise on Earth without violence, suffering and pain. A playground of light and joy.

And that time has come! As each of you activates the Galactic Lightbody, you will activate the power of the Blue Light Field and its potential to create global change. Can you see, dear Lightworkers, all the joy and blessings that have been given to you at this time!

Blue Star Children: The Future of the Planet

The Blue Star Children, dear ones, are incarnating right now to help you work with the Blue Star Field and fully activate the Blue Planet Blueprint.

Each Blue Star Child is born with a fully activated Galactic Lightbody. They have full Galactic Consciousness and are able to maintain stellar communications for the Planet. In fact, they will anchor the Blue Star Field on the Planet.

They are also born with the knowledge and consciousness of their Angelic and Star families, and will be fully integrated with their Angelic archetypes. They will be Human Angels, not Human Angels. They will primarily identify with the Angelic and Cosmic consciousness, and with the fields of Cosmic light. And they will transmute this consciousness with your help into a joyful "Paradise on Earth".

So, beloved Lightworkers, it's time to celebrate your new activations and integrate your new energies.

The Ascension Adventure Continues!

If you forget about it, you return again and again to the stagnant energies of the past, you again give strength to old problems. Only a flowing Lightbody gains the potential for the future and de-energizes old problems.

Completion of work with the Light body will bring you great opportunities for personal growth, for harmonious being in your unique “Centering Point in the World”. Do not understand the word "completion" in such a way that you have to perform a certain action, as a result of which you will find harmony once and for all. This is not true. Work with the Light body has several stages, which are built into a coherent system, in which there is preparation, beginning and end. In this sequence, you will work with your Lightbody periodically.

So, the algorithm for working with the Light body includes a preparatory stage - the creation of the Sushumna flow, this is the foundation of the foundations. The initial stage is the deprivation of energy of negative matrices and patterns. The final stage is the creation and filling of positive matrices with energy.

After you experience all the energies of the Lightbody, you realize that your life is entering a stage of fully conscious being. You will no longer rush along the ocean of life “without a rudder and without sails”, you will be able to consciously organize both space and time around yourself. You will find that you are surrounded by friendly people who are ready to help, that the circumstances are in the best way for your plans to be realized. This does not mean that you can "have" or "get" whatever you want, but you can create, earn. That is, there will be no lottery, but there will be the possibility of creative activity in any area, even the most prosaic, which will bring you satisfaction, allow you to fulfill yourself, and allow you to earn the funds necessary for a fulfilling life.

In your ambitions, do not forget about the fundamental Law of the Universe - the Law of Measure! Violation of this law is dangerous not only for a specific person, causing “eclipse of the soul”, blackening of the Light body, violation of this Law is dangerous for the entire Universe! It was these violations that led to the death of the most ancient civilizations - Hyperborea, Lemuria, Atlantis.

Precisely for the Light body to have a harmonious state, the constant flow of the Central channel is necessary! Closing it leads either to a de-energization and a decrease in vitality, or to an overload and burning out of excess energy.

Each person's lightbody produces a unique range of energies. Each person has his own unique place in the Universe. Today, when few people have felt the connection of the Light Body with the Centering Point, the processes in space are largely chaotic. The more people find their "Place in life", the more harmony there will be in the surrounding space. A phenomenon similar to "superconductivity" will occur when the "resistance" of the conductor decreases. It is this state of space that is necessary for the onset of the “Golden Age”, and each of you, engaged in self-improvement, makes an invaluable contribution to the creation of a harmonious world!

You must understand that the expression “if you want to change the world, start with yourself” has a completely literal meaning. If it seems to you that you are just a grain of sand in the Universe, do not forget about the phenomenon of resonance! It is this phenomenon that rules the world! Remember Jesus' words that faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain!

A harmonious person is not only the master of his destiny, feeling all the colors of the World and the full joy of being, he becomes a beacon illuminating the Universe with his enlightened energies, and the light of this beacon allows many others to see clearly. “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved!” - Christ's words about it!

The body of light is your true essence, your eternal incorruptible body, it is in this body that you return to your native Home in Heaven. Will you come home in "Bridal Robes" or in miserable rags?

Amen. Imhotep.

I am Imhotep and my strength is from Light. Let's continue the conversation about the creation of a perfect Light Body.

You need to keep the Sushumna flowing constantly, it should become a habit for you, like brushing your teeth and washing. When you wake up in the morning, check the connection with the Lower and Upper Energy Centers. As soon as the connection is restored, energy begins to flow in both directions. In the evening, before going to bed, check the connection again.

If you find that the connection is established, and the energy is not flowing through the Sushumna (Axis), you need to find a blockage. As a rule, this may be one of the chakras. The question arises: “And if a person, by necessity, closes some chakra himself, does it mean that the flow of energy along the Axis stops?” Not anyway. The flow stops if one closes the Sahasrara or Muladhara. If you have to close the chakra, which has anterior and posterior cones, the flow of energy through the Sushumna does not stop.

Closing the Sahasrara separates a person not only from the Upper Energy Center, but also from the connection with Heaven, this is dangerous for his spiritual development. Closing the Muladhara cuts off a person from communication with the Earth, it is dangerous for his physical health. So try to close Muladhara only as a last resort (with a direct threat of violence), and never close Sahasrara! Other chakras, if everything is in order in them, you can close if necessary, but if you suddenly find a violation of the flow of Sushumna in the region of some chakra, you need to figure out the cause and eliminate it.

What causes blockage of chakras?

1. Muladhara. Spontaneous closure of Muladhara happens at the threat of violence - this is a normal and correct reaction. In the absence of a threat, Muladhara reveals itself again. It is also possible to close the Muladhara in case of a venereal disease, in case of prolonged sexual tension (in a man). The conscious opening of the Muladhara will help heal and restore connection with the Earth and with the Lower Center.

2. Svadhisthana. Closing Svadhisthana is possible with inflammatory diseases in the genital area in women and men, and its conscious disclosure will contribute to the cure. With prolonged sexual abstinence, a pregnant woman before childbirth also experiences a decrease in the function or closure of Svadhisthana, but this does not prevent the flow of Sushumna and is not a violation of energy health. The malignant closure of Svadhisthana occurs when energy vampires are connected. If a person consciously reveals Svadhisthana, the vampiric suckers themselves will fall off. So, the flow of the Axis protects you from vampirism as well!

3. Manipura. The closure of Manipura indicates a severe pathology in your energy anatomy. This can be in two cases - with depression and with a serious "damage" or "curse". Not every healer can cope with such defects of the etheric body. But any person is capable to cope with it!!!

In depression, Manipura is closed completely at the back and there is only a small "wheel" at the front. If a person consciously begins to fill his body with ethereal energy in any way possible (for example, Pranotherapy), and at the same time open Manipura from both sides, the amount of energy transformed by Manipura is quickly restored, meaning and colors return to life, the flow of Sushumna is restored.

