Plastering buildings outside. External plastering of the house with your own hands

Every building needs exterior decoration, which performs not only decorative, but also protective functions. Plastering external walls, done correctly, protects the facade from moisture penetration, exposure unfavorable environmental factors, prevents the formation of mold and mildew, provides additional sound and heat insulation. External plastering of the house is carried out with special compounds, which should be selected based on the characteristics of the structure and operational requirements

Main types of external plaster

Decorative plaster of the facade is a great way to make your house noticeable against the background of other buildings and highlight its architectural features.
To the main types plaster mixtures include:

  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • polymer;
  • homemade mixtures.

All these compositions, despite some differences in components, may contain:

  • special polymer granules - to improve thermal insulation properties;
  • small stone chips - for decoration;
  • fine glass sand - will add shine;
  • fine-grained crushed stone is suitable for creating an interesting textured surface.

Silicate mixtures They are sold in hardware stores completely ready for use; their main component is liquid potassium glass. This composition has vapor permeability, good waterproofing properties and resistance to various stains and damage (including mechanical damage). The disadvantage of this type of mixture is the limited color palette and the need to use the mixture at once, since the silicate solution loses its properties during storage after opening the package.

Silicone plaster mixtures are also distinguished by the elasticity of the coating, resistance to mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation, have a self-cleaning function. This coating has excellent waterproofing properties and a long service life. The only drawback is the price, which can be an order of magnitude higher than that of other plaster mixtures.

Mineral mixtures have cement composition, are sold dry and must be diluted with water before use (the recommended amount of liquid is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). The advantage of such plaster mixtures is a breathable surface, ease of use and inexpensive price. The disadvantages of this type of finishing are the need careful preparation surfaces and low elasticity of the finished plaster layer.

Most suitable for external walls of the house polymer plaster mixtures that are attractive appearance and durability. They can be applied to almost all types of substrates, they can withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures, and are resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

These properties are due to the inclusion of synthetic resins in their composition:

  • epoxy;
  • polyurethane;
  • acrylic styrene;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • acrylic water dispersion.

You can also make your own plaster mixture by mixing the components (cement, sand with fine fractions, water) in certain proportions. The disadvantage of this method is the laboriousness of the process, the need to accurately measure weight and maintain proportions, and the advantage is that it is relatively cheap.

External plastering work can be performed on the following surfaces:

  • stone (including brick);
  • tree;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • monolithic concrete.

Concrete walls require a special approach. When choosing plaster, you should take into account the fact that this material is capable of accumulating moisture and then releasing it. In this case, the exterior plaster of the house should be significantly weaker than the main surface. This will help prevent cracks from appearing. The selected plaster mixture must have excellent vapor permeability and allow the wall to “breathe” to avoid condensation.

Features of surface preparation

Before you start plastering, the walls must be properly prepared, because the final result depends on their condition.

Proper surface preparation includes:

All the steps are quite simple, so plastering external walls with your own hands is quite doable, especially if you have the necessary skills in working with plaster mixtures.

Plaster application technology

The process of applying plaster includes several stages:

  • Spraying - to perform this stage, you should prepare a liquid solution (a mixture of plaster with PVA glue) and spray it onto the surface of the walls (with reasonable force) using a small ladle. Large quantity Roughness on the wall is welcome - it increases the adhesiveness of the material. After this layer has dried, you can move on to the next stage.

  • The main layer is diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the wall by throwing it between the beacons (layer thickness - up to 5 mm) at an area height of no more than 40-60 cm. Level the solution using the rule - from bottom to top. Alignment using beacons greatly simplifies the work process, which is especially important when renovating a home yourself.
  • Grout. The surface of the plaster is rubbed special grater(made of polystyrene foam or wood), with its help you can smooth out all the unevenness and cracks. The movements should be spiral-like, starting with a small circle and gradually moving into a large one.
  • Drying - the process of complete drying of the plaster takes up to 5 days.

