Dried figs - beneficial properties. Useful and medicinal properties of figs

Since ancient times, figs have been considered healing fruit from many troubles. The pulp has an amazing taste both fresh and dried. In cooking, gourmets have learned to combine figs with other components of a dish; the fruits are successfully added to salads and meat side dishes. Let us consider in order what are the benefits and harms of figs for human body.

Calorie content and composition

  1. In ancient times, figs were considered miraculous fruits that could cure an impressive list of ailments. Figs are rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper, sodium, iron and calcium.
  2. The list of minerals does not end there. These enzymes are contained in the greatest number and actively participate in the metabolic processes of tissues, cells and bones. The iron content in figs is an order of magnitude higher than that in apples.
  3. In addition, the large amount of calcium in figs brings invaluable benefits to the body. The presence of vitamins B, A, C, PP and E has a positive effect on the beauty of skin, hair and the strength of bone tissue.
  4. As a result of the accumulation of beneficial enzymes, the body is less susceptible to premature aging. The human protective shell and vision are also noticeably strengthened. A healthy complexion appears. For improving bowel function and preventing the formation malignant tumors Pectins and coarse fiber are responsible.
  5. Plant (healthy) cholesterol actively resists the penetration of high-density molecules into blood vessels. Omega fatty acids nourish and restore the nervous system. Glyceric acid actively removes toxic substances and dirt from skin pores.
  6. Figs are high-calorie fruits; the presence of proteins and fats is minimal, but carbohydrates make up about 65%. Such indicators are caused by the high sugar content in figs. Therefore, not everyone can consume figs.
  7. Figs have the highest calorie content in dried form, per 100 grams. the product accounts for about 240 kcal. Fresh figs have only 70 kcal, while canned figs have about 50 kcal. In this case, the harm from figs can manifest itself in rapid weight gain.

The benefits of figs for the body

  1. Figs have been proven to be effective against common viral infections and bronchitis. To fully strengthen the immune system and get rid of a number of symptoms, you need to prepare a decoction based on milk and boiled figs. As a result, the cough and possible high temperature will disappear.
  2. Fresh figs cope well with bronchial asthma. It is recommended to consume 1 fruit on an empty stomach. It is advisable to carry out the manipulation early in the morning. As a result, the patient’s general condition is alleviated and sputum is expelled without difficulty.
  3. Figs should be eaten by people who suffer from dystrophy or have lost a lot of weight after suffering from an illness. Thanks to the high nutritional and energy value, the patient will gain the desired weight in a short time. The recommended intake is about 5 fruits per day.
  4. It has been scientifically proven that figs prevent the occurrence of cancer. The risk of developing malignant tumors is significantly reduced due to the presence of antioxidants in figs. In addition, figs actively resist the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  5. With regular consumption of fruits, cholesterol levels in the body and the functioning of the cardiovascular system are normalized. Figs protect and strengthen the main human muscle. This significantly reduces the risk of developing thrombophlebitis. Thanks to the chemical composition of figs, the blood in as soon as possible cleaned and liquefied.
  6. Figs are considered an excellent remedy for anemia. Ripe fruits fight this disease in the shortest possible time. In addition, figs are recommended for girls during menstruation. The pulp helps to fully replenish iron deficiency. Fig also copes well with chronic constipation.
  7. Figs are a fairly good diuretic, so it is recommended to eat figs if you have kidney problems. Figs also cope with feelings of anxiety, elevate your mood significantly and help get rid of colossal stress.
  8. In addition to all of the above, figs are used for external use. The pulp of fresh fruits is applied as a bandage to a wound, abscess, furunculosis and burn. The composition contains enzymes that have healing properties.
  9. Figs are popular as an effective remedy for toothache and gum inflammation. In the first case, a piece of fresh pulp will help you. Apply the product to the area of ​​the diseased tooth. In the case of gum inflammation, you need to prepare a decoction based on fig fruits. As a result, the decoction will help in the shortest possible time.
  10. Systematic consumption of figs or a decoction of the leaves prevents helminthic intestinal infestations. In addition, the products will heal the skin at the cellular level and strengthen the nail plates and hair. Ripe fruits cope with hangover syndromes, dry mouth and nausea disappear.