When "corrupted" or "cursed" Manipura "fails", is practically taken out of the body, and a gap is formed in the Sushumna. The life force seems to “leak”, the person loses strength, gets sick. Here such work is needed: - a person mentally returns Manipura to its place - he simply imagines how a fire ignites in the solar plexus. This must be done persistently, until a burning sensation in the abdomen. When this feeling is achieved, it means that Manipura got into place and got involved in the work. You should immediately connect to the energy centers, and the energy will flow and begin to hold Manipura in place. There will be no trace of damage, a person will regain his strength and will to live!

4. Anahata. The closure of Anahata can occur when a loved one passes away, when a loved one betrays. A person feels a dull pain in the region of the heart. If a person "revels" in his grief, the flow of Sushumna is blocked. How to overcome it? It is difficult, but one should "get over the situation." That is, look from the outside and understand that your life does not end with the departure of another person from it. Anahata closed for some time helps to cope with mental pain, but you can not leave it in this position for a long time. A person can “harden”, become emotionally dull, and this puts “black glasses” on a person. Conscious opening of Anahata will help overcome grief and restore the flow of Sushumna.

Another situation when Anahata is blocked is connecting a vampire to it. Releasing the connection will restore flow. Conversely, creating flow ("pushing" energy through the block) will disable the vampire.

5. Vishuddha. It can be blocked if a person experiences long-term resentment, and if a person utters perjury (simply, he lies for selfish purposes). Restore flow through Vishuddha by forgiving your offenders. The tendency to lie creates big problems in a person's life. Each new lie creates another block in Vishuddha. Honesty and repentance are the cure in this case.

6. Ajna. In most people, Ajna is blocked to some extent, but this never creates an obstacle to the movement of energy through the Sushumna. Forced opening of the Ajna is undesirable. This chakra itself opens when a certain level of the natural vibration frequency of the etheric body is reached.

7. Sahasrara. If this chakra is closed, a person is isolated from Heaven, from his Guardian Angel. How can you help open it up? Purification, repentance, prayer contribute to the restoration of communication with Heaven.

Keep the Sushumna flowing, and gradually your conscious participation in this process will not be needed, the Sushumna will expand to its maximum width - about 5 centimeters. For an ordinary person who is not engaged in spiritual development, it is usually about 1 centimeter. When the Sushumna is fully opened, it becomes no longer possible to block the chakras. The person begins to glow like a beacon in the night.

Become Lighthouses! May it be so. Imhotep.

I am Imhotep and my strength is from Light.

The flow of Sushumna ensures that the etheric body is filled with quality energy. The health of such a person improves, cures from long-term chronic diseases can occur. True, if the case is neglected, the cure will take time. But miracles happen to those who are worthy!

A person who has a permanent connection with Heaven and Earth and is not broken for a long time develops all his potential abilities. All human bodies gradually occupy the most correct position in space-time. The centering point becomes the Foundation that creates stability. The physical body gradually restores homeostasis, regeneration processes that require a large amount of energy receive this energy, and all diseases are cured much faster - fractures grow together, wounds heal, infection cannot develop in such an organism!

The etheric body is enlightened, the dark spots of imperil peel off and annihilate. All chakras are gaining strength and functioning optimally.

The astral body assumes a minimum size and a maximum density. A person acquires the ability to "rule himself", consciously manage emotions. He is able to feel more deeply all shades of emotions and be restrained, realizing the power of emotions in creativity.

The mental body of a person is filled with light and energy, gets rid of mental debris, gains the ability to connect to the information structures of space.

The higher "I" of a person is freed from karmic programs, gets freedom from obligations to work out past mistakes.

Human consciousness opens up towards Light and Information. A person feels a continuous connection with the Creator, his life is filled with light and meaning. The inspirations of the Forces of Light constantly help him. The person turns out to be inaccessible to the influence of the Dark Forces.

The light body, which is constantly filled with pure energy, is gradually freed from negative matrices. Man becomes a full-fledged Co-creator of the Creator!

Mer-Ka-Ba, human Light body

The Egyptian Mystery School explored many aspects of the human experience, more than can be covered in this book. But one of the aspects that was central to the mysteries of Egypt was the Mer-Ka-Ba, the human Light body. It was everything! From the point of view of the Egyptians, without this knowledge and experience it is impossible to reach other worlds.

"Mer-Ka-Ba" has the same meaning in several languages. In Zulu, it is pronounced exactly the same as in English. Zulu spiritual leader Credo Mutwa ( Credo Mutwa) says that his people came here from outer space on the Mer-Ka-Ba. In Hebrew (Hebrew) this word sounds like Mer-Ka-Wah and has two meanings: the throne of the Lord and the chariot - a means of moving the human body and spirit from one place to another.

In fact, "Mer-Ka-Ba" in the ancient Egyptian language consists of three words: "Mer" is a special kind of light, a field of light rotating in opposite directions; "Ka" is a spirit (at least here on Earth it means the human spirit); 'Ba' is an 'interpretation of Reality', which here on Earth usually refers to the human body. When all three words are put together, what I understand is the Mer-Ka-Ba is "a counter-rotating field of light that interacts with the spirit and body and moves them from one world to another", although in reality everything is much , much more difficult. The Mer-Ka-Ba is itself the pattern of creation through which all that exists is created.

You know that. There is nothing new here for you. You just forgot it for a while. You have used the Mer-Ka-Ba millions of times as your lives have unfolded throughout the creation of space/time/dimension. And you will remember everything again, as soon as the need arises.

This chapter will talk indirectly about the human Lightbody or the Mer-Ka-Ba. We will try to understand the internal mechanics and energy flows of the body of Light. In the next chapter, an understanding of the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation itself will be given, this method will help you really feel it, and then remember it. You should probably first know the internal structure of the Mer-Ka-Ba in order to work with the Lightbody. But if you do not feel the need for this, then immediately go to the next chapter.

Let it be known to you that it is possible to recreate or activate your body of Light without this knowledge - by love and faith alone; and for some people this is the only way. I acknowledge this possibility, but my purpose here on Earth is to bring understanding of this path using masculine knowledge, as some of you can only understand through the left hemisphere. The female path within the boundaries of the Earth's biosphere is less damaged, while the male path is in desperate need of balance.

We will start with the deep energy centers called chakras and slowly work our way outward to explore the human energy field as a whole. There is a wealth of information on this subject. All I can do is present it in a more understandable form for you.

Before we begin, we should pay attention to one very important aspect, otherwise you will never be able to understand what is being said here. As much as you want to understand the Mer-Ka-Ba through Sacred Geometry, that alone is not enough. The missing half is the experimental part and can only be lived by you when you are in a state of love. Love is more than just a necessity, love is the very life of the Mer-Ka-Ba. Yes, yes, the Mer-Ka-Ba is alive. It's nothing but you, and you're alive. The Mer-Ka-Ba does not exist apart from you, it is you. These are energy lines that allow life force energy, prana, chi (chi, ki) to enter you and exit back to God. In other words, it is your connection with God, what unites you with God. Love is half of the light that swirls around you, and knowledge is the other half. When love and knowledge become one, Christ will always be present.

If you think that in these pages you will be able to find something useful for one of the programs of your mind, then you will never know the truth. Truth can only be lived. If you're looking for a way to experience the Mer-Ka-Ba, here's what I'm suggesting.