  • Application decorative plaster- to give the wall the necessary texture. The plaster is not applied in a continuous layer, but with small gaps, which are leveled when the solution “sets.”

Plastering the basement and corners of the house

The most problematic areas during exterior finishing of a house include the base and corners; they should be given special attention special attention. The base is the wettest area, so it should be covered exclusively with moisture-resistant plaster mixtures, preferably cement-based. It is mandatory to have a waterproofing layer, which is placed at the border of the wall and the base. A flat plinth can be plastered along with the main wall, but a protruding plinth cannot.

The corners are plastered last. For their finishing, decorative polymer plasters are used, which have high impact resistance.

Basic principles of plastering work

Even the highest quality plasters may not meet the expected result if the technology is not followed during their application.

You should strictly adhere to the basic rules for carrying out external plastering work:

  • If the building has recently been built, plaster can be applied no earlier than 2 months later (best of all - 6 months after completion). construction work) - it must shrink, otherwise the plaster may crack.
  • External cladding is carried out only after complete interior finishing.
  • It is very important to complete external repairs before starting plastering work - laying all engineering communications, sealing all holes in the walls, filling window and door openings.

  • Plaster layers with lower strength can be applied to plasters with greater strength, i.e. the base should always be more durable, and not vice versa. The strongest plasters are cement plasters, the weakest are lime plasters.
  • You cannot stop working until final finishing one facade plane, all plastering work is carried out gradually.
  • It is very important that during work there is a positive temperature (at least +5 degrees). This is due to the fact that the plaster mixture will not stick to a frozen wall as it should, and when the wall warms up, it will simply fall behind. However, when too high temperature The plaster layer must be sprayed with water during the drying process to prevent cracks from appearing.

Main types of facade decorative plaster

The most popular types of decorative plaster that are used for exterior finishing buildings are: textured plaster with stone chips, lime-cement, sgraffito, microcement (synthetic thin-layer). The compositions of these mixtures vary significantly, but they all make it possible to obtain effectively decorated surfaces.

Pebble plaster - traditional way exterior wall decoration. Pebble plaster on exterior walls is not only very beautiful, but also practical. Depending on the desired effect, plaster layer can be processed on different stages: during setting or after hardening. Stone chips can not only be inside the composition, but also sprayed onto the surface of the facade using a special device - a hopper gun. So that the crumbs stick, top layer should be pre-treated with a special primer (glue). After drying, the surface is coated with varnish (organosilicon), which forms a durable, damage-resistant surface.
If you need to finish the walls in the “bark beetle” style, after applying and while the top layer is drying, the surface is sanded with a float, which is held at a certain angle. The end result simulates wooden surface, undermined by a bark beetle.

The exterior plaster of the house, made with colored cement-lime mortar, looks very impressive. And if you replace lime with marble flour, the result will exceed all your expectations - such a surface has a radiant mother-of-pearl hue. Since this option is expensive, it is not necessary to decorate the entire facade in this way, but you can make a selective decorative finishing architectural elements(for example, gables), and finish the rest of the surface with colored or even pebble plaster.

Sgraffito is another way spectacular design external architectural elements. This is not a type of plaster, but unique way its application, when a layer of contrasting color is applied on top of one frozen layer, and a contour drawing is made on the uncured surface special tool. The number of covering layers is not limited, so using this method you can create not only flat, but also volumetric images. For this type of finishing, polymer-cement plasters, which are characterized by high ductility, are most suitable.

Thin-layer plasters, thanks to the polymers they contain, are characterized by high plasticity and allow you to make the thinnest screed by reducing the number of layers applied.

Polymer plaster has a long service life and is not susceptible to negative influence environment. Thin-layer plasters vary in composition, are sold ready-made and are suitable for use on any flat surfaces. The composition of such plaster mixtures usually includes polymers (acrylic, polyurethane, silicone, latex) and various additives (hydrophobic, microfiber, etc.). Silicate plaster is also a thin-layer plaster - it is resistant even to aggressive influences and is suitable for cladding facades over large areas.

