Sandwich panels for wall insulation. Relevance of using facade panels with insulation Features of facade thermal panels

Installing PVC windows is a great way to retain heat internal space living space, because plastic windows characterized by high tightness. But besides this, to maintain heat in the house and increase energy saving indicators, it is very important to correctly perform the slopes.

This is a fundamental point. And here's why. The window frame is inserted into the opening using polyurethane foam, and it is not recommended to leave the foam open - under the influence sun rays it is destroyed. In addition, polyurethane foam has the ability to accumulate moisture, which can subsequently lead to the spread of mold and mildew in the house.

Slopes are the inner walls of the niche into which the window frame is inserted. There are different processing techniques window slopes.

Making slopes is an extremely important task. The energy saving indicators of the living space and its sound insulation will depend on how well the slopes are made and what materials were used.

The easiest way to finish slopes is plastering plaster mixture or putty. Plastering is very affordable way, however, is very inefficient in terms of energy conservation. Such slopes, unfortunately, are characterized by poor thermal insulation. Plaster is a fragile material and can crack over time, which leads to the need for periodic corrective actions.

To ensure good thermal insulation when making slopes, it is necessary to use additional materials in the work, due to which it will be possible to provide the insulation function. In other words, insulation is the use of thermal elements that are mounted with slopes and are subsequently plastered. Next, the article will discuss how to properly insulate window slopes.

There are two types of work for this operation:

  • external works;
  • internal work.

The materials used for insulating slopes are:

  • drywall;
  • mineral wool;
  • foam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • sandwich panels.

External insulation of slopes

External thermal insulation of slopes is carried out in several approaches. First, you need to prepare the working surface - clean it from dirt, dust, foam residues, and uneven surfaces.

For external insulation, as a rule, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam is used, which is attached to work surface through liquid nails. Use of perforated plastic corners will help you achieve perfectly even levels.

The work process is as follows:

  • gluing prepared foam sheets with outside slope;
  • if there are cracks, fill the cavity with an adhesive solution;
  • securing the reinforcing mesh to the surface of the foam sheet;
  • carrying out plastering;
  • carrying out staining

The second step in insulating window slopes is carrying out internal work.

Internal insulation of slopes

1. Plasterboard insulation

A fairly common option for finishing slopes is using plasterboard.

Drywall is a material whose structure consists of two sheets of construction cardboard with a core of solid gypsum. It should be noted that this material is quite delicate, as it does not tolerate moisture well and can swell and lose its original shape. There is moisture-resistant gypsum board, which contains antifungal substances and silicone granules, but when finishing it would be useful to use additional materials, for example, a moisture-resistant primer.

Insulation technology

Insulation of window slopes consists of several stages. For self-execution work will require a standard set of tools: tape measure, painting knife, wooden blocks, a roll of tape, several
packages of polyurethane foam, as well as sealant, moisture-resistant primer and possibly gypsum plaster.

The insulation process occurs according to the following scheme:

2.Insulation with mineral wool

Species mineral wool

Mineral wool is a popular material that is characterized by two important, linearly dependent characteristics - thermal insulation coefficient and volume. There are three types of mineral wool:

  • Soft type - high insulation coefficient and large volume.
  • The semi-rigid type - compressed material - takes up less volume, due to which it loses its thermal insulation properties.
  • The rigid type is a thin material, but also ineffective at providing thermal insulation. As a rule, it is used only in combination with other insulation materials.

Insulation technology

The method of insulating window slopes using mineral wool is similar to the above-described technology of insulating with plasterboard, with the only difference being that between the wall and the sheet finishing material it is necessary to lay a layer of the material in question. In order for insulation to be effective, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

3. Insulation with foam plastic

Types of foam. Properties

Foam plastic is a whole class polymer materials, which are essentially cellular foamed plastic mass.

In addition to the economic benefits, the advantages of the material include:

  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • materials are non-toxic;
  • light weight of materials, ease of installation and fastening;

Compared to polystyrene foam, polystyrene will score more points, since the material is not as fragile, more flexible and durable.

Insulation of slopes with polystyrene foam. Technology

The insulation method is identical to those described above. Sheets of material are mounted with a slope using glue with further plastering or covered with sheets of plasterboard.

When insulating window slopes in a relatively warm climate region, two layers of material will be sufficient; in colder climates climatic conditions polystyrene must be combined with other insulation materials, such as mineral wool.

4. Insulation using sandwich panels

The concept of sandwich panels. Species

A very effective and modern way to insulate window structures is insulation with sandwich panels.

Sandwich panels are building material with a complex structure consisting of two sheets of rigid material (often PVC) and a layer of insulation. All elements of the material are connected by pressing - cold or hot.

According to their purpose, sandwich panels are classified into:

  • roofing;
  • wall – used in finishing works

The following is used as insulation in these panels:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • fiberglass

The advantages of sandwich panels include:

  • good thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • safety for humans;
  • lack of reaction to exposure to chemical environments, as well as mold and mildew
  • the gap between the wall and the sandwich material is eliminated using some kind of heat insulator, for example, mineral wool;
  • the outer side of the slopes is covered with an F-shaped profile to achieve an aesthetic effect

Before insulating window slopes, you need to measure the width of the gap. It should be noted that the choice of insulation is often associated with precisely this indicator, and therefore, with a gap of about 40 mm or more, it would be more reasonable to use polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. If the gap is less than the specified dimensions, mineral wool is used.