Geometric representation of the human chakra system

Once you have made a choice in favor of the male path, then when working with subtle energies in and around the human body, you definitely need to know and understand the human chakra system. Often all this is mixed and called the body of Light of a person.

Chakra- this is an energy point (center) inside the body, and sometimes outside it, which has special qualities. When a person focuses on one particular chakra, the whole world is colored for him by the energy of this chakra. This is the lens through which everything that exists is interpreted (interpreted).

Although all chakras differ from each other both energetically and practically, some aspects are the same. In addition, there is an energy underlying the entire chakra system that flows through the chakras and connects them all together. This is very helpful to understand.

The human chakra system is based on eight chakras located along the spine. A more complete system consists of thirteen chakras, which we will explore later. There are also many minor chakras, such as the chakras on the legs and arms, which we won't talk about at all.

First, we will focus on the energy flow up the spine, then we will move on to many related issues. In the next chapter, we will look at the Sacred Geometric Light Fields that surround the body and are the basis of the living Mer-Ka-Ba.

We will first explore the geometric source of the 8 chakra system, which is based on the structure of the Egg of Life, the same energy pattern as the primary eight cells of the human body discussed in Chapter 7. Note also that these primary eight cells, the 8 chakra system, and the eight internal electrical circuits of the human body in Chinese medicine are associated with the cube or the star tetrahedron, depending on the individual's point of view. Electrical circuits have many channels connecting them to every cell in the body. In Chinese medicine, these circuits are called meridians. A complete course on the chakra and meridian system is quite complex. We will only present here what is needed to activate your Mer-Ka-Ba.

Unfolded Egg of Life and musical scale

Imagine the Egg of Life, consisting of eight spheres, in the form of a star tetrahedron (Fig. 12-1). Now separate all the spheres and unfold them into a chain (Fig. 12-2), but do this in sequence, keeping the half steps in place. What you have received is the 8 chakra system of man, the main chakras going up all over the body. Human energies, from sexual energy to electrical energy, move in the pattern you see here.

Rice. 12-1. Egg of Life

Rice. 12-2. Unwrapped Egg of Life

You get the same half steps when changing direction between the third and fourth chakras, as well as between the seventh and eighth. And then there is a special change between the fourth chakra and the fifth, the heart and sound chakras. These movements are also present in the harmonics of music. Seeing the structure of the musical scale, it is easier to apply it to the human chakra system. Let's look at the notes to understand what has just been said.

RICE. 12-3. An unfolded Egg of Life in the form of a musical scale. Left octave on the keyboard. The C-dur (C major) scale uses the white keys, making it easier to see the semitones (relative to the black keys) and the two tetrachords that make up the major scale. The major scale has semitones between 3 and 4, and also between 7 and 8 steps (notes)

In the musical scale of any major key, there is a semitone between the third and fourth notes, as well as between the seventh and eighth notes (Fig. 12-3). In wind instruments such as the flute, semitones are created by the position of the holes. Similarly, there is a special place between the fourth and fifth notes that Gurdjieff spoke about. This is where the polarity reversal occurs, from feminine to masculine. Using the unfolded Egg of Life, we will show that energy moves in music and in this form in the same way as through the chakras of the human body.

Rice. 12-4. Volumetric tetrahedron in the Egg of Life

Rice. 12-5. Female tetrahedron. From the bottom point to a plane is chosen to reach re and mi; energy must change direction (take a half step) in order to reach fa at the last vertex of the tetrahedron, thus completing the first tetrachord of the scale

The energy of the Mer-Ka-Ba, the two tetrahedra embedded in the human life form (Figure 12.4), moves as follows (Figure 12-5): from 1 ( before) goes to 2, 3 or 4, then to one of the other two vertices, all this happens in the plane. Now, to get to the remaining vertices, the energy must change direction by half a step (half a tone).

When using the Central European classical octave system, as on a piano keyboard, the note before enters the star tetrahedron of the Egg of Life at the lowest point (top) of the female tetrahedron. When the energy leaves the previous octave, it is masculine, but must change to feminine, as it has just entered the new "feminine" tetrahedron (fig. 12-6 and fig. 12-7). The energy entering through the top has three planes (A, B, or C) to move along (Figure 12-6). To show energy flow here, let's start in the middle/top. Once the plane (C) is chosen, the energy must move in this triangular plane, which feeds it to the next two notes - re and mi at two other points in the same plane.

Rice. 12-6. The base of the tetrahedron is chosen as the plane of motion. Then the last vertex of the tetrahedron must be a note F, it is in the center "up"

Fig.12-7. Half step (semitone) between 3 and 4 notes. A change of direction of 120 degrees is necessary in order to move to another plane and reach F at the last remaining peak

The movement takes place in one triangular plane, and the distance between the notes is exactly the same. However, in order to reach the fourth and final note F and complete the path in this female tetrahedron, the energy must move to a new plane (take a half step), thus changing the direction of movement (Fig. 12-7).

Remember the movement in Genesis and creation out of nothing (chapter 5, vol. 1)? Projections of the spirit in the Void - silhouettes - this is the same concept. When the spirit is in emptiness or non-existence, the forms it creates are also nothing. The rules that the spirit chooses are that everything can be seen as either flat/two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional/three-dimensional (3D), but everything must first be two-dimensional (2D). The two-dimensional reality precedes the three-dimensional world.

When the spirit looks at the movement in one plane of the tetrahedron and there is a change of direction, at half the distance of the first two movements in the triangular plane, a silhouette of a two-dimensional world appears (the distance traveled is seen as a shadow). Geometrically, the shadow is slightly longer than half the movement, and I guess in practice it is. However, the shadow is given the name half-step. In reality, this is the same distance as the other three notes, but practically for the spirit it appears as half the movement, as a result of which in this world there is a half step between mi and F, because, as we said, the source is a two-dimensional world. Now the first female tetrahedron is complete.

Rice. 12-8. The movement of energy between tetrahedra

At this moment, the energy should move from the female tetrahedron to the male one (Fig. 12-8). Movement comes from F right through the center of the star tetrahedron (interpenetrating male and female tetrahedra), or through the "emptiness", to the first note of the male tetrahedron - salt. Thus, the energy changes polarity from feminine to masculine.

The energy will move in exactly the same way as it did in the female tetrahedron, but the plane on which it must move is limited by the lower horizontal plane of the male tetrahedron ( salt, la, si). Choosing for salt one of the three possible peaks (numbered 5 on the left), the energy goes to la and si to complete the movement in that plane.

Rice. 12-9. The male tetrahedron where there is a change in movement and direction towards before, first note/vertex of next

Now the energy must again change direction in order to finally complete its movement, as it did in the female tetrahedron. It once again changes direction (Fig. 12-9) and reaches the last note before, which becomes the first note of the next tetrahedron. Death becomes birth, a transition from one form to another. The masculine becomes feminine and the procedure begins again.