The process of plastering building facades is quite easy to do; the main thing is to carefully follow the technology and adhere to the above recommendations. Done correctly exterior decoration The facade has a high aesthetic appeal, looks high quality and dignified, and has a long service life.

So, external walls can also be plastered, especially when we're talking about about the arrangement of a bathhouse or other small extension that cannot be finished with special materials.

Brickwork is often plastered, thereby protecting it from destruction. The surface is covered with siding, securing it with profiles. This allows you to achieve a good insulating effect.

Plastering external walls made of brick and other materials is not complete without the following types of tools:

  • Spatulas. It is better to take two - one larger (6 cm), the other smaller (8 cm). With the help of a small one you can work out hard-to-reach areas, and a large one will make the surface of the main area smoother.
  • Trowel, primer brush. The brush can be synthetic, durable, with thin bristles.
  • Grater. With its help you need to carry out several types of manipulations with the wall.
  • Rule. Useful for creating a smooth surface of applied plaster.
  • Level and plumb line, beacons. All these devices are needed to ensure uniformity of the applied layer. The result is measured with a level, and they work with a plumb line and beacons when using plastered material.
  • Mixer. Necessary for stirring the composition, avoiding the appearance of lumps. Mixer - a special mixing attachment for a drill.

You can also prepare a scoop and trowel. These tools will allow you to quickly level the surface of the wall, but you can do without them.

Exterior plaster brick walls begins with attaching the beacons. If this stage is carried out correctly, you can completely eliminate the need for subsequent leveling of the surface, making it initially flat.

Lighthouses consist of metal profile, a mixture made on the basis of gypsum is used for fixation. Using a level, the accuracy of installation of beacons is determined; a plumb line is also required for this work. Also modern market building materials offers laser systems for faster and easier measurements. An economical option is to attach threads to beacons.

How to fix beacons:

  • getting ready gypsum mixture;
  • The mixture forms small cakes of approximately same size;
  • each one is stuck on the walls equal distance;
  • beacons are applied so that the plaster layer is a maximum of 2.5 cm (if the plaster is strong and thick, then the maximum limit increases to 4-5 cm).

Plastering of brick walls outside begins when the beacons installed on the plaster dry well.

The mesh, which is attached to the wall before covering with plaster, will help strengthen the adhesion of the materials and increase the strength of the canvas. This will make it possible in the future not to redo the entire plaster layer that protects the brick from negative natural factors.

How to plaster a brick wall from the outside - with a special solution. To do this, take a cement-based powder. Water is added to it, making the product ready for use.

The ratio of components and proportions must be observed as stated by the manufacturer. It is better to mix with a mixer - a drill attachment.

So, let's look at how to plaster a brick wall:

  • It is better to start work by using a primer. To do this, apply a diluted primer with a brush. If this is not provided for in the budget, then simply spraying the wall well with water is enough.
  • A thin layer of plaster is applied. To coat the material, a spatula is used - it is used to both apply and level the material.
  • The layer of plaster cake should be greater than the height of the lighthouse. The cake is leveled at the same level, distributing the product.
  • After a thin layer, you should apply a second, thicker one, but you need to wait until the first one dries well.
  • Plaster the outside of a brick wall better in sections which should not exceed 50 cm in length and width.
  • Using the rule, the surface is leveled. To do this, the rule is established between the beacons and moves either down or up.
  • If there are holes in some places, they are refilled with material and leveled first with a spatula, then with a rule. If there is excess, it is removed.

Usually, when working on the second, third and subsequent sections, the joints turn out to be slightly uneven. It is better to work on this problem immediately after creating the joint. The material is leveled wet, and the rule without using a spatula is also used for this.