  1. In eastern countries, it is customary to serve dried figs to girls as a dessert. Since ancient times, elders have identified the positive effects of fruits on the female body. During menstrual cycle Figs help girls overcome physical ailments.
  2. In addition, regular consumption of dried fruits stabilizes state of mind during this difficult period. Currently, experts recommend including figs in the diet of girls who are planning to conceive a child or are already pregnant.
  3. Fig has a positive effect on reproductive function female body. Thus, the figs will help the fetus to form correctly and without any pathologies. Pregnancy will proceed without complications.
  4. It has been scientifically proven that eating figs after 4 months of pregnancy has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother. The fruits soften contractions and childbirth is much easier. Also, during the first birth, the uterus dilates without difficulty.

Contraindications to the use of dried figs

  1. Do not forget that dried fruits have the lowest moisture content, while the amount of sugar in their composition increases to 75% percent.
  2. The benefits of the product do not disappear from this; it is recommended to limit the consumption of figs to people who have problems with overweight and diabetes mellitus.
  3. If you do not have such problems, you should still limit your consumption of dried figs. Due to the high carbohydrate content, you risk gaining unwanted pounds.

Possible harm of fresh figs

  1. Like any exotic fruit, figs have a number of contraindications under which they should not be consumed. Otherwise, existing ailments will only worsen their course.
  2. It is forbidden to eat figs if you have ailments associated with the pancreas. The affected gland is unable to break down the high sugar content in the pulp.
  3. It is strongly recommended not to consume figs in any form if you have severe diabetes. Large amounts of glucose and fructose can lead to disastrous consequences.
  4. It is worth considering the fact that figs thin the blood. Therefore, if you have poor clotting, consuming fruits in any form is prohibited.
  5. If you suffer from gout, the high oxalic acid content in figs will trigger urea deposits. As a result, the course of the disease will only worsen.
  6. It is worth limiting the consumption of figs for inflammation gastrointestinal tract. Excess dietary fiber in the form of fiber will only harm the body without bringing any benefit.
  7. It is prohibited to consume figs in any form of obesity. Figs will provoke speed dial weight, unfortunately, it is impossible to lose weight with the help of these fruits.

Figs are often baked with fish and meat in culinary dishes. The fruits are also widely used in various salads and baked goods. It is strongly recommended to treat such dishes with extreme caution. Otherwise, you may not notice how you will become the owner of unwanted kilograms. Avoid figs in any form if you have severe stages of diabetes and a number of the above ailments. In other cases, eat figs and improve your health.

Video: what are the benefits of figs

Figs are also called fig trees and sometimes fig trees. This wonderful plant is known for its sweet fruits, which have many beneficial properties. Once upon a time, the great healer of antiquity, the physician Avicenna, recommended consuming fruits for elderly people to maintain health. In particular, figs are very good for the heart.

The benefits of the fruits of this plant are directly related to its rich composition. Figs are rich in many vitamins, minerals, and organic acids. For example, fruits contain almost the entire group of B vitamins. If we talk about minerals oh, then figs are considered the champion in their diversity and quantity. We won’t list everything, but we note that fig fruits are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. There's also sodium and plenty of fiber.

Thanks to the great content useful substances, sweet fruits are very useful. They should be included in the menu of adults. Little by little should be given to children. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of figs, in particular, let's find out why figs are good for women.

What are the benefits of sweet fruits?

Fig fruits are used in traditional medicine to cure many ailments. Traditional, official medicine also recognizes medicinal properties figs For example, doctors recommend using it in complex therapy of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. As we have already said, fruits are useful for maintaining good heart function.

It's all about ficin - a component contained in the fruit. Ficin effectively reduces blood clotting and eliminates clots in blood vessels, promoting their resorption. Therefore, figs help people suffering from hypertension, as they relieve painful symptoms.