Again, are you surprised? Yes, because there is a complex of stellar tetrahedra - or at least a chain of stellar tetrahedra - in all the systems we are talking about. As in music, there are octaves above and below a given one, and theoretically the movement continues indefinitely. This law is true for music, and for consciousness, and even for the levels of measurement that we talked about in the second chapter. As for the energy moving up the chakras, the same thing happens with it. Also, there is a chakra system above and below the one you live in. This can be seen as a geometric image of immortality. The spirit simply continues to move up or down as it pleases, leaving one world (body) only to enter another.

Human chakras and musical scale

Rice. 12-10. Human 8 Chakra System

If we look at the human chakras (Fig. 1210), we will see that the movement through them occurs in exactly the same way as in the musical scale. (The location of the chakras in this drawing is not entirely correct.)

Moving in relief along the surface of the body, pay attention to the three lower chakras. The first is located near the base of the spine, the second is 7.23 cm higher, and the third is at 7,23 see second above. This is an average value for all people, and the same distance, on average, we have between the eyes, although it can vary individually. After the third chakra, in the place where the “wall” is located (in the figure it is shown above this chakra), there is a change in direction, which we will call a half step.

The half step is a key moment in human evolution, it occurs only when the spirit is ready and has mastered the position in the new world. For the spirit in the body, a half step is hidden, not obvious. The spirit cannot see him until the time is right.

Once the half step is taken and completed, the energy flows into the heart, throat, pituitary gland, and pineal gland until it hits another wall/half step, which again stops the flow. This "wall" is located between the pituitary gland and the back of the head, perpendicular to the plane of the first wall. As soon as the energy takes the second half step, it reaches the eighth and final chakra of this octave. In Hinduism, the eighth chakra is called Divinity, for it is the goal of all life. It is located above the head, exactly at the distance of an outstretched palm.

The eighth chakra is the beginning or first note of the row of chakras above the head. There is another row of chakras below the one in the body that you came from.

Energy can move up the body in two main ways - one is feminine, the other is masculine. To begin with, energy always moves in a spiral. When it rotates counterclockwise relative to the body, it is masculine; when it rotates in the opposite direction - clockwise, it is female. At birth, the main focus of the human spirit is first at the bottom of the chakra system, then during your life it goes through different stages.

Each chakra has a special quality, which is indicated in the figure. The first chakra is survival, the second is sex, the third is willpower, the fourth is the heart or emotions, the fifth is sound, the sixth is the sacred geometry of creation, the seventh is spirituality, the eighth is the next world of existence.

When beings come to a completely new reality where they have never been before, for example, children, they have only one thing in mind. They want to survive and stay here; they are completely focused on the ability to survive in the new world and do everything possible for this. As we have already mentioned, the first chakra becomes like a lens through which you interpret the new reality. This interpretation requires your full concentration, even if you are just trying to stay in the new world.

At the moment when survival is ensured, it becomes obvious to the spirit that one or two more chakras are available to it. (Actually two, but the spirit can only see one.) The rest of the chakras are indistinguishable because of the half-step wall. The half step hides the upper chakras from the spirit, at least until the spirit learns to control the lower chakras and until wisdom shows him the way to higher understanding.

Once survival is ensured, you have a desire to make contact with the beings in this reality - this happens instinctively. While you are a baby, this usually means making contact with your mother, especially with her breasts, but in fact this desire is sexual in nature.

As you mature, the desire for contact becomes purely sexual, you crave physical contact with other beings. In the higher worlds, contact means something else, but in essence, you locate life and establish a second connection with it in a new world. That is why we call the second chakra the sex chakra. You have survived and made contact with the beings, now you have access to the third chakra, which deals with the desire to know how to manage and control the new reality, which can be called willpower. You want to know how the world works, what are the laws in this new world. How do you do it? You are trying to understand physical objects. Using your will power, you try to control the physical world. The physical in the higher worlds differs from the physical in the third dimension, but there is still a certain correspondence between the worlds.

Over time, your efforts to understand reality undergo many different changes. In childhood, you have a particularly interesting period, the so-called terrible transitional age, when you want to know all about the world around you, want to test yourself to see what you can do and what you can't. You grab everything, destroy it, throw it away, look for something else - in short, you do everything that you are not allowed to do. The child will continue to do so until he or she is satisfied with his understanding of this physical world.

As a child, you do not know that after the third chakra the energy changes direction, that in that place there is something like a wall that blocks the next four chakras. The child does not realize that there will be many more lessons related to the chakras. Life is much wider, but the child does not pay the slightest attention to it. On Earth, even when we become adults, we may not be aware of the existence of higher centers in the body. Many people continue to live on the first three chakras. Fortunately, the situation is rapidly changing because Mother Earth is awakening.

Wall with a secret entrance

God has set up this wall, or a half step, or a change of direction, so that you won't know it until you have mastered all the lower centers to a certain extent. So when you are growing, you are in the lower three chakras. However, several options are possible here.

You can be in all three chakras at once, or mostly in one and only partially in the rest, or it can be a balanced combination of all three chakras.

A similar pattern is characteristic of a person, country, planet, galaxy and all living things. Take, for example, the United States. We are a completely new country in the old world; we are young relatives of European and other countries, we are just children compared to them. Before the 1950s, most Americans were in one of the three lower chakras, not all, of course, but many. They were preoccupied with power, money, material possessions, houses, cars, sex, food; focusing mainly on survival aspects, they wanted to be sure that they had saved enough money and feel safe about it. It was indeed a materialistic world. Then, in the 60s, people's consciousness began to change rapidly. People began to meditate and ascended to higher chakras.

If you ever go to any country with centuries of history like India, Tibet or China, that is, places that have existed for a long, very long time, you will see that these countries have passed through a wall with a secret door to the next level and climbed up the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh chakras. And after passing through the four higher centers, they eventually came to another block after the seventh chakra, stopping further progress.

In the lower part of the body we have three centers, and in the upper part we have four. When a country or a person goes beyond the first half step, they never stay the same. Having learned that there is more, they spend the rest of their lives trying to figure out how to get back to the higher centers, even if they only had a fleeting experience of the higher worlds.

It is characteristic that a person or a country, having once passed the first half step, moves higher - into the heart, into the streams of sound, into geometric representations and the spiritual nature of things, and sometimes it happens that they lose interest in the lower centers of consciousness. They don't really care about the physical side of their existence, whether their house is nice or anything like that. They are more interested in information, the experience of knowing the nature of higher centers. When you look at the "old" countries, they often seem almost physically ruined, because they are completely focused on trying to find out what Reality is at the highest levels. India is a prime example of such a country.

Once a country really reaches the seventh chakra and focuses on it, which is very difficult, it only cares about what happens after death, at the next level of life. This is what happened to ancient Egypt.

The door, or half step, between these two groups of chakras is in a place (in a direction) that under normal conditions you will never find; you won't even know it exists. You may have to live a fair number of lifetimes before you can simply be aware of the existence of a door to these higher chakras - especially if you lead a normal, unremarkable life. But at the proper time the door is sure to be found, especially for a country or a person who is spiritually oriented.