External wall plaster brick house It will be more successful if you work horizontally. That is, the coverage should be created in areas located in the form of lines. In this case, checking the “evenness” is much easier, since using a level it will be possible to determine whether there are deformations. This rule applies due to the elongated area of ​​the walls. Typically, their height is smaller, and it is easier to adapt the coating to one width. In addition, if the beacons are evenly distributed, there will be no problems at all.

How to plaster exterior brick walls? There are several types of coating options, but it is better to take a cement-based one. Modern manufacturers They don’t skimp on ideas, but the more intricate the product, the higher its price. Typically, manufacturers justify such an increase in cost by the higher quality of the product, resistance to sunlight, moisture, frost, temperature changes, and a greater protective indicator. However, whether such advantages are relevant requires further thought.

Usually it is indicated on the packaging important information- who the coating is intended for, what it does, how it differs from others, how it is applied. Instructions for use should be indicated if the product is specialized. How to plaster external brick walls is up to the property owner to decide, but cement composition is an alternative that is relevant everywhere and always.

You can also pay special attention to the choice of primer. It is needed to ensure full adhesion of the material to the wall. Again, if in a region or simply in a certain area of ​​the area the humidity level is very high, rain, snow, frost are frequent guests, and in general the climatic conditions are unfavorable for buildings, special protection for walls is needed. The primer will not only provide it, but will also help to avoid peeling, destruction of the plaster, and the appearance of cracks that will jeopardize the durability and strength of the brick.

The technology for plastering external brick walls is simple, it was described above. You can buy the following primer options: Kreps Primer, Plitonit Primer, Forward Primer and others.

Plastering external brick walls with cement-sand mortar is done in dry weather, preferably in solar time so that the coating dries well in a minimum amount of time.

How and with what to plaster external brick walls with your own hands: video

When repairs are made to a newly built house or reconstruction of an old brick building, you have to start plastering the walls. If the masonry of a new building is made conscientiously from high-quality material, then you will not have to prepare the surface for plaster for a long time, you will save your time and effort. All you need to do is accurately install the beacons.

If the house is no longer in the best condition, then you will have to tinker with it. The masonry may not have been perfectly level, which will require time to find the level to which it needs to be leveled. If there is a layer of plaster on the wall, it must be removed. The easiest way to do this is with a hammer and chisel. The mortar in the seams of the old masonry begins to crumble, so they need to be cleared of crumbs and sealed with fresh cement mortar.

Available on the market large selection mixtures that can be used to properly plaster a house outside and inside.

If you want to save money, you can prepare a standard cement-sand mortar, in which 1 part cement and 3 parts sand. However, such a mixture is not very convenient and requires special skill in working with it.

Traditional cement mortar is practiced for plastering the exterior of a house because the façade area is usually large. A layer of plaster protects the facade from rain and snow, makes the house warmer and provides additional fire resistance.

Modern facade materials have many beneficial properties: sound insulation, moisture protection, heat retention, fire and X-ray protection and many others. Plaster on the facade is a finishing material used as the last layer of finishing. It is in direct contact with the street, so it must meet certain requirements:

  1. Resistance to moisture and other weather influences. It should allow steam to pass through, but not water. This is necessary to remove accumulated condensation from the facade. Without this ability, the house will not last long.
  2. Resistance to frost and temperature changes, compliance weather conditions places where it is used.
  3. Resistance to physical impacts.

The presence of all the listed features makes it suitable for plastering the facade of a house. Ease of use, affordable price and simple preparatory work allow us to conclude that this excellent material, for plastering street walls.

It is permissible to plaster the wall of a house with different compounds on wooden, brick,
stone, concrete surfaces, including consisting of:

  1. Cement.
  2. Cement and lime.
  3. Lime.
  4. Clays.

After plastering the façade of the house is completed, they begin to paint and decorate it. In stores there are many types of decorative mixtures for facades that allow you to create a good visual effect. They contain grains of different origins: sand, marble, glass. These particles add expressiveness and make it possible to paint in any color using tint.