Traditional medicine recommends figs for the treatment of diseases respiratory system, namely: laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. For treatment, take a milk-based decoction of figs. A decoction of water is used to gargle for sore throat and gum disease. In addition, so-called fig coffee is prepared from dried fruits, crushed to a powder state. This drink has medicinal properties and is effective for whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, and angina.

The fruits can be used to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from inflammation of the urinary tract and urolithiasis.

Figs for women's health

The Indians, who have great respect for this plant, attribute rejuvenating properties to the fruits. Indeed, masks based on it simply transform the skin, refresh and rejuvenate it. You can cut the fruit in half and use one half to massage your face and neck along the massage lines. After 15 minutes, wash your face without soap.

Figs are very useful for women during menstruation. Eastern doctors advise eating sweet berries on these days that are not the best for your health. Figs will help maintain the balance of substances and elements in the body. It is also useful for calcium deficiency. In this case, you need to eat several pieces of it every day.

By the way, if you chew dried fruits for a few minutes, it will disappear. bad smell from the mouth.

Eating sweet fruits is beneficial during the period of recovery after a long illness. Figs also quickly restore performance and effectively fight against physical fatigue, mental fatigue. A few berries eaten in time will remove nervous tension. By consuming them before bed, you can improve your sleep quality.

Ripe figs are very useful for pregnant women. Since fruits contain proteins and amino acids necessary for the development of a child, expectant mother should include figs in your diet. It is useful to start using it while planning pregnancy and in its early stages. Since the B vitamins contained in the fruits folic acid contribute normal development, the course of pregnancy

An interesting fact is that sweet fruits can be used for both weight gain and weight loss. It depends on its application.

For example, if you eat it a lot and often, you will certainly gain weight. If you add a few pieces to your diet, this will help you get rid of extra pounds more comfortably. Well, for example, figs are rich in potassium. This element will help the body get rid of excess fluid, which promotes weight loss.

Just a few berries eaten will ensure a feeling of fullness for a long time. Thanks to the absence of the feeling of hunger, you will be able to go without eating for a long period, which means you will begin to lose weight little by little. In addition, the grains found in the fruits actively stimulate digestion and have a mild laxative property. And, as you know, cleansing the body is the first step to losing weight.

Contraindications for use

But not always and not everyone can enjoy the sweet taste of berries. Eating figs should be avoided if there is an exacerbation. inflammatory diseases digestive system.

We must not forget that fruits are very high in calories. Therefore, they should not be constantly on the table of people with diabetes and obesity. They need to be very careful when consuming figs. Figs are contraindicated for gout and pancreatitis, as they are rich in oxalic acid.

This tree is mentioned in the Bible: Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise, covered it with its leaves; Christ cursed it, not finding fruit on it. But now we all enjoy finding these juicy, sweetish fruits on store shelves. Figs are the same Fig tree from the Garden of Eden, the same Fig tree from the biblical parable. When eating fresh or dried fruits of this extraordinary tree, few people think about how important figs are for our health: beneficial properties And everyone, and especially women, should know the contraindications of this fruit.

Useful properties of figs

All the benefits of figs lie in their amazing chemical composition. Each of the substances contained in it, entering the human body, does an enormous, exorbitant job there, debugging the vital functions of many systems and organs. Since the fruit comes to our table in different types, it is quite natural to ask what is the benefit of fresh figs and whether they lose their properties when dried. Indeed, there is a difference.

1. Chemical composition and beneficial properties of fresh figs:

  • Glucose makes figs an excellent antitoxic agent;
  • fructose enhances the breakdown of alcohol in the blood, prevents the formation of plaque on teeth, controls blood sugar levels;
  • organic acids promote the regeneration of cells and tissues, so the benefits of figs for women are obvious: they have excellent anti-aging properties;
  • tannins are known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing effects;
  • proteins activate all metabolic processes in the body and are building material for cells;
  • fats - main source energy for humans;
  • vitamins: carotene, B1, B3, PP, C - nourish cells, strengthen the immune system;
  • minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus - active participants in metabolic processes;
  • The calorie content of fresh figs is only 49 kcal, so the product is used in various weight loss programs.