Ways to find the secret entrance

In my opinion, at the beginning new beginning after the Fall at the end of the time of Atlantis - people for the first time began to live that high level of consciousness that had been lost. This happened through the experience of clinical death, since everyone has experienced such a state at least once in their life. When someone dies, he goes through the first door and finds other worlds, other interpretations of Reality. In a state of clinical death, people experience another reality for a short time, then something happens and, instead of dying completely, they return to their body. But the memory of this experience stays with them forever. People who go through this kind of experience change completely, and are usually determined to do everything they can to find out what happened to them. They are seriously wondering about another aspect of life that is related to the higher chakras.

Probably the next group of people to find a passage to the higher level were those who took psychedelic drugs. At all times throughout the world, psychedelics have been used by almost every religious cult that I know of. Psychedelics are not drugs in the usual sense. They are very different from "high" drugs such as opium, heroin, crack, and similar substances, which work in the exact opposite way to psychedelics. Drugs increase the work of the lower chakras and give you pleasant sensations, but they make you a prisoner of the lower centers. Gurdjieff believed that the most harmful to the spiritual path is cocaine, because it causes a special kind of hallucination and enhances the sense of ego. It takes you in a direction opposite to that of spirituality.

Psychedelics have a very different effect and are usually not addictive like drugs. The Incas used the San Pedro cactus mixed with a small amount of coca leaves. (Coca leaves are fundamentally different from cocaine.) Some Native Americans (Indians) use a psychedelic called mescaline, which is considered legal because it is part of the religion. On all the walls in Egypt, in almost 200 places, you can find an image of a fly agaric ( Amanita muscaria), a large porcini mushroom with red dots. In the end, a book was written entirely devoted to this topic. ("The Sacred Mushroom" by Andrija Puharich - The Sacred Mushroom by Andrija Puharich.)

In the United States in the 1960s, people passed through this passage to the higher chakras with the help of LSD, especially LSD-25. Over twenty million Americans have taken LSD-25 and broken through into the higher centers. Most of them were out of control, without any guidance and preparation. In ancient cultures, there was special training before taking this kind of psychedelic, and most Americans in the 60s took them just like that, which caused many accidents. People were breaking right through to the higher chakras. Most often, they reached the heart chakra and experienced a powerful sense of expansion, while it seemed to them that they were becoming love and all of creation.

However, they could also reach the fifth chakra of sound streams if they started their experience with music. There was nothing to stop them. Music automatically takes you to the fifth chakra, and many times this has happened. The experience of the fifth chakra is very different from the experience of the heart chakra, just as the sexual chakra is different from the survival chakra.

If, by experimenting, a person went up far enough and reached the sixth chakra, then he would discover the images of Sacred Geometry that created the Universe. An individual entering this chakra would have incredible experiences of geometric images, where everything in life would manifest itself in geometric form.

Rare people can find their way into the seventh chakra, which is spiritual. At this level, a person is only concerned with one thing: how to find a way to connect with God, how to establish a connection with God directly. This is the only aspiration. Nothing else matters.

The problem with psychedelics is that when they stop working, the person is pulled back into the lower centers and into third dimensional reality. The experience gained changes people forever, and as a rule, they continue to look for a way to return to the higher worlds, but this is already happening. not through psychedelics.

Nevertheless, the era of psychedelics did one thing for sure - it opened the door or took a half step towards the consciousness of the United States as a country. She gave people an experience that showed that the higher worlds really exist. Since then, millions of Americans have spent their lives trying to return to those sacred high places, and in doing so, they are changing their country and the world.

I think the next stage of evolution for mankind has come at the same time as trying to figure out how to return to a higher state of consciousness, but without drugs. We had gurus and yogis, meditations and various spiritual practices, religions and spiritual pathfinding experiences. In the late 1960s and 1970s, all of our attention was focused on spiritual teachers. There are all sorts of meditations and spiritual paths that will take you to a calm enough place to find the entrance and walk through that wall. Neither way is better than the other; the only question is which one will work for you.

In time, as you exist at the level of the fourth through seventh chakras and master them, you will come to the next wall, located at a 90 degree angle from the bottom wall. The angles that you have to overcome to get through the top wall are different - and treacherous. But if you can find your way through that wall, then you can truly transcend our third-dimensional world and enter the next world where all life on Earth will one day follow. You die here, but you are born somewhere else. You leave here and enter a new place. Spirit is eternal and has always existed. We'll talk about this new place soon, that doesn't mean you have to go somewhere, in fact, is a special state of existence.

In Egypt, neophytes, after twenty-four years of training, were given the appropriate psychedelics and placed in a sarcophagus in the Pharaoh's Chamber for three days and two nights (sometimes one additional day was required). The primary task was to find the entrance and enter the upper world, and then return to Earth to help others. This becomes apparent to almost everyone who reaches the higher levels. When you return to Earth, there is only one thing left for you: to serve all life, because through this experience, it becomes clear to you that you and there is whole life.

As a result, most aspirants around the world are looking for a path other than near-death experiences or drugs. It comes from nature itself, it is a path that is contained in themselves, even before their birth. They are always looking for the same thing. No matter what religion or spirituality it is, no matter what technique or form of meditation, no matter what words are used to describe experiences, it is the passage, first or second, that will always be at the center of our search.

Chakras on our star tetrahedron

Rice. 12-11. Canon of Leonardo with 8 spheres

The eight chakras that run throughout the body have counterparts in the space around the body (Fig. 12-11). These are energy spheres of different sizes, depending on the size of the human body. The radii of the spheres correspond to the length of the human palm from the tip of the longest finger to the first crease on the wrist. (For example, the radius of my sphere is about 23 cm ( 9 inches), and the diameter is 46 cm ( 18 inches).)

These are real energy spheres, they are located at the tops of the star tetrahedron field around your body. In fact, these are your chakras, exactly reproduced in the space around you. The sphere can be detected or felt when entering its area. The chakra itself is like the tip of a pin - it is very small and is located exactly in the center, located at the highest point of each vertex of the star tetrahedron.

When I had access to the molecular emission scanner (MES), we could see it all. Shortly before I stopped working in the field of technology, we measured our bodies and focused on the centers of the chakra points located at the tips of the star tetrahedra. At first we searched with the MES sensor head, but the machine did not sense these points. When we passed through the central point, the computer screen lit up. Once we found the chakra, we needed to anchor on it, and then we were able to take a microwave "snapshot" that looked like chakra inside the body. We have found that each inner chakra has a living pulse associated with each outer chakra and the whole system. I was going to find out what caused this pulsation, but, unfortunately, I did not have time, so I do not know the answer. Of course, the first thing we would check is the heartbeat. True, the body creates other rhythms, which we still know little about.

Egyptian 13-chakra system

Now let's explore the expanded chromatic system of energy chakras - the 13-chakra system. I would like to preface this section by acknowledging that the information below is not necessary for most of you. It is very complex and can only make it difficult to understand the energy flows of the body. Skip this section, or read it "for information only" if you feel the need to.