Types of plaster

  1. Under the rule. It is characterized by roughness and roughness. For trimming and creating smoothness, a trowel or a short-length wooden rule is suitable.
  2. Finishing. Apply it in two layers. Based on the installed beacons, a primer layer is made. When it sets, a final layer is created.
  3. Lime-cement. Highly durable. It is usually used when the outside of the house is heavily influenced by rain, snow and other precipitation.
  4. Artificial stone. They can be used to plaster outer wall base After preparation, a soil layer of mortar is sprayed onto the wall; it should be 1.5 cm thick. Masonry joints should be freed from the old mortar to a depth of more than 2 cm to ensure maximum adhesion of the plaster to the brickwork. Use any method to achieve unevenness on the bricks to increase adhesion. After this, moisten the surface and begin to cover with a layer artificial stone. Its thickness should be approximately 7 mm. After setting, begin leveling with an iron roller.
  5. Surface washing. Very light and affordable way decoration. The technology is simple. First, prepare a mixture of cement and small crushed stone (pebbles can also be used) ranging in size from 3 to 7 mm. The proportions of cement and crushed stone are made equal to 1:3. 5 hours after applying the solution to the wall, they begin to wash it out. It is produced from a hose with medium water pressure, moving it in a vertical direction. Only cement should be washed away under running water.
  6. Mosaic surface. The technology for creating it is as follows: fragments of brick, glass, or pebbles are pressed into the unset plaster using one of the following methods. The first option involves pressing the pieces in separately. For the second option, prepare paper with a printed image. A mosaic is glued onto it. After this, they are moistened with lime milk and pressed into soft cement mortar on the wall. After the cement has set, the paper is watered and removed.

How to plaster a house outside

The street walls of a house are exposed to many factors: temperature, atmospheric and others. Plaster can best protect them. Under it, the wall will be protected from water and will become many times stronger.

Facade plastering technology requires the solution to have the following properties: strength, porosity, elasticity and water resistance. It is best to apply the solution to the house in spring or autumn in cloudy weather. Work in summer period requires the creation of a shelter made of mats.

The brickwork must be kept damp before work is carried out. And moisten the applied layer with water for up to 3 days. Protection from sun rays necessary to prevent premature setting cement mortar. The technology says that plastering should be done in 3 steps:

  1. Sprinkle a mixture made from cement and lime (or just cement) onto the wall. Don't skip this important step.
  2. Apply a primer layer.
  3. Apply a top coat.

The first layer has a significant impact on the quality of work. To ensure that the solution is applied evenly and levels the wall, special beacons are installed. They must be positioned exactly vertically and horizontally to create a single plane. If you apply plaster to a house in an overly thick or thin layer, there is a risk that it will fall off.

Using beacons, work is carried out as follows:

  1. A solution is stuck between them. This is done using sudden movements. It should adhere well to the wall and fill all uneven areas. Try to maintain uniform application.
  2. Leveling is done with a trowel.
  3. The beacons are removed from the plaster mortar.
  4. The resulting grooves are sealed with plaster and leveled.
  5. After the primer layer has set, begin applying the coating. They act with a grater.
  6. Spray and rub using circular movements.

When the pouring has been done, the solution is leveled with a grater, making wave-like movements. Next, you need to remove the excess mortar and perform a final leveling. The trowel creates an absolutely flat surface on top of which the covering layer will be placed.

Range of products intended for finishing external walls buildings and structures is quite extensive. Of course, buildings lined with newfangled materials look impressive. But the old way design - applying the solution - does not lose its popularity.

Before we talk about the methodology for carrying out this work, it is worth understanding why plaster does not go into oblivion?

  • Firstly, all activities can be carried out in a short time. Many new facing materials cannot be attached directly to the surface - a supporting frame must be mounted under them. Plus – fastening features. This means time and additional costs for materials.
  • Secondly, working with some of them has many nuances, so quite often you cannot do without the services of professionals. At the same time, anyone can do external plastering of walls themselves if they wish.
  • Thirdly, this is practically the most economical way to decorate any building, and the simplest one, since you don’t have to set up a full-fledged construction site on the site and think about where and how to store materials. For reference. If you hire craftsmen, their work will cost approximately 210 – 220 rubles/m2.
  • Fourthly, expediency. What's the point of spending money on expensive cladding for... country house, garage, barn and a number of other similar buildings?