2. Chemical composition and beneficial properties of dried figs:

  • the content of glucose and fructose in dried fruits increases 1.5 times, so they remove toxins from the body several times faster than fresh ones;
  • the protein increases almost 5 times, so the benefit of dried figs is that a person receives much more energy;
  • the calorie content of dried figs increases to 214 kcal;
  • all other useful substances remain intact even in dried fruits.

All these beneficial properties of figs make this fruit simply irreplaceable in some cases. Knowing its unique composition, doctors and nutritionists have long recommended using it for certain diseases and cosmetic problems. Therefore, every woman who strives to preserve her youth and beauty should know the benefits of figs.

The use of figs in medicine and cosmetology

The unique medicinal properties of figs make it possible to use fresh fruits as aid for the treatment and prevention of many quite serious diseases. Moreover, they are used not only as part of traditional medicine: doctors very often prescribe figs to their patients in the following cases:

  • at food poisoning and intoxication of the body, with diarrhea and dysentery;
  • as a prophylactic agent in the fight against diabetes and caries;
  • against fatigue, as a natural energy drink;
  • for stress, nervousness, depression;
  • to strengthen the immune system and against vitamin deficiency;
  • as a diaphoretic and antipyretic;
  • for anemia, since figs promote hematopoiesis;
  • in the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and various cardiovascular diseases;
  • for chest pain;
  • for coughs, colds and bronchial asthma rinsing with infusion of fig fruits is recommended;
  • the same infusion can be used for compresses in the treatment of abscesses of various origins, calluses, open wounds and tumors that do not heal for a long time (the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of tannins in the fruit are triggered);
  • doctors prescribe it as a diuretic for nephritis;
  • It also helps with whooping cough.

Dry fruits also have all of the above properties, and are also used as effective remedy for weight loss, as they have a laxative effect. Fig leaves are used as a raw material for medicines, which is the basis of the drug “Psoberan”, used to treat baldness and vitiligo. Fig fruits can be found in the laxative "Kafiol". The fruits, brewed in milk or boiling water, are used as a remedy for coughs and sore throats. In pharmacies you can buy fig syrup - it tastes good and has very useful properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscle rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

The beneficial properties of figs for women have also been used in cosmetology:

  • improves skin condition: smoothes wrinkles, makes it elastic and toned;
  • nails stop peeling and become strong and durable;
  • strengthens hair, prevents hair loss, fragility and split ends;
  • has cleansing properties, exfoliating dead cells and providing cells with full breathing;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • eliminates acne, pimples.

Therefore, in modern cosmetology, fig extract is so actively used to create a whole line of masks, creams, lotions, tonics, healing and very effective hair cosmetics and skin care products. The pulp of this fruit makes excellent homemade anti-aging masks.

So no matter how you turn this fruit, it’s pure pleasure. But this is only at first glance. Considering its powerful effect on the body, it is worth remembering that figs are beneficial and harmful in one shell. You need to know the contraindications for its use so as not to harm your health.

Contraindications and harm

There are not as many contraindications for eating figs as there are indications, but they still exist:

  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammation of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, enteritis);
  • gout;
  • obesity.

With these diseases, figs can be eaten, but in very limited quantities.

Now you know whether figs are healthy and whether they are contraindicated for you. To make your skin glow with youth and beauty, your hair to fall in a thick cascade over your shoulders, and worries about health to leave you, do not neglect the fruits of the humble fig tree. It, like a life-giving source, will nourish your body with the necessary substances and will not allow it to get lost in its work.

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Both ripe and dried figs are extremely tasty. But the significant advantage of the second one is that it contains all the same beneficial properties as fresh fruits, but it is stored much longer and can be easily transported to many countries around the world.

In addition, figs are available for sale all year round, and you can enjoy its extraordinary taste regardless of the season.

What are the benefits of dried figs?