When a person uses the 13 chakra system instead of the 8 chakra system, there is one more thing to be understood or there will be great confusion. I firmly learned this: you can not use both systems at once. Either one or the other, but not both at the same time. Why remains a mystery. In quantum physics, the same thing happens: Reality can be seen as consisting of particles (atoms) or vibrations (waveforms), but if you try to combine both systems at once, neither of them will work.

For example, a step into the "emptiness" between the fourth and fifth notes in a musical scale in the 8-chakra system is between the heart and throat chakras, and in the 13-chakra system it is between two hearts, that is, between the sixth and seventh chakras. The reason is that the spirit uses two completely different representations or two different systems of movement in the star tetrahedron. Let's try to present this in the simplest possible way.

Rice. 12-12. Piano musical scale, as well as 13-chakra (chromatic scale) and 8-chakra (major scale) systems

In the chromatic scale, best seen on the piano keyboard, an additional five keys to the eight white keys form the C-dur (C major) scale, with a total of 13 notes (Figures 12-12). In other words, when a pentatonic scale of five black keys (C# D# F# G# A#) is added to a C-dur scale (white keys C D E F G A B C), the result is a chromatic scale. All other musical scales are similar, but they will use sharps or flats. Beginning with before(or WITH, since the scale is easiest to see on the C-dur keyboard), we have the following chromatic scale: C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C

Half steps are between E and F, as well as between B and C (highlighted). Note that there are no sharps (black keys) between these pairs. A special void between the fourth and fifth notes of the octave is between F and G, where the second tetrachord begins (lightning arrow on the right side of Fig. 12-12). In the chromatic scale, everything is different, since the flow is based on a different vision of the star tetrahedron. First we'll look at how the chromatic scale is arranged, and then we'll talk about flow.

The chromatic scale contains 12 notes, the thirteenth note is the return or the first note of the next scale. Each octave consists of seven notes, the eighth is a return. Therefore, the eighth chakra of the octave and the thirteenth chakra of the chromatic scale are the same note, and they both play the same role.

The combination of these two harmonic systems in the chakra system gives the chromatic system of 13 chakras, which is more perfect than the 8 chakra system. Using the expanded chromatic system of the chakras provides answers to many questions. For example, only with the help of this system, it is possible to establish the location of the chakras on the surface of the body with a distance of 7.23 cm between them.

So, using the 13-chakra system gives us opportunities that the 8-chakra system does not, and vice versa. For this reason, sometimes we will use the 8 chakra system and sometimes the 13 chakra system. We will always stipulate which system we use.

There are many other systems of harmonics and scales, all of which are used by nature in various ways to harmonize the relationships around us. I would say, however, that all harmonic systems in music come from a single sacred geometric form, but for the work we are doing, there is no need to know this now. This single sacred geometric shape is associated with the tetrahedron, but it is complex enough to be discussed here.

One of the systems we've talked about is the levels of creation dimension (Chapter 2). If you re-read this section now, you will better understand the meaning of everything said in it.

Recognizing the true location of the chakras

We have been able to look into the body with a molecular emission scanner and we have been able to see the microwaves coming from each chakra and pinpoint the exact location of the chakras. As a result, we found that the images coming from these chakras are not always located where they should be according to the description of some textbooks. First of all, in many books I have read, it is said that the thirteenth chakra is located above the head, at a height equal to the thickness of four to six fingers. But there was nothing! We searched in this area and searched as the books said so, but, alas, all was in vain. Then we went where the geometry indicated, to a point a palm's length above the top of the head. And bang, the desired chakra is there! We saw how the screen lit up from her activities.

Another obvious difference was found in the third chakra of the 8 chakra system. According to the teachings of martial arts and Hindu philosophy, the third chakra is located below the navel to the thickness of one or two fingers. But there was nothing there, nothing! A search in that area turned up no results, however, we easily found the chakra in the most obvious place, also predicted geometrically. If you look at the absolute geometric center of the navel, you will immediately find the third chakra.

I suspect that in the distant past, someone told a white lie. Our wise ancestors tried to keep the location of the third chakra a secret, because they knew that it was very important for a person. I think they deliberately distorted the information. The concealment of true knowledge through the distortion of information in spiritual matters, especially in the last 2000 years, has been widespread in the sciences and religions.

Map of the chakras on the surface of the body

The Egyptians note one more detail: the centers of the 13-chakra system are found topographically - on the surface of the body - and are at an equal distance from each other. The real chakras are not evenly distributed within the pranic tube, but entry points distributed over the entire surface of the body at regular intervals. The distance between them is equal to the distance between the centers of the eyes. By the way, the distance between the eyes is the same as between the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin and some other relevant places on your body. If you're overweight, this won't work, but you can try.

Take the distance between the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin as a unit of measurement, lie on a flat hard surface, such as the floor, and place one finger on your perineum. This is the location of the first chakra, the survival chakra. (The perineum is the part of the skin surface between the anus (anus) and vagina for women, and for men between the anus and scrotum.) If you measure one length from this point along the surface of the body, you will find a mark for the second chakra, sexual, which is located on the pubic bone, or immediately behind it.

By extending the same length upwards from the sex chakra, you will find that your thumb goes straight to the navel, locating the third chakra.

Measure one length above the navel and your thumb will fit exactly into the opening of the solar plexus, the fourth chakra of the 13 chakra system.

If you go up one more length, you will enter the fifth chakra, the Christ chakra, the first heart chakra. It is located just above the sternum.

The next step will accurately mark the sixth chakra, this is the second heart chakra. The first heart chakra is of greater importance, it symbolizes the universal unconditional love for all life. The fifth chakra is love for God, while the sixth chakra is love for a part of life. If you fall in love with a person, you feel love in your upper center. Even if you fall in love with the planet, since it is, regardless of its size, only a particle of the Reality, you will feel love in the upper heart.

Both heart chakras are located on the white keys in the chromatic scale. This is very interesting, because they fall exactly where the half step is set in the 13-chakra system - just between them (Fig. 12-12).

Adding another length (remember, you should be lying on a flat surface), you will find that your thumb rests on the Adam's apple, of course, if you are a man. Women don't have it, so it's harder to describe where it is. There is the seventh chakra of the chromatic scale.

When you put off the next length, you will touch your chin, this is chakra number eight. The chakra point on the chin is really very powerful. She is rarely talked about, although Yog Bhajan ( Yogi Bhajan) told his students about it in his lectures. He considers the eighth chakra to be one of the most important chakras.

Rising up another length, you will reach the nose, the ninth chakra. As a result of the next step, you will touch your third eye, the tenth chakra.

One more pause and the finger will land directly on the eleventh chakra above the top of the forehead, a place we call the "45 degree chakra" which I will discuss below.

Measure the length again to the crown of your head and touch the crown chakra, this is the twelfth chakra. Next, at arm's length above your head, you will find the thirteenth chakra, the end of this system and the beginning of the next.