Thus, insulation of slopes is an important and necessary matter. For the result to be effective, work must be carried out simultaneously on the inside and outside of the window structure.

Of course, the main component of a sandwich panel is its insulation. It is he who determines how comfortable winters will be in your home. The insulation must meet the following requirements:

  • Have very significant thermal insulation properties;
  • If possible, have minimal weight;
  • Have high rate strength;
  • Be able to maintain your characteristics even when elevated level humidity;
  • Tolerate low and high temperatures without problems;
  • To be completely safe for humans, that is, not to contain harmful substances and not to burn;
  • To be durable, that is, not to lose its properties over time;
  • Have a low cost.

The modern market offers insulation with sandwich panels that have mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam in their construction. A panel with one or another insulation has both disadvantages and advantages. Panels with polyurethane foam have ideal thermal insulation properties, but are quite expensive, and therefore are used only in specialized premises and freezers. Private construction is carried out mainly using mineral wool and expanded polystyrene.

The main advantage of mineral wool is its resistance to fire. Polystyrene foam has a wider list of advantages: environmental friendliness (98 percent of it consists of air), low thermal conductivity, low weight, highest performance indicators, unpretentiousness, durability and minimal production time.

Mineral wool has a lot of disadvantages. It absorbs excess moisture, which leads to subsidence, damage to the integrity of the structure and freezing. Installation of mineral wool is quite difficult, and its large mass leads to an increased load on the foundation. The disadvantage of polystyrene foam is its low degree of fire resistance.

The use of sandwich panels with mineral wool is relevant, first of all, in structures that require maximum protection from open flames. The bulk of prefabricated buildings fall into this category. It is absolutely not advisable to use panels with mineral wool in car washes, refrigerators, and food processing plants. Foam panels are perfect for the reconstruction and construction of buildings, regardless of their purpose. Mainly, this group consists of buildings that require ideal moisture resistance, hygiene, practicality and minimal cost. If we talk about the ratio of quality and price, then foam-based panels can be called the most reasonable option. They can be safely used in all buildings whose roofs and walls belong to the second or higher fire resistance categories.

The advent of sandwich panels made it possible to construct buildings very quickly. Today, thanks to wall and roof panels, not only warehouses, pavilions, terminals and other industrial structures are built, but also private houses. Such wide distribution of sandwich panels is due to a lot of advantages: speed and ease of installation, lightness of construction, aesthetics and cost-effectiveness of the material, excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. The constantly growing demand for the material has led to an increase in the range, and today, without preparation, you can only decide on the color, and there are more than 600 shades available. But here how to choose a sandwich panel With the right type insulation, suitable thickness and profile?

No. 1. Sandwich panel production technology

- This is a multilayer material consisting of a layer of insulation covered on both sides with metal or PVC. Its quality depends not only on the raw materials used, but also on the production method. At the moment, sandwich panels are produced in the following ways:

No. 2. Type of facing material

As facing material can be used sheets of steel, plastic, plasterboard orOSB panels. Naturally, metal sheets the most durable, their thickness varies from 0.5 to 0.7 mm, and performance largely depends on the type and thickness of the anti-corrosion coating. Usually steel sheets galvanized, and the thicker the zinc layer, the more durable the panels will be. Alternatively it is used aluminum zinc coating(galvaluma), which was specially developed to protect sandwich panels and perfectly resists the effects of atmospheric moisture and sunlight.

Also used Galfan coating(an alloy of zinc, aluminum, lanthanum and cerium), which, with a smaller thickness, surpasses zinc coating in ductility and resistance to mechanical damage. Often panels are also coated with polymer over a layer of protective alloy. In this way, improved weather resistance is achieved.

Drywall allows you to get lighter sandwich panels, but they can only be used for installation internal partitions. OSB panels(oriented strand boards) - the base, which also includes polystyrene foam insulation. The structural features of OSB boards allow them to securely hold fasteners, thereby increasing the strength of the finished structure. Such sandwich panels are used for arranging floors, walls and roofs.

No. 3. Type of insulation

The insulation layer can vary in thickness from 5 to 30 cm, and sandwich panels with a thickness of more than 15 cm are used mainly in the construction of refrigeration chambers. The following materials can be used as insulation:

  • polystyrene;

They all have a certain set of advantages and disadvantages. So, mineral wool does not support combustion and is environmentally friendly; rodents will not live in this. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting hygroscopicity, therefore tightness finished design It is necessary to pay great attention, because when moisture is absorbed, the thermal insulation properties deteriorate. However, it is mineral wool today that is most often used by domestic manufacturers in the manufacture of sandy panels.

Polystyrene– durable, waterproof material with high thermal insulation properties. He is susceptible negative impact sunlight, but thanks to the sheathing of steel sheets this disadvantage can be avoided. Polystyrene burns easily, releasing toxic substances; rodents can live in it.

