Calculate lumber for a house calculator. Calculator for calculating the cost of a log house with siding, slab prefabricated monolithic foundation, wood-beam floor, ondulin roof

When making a scrupulous calculation of timber for a house, use an online calculator to check the exact volume of purchased wood.

Then you will not have to overpay for the delivery of lumber purchased for the construction of houses, bathhouses, dachas and other permanent buildings.

Purpose of the calculator, its advantages

It is difficult to calculate the exact amount of timber on your own, to reach the total volume of all necessary items. Not only the width and height of the timber are taken into account, knowing the total length, the height of all walls, but also the density of the wood.

Then, having found the quantity and volume of the required timber, knowing the price for 1 m 3 of purchased lumber, you can automatically immediately calculate the total costs of wood for a specific house or bathhouse.

Important to know: Initially, decide correctly on the building material. The timber can be not only profiled, but glued.

It is easier to see the exact data on the lumber used in the construction estimate, where the dimensions and the original name of the materials are indicated. Marking, cross-section of workpieces.

How to use

Accurate calculation of the required lumber using online calculator but you can only do it if you know everything technological features buildings being erected and the cross-section of timber.

The calculator already contains an automatic calculation algorithm. Therefore, by entering the requested data, you can immediately access the quantity and total volume of wood processed on all sides.

Please note: knowing the parameters of the cross-section of lumber, the length is taken within the standards - 4.5 m; 5 m or 6 m (depending on the round timber).

Types of timber, application

For the construction of houses, timber is mainly made from wood coniferous species(pines, spruces). Construction material It can be with a straight front side or have a D-shaped appearance, which will allow simulating construction from a rounded log.

If you can get by with building a bathhouse square section 100x100 mm, then for capital buildings during construction one-story houses, dachas buy timber with a section of 150x150 mm, and for two-story cottages, taller buildings will have to purchase lumber with a cross-section of 200x200 mm or more.

Careful sanding is carried out on the side that will face the residential part of the house. Then you won’t have to deal with additional finishing of wooden walls.

Calculation of cubic capacity

To make it clearer, let’s look at an example of calculating the cubic capacity of timber for a one-story cottage with dimensions of 8x6x3 m. The building also has 1 internal partition at 6 m.

First you need to calculate the perimeter: (LxS)x2+S1=(8+6)x2+6=34 m. Total area buildings are calculated using the formula: 34x3 = 102 m 2. Where is 34 the perimeter of the walls, 3 their height. Multiplying the result by the beam side parameter, we get the total volume: 102 * 0.15 = 15.3 m 3.

When making calculations, it is important to take into account the openings in the walls - this will allow you to save a lot and avoid purchasing excess building material. Recommended for accurate calculations use project drawings, diagrams.

Which timber is better to use

It is worth purchasing affordable lumber, represented by high-quality coniferous wood that has been processed and naturally dried.

Profiled timber is purchased standard sizes with a section: 100x100 mm, 150x150m, 200x200 mm and a length from 4 m to 6 m or more. The laminated laminated timber used in construction, called lamellas, is pre-sawn into boards. This material is subjected to planing and special drying, and the resulting wood moisture content is within 8–9%.

After sorting, the dried boards are glued together hydraulic press, forming laminated veneer lumber. In the technical process, water-resistant special glue composition is used. The most durable among the two types of lumber under consideration is laminated veneer lumber, which is recommended for capital construction.

Calculation of material for floor and ceiling

Rafters, beams used in arranging the ceiling and floor are quite suitable with a section of 100x150 mm. Knowing exact dimensions future construction, it is easy to calculate the lumber for the ceiling and floor.

If the installation step = 1 m, 7 beams, each 6 m long, can serve as lags, including 7 beams with the same length, which will be prepared for arranging the ceiling. In total, 14 beams or 84 linear meters. When calculating the required amount of lumber, the resulting length is multiplied by S section. , and we get 84*0.015=1.26 m3.