Rice. 12-13. Three chakras of the pineal gland

The reason we call the eleventh chakra the 45 degree has to do with how the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centers are connected to the pineal gland (Figures 12-13). Remember I talked about the pineal gland as the eye? Well, it appears that when the pineal gland "looks" or projects energy into the pituitary gland, it generates third eye perception. There is another line of energy that projects from the pineal gland to where the eleventh chakra is located; it comes out at an angle of 45 degrees (on average) from the projection of the pituitary gland. I believe the angle is exactly 45 degrees, but I can't prove it. Next, there is another projection that goes straight up and beyond the crown chakra. All three of the last chakras focus on the pineal gland, or project from the pineal gland.

Here is another contradiction between the two chakra systems. In the 8 chakra system, the pineal gland is seen as the chakra from which the transition to the next world occurs. In the 13 chakra system, this chakra has three access points and three ways of working with energies, which is different from the simple 8 chakra system.

An interesting note: in the 8-chakra system, the place of the first half-step is between the universal heart and the throat (sound). The first half step in the 13 chakra system is located between universal heart (love of all life everywhere) and personal human heart (love for someone or something), that is, between the fifth and sixth chakras. The difference between the Christ consciousness and the personal love of the human consciousness is one of the most important points in understanding spiritual work; and it happens exactly where the direction changes. The next half step up between the twelfth and thirteenth chakras is also key, and here again we see a difference from the 8 chakra system. This place is key, because it is there that you move from one world or dimension to another. But both half steps (and the chakras themselves) give you deep life lessons.

Another movement along the star tetrahedron

It seems as if the spirit has decided that there is more than one way to move in the star tetrahedron. In the 8 chakra system, everything is quite simple, but in the 13 chakra system, the movement of the spirit becomes much more complex. I was going to give you a description of the way in which a spirit could move in a star tetrahedron and at the same time perfectly meet the requirements of Reality, but after thinking a little, I decided that perhaps this would bring more confusion than help. So if you really want to know, consider this subject for yourself. Try to start by seeing the tetrahedron from above or below. To make your work easier, I will give you a clue: one tetrahedron will be represented only by white keys, and the other by only black keys (sharps or flats).

Five spiraling channels of light

Each of the two chakra systems described above gives a very simplistic understanding of the complete chakra system, in reality it is much more complex. Although we talked about one channel that connects all the chakras, through which energy flows pass, in fact there is five different channels and four additional chakras associated with each main chakra. They are arranged in a horizontal line at a 90-degree angle to the vertical (Figure 12-14a) and rotate up the central post (Figure 12-14b) in 90-degree increments.

Figure 12-14a. View of the five canals from above, seen as a horizontal line that rotates up the spinal column

Fig 12-14b. Rotation of a spiral of light up the chakras in a woman, side view

Three of these channels are primary, two are external and one is central, and the other two are secondary. This has to do with the five different types of human consciousness that Thoth spoke about in the ninth chapter. Remember, the first, third and fifth types are unity consciousness, and the second and fourth types are disharmonious consciousness. This is related to the five senses and the five Platonic solids, but for ease of understanding, we will not develop this topic further.

Before we start discussing the five channels, we need to talk about light. If you understand how light moves in space, it will be easier for you to understand the movement of prana up the chakras. All forms of energy have a single source, and that source is prana, or chi (qi, ki), or life force energy. She is consciousness itself, awareness, spirit - a spirit that began its journey in the Void, creating imaginary circles and lines.

To study light means to study the movements of the spirit in its sacred dance into nature. That's how the spirit comes. We have already studied the movements of the spirit, but now we will be more specific. Let us first study the light, and later we will return to the consideration of the chakras.

Let there be Light!

Rice. 12-15. "Eye", Sacred Geometry drawing.

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From the book Gymnastics of the Hyperboreans. Healing vibration author Kudryashov Nikolay Ivanovich

The human body is a wave The essence of ancient Hyperborean knowledge lies in

From the book Spiral of Knowledge: Mysticism and Yoga author Your biological body holds more and more light! Dear ones, Kryon welcomes you to the new Earth, where every day new shoots of the earthly paradise appear! You are already building it. You are already creating quite real signs of a new life on Earth from the Divine energies coming to Earth.

From the book Spine Treatment: Learn to Live Without Back Pain. author Ripple Stephen

From the book Living without back pain: how to heal the spine and improve overall well-being author Ripple Stephen

Chapter 4 In many cases, back pain results from an interaction between mental representations and an emotional state that eventually manifests itself in the physical.

The ascension process changes the physical body through the merging of body and spirit into one being. The cycle of resurrection is an ascension in which all life begins anew, at a new level of consciousness, in a higher dimensional world. And it is not identical to reincarnation, since it does not carry the concept of karma. But at the same time, the karma of a person must be cleansed. Soft ascension became possible only due to the transformation of Karma. And the main historical and turning point was the incarnation of Jesus. The process itself will last until the person turns into a being of Light. How the Body of Light will act on the personal physical level, on the structures of society and on the entire planet as a whole.

The process of fusion itself will depend on the amount of light that you hold in the cells. The higher the level, the less dense your body becomes.

The Lightbody has 12 levels or steps.

At the end of each level, physical changes must be in sync with all spiritual and personal changes. The formation of a new Body of Light is a rather painful process, as it is accompanied by an aggravation of psychological and physical problems that are brought to the surface. And these are our blocks, fears, protective stereotypes, energy slagging, inability to love your body, take care of it, cleanse and care for it.

On the first 6 levels there are noticeable mental and physical changes that are not always recognized and interpreted. But already at the seventh level there is a noticeable spiritual awakening and a feeling of the descent of the Spirit. This is especially true for Reiki practitioners.

Elements of clairvoyance, clairvoyance, kinesthetic sensations of energy appear in you. All those who have a need for spiritual food and such literature are at levels 9-11.

The eleventh level of the Lightbody causes changes in the body in a very extreme way. You may notice that once a month you catch a cold, recurrent headaches, pain in the ears, throat, dizziness. A third helix of DNA is being formed, body cells are losing density, hearing structures are being rewired, optic nerve pathways are being turned on, and the pineal gland is being activated. There is a descent of the Spirit, if the body resists this, an increase in weight appears.

The only effective way to stop weight gain is through intense exercise. Building muscle mass will protect the nervous system, because the energies that come with each descent are much stronger than those to which the conducting system of the body is accustomed.

Again, the energies of Reiki practice, which embed our receiving systems to energies of higher frequencies and volumes of receiving cosmic energy, will provide invaluable help here. Techniques for activating and cleansing our chakras with crystals, the greatest modulators and tuners of high-frequency flows, are very effective.

From excess energy, adipose tissue will fry and destroy insulin receptors inside the cells.

Another important symptom of important spiritual changes is the appearance on the inner screen, with closed eyes, the flashing of spots of color, geometric signs and equations. And finally, the appearance of buzzing in the ear, in the head. This is the beginning of the emergence of the ability to translate, which incorporates the light code into cognitive intent and comprehension.

The grids of the planet continuously transmit messages to all life forms, embodied on the planet, light packets of information, light codes, they must be decoded and translated into conscious thoughts.

The messages convey instructions and understanding of what is happening in the higher dimensions. If your sensitivity allows you to hear this buzzing, let your mentors know about it. They will adjust the amount and frequency of the code. So that this process does not tire and does not irritate.