It must be taken into account that the properties dried fruits differ from the properties of fresh ones. The fact is that dried figs retain a minimum of water, but at the same time the sugar content increases to about 70%. Otherwise the composition is very similar. The fruits contain beta-carotene and B vitamins (PP, B3, B6, B1). They are also high in fiber, protein, pectin, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The effect of figs on the body is invaluable due to the substances it contains.

  • It has a positive effect on intestinal function, removes toxins and waste from the body and cures constipation. The pectins contained in figs restore and heal connective tissues in the body. Antioxidant substances normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse blood vessels and strengthen them, increasing the elasticity of the walls.
  • Potassium, magnesium and iron improve hematopoiesis and increase hemoglobin, therefore, dried figs are useful for anemia in order to get rid of this disease. As a result, this strengthens the cardiovascular system as a whole, which means it normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Thanks to the presence of B vitamins figs improve the condition nervous system, activates the brain, increases performance and improves mood.
  • A decoction of dried figs has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects., therefore facilitates and speeds up the treatment of colds. Figs are also boiled in milk and this drink is used for bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia and other diseases. respiratory tract.

Calorie content of dried figs

As for energy value, 100 grams of dried dates contain about 250 kcal. In principle, this is a lot, so you should not abuse this product, despite the fact that it is very tasty.

Contraindications and harm of figs

No matter how useful dried figs are, in some cases it is worth discarding them. First of all, this applies to patients with diabetes due to the fact that figs contain a lot of sugars. Due to the high content of oxalic acid, it is not recommended for use by those suffering from gout. The presence of fiber requires excluding figs from the diet during an exacerbation period various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Since fig fruits are quite high in calories, they are recommended to be used with extreme caution by overweight people, as they can aggravate the problem. A temporary contraindication is consuming figs before long trips. This is due to its laxative effect. Although a lot depends on individual characteristics body.

When eating figs for the first time, people who suffer from asthma should be especially vigilant. The fact is that before transportation, figs are treated with sulfites so that they are stored well, but asthmatics are especially sensitive to this chemical and its entry into the body can cause irreparable harm.

How to select and store dried figs

In most cases, dried fruits are processed chemicals so that they are not damaged during long-term transportation and are stored longer, therefore appearance- not the best indicator of quality. However, the fruit should be light beige or brownish in color. They should have approximately same size, and they should be soft to the touch.

The flattened shape is one of the indicators that you are seeing a quality product. If it has a light white coating, then this is glucose, thanks to which the fruits become especially sweet, so you should not pass by them. If possible, you need to taste it. The presence of a sour-salty taste as well as a rough peel indicate that the shelf life of such fruits has already passed and is not worth buying.

As for storage, like most dried fruits, figs should be stored in a dark and cool place. A refrigerator is suitable for this. But in order to extend the shelf life of fruits, they must be protected from air. Therefore it is ideal for him glass jar with a tight lid - it will not dry out and will be protected from insects.

Figs for weight loss

It seems that such a high-calorie fruit is unlikely to benefit those who want to lose weight, but this is not so. Along with calories, it contains ballast substances that suppress appetite and fiber, which improves intestinal motility and thereby helps cleanse it.

To lose weight, it is recommended to replace one meal a day (preferably dinner) with dried figs. To do this, you need to pour 3 fruits for half an hour cold water and then eat the softened fruits and the resulting liquid. Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger will subside and the body will receive nutrients.

Figs are also useful to use as a substitute for sweets. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, then train yourself to eat dried figs instead of just candy. Of course, if you eat a lot of fruits, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight, but in this way you will make sure that your body receives useful substances.

Dried figs are a dried fruit that contains a wide variety of substances, so you should pay attention to them and include them in your daily diet. This way you will strengthen your immune system and saturate your body with what it needs.

Figs are a valuable plant that is grown on the Mediterranean coast, in the countries of Asia Minor, in the Caucasus, and in the Crimea. It is also grown in the south of Russia. Northern regions are familiar with it in dried form. Figs are known as fig trees, fig trees, and figs. They produce a bountiful harvest, the fruits are pear-shaped, sweet, and have many seeds inside the fruit.