It is also necessary to take into account the possible percentage of substandard quality, which, on average, can be up to 5% of the total purchased timber.

Calculation for roofing

When calculating the required amount of timber for arranging a roof, it is necessary to clarify the type of roof in advance. If it is a gable roof type, you need to find optimal angle tilt for mounted structural elements.

As a rule, the roof will have 45% at the ridge. The installation spacing of the rafters was chosen to be 0.6 m. This type of fastening elements is made on the basis of timber with a section of 100x150 mm. The length of the leg of the rafter beam is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. The hypotenuse of the resulting triangle is the width of the house, and the rafters are the legs.

The length of the legs is 4.2 m. The length of the house is divided by the step and 12 beams are obtained. Knowing the cross-section, we calculate for the roof - you will need 1.51 m 3. It’s worth adding about another 7–8% to account for technical needs and possible poor condition.

Keep in mind: When installing a roof with a smaller distance between the rafters, it is permissible to use a smaller section of timber.

To avoid tedious calculations, use a popular online calculator. The free service will protect you from inaccuracies, allow you to protect yourself from inevitable miscalculations, and prevent mistakes.

Houses made of timber are very popular and have a number of advantages compared to log houses. wooden houses. The geometrically correct shape of the timber (the cross-section turns out to be a rectangle or square) allows you to create more usable space, and it becomes much easier to calculate the amount of material needed to build a house. To do this, you need to know the length and height of all sides of the structure and multiply by the thickness of the beam.

Types of timber products

Today, on the construction market you can find timber of various sections. Thus, they often buy timber products with a cross section of 120x120, 150x100, 180x180, 200x150, 150x150, 100x100, 140x140 mm. All of them are purchased for certain structures. But the most popular section of timber is 150x150 mm, since it combines good price and excellent thermal insulation properties. Also, lumber products with a cross-section of 150x150 mm are simply laid, resulting in a significant number of seam-caulked joints.

Plus, recently, prefabricated laminated timber, that is, profiled, began to be supplied to the market. If we compare it with typical lumber, it has increased strength properties, heat-saving characteristics due to tongue-and-groove joints, and also reduced shrinkage. Therefore, many experts recommend using it. There is only one drawback - the high cost of the material. Prefabricated timber has a higher cost, but it is quite justified, since its service life exceeds the time of using conventional lumber.


V beam = height of walls x length of walls x thickness of beam

Carrying out calculations in this way, we get required quantity material for building a house. Let's give a simple example. If you are going to build a house, the height of the walls will be equal to 3 meters, and the length of the walls will be 9 and 6 meters from 150x150 mm timber, then you must first calculate the perimeter. That is, we add up the length of all the walls: 9+9+6+6=36 linear meters. Next, we multiply the resulting number by 3 meters and get 108 square meters. On last stage multiply by the thickness of the timber, that is, by 0.15. As a result, it comes out to 16.2 cubic meters. Thus, the question of how to calculate the amount of timber per house should no longer arise.

Calculation example

As you know, the sale of bars and boards on the market is carried out precisely in cubic meters. This is very often used by many sellers, who allow them to take extra into their pockets, since buyers do not know how to calculate the cubic capacity of the timber. At the same time, finding out the required cubic capacity is not so difficult. There is one simple method. So, if you purchase lumber same size, then you need to multiply the length of the beam by its cross-sectional area. Thus you will find the quantity in cubic meters in one unit of lumber. And then you multiply this number by the number of units.

Let's give an example: if you bought 20 units of timber with a length of 6 meters and a cross-section of 150 x 150 mm, then first we find the cross-sectional area of ​​the lumber. To do this, multiply 0.15 by 0.15 = 0.0225 m2. Then we multiply the resulting number by 6 (the length of the beam). The result is 0.135 m3. Well, at the last stage, we multiply by the total quantity, that is, by 20. The total cubic capacity of the purchased timber will be equal to 2.7. That's enough simple method You can calculate the cubic capacity for any lumber. Applying this formula, you will save a lot of money.