Level 8 changes may take 2 years, but may be less.

At 9th level, all relationships based on control and manipulation become intolerable, and many relationships simply end. Your work may also change.

At the 10th level, life feels new, as if you are born again and become very sensitive. Abilities appear that are characteristic of Spiritual Masters and adepts. There are new Spiritual Gifts that need to be put into practice. For example, clairvoyance will prevail over physical vision.

The average person keeps energy "locked" in emotional experiences and beliefs in emotional-mental bodies. In the Avatar, these bodies are pure, all energy is stored in the spiritual body.

The spiritual energy of the Avatar is always free, it is not spent on thoughts, memories, emotions, and can be used at his will. Therefore, at the 10th and 11th levels of the Body of Light, each person in their energy bodies must form the same energy structure. This will allow everyone to work miracles of the materialization of thought into reality.

The 11th level of the Body of Light develops from the tenth, the shift is easy and not even noticed. Spiritual abilities begin to grow, and the physical body begins to change its appearance. It becomes luminous, radiant and very beautiful. This level brings up even more deeply hidden emotional issues, having to deal with all the beliefs and thought forms about death and loss. You can create frustration and deep fears. At the same time, all the energy of the emotional and mental layer must be transferred to the spiritual body. At this level, there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Level 12 is ascension. Merkaba moves to the heart center. It is the vehicle of ascension and the final initiation into fifth density. It can be individual or with a group.

On an individual level, ascension happens every day. At the same time, you can notice a feeling of joy in your personal life, while a person begins to create his fantasies and his reality. Joy flows like ecstasy, like samadhi, delight, a state of oneness with God.

If there is cooperation in the group, there is a series of rapid shifts. If the teacher is aware of the connection with the Merkaba, everyone will receive it and be aware of it too. Working in a group creates tremendous collaborative energy. And it provides an opportunity for each member of the group to learn how to act both as an individual and as one with the group. And each member of this group begins to shift everyone with whom he comes into contact and of course the members of his family, transferring the energy of joy and awakening to this frequency.

The mass ascension will only take place when the majority of ascending people on the planet exist in a state of joy.

Therefore, be merciless in evaluating your life, cleanse everything that does not bring joy, especially old emotions and problems that consume a lot of mental energy.

Every person has a left and a right hemisphere of the brain. And each hemisphere functions according to a specific purpose. The same is true for the planet. In order for the ascension to continue, in physical life, west and east must be equal, the new magnetic grid of the Earth brings a new kind of spirituality that is appropriate for the Western mind and Eastern culture.

It is important for every person to know that following the path of monasticism, moving away from everyday life, asceticism is no longer appropriate. The new spiritual path will bring balance and confluence of different areas of life, you will walk the spiritual path while living in the world, leading a family life, working and doing business. All aspects of daily life will be spiritual.

But the next article is very doubtful, but there are a lot of coincidences with all the same my memories from past lives in Egypt and connections with Sirius ... I will reprint only a part.

Galactic Light Body
The acceleration of your Light Bodies, provided by the incoming Electric Blue radiation from the Galactic Center through Sirius, has enabled your Galactic Light Body to activate. A completely new set of Geometries, Codes and Meridians are activated at this time to bring the Blue Fire Energy from Sirius and connect Angels in Human Form and 9th dimensional consciousness /*something a lot somehow? Well, this is more than a pancake more than the Universal level of awareness! * / With their "home".
When the Galactic Lightbody is activated, you have full access to the 9th Dimension of Consciousness. The Galactic Lightbody is being activated by the Electric Blue Flame emanating from Sirius the Blue Star. Sirius is the Galactic "home" of all Angelic Families on Earth. The Evolution and Development of the Earth is a joint project of the Creative Angels Elohim and the Sirian "Neters", or Star Beings. Other Light Beings from this and other galaxies are here to help, but the "original plan" for the Blue Planet comes from the partnership of the Angelic Creators from Sirius and Orion.
Sirius becomes the second sun of Planet Earth. Those who have activated the Galactic Lightbody receive white/gold sunlight from the Sun, and blue/white "sunlight" from Sirius.

The blue sunlight from Sirius creates a 9 dimensional field of Electric Blue Light that supports the Galactic Consciousness of the planet through the Angelic Families.

This "truth" was known to the ancient Egyptians, who received it from teachers from Sirius. During the Lion's Gate in late July and early August, they celebrated the rise of Sirius in the morning sky and the flooding of the Nile, bringing prosperity to Egypt. But the originals knew that in Egypt, also known as the land of "Khem" or alchemy, there was a rule: "as above, so below," and this event symbolized something on a higher level.

This "something" was the alignment of the two "suns" of Earth in the heavens. At this time, the blue-white energy of Sirius "intensifies", passing through the Sun, as through a lens, and waves of creative light, representing waves of abundance, love and prosperity, "poured" onto the Earth as Cosmic Fire. White-gold and white-blue combine to create Magic and bring change, renewal and growth. /*Crap! LJ wrote earlier about how you can get here - in a beam of light (Phantom DNA? Body of Light?) from Sirius to the Sun, and from the Sun - by combining the blue glow of Sirius and the yellow Solar - to register in the Noosphere with a beam (like that's why I was born in the Portal, the green cell of Tzolkin ... Gyg will have to find that post * /

The ancient Egyptians defined the sun of the solar system as Ra-Herikuti-Osiris. It carried masculine energy. The Sirian "sun" they called Isis-Maat, and it carried the Feminine energy. Together, in their Sacred Unity, they create Abundance and Peace on Earth.

In ancient Egypt, communication with Sirius was provided through the royal family of the Pharaohs. Their genetic affinity with Sirius allowed them to "hold the field" of Blue Light and maintain Galactic communication through their Galactic Light Bodies. This connection was interrupted by the Higher Dimensions when it was decided to launch a program through which all people could become Angelic carriers of the Galactic Consciousness. And that time has come! You are ready to create an Earth where everyone will be able to hold the Blue Field of Galactic Consciousness.

This will mean that every Human Angel who activates their Galactic Light Bodies will have the power and ability to activate and transmit the Akashic information codes for realization on Planet Earth. Co-create Paradise on Earth without violence, suffering and pain. A playground of light and joy. And that time has come! As each of you activates the Galactic Lightbody, you will activate the power of the Blue Light Field and its potential to create global change. Can you see, dear Lightworkers, all the joy and blessings that have been given to you at this time!

The Blue Star Children, dear ones, are incarnating right now to help you work with the Blue Star Field and fully activate the Blue Planet Blueprint.

Each Blue Star Child is born with a fully activated Galactic Lightbody. They have full Galactic Consciousness and are able to maintain stellar communications for the Planet. In fact, they will anchor the Blue Star Field on the Planet.

They are also born with the knowledge and consciousness of their Angelic and Star families, and will be fully integrated with their Angelic archetypes. They will be Human Angels, not Human Angels. They will primarily identify with the Angelic and Cosmic consciousness, and with the fields of Cosmic light. And they will transmute this consciousness with your help into a joyful "Paradise on Earth".