Useful properties

Dried figs contain a large number of valuable substances that are beneficial to the human body. His regular use will strengthen and improve the systems:

  • cardiovascular;
  • nervous;
  • muscular;
  • digestive.

For diseases of the respiratory tract, dried figs have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, so they are used in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, and tracheitis.

A huge amount of fiber from the fig tree gives you a feeling of fullness and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Dried fruits can improve mood, mental activity, physical activity. Other beneficial properties of dried figs:

  • high pectin content promotes wound healing;
  • rutin strengthens capillary walls, helps absorb vitamin C;
  • increases the antioxidant activity of blood plasma;
  • has an excellent laxative effect.
  • ficin reduces blood clotting;
  • considered an aphrodisiac;
  • used as a hangover remedy.

Medicine uses for production medicinal product"Psoberan" fig leaves. The drug is used to treat vitiligo and baldness. Healing properties Fig syrup also has:

  • increases appetite;
  • acts as a pain reliever for muscular rheumatism;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • used in the treatment of colds of the female genital organs.

The benefits of the plant in the treatment of many diseases are priceless. Figs are so rich in beneficial properties that they force our body to work to renew all systems.

Harm and contraindications

Not everyone may benefit from this product, so you should consult your doctor before using figs. Fig is contraindicated for people diagnosed with:

  • diabetes mellitus (savorberry is high in calories);
  • obesity (figs increase body weight);
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.

Dried figs should not be consumed by persons allergic to its individual components.

  • before a trip (has a strong laxative property);
  • nursing mothers (causes diarrhea and bloating in the baby);
  • pregnant women suffering from gestational diabetes mellitus.

It is undesirable to combine figs with other sweet dried fruits, as this increases gas formation.

Composition (vitamins and minerals)

Dried figs do not lose their properties; their benefits are found in abundance in its composition of elements that the body needs.

The product contains antioxidants: polyphenols and flavonoids, which protect cells from free radicals, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent the body from aging.

Catechins and epicatechins help fight cancer.

How and what to cook

Dried figs can be consumed raw, boiled, infused, steamed, or combined with various foods.

The following is prepared from dried figs and fresh product:

  • jam;
  • jams;
  • syrups;
  • tinctures;
  • desserts.

IN medicinal purposes prepare:

  1. Decoctions with milk and water (2 fruits per 1 glass of milk or water), which are used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the gums, and sore throat.
  2. Dried berries are soaked and used externally for abscesses.
  3. Tincture of fig tree fruits is used as a diuretic and laxative, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body, relieves vascular tension, and relieves palpitations.
  4. Although figs are quite high in calories, they are used for weight loss.
  5. Figs are an effective remedy for enhancing sexual desire; 5 dried fruits are soaked in milk overnight and eaten in the morning before meals.

If you want to experiment, prepare original dessert or another dish of dried figs, combined with meat and vegetable products.

Rules for selection and storage

For figs to be beneficial, you need to know the rules for choosing them when purchasing. If a dried product is transported, it will definitely be treated with chemicals. Therefore, pay attention to:

  • the beauty of the berry: the more beautiful the berry, the more chemistry it contains;
  • the color should be light beige or light brown;
  • the berries should be the same size;
  • the figs are soft to the touch, which means they are not overdried
  • a whitish coating on the skin of the fruit is allowed - this is the release of glucose, the taste is sweet, there should be no foreign aftertaste, there should be no mustiness;
  • the aroma is pleasant.

To preserve the beneficial properties of figs, you need to transfer them to a dry container and tightly close the lid. It’s good to store the product in a fabric bag, which you move to glass containers. Moisture and direct sunlight should not come into contact with dried fruits.

What goes with it?

When preparing cocktails, compotes, and desserts, you can combine figs with other products and spices. It is recommended to add:

  • almond;
  • black pepper;
  • cinnamon;
  • citrus;
  • hazelnut;
  • pear;
  • port;
  • vanilla.

It’s great to combine figs with meat, wine (especially red), the main thing is to find the right proportions.