All buildings differ in the material from which the walls are built. Therefore, when preparing for external plastering of walls with your own hands, you should take into account the specifics of their finishing.

  • Surfaces made of reinforced concrete products are treated according to the following scheme: primary layer of mortar (to ensure reliable adhesion) – priming – finishing coat.
  • A layer of small thickness (0.5 - 1 cm) is laid on aerated concrete walls, since this base does not absorb moisture well.
  • For brick walls, the following mixture components are used: cement, asbestos, sand. Since the base absorbs water well, the minimum layer thickness is 2 cm.
  • If the solution is applied to the insulation material, then a reinforcing mesh must be installed.
  • When finishing wood surfaces, “shingles” are used for such reinforcement.

The quality of external wall plaster largely depends on the correct choice of this finishing material. There are several types of mixtures that differ in composition and, accordingly, properties. This must be taken into account based on local conditions.

Types of plasters

  • Acrylic

The most convenient, as they are already ready for use, therefore eliminating mistakes that are often made when self-cooking solutions. The applied layer has good vapor permeability, so the likelihood of putrefactive processes developing is minimized. The elasticity of the composition allows you to “work” with surfaces of any configuration. Large selection of color tones.

  • Silicone

Have more high quality than the previous ones, but their cost is also quite high. Therefore, it is advisable to use only in certain cases.

  • Silicate

Base – liquid glass(potassium). Sold ready for use. A special feature of the product is the high vapor permeability of the hardened layer. Excellent for finishing surfaces made of cellular concrete.

  • Mineral

They are produced on the basis of cement, therefore they differ increased strength. However, in terms of elasticity they are inferior to their analogues. They are the cheapest in terms of cost, and therefore most often used when plastering walls on their own.

Step-by-step plastering technology

Let's consider the process from scratch, without going into details of partial, "spot" plastering. Moreover, “general” operations that are carried out for any surfaces.


Anyone who believes that it consists only of “cleaning and washing” commits big mistake. Yes, you need everything old finishing remove and clean the wall. After this, it must be inspected.

  • All defects (gaps, cracks, chips) are eliminated.
  • It is advisable to level the wall as much as possible. This will slightly reduce the mixture consumption. But if it is smooth (concrete), then to ensure reliable “adhesion” of the primer, you need to make notches or apply reinforcement over the entire surface.
  • You need to understand that this stage is the only chance to extend the service life of the base itself. After all, after applying the plaster layer, the wall will be completely closed. Therefore, depending on its material, surface treatment is performed. It is advisable to impregnate with antibacterial agents, and for wood - also with fire retardants.
  • Priming the wall.

Installation of beacons

As a rule, purchased profiles are used. They are more convenient to work with. “Ribbons” of mortar are laid from top to bottom, into which the beacons are pressed. Using a plumb line and a rod, they are leveled in the vertical and horizontal planes.

Laying plaster

It is carried out between neighboring beacons, in a wide strip from top to bottom. After applying the layer it must be leveled. When it hardens a little, the beacons are removed and the voids are sealed with mortar.

Depending on the specific structure of the layers, there may be several. But the “finish” must be smoothed out, and after hardening it can be sanded. For this, when preparing the solution yourself, you need to use sand with fine fractions.

Useful tips

  • Often, when plastering external walls on their own, owners prefer to prepare the solution on their own. It must be taken into account that without great experience It will not be possible to obtain a high-quality composition. All recommended in various sources proportions are approximate. Much depends on the brand of cement, its shelf life (in 4–5 weeks it loses up to 40% of its properties), the grain size of the sand and a number of other factors. Therefore, it is more advisable to purchase ready-made “pastes” or dry mixtures.
  • To save on plastering, you can buy cheap white mineral plaster and then paint the wall with silicate paint of any color.
  • When finishing brick surfaces, it is advisable to deepen the joints between the bricks. This will increase the reliability of the “adhesion” of the plaster to the wall.