The problem of finding out how many timber of a given size is contained in a cube is faced by builders of the most different professions. It has to be solved during construction wooden houses, device rafter roof, installation of foundation formwork, etc. To facilitate the routine process of calculating cubic capacity, in this article we provide ready-made tables of the amount of timber in a cube of popular sections, and also suggest using an online calculator and familiarizing yourself with the formulas and general calculation procedure.

Calculation of timber cubic capacity

Initial data

The length and dimensions of the edges (section) of lumber are used as initial data in the calculation. Requirements for their values ​​are established by GOST 24454-80 “Softwood lumber. Dimensions".

Based on this document, it is possible to present a table of standard timber sizes that are most in demand on the market.

Calculation of the amount of timber in a cube

Simple mathematical calculations will help you calculate how many pieces of timber there will be in 1 cube. Based on the definition of the volume of any geometric figure By multiplying the lengths of its three sides, we get the final formula:

N = 1 / (L*h*b), where

N – required amount of timber per 1 m3, pieces;

L – beam length, m;

Do not forget that dimensions are usually indicated in mm (for example, 150 × 150 × 6000), and before performing the calculation they must be converted to meters by dividing each value by 1000.

Important! The final value of the amount of timber in one cube may turn out to be a fractional number. Timber trading centers and warehouses usually round it down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, if you need more than 1 m 3 of lumber, then request the calculation of the quantity using the formula, and not by multiplying the volume in cubic meters by the quantity in a cube, so as not to overpay for rounding.

Calculation of timber volume in m 3 based on a known number of pieces

This problem often arises if you know exactly the required amount of lumber in pieces, and the seller sells it, guided only by the volume in cubic meters. There is nothing easier than performing this transformation!

It is enough to simply multiply the values ​​of all three sizes (length and two edges - do not forget to convert from millimeters to meters), obtaining the volume (in m 3) of 1 bar, and then multiply the resulting value by the required number of pieces.

In the form of a formula, this calculation can be described as follows:

V = N*L*h*b, where

V – required volume of timber, m3

N – known number of bars, pieces;

L – beam length, m;

h, b – dimensions of the edges (section) of lumber, m.

Timber calculation calculators

For your convenience, you can carry out any of the above calculations written in formulas online on our website by selecting the appropriate calculator.

Cubed timber calculator

Timber cubic capacity calculator by piece

Ready-made tables for the amount of timber in a cube

For standard lengths (4 and 6 meters) and sections edged lumber cube tables have been developed that allow you to quickly and without calculations determine and compare how many pieces of timber there will be in 1 cubic meter for a particular standard size.

How much timber 6 meters long in a cube: table

Beam size, mm
50×100×6000 33,33 33
50×150×6000 22,22 22
100×100×6000 16,67 16
100×150×6000 11,11 11
100×200×6000 8,33 8
150×150×6000 7,41 7
150×200×6000 5,55 5
200×200×6000 4,17 4
200×250×6000 3,33 3
250×250×6000 2,67 2

How much timber 4 meters long in a cube: table

Beam size, mm Number of pieces in 1 m 3 (without rounding) Whole number of pieces in 1 m3
50×100×4000 49,99 ]}50
50×150×4000 33,33 33
100×100×4000 24,99 25
100×150×4000 16,66 16
100×200×4000 12,49 12
150×150×4000 11,11 11
150×200×4000 8,33 8
200×200×4000 6,24 6
200×250×4000 5,00 5
250×250×4000 4,00 4

Features of using calculations when purchasing

So, having defined by any in a convenient way required quantity or volume of timber, you also need to take care of the safety factor. The mathematical calculation model does not take into account possible curvatures of surfaces and other factors, as a result of which the actual laying of stacks of lumber does not ensure an ideal fit of the products to each other.