Knowing how to use dried figs, the benefits and harms of which are presented in the article, you can give your body healthy vitamins and minerals, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen memory, normalize blood pressure, get rid of fatigue. To avoid harm, consider contraindications and dosage.

Dried figs: benefits and harms

The main habitat for fig growth is subtropics. IN climatic conditions, characteristic of them, the fig tree reaches 12-13 meters. It produces a lot of medium-sized fruits, endowed with a lot of useful substances. Currently, one and a half hundred are known various types figs And each plant variety is valued for its fertility. The problem is that transporting fruit to long distance quite difficult because it deteriorates too quickly. To keep figs in a edible form for a long time, they are mainly transported in a dried state. But this does not mean that the exotic delicacy is deprived of its benefits.

Dried figs - composition features

A characteristic feature of dried figs is that their taste is even more subtle and pleasant than that of fresh fruit. Drying also allows you to obtain the highest possible concentration of active components in each fruit of the tree. There are, in turn, an incredible number of them. Of the mineral substances present in the product, we should primarily mention potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium; The fruits also contain vitamins B and C, ficin, and fatty acids. For this reason, the fig, as this wonderful gift of nature is also called, brings truly enormous benefits.

If we take into account the composition of dried figs, its benefits and harms can be described in more detail. This means that along with the pleasure from the wonderful taste of such a fruit, it will also provide the body with best conditions for work. It is worth considering when figs are beneficial, as well as when they would be unsafe to eat.

Dried figs - benefits

Oddly enough, specially dried fruit is absorbed even better than fresh. When consumed, the risk of indigestion is greatly reduced. But this advantage is not the main one. Much more valuable is that dried figs fill the body with essential substances and even help in the fight against certain diseases. What effect does the fig give? The main benefit of such a fruit is as follows.

  1. Maintains the strength of blood vessels and strengthens the heart. The iron, magnesium and potassium contained in figs can be called a kind of building material for the tissues that make up blood vessels and the heart. Because of this, eating figs helps maintain normal condition cardiovascular system. Thanks to this product, it is possible to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  2. Thins the blood. This effect helps with health problems of different nature. Fig is an excellent prophylactic in the presence of thrombosis. On the other hand, the thinning properties of the fruit are useful for high blood clotting, and are also indispensable for hypertensive patients.
  3. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol. Again, this property primarily concerns the cardiovascular system. Dried figs reduce the amount of cholesterol plaques and protect against various diseases.
  4. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxins. The fig contains enzymes that ensure the “collection” and excretion harmful substances, accumulating in the intestines, liver, kidneys. Due to the presence of this ability, dried figs are also considered an excellent remedy for poisoning.
  5. Provides a mild laxative effect. People suffering from chronic constipation should regularly consume the fruit fig tree very helpful.
  6. Reduces the risk of exacerbation of gastritis. It is enough to eat 3 fruits every day for a lasting preventive effect to appear.
  7. Helps in the treatment of colds. Figs in general turn out to be extremely beneficial for the respiratory system. It allows you to get rid of coughs, colds and even asthma. After all, figs contain antiseptic substances that eliminate harmful microorganisms and speed up recovery.
  8. Increases the body's immune capabilities and protects against scurvy. Because of large quantity The vitamins contained in figs are especially useful for children and adults with reduced immunity.
  9. Provides support for skin problems. Figs can be used as a remedy against acne, blackheads and more serious skin conditions.

There are some other beneficial properties that this fruit has. For example, it generally improves blood composition, protects against the development of urolithiasis, and reduces the risk of epileptic seizures. But all this can only be noticed if the possible harm that such a natural medicine has has been taken into account.

Dried figs - possible harm

If you do not overuse figs, you may not notice even minimal harmful effects. However, it is important to know what negative changes can still manifest themselves. Possible harm emanating from dried figs can be described as follows.