It should be taken into account that all work is carried out only at positive temperatures, in order to avoid crystallization of water (formation of ice).

Any owner country house, dacha or cottage, sooner or later faces the need to repair or restore the external surface of the building, which is subjected to negative impact significant changes in humidity and temperature, various climatic phenomena such as snow, rain, gusts of wind, frost, etc.

Traditionally, to level the surface of the external walls of a house, they are used. various types plasters that modern domestic and foreign manufacturers offer in huge assortment. Knowing how to plaster the facade of a house, and by choosing the right materials, you can quickly and efficiently finish any surface, regardless of their volume and structural complexity.

Advantages of modern plasters

Modern plasters for preliminary and finishing facades have excellent operational and technical properties:

  • waterproof;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal efficiency;
  • fire protection;
  • water-repellent qualities;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • frost resistance;
  • increased mechanical strength.

The combination of these properties makes plaster optimal material for finishing facades, and affordable cost, low requirements for preliminary preparation surfaces and ease of application make this material one of the most optimal in its price category.

Currently, the market offers a large selection of plasters that can be decorated and painted and can give the surface a different structure and texture. With proper selection and application, such materials can achieve a stylish, aesthetically attractive effect. Modern plasters may contain various fillers:

  • Quartz sand.
  • Marble chips.
  • Granules of various colors.
  • The smallest elements of glass and other materials.

Decorative plaster can be immediately sold with color tinting or tinted with special paints to suit the required range.

The most convenient way to tint plaster according to the catalog is to use special equipment directly to shopping center or in a specialized organization. This is very convenient if in the future you have to buy more material if there is a shortage or for current repairs coverings.

Features of applying plaster

For plaster better surface is a wall with a slight roughness, which ensures high-quality adhesion of the material. Expanded clay concrete and brickwork are excellent for applying facade plaster. However, it should be remembered that in case of significant differences in level, the base should be pre-leveled using cement-sand mortar and reinforcing mesh. For better adhesion, a preliminary spray of plaster is done on a smooth surface, and then applied finishing. IN wooden houses, before how to plaster the facade of a house Insulation or sound insulation boards are mounted on the walls: mineral wool, cellular plastic, sprayed thermal insulation, etc.

Facade plaster is applied only to a dry surface, subject to temperature and humidity conditions. For different types materials have their own operating rules, which you should first familiarize yourself with before starting work on plastering surfaces.

Plaster application technology

Before starting work, external hydro- and vapor barrier must be applied, the roof and fastening elements for drainage system. Surface façade walls cleaned of dirt and dust, bitumen stains and salts protruding from the masonry. When the ambient temperature is above 25 degrees in dry weather, the external walls to be plastered must be moistened.

Under any decorative plaster, experts recommend applying a preparatory layer with a thickness of at least 20 mm to avoid the formation of efflorescence in the future.

Depending on the materials used and the ambient temperature, the preparatory layer must be kept for at least 7 days.

The finishing layer is applied in several stages, usually 2-3 stages are used, each 10-15 mm thick. You can create a certain texture on the surface of the walls using a still plastic solution before it hardens. For this, special spatulas or a bristle brush, a squeegee with semicircular teeth and other painting tools are used. For example, by drawing a splint along the rule, you can get grooves, the parameters of which depend on the size of the splint's teeth.

Beautiful decorative surface on the facade can be achieved using a relief roller, spraying with a brush or even with an ordinary broom. The originality of the facade will be given by various pebbles, crushed stone or gravel added to the finishing solution.


Today, plaster is very popular, which is often simply called “bark beetle”. This video will show you how to complete the job of applying such plaster.