If the actual dimensions are smaller or there are easily visible visual curvatures of the surfaces, then the safety factor should be about 20%, and also calculate how much timber you need based on the measurements taken. We recommend using our online calculator and then forcing the seller to release the goods according to the cubic capacity calculated in this way, taking into account real, not nominal dimensions.

Houses made of timber versus wood log houses have a number of advantages. Due to the fact that the timber has a geometrically correct shape (in cross-section it is either a square or a rectangle), much more usable space appears in the house, and it is much easier to calculate the amount of timber needed to assemble the walls.

To do this, you need to add up the lengths of all the walls, multiply them by their height and the thickness of the beam, consider an example of the formula:

V timber = wall length X wall height X timber thickness

Let's get the number of cubes of timber needed to build a house.

Correct calculation of timber for a house

Calculate the required amount of timber for a 6x9 house, with a fifth wall, 3 meters high, from timber 150x150, for this we add up the perimeter of the walls, not forgetting about the fifth six-meter wall 6+6+6+9+9=36 linear meters, then multiply by the floor height (3 meters), 36 linear. m. x 3 meters = 108 sq. meters in order to get cubic meters, multiply the resulting area by the thickness of the timber 108 sq.m. x 0.15 = 16.2 cu. meters.

That’s basically all, now you should understand how to make the correct calculation of the required timber for a house; even a schoolboy can figure it out using the scheme described above.

Now let's talk about how timber houses are assembled

On an already prepared foundation we lay any waterproofing material, for example roofing felt or roofing felt. Mortgage boards treated with (required!) antiseptic are placed on top. These boards serve as a protective buffer between the foundation and the first row of beams. If during operation the base of the house rots, it will be the embedded boards (they can be replaced), and not the first layer of beams.

Laying the first crown

The next step is laying the first crown of the building. The main thing here is to carefully observe the dimensions of the building along the axes, the horizontal level and measure the angles planned by the project. Here you also need to decide in advance which corner joint for the timber will be used when laying it.

The photo shows the laying of the first crown on the foundation

Corners are checked using twine stretched diagonally from corner to corner and its length is measured. Then they are also stretched diagonally between the second pair of corners. If the distance matches, the next crown is laid. If there is a discrepancy, the distance is corrected. In professional construction organizations For these purposes, they do not use improvised means, but special high-precision engineering tools.

Before assembling the first layer of timber, one of the following types of mating wall corners is selected:

  • half-wood assembly;
  • assembly into a dressing with a root spike;
  • assembly on dowels.

Laying subsequent crowns

The second and subsequent layers of timber are connected to each other wooden dowels(dowels), which are a wooden rod, thanks to which the crowns are attached in height. This fixation prevents displacement and bending of the building material during drying.

Methods for connecting and joining beams

The hole for the dowel is drilled several millimeters in diameter larger than the dowel itself, so that during subsequent shrinkage the timber can freely “walk” along the dowel, thereby preventing the formation of cracks.

Before starting to build a house made of timber, many consumers ask themselves: how much timber is needed for the construction of the planned structure. To answer this question you can go two ways:

  • Use the beam calculation calculator;
  • Read the article below about calculation of the amount of timber which will be needed to build a house.

And if everything is more or less clear with a calculator, then doing it yourself is much more difficult. Let's look into this issue.

Factors influencing the amount of timber required to build a house.

The main thing to consider when calculating the amount of timber per house is:

  • What type of timber will be used in construction;
  • How much timber do we need?
  • How many units of timber are in 1 cubic meter;
  • Features of the project of a house made of timber or a cottage.

Calculation of construction timber in cubic meters.

And so, how calculate the amount of timber in 1 cubic meter using the simplest method? It should be noted that the example below is not exact. To make a more accurate calculation, you need to have a project of the future house.