Polyurethane foam is in great demand in a number of European countries, as it has a minimum of disadvantages with a huge number of advantages, for which it is so loved in European countries. Among the advantages of the material, it is worth highlighting its resistance to moisture: even if water seeps into the insulation, it will not cause any negative consequences. This type of insulation is very light, which simplifies the transportation of panels, their installation, and reduces the load on the foundation. The main advantage is low thermal conductivity, 2 times lower than that of mineral wool, and 1.5 times lower than that of polystyrene. Polyisocyanurate, a type of polyurethane foam, has self-extinguishing properties, and it is this material that is increasingly used today as insulation for sandwich panels. In addition, the insulation will not become a place for development. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the possibility of damage by rodents.

No. 4. What is the difference between roofing and wall sandwich panels?

The basic principle of constructing wall and roof sandwich panels is the same, but there are still some differences in the design that make it preferable to use some panels for roofing and others for roofing.

The first difference is the profile of the steel sheet. For the construction of walls, smooth sheets or log-shaped sheets and microwaves are used. Roof panels have a high profile for greater strength and stability so that the roof can handle heavy snow weight in winter. The steel sheets can be profiled on both sides for even greater stability. In addition, for roofing panels Higher density insulation is used.

Another difference is the type of lock, which connects the panels. Roofing sandwich panels are distinguished by a more complex lock, which is necessary in order to overcome the pressure of the atmosphere and precipitation. Also roofing panels feature an even thicker anti-corrosion layer than wall panels.

No. 5. Required parameters of sandwich panels

For building walls Sandwich panels with a width of 1.1 and 1.5 m are used, but the length can vary widely - from 2 to 18.5 m, so that you can easily and simply build a building with any necessary parameters. Width roofing sandwich panels, as a rule, is 1 m, length - from 1 to 16 m. In addition, it is important to remember that when installing roofing panels, you must adhere to a slope of 7 degrees.

If everything is more or less clear with the length and width, and their choice depends on the parameters of the building that needs to be built, then here selection of panel thickness– this is a more responsible process. This parameter is calculated on the basis of thermal engineering calculations: it is labor-intensive, but not the most complex, and requires taking into account many factors. The calculation method is easy to find on the Internet, and even easier - use a special calculation calculator or seek help from specialists.

When choosing panel thickness, you must take into account the purpose of the building, the planned internal temperature, climatic features of the region, thermal conductivity coefficient, etc. For example, if the building is located in the Moscow region, and the temperature inside it is planned to be +18 0 C, then the thickness wall panels with mineral wool insulation should be 15 cm, with polystyrene foam insulation - 12 cm. Under similar conditions, the thickness of roofing sandwich panels with mineral wool insulation will be 25 cm, with polystyrene foam insulation - 18 cm.

When selecting required thickness it's also important take into account the costs of

If, with the onset of cold weather, the temperature in your apartment tends to zero, then you have a choice - make all the rooms have heaters and wrap yourself in a blanket, or thoroughly insulate your living space. Let's look at the list in order possible problems heat loss in the apartment.

Common causes of cold in an apartment

Work at height

1. The first and most common reason is cracks in window frames. If you do not have the opportunity to install sealed double-glazed windows, then seal the gaps between the frames yourself. To do this, you can use foam rubber, paper or pieces of fabric. Take one of the materials listed, roll it tightly and place it in the gap between the frame and the window opening. Seal the cracks on top with strong construction tape. This will significantly reduce the flow of cold air into the apartment, but will not provide complete thermal insulation.

2. If you live in panel house, then the second common cause of cold in an apartment may be poor-quality seams between the slabs. It is your responsibility to seal external seams. management company. But, as a rule, the procedure for completing and signing an application for such work can last a very long time.

3. If you want to solve this problem quickly, you can contact construction company, engaged in sealing seams between panels using industrial climbing methods.

4. However, even all the measures described above may not be enough for insulation corner apartment on the 7th-14th floor. Wind gusts at this altitude are much more intense, and the water is heating system, rising from the first floor, it has time to cool down considerably. Therefore, you need to thoroughly insulate not only the windows and interpanel seams, but also the walls themselves. Sandwich panels can be used to insulate walls.

5. You can fix sandwich panels on cold walls inside the apartment. This is a relatively new, but easy to process construction raw material. Moreover, this is the most economical option, because you produce everything yourself construction work and pay only for the material. But the thickness of the sandwich panel can reach 25 cm. This means that the area of ​​the room along the entire length of the wall will be reduced by exactly that amount.

6. If you are not ready to part with part usable area your apartment, then you can contact a construction company, and the sandwich panels will be fixed on the outside. This is an expensive procedure, but at the same time it is the only effective method allowing to insulate old apartment on the top floor.

For more complex and unknown reasons, it is possible to detect cold places in the apartment using a thermal imager, which can easily identify areas of heat loss. The only negative is that this device costs a lot of money, but you can call a service that will give a comprehensive answer about the cold zones in the apartment and the places where heat is lost.