  1. Increases sugar levels. There is an incredible amount of glucose in dried figs, so diabetics need to handle them carefully. In general, too much sugar in the body is a serious incentive for the development of obesity.
  2. Increases stomach acidity. The fruit contains oxalic acid, which is quite dangerous in a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, an ulcer with high acidity can only get worse when eating figs.
  3. Loads the gastrointestinal tract even in healthy people. This harm occurs due to the presence of large amounts of fiber in figs. But, if you do not abuse this gift of nature, there will be no harm.

It should also be remembered that figs are a product that is not always well accepted by the European body. That is, an allergic reaction is likely to occur. But otherwise, fig is a safe and incredibly healthy fruit. Therefore, you should not refuse to eat it. And don’t be afraid to eat dried figs. As mentioned above, it retains most of the beneficial substances. Fresh fruit can be much more dangerous if the conditions of its storage before sale were violated.

Figs - benefits and harm to the body

Considering the question of the benefits and harms of figs for the body, it should be said that it is one of the most mysterious fruits in the world. Not all of our compatriots are familiar with this strange fruit, but many know the beneficial properties of the dried product. Sweet fruits are brought to our country from Armenia, China, Uzbekistan and Turkey. ABOUT useful qualities of this product known not only in folk medicine, traditional medicine also recommends eating this fruit. Let's find out what are the benefits of figs for women, who will benefit from this fruit especially?

Properties and benefits of figs

According to nutritionists, this fruit is a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial components for the human body. Speaking about the benefits of figs for the body, it should be noted that they have a positive effect on the digestive system, which is achieved due to the high fiber content in them.

If we talk about the benefits and harms of figs during pregnancy, then we should mention its ability to remove waste and toxins from the body. It is enough to eat a few fruits of this fruit before the main meal so that your digestive system began to work correctly, and also contribute to the acceleration of assimilation nutrients body. In addition, this technique helps to quickly strengthen bone tissue.

According to experts, it is extremely useful to carry out treatment with figs, and it is recommended to do this at monthly intervals. A similar schedule is intended for people with creative professions - musicians, writers, artists, as well as all those involved in intellectual work. This can be explained by the fact that dried figs promote accelerated development creative thinking. Today, the benefits of dried figs have been proven in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including:

Harm of dried figs

Speaking about the beneficial properties of this product, one cannot fail to mention its harm. Just like any other product, figs can in some cases cause a negative reaction in the body. It is recommended to exclude it from the diet if a person has diabetes, as well as intestinal diseases and pancreatitis. Figs are also contraindicated for obesity and obesity, as they are a fairly high-calorie dried fruit. Figs are not recommended to be consumed during a long trip as they have a laxative effect.

Dried figs - benefits and harms

The taste of dried figs is in no way inferior to fresh ones. Today, dried figs can be purchased at any supermarket.

The benefits and harms of dried figs

Light yellow figs have the best properties. Dried figs are not suitable for weight loss, since the amount of protein and sugar increases significantly compared to fresh figs. It is worth considering that the sugar contained in this dried fruit is quite easily absorbed by the body. If you eat figs in moderation, then extra pounds will not be scary, but you will be able to experience its extraordinary beneficial properties. Dried figs increase energy, lift mood, improve mental activity and performance.

Beneficial properties of dried figs

The benefit of dried figs is that they contain a large amount of fiber. It is thanks to fiber that the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves and a feeling of satiety appears. Figs contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the human body. It contains magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. Dried figs also contain B vitamins. Its value also lies in great content pectin, which promotes rapid healing of connective tissue. For injuries to bones and joints, regular consumption of pectin is necessary. Dried figs improve the antioxidant activity of blood plasma. The rutin contained in it allows vitamin C to be better absorbed and strengthens the walls of capillaries. This dried fruit can also be used as a laxative for constipation. Daily consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications for consuming dried figs

The harm of dried figs lies in its laxative properties. It is also contraindicated when diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and acute intestinal diseases. The downside of dried figs is their calorie content - 100 grams contain 257 kcal. Therefore, people who are overweight should not get carried away with dried figs. To understand how harmful this dried fruit is for your figure, it is not enough to know only the number of calories. An important indicator is also the glycemic index.