To calculate the amount of timber in 1 m 3 you need:

  • Calculate the perimeter of the building;
  • Multiply the perimeter by the height;
  • The product of the perimeter and height must be multiplied by the thickness of the product.

For our case, the formula will look like this: V = h*b*l = 0.15 * 0.15 *6 = 0.135 m3,

  • h - beam height;
  • b- width;
  • l- length.

Let's find out how many units of lumber are in 1 cube as follows: 1/0.135 = 7.41 pieces.

After carrying out all the above calculations, we will get the result of the number of cubes of timber required to construct the building.

To calculate timber which will be needed for finishing interior walls, we use a similar method. Let's look at a specific example, how to calculate the amount of timber for a bathhouse 5 * 10 meters, 3 meters high.

Let us conditionally determine that during construction the size 150 * 150 mm will be used.

  • (5 m - width + 10 m length) × 2 = 30 m - perimeter of the building.
  • 30 perimeter × 3 height = 90 m 2 - wall area.
  • 90 area × 0.15 material thickness = 13.5 m 3 - needed to build a box from a 5 × 10 beam 3 m high.

Like this in a simple way we calculated the amount of timber for the walls, which is 13.5 m3. But, you need to take into account that due to the presence of window and doorways, the amount of material used will be less than calculated.

Often craftsmen do not take this point into account; it is believed that it would be even better to add about 20% in reserve, in the end we will get: 13.5 + 20% = 16.2 m 3 timber is needed for a building 5 * 10 m.

Features of timber that must be taken into account when calculating.

When building a house from timber, the first step is to lay the crown, which should be slightly thicker than the main beam. The first crown is made of thicker timber; in the future, the weight of the whole house will press on it, so it is additionally recommended to treat it with machine oil or an antiseptic.

In the calculation described above, this nuance was not taken into account; it must be calculated separately.

Calculation of timber in units.

After you have calculated the amount of timber in m3, you can easily find out how much timber will be needed in units (pieces).

Let's look at the table of common sizes of this product 6m long:

Table of the amount of timber in 1 m 3 for calculating timber for a house.

Section * beam length

Volume 1 piece, m3.

Quantity of timber in 1 m3, pcs.

In the above example, where we indicated the cubic capacity of the timber for the bathhouse, we will carry out further calculations of the materials in pieces.

In order to calculate the amount of material per house in pieces, we carry out the following calculation; for this, the amount of 13.5 m3 must be divided by the cubic volume of the timber used, in our case it is equal, based on the table, to 0.135 m3: 13.5: 0.135 = 100 pieces.

If you correctly calculate the amount of timber in pieces, then when purchasing timber you will be able to control whether all the material is shipped to you by the seller.

Thickness and height of timber.

The material may have different thickness and height, the following are the main dimensions:

  • 100*100 mm.
  • 100*150 mm.
  • 150*150 mm.
  • 150*200 mm.
  • 200*200 mm.

If everything is clear with height, the higher the beam, the fewer inter-crown seams, the faster the production construction work, and naturally, the number of pieces of timber for building a house decreases. But the width is in this case more important, especially when building for all-season living.

Attention: Sometimes timber manufacturers indicate the dimensions of the timber, which may differ from the real ones; for example, a timber of 150x150 mm actually has a size of 140x140 mm.

The consequences of purchasing such a beam will be very disastrous, if for a height of 3 meters you will need 20 pieces of timber measuring 150x150 mm, then for a size of 140x140 mm - 21 pieces and a half, and this is one and a half crown rows.

If you plan to live in the house all year round, then it is recommended to use timber with a thickness of 200 mm. It is also necessary to take care of the insulation of timber walls, the best option will be polystyrene or mineral wool 10 cm thick.

When constructing a bathhouse, it is advisable to use a material thickness of 150 mm; it is quite sufficient for short-term temperature maintenance. Well, if you decide to build country house For summer holiday, then in this case walls made of 100x100 mm timber will